Y&R Transcript Wednesday 10/3/12
Episode # 10004 ~ Danny Gets Information from Phyllis; New Evidence Emerges in Paul's Case
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Daniel: You might want to take it easy there, Slugger.
Phyllis: It's either this, or I break the windows.
Daniel: Okay, well, as Kevin's friend, I'm gonna say go ahead and keep stirring then.
Phyllis: You know what? You are an amazing man-- loving, supportive, loyal. I want you to know that. And it's nice, because Nick isn't even talking to me. And then Danny-- running into Danny with that chirpy, chirpy little Christine bug, who loves to be confused lately.
Daniel: Okay, no, no, no, no, no, we're not gonna do this. We're not gonna talk. We're not gonna talk about Dad. We're not gonna talk about Christine. Let's--
Phyllis: (Sighs)
Daniel: Let's talk about coffee and, um, we'll talk about--
(Door opens)
Daniel: Your coffee is decaf, right? I mean...
Phyllis: Oh, my God. You said you wouldn't, and you are.
Daniel: I'm--I'm what? What am I doing?
Phyllis: You-- you are seeing Heather.
Heather: Could I get a half-caf latte, no foam?
Kevin: You know, it's been so long since I've taken your order, I almost forgot what it was. You're not getting your coffee elsewhere these days, are you?
Heather: No, no, no, no, no. Don't you make me the "Leaver." You're the one who's too busy to hang because of your fancy new web site.
Kevin: (Chuckles)
Heather: Honestly, I'm surprised you even remember what I look like.
Kevin: Are you kidding me? I could never forget that face. But if I did, I could always just take a look at the security footage. Yeah, I've got a camera here in the main room.
Heather: Oh.
Kevin: There's one out on the patio, and there is the one in the hallway, outside the bathrooms.
Heather: Hallway outs--
Kevin: Outside the bathrooms, yeah.
Heather: (Exhales quickly) Oh, God.
Nina: I'm so sorry. I was on with my editor. Any news?
Paul: (Sighs)
Chris: Eden wants to remember so badly what happened with Ricky, but no, no word yet.
Nina: Are you okay?
Paul: Yeah, I'm just ready to get word that Eden remembers something, and I'm ready for this whole thing to be over.
Eden: So I had Daisy's wallet and phone. But then Ricky walked in. He's so tall. I forgot how tall he is.
(Door closes)
Michael: Shh.
Dr. Hoffman: Were you frightened?
Eden: I-I can't quite tell.
Dr. Hoffman: Did Ricky get angry, say anything to scare you?
Eden: (Sighs) He--he's not mad. Actually, Ricky's being really nice.
Phyllis: She’s going to prosecute me to the full extent of the law. Yes, yes. She wants to see me have misery and pain and be away from you and Summer. What do you find irresistible about her? I-I can't even believe this. This is so good for me. My son is dating the A.D.A. This is fantastic. She wants to see me rot in a jail cell.
Daniel: Okay, okay. Look, what's going on with you? I look at the girl, and--and now I'm sleeping with her? Come on. I really think you need to lay off those triple shots, that's what I think. I'm telling you, nothing's going on between me and Heather, all right?
Phyllis: Oh... my... gosh.
Daniel: Oh, you want to have a staring contest? Okay.
Phyllis: Yeah, I'll do that with you. You know why? Because a mother can always see the truth in their child's eyes.
Daniel: Well, I want you to look long and deep, because nothing's going on between me and Heather.
Phyllis: (Sighs)
(Cell phone alert chimes)
Phyllis: Wait. Ohh. Nice.
Daniel: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. What's going on with your face? Is that a twitch, or is that a smile? I'm not sure.
Phyllis: I--they're just, uh, fitting me in for a massage at the club.
Daniel: Oh, fitting you in for a massage--nice. Well, who's abandoning who now? Huh?
Phyllis: I don't have to go. I can stay here with you.
Daniel: (Laughs) No, no, no, no. You should go. Trust me, for the love of God, go, relax, enjoy.
Phyllis: Okay.
Chloe: Hi.
Phyllis: Hey. Yeah, I know. I'll have my TagNGrab post up by midnight, okay? Boss.
Chloe: Super.
