Y&R Transcript Monday 9/24/12
Episode # 9997 ~ Jack Faces Financial Ruin; An Explosion in L.A. Rocks Genoa City
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Nikki: Victor, are you there? (Sighs)
(Cell phone rings)
Nikki: Come on. Come on, Victor. You were just there. Pick up. (Sighs)
Abby: Were you talking to Dad?
Nikki: Oh, Abby, yes. Yes, we were cut off. I don't know what happened.
(People shouting)
(Footsteps retreating)
(Sirens wailing)
Adam: We should talk again about Jabot joining TagNGrab.
Cane: Well, nothing's changed over here on, uh, Jabot's end.
Adam: We can provide a link from TagNGrab to Jabot without reciprocity. Not a problem.
Cane: What, for you or for Kevin?
Adam: Kevin and I have resolved our differences. So what do you say about meeting up today?
Cane: Let's not do it in a bar, though, okay?
Adam: My house.
Cane: See you there soon.
Adam: Sounds good.
Chelsea: Hey. Is that true? You and Kevin came to an agreement about Jabot and TagNGrab?
Kevin: Uh, no, we didn't.
Cane: You know, they're holding a news conference.
Jack: Who?
Cane: The Newmans. Word is they're gonna back Sharon as the C.E.O. It'll be on TV later today.
Jack: Well, that could make for some very interesting television.
Cane: Yeah? You expecting some fireworks, Jack, or just hoping for them?
Jack: No, no, quite the contrary. If Nicholas and Victoria can pull this off, they could bring some stability to Newman.
Cane: Stock could go up, and you, uh, can cash in all that, you know, shares you bought dirt-cheap.
Jack: No, that's when Victor gets back, and when he does, Newman stock prices are gonna go through the roof. Then I'll collect my fortune, and it may well be every bit as big as "The Black Knight's."
[Sharon remembering]
Tucker: (Sighs) I've been debating whether to show you something. But now listening to you second-guess all that you've accomplished, I believe I have to. This is what your poor lost husband's been up to.
Sharon: So my husband is alive and well, and he's living the good life with some stranger. He's not pining over me.
Tucker: I know it's humiliating, and I'm sorry if it hurt you to see that. But it just proves you were right all along. I couldn't let you have doubts and surrender to Victor's kids without having all the facts.
Sharon: Surrender? Oh, hell, no. They haven't seen anything yet.
Sharon: (Sighs)
Tucker: Hey. Where did you go just now?
Sharon: Um... I was thinking about the press conference.
Tucker: Oh. Well... (Sighs) Considering what we were just doing, I'm not sure how to take that.
Sharon: (Sighs) Well, take it as a compliment. You make me feel... empowered.
Tucker: That's good. That was the idea.
Sharon: I just can't wait to get in front of those cameras. I mean, the thought of Nick and Victoria being forced to publicly back me...
Tucker: Yeah. Well, what if they don't show?
Sharon: Oh, they will.
Tucker: Well, I hope they do, but, eh...
Sharon: But what?
Tucker: Well, what if instead of supporting you, they, um, they decide to humiliate you?
Sharon: Oh, they won't. They already tried that when they tried to have me declared incompetent. It blew up in their face, so they won't do it again.
Tucker: Well, you're pretty confident.
Sharon: And why not? I have you on my side. Plus, I sent them a deal memo to sign.
Tucker: What--
Sharon: If they renege on their agreement to endorse me, they won't have any more say on what goes on in the company. (Chuckles)
Tucker: You're really enjoying this, aren't you?
Sharon: Yes.
Tucker: Mm-hmm.
Sharon: But that's not the reason why I'm doing it.
Tucker: I know. You want to get the company back on track.
Sharon: Yes. And once Nick and Victoria give me their full support, I will. The stock price will start going up. That will be good for everyone.
Tucker: Absolutely.
Victoria: A deal memo, as if our word isn't good enough. Honestly, Nick, I don't think I can go through with this.
Nick: Sis, if we sign this, Sharon will have to hold up her end of the deal.
