Y&R Transcript Tuesday 10/2/12

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 10/2/12


Episode # 10003 ~ Tucker Endures His Family's Rejection; Tensions Between Danny & Christine Escalate

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Nick: Hey.

Phyllis: Hey.

Nick: What's wrong? Did you learn something new about Daisy?

Phyllis: N-no, I-I just-- I-I have a belated, uh, birthday gift for Faith.

Nick: I can give it to her when I pick her up from preschool.

Phyllis: Um, can I come in?

Nick: Sure.

Phyllis: So...

Nick: Excuse the mess.

Phyllis: I miss the mess. I miss it. Everything is so orderly and clean with Faith and Summer gone, and you.

Nick: Yeah.

Phyllis: Summer isn't responding to any of my calls or texts.

Nick: I'm not gonna make her call you. She's gonna have to do that on her own.

Phyllis: I just-- I wanted to wait until the girls were at school. I just think that we should talk.

Nick: About what?

Phyllis: I-I know. I know that you're angry. I-I think that we should get past that.

Nick: It's not just anger. I mean, it's--its humiliation, disgust... sadness.

Phyllis: Disgust? Okay. I know I hurt you. It breaks my heart. It kills me that I did that. I know I did... but we're better together than we are apart, Nick. I mean, can't you see that after everything that went on with your father?

Chris: (Gasps)

Danny: Oh... (Laughs) I was just coming to see if you--

Chris: If I wanted to go get some coffee?

Danny: How did you know?

Chris: I was on my way to your room for the exact same reason.

Eden: (Laughs) I win.

Kyle: That's--come on. I tried. Just I let you win.

Eden: Ohh, liar. (Laughs)

Kyle: Show-off.

Eden: Oh, really?

Kyle: Yeah.

Eden: (Sighs) So, hey, maybe we could, you know, make this, like, a regular thing.

Kyle: Making out? All right, I'm in.

Eden: Oh, I'm talking about jogging, you dork.

Kyle: All right, well, hey, if you like burning calories, then I'm your guy, you know?

Eden: Oh, get your mind out of the gutter, Abbott. Let's sit down. Come on.

Kyle: All right, I could use some coffee.

Eden: Yeah, and since, you know, I get it for free, I guess I'll buy.

Lauren: How you doin', Honey?

Paul: I'm doing okay. I mean, there's a hole in my heart where Ricky is concerned, but, uh, I'm not beating myself up anymore.

Lauren: I'm glad to hear that. I mean, Daisy confirmed that Ricky was homicidal, and... (Sighs) Your instincts were right all along.

Avery: Well, I was counting on Daisy to be the key to Paul's defense.

Paul: Ah. Well, it's hard to get Daisy to testify when she's missing.

Michael: Well, don't give up hope. There's a material witness warrant out for her arrest. The police are looking for her.

Paul: Any leads?

Michael: Not yet.

Lauren: Daisy, like her mother, has a history of disappearing.

Avery: Well, this time, clearly, she had help.

Lauren: Yep, somebody claiming to be the late Sheila Carter.

Paul: Well, whoever the woman is that checked her out of the psych hospital, they're both long gone, and with them, my only chance at an acquittal. (Sighs)

Genevieve: (Gasps) What... (Sighs) What are you doing in my room? How did you get in here?

Tucker: Manager let me in. I pay the bill, remember? You're moving out today. The Tucker McCall gravy train has just come to a screeching halt.

Genevieve: I don't need you to pay my bills anymore, Tucker. I have my own money.

Tucker: Oh, the money I gave you?

Genevieve: The money I earned.

Tucker: No. I paid you a salary to find Victor Newman--

Genevieve: And I did, and I kept my eye on him for weeks.

Tucker: And then you betrayed me... by not letting me know that Victor wasn't killed in that explosion, by siding with Jack when he threatened me with the S.E.C.

Genevieve: Well, be that as it may, I don't need you to pay my bills anymore.