(Door closes)
Chloe: (Clears throat)
Daniel: Yes? What?
Chloe: Liar, liar, hipster jeans on fire.
Heather: Okay, I think you're thinking of one moment in particular, and it's funny. I mean, like, I could see how it would look. Daniel and me entering the bathroom... together. (Laughs) I mean, who does that, right? You know, unless they're gonna... but see, the thing is, my zipper and his... he wears those bracelets, and... (Laughs) It was--it was so crazy. It was really crazy. Just swear on your ugly dog's life you won't say a word.
Eden: We're-- we're drinking beers and--and hanging out like--like we're trying to be friends.
Dr. Hoffman: What did you two talk about?
Eden: I can't remember.
Dr. Hoffman: But you can see Ricky?
Eden: Yes, he's on the couch. He's smiling at me.
Avery: Ask her if she knows what Ricky did with the items she found.
Dr. Hoffman: Eden, the-- Daisy's cell phone and wallet, do you recall what Ricky did with them?
Eden: (Sighs)
Dr. Hoffman: It's okay.
Eden: This is turning out to be a great night.
Dr. Hoffman: What do you mean, Eden?
Eden: Ricky-- that's what he said, "This is turning out to be a great night." (Inhales sharply) I-I don't know what he wants. I don't know what he wants, and I don't know what to do.
Dr. Hoffman: It's time to end this.
Michael: Yes, yes, please.
Dr. Hoffman: Eden, you're gonna wake up in a few moments. You'll remember everything we talked about and welcome additional memories at one. Three, two, one.
Eden: (Sighs) I didn't help Paul at all, did I?
Paul: Well, I just hope this whole experience isn't too difficult for Eden, because if they push her, I would hate to be--
Lauren: Honey, Michael will make sure his sister's okay.
Chris: And Avery's being very conscientious.
Paul: (Sighs)
Nina: Why don't you go home, all right? We'll call you the second we hear anything.
Lauren: Yeah, I mean, honestly, we don't know how long it's gonna take up there, so it's okay. Go.
Paul: (Inhales deeply) I don't know. Maybe a walk.
Nina: Yeah, good. Do you want me to come with you?
Paul: No, I'll be fine. Why don't you stay here? And, uh, do me a favor and talk about something that isn't, uh, that isn't about me.
Nina: (Sighs)
Paul: And if anything happens, well, uh, you know where I am, right? Okay.
Nina: Okay.
Danny: See you.
Nina: Bye. Mm. Seeing him like this is just... it's agony. I mean, waiting to know if one young girl's memory can save him or not. I mean, I wouldn't write this. I'd feel guilty toward my characters. I mean, drama is one thing, but mystery is just quite another. (Sighs) Is anyone up for a mind-numbing conversation about iced tea at the bar?
Lauren: (Chuckles) Yeah.
Nina: Okay.
Lauren: Come on, Honey.
Nina: Thanks.
Lauren: Can I get you guys anything?
Chris: No, thanks.
Danny: Oh, no, we're good.
Lauren: Okay.
Danny: (Sighs) Hey.
Chris: (Sighs)
Danny: I know it's hard, but you're doing great.
Chris: (Scoffs) I'm not doing anything, and I hate it.
Danny: I know. That's what I mean. You're not rushing upstairs, busting down the door, doing anything and everything to fix this for Paul. You're doing exactly what he asked you to do-- be his friend.
Chris: Yeah, well, Paul didn't deserve to have a son like Ricky. (Sighs) He doesn't deserve any of the awful things that have happened to him.
Danny: Hey. Come here. It's okay. You're doing good.
Danny: You don't want to do this, Phyllis.
Phyllis: Why not? I was just walking through, getting a massage. You know, they fit me in.
Chris: All right, hurry. You don't want to miss it.
Phyllis: Can I talk to you?
Danny: Uh, I really don't, uh, want to.
Phyllis: Oh, oh, you don't want to? Really? Um, too bad. You had your say, a long, extensive say. It's my turn now. Hey, um, Christine, if I politely asked you to beat it, would you?
Chris: (Laughs) I might faint at the "Polite" part.
Danny: Look, whatever you have to say, Chris has a right to hear it.
Chris: You know what? Forget about it. Just--it's okay. Have your conversation.
