Y&R Transcript Thursday 10/4/12

Y&R Transcript Thursday 10/4/12


Episode # 10005 ~ Nina Hits Phyllis; Lily & Cane Share a Nice Evening

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Paul: I don't know what to say. I really believed that I-I found the evidence that would save me.

Avery: Okay, well, it was a very strong possibility, Paul. Ricky was holding the knife when he fell.

Ronan: And you did find it in the alley where Ricky died.

Paul: I didn't plant it. I swear.

Michael: Well, we'd like to believe you.

Paul: Right. Well, I don't know why you'd want to believe anything is say at this point. There is no evidence.

Michael: Yeah, well, it's not exactly the thing you would do to save yourself-- manipulating evidence.

Ronan: You would have led us to a knife with Ricky's prints on it, or his D.N.A.

Michael: This weapon had absolutely no fingerprints.

Avery: Okay, what if the knife is Ricky's?

Michael: And it was just found by somebody? Some petty criminal perhaps, who wiped it clean of fingerprints and then stuffed it down that storm drain.

Ronan: Yeah, exactly, after we finished our official crime scene search.

Avery: Okay, as evidence, this is pretty useless to your defense.

Paul: Oh, I get that.

Avery: However, it's pretty useless to the prosecution as well, correct?

Michael: (Sighs) We need to find out what exactly happened, and the only way we can do that is with more information.

Kyle: "This stops here, Ricky." You're certain that's what Paul said?

Eden: Yeah.

Kyle: Anything else?

Eden: No. I mean, why-- why is this my only new memory? And why is it coming up now?

Kyle: Well, the doctor said the hypnosis might trigger some things, plus, psychologically, maybe you are just ready.

Eden: I mean, I've been ready since that night to prove that Paul's innocent. But this makes it-- it makes it sound like... I mean, what am I gonna do?

Kyle: You're gonna call Michael so he can get the cops on this.

Daniel: (Clears throat) Uh, could you pass me this sugar?

Heather: No problem.

Heather: Could you skim your hands over?

Daniel: What?

Heather: Hand over the skim... milk.

Daniel: Yeah.

Heather: We are talking about milk here.

Daniel: Its right here, Miss Stevens.

Heather: Thank you very much.

Lily: Oh, hi, Guys.

Daniel: Hey, uh...

Lily: Hi.

Heather: Hey, Lily. I was just... I'll see you.

Lily: Okay.

Daniel: (Sighs)

Lily: So... still keeping it private, I see.

Daniel: (Sighs)

Lily: (Laughs)

Daniel: Yeah, um, Kevin and Chloe kind of figured it out, but that's it.

Lily: Mm. So she makes you happy? Ohh. That's kind of weird though, right? She's the D.A., and she's prosecuting your mom.

Daniel: Yeah, I-- we keep that separate from us, and it helps.

(Cell phone rings)

Lily: Oh. Excuse me. Hi, Babe.

Cane: Hey, Baby.

Lily: Did your assistant give you my message?

Cane: Yeah, I'm at the club right now.

Lily: Oh, why are you there so early?

Cane: Oh, you know, I wanted to make a, uh, good first impression. After all, my hot, sexy wife set this up.

Lily: Oh, well, I think you'll be fine.

Cane: Now you're sure this woman I'm meeting actually has P.R. experience?

Lily: I think that you will be very pleased. Or at least I hope so. And I'm sorry that it was so last-minute.

Cane: You know I'd rather be having dinner with you and the babies, right?

Lily: I know, but we'll have plenty of time together later tonight. That is a promise.

Phyllis: I'm tired of being ambushed. I'm out of here, okay?

Nina: No, not until you answer the question. Are you having an affair with my son?

Phyllis: What is this? A tag team between you and Christine? She goes off on me, and then you pick up where your bestie left off?

Nina: Is everything a joke to you?

Lauren: Okay, okay, you know what? Phyllis is stressed. You are, too. Let's just table this right now.

Nina: No, no, answer the question, Phyllis.

