Y&R Transcript Tuesday 10/9/12

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 10/9/12


Episode # 10008 ~ Tucker Faces Nikki's Wrath; Michael Pressures a Confession From Chloe

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Chelsea: (Gasps) Oh. Ohh!

Adam: What is going on down here?

Chelsea: Look at this. You know you love it.

Adam: All from your favorite shopping site, TagNGrab.

Chelsea: Mm-hmm. So easy, even an unborn baby can do it.

Adam: That's catchy.

Chelsea: (Laughs)

Adam: Maybe we'll pitch that at the next meeting.

Chelsea: Yeah, the meeting that can't wait until tomorrow.

Adam: What, you would rather open more loot?

Chelsea: No, I was thinking about something you can't order online. Well, I mean, I suppose you could, but I'd hurt you if you tried.

Adam: Ah, check out the claws on "Ms. Frisky."

Chelsea: (Laughs) I'm a newlywed with surging hormones. Lucky, lucky you.

Adam: Well, look, uh, Kevin--he's made some progress on some programming, so we'll have the meeting with him, and we'll take care of business...

Chelsea: Mm-hmm.

Adam: And then, uh, I will take care of business with you.

Chelsea: (Laughs) Mm. (Laughing)

Chloe: Is that the security camera from the A.T.M. on Windsor?

Kevin: Uh, what if it is?

Chloe: Are you hacking into the system?

Kevin: Maybe it's just archived footage, and maybe I'm just looking for a sign of Daisy the night she disappeared from Fairview.

Chloe: (Sighs)

Kevin: So far, nothing.

Chloe: She's smart, Kevin. She has those Fisher genes.

Kevin: The evil ones?

Chloe: The good ones. She'll be okay. Have you been doing this all night?

Kevin: No. I had to talk Phyllis down about the whole Dr. Tim thing, promise her that Michael's lost interest.

Chloe: Well, you should give me the same speech. Let's just hope that Michael leaves it alone, because dead-body talk never leads to anything good.

Avery: Thank you. (Exhales slowly)

Michael: Oh, I know that look... the life of Victor's legal counsel during a time of trouble. (Sighs)

Avery: What are you doing here?

Michael: Uh, hiding.

Avery: From?

Michael: Oh, sweet--

Avery: Uh...

Michael: Various messes.

Avery: Mm-hmm.

Michael: I'm supposed to ask my brother questions I, uh, would rather not. You have Victor. I have Phyllis.

Avery: Wait a minute, what does Kevin have to do with Phy-- strike that. You can't tell me and I don't want to know.

Michael: Oh, brava. That almost sounded convincing.

Avery: Ahh. I may not be her attorney anymore, but as Phyllis' sister... (Sighs) I'm really scared for her.

Michael: Phyllis' trial starts tomorrow, and generally, I'm thrilled to get in there and fight and win, and not so much, not so much.

Avery: Yeah, because we both know Phyllis. You know, you back her into a corner and the nails flash and the blood flies, and she finds yet another way to make her life miserable.

Summer: Abby told me to make peace, and I'm like, "Fine, I'll try," but... Mom was there, and she was with that cop Malloy, and they were, uh... they were... Dad.

Nick: Come here.

Phyllis: (Breathing heavily)

Victor: I don't give a damn if volume is low. Whatever Newman stock is available I want to come back to me! Fill the damn orders now!

Nikki: My goodness, Victor, I could hear that out in the hallway.

Victor: My company is slipping out of my hands as we speak.

Sofia: Here's the list of all your shell companies and how much Newman stock they're holding. Your eyes only, Tucker.

Tucker: Ah, Rockwood Diversified. It's a little too close to the 5% mark. Offload some of those shares to another one of our companies. We don't need the S.E.C. sniffing that one out.

Sofia: By the way, our London broker called, asked if we were interested in selling. Evidently, someone placed a substantial order for some Newman stock.

Tucker: Ha! Well, that'd be Victor. He's trying to put back together what his wife Sharon tore asunder.

