Y&R Transcript Thursday 9/27/12
Episode # 10000 ~ Victor's Return Shocks Everyone
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Jack: Your brother's an idiot. Jack the invincible, wheeling and dealing. Thought I'd taken into account every possible outcome. Never even crossed my mind Victor might come home in a box.
Traci: I'm sure you're not alone in feeling that way, Jack.
Jack: Worked like hell to build a stronger future, and what have I got? A signed sales agreement giving Beauty of Nature to Tucker and a bunch of Newman stock that isn't about to go up anytime soon. Hell, Victor could rise from the dead and ring the opening bell of the New York stock exchange, it wouldn't happen.
Traci: Jack, you were willing to put a whole bunch on the line to best him, and... (Sighs) I have to wonder... you had two thriving cosmetics companies. You've got a family who loves you, including a relationship with a son you never thought you would have, and my God, Jack, you're walking again. (Exhales sharply) It seems like that should have been enough, so the question I guess you have to ask yourself is, why wasn't it?
Michael: He could be just so pigheaded and stubborn, and then all of a sudden, he would just-- he would surprise you. I mean, I'll never forget the--the Christmas he lured me out to the ranch. Uh, some urgent file he needed me to look at, and I was pretty cynical then about the holidays, you know, because I'd had so many rotten, dysfunctional ones as a kid.
Lauren: (Chuckles) Yeah, we fought about that, remember? Your attitude.
Michael: Yeah, I know. It totally, totally stunk. (Sighs) But Christine went to Victor, and they hatched this plan. And, uh... (Laughs) I drove out there and, uh, before you know it, I was the guest of honor at the private family celebration. I mean, you were there. You remember, right?
Lauren: (Chuckles)
Michael: And it was just th-the most joyful, incredible evening. (Chuckles)
Lauren: That night really changed you.
Michael: Mm, profoundly, profoundly, and it was because of Victor's thoughtfulness.
Neil: You know, it's strange, um, that you always hear about how ruthless the man was. Um... but he was also capable of showing great kindness at the most unexpected moments.
Abby: My dad was always coming up with the most beautiful surprises for the people he loved. I'll never forgive Sharon for turning the day of his funeral into a-a joke.
Lauren: Well, the universe has a way of giving people like Sharon exactly what they deserve.
Neil: She has alienated everyone who ever cared about her. Well, I have to go. I'm meeting up with Devon and Lily, who send their condolences.
Abby: They're really lucky to have you.
Kay: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
Adam: It's my little boy or girl in there.
Chelsea: It sure is.
Adam: I want so much more for our kid.
Chelsea: You're going to be a wonderful father, Adam. There isn't a doubt in my mind.
Billy: Look at those big, bright eyes. Who needs a nap, huh? Not us.
Johnny: (Grunts)
Billy: It's us wide-awake types the world's gotta look out for.
Johnny: (Fussing)
Billy: I know. I know.
Johnny: (Grunts)
Victoria: (Sighs)
Nikki: Victor?
Nikki: Victor?
Victor: Come here, my love.
Nikki: Oh, my God. Oh, my God! (Laughs) Oh, it's you! Ohh, thank God. (Laughing)
Phyllis: Hey, uh, I didn't know that you were coming back into town.
Danny: Yeah as soon as my tour finished, I grabbed the first flight out. Look, we need to talk.
Phyllis: No. Here is not the time, and nor is it the place to have that conversation.
Danny: Hey, it was the time and place 18 years ago when you tried to kill two innocent people, right?
Phyllis: Allegedly, a-allegedly, allegedly.
Daniel: Oh, wow, this is great, the two of you guys back together again. Look at that.
Danny: Oh, Daniel, hey.
Daniel: Hey.
Tucker: Well, we're ready when you are, Reverend.
Sharon: Wait. When you're getting married, don't you need a witness?
Minister: Um, your guests can serve that purpose.
Tucker: Guests?
Genevieve: Don't mind me. Carry on.
Tucker: Ignore her.
Sharon: Let's have a wedding.
Nikki: (Sighs) It really is you. (Gasps) Oh, your hand. Are--are you okay?
Victor: I'm fine. I'll tell you all about it, okay?
Nikki: Oh, there's something that you need to know right away. It's Sharon.
Victor: I've heard all about the things she did while I was gone. Don't worry about it. Where is she now?
Nikki: She's marrying Tucker.
Lauren: Tough day to be alone.
Kay: Well, you've all certainly made it easier.
Abby: I should go, too. Are you going to Jack's?
Kyle: Yeah.
Abby: Okay, tell him I'll be by later?
Kyle: All right.