Phyllis: Your son is a grown, grown man.

Nina: And what are you? 12 with no self-control whatsoever?

Lauren: Nina, come on.

Phyllis: No, who I sleep with--who anybody-- anybody sleeps with--

Lauren: Phyllis. Phyllis.

Phyllis: Her, him, him-- anybody here, it's their own personal, private business, and it's none of your business.

Nina: So basically, the answer is yes?

Chris: Wait. I-I can't. I'm sorry. I-I can't.

Danny: What? What's--what's wrong?

Chris: I just--I can't. Not until I know if this means the same thing to you as it does to me.

Lily: Daniel? Hi, uh, listen, I know it's frustrating, you know? You found out that Daisy was alive, and then she disappeared again. I get it.

Daniel: Mm-hmm. Such is the yo-yo that is my marriage.

Lily: Well, you will handle it, okay?

Daniel: I'm worried about Lucy.

Lily: You, my friend, have turned out to be an amazing dad.

Daniel: (Sighs) Well, you just keep telling me that until I believe it, okay?

Lily: Believe it. And while you're taking care of your little girl, take care of yourself, too, okay? Bye.

Daniel: Hmm. "You didn't leave."

Heather: "Wanted to say bye. Bye!"

Daniel: "Meet later? Or have you seen enough of me?"

Heather: "Def want to see more. Your place two hours?"

Daniel: "Can't wait."

Eden: I can't go to the police with this.

Kyle: Well, you can't just keep it to yourself.

Eden: Sure I can.

Kyle: (Sighs) Eden, listen.

Eden: No, no. I'm not gonna cause Paul any trouble he doesn't deserve.

Kyle: What if "This stops here, Ricky" was a threat?

Eden: It's just-- it's one statement out of context. I mean, who knows what it means?

Kyle: Well, it means Ricky ended up shot and dead, and Paul was holdin' the gun. The meaning seems pretty simple.

Eden: Okay, maybe he meant that he was done arguing with Ricky, or that Ricky's creepy behavior had to stop.

Kyle: Or maybe Paul was ready to take out his son 'cause he couldn't deal with him anymore.

Eden: How could you even think that?

Kyle: How could you not? Or maybe you do.

Eden: I don't believe in my heart that Paul would set out to hurt Ricky or that he would lie about protecting me.

Kyle: But are you sure?

Eden: I ended up unconscious, for God's sake. Who else did that if not Ricky? The tooth fairy?

Kyle: Okay, okay. You don't want to believe anything negative about Paul.

Eden: He's a good guy.

Kyle: Well, what if-- just if-- his shooting Ricky didn't go down the way you want to think it did?

Paul: Okay, I, uh, I'm sorry for wasting your time.

Michael: It's not a problem.

Avery: (Sighs)

Ronan: Paul, it could have panned out.

Paul: Yeah, right. Nothing else has. I thought Ricky's video would prove that Ricky's the killer. Wrong. I thought Daisy would corroborate my story. Wrong. She can't be found. Now the knife? (Sighs) So what about Eden? Did she say anything at all that might be helpful?

Avery: (Sighs) We'll just have to keep looking for that thing that will clear you, Paul.

Michael: Anything you find-- we'll listen.

Nina: The very idea of you sleeping with Ronan is appalling.

Phyllis: Like most of your ideas, right?

Lauren: All right, why don't we just go have some coffee?

Nina: Did you seduce him hoping that he'd help your case?

Lauren: In separate restaurants? Different countries?

Phyllis: You know, if I did that, it would be really stupid, because he's off my case, Nina.

Nina: Well, you really are poison to anyone you come close to.

Phyllis: Well, Ronan really liked getting close.

Nina: Oh, my God. You're married, bragging about an affair. You're such a slut!

Lauren: All right, enough of the name-calling.

Phyllis: Oh, my-- this comes from you, the person who trademarked "Lying, cheating tramp"?

Nina: Only because you'd already taken "Greedy, sleazy whore."