Tucker: So how you gonna support yourself?

Genevieve: Well, when I was in Vegas, I took some of that money that you gave me for my expense account and I gambled with it and I won.

Tucker: Ah.

Genevieve: Hmm?

Tucker: So you got a little nest egg.

Genevieve: Yep.

Tucker: Yeah. With your expensive tastes, I doubt that'll last long.

Genevieve: Well, if I were spending it on designer clothes and handbags, no, but I'm not. I invested it.

Tucker: Oh. Yeah, because you're so knowledgeable about those things.

Genevieve: You know what? I don't have to take this from you anymore. Get out.

Tucker: I'll leave when I'm damn good and ready.

Genevieve: You'll get out now, or I will call security!

Tucker: (Chuckles)

Sarge: So I brought these so you can start your new exercises here at home.

Jack: Thanks, Sarge.

Sarge: And to think where you were when you first started therapy.

Jack: Oh, believe me, I am not taking the small stuff for granted. Just getting out of bed in the morning is enough to put a smile on my face.

Sarge: Well, at the rate you're going, you probably won't be needing my services much longer.

Jack: I'll still be sharing my Bulls tickets, though, right?

Sarge: Uh, yeah. (Laughs)

Jack: (Chuckles)

Sarge: You better.

Jack: Hey, listen, I also have a couple of wheelchairs and transfer boards I'd love to donate to somebody who could use 'em.

Sarge: That's great, Jack. I-I'll, um, I'll take care of that.

Jack: Thanks. One--one more thing. Because I am recovering, I won't be needing the fancy car anymore, with the special hand controls, and I was thinking... you told me about your brother once.

Sarge: Wow. That's, uh... that's awfully generous, Jack, but I-I-I can't accept that.

Jack: You-- you wouldn't have to. Just let me know, I'll contact him myself.

Sarge: Thank you, but it--it isn't necessary.

Lily: Hello there, family.

Neil: Lily, Cane!

Cane: Hey, hey.

Neil: I tried calling you to invite you to breakfast.

Lily: Sure, sure.

Neil: Hey, good to see you.

Cane: We were in the gym.

Lily: No, our cell phones were in our lockers.

Devon: Would you guys like to join us?

Cane: Uh, I've got a meeting later, but sure, I've got time.

Roxanne: How are the twins?

Lily: Oh, the twins, um...

Cane: (Groans) This is good.

Lily: They're good. They're--they're adorable. They're a handful.

Cane: Into everything.

Neil: Those little angels. Love 'em.

Lily: Those little angels. Yeah, this morning, I turned my back for two minutes and they were on the floor, about to eat Humphrey's food.

Cane: Dog food.

Lily: Yes, dog food.

Devon: Let them do it. You'll save money on groceries.

Lily: Oh, please. (Laughs)

Kay: Well, now, may we join your party?

Devon: Yeah.

Neil: Katherine, family never needs an invitation. Come on, sit down.

Kay: Slide in there, Darling.

Cane: Hey.

Kay: Hello, my baby. How are you?

Cane: I'm good. You good?

Neil: Hey.

Harmony: Hey, yourself.

Kay: Yes, yes, fine. Feeling better, yeah. And you? How are the children?

Lily: Good, they're good.

Harmony: So, uh, I, uh, heard about what Tucker did.

Devon: Yeah, it's definitely not cool.

Neil: Harmony. Speak of the devil.

Kay: Sad, but, uh... not very far from the truth.

Jack: Hey, did I say something wrong?

Sarge: No, why?

Jack: I don't know. You just got a little weird on me, that's all.

Sarge: Did I?

Jack: We're friends, Sarge. Anything you tell me goes straight to the vault.

Sarge: (Chuckles) Well, I guess I should have said something... when I told you about my brother.

Jack: What, the two of you don't get along?

Sarge: No, we were close.

Jack: "Were"?

Sarge: He died a few years back in a car accident.