(Cell phone alerts chiming)
Kay: Hmm. That's odd.
Michael: What is?
Kay: Nikki wants me back at the chapel as soon as possible.
Abby: Me, too.
Lauren: Any idea why?
Kay: She doesn't say.
Chris: Oh, Danny.
Kay: What?
Chris: Uh, e-excuse me.
Michael: Ohh...
Kay: Oh, dear God in heaven.
Michael: All right, you guys better sneak out the side exit. Lauren and I will try and keep a lid on things. Go, go, go, go.
Kay: Okay.
Abby: Um...
Daniel: Nope, this is gonna be fun.
Paul: Oh, my. Maybe we should go somewhere else.
Nina: What, are you kidding me? I'm not missing this.
Lily: Wait, Sharon is marrying Tucker?
Devon: Victor's barely in the ground.
Cane: Everyone knows those two have an alliance, but marriage? I mean, that's a farce.
Lily: Wait, so... (Laughs) When is the big event?
Neil: Big event is now.
Cane: Now?
Lily: What?!
Devon: Now? (Laughing) My gosh, this... (Chuckles) It's so twisted.
Neil: This isn't exactly the kind of reaction I thought you would have.
Devon: Well, you know, Dad, if Tucker wants to marry Sharon, piss off the whole town, that's on him.
Gloria: Ah, let me know when the florist arrives. That centerpiece has to be perfect. Ah. (Breathing rhythmically) Hello.
Kevin: Mom. Are you setting up for a party?
Gloria: A very important wedding reception. Actually, a wedding dinner for two-- Tucker and Sharon.
Kevin: Tucker and Sh--
Gloria: Mm.
Kevin: Victor just died.
Gloria: I know, I know, but I wasn't going to say no. The money, the publicity-- but I'm with you... (Whispering) It is pretty tacky.
Minister: If anyone here knows of any impediment that would prevent this man and this woman from being lawfully joined together in marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace. Please repeat your vows, each to the other.
Tucker: I, Tucker, take you, Sharon, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, until death do us part.
Minister: Sharon.
Sharon: I, Sharon, take you, Tucker, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, until death do us part.
Minister: Have you a ring?
Tucker: Um... actually, we don't.
Sharon: We don't. Well, you know what? Let's just forget that part.
Minister: All right, then. Join hands, please.
Minister: Heavenly father, we ask your blessing on this couple as they go forth united in the bonds of holy matrimony, for we ask it in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Sharon: Amen.
Tucker: Amen.
Minister: Tucker, Sharon, having declared your commitment to each other before God and these witnesses, it is my great pleasure to pronounce you husband and wife.
Victor: Like hell you are.
Victoria: Is it you? Oh, my God.
Nikki: (Chuckles)
Tucker: Sharon. Look at me. You knew, didn't you?
Victor: Reverend, don't bother signing that marriage certificate. The news reports about my death have obviously been premature. Besides, the bride all dressed in white is still my wife, although that is about to be rectified very soon.
Abby: Daddy? Ohh!
Nikki: (Chuckles)
Victor: Hi, my sweet.
Abby: Ohh!
Victor: Oh, my sweetheart.
Kay: Oh, my God, Victor Newman, as I live and breathe.
Nick: Dad, where have you been?
Kay: (Laughs)
Nick: Where have you been?
Victoria: We thought--
Victor: I'll fill you all in, okay? Let me deal with something first. Excuse me.
Victor: I know what you were up to while I was gone.
Sharon: You used me to teach Nikki a lesson. You took off on our wedding night, leaving me behind callously, to be abused by everyone else while you were away.
Victor: I did not take off. The night you and I took a ride, my horse and I galloped ahead of you. He got spooked by something, threw me off. I fell on my head, lost my memory, didn't know who the hell I was or where I was, until a truck driver picked me up as I was staggering in the road. He had a freight to deliver to Los Angeles. That's how I ended up in the L.A. harbor district. Meanwhile, I'm sure you were busy conspiring to take over my company as C.E.O. and you had declared me dead.
Sharon: The man whose body I identified at the morgue, I thought was you. It was a mistake.
Victor: Well, you know that's bull. You could hardly wait to throw yourself at Tucker, and I'm sure he tried to seduce you, as well, didn't you, Tucker?
Tucker: It wasn't like that.
Victor: Oh, really?
Sharon: You know what? Who are you to judge, really? I know that you were with another woman when you were away.
Tucker: (Sighs)
Sharon: I saw a photo of you with her in your arms.