Phyllis: Do you forget how Chance came into the world?

Nina: Hey, lay off my kids.

Phyllis: Oh, no, no, no, you're acting like a role model for moms. One of your kids grew up fatherless because you drove his own father to fake his own death, and the other one hardly even--

Lauren: Oh! O-okay! Stop it!

(Cell phone rings)

Lauren: Stop it, both of you, and thank God that there's a bell. Will you please answer that?

Phyllis: Yeah, you better answer it. You better answer it.

Lauren: Shh!

Phyllis: Quick.

Nina: Nothing, just taking out the trash. Nothing important. Yeah.

Phyllis: Yeah, walk away. There you go.

Lauren: All right. All right. All right. You did not just do that.

Ronan: No, I don't have a copy. Yeah, send one. Thanks.

Ronan: Avery called you, right?

Nina: Yeah, she did. But just before that, I heard about you and Phyllis.

Ronan: Yeah?

Nina: Ronan... (Scoffs) I do not understand you at all.

Ronan: Yeah, so you've said.

Nina: You love your career. It's the one thing I know you do love. And you get involved with Phyllis? Tarnish your reputation? Why would you hurt yourself like that?

Nina: I'm here to see Paul.

Paul: Hey.

Nina: Hi.

Avery: Hey, I told you you didn't have to come.

Nina: I know. I just--I wanted to. So how long does he have to be here?

Michael: Paul's free to go whenever he wants.

Nina: So... hell of a day for you, huh?

Paul: Yeah. Looks like it's contagious. What's going on with you and Ronan?

Nina: Oh, just-- my son mystifies me, as always. Hey, did you know he was having an affair with Phyllis?

Paul: Um, I heard the rumors.

Nina: Oh, man, and you didn't tell me?

Paul: I didn't tell you 'cause they were just rumors.

Nina: (Sighs)

Paul: I didn't think, uh, you needed the anxiety.

Nina: Listen, right now... (Sighs) All I care about is you, okay? I don't care about Ronan. I don't care about Phyllis.

Paul: Or the bad news I got today?

Nina: Nope. Come on. Let's just blow this joint.

Lauren: Why did you have to go shoot your mouth off like that? You really crossed the line.

Phyllis: What, you think Nina had the right to attack me like that?

Lauren: Look, Phyllis, I am really-- I am really trying to back you here. But you're not making it easy.

Phyllis: You know what? No, I'm going through a couple life crises right now. Sorry.

Lauren: Yes, and you're making monumental mistakes while you're at it.

Phyllis: Like standing up for myself?

Lauren: Like--like telling Danny that you saw him kiss Christine all those years ago a-and now attacking Nina.

Phyllis: Wait a second. She came at me first.

Lauren: Have you ever thought about just walking away?

Phyllis: I-I'm standing up for myself.

Lauren: Do I need to remind you that you're about to go into a criminal trial and that your husband and your daughter have already moved out on you?

Phyllis: Okay, so-- so what are you saying?

Lauren: I--

Phyllis: Are you saying I deserve this? This that what you're getting at?

Lauren: What I'm saying is that if Danny and Christine want to get horizontal, and if Nina wants to attack you for sleeping with Ronan, you have to learn to keep your mouth shut.

Daniel: More fallout from your affair with the cop?

Phyllis: How long have you been standing there?

Daniel: It's ironic that you've been trying to lecture me because I might be seeing Heather.

Phyllis: No, it's a completely different thing. Heather is prosecuting my case.

Daniel: You know what, Mom? It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. The biggest train wreck that could happen is you being with Ronan. Lauren's right. You need to stop getting mad at everyone else and get your stuff together.

Danny: (Sighs)

Chris: I, um...

Danny: Yeah?

Chris: (Sighs) I'm not exactly sure what I was asking before.

Danny: I am. I didn't exactly come out and say it last time, but I was really hoping this would happen again.

Chris: Me, too.

Danny: And I'm not just talking about sex.

Chris: Me either.