Jack: Oh, God, Sarge. Sarge...

Sarge: (Sighs)

Jack: I am sorry. I-I didn't know. I-- oh, God, I feel like an idiot.

Sarge: There's no way you could have known that, Jack.

Jack: I-it's not my business to know.

Sarge: Well, it's just something I don't like talking about.

Jack: I-I understand that, I do. I... I just hope you know, if you ever need a sympathetic ear, you can always count on me.

Sarge: Thanks, Jack. That really means a lot to me. And now, if we are... (Sighs) Finished feeling sorry for me, let's get to it.

Jack: Yes, Sir. (Chuckles)

Tucker: Excuse me.

Kay: Excuse you? There is no excuse for you.

Tucker: What did you say to me?

Kay: You heard me.

Neil: Maybe you should go, Tucker.

Tucker: You act like I'm some kind of monster for keeping Victor away from his family, but how are you any better? You deliberately kept my only child a secret from me.

Kay: But at least he wasn't wandering around a strange city, no memory, and... with his loved ones thinking possibly he was in trouble or dead.

Devon: You know what? I'd like to talk to Tucker alone.

Paul: The gang's all here, huh?

Chris: Oh, yeah, we've got lawyers, the defendant, assorted friends, even the prosecutor.

Danny: One big happy family.

Michael: Okay, if you guys are gonna talk defense strategy, I will go outside and make a lot of phone calls. Excuse me. (Sighs)

Chris: (Sighs) This case has been one mystery after another.

Avery: Yes, like the knife Ricky was holding when you shot him. How does it just vanish?

Danny: You think somebody took it to set Paul up?

Avery: Or someone found it on the street, some random person.

Paul: Either way, it still looks like I shot an unarmed man.

Avery: And it doesn't help that you insisted that Ricky killed Daisy.

Paul: I thought he had. He tried to kill her.

Avery: I know. Look, I have been praying that Daisy would be found or turn up. She's the only person that saw the video of Ricky drowning his ex. We need that testimony. It's crucial. I need to show that Ricky was a killer. It's the only thing that corroborates Paul's story, and right now, guys, at this minute, I have nothing.

Eden: There's still me.

Cane: I hate to go, but Jack's expecting me.

Lily: It's fine. I'll just fill you in later when we meet for lunch.

Cane: All right, Baby. Bye.

Lily: Bye.

Cane: Bye. (Sighs)

Genevieve: Ethan, hi.

Cane: Hello, Mother.

Genevieve: (Sighs) Is this how it's gonna be, Ethan?

Cane: What, do you really expect me to act like nothing's changed?

Genevieve: I suppose that was too much to hope for.

Cane: It was bad enough that you didn't tell Victor's family that he was alive, but you lied to me again. You chose the chance to make money over our relationship, so, yes, this is exactly how it's going to be.

Neil: Shame this happened now, just when Devon was starting to warm up to Tucker.

Kay: Well, I think it's safe to say that's, uh, not the case.

Roxanne: I hope he's okay.

Neil: If anyone can handle McCall, it's my boy Devon.

Tucker: I don't expect you to understand, but I had reasons for doing what I did.

Devon: Oh, Tucker, come on. Just--whatever excuses you have, just save them for someone else.

Tucker: I know it's tough when your father disappoints you.

Devon: Well, I don't know what you're talking about, 'cause my father has never disappointed me. In fact, I hope that one day, I'd become a tenth of the man that Neil is. You want to know something else? With all your money and your power, still, you're just not a good person.

Eden: I've been thinking I should try the hypnosis thing again.

Paul: You would do that?

Eden: I mean, I just read that your trial's starting soon. I mean, there's not much time left.

Chris: Are you sure about this, Eden?

Avery: If you are, it would be fantastic.

Michael: Ooh, hey. What's fantastic?

Avery: Eden has agreed to do hypnosis again.

Michael: What?