Danny: All right.
Chris: It's all right. I, uh, I won't be long.
Phyllis: It's my turn.
Avery: You got so much further than you did the last time.
Eden: Ricky smiled at me on the sofa. It was like he was relaxed. That's--that's useless for Paul.
Michael: (Chuckles) No, no, no, no, no, no. Uh, I don't want to hear any of that. Listen to me. Not so long ago, something... something traumatic happened to you in this room, something so horrible, that you were-- you were injured. Y-you were very frightened, and yet, you decided to come back here to help by trying to remember the events that led up to Ricky's death. That makes you one of the toughest people I know. It also makes you one of the most generous people I know. And when I was your age, I was not so big on generosity. So... you took a huge chance, and you didn't have to take it. I'm damn proud of you. These people are proud of you. We're all proud of you. Best sister ever, ever. (Chuckles)
Avery: Come on. Let's get you out of here.
Michael: (Groans) Mwah!
(Door closes)
Ronan: (Exhales slowly)
Michael: What happened? What the hell happened?
Ronan: I don't know. (Scoffs) I do not know. "This is going to be a great night," and smiling. How do we turn that into a homicidal maniac?
Paul: (Exhales slowly)
(Glass shattering)
Paul: (Inhales shakily)
[Paul remembering]
Ricky: You were never a father to me!
Paul: (Sobs quietly)
Daniel: I'm sorry. Did you not just hear me talking to my mom? I'm not seeing Heather.
Chloe: Liar. Unless by "Not seeing her," you mean that you've been doing it in the dark with your eyes closed, and, God, I hope you're not that lame.
Daniel: Um, okay, look, it... (Sighs) Heather and I were, um, it's... my mom let it go. Can't you just take her lead?
Chloe: Oh, my God. Trust me, your mother would have called you out for being the lying liar that you are, but since being with a woman who wants to put Phyllis in jail would break your mother's heart, she's just in willful denial.
Daniel: You're killing me.
Chloe: I'm okay with that. Tell me.
Daniel: There's nothing to tell.
Chloe: You like Heather.
Daniel: I like a lot of people.
Chloe: I will cut your ponytail off in your sleep.
Daniel: I-- I might like Heather.
Chloe: Ew, you admit it.
Kevin: Look, Daniel, is like my vaguely messiah-looking brother. I love the guy.
Heather: No.
Kevin: But there is a lot of baggage there, you know.
Heather: As--as opposed to who? The string of winners in my past? Adam? Oh, hey, have you talked to Rafe lately? (Gasps) Or how about Ronan? Yeah, he is stellar. Copped half a liver from his brother and then split town. Oh, oh, and he's trying to put my dad in prison. Look, I'm single. This is a single face. I would like to have a good guy in my life, hmm? So would you say that Daniel is a good guy or not?
Kevin: Of course I'd say he's good guy, but--
Heather: But you're concerned about his "Baggage?
Kevin: Oh, come on. I'm on the stand now? Really?
Heather: Would you or would you not agree that his decency outweighs his baggage? I withdraw the question because I know how I feel.
Daniel: Yeah, because none of this is personal on your part, right? I mean, you don't hate Heather for... (Breathes deeply) I don't know, maybe sleeping with Chance?
Chloe: My fiancé? And then eventually Ronan, his brother?
Daniel: Yes, who you als--
Chloe: Not the point.
Daniel: (Laughs) You're right, it's not. Because Heather I-I-- she's smart. She doesn't drag me into stupid messes like Amber and Abby did, and--and who was the other one? Eden. Yeah, Eden. She was sweet, wasn't she? But let's face it, that was never gonna get serious.
Chloe: So you are implying that it's serious with Heather?
Heather: Nothing shocks Daniel, but I don't know, he's not cynical or jaded.
Daniel: Heather is funny. She's not flighty. She's not flaky.
Heather: Being around him, I don't--I get this smile. And after days at the office or at the courthouse, yeah, yeah, I could use the smile.
Daniel: I know we're nothing alike, but I...
Heather: We complement each other.
Daniel: And Lucy really likes hanging out with Heather.
Heather: That sweet little girl, watching Daniel dote on her, I didn't have that as a kid, not like that. And seeing them together, it just--
Kevin: Okay, I get it. You have beaten me down, Counselor. Go for it.