Sharon: Gentlemen, thank you for coming so quickly. I am going to help the S.E.C. put Tucker McCall away.

Victor: How much has been snapped up? Who has crossed the 5% limit? Just Jack Abbott? All right, keep me informed.

Nikki: Jack has 5% of Newman?

Victor: He's the only one outside the family that does, yeah. Anyone who buys that many shares has to report to the S.E.C. so Jack Abbott can have a seat on the board of directors, but he can't take over the company, but there's far more outstanding stock than what he owns right now.

Nikki: What if one person has that? A hostile takeover?

Victor: Yeah. And that person is Tucker McCall.

Tucker: Shred it.

Sofia: (Sighs)

Tucker: Aw, come on, Sof. I know you're worried, but the S.E.C. already took a shot at me today and they got nothing. It's gonna stay that way.

Sofia: Because you're just that lucky?

Tucker: No, because I'm just that much smarter than they are.

Sofia: (Scoffs) Well, what about Genevieve?

Tucker: Eh, texts, pictures-- it doesn't matter what she tries to show them. I was one step ahead of her before she even thought about singin' to the S.E.C. I kept it clean, with your help. And unless they find those shell corps, they got nothing on me.

Sharon: Tucker told me that he was buying stock. He would advise me on how to deal with the media and the other board members at Newman, and then when the stock prices would go down, he would buy more. He pursued me romantically-- I'm sure you knew about the wedding-- and then he abandoned me. Tucker knew exactly what he was doing, and it was all about Newman. Now tell me that doesn't help your case.

Maroney: This corroborates some other statements, but it's all still circumstantial. If Tucker's hiding various amounts of stock in shell corporations, it's harder to find. Any of these company names sound familiar?

Sharon: These hold Newman stock?

Maroney: Mm-hmm.

Sharon: Yes, Rockwood Diversified and Peninsula networks. Those are Tucker's companies.

Maroney: You're sure about that?

Sharon: Positive. Now do your job and nail him to the wall.

Nick: Okay, Sweetheart, whatever you think you saw with your mom and Ronan--

Summer: I know what I saw. In the penthouse, Dad. How could she still be doing it with him after everything?

Nick: There's no "Still." Nothing--nothing happened. Your mom and Ronan-- look, there's nothing going on, all right? It was a cover because of what happened with Tim Reid.

Summer: Dad, I saw them. They were so into it--into it, they--they didn't even hear me. If Mom said it was a cover, she lied to you. This affair is real.

Nick: Stay here.

Summer: Dad. Dad! (Sighs)

Phyllis: I appreciate you... taking my mind off of things.

Ronan: (Chuckles) You make it sound like an act of chivalry.

Phyllis: This can't happen again. You need to go.

Ronan: (Sniffs)

Ronan: I smell like your perfume.

Phyllis: (Sighs)

Ronan: You mind if I take a shower?

Phyllis: No, it's fine.

Ronan: (Chuckles) Obviously, I'm not that chivalrous.

Kevin: Hey, Babe, do you mind covering for me? I'm late for a meeting.

Chloe: The meeting with Adam and his wifey?

Kevin: Uh, yeah. Mom and Jeff are on their way back from a restaurant convention in Vegas and the manager took a personal day.

Chloe: (Sighs) I am the cool part of TagNGrab.

Kevin: No, no, you are the cool part of everything.

Chloe: Fine. Fine, but... you better not go off on Adam, because we need his wallet.

Kevin: Here. You get to keep my tips.

Chloe: Oh, big spender.

Kevin: I love you.

Michael: We need to talk about Tim Reid, about Phyllis--

Kevin: (Sighs) Seriously, Michael, again? Look, this woman, Beth, the neighbor-- she is a questionable source. I mean, think about it. She's gonna cheat on her husband with Tim? How good can her vision be?

Michael: Kevin.

Kevin: What? Look, Michael, I don't know anything. I wasn't there. Look, drinks are on the house. Tip her well. I'm late to a meeting.

Michael: I'll be here waiting for you.

Chloe: (Sighs)

Michael: He's avoiding me. Why?