Victor: Well, let me tell you something-- that woman was a wonderful woman, unlike you, a woman who does a lot of things for a lot of people-- she's a sister, a nun. She runs a mission down at the L.A. harbor district. She helps those who are down and out. Without her, I wouldn't have survived. Now let's talk about the damn picture. I know who showed it to you. You did, Tucker, didn't you? You showed her the picture because you were planning to manipulate her so that, eventually, you could take over my company at a huge profit. You knew all along where I was... but someone else knew where I was, someone you paid to track me down and to keep me away from Genoa City as long as it would take you to take over my company... and that other person was Genevieve, right?
Tucker: Is that what she told you?
Genevieve: Only because it's the truth... and I never should have agreed to do this thing, no matter how desperate I was financially, but... I did try to make up for it by making sure that Victor got his medication when he needed it and by looking out for him and trying to protect him as best I could, and I did help to bring him home.
Kay: Too little, too late.
Nikki: You knew it was wrong. You knew we had to be frantic, but you waited till it suited you to do the right thing.
Victor: I will decide how to deal with those who prevented me from coming back to town so that they could conduct their dirty business. Meanwhile, I want you to get back to the ranch, pack your suitcase, get out of my house before I return to my home.
Chris: I'm trying to remember the last time we were all together like this.
Phyllis: Wow, it must be really uncomfortable for you, Christine. With the exception of Daniel, I think you've had sex with every man standing here, haven't you? And some more recently than others.
Chris: (Gasps)
Daniel: Wow, that was, uh, that was classy, Mom.
Phyllis: It's the truth.
Lauren: Well, I've been with them all, too, and I don't feel awkward.
Nina: (Chuckles)
Michael: That's great, Honey.
Phyllis: Well, I appreciate you all droppin' in on us, but, um, Danny, Daniel, and I are trying to have a private family conversation.
Danny: I don't see why you're in such a hurry to get rid of them. I mean, you looked them all in the face for years and lied to them.
Phyllis: Yeah, of course you would blindly believe what Christine told you. It doesn't even matter what I have to say to you, right?
Daniel: Okay, okay, as much as I'm enjoying this, I really would love some alone time with my parents.
Phyllis: No! No, no, no, he doesn't want to have a conversation with me. He just wants to accuse me and humiliate-- I-I-I'm not up for it.
Nina: Welcome home, Danny.
Chris: Yeah.
Danny: (Chuckles) Thanks.
Jack: Victor's alive?
Kyle: No way!
Traci: How can this be?
Abby: Dad was in an accident and lost his memory. He's been in L.A. unloading ships, but get this-- Tucker and Genevieve knew where he was and kept it a secret.
Traci: What?!
Kyle: Oh, talk about slimy.
Jack: Yeah, he's slimy, all right. Tucker made sure Newman stock crashed and recovered on his schedule-- very clever. Too bad there will be hell to pay.
Tucker: Hey, everyone.
Neil: Tucker.
Lily: (Clears throat)
Tucker: Devon, um, I'd like to talk to you for a minute, if you don't mind.
Devon: Why aren't you with your new wife?
Tucker: Well, the marriage isn't happening, and there's something else you need to know.
Kay: You can save your breath, Tucker. He also knows what you did to Victor.
Cane: What you and my mother did.
Kay: You kept Victor, who needed help, from his loved ones, hmm? (Gasps) You let them-- you let them suffer, and you put that almighty dollar above common decency. My God, have you no shame? No shame?
Tucker: Can we talk in private, please?
Devon: (Exhales slowly) No, no, thanks. I think I'm gonna stay with my, uh, my grandmother here and my family.
Adam: Something about my father on the news. An old buddy just texted me about a press conference.
Chelsea: I'll turn on the TV.
Victoria: Oh, and this one's from Reed. Ohh!
Nick: And another one from Summer. I mean, she went absolutely crazy when I gave her the news.
Victor: Very good to be here again, okay?
Nick: Well, it looks like you've been through a lot.
Victoria: Yeah, when are you gonna tell us what happened to your hand?
Victor: (Chuckles)
Nikki: Well, I told your father that we agreed to let that go for now until he's ready to tell us the whole story.
Nick: I assumed you chose to walk away. I'm sorry.
Victor: You have nothing to apologize for, Son. I know that you kept up the search for me, and I know you did everything in your power to protect the company while I was gone.
Victoria: Certain people didn't make that very easy.
Victor: I will explain what--
(Door opens)
Man: Mr. Newman, Mr. Newman!
Woman: Mr. Newman!
Man: Mr. Newman!
Nick: (Sighs)
Nikki: (Sighs)
Avery: Never in my life have I been so happy to get a call.
Victor: Thank you, thank you.