Chloe: I still think you're an idiot.
Daniel: I will take that as your blessing. Um, yeah, there's just one other thing.
Heather: Just one thing-- you can't tell anyone about us.
Daniel: You can't tell anyone about us.
Michael: Ricky... Ricky. Ricky had the cell, and he had the wallet.
Ronan: We already knew that. It was in the surveillance footage. He smiled at Eden. He--he smiled at her. What in the hell-- what in the hell does that mean?
Michael: Luring her in before he snapped?
Ronan: Speculation-- does nothing for us. You know that. (Sighs) Real evidence-- we need real evidence to prove that Ricky was an imminent threat.
Michael: You know what? We can say "Real evidence" as many times as we want. It hasn't worked for us so far.
Ronan: (Sniffs)
Michael: My friend, I'm afraid we may be screwed.
Avery: So while she did have flashes of memory, she didn't recall any real moments of menace or threat from Ricky.
Lauren: Mm-hmm.
Nina: That doesn't mean that Ricky didn't turn on her at some point. I mean, something awful must have happened, or Paul would never have had to shoot.
Lauren: Right, right, too awful for Eden to deal with. I mean, my God, I can't even imagine how vicious Ricky must have been for her to shut down like this.
Nina: Ricky is still torturing her and Paul, even from the grave.
Kyle: You're not smiling. Is it because it went bad? Is it because it--
Eden: It's because I came up absolutely nothing to help Paul.
Kyle: Did any memories come back?
Eden: Yeah, but they were all pointless, nothing that actually mattered.
Kyle: Look, I know you're trying. You're the toughest kid to ever come off an ashram. But, Kid, I mean, you gotta think there's a reason that your brain won't let you remember this stuff. I mean, you believe Paul about what happened that night, right? Ricky wasn't just throwing a tea party.
Eden: Well, yeah, I ended up unconscious somehow, so yeah, I don't think it was cucumber sandwiches and earl grey tea.
Kyle: So maybe you're just not ready then.
Eden: Well, I need to be ready, and it needs to be now. I mean, a man might go to jail for saving my life. H-how do I-- how do I just let that happen?
Paul: (Sighs) (Sighs)
[Paul remembering]
Paul: This stops here, Ricky.
(Glass shattering)
Paul: (Sighs) (Sighs) What the...
Phyllis: We've all moved on. We've moved on, Danny...
Danny: (Sighs)
Phyllis: All of us, except Christine. She hates me. It's like this obsession that we can't pry out of her claws.
Danny: Your obsession-- yours. So don't you start telling me that Chris is the villain here, okay?
Phyllis: She's going after me like an attack dog.
Danny: You tried to kill her. Yeah, she has a right to seek justice.
Phyllis: Oh, my God, are you believing this? Seriously? You think I tried to kill her? Because Christine said that. Because Cricket said it, so it must be true, right?
Danny: One thing nagging me, Phyllis...
Phyllis: Mm.
Danny: The timing. Yeah, see, Chris was with Paul. They were getting married. You and I, we were together. But you ran her down.
Phyllis: You know what? You're right about one thing-- we were together. You and I were together.
Danny: You hated her.
Phyllis: I didn't give her a second thought, Danny.
Danny: You were jealous, Phyllis.
Phyllis: (Laughs) Jealous?
Danny: You were.
Phyllis: What, of Christine? Please!
Danny: I agree-- nothing to be jealous of. It was just you and me, not Christine. Chris was marrying Paul. They were supposed to have a good life. That had nothing to do with you or me.
Phyllis: You pretend like you're so noble, both of you, so noble and pure. I saw you kissing Christine.
Kevin: Oh, come on. You have to protect your secret love?
Heather: Mm. Who said it was love? And I'm prosecuting his mother. How many times have I screwed up my career stability in the last few years?
Kevin: That I know of? A lot.
Heather: Exactly. Not eager to get shamed out of another job. And God only knows how Phyllis would take it out on Daniel, your friend. But you admit he's a good guy, and that baggage he has, a lot of that has Phyllis' monogram on it. She hates me, loathes me, detests me. If she thought Daniel and I were--
Kevin: Sneaking off into the Crimson Lights bathroom to do unspeakable things?