Kyle: Hey, I don't know. You got pretty upset last time.

Eden: No, I'm gonna be more upset if Paul goes to prison.

Danny: She's got a point.

Eden: (Sighs) I mean, I might not remember what happened the night that Ricky died, but I totally believe you saved my life.

Phyllis: Look at your parents.

Nick: What about 'em?

Phyllis: Well, if they can find a way back to each other after everything that they've overcome...

Nick: (Sighs) Look, I really appreciate your support when I thought my dad was dead, but it doesn't erase all the secrets and lies.

Phyllis: I know, I know, and I-I... I'm done with all of that.

Nick: Man, you--I know, you've said it so many times now. You're done. But now, I can't trust anything you say to me, and love without trust isn't enough for me.

Devon: Hey.

Lily: You okay?

Devon: Yeah.

Harmony: I hope he didn't get to you.

Devon: No, not at all. The only thing that that man and I share is D.N.A.

Roxanne: Told you Devon would be fine.

Devon: That's right.

Neil: So what did Tucker say?

Devon: He said that he had reasons for doing what he did and he apologized for disappointing me again, and I told him that it doesn't matter, you know? He doesn't mean anything to me.

Kay: Honestly, I am... I truly regret not telling you and Tucker about your paternity.

Devon: Grandma, I forgave you for that a long time ago.

Kay: Thank you. But I'm not sure Tucker did. Otherwise, how could he really want to hurt anyone else like that?

Devon: I-I guess it comes down to, you know, what's really in a man... and all I can say is I'm glad that my father has integrity.

Tucker: (Sighs) I'm afraid we may have a problem, Sof.

Sofia: What is it?

Tucker: Jack Abbott is blackmailing me for manipulating Newman stock. He claims if I don't sell him Beauty of Nature back, he'll go to the S.E.C. with Genevieve.

Sofia: She's agreed to implicate you?

Tucker: She's happy to do it.

Sofia: Ohh. I was worried since day one something like this was gonna happen. Stock manipulation is serious, Tucker. There'll be hefty fines, quite possibly prison time.

Tucker: You think I don't know that?

Sofia: Okay. Well, what are you gonna do?

(Knock on door)

Tucker: Come in.

Tucker: What do you want, Nick?

Nick: Sharon's been arrested.

Tucker: I know that.

Sofia: What? What--what are the charges?

Tucker: Fraud, conspiracy, obstructing a police investigation.

Nick: Yeah, well, we both know you're as guilty as she is.

Tucker: Sharon made the decisions.

Nick: But you were right there with her the whole time, whispering in her ear.

Tucker: Well, I'm surprised you care what happens to Sharon, Nick, after the way she hijacked Newman.

Nick: I have no problem with Sharon paying for what she's done. But if she goes to jail, then my kids suffer, and that, I have a problem with. And you will pay for that, as well as everything you've put my father and the rest of my family through.

Jack: What if I was to tell you I have a plan, and if that plan works, we will have Beauty of Nature back by the end of the week?

Cane: I think I'd have to say that you're a genius, Jack Abbott. So what is your plan?

Jack: I told Tucker I would turn him in to the Securities and Exchange Commission if he didn't sell it back to me. He has till tomorrow.

Cane: So... are you bluffing, or do you actually have some sort of, uh, information that he manipulated the Newman stock?

Jack: Oh, no, no, no, no, I have proof.

Cane: What proof do you have?

Jack: Your mother.

Genevieve: Lily. Can we chat for a minute?

Lily: Um, I actually have someplace to be, so...

Genevieve: Oh, I won't keep you, I promise. It's just that I really miss seeing Matty and Charlie.

Lily: Yeah, well, you were on the road.

Genevieve: But I'm back now, and I would really like to see them.

Lily: Yeah, I don't think so.

Genevieve: Why not?

Lily: Because, Genevieve, you know that Cane wouldn't approve, and now you're trying to bypass him by coming to me.