Victoria: (Sighs) Like she could run Newman Enterprises without our input. She can't even sort her own mail. Honestly. (Sighs) Fine. I hope she's happy.
Nick: Sharon is so far from happy right now.
Victoria: Well, don't expect me to be upset about that.
Nick: I wouldn't dream of it.
Victoria: I just want to concentrate on doing as much damage control around here as we can until Dad gets back.
Chelsea: Uh, can I get you guys some coffee or some--
Kevin: No. You're still planning on going ahead with the Jabot deal even though I'm opposed to it.
Adam: Correct.
Kevin: Do you even know the meaning of the word "Partners"?
Adam: It means you write code. You design icons. You create neat little things to click on. I do everything else.
Kevin: (Scoffs, chuckles)
Chelsea: Okay. Uh, Junior and I are gonna let you guys hash this out. Excuse me.
Adam: Kevin, I have been putting up with your whining, among other things, for quite a while, but when you start upsetting my pregnant wife--
Kevin: Hey, it was your idea to meet at your house.
Adam: To discuss things calmly, rationally.
Kevin: Well, I'm not giving in to your bullying.
Adam: We might not see eye to eye on everything--
Kevin: Or anything.
Adam: But I believed in your and Chloe's idea. I still do. But there's a part of me that wants to walk away.
Kevin: Oh, okay. You're just gonna walk away? Screw whatever your legal and moral obligations are to TagNGrab?
Adam: It's either that, or you can have me assume complete control over all business decisions. It's your call.
Tucker: That's right, a deal memo. No, no, no, no. Even if they support her in front of those cameras and the stock rises a little bit, it's just gonna be a momentary blip. Look, I'm telling you, Sof, that company is not solvent with Sharon at the helm, and Wall Street knows it. The investors are gonna sell, and when they do, we move on it.
Sharon: Tucker, have you seen my earrings?
Tucker: Uh, I gotta go. Yeah, uh, h-hey. Well, thanks, Sofia. Bye-bye. Sofia says, uh, break a leg at the press conference.
Sharon: Hmm. Well... oh. There are my earrings.
Tucker: Oh.
Sharon: (Chuckles) I think I was, um... aiming for the nightstand.
Tucker: Mm. You must have had your attention on something else. Give me another one.
Sharon: (Chuckles)
Tucker: Oh. You're gonna have to repaint those pretty lips again.
Sharon: No problem. It was worth it.
Tucker: You really do look beautiful.
Sharon: Thank you.
Tucker: So we ready?
Sharon: Mm-hmm. I just have to stop at my place, get changed.
Tucker: All right. Let's hit it.
Sharon: Okay, wait. (Sighs) I want to say something.
Tucker: What?
Sharon: Thank you. Thank you again for all of your support.
Tucker: Well, you needed it. It was easy to give. So you know...
Sharon: No. No, no, no, no. You didn't have to do anything. God knows no one else did. You've been a good friend. I haven't had one of those in a long time, it seems. Nick and Adam and Victor, they all gave up on me. And Drucilla-- I lost her.
Tucker: That was Neil's late wife?
Sharon: Yeah. She was like a sister to me. And when she died...
Tucker: That must have been rough.
Sharon: So you can see how much it means to me to have someone I can count on, someone who won't go away.
Tucker: You've had a lot taken away from you, haven't you? I'm sorry.
Sharon: Well, that's in the past now. It's not gonna happen again. No one's gonna take anything away from me anymore, I'm gonna see to it, starting today.
Nikki: (Sighs) He's still not answering.
Abby: Well, he called you, so that's good.
Nikki: Actually, I called him.
Abby: What? Have you been in touch with him this whole time? Where is he?
Nikki: Uh, Honey, I don't know. I haven't talked to him since he left town. I don't know.
Abby: Well, then how did you reach him?
Nikki: Billy gave me the number.
Abby: Billy? What the hell?
Nikki: I don't know. I don't know how he got it.
Abby: Well, I'm gonna find out.
Nikki: Well, I want to talk to him, too, find out what else he knows.
Abby: (Sighs) He's not answering.
Jack: What's going on?