Heather: She'd hang his head from her rearview mirror. Can we spare Daniel, your friend, that misery?
Kevin: (Sighs) You know, she's not that bad.
Heather: Ohh. (Laughing)
Kevin: What? Look, a lot of the things that people are saying about Phyllis, they are not true. Okay, I won't tell Phyllis.
Heather: No, no, actually, you won't tell anyone.
Kevin: (Scoffs) Not even my wife?
Heather: Oh, God, no. Especially not Chloe.
Chloe: How about I keep the secret and you ditch the black hole with red hair? And I'm talking about your "Chickie" with red hair, not your mother, although that is a really awkward coincidence. You know, I would think that you'd swear off redheads after Daisy.
Daniel: Would you shut up already? Please. And remember, you can't tell anyone, not even Kevin.
Chloe: (Sighs)
Eden: (Sighs)
Kyle: Ooh. Ouch! (Chuckles) Ugh.
Eden: Okay, give it here. Give it back.
Kyle: No, no, no, no, denied.
Eden: Uhh! I was robbed.
Kyle: Yeah, yeah. Yeah, you were.
Eden: You don't have to humor me.
Kyle: Look, I was halfway around the world when my mom died. There was nothing I could do to help her. There was nothing I could do to change things. I never felt more helpless in my entire life.
Eden: When you were a kid, did you ever... did you ever think if you wished something hard enough that it would come true?
Kyle: Hey, it still might for you. You might remember something to help Paul.
Eden: You know, I'm sorry. I'm sorry about your mom, and--and I'm sorry for dragging up all these painful things for you.
Kyle: Hey, hey, hey, all that stuff just makes me more qualified to mentor you here. I have loads of education to impart to you.
Eden: (Laughs) What, like teaching me to wish harder?
Kyle: Wish smarter. Uh, wish for something that can actually happen, like remembering. One thing I learned not to wish for... (Sighs) Is for people to come back. I mean, it worked for Victor, but it just doesn't happen that way for other mere mortals.
Chris: I knew it. It was that kiss.
Phyllis: Oh.
Chris: And you couldn't have just acted like an adult and said something. You had to go rent a car and try and kill me.
Phyllis: (Sighs) Oh, please. Oh, my gosh. Yeah, Christine, I saw you kiss Danny right before you married Paul. Uh, see how that holds up in a court of law. You were consumed with one man before you were about to marry another...
Chris: (Sighs)
Phyllis: And that somehow makes me a killer. Good luck with that.
Danny: Phyllis, do you actually believe your stories and excuses? I mean, do you think other people do?
Phyllis: You're calling me a liar.
Chris: Because you are.
Phyllis: Um, you know, this was supposed to be a personal, private conversation where I was going to tell you about Christine's vendetta toward me.
Chris: It's true. Yes, I have one. I-I want to see you locked up. I want to hear a jury declare you guilty because you are.
Phyllis: See? See? See? Do you see this? (Scoffs)
Chris: That gives me motive beyond your insane fixation of Danny and your hatred of me-- specific motive for a specific day.
Phyllis: All right, um, get over yourself. Get over yourself, okay? I've grown in the last 20 years. I have been deeply in love. I have children. I have an actual life. Christine, what do you have? You just run to Danny and whimper about... (Whiny voice) How mean Phyllis is to you. Phyllis is so mean. (Normal voice) I mean, grow up, okay? Grow up and get a life, all right?
Lauren: Okay, Phyllis. Phyllis. Yeah, don't do it. Okay, okay, you're all done here. Come on.
Phyllis: Let go of me!
Lauren: Hey, stop it. Sit down.
Paul: Ronan. I found it. I found the knife.
Chloe: Hi.
Kevin: Hey.
Chloe: So I talked to Phyllis, and she said that she's gonna have her pics up by midnight tonight.
Kevin: Great. That's great.
Chloe: Well...
Kevin: And my mom called. Uh, she wants us to go by for dinner.
Chloe: Great. Uh, did she invited the dog, too?
Kevin: (Chuckles) How Angelo of you.
Chloe: Well, Bobby is way cuter than Vig. Okay, I can't. I can't do it. I have the biggest mouth.