Genevieve: Well, what my son doesn't know won't hurt him.

Lily: (Laughs) You see? That's exactly the reason why you're a bad influence on the kids.

Genevieve: You can't be serious.

Lily: No, I am. I am. Cane and I discussed it, and we are both on the same page, so please excuse me.

Eden: I really want to remember more this time.

Chris: Anything you can do to facilitate that, Dr. Hoffman...

Dr. Hoffman: I do have a suggestion that may improve our chances of success, but I don't know if you're gonna like it.

Michael: All right, I've got the room key.

Lauren: And you're sure this is a good idea?

Dr. Hoffman: Having our session where the death occurred might help jog Eden's memory.

Kyle: It's not too late to back out of this.

Eden: Back out? It was my idea, remember?

Kyle: All right, well, I'll be right there with you.

Dr. Hoffman: I'd prefer to keep the number of people present to a minimum.

Michael: Yeah, don't want a repeat of what happened last time, but I'm gonna be there, right?

Dr. Hoffman: Of course, Mr. Baldwin, and as Mr. Williams' attorney, Ms. Clark will want to join us.

Avery: Absolutely.

Michael: I'll take care of her, Kyle.

Eden: I'll call you after.

Kyle: Please don't forget.

Eden: As if.

Michael: All right, follow me. Oh, come here.

Lauren: (Chuckles)

Chris: Okay.

Danny: Well, we might as well grab a-a table and relax, right?

Lauren: Yeah, right.

Danny: This could take awhile. What do you think?

Lauren: Mm-hmm, yeah.

Chris: Oh. So much for relaxing.

Phyllis: I really don't need this right now.

Chris: Neither do we.

Lauren: You know, I-I need to talk to you about something. Can you just--

Phyllis: You--you don't have to pull me away.

Lauren: No, I really do. I have something very important to talk to you about.

Devon: Hi.

Lily: Hi. So I'm meeting Cane at Jimmy's. Do you guys want to come?

Devon: Sure.

Roxanne: Can't. Uh, we have plans.

Devon: That's right. That's right.

Lily: (Laughs) Okay, well, next time.

Roxanne: Mm-hmm. Definitely.

Lily: All right. Bye, you guys.

Neil: Drive safe, Baby Girl. Love you.

Devon: (Clears throat) What is the, uh, what's the plans?

Roxanne: (Whispering indistinctly)

Devon: That's right. We need to go.

Kay: Uh, Devon... just so you know, I think you handled Tucker perfectly.

Neil: Yes, Sir. That's my boy.

Devon: Thank you. Thank you. See you, Mom.

Harmony: Bye, Sweetie.

Roxanne: Bye.

Kay: Bye-bye. Take care.

Neil: Bye, Guys.

Harmony: Excuse me.

Kay: (Sighs) You know... as much as this pains me to say this about my son... Devon chose the right father.

Harmony: Listen, I'm glad I ran into you.

Sarge: Why?

Harmony: Because the last time that we saw each other, you said something real strange.

Sarge: Well, I'm a strange guy.

Harmony: Seriously, how did you know I was in Pittsburgh?

Sarge: Because I saw you there.

Cane: So, um, how did things go at the club after I left?

Lily: It was fine. Devon put Tucker in his place.

Cane: Did they break any chandeliers?

Lily: (Laughs) No, no, it was all very civil.

Cane: That's a relief.

Lily: Mm-hmm. I don't know, I'm proud of Devon, you know, not letting himself be defined by his father's mistakes.

Cane: Good for him. I can tell you it's not easy.

Lily: I know.

Cane: Anyway, let's not, uh, talk about bad parents. Let's just enjoy our lunch.

Lily: (Chuckles) Okay.

Sarge: I knew you seemed familiar, something about your voice, and then when I heard you say your name was... Yolanda, it clicked.

Harmony: What clicked?

Sarge: Where we met. It was a little party on Elm Street.