Danny: It's never been just that between us.

Chris: No, I-I know. And no matter how much time passes, we just... seem to fit.

Danny: But Phyllis really messed that up. She ripped us apart.

Chris: Almost killed Paul.

Danny: And you. Well, all that's coming out now. And you know what? In a strange way, she's actually brought us back together again.

Chris: So here we are. (Sighs)

Danny: (Chuckles)

Chris: But where are we?

Danny: I look at you right now, and I just wonder, is it too late for a second chance?

Chris: It's never too late.

Cane: (Sighs)

Lily: Sorry you had to wait.

Cane: Mm. What are you doing here?

Lily: I'm just surprising you.

Cane: I like it when you surprise me.

Lily: Mm-hmm.

Cane: Now because you're here, does that mean that your friend had to cancel?

Lily: Oh, nobody's canceling. I never said that you were meeting a friend, either.

Cane: Uh, yes, you did, 'cause you sent me a text that said... "I think that you should meet this woman tonight 'cause you two would see eye to eye on public relations."

Lily: No, no, no, no. I said, "On P.R."

Cane: It's the same thing.

Lily: Well, in this case, "P.R." Stands for "Private Relations," not "Public." And the person that you're meeting is moi. Good surprise or great surprise?

Cane: (Sighs) I would say that this is an excellent surprise.

Lily: (Chuckles) Well, I thought that we could use it.

Cane: You mean you think that I could use it?

Lily: Well, I know that you've been upset about your mom.

Cane: I, uh, really don't want to talk about my mom right now.

Lily: (Chuckles) And you've put in all those long hours at Jabot.

Cane: Mm, that's right.

Lily: Mm-hmm.

Cane: 'Cause I am a hardworking man.

Lily: (Laughs) Yes, you are. And when you're home...

Cane: Yeah? I like this. Tell me about this "When I'm home" thing. I like this a lot.

Lily: Mm-hmm. When you're home, you spend every free minute with the kids. And that, I think, deserves a reward.

Cane: Yeah? What sort of a reward are you thinking about giving me?

Lily: Well, I've arranged for Charlie and Matty to have a very fun night with Uncle Devon so that you and I can have a fun night of our own and just escape from everything.

Cane: Mercy. Mercy me.

Lily: (Chuckles) Do you like this?

Cane: Oh, yeah. Yeah, I like this a lot. And I love you.


Ronan: So much for our pact to help Paul.

Michael: (Scoffs) That guy can't catch a break.

Ronan: We searched that alleyway a dozen times.

Michael: Yeah, I was hoping for a miracle, and maybe forensics would at least come through with a partial fingerprint of Ricky's, something.

Ronan: Yeah, I know.

Chris: I would like to speak with Michael alone.

Ronan: I was just on my way out.

Michael: Is this about Paul?

Chris: No. Phyllis. Why? What's going on with Paul?

Danny: Hey, uh, Chris couldn't be here right now. She had to see Michael.

Avery: Well, then she'll hear the latest from him.

Lauren: What's happened?

Nina: A not-so-great development, but instead of moping, I thought that we should have some food and some drinks and just be together.

Lauren: What was the latest development?

Paul: I thought I found the knife that Ricky used to threaten Eden.

Heather: Thought you found it?

Avery: There were no prints or anything that tied the knife to Ricky.

Paul: So now I still don't have any proof that I was trying to protect Eden when I shot my son.

Danny: What about Eden?

Avery: She couldn't recall anything helpful about that night.

Nina: There's gotta be a break in this case.

Paul: Look, I'm okay.

Heather: Really? (Sighs) Are you?

Paul: You're right. It's a setback. But I just have to have faith and believe that the truth will win out in the long run.

Kyle: Look, I'm not lookin' to upset you or to hurt Paul.

Eden: Okay. Then why do you keep pushing this?

Kyle: Why did you even put yourself through hypnosis hell?

Eden: To get answers.

Kyle: Yeah, to try and piece together what actually went down the night Ricky died, right?