Chloe: Because he's late and he likes to be punctual... sometimes.

Michael: If Kevin doesn't start talking, and by that, I mean not lying, there is only so much I can do to help him.

Chelsea: Ohh, that's okay, Gloria. Oh, did I just hear someone win the jackpot? Y-you know, you should go see if they're giving some of that away. Okay, I will. You have fun... and move to Vegas, please.

Adam: (Chuckles) Stepmama?

Chelsea: She's in the Vegas airport playing the slots, and decided to call me to offer to throw me a baby shower.

Adam: That's a lovely display of affection... or something.

Chelsea: (Sighs) Last time Jeffrey was here, things were relatively normal. Why can't we just leave it at that?

Adam: Do you want to?

Chelsea: Its Jeff and Gloria. Having them in our lives, our baby's life-- it just seems almost cruel to the poor kid.

Adam: And this coming from the woman who urged me to reach out to my father.

Chelsea: I thought that was a good idea.

Adam: Victor is Victor... but Jeffrey, he's, uh, I don't know, he's a different animal. He's a greedy, lecherous animal, but he's trying.

Chelsea: Is trying enough?

Adam: Better than pure contempt from a man you used to put on a pedestal.

Chelsea: We don't really need anybody else... do we?

Adam: I trust your instincts. You'll know when or if...

Chelsea: (Sighs)

Adam: You need to write your father off for good.

Nikki: Victor, let me tell you something-- no one is stronger or more focused than you. You're not going to lose the company. And God help Tucker if he is the one behind this. He must be quite a fool to try to take what's yours.

Victor: You're so comforting, you know? This town has too many fools. I knew coming back that I'd have to set certain things right... and I'll start with my marriage to-- to Sharon.

Nikki: Well, she grabbed on to the title of Mrs. Victor Newman rather vigorously. I don't know that she'll give it up so easily.

Victor: She'll have no choice. She already signed the annulment papers. This marriage is over.

Nick: Phyllis!

Phyllis: Whoa, whoa, whoa, I'm--I'm right here, wh--

Nick: So where is he, huh? Where's your lover? You got a system? Is this how it works? Just before I get home, he takes off? How long has this been going on?

Phyllis: Wh-what are you talking about? There--there's no affair. What are you--?

Nick: Summer saw you. She walked in and saw you with him. You want to tell me she's wrong? Are you calling your daughter a liar right now?

Phyllis: Summer-- Summer--oh, my God.

(Stairs creaking)

Michael: Why is Kevin dodging me?

Chloe: No, he's just busy making us rich and powerful.

Michael: What do you know?

Chloe: (Chuckles) That look isn't gonna work on me.

Michael: You want to tell me what you know. You do... because I love Kevin, too. I'm his brother... and I'm the district attorney, so if anyone can save his butt from a murder charge, it's me.

Chloe: It wasn't murder. Kevin and Phyllis didn't kill that shrink. (Sighs)

Michael: It wasn't murder? What was it?

Chloe: Leave me alone.

Michael: Help me, Chloe. Let me know what you know so I can protect Kevin.

Adam: Coding like a madman.

Kevin: Yeah. Well, work is always a good excuse to avoid the things you want to avoid.

Adam: Trouble at home with Chloe?

Kevin: Uh, no, no. My wife is amazing. My brother, on the other hand...

Chelsea: So you're avoiding the one relative you have who isn't a freak?

Kevin: Oh, I'd be avoiding Gloria and Jeffrey if they were in town, too. And you know what? He may be a freak, but you are way better off with Jeffrey than you would be with my dad.  

Adam: So this here is the Jabot button?

Kevin: Yeah. Customer can click on that. It'll take 'em back to TagNGrab when they're done on the Jabot site.

Chelsea: Wait, I thought Cane wasn't into that. Didn't he want the buyers to stay at Jabot?

Adam: Yeah, he said he was gonna be bringing the, uh, prototype to Jack and that they would consider it.

Kevin: Well, they better do more than consider it. I busted my ass on that.

