Y&R Transcript Tuesday 9/25/12

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 9/25/12


Episode # 9998 ~ The Newmans Incur a Devastating Loss; Tucker Makes Sharon a Shocking Offer

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Jack: There's no time. If I had a couple of weeks-- this is a gargantuan amount of money to try to pull together.

Cane: Let's just go through the options we have one more time.

Jack: There are none.

Cane: What about the Newman stock?

Jack: If I sold every share of Newman stock that I have, it wouldn't bring a fraction of what I need, and that stock is sinking like its got cement shoes on. Next.

Cane: Borrow against Beauty of Nature?

Jack: Already leveraged to the hilt to buy Newman stock.

Cane: Jabot?

Jack: I sucked money out of part of that, too. No, it's Beauty of Nature that's at risk. No, that's what they're going to come after when I can't come up with the margin call. Damn! (Exhales slowly)

Phyllis: Hey. Hey.

Cane: Hey.

Phyllis: Oh, what-- what's wrong?

Jack: Victor.

Phyllis: Oh. What did he do now?

Jack: He died.

Nick: Mom, are you sure you want to be here right now?

Nikki: I needed to come, just to be close to him.

Nikki: I thought he would come back... (Voice breaking) I really did. (Sobbing)

Billy: What can I do?

Victoria: Hit "Rewind." Find my dad before this all happened and bring him back. . (Sighs) I just can't believe I'm never gonna see my dad again. (Sobs)

Sharon: (Sighs) You know, since Victor left town... I've imagined all kinds of scenarios of his return.

Tucker: Like what?

Sharon: That I'd wake up one day, and... he'd just be there, acting as if nothing happened, or he'd burst into one of my board meetings, fire me and take over, you know, without skipping a beat. (Sighs) But I never imagined this.

Tucker: We're gonna get through this.

Sharon: Victor Newman is dead.

Sister Celeste: Why did he call you "Genevieve"?

Genevieve: Why did you?

Victor: I don't know. I don't know.

Sister Celeste: Why did he say you're not a nurse?

Genevieve: He's obviously very confused.

Sister Celeste: Oh, God. I hope bringing Genny here wasn't a mistake. (Sighs) We've got to be able to trust her.

Genevieve: You can.

Victor: You can trust her.

Sister Celeste: Should I? Should I trust her? Men were trying to kill you. They will come back if they find out you're still alive. They'll come back to finish the job.

(Knock on door)

Sister Celeste: Um, anything wrong?

Sully: No, we're gonna, um, we're gonna hold a prayer service for Christian, and, uh...

Sister Celeste: (Sighs)

Sully: And everybody who got hurt. And we're-- but we're hoping you'd come.

Sister Celeste: That--that's just--that's a wonderful idea, but I-I just need a-a few more minutes for myself first. Can you understand that?

Sully: Absolutely.

Sister Celeste: But I'll be there.

Sully: Okay, we'll see you later.

Sister Celeste: Okay, thanks. Okay.

Genevieve: Are you dizzy?

Victor: (Moans) Yes.

Genevieve: Are you nauseous?

Victor: Yes.

Sister Celeste: Do you know your name?

Victor: I...

Genevieve: Mm-hmm.

Victor: Christian.

Sister Celeste: Ohh, good.

Victor: Christian-- Christian Miller.

Sister Celeste: Oh! That's very good. You never remembered your last name before.

Victor: That's right.

Sister Celeste: (Chuckles)

Victor: That's right.

Sister Celeste: Uh, Genny...

Genevieve: Yeah.

Sister Celeste: How does he seem to you?

Genevieve: Um, I want to get control of the headache before it gets any worse. I think, um, I think I need some ice.

Sister Celeste: Sure. That's--that's easy, and I'll--I'll stop by the donation box and get some, uh, clean clothes for him.

Genevieve: Mm-hmm.

Sister Celeste: Great. Good. Okay.

Victor: (Moans) What are you--

Genevieve: Hmm?

Victor: Who are you calling?

Genevieve: I'm just doing a little quick research on concussions.

Victor: Ohh.

Genevieve: Do you know what day it is?

Victor: No. But I... I know you.

Genevieve: Yes, you do. You do. Can you remember where from? Hmm?

Victor: No.

Sharon: You'd think that Victor dying would make me less angry at him.

Tucker: Well, even dead, he's the man who married you, then turned around and abandoned you.

Sharon: Not only that. Did you know that he pled the fifth on the witness stand, which is why I ended up with a life sentence?