Eden: Okay, I get--I get that this is touchy for you because of what happened to your mom.

Kyle: Yeah, well, I spent months not knowing who killed my mom or why all because people refused to say what they knew.

Eden: This is different.

Kyle: How?

Eden: Because I'm not trying to cover up a murder. I'm trying to help a guy who's been wrongly accused.

Kyle: I hate what this is doing to you, and I don't want to fight.

Eden: Well, I don't want that either. If you mean that, I just need you to back off.

Kyle: Okay. Can I just say one more thing?

Eden: Oh, my God, what?

Kyle: If you're set on not going to Michael or not going to the cops--

Eden: I'm not doing that. Not until I know more.

Kyle: What about going to Paul?

Eden: And tell him what?

Kyle: Tell him about the "This stops here, Ricky" deal. See what he says. I mean, try and get a read off him before you make your final decision.

Heather: Hey. What are you drinking? You need a refill?

Paul: (Sighs) No, not yet, but thanks for offering.

Heather: You're my dad. I'm allowed.

Lauren: Hey, the hugging is impeding the ordering of comfort food.

Heather: Oh, excuse me. I'm so sorry.

Lauren: Yeah, well... so what would you guys like?

Danny: How about, uh, buffalo wings? Potato skins? What do you think?

Avery: Uh, nachos?

Nina: Mm, definitely some deep-fried zucchini for nutrition.

Lauren: Mm.

Danny: Ohh.

Heather: Excuse me?

Nina: Zucchini is a vegetable, guys.

Lauren: Okay. I'm going with that. (Laughs)

(Cell phone rings)

Heather: Hello? Uh, could you, uh, hold-- hold on a sec? It's, um, new information on a case. I may have to go.

Paul: Oh, okay. All right, we understand.

Heather: Bye, Dad.

Lauren: Okay.

Paul: (Sighs)

(Cell phone rings)

Paul: Hello?

Eden: Hi, Paul, it's Eden.

Paul: Hi, how--how are you?

Eden: Good. I'm good. Um, it sounds like there's a lot people with you.

Paul: (Chuckles) Yeah, um, just a sec. Nina called out the support group.

Eden: Why?

Paul: I thought I found the knife that Ricky held on you, but I was wrong.

Eden: I'm sorry.

Paul: Oh, no, don't be sorry. Don't worry about me. Anyway, I understand that you, uh, remembered a few more things of that night with Ricky.

Eden: Uh, not enough.

Paul: Well, you don't know that, because it--it could be a sign that you're-- you're starting to recall more things that--that could help me.

Eden: (Sighs) Maybe.

Paul: Listen, Eden, whether you do or whether you don't, I want you to know how much I appreciate all the effort that you've made.

Eden: Okay, um, I'll let you go. Try--try to have a good night, okay? Bye.

Kyle: You didn't tell him.

Eden: I don't know. I just--I couldn't.

Lily: Hello, hello.

Cane: So, uh, why are you all covered up?

Lily: Because I didn't want to distract you when I give you the rest of your presents.

Cane: Yeah, well, give me the rest of my presents now. Make it quick, hmm?

Lily: (Laughs) Well, I placed an order with room service, so I have to tell them when to send it up.

Cane: No, no, that can wait. Later. Way later.

Lily: And I got you your favorite tasty kiwi tart.

Cane: Yeah?

Lily: Mm-hmm.

Cane: Well, I don't want to taste that. I want to taste you. Come here.

Lily: (Laughs)

Cane: Come here.

Lily: But wait, wait, wait.

Cane: I don't want to wait.

Lily: I also brought DVDs of "Key largo" and "To Have and have not."

Cane: I choose to have.

Lily: (Laughs) But I didn't tell you the part about the couple's massage.

Cane: You know what? That sounds fantastic, but everything I want is right here right now.

Lily: Really?

Cane: Yeah, really.