Nick: Avery kept up appearances, but the whole time, she was with me and Victoria.
Victor: I'm glad to hear that, grateful.
Avery: The press is ready for you.
Victor: (Breathes deeply) Okay, I'm ready.
Billy: Okay, I will see you after.
Victoria: Bye, Honey.
Billy: Mm-hmm, good-bye. (Clears throat)
Victor: Billy... thank you for being here.
Billy: Sure thing.
Man: Mr. Newman, Mr. Newman!
Man: Mr. Newman.
Nikki: (Clears throat)
Victor: Good afternoon. My name is Victor Newman.
Michael: It's Victor.
Victor: As should be evident by now...
Michael: Hey, Victor's on television!
Victor: Contrary to the news reports, I am very much alive. I took some personal time away. I'm very happy to be home again...
Phyllis: Oh, my God, Nick.
Victor: And back with my family.
Chelsea: And this is how we find out?
Gloria: Can you believe this? No wonder Tucker and Sharon didn't show up. I guess I better go tell my temperamental chef.
Billy: And here I wanted to be the one to tell you.
Kevin: Did Victor tell Victoria that you tracked him down weeks ago?
Billy: Victor didn't say anything.
Kevin: Why not?
Billy: I have no idea, but that makes me even more worried.
Victor: My wife Sharon will no longer be chief executive officer. Effective immediately, I will be returning to Newman Enterprises as both chairman and C.E.O.
Esther: Hallelujah!
Victor: To those of you still holding common stock...
Kay: That's tellin' 'em, Victor.
Victor: I want to thank you for your loyalty. The company has agreed to buy back the depressed shares at a healthy premium.
Jack: And kick off a massive rise in stock price. Well, thanks for that much, anyway.
Traci: Well, at least your shares are no longer worthless.
Jack: (Sighs)
Victor: I want to express my profound appreciation to those of you who were loyal to Newman Enterprises while I was gone. It is good to be back in business. I can assure you that I'll be spending a lot of time setting right the wrongs that were done during my absence.
Lauren: I'm so thrilled for the family.
Chris: See? Even when things look their bleakest, there's still hope.
Paul: (Chuckles)
Danny: Hey, uh, do you got some time to talk?
Daniel: Um... y-yeah. I'm supposed to go pick up Lucy, but I'd--I'd like that, so let me grab us a table.
Danny: Great. We should talk sometime, too, about what happened all those years ago that night, you know, that set Phyllis off, because I, um, I owe you an apology.
Paul: You know, Danny, it is--it's really hard for me to get worked up over a kiss, especially since I have committed far greater sins. You go enjoy your son. Take care.
Daniel: Okay.
Kyle: What was it like walkin' into that chapel and actually seeing your dad standing there, realizing you had him back?
Abby: It was... surreal! (Laughs)
Traci: (Chuckles)
Kyle: I bet. I-I can't even imagine what that would be like.
Abby: At first, I couldn't believe my eyes. And then he hugged me, and I knew it was real.
Jack: Well, I'm thrilled for you, Abby. But I have to say, if Victor had to stage a miraculous comeback, I wish he would have done it yesterday.
Kyle: Why?
Jack: Because news of the great man's death caused stock prices to go over a cliff. My brokers made a margin call. I had to sell Beauty of Nature to Tucker to get the cash.
Abby: (Sighs)
Kyle: After everything you went through to buy it...
Abby: I bet that jerk loved it, didn't he?
Traci: Jack, I know this has been a tremendous blow to you.
Abby: (Sighs)
Traci: For what it's worth, I am so sorry.
Jack: Well, here's to you, Victor. You won again. You didn't even know you were out to get me, did you?
Gloria: It is not often I see something on television and literally cannot believe my eyes.
Kevin: (Sighs) I-I'm so happy for you guys.
Billy: Thanks, Bud.
Nikki: Thank you.
Victoria: Thanks.
Nikki: I have to say, every day Victor was gone, I just had this feeling of intense dread in my chest, wondering where he is. Wh-what's he doing? What horrible thing could be happening to him? And... (Sighs)
Victoria: We were all scared, Mom. We were all trying to stay strong for one another.
Nikki: Well, I will never forgive Tucker or Genevieve.
Victoria: Well, don't worry, Mom. Nobody crosses Dad and gets away with it for long.
Genevieve: I told you twice that I wanted out, and you wouldn't listen to me, and then you wouldn't return my phone calls.
Tucker: That was after you'd been working for me for a long, long time, happily taking the money I paid you. You should have told me Victor was alive and had his memory back. Instead, you flew home with the guy painting yourself as some kind of reformed sinner while I got sandbagged!