Nikki: Jack.
Jack: Nikk, are you all right?
Nikki: I just got off the phone with Victor.
Jack: I knew something was going on earlier. What did he say?
Nikki: I need to talk to Nicholas and Victoria, but Abby will fill you in.
Jack: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Go, go.
Abby: Well, call me if you hear anything.
Nikki: I will.
Abby: (Sighs)
Jack: So tell me everything.
Abby: So when Nikki dialed the number that Billy gave her, Dad answered, said Nikki's name, and they were cut off.
Jack: I asked Billy to help Nikki not even an hour ago.
Abby: And then--bam-- he suddenly knew how to reach him? It's weird.
Jack: Yeah, very.
Abby: (Sighs) I'm not sure I should be telling you all this.
Jack: No, wait, wait. I meant what I said. I want Victor back...
Abby: (Sighs)
Jack: Whole and healthy and ready to run Newman.
Abby: Mainly because the price of Newman would skyrocket...
Jack: (Sighs)
Abby: Make you one step closer to being as rich and powerful as "The Mustache"?
Jack: Do you really think I'm that mercenary?
Abby: Oh, please. I wouldn't be surprised if you knew where Dad was all along.
Jack: Why would you say that?
Abby: It looks like Billy did.
Jack: Yeah, I guess it does.
Abby: (Sighs) I'm gonna go see if my evil stepmommy knows anything.
Jack: Uh, yeah, Abby, a lot of people I care about care about Victor. I want him home safely for them.
Jack: Howard, Jack Abbott. Buy every bit of Newman stock you can get your hands on. I don't care. Leverage everything you have to.
Jack: (Grunts) (Sighs) Tucker.
Tucker: Hey, Jack. Saw you talking to Abby over there. Looked serious.
Jack: Yeah, I could say the same thing about you and Sharon.
Tucker: Well, with Victor being gone, she needs somebody to lean on.
Jack: Yeah, Abby, too. I told her not to worry, that everything would work out just fine. (Tapping cane)
Tucker: I told Sharon the same thing.
Jack: (Taps cane)
Abby: You're still holding your stupid little press conference?
Sharon: Why wouldn't I?
Abby: I thought maybe you heard from Dad.
Sharon: Not a peep. You know you should come join us this afternoon, make it a full show of support for me.
Abby: Oh, I think I'll stay out of the power struggles and the nasty little fights over the Newman fortune and concentrate on, you know, actually finding Dad.
Sharon: Because you're such a devoted daughter and all, you know, suing daddy for, what, half a billion?
Abby: You know what? I wasn't going to come to the press conference, but I will be there.
Sharon: Great!
Abby: I'll be there for "Restless Style," ready to cover any surprises that might happen.
Sharon: Oh. What kind of surprises?
Abby: You know, the surprising kind.
Victoria: You actually heard his voice? You spoke to him?
Nikki: Oh, it was a very brief conversation.
Nick: How brief?
Nikki: He answered the phone. I said, "Victor, is that you?" He said my name. That was it.
Nick: Then he hung up on you?
Nikki: No, we got cut off. The important thing is we have made contact with him. It changes everything. Now we can cancel this stupid press conference. No. We can use it to announce his return!
Nick: No, we're not gonna do that. It's not a good idea.
Nikki: I spoke with your father.
Victoria: Mom, we want to believe that your phone call with Dad means that he's coming home as much as you do.
Nick: But until he's actually here, we have to do what is best for this company.
Nikki: And you think that means supporting Sharon?
Nick: Yes, I do.
Nikki: I'm gonna call him again.
Victoria: How did you get Dad's number, anyway?
Nick: (Sighs)
Nikki: Billy gave it to me.
Victoria: Billy? Well, how did he know where Dad was?
Nikki: Honey, I don't know. He didn't say.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Nick: All right, what the hell?
Victoria: I'm calling him. (Sighs) Damn it. Billy, it's me. (Sighs) Mom just told me that you gave her dad's number. Please call me. I want to hear everything that you know about my father.
Adam: So a new platform for selling Jabot's product in sales--no risk.