Tucker: Hmm.

Sharon: (Sighs) On the other hand, there were times when he was my biggest supporter, my only supporter, and he's been in my life for many years, so I cared about him.

(Cell phone rings)

Sharon: Oh, gosh. If this isn't Noah, I really don't want to talk to anybody else. Oh.

Tucker: Who is it?

Sharon: It's the coroner's office. Hello, this is Sharon Newman. Okay, thank you. I'll be right there.

Tucker: Victor's body?

Sharon: It's arrived at the morgue.

Tucker: I'll go with you.

Sharon: I think I need to go by myself.

Tucker: Oh, Sharon, come on, you're upset. I'll go and I'll just stay outside and, you know... be close in case you need me.

Sharon: Why don't you just be here for me when I get back?

Cane: Newman stock is cratering. Now they're talking about suspending its trading.

Jack: (Exhales slowly) Thank you for not saying "I told you so."

Cane: We have to try and fix it, Jack.

Jack: Well, the only remedy is to raise the money, and I can't do that quickly.

Cane: If word gets out that you have a debt that you cannot repay, it could ruin Jabot's stock, which will lead to a bigger catastrophe.

Jack: No, we can't let this domino into something that is damaging to Jabot.

Cane: Well, I suppose the good news is we haven't merged Jabot and Beauty of Nature yet, so...

Jack: No, we haven't, have we? There might be a way to fix this.

Nikki: You know, I remember the very first time I came in this house.

Nick: You always said it was like walking into a fairy tale.

Nikki: Well, the life I had before was... very different. It was... just dirty and coarse. And then Victor came along, and... he showed me a world that was more vibrant than a dream. I never, ever thought I would have anything like that... and I never thought this would come, ever.

(Door opens)

Nikki: (Sniffles)

Phyllis: Oh, my God. I-I just heard. I'm--I'm sorry, Nikki.

Nikki: Thank you. You know, uh, I-I did need to be here, but now I need to go.

Nick: Where? I'll take you.

Nikki: Honey, don't worry about me. I'll be in touch.

Phyllis: If--if you want-- want me to go, I will, but...

Sofia: Victor is dead?

Tucker: Yeah.

Sofia: Tucker, you swore that this wouldn't happen.

Tucker: Surprised the hell out of me, too.

Sofia: Oh, my God, with all that stock we bought, we're losing millions by the minute without an end in sight.

Tucker: I'm telling you, this is about more than the money.

Sofia: More than the money in what way?

Tucker: Once I consolidate all the stock we've acquired, I'll have a major position at Newman.

Sofia: At Newman, which is a dying company.

Tucker: What if Sharon steps aside and a successful, savvy businessperson steps into that position?

Sofia: And that successful, savvy businessperson would be...

Tucker: Me.

Adam: My father was ruthless, cruel, sure... but he loved my mother.

Chelsea: From what I've heard, your mother was so wonderful, Attila the Hun would have loved her.

Adam: Yeah, but here's the thing-- she loved him, too.

Chelsea: At the beginning, when she got pregnant with you?

Adam: Ah, all the way through, to the very end. I got to see it firsthand when, uh, when he was there by her side at the end.

Chelsea: Redeemed by the love of a good woman?

Adam: And I guess that's one of the very few things I do have in common with my father.

Nick: All I know is there was an explosion in L.A.

Phyllis: What was Victor doing in L.A.?

Nick: I don't know, but I'm gonna find out. As soon as I know my mother and Victoria and my kids are okay, I'm gonna fly out there. I want to know what he did, who he talked to, every single thing that happened out there.

Victoria: You know, I-I completely forgot. I never got an answer about how you knew about my dad. I mean, how did you even know where to find him?

Billy: That, uh... trip to L.A.-- that's the reason why I went. I had a lead on Victor.

Victoria: Why didn't you tell me?

Billy: I was, uh... I was trying to work everything out, and by the time I found Victor and I was all set to bring him back... Honey, it was too late.

Nikki: (Sobs) Why? Oh, Katherine!

Kay: You weren't answering your phone, so I thought it was a good bet that, uh... I'd find you here. Ohh, Nikk.

Nikki: (Sobbing)

Kay: Nikki, Nikki, Nikki.

Nikki: (Sobbing)

Sister Celeste: Well, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to take so long.

Genevieve: No, that's okay. Oh, great, this is perfect.

Sister Celeste: Here you go.

Genevieve: Thank you very much.