Genevieve: And you deserved every minute of it.
Sharon: This is the last bag.
Victor: Good.
Sharon: Victor! Victor!
Devon: Well, your mom and my dad make a hell of a pair, don't they?
Neil: Yeah, they hurt a lot of people.
Esther: Poor Mrs. C. you must feel like you have whiplash.
Lily: You and Tucker were just starting to be okay again, and now this.
Kay: I don't want a son who's capable of what he did.
Cane: It doesn't make it any less painful.
Kay: No. Oh, Cane, don't worry about me. Tucker's the one who has to, uh, spend endless, sleepless nights dealing with the consequences of what he's done. And, frankly, I... I-I don't want to focus on what I've lost. I want to focus on what I have-- each and every one of you, all the people I love...that's what makes me a very, very rich woman.
Lauren: Boy, talk about a roller coaster. (Sighs)
Michael: You can say that again.
Nina: We could all see how hard it was on Katherine thinking that she'd lost such a dear friend. I'm really glad for her sake that it turned out the way it did.
Chris: Would you guys excuse me for a minute?
Nina: Yeah.
Paul: Sure.
Chris: Okay.
Danny: Come on. Sit down.
Chris: (Sighs) I'm really glad you're here.
Phyllis: I got your message.
Nick: Did you see any of the press conference?
Phyllis: Yes. All I can say is wow.
Nick: Yeah, that pretty well describes it. I mean, me, mom, Vick, we're just like... (Sighs) What happened?
Phyllis: Huh? No, nothing. I just...
Nick: Phyllis, what-- what happened?
Phyllis: Nothing. Danny's back.
Nick: That couldn't have been an easy conversation.
Phyllis: Mnh-mnh. I don't want to talk about that. W-we should just be talking about Victor and that he's alive. I am... I'm so happy for you. I-I... I'm--I'm--I'm so happy for you. Congratulations.
Nick: Thank you.
Chelsea: No one in your family could even be bothered to pick up a phone? Tell you about Victor personally? That is just hateful. (Scoffs)
Adam: Dad's alive. That's really all that matters.
Chelsea: (Sighs)
Kyle: You sure you don't want a sandwich?
Abby: Those leftovers were awesome.
Jack: What? Oh, uh, no, no. Um, no, I don't need anything. Uh, there's plenty of food in there. Please, help yourselves.
Kyle: Yeah, we just did.
Jack: Good. Good.
Traci: Uh-oh. I know this look, and it usually means trouble.
Jack: It just occurred to me there may be a way to get Beauty of Nature back.
Traci: No, Jack, you sold it. It's done.
Jack: It wasn't even a day ago. The ink isn't even dry yet. And it's about to come out that Tucker was involved in some illegal dealings. I may well get the sale nullified. Anyway, don't count me out, not just yet. (Breathes deeply)
(Knock on door)
Sharon: Is it true? You knew where Victor was, and you kept him away this whole time?
Tucker: Did you know the body you I.D.'ed at the morgue wasn't his?
Sharon: I can explain.
Tucker: I don't think it's a good idea for you to be here.
Sharon: What?
Tucker: If you're looking for a place to stay, sorry, not here.
Genevieve: You are one cold bastard.
Tucker: Am I? Then why are you still here? I'll tell you why. Probably because you know you can't go knocking on anyone else's door. Yeah, you may have tried to help Victor toward the end there. People aren't gonna care about that. They're just gonna remember how you played along with me.
Genevieve: We'll see, won't we?
Tucker: Yeah. Just don't make the mistake of thinking anybody, especially Victor Newman, will be quick to forgive.
Billy: I'm sorry. I put everyone through hell.
Victoria: Billy, you had every reason to believe he was dead.
Billy: Well, there's a lot you don't know, things I should have told you.
Victoria: (Sighs) I know everything I need to know, okay? It's over. Dad's back.
Billy: Yeah.
Victoria: Hey, I love you.
Billy: I love you, too. And I don't want to lose you.
Victoria: And you never will.
Victor: (Sighs) (Sighs)
(Door opens)
Nikki: Hi. I didn't expect to hear from you so soon. I-I thought maybe you'd want to be alone.
Victor: Why would I want to be alone? This is where we belong, you and I together.
Nikki: (Sighs) Victor.
Victor: (Sighs)
Nikki: Mm.
Victor: (Sighs)
Nikki: (Sighs contentedly)
Next on "The Young and The Restless"...
Paul: What's it say? Was there a match to Sheila's handwriting?
Kevin: Tell your wife the truth.
Victoria: He's right, you know. If you have a confession to make, just say it.
Sharon: Mom.
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