Cane: Listen, the problem isn't with TagNGrab. We love the concept. The problem is with the dissent between you two.
Adam: Well, Kevin has something to say on that matter.
Kevin: We've altered the organizational structure of our business. This is Adam's call. What he says, goes.
Kevin: But on the tech side, which is still my domain, I have an idea for a new piece of software. It will take the user back to the TagNGrab site when their transaction is complete at the Jabot site.
Cane: Well, listen, work out the specifics, and we'll consider it, okay?
Kevin: I will get you a prototype A.S.A.P.
Adam: So we have a deal?
Cane: (Sighs) We have a deal.
Adam: I'll have the papers drawn up, sent over to Jack's office for him to sign.
Cane: You got it.
Adam: Well done, Kevin. You were perfect.
Kevin: Because I did what you wanted.
Adam: You did what had to be done.
Kevin: (Scoffs) Can you hear how much you sound like your dad right now? I mean, its vintage Victor, forcing someone to act the way you want them to. You know, why don't you stop trying to be him and go out to L.A. and look for him? (Scoffs)
Adam: What did you just say? How would you know my father's out in L.A.?
Victoria: (Sighs) Billy, what's going on? I've called you three times. I need to know what you found out about Dad. Please call me. (Sighs) I love you.
Nick: I'm sure he's fine.
Victoria: (Sighs)
(Door opens)
Abby: Please tell me this press conference has been canceled. You heard, right? Nikki said she was coming to tell you that she spoke to Dad.
Nick: Yes, but--
Abby: It's gonna be fabulous. Instead of public support of Sharon, public humiliation like Hester in "The Scarlet Letter." We will make her wear the letter "B" for "Bitch," which she deserves just for giving my horses away.
Victoria: Abby, the press conference is still on.
Abby: Why would you be going ahead with this phony show of support when we heard from Dad?
Victoria: One word, literally.
Abby: Well, I'm sure he'll have a lot more when he hits town.
Nick: "When" being the key word there. We have no idea what Dad's plans are.
Abby: Well, like we ever do.
Victoria: Look, if you're not here to join us in standing behind Sharon, then why are you here?
Abby: I'm here as a member of the press.
Victoria: Are you sure that you won't change you mind and back Sharon with us?
Abby: I would rather wear flats with a miniskirt.
Tucker: Hey, Nikki.
Sharon: (Gasps)
Nikki: Hello.
Sharon: Oh, Nikki. You decided to come. I'm so glad. You're gonna put on a little makeup, though, aren't you? You got some bags.
Tucker: I'll get these guys set up.
Sharon: Thank you.
Tucker: Hey, everyone, this way.
Nikki: (Sighs)
Sharon: You know what's even better than you and your spoiled children having to show your public support for me? Knowing how much it's killing you.
Nikki: Nothing will compare to the moment when Victor returns and wipes that smug smile off of your Botoxed face.
Sharon: Oh, keep dreaming, Nikki.
Nikki: Oh, it's not a dream. I spoke to Victor today. He's alive, he's well, and he's coming home. Enjoy your press conference.
Sharon: (Sighs) If you think that he's coming home to you, think again. Check this out. Look at this picture I found here. Victor with his latest fling. Of course, um, you know, who knows what the story is now? This was taken weeks ago.
Nikki: You have known this? You've known this all that time, and you've said nothing?!
Davis: Sharon, Nikki, we're starting.
Nick: If I could have your attention, please.
Nick: My name's Nicholas Newman. I am an executive and a board member at Newman Enterprises. We're here to discuss the facts and rumors about our recent management realignment. The board has recently elected Sharon Newman to be our C.E.O. I speak for myself, my sisters, and my mother, when I say she has our full and unanimous support.
(Camera shutter clicks)
Victoria: Sharon's enthusiasm inspires everyone around her to do their best work, including my brother and me. Nick and I intend to do everything that we can to help Sharon run Newman Enterprises until my father returns. Any questions?
Man: Does the former Mrs. Newman have anything to say?