Lily: (Chuckles)

Cane: (Sighs)

Lily: (Chuckles)

Phyllis: (Sighs)

(Knock on door)

Phyllis: If you're here for another round of "You kiss me, I slap you," I'm not in the mood.

Ronan: Mm. I like that. Your first thought was of me kissing you.

Phyllis: What do you want?

Ronan: (Sighs) Can I come in?

Heather: Oh, God, it has been one false lead after another. We both know that Paul didn't intend to kill Ricky.

Michael: Then find a way to prove that, because there's no way I can keep his trial from moving forward.

Chris: Speaking of trials...

Michael: Phyllis.

Chris: It just became a lot easier to win that case. She admitted her motive.

Ronan: Nina knows about our supposed affair. She's probably gonna come gunning for you.

Phyllis: You--you could have saved yourself a trip. I already got into it with your mom.

Ronan: Wow. Busy day, huh? Nina, Christine and Danny. I saw that.

Phyllis: Yeah, I know. I saw you watching. Yeah, they set off triggers with me. What can I say?

Ronan: Why?

Phyllis: I can't help it. That's why.

Ronan: (Scoffs) I'm just curious here. Uh, how many torches are you carrying right now? Because I'm--I'm counting three. There's one for Nick. There's one for me--

Phyllis: I'm not carrying a torch for you.

Ronan: And there's one for Danny. Now given your current circumstances, I wouldn't recommend advertising any residual obsession with the ex right now.

Phyllis: Oh, you wouldn't?

Ronan: No, no, I wouldn't.

Phyllis: Mm, you think this is funny? Do you? It makes you laugh? Didn't really make me laugh when Danny goaded me into admitting...

Ronan: Hey, what did you admit?

Phyllis: I admitted that I saw Christine and Danny kissing the night of the hit-and-run.

Ronan: Well, that explains why Christine went to go see Michael.

Phyllis: It's not very funny anymore, is it?

Danny: Then Phyllis came out with it. She said she saw me kiss Christine right before the hit-and-run.

Paul: Really?

Nina: Yes, really, and it was something.

Lauren: Uh, Christine reacted quite strongly, to say the least.

Danny: Hey, Paul, I-I know you're going through a lot of other stuff right now, but I just-- I thought you all should know.

Paul: No, no, I, uh, I appreciate that. Thanks. Uh, I could use something stronger than iced tea.

Nina: (Sighs)

Paul: How about you?

Avery: Uh, yeah.

Paul: Uh, want to walk with me to the bar?

Avery: Sure.

Lauren: I guess he needed to talk to his attorney privately.

Nina: He's being so incredibly strong. I don't know how he's managing it.

Danny: Nothing is working in his defense.

Nina: It feels like the entire world is against him.

Daniel: Hey.

Heather: (Sighs) Hey, what are you doing here?

Daniel: I saw you at the club...

Heather: Yeah.

Daniel: Leave Paul and everyone.

Heather: So you followed me?

Daniel: Because you looked upset.

Heather: It was really sweet for you to care.

Daniel: I've gotta say, I didn't expect you to come here.

Heather: Yeah. Well, I got a call.

Daniel: Ah. Yes, about this flower shop...

Heather: Mm-hmm.

Daniel: On Ricky's grave.

(Footsteps approach)

Heather: Hey. Are you the caretaker?

Man: Yes, Ma'am.

Heather: Hi. You were right. I had to see it to believe it.

Daniel: Um, how long have these flowers been showing up?

Man: Every day since the burial.

Daniel: Is it typical for them to pile up like this?

Man: Oh, no. But before I tossed any, I wanted to check.

Heather: You know who sent them?

Man: Well, it's an unsigned card. It's always the same message. Here's today's.

Heather: "I won't forget."

Lily: You are exactly one of a kind um, hello.

Cane: I love you so much.

Lily: Hmm. I was just thinking the same thing.

Cane: Yeah?

Lily: Mm-hmm.

Cane: I don't know what I'd do without you. You know that?

Lily: Well, you'll never have to find out.

Lauren: Well, at least Paul knows that we're all behind him.