Chelsea: But what if he doesn't like it?

Adam: Well, we scrap it.

Kevin: Once again, I busted my ass on that.

Adam: You got what you wanted. You got time away from your brother. We could all be so lucky to pick and choose when we deal with family.

Fen: I got your text. What's wrong?

Summer: No big deal. I walked in on my mother and her cop boyfriend.

Fen: With?

Summer: With. I told my father, and he didn't believe me.

Fen: What's to believe? It's sleazy, but it's not news.

Summer: It was news to him because, supposedly, the affair was a lie, a cover story for something that happened with that Tim Reid guy.

Fen: Covering for what?

Summer: Well, he's dead, so it's probably not good. (Sighs) Other girls get embarrassed when their mothers wear mom jeans. I get to deal with sex, death, and lies. (Sighs)

Fen: (Chuckles)

Nick: Get out, Malloy. Now.

Ronan: I'd rather stay.

Nick: She doesn't need your protection. If you think she does, you have no idea who you're sleeping with.

Phyllis: Can-- can you go, please?

Ronan: Call me if you need me.

Phyllis: Why did Summer come here? She's been so angry with me.

Nick: To make things right with you, to give you a chance to explain, but then she walks in on you with him.

Phyllis: Oh, I have to go to her. I have to go--

Nick: No, no, your daughter wants nothing to do with you right now, so you're gonna have to explain it to me.

Phyllis: (Sighs) No, when you act like this, I can't even talk to you. I can't even talk to you when you're like this.

Nick: Did you have sex with Ronan here tonight? Yes or no?

Phyllis: Nick, Nick--

Nick: Yes or no?!

Phyllis: (Sighs) Yes.

Nick: (Kicks object) (Grunts) Okay. Ronan said he wanted you and he meant it, and you denied and you denied it, but this whole time, you and him were--

Phyllis: No, no, no, not this whole time. Not this whole time, Nick. Not the entire time. Tonight, once, tonight.

Nick: Even if that were true, after everything that's happened, why now?

Phyllis: Oh, my God. I can't even believe this. I can't even believe that you're acting like this! You left me! You left me! You said you couldn't trust me. You left me! Tomorrow, I go to court. I walk in there all alone, without my husband by my side. I sit there alone. I go to prison alone. He was here for me. Ronan was here for me. You left! Ronan said it was gonna be okay. Not you, Ronan.

Nick: I moved out because you moved a corpse, because you claimed to be cheating on me with Ronan to cover your ass, because all the lies-- they just never end with you. Then you chose to sleep with Ronan because that was your only choice?

Phyllis: No, no, no.

Nick: Just like it was Paul and Christine's fault that they happened to be in front of your car when you hit 'em? You expect complete loyalty from everyone and expect nothing from yourself-- no responsibility, no accountability, nothing!

Phyllis: (Sniffles)

Nick: You broke up our family! You did that, not anyone else!

Phyllis: (Sniffles) (Sniffles) (Sighs)

Nikki: So Victor comes back into this chaos, Sharon's deceit and-- oh! The Newman stock problem. Katherine, somebody is buying up stock, enough for a hostile takeover, and Victor must be terrified, but he won't say it. He is too busy making phone calls, trying to find out who's behind it all.

Kay: Well, don't tell me you think it's Tucker.

Nikki: Victor seems to think so, and it would make sense. I mean, the man married Sharon. He certainly didn't marry her for herself.

Kay: Now he knows that I adore Victor... and that really galls me to think that that could be one of the reasons he wants everything that Victor has.

(Knock on door)

Victor: Come in.

Sharon: Really, Victor, summoning me? Look, I signed the annulment papers. What else is there to say?

Victor: Well, congratulations, Sharon. The annulment will be official shortly and I'm no longer attached to the woman who betrayed me, and you're no longer a bigamist.

Sharon: The last thing I want right now is a husband, you or Tucker.

Victor: Why, of all, you and Tucker McCall. I'll be damned. What a combination-- you, Tucker McCall, and Newman Enterprises. He must have just been salivating at the prospect of you and the company.