Harmony: E-e-elm Street? I went to a lot of parties back then, and I don't remember you.

Sarge: Yeah, I didn't think you would.

Neil: Everything okay?

Harmony: Yeah, yeah, sure.

Kay: Paul, I know the hell you've been through and, um... just know, if there's anything I can do...

Paul: Thank you, Katherine. I think I'm-- I'm gonna get some air.

Kay: Well... (Chuckles)

Danny: What? (Laughs) Why are you grinning?

Chris: Okay, I'm thinking the same thing. What--what?

Kay: (Chuckles) Oh, you know, I'm always thrilled to see either of you one at a time, independently... but you want to know something? In my opinion, you're the perfect couple.

Chris: Oh.

Kay: No, no. You always were.

Chris: (Laughs)

Danny: (Chuckles)

Kay: (Chuckles) Oh, well...

Phyllis: Oh, it's been a horrible, horrible day. I called to see if the spa could get me in for a massage. Clearly, that was a bad idea.

Lauren: All right, well, I just think that you should keep your distance from Danny and Chris, for all of your sakes.

Phyllis: Like I haven't heard that before.

Lauren: Well, Honey, maybe you should listen.

Michael: Okay, Eden, look at me. I know you're nervous, all right? But I'm here.

Eden: Okay, I'm ready.

Dr. Hoffman: Okay.

Dr. Hoffman: Close your eyes, Eden.

Eden: (Sighs)

Dr. Hoffman: Imagine you're in that place again, one that makes you feel peaceful, happy. You're calm, relaxed. Tension is gone out of your body. Your muscles are loose, quiet. The only thing you're aware of is your breathing, in... out. In... out. I'm going to count to ten, and when I'm done, I'd like you to go back to the night Ricky died.

Eden: That's when I, um, I offered to buy Ricky a drink, so we went to the bar together.

Dr. Hoffman: Then what?

Eden: I left. Yeah, I left. I, uh, I made up an excuse so that I could sneak back to his suite. I-I told the housekeeper that, uh, Ricky was my boyfriend and that I left my sunglasses in his room, and she bought it. She let me right in.

Dr. Hoffman: What did you do when you got inside?

Eden: Um, I started searching the room again, and then I found them.

Dr. Hoffman: What?

Eden: Uh, a cell phone and a wallet, and I opened the wallet, and it was Daisy's. (Breathing heavily)

Devon: (Laughs)

Roxanne: (Laughs)

Devon: Hey, Baby, when you said we had plans, I did not know you meant this.

Roxanne: Are you complaining?

Devon: Am I complaining? Hell, no, I'm not complaining. These are my kind of plans, Honey.

Roxanne: Well, then how about a little less talk and a little more action?

Devon: Oh, really?

Roxanne: Mm-hmm.

Devon: I like when you're bossy.

Roxanne: See these lips? Get to work, Winters. (Laughs)

Devon: (Chuckles)

Genevieve: Look, I can assure you that I did not know that the two of you were here.

Cane: I know, you just happen to love the smell of stale beer and peanuts.

Genevieve: (Laughs) Yeah. You know, you seem to have forgotten that I have been through some pretty lean times lately, and I can get a burger here for half of what they charge at the Athletic Club, and it's just as good, you know? Just goes to show you that every experience, no matter how negative, teaches you something.

Cane: Look, I know you're trying to make up for the pain you've caused Victor's family, okay? I know that.

Genevieve: But it doesn't excuse it, right?

Cane: No, it doesn't excuse it.

Genevieve: Okay, look, I-I'm just gonna sit over there and mind my own business.

Cane: Yeah, that's a good idea, 'cause we're gonna go home and have lunch there anyway. Come on, Sweetheart. Excuse me.

Tucker: Nick... if you're trying to guilt me into changing my mind and selling Beauty of Nature to Newman, ain't gonna happen.