Kevin: Oh, God. Okay, I know. You had said to me "No more secrets." You said "No more secrets."
Chloe: Well, I don't really. I just can't keep secrets from you. Okay, Daniel is--
Kevin: Seeing Heather. Thank God you know. (Sighs)
Chloe: How do you know? Who told you?
Kevin: Heather. You?
Chloe: Daniel.
Kevin: My best friend told you before me?
Chloe: The woman I loathe is confiding in you? Oh, well, look who it is. Uh, your girlfriend ratted you out to Kevin. You know, you guys really suck at this whole secret romance thing.
Heather: (Sighs)
Daniel: Oh, yeah, and you're just the soul of discretion, aren't you? Fine, you both know. You happy? Happy? Hmm?
Heather: Mm-hmm. But it stays between us?
Kevin: Yeah, agreed.
Chloe: Fine, but only because Daniel asked nicely.
Daniel: You know what? This might not be that bad after all. This might actually be kind of great.
Lauren: Nice one back there. Really, really great. Perfect person to provoke, as you're moving toward trial. I tried to steer you away from Christine once today. D-did you not get that message?
Phyllis: I'm not trying to provoke Christine.
Lauren: No, no. She asked you to come over there, insisted that you insult her, and talk about the case.
Phyllis: You know, I have every right to talk to Danny. What, am I supposed to walk away because she's there?
Lauren: Seriously?
Phyllis: Okay, in hindsight, it's not a good idea. I just-- when I see them together, Danny and Christine, I want to explode. I want to explode!
Lauren: But you love Nick.
Phyllis: Of course I love Nick. It's not about that. And Nick hasn't completely rejected me, by the way. He'll hardly talk to me right now. That's not really helping me right now. (Sighs) And Danny, when he walks around, it's like it--like the-- like this-- this neon sign of failure. "I don't love you as much as you love me." I mean, it's just making me crazy. And then I see the two of them together, and she's trying to put me in prison while she just puts her little head on Danny's shoulder. It makes me sick!
Lauren: All right. Okay, okay, okay, so just stop. Stop, stop. I'm not sure I'm someone you should be telling this to.
Chris: She lies right to our faces, like I'm this horrible person trying to ruin her life. It was a misunderstanding. She's innocent. I mean, God, she is delusional. An attempt was made on my life. Paul suffered terribly. It was after she saw us kiss, and Phyllis is the victim? (Scoffs)
Danny: Hey, no one thinks that, Chris.
Chris: Well, they better not. That kiss was motive. Couple that with the credit card statements and whatever reason she had for bribing Tim to stay away.
Nina: You know, I am with you 100% on this. But if you want this case to have the best shot possible, maybe, you know, having it out with Phyllis in public isn't the best idea.
Chris: Oh, my God, this is insane. We're talking about the person who is having an affair with your son while she's awaiting trial.
Nina: What did you just say?
Kyle: Okay.
Eden: Okay, this one is so you.
Kyle: No, no, sorry, no. I much prefer the sweet melody of boy band unison. I mean, who doesn't like a girl who flips her hair? (Laughs)
Eden: Well, I'll keep that in mind. (Clears throat)
Kyle: (Laughs)
Eden: I just remembered something.
Avery: Where is it?
Paul: I-it's in there. I saw a reflection.
Ronan: All right, hang on a second. Here.
Paul: It--its way back in that--
Ronan: Yeah.
Paul: See it?
Ronan: I just saw it.
Avery: Okay, careful. Paul said the blade is substantial.
Ronan: (Sighs)
Ronan: I got something. I got it.
Paul: I'll be... that's it. That's the knife.
Avery: Oh, my God. It's true.
Michael: How did your team miss that? How?
Ronan: My team didn't miss this. We searched every inch of this crime scene.
Paul: I-I wouldn't have seen it unless it was for the angle I was at.
Michael: All right, you know, let's just get it back to the lab and check it for fingerprints, all right?
Avery: (Sighs)
Paul: Oh, my God.
Avery: (Chuckles)
Paul: I can't believe this nightmare is over.
Avery: (Chuckles) Yeah. (Laughs)
Paul: Ohh.
Chloe: Gosh, this is fun. Me and you and you...