Sharon: If you're worried about a takeover, don't be. I-I just gave the S.E.C. all the information they need to take Tucker down.

Michael: Come here. Come here. Just...

Chloe: (Sighs)

Michael: Just tell me what Kevin did.

Chloe: He didn't do anything. He was just an innocent bystander who got sucked into Phyllis' mess.

Michael: What did Phyllis do?

Chloe: Like, did she kill this guy? No. No one did. He just-- he just kicked in her apartment when she was nearly naked. That part did not come out the first time that he told me the story, but he just helped her move the body since he knew it looked really bad.

Michael: Looked bad? Looked bad? You-- so that carpet that we found in the dumpster, that--

Chloe: Well, Phyllis didn't have a giant duffel bag lying around. I mean, why don't you go and blame her? Your best friend dragged my husband into moving a corpse, all because he wanted her a part of TagNGrab. You know, he has been so great. He's been husband-y and--and--and responsible and he's just trying to do the right thing for this company, and if it all gets destroyed because of Phyllis' killer rack-- he didn't do anything wrong, Michael.

Michael: Well, he didn't do anything right, did he?

Chloe: (Sighs)

Kevin: What?

Nikki: You know, we could go to Gloworm or Joe Jr.'s diner.

Kay: Well, uh, I imagine that should, uh, tell us we've both lost our appetites.

Nikki: Well, we could just try this again another time. Please give Murphy my love.

Kay: And you, uh, same to Victor. Um... and by the way, it, uh, makes me so happy the two of you are together again. It really is.

Nikki: Thank you.

(Kisses Kay on cheek)

Nikki: You know, I've been meaning to mention to you, the way you sell yourself to the press-- the charming mogul, attractive billionaire. In reality, you're really just filth bringing pain and destruction everywhere you go. Your own mother can't even look at you.

Tucker: Yeah. Well, that's nothing new. She's disowned me more than once.

Nikki: Mm-hmm. We were grieving Victor and you swooped in like a vulture, trying to steal his company and marry his wife on the same day as his funeral. Oh, that's real class.

Tucker: Mm. Yeah, and ditching Jack right after your vows to go chase after Victor-- that was a kiss on the cheek.

Nikki: Excuse me, I don't have to explain myself to you.

Tucker: Oh, right back at you, Nikki. I don't have to explain myself to you, either-- not to the woman who keeps crawling back to the king manipulator of all time. Let me tell you something-- if Victor had the chance, he would gut McCall, Unlimited and wipe the innards all over me. And you know what? He'd probably marry just another young, hot blonde or two just to, you know, show you who's boss, and you'd still go back for more. Well, but hey, Victor Newman-- he's the man of the hour, back from the dead. Lucky us.

Tucker: Yeah.

Victor: I gave you far too much credit. Turns out you have less loyalty than you do have sense.

Sharon: Why would I be loyal to Tucker, after everything he put me through?

Victor: He came to me and offered me Beauty of Nature.

Sharon: For how much?

Victor: Your freedom.

Sharon: No.

Victor: He offered me Beauty of Nature in exchange for me dropping all charges against you. And since I'm far more interested in my company than I'll ever be in dealing with you, I accepted.

Sharon: You can't be serious.

Victor: For one moment, someone actually cared about you. Tucker gave you back your freedom at enormous expense to himself, and you turned on him. Now I have my company back and the annulment, and you probably have lost the last friend you ever had.

Chloe: What's wrong?

Ronan: What?

Chloe: I mean, hi.

Ronan: Hi.

Chloe: What are you doing here?

Ronan: I'm here for a drink.

Chloe: Right. Of course you are. Sorry, I don't usually do this. (Laughs)

Ronan: Mm.

Chloe: Um, well, thank you for helping Kevin.

Ronan: Don't mention it.

Chloe: "Don't mention it," you're welcome, or "Don't mention it," shut up?

Ronan: The second one. Have you mentioned it to anyone else?

Kevin: Michael, were you bugging Chloe the entire time I was gone? Because I can't have you doing that.