Sister Celeste: Here you go.

Genevieve: I believe that he has a concussion.

Sister Celeste: (Sighs) Do we need to get him to the hospital?

Victor: No, no, no, no, no, no. That might be dangerous for you.

Genevieve: He's right. Besides, they're only gonna do the same thing for him that--that we will do for him...

Victor: Uh-huh.

Genevieve: Which is to watch him, make sure that he doesn't lapse into unconsciousness, to keep him very still, very comfortable, and to keep the ice on his head.

Sister Celeste: Oh, go ahead.

Genevieve: Okay, can you please get me some acetaminophen?

Sister Celeste: Oh, uh, sure, but I'm gonna have to make a stop at the service at the mission first. Otherwise, people are gonna get suspicious, so I-I-I'll be back a-as soon as I possibly can.

Genevieve: All right.

Victor: (Sighs)

Genevieve: Its okay, it's okay.

Victor: (Sighs) Is this the orphanage? Is this the orphanage?

Genevieve: It's all right. It's okay. It's all right.

Victor: (Sighs) Oh, God.

Genevieve: No, it's okay.

Victor: (Groans loudly)

Man: Mrs. Newman, there's no rush. We can wait for the rest of your family.

Sharon: No one else is coming.

Man: Um... the body is badly burned.

Sharon: I understand. I--

Man: We haven't been able to make a positive I.D., but the height, weight, and physicality are consistent with Mr. Newman.

Man: Are you sure?

Sharon: Go ahead. (Gasping)

Man: W-w-would you like to sit down?

Sharon: Ohh. No, um... I-I just need a few minutes alone.

Man: Are you sure?

Sharon: (Sighs) Damn you, Victor.

Kyle: And hey, when you lose someone like this, just quick, with no warning...

Abby: (Sniffles) Like your mom.

Kyle: I know what you're going through.

Abby: When I lost Brad, it helped knowing that I had my other dad... and now they're both gone.

Kyle: I know.

Nikki: I wish it hadn't happened so far away from home, and there are so many things that we're not gonna know.

Kay: Oh, please, please, I want some answers, as well. Do you know, had any one of us-- had he called any one of us, he would still be alive today.

Nikki: Billy had a phone number for him.

Kay: When?

Nikki: Today. I called it.

Kay: You spoke-- you spoke to Victor?

Nikki: (Sniffles) He said...

Kay: What?

Nikki: (Sobs) He said my name. He said my name. (Sobbing)

Kay: Oh, my God.

Nikki: Oh, Katherine... (Sobs)

Kay: It's gonna be all right. It's gonna be all right.

Sofia: I could go if you need to speak privately.

Jack: I would prefer that, thank you.

Tucker: Uh, hold up, Sof. Is this business, Jack?

Jack: It is.

Tucker: Sofia stays.

Jack: Suit yourself. I bet on Newman stock and lost.

Tucker: That's too bad.

Jack: With all of your newly acquired stock, I guess you got hit pretty hard, too.

Tucker: If so, it was my money to lose. I didn't leverage anything... as I suspect you did.

Jack: Okay, let's cut right to it. Are you still interested in buying Beauty of Nature?

Tucker: Maybe.

Jack: I'm not liquid enough to make my margin call. I need cash fast.

Tucker: Sofia.

Sofia: You want me to draft the papers?

Tucker: A sales agreement, right away.

Sharon: It's not you. (Sighs) What are you doing, Victor? What, did you set this up? (Sighs) Of course you did. The question is, what do you want? You want the world to think you're dead? Why? And what am I supposed to do now?

Genevieve: Hello?

Billy: I'm swearing you to secrecy.

Genevieve: About what?

Billy: About the two of us being with Victor in L.A.

Genevieve: Has something else come up?

Billy: Yeah. My marriage is on the line.

Genevieve: Still?

Billy: Now that her dad's dead, I'm not quite sure how she's going to handle it.

Genevieve: I see.

Billy: Just say you're gonna cover for me, Genevieve. You know it'll be just as bad for you if anyone finds out that you knew where Victor was and kept it quiet.

Genevieve: I can't talk about this right now.

Victor: You made a phone call. Was that... was that a person called Nikki?

Jack: (Sighs) After everything I went through to get Beauty of Nature... it's gone with the swipe of a pen.

Nick: Hey, Noah, it's your dad. I need you to give me a call, okay? (Exhales slowly)

Phyllis: Okay, um, I called the school.

Nick: Are they pulling Summer out of class?