Nick: Oh, Tucker, unlike you, my life is not just about business. There are people involved in these games you play-- people with real feelings.

Tucker: Oh, you mean like Victor, "Mr. Ruthless" himself?

Nick: I meant what I said. Nobody screws with the Newmans and gets away with it.

Tucker: Is that a threat, Nick?

Nick: You're damn right it is.

Sofia: You are going to sell Beauty of Nature back to Jack, right?

Tucker: You know as well as anyone how I hate being strong-armed into anything.

Sofia: It's the only thing you can do to save yourself. Tucker, why? Why did you have to mess with Victor and the stock? It's not like you need the money.

Tucker: Well, you know me, Sof. I guess I'm still just that poor kid from the wrong side of the tracks with something to prove.

Harmony: Well, you sure can clear a room.

Neil: (Chuckles) I know, right?

Harmony: Well, I ought to get back to the magazine.

Neil: Yeah, I-I should get back to work myself. I'd love to play hooky today, but I can't.

Harmony: Well, you know, if you weren't in that fancy suit, I would challenge you to a rematch on the basketball court.

Neil: Oh, well, here's the crazy thing-- my gym clothes are right here in this locker room. What do you say?

Harmony: Oh, okay, you want to put your money where your mouth is?

Neil: The way you shoot hoops? Ooh, damn straight.

Harmony: Oh, man, that is cold. Now I'm learning some skills.

Neil: Oh, yeah, yeah, I know. You--you do-- you do have some skills, skills that are bordering on pathetic. (Laughs)

Harmony: (Laughs) All right, now that is definitely a challenge.

Neil: Mm.

Harmony: What's the bet?

Neil: The bet is...

Jack: I thought you said you were spending the day with Eden.

Kyle: Yeah, well, I was. Then she saw a headline that Paul's trial is starting soon and decided it'd be a good idea to get hypnotized again.

Jack: When?

Kyle: It's happening right now.

Jack: You seem kind of worried.

Kyle: Yeah, well, it was pretty sketchy last time.

Jack: Hey, hey, she's gonna be fine.

Kyle: I hope so.

Jack: I'm your old man. I know these things. She's gonna be fine.

Kyle: (Laughs) Hey, listen, uh... even though Victor's alive, I don't think I'm gonna move back to the ranch with him.

Jack: Oh?

Kyle: Yeah, I'd like to stay here with you, if that's okay?

Jack: You bet its okay.

Phyllis: You know, um, make it a triple shot, actually. I think I'm gonna need all the energy I can get today. Thanks. (Sighs)

Chris: Eden is really brave, being hypnotized again.

Paul: Yeah, especially after the first time.

Danny: What happened?

Paul: Well, she, uh, freaked out a little bit when she was under, and evidently, Kyle was frightened for her and, uh, disrupted the session, so they had to end it.

Lauren: Eden still wants to help you.

Paul: (Sighs) Yeah, I know. I mean, I realize it's a long shot, but... if ever there was time for a miracle, this it.

Dr. Hoffman: All right, you found Daisy's cell phone and wallet. What do you do next?

Eden: (Breathing heavily) I panic... 'cause now I know for sure that Ricky had something to do with Daisy disappearing. (Gasps) I have to get out. No, no, I have to get out. I have to get out now.

Dr. Hoffman: Eden, you're safe. Nobody can hurt you. It's like you're watching it on TV. Tell me what's happening. What do you see?

Eden: Um, I'm stuffing Daisy's phone and wallet into my backpack. I've already texted Kevin and I can't wait to tell him what I found, but I'm just really scared that Ricky's gonna come back. So I go and open the door and... (Gasps)

Dr. Hoffman: What is it, Eden?

Eden: He caught me. Ohh! (Breathing heavily)

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Phyllis: You are seeing Heather. You said you wouldn't, and you are.

Eden: He--he's not mad. Actually, Ricky's being really nice.

Avery: Where is it?

Paul: It's in there. I saw a reflection.

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