Nikki: Oh. Um, what they said. (Chuckles)
All: (Laugh)
Nikki: Uh, seriously, uh, I really can't add any more. I agree with everything my children said.
Jack: Nikki looks like her head's about to explode.
Cane: A real media circus, huh?
Jack: Yeah, it's a bad day for the Newmans. But it is one great day for Jackie boy.
Adam: If you have information about where my father is, you should tell me.
Kevin: I told you everything I know.
Chelsea: Hey. You're never gonna believe this. (Sighs)
Sharon: Newman Enterprises is Victor's legacy to his children and his grandchildren, and I'm proud to be the driving force behind carrying on his dream. I think my husband would be proud, too, of all of us. Victor may not physically be here, but he is here in every member of the Newman family, and he always will be.
(Remote clatters)
Adam: Pathetic, all of them. A bunch of Victor Newman sycophants running around the place. I'm glad I'm done with that.
Kevin: Yeah. Good thing you got all that out of your system, and you don't give a damn about Victor.
Adam: Aren't you supposed to be off writing software somewhere?
Kevin: Well, somebody's gotta make this Jabot deal work.
Chelsea: (Sighs) Don't listen to him.
(Door closes)
Adam: What? He's right. I don't care about my father.
Sharon: Victor isn't here, but his family is working together to carry out his vision toward a profitable future. Anyone else?
Abby: I'd like to ask the other Mrs. Newman a question. It's no secret that you and "Mrs. Newman of five minutes" don't get along, so why do you have her back?
Nikki: (Chuckles) Well, um, I spoke to Victor, and I'm doing exactly what I think he would want me to be doing.
Man: Wait, when did you speak to your husband?
Nikki: Earlier today, and he sounded just fine.
Man: Did he say when he'd be back?
Nikki: I'm confident that Victor will be returning to Genoa City very soon.
Victoria: What's going on? I've been trying to reach you. What can you tell me about Dad?
Billy: Look, Vick, um... (Sighs)
Victoria: What? What's wrong?
Billy: (Whispers) I'm sorry. Victor's dead.
Nikki: That's not true.
Victoria: It can't be.
Man: Can we get a statement?
Nick: Billy, what the hell is going on?
Nikki: Who told you this?
Billy: I was there.
Victoria: Where?
Billy: He's in Los Angeles. There was an explosion at the harbor.
Nick: What was Dad doing in L.A.?
Billy: Um, I don't know the details.
Nikki: (Sighs)
Abby: Well, then, maybe you're wrong.
Victoria: Yeah, you're wrong. You have to be wrong.
Billy: Honey, I wish I was wrong. Victor's dead.
Victoria: Stop saying that. Stop.
Billy: Baby, it's true. I'm sorry. It's true.
Abby: Oh, God.
Nikki: (Sobbing)
Nick: Mom.
Billy: Come here. I'm sorry.
Tucker: (Whispering) Listen. Listen to me. I know you're upset. But you have to take control here. Everything that belonged to Victor is yours. You need to stake your claim right now.
Sharon: Um, excuse me, everyone.
Sharon: This is a very... tragic time for our family. As Victor's wife and C.E.O. of Newman Enterprises, I-I would like to assure you that the company will continue to operate as it always has. We will all carry on Victor's legacy. I will make sure of it. And if you would please give us some time to grieve in private, we would really appreciate it.
Abby: (Sniffles)
Chelsea: Anything I can do to help?
Adam: (Inhales sharply) (Sighs) Make Kevin Fisher disappear.
Chelsea: I know a guy who knows a guy.
Adam: He almost blew the Jabot deal--again. Then he tells me he knows where my father is.
(Knock on door)
(Knock on door)
Adam: Coming.
Kevin: Have you heard?
Adam: Heard what?
Kevin: I was listening to the simulcast on the radio, and, uh, here, check it out.
Man: And continuing with our coverage, it's been confirmed by the Newman family-- Victor Newman is dead.
Kevin: I'm sorry. I-I just thought you'd want to know.
Chelsea: Is there something I can do?
Adam: No.
Kevin: Look, that stuff I said about you being like Victor, I, uh... I wish I hadn't said it.