Heather: Hmm.
Chloe: Just hangin' out. You know, I woke up this morning, and I said to myself, "Self, let's experience something that's fun, new, and different today." You know, something that you would never experience in a million years on purpose. And look, look at us. Here we are.
Heather: Mm.
Chloe: God, I should really stop listening to myself.
Kevin: I'm back.
Heather: Thank God.
Kevin: What'd I miss?
Daniel: We have a code of silence, a secret pact.
Heather: Oh, mm-hmm.
Chloe: A secret pact of secrecy? You'd better work on a better name.
Daniel: (Clears throat) I have been brainstorming.
Chloe: Okay, well, then just please get it out, because I'm only sitting here because I like a good scheme. Go on.
Daniel: See, what I'm thinking is maybe the two of you can help Heather and I have a little alone time. Maybe we can hide right in plain sight. You know, using you guys as a buffer. Hmm? Hmm? (Laughs) Great idea, right?
Heather: Oh, I think Chloe is eager to help me, very.
Chloe: Hey, "Poindexter," you don't speak for me, okay? I happen to be a true romantic, a sucker for all things pink and heart-shaped. And Daniel likes you, and I like Daniel. That means that I can tolerate you for the sake of schemes and romance, so I will.
Kevin: So it's a great big collective secret. Sounds healthy...
Heather: Mm-hmm.
Kevin: And safe and good for my marriage.
Chloe: Babe, listen, there are good secrets, and then there are evil marriage-destroying secrets, and this is the good kind.
Kevin: So I'm in?
Chloe: Yes, you're in, and you're very excited about it.
Kevin: I'm very excited about it.
Daniel: Awesome.
Chloe: Fun!
Heather: Thank you?
Phyllis: No, I'm sorry. What do you mean, don't tell you this?
Lauren: Look, I love you. You're my best friend, and you and I have been through the ugliest of wars together, and we have come out alive. But I'm not just your friend here. I am the D.A.'s wife, and for you to tell me 20 years later it makes your blood boil to see Danny and Christine together is not cool.
Phyllis: It makes me furious. It makes me furious. And I could-- I could put that up on a billboard anywhere in town, and it shouldn't matter. Christine wants to ruin my life because she doesn't have one.
Lauren: (Sighs) Phyllis, after seeing your credit card statement with the rental car bill, it's not unreasonable for Chris to suggest that maybe you seeing the kiss was motive enough for you to act out.
Phyllis: Yes, we have been through the war, and now you're siding with the enemy, aren't you? This is lovely.
Lauren: No. No, no.
Phyllis: Whoa, this is rich.
Lauren: Phyllis, please, just stop it.
Phyllis: Just perfect.
Nina: Are you having an affair with my son?
Lauren: (Sighs)
(Knock on door)
Danny: Coming!
Danny: Hey. Come on in.
Chris: I knew it. You know, I knew it was that kiss, but... to hear her admit it... I mean, I ju--I just remember seeing those headlights, you know? I... I-I-I just saw white light, and then the--the sound of that engine. And if Paul hadn't been-- been there...
Danny: Honey, I'm so sorry. I'm really sorry.
Chris: No, it's not your fault. It wasn't your fault.
Danny: It just makes me crazy when I see you upset like this.
Chris: (Sighs)
Danny: It always has.
Kyle: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down. What just happened over there? What did you remember? Did you see Ricky do something?
Eden: No, I-I didn't see, but I heard. It was Paul. He said--he said, "This ends here, Ricky."
Ronan: Preliminary reports are in, Paul. The handle of the knife's been wiped clean.
Avery: Wha...
Paul: How can that be possible? Ricky had it in his hands when he fell.
Ronan: (Sighs)
Paul: If it slid into the drain, there has to be something on it.
Ronan: Paul, we know. We checked, more than once. And Ricky's prints are not on it.
Paul: That knife is my alibi. It's my proof. If there are no prints on it... how can this be happening?
(Footsteps approach)
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Chris: I can't not, until I know if this means the same thing to you as it does to me.
Kyle: What if his shooting Ricky didn't go down the way you want to think it did?
Phyllis: You drove his own father to fake his own death and the other one hardly--oh!
Lauren: Oh!
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