Phyllis: Yeah, they're gonna keep her in the office. She can't check her phone, you know, or talk to one of her friends and get sideswiped by this, so we should get over there.

Nick: Yeah.

Phyllis: Is there anything else I can do for you?

Nick: You're here. That's something. Let's go.

Kevin: What did you do?! Why is Victor dead?!

Billy: Would you lower your voice, please? Victoria's right upstairs.

Kevin: Did you tell her that you found her dad when he was still alive?

Billy: Not yet.

Kevin: Why not?

Billy: The plan was to get to L.A., bring Victor back, and then let everybody know that I was holding out on his whereabouts in the middle of the happy family reunion.

Kevin: Yeah, and what happened?

Billy: I was too late, and you have to keep quiet about what I knew and when.

Kevin: (Sighs) How's Victoria?

Billy: She is torn up and it's killing me, and I'm gonna regret this for the rest of my life.

Kevin: You could try telling her the truth.

Billy: Yeah, and cause her more grief. That's a bad idea.

Kevin: Keeping it from her is not a good idea.

Billy: Okay... (Chuckles) But before you turn into the friendly neighborhood whistle-blower, will you think about Delia, please, how much she enjoys being a part of this family, how much she loves it? Do you really want to take that away from her?

Kevin: (Scoffs) Are you threatening me?

Billy: I'm asking you, for Victoria and Delia's sake, will you just... (Whispering) Keep your mouth shut?

Victoria: Oh. Hey, Kevin. What's going on?

Sharon: You don't want to come back home. (Sighs) Fine. Death it is.

Man: Mrs. Newman, from your reaction, it is obvious, but I have to ask-- is that your husband?

Sharon: (Voice breaking) Yes.

Man: We can do a postmortem to confirm.

Sharon: (Normal voice) Oh, no, that won't be necessary. I-I'd like to have him cremated, per his wishes.

Man: We can make arrangements with the mortuary. It may take, uh, a day or so.

Sharon: Oh, no, I-I need it done immediately. I just... (Voice breaking) I can't bear the thought of Victor that way.

Genevieve: Why did you think that it was Nikki who was calling? Who is Nikki?

Victor: I just... remember that she called you before.

[Victor remembering]

(Cell phone ringing)

Genevieve: (Chuckles) I didn't mean to leave that there.

Victor: I guess you don't want to talk to that N-Nikki Newman, is that?

Genevieve: She's a friend. She's kind of an annoying friend.

Victor: I think...

Genevieve: What is it? What are you remembering?

Victor: I think she called me, too.

[Victor remembering]

Nikki: Victor? Is that you?

Genevieve: When did Nikki call you?

Victor: I don't know. All the places and... and time and everything is scrambled in my head.

Genevieve: I think that I might be able to help you figure this out.

Victor: Okay.

Adam: My father and I... We had lots of... issues.

Chelsea: He enjoyed pushing people around.

Adam: I don't know, I've been thinking a lot about the legacy that we're building for our son or daughter.

Chelsea: No ego involved?

Adam: Major ego involved. I'm very proud of my companies. Sounds a lot like my father, huh? I'm not sure if that's a good or a bad thing.

Chelsea: Well, my vote is that you are all good, but I... I didn't like your father very much.

Adam: Me, neither, and he knew that. But there were a few things that he didn't know that-- that I wish I had had a chance to tell him.

Genevieve: Feeling disjointed is normal after a head injury.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Genevieve: Mm-hmm.

Victor: That explains why I'm confused now.

Genevieve: Yeah.

Victor: I just don't... remember anything from before I got here.

Genevieve: Yeah, don't try so hard, okay?

Victor: Mm.

Genevieve: Just--just relax. Take a-- take a nice deep breath, huh? Come on. (Inhales deeply) Ahh.

Victor: (Exhales slowly)

Genevieve: That's good.

Victor: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Genevieve: Now what's the first thing that pops into your head?

Victor: I don't know. It would... I'm thinking of a-- a big place, like a... farm or ranch or something.

Genevieve: Anything else?

Victor: I remember horse--horses, and then... a blonde woman.

Genevieve: Can you see her face? Do you know who it is?

Victor: No. And I'm-- I'm very afraid that I... won't ever get those memories back. I just can't-- I can't make any sense of it.

Genevieve: It's okay. It's all right.

Victor: Mm.

Kevin: I just came by to let you know that Chloe and I were thinking about you and to ask you if there was anything that you needed.