Adam: It doesn't matter now.
Kevin: And regarding TagNGrab, I'll take care of things and, uh, you just come back to work when you're ready.
Adam: Sure.
Kevin: I really am sorry.
Chelsea: (Sighs)
(Door closes)
Chelsea: You want to-- if you want to scream or punch something, you can. Or we can be quiet-- whatever you want.
Adam: I don't know what I want.
Cane: There has got to be something you can do.
Jack: (Sighs)
Cane: (Sighs) All right, I understand. All right, I'll let him know.
Cane: Your broker's making a margin call.
Jack: Howard knows I can't cover that. I leveraged everything to buy that Newman stock.
Cane: He suggests you sell, Jack.
Jack: If I unload every share of Newman that I own, it will not cover what I owe.
Cane: The stock is gonna go down. It's gonna go falling, and it's gonna fall, fall, fall.
Jack: (Inhales deeply) Fine. Sell. Sell. I don't know how I'm gonna cover the shortfall. You know those vultures are not gonna waste any time in circling after it.
Cane: I know. I know. When they smell blood--I know.
Jack: Damn you, Victor. Even dead, you somehow manage to stick it to me. (Sighs)
Tucker: Buy all the Newman stock you can get your hands on. Do it now.
Nikki: (Sobs)
Tucker: (Sighs)
Nikki: (Sniffles)
Tucker: What?
Sharon: Victor's body is being shipped back from L.A. and... the coroner needs me to identify it.
Nikki: You?!
Sharon: I'm his wife.
Nikki: You were nothing to him. You were a diversion, a mistake! You're probably the reason why he left.
Sharon: If you're looking for someone to blame for Victor's death, Nikki, that would be you.
Nikki: Oh, you--
Nick: No, no. Come on, Mom. Mom, no, no, no.
Nikki: (Sobbing)
Victoria: At least pretend like you cared about him.
Tucker: With all due respect, after everything Victor did to her, you expect her to grieve for him?
Abby: (Sighs) You are a cold bastard. I will spit on your grave and--
Nick: Okay, Abby, come on. Come on, come on, come on.
Abby: I just can't believe he's gone again.
Nick: I know. I know. I know. Come on. Come on. Come on.
Tucker: Come on, Sharon. Let's go.
Nikki: (Sobbing)
Victoria: (Sighs) (Sighs)
Billy: Honey, I don't know what to say.
Victoria: Nothing. There's nothing to say. How did you know where Dad was? When did you find him?
Sister Celeste: Could you, just, uh, wait here for just a sec?
Genevieve: Yeah. (Sighs)
[Genevieve remembering]
Victor: I don't need your help.
Genevieve: Christian, please, don't try to do it all alone.
Victor: Well, who is he?
Billy: I'm the nice guy trying to help you out.
Victor: I don't want to talk to you. I don't want to talk to you, okay?
Genevieve: (Sighs) Billy... that was great. That was really clever.
Billy: Yeah, well...
Genevieve: (Whispering) Damn it, Victor, why didn't you listen?
Sister Celeste: Okay. Okay. You can come in now.
Genevieve: Oh, my God. (Sighs) Why didn't you tell me?
Sister Celeste: To save him. The explosion was meant to kill him.
Genevieve: Oh, you have got to call the police.
Sister Celeste: I can't. I can't. I-I-I don't know the good guys from the bad anymore.
Victor: (Sighs)
Genevieve: Hey.
Victor: (Groans)
Genevieve: You okay?
Victor: Oh, please, please don't touch me.
Genevieve: Oh.
Sister Celeste: Look, he needs medical attention. I need someone I can trust to give it to him. You're his friend and a nurse.
Victor: (Breathing heavily) You're not a nurse, are you?
Victor: You're Genevieve.
Sister Celeste: (Gasps)
Next on "The Young and The Restless"...
Jack: I'm not liquid enough to make my margin call. I need cash fast.
Victoria: Why didn't you tell me?
Billy: I was trying to work everything out.
Man: Mrs. Newman, there's no rush. We can wait for the rest of your family.
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