Michael: Enough about me. Let's talk about you.

Kevin: I already told you.

Michael: Yeah, I know. I know, you were never at Reid's, Beth is blind as a bat, you were impersonated by aliens. It's all a big, big mistake.

Kevin: I wasn't gonna go with aliens, but I like it.

Michael: Tim Reid did not die in his own apartment. You're gonna come with me, and we're gonna have a nice talk.

Phyllis: Hey, I was looking for you. No, wait, wait. Your dad told me that you... came by to talk. I want to talk, all right? Let's--let's-- let's go home and talk, okay?

Summer: Home? I don't live with you, remember? Which makes things much easier for you to cheat on dad. Go back to your boyfriend, Mom. Dad and I are fine without you, just like you're fine without us.

Phyllis: I'm not fine without you, Summer.

Summer: Good. I hope it hurts... but I'm sure your cop can kiss and make it all better.

Phyllis: Okay, I'm gonna go... (Voice breaking) But not because I want to, but because I respect you and I'm gonna give you your space, okay? I love you. I want to fix this. I love you.

Summer: (Sighs)

Fen: You okay?

Summer: Enough of this. I'm ready to have some fun.

Fen: (Sighs)

Avery: That's good.

Nick: Your assistant said I could find you here.

Avery: What happened?

Chelsea: Kevin seemed almost random about his brother, avoiding Michael.

Adam: Yeah, well, siblings can be overrated.

Chelsea: So what are you saying? This little one's gonna be an only child?

Adam: Look at you, already moving on to baby number two, huh?

Chelsea: (Laughs)

Adam: Well, we do have enough stuff for a basketball team.

Chelsea: Mm-hmm.

Adam: Yeah, why not? As many kids as you want, whatever you want.

Chelsea: Just you and me?

Adam: Just you and me. You know what? Let's get out of here. I never took you on a proper honeymoon.

Chelsea: (Gasps) We can go on a "Babymoon." We can go to the beach. I'm still allowed to surf. I asked the O.B.

Adam: Still thinking about surfing, huh?

Chelsea: I always am thinking about surfing. You want to watch me do my thing?

Adam: Oh, I want to see it bad, Mama.

Chelsea: (Laughs) Are you sure you won't be intimidated by my mad skills?

Adam: There is nothing sexier than a woman with mad skills...

Chelsea: Mm-hmm.

Adam: Except for a woman with mad skills who finds me irresistible.

Chelsea: (Chuckles) Ohh, and I do. (Chuckles)

Nikki: Well... (Sighs) You're gonna hear about this soon, so I might as well tell you. I slapped Tucker... in public.

Victor: What the hell happened?

Nikki: (Sighs) Victor, I just hate seeing you like this, worried about the company. I'd have slapped him a dozen times if I thought it would have changed anything.

Victor: Just rest assured that Tucker will have a bad night. It so happens that Sharon turned him in to the S.E.C. He'll be arrested for stock manipulation.

Nikki: Good. Then Newman is safe.

Victor: No, not quite yet. I need everyone's vote on the board of directors, including my children's.

Nikki: Well, of course Victoria and Nicholas will vote any way you need.

Victor: Not just them.

Nikki: Adam. (Sighs)

Victor: (Sighs)

Nikki: Listen... I'm here, and I love you. Newman is yours. It will always be yours. We're gonna get through this... together.

Victor: I love you.

Nikki: I love you.

Sharon: Tucker, I'm--I'm sorry.

Man: Do you understand these rights?

Tucker: Yes. What is this?

Sharon: Tucker, I didn't know that you went to Victor for me. I am so sorry.

Tucker: You're sorry? What?

Man: Let's go.

Tucker: You did this to me? Did you do this to me?! Answer me! Sharon!

Sharon: (Gasps)

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Jeff: I was hoping for a visit with you and my little grand-munchkin-to-be.

Victor: We need you to join us.

Adam: So I'm the proverbial linchpin, huh?

Michael: I want you to give me the rest of it now.

Kevin: Go to hell.

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