(Cell phone rings)

Victoria: It's your brother. Hey, Michael. I know, I-I've-- I wasn't expecting it, either.

Victoria: No, I hadn't heard. (Sighs) All right, I'll let Mom and Nick know. Bye.

Billy: What is it?

Victoria: My dad's body has arrived and... is at the morgue.

Sharon: (Sighs)

Tucker: Ooh, you're shaking.

Sharon: I know, I know. I can't stop.

Tucker: I knew I should have gone with you to identify the body.

Sharon: (Sighs)

Tucker: Shh. You don't have to be scared. You've got me.

Sharon: Oh, gosh, thank God for that. Tucker...

Tucker: What?

Sharon: What's gonna happen to the company?

Tucker: I'll tell you what's gonna happen. I will help you, Sharon, and together, we'll make Newman bigger and stronger than ever.

Jack: It's done. I'll have the money for the margin call.

Cane: It was a smart save, Jack. It's a shame it came down to losing Beauty of Nature.

Jack: Yeah, it's a real shame. I'll call you later.

Abby: (Sniffles)

Jack: Hey.

Abby: (Sobbing)

Jack: Come here, come here. Hey.

Abby: (Sobbing)

Jack: Ohh. Ohh. I wish I could make this better for you.

Abby: (Voice breaking) I wish you could, too. (Sobbing)

Jack: We all know my relationship with Victor was... complicated, contentious.

Kyle: Yeah, and that was on a good day.

Jack: But you know what? For a lot of reasons, not the least of which is the pain it's causing the people I love...

Abby: (Sobbing)

Jack: I wish the man hadn't died.

Adam: Once the dust settles, I think I'm going to approach Sharon.

Chelsea: About what?

Adam: About buying my mother's farm in Kansas.

Chelsea: Oh.

Adam: I assume she'll get it in my father's estate, and I want that farm. I want it for my family.

Chelsea: If the baby's a boy, do you want to name him Victor? (Gasps) Ohh! Aah!

Adam: What was that?

Chelsea: (Laughs) Um, that was your child stretching out an arm or a leg. (Laughs)

Adam: Maybe it's a sign.

Chelsea: A sign of what, that he wants to be named Victor? (Laughs)

Adam: Maybe it's a sign that whatever name we give little "Stretch"...

Chelsea: (Chuckles)

Adam: That my parents will be there, always, through--through their children and grandchildren.

Chelsea: Yeah. (Laughs)

Nikki: (Sighs)

Nick: Thanks for calling.

Nikki: I thought you would have brought Phyllis.

Nick: She had to pick up Summer from school. I was just about to book a flight to L.A., see if I could figure out what happened to Dad.

Man: Thank you for waiting, but I'm afraid that Mrs. Newman has already identified the body.

Nikki: Yes, but we'd like to see Victor.

Man: That's not possible.

Nikki: These are his children.

Man: Ma'am, the body is already gone. Mrs. Newman sent it to be cremated.

Victoria: What?

Nikki: Oh, my God.

Nick: What?

Nikki: I'm gonna kill her. I'm gonna kill her!

Tucker: I'll tell you something, Sharon-- working together, we're gonna be able to stabilize the stock.

Sharon: Yeah, I-I'm sure we can.

Tucker: I'm gonna help you. I'll tell you what, you know, why don't we make it legal, so nobody can challenge it? Hey. Marry me.

Sharon: Marry? Really?

Tucker: I can give you a whole list of reasons why it would be good for both of us.

Sharon: Well, you don't have to convince me. I can give you a whole list of reasons, too. Yes, I will marry you, and the sooner, the better. (Laughs)

Tucker: Mm.

Genevieve: You are remembering much more than you did before, so don't give up. Just keep trying.

Victor: Just let me relax now.

Genevieve: Mm-hmm, you can relax.

Victor: I'm... kind of dizzy now.

Genevieve: Okay, but no napping. You need to stay awake.

Victor: Why?

Genevieve: Uh, it's not time yet. You need to stay awake.

Victor: Yes, I want to sleep.

Genevieve: I know. Stay with me. Stay with me. Come on, Christian. Christian, stay with me.

Genevieve: Christian?

Victor: That's not my name. My name is Victor Newman.

Next on "The Young and The Restless"...

Sharon: This is going to be a perfect day. I bury one husband and I get a shiny new one.

Jack: I lost a lot more than I expected.

Nikki: Her ultimate goal will be to have this all over with so she can forget Victor ever existed.

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