Danny: It really helps that he has you in his life, Nina.

Lauren: Yeah. You guys are really good together.

Danny: Yeah.

Nina: I think so.

Lauren: (Chuckles)

Danny: (Chuckles)

Lauren: And it's very important to be with someone you love at times like this.

Nina: Yes.

Lauren: Mm-hmm.

Danny: Yeah.

Nina: I agree.

Danny: Mm-hmm.

Lauren: Mm-hmm.

Danny: Oh, come on. Just spit it out, Lauren.

Lauren: (Laughs)

Nina: (Laughs)

Danny: What is it? What? What? What?

Lauren: Oh, I think that Danny-Cricket history is repeating itself.

Danny: (Scoffs)

Lauren: Am I wrong? Come on.

Nina: No, I don't think you're wrong.

Lauren: (Laughs)

Danny: No comment, seriously.

Lauren: (Laughs) Oh.

Michael: I have to admit Phyllis seeing that kiss does speak to motive.

Chris: And you're not happy about that?

Michael: Phyllis is a friend.

Chris: (Scoffs) This is significant, Michael.

Michael: You don't think I know that?

Chris: Then you'll depose Danny and me? Get this on the record as soon as possible?

Michael: I'll do my job.

Chris: I'm counting on that. I want this case as tight as possible when we go to trial.

Ronan: You should never have admitted that.

Phyllis: Uh, yeah. You think I don't know that?

Ronan: They're gonna say that was motive.

Phyllis: Yeah, well, they're gonna say a lot of things. But seeing that kiss does not put me at the scene of the crime.

Ronan: Look, maybe not for you, but for them, it's--

Phyllis: (Stammers)

Ronan: It's a just a really big mistake right--

Phyllis: What are you doing? What are you doing here? Get the hell out of here.

Ronan: Hey, I'm just trying to help you here.

Phyllis: No, you're not. No, you're not. You're lecturing me. You're lecturing me is what you're doing.

Ronan: I'm lecturing you?

Phyllis: Yes. Yes. You're lecturing me. I have been lectured to and dressed down and--and abused today. I don't need that from you.

Ronan: I'm not trying to do that.

Phyllis: Yeah. Well, it seems that way.

Ronan: (Sighs) You need to take a really long, hard look, okay? Because I'm the one person around here that's not judging you. I'm the one person around here that is on your side, and I'm the one person that's helping you through this.

Heather: These flowers, this card-- it's--I mean, it's really weirding me out. You think the caretaker picked up on that?

Daniel: Nope.

Heather: Yeah, right.

Daniel: You had a great game face.

Heather: I mean, who would send these?

Daniel: What about Paul?

Heather: Mnh-mnh. My dad would have mentioned it, and he wouldn't have sent the cards anonymously.

Daniel: What are you gonna do about it?

Heather: Well, first, I'm gonna tell the caretaker to get rid of these and to not put any new ones on Ricky's grave.

Daniel: You gonna tell Paul?

Heather: Mnh-mnh. I'm gonna try to figure this out on my own. I don't want to upset him about it, at least not yet.

Daniel: I, uh, I think that's a great idea.

Heather: I'm really glad you came, that you're here with me.

Kyle: I really wish you hadn't backed down.

Eden: I'm gonna think about it Kyle. There's really nothing to tell.

Kyle: So why not say something?

Eden: I'm not telling Paul or anyone, and you better not either.

Kyle: You can't pretend not to know what you know.

Eden: Yes, I can. And as of right now, it's like I never even remembered it.

Paul: I need you to be honest with me. What are my chances of having my case overturned on appeal if--if new evidence comes to light.

Avery: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold up. We haven't even started your trial yet.

Paul: When we do go to court, I know what I'm facing. They're gonna convict me.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Tucker: If you're looking to lay into me, take a number and line up.

Avery: This is undeniable evidence that there was in fact a prenuptial agreement, and you signed it.

Nikki: Victor is about to propose, and I plan on saying yes.

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