Y&R Transcript Friday 9/21/12
Episode # 9996 ~ Billy Helps Victor & Nikki Connect; Tucker Manipulates Sharon
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Abby: Dad has an amazing knack for staying alive. At least, that's what I'm telling myself.
Jack: I never thought I'd be the one saying this, but I wish Victor would get his act together and come home -- for a lot of people's sake.
Abby: For your stock portfolio's sake?
Jack: Yeah, and that, too.
Abby: Mm. Mm. I hope you're okay with my not loaning you the money for the Newman shares.
Jack: Oh, I understand, and I found a workaround. I'm borrowing against Beauty of Nature to increase my position. Now, with stock prices this low, as soon as Victor gets back, we all know they're gonna soar.
Abby: Well, that sounds risky, even for you.
Jack: Don't worry about your Uncle Jack.
Abby: (Sighs)
Jack: I know what I'm doing.
Sharon: (Sighs) You know what? Forget lunch. I want champagne... although I suppose I'm giddy enough without it. I just feel like celebrating, don't you?
Tucker: (Sighs) Yeah, absolutely.
Sharon: You know, I wish you could have been there at Newman when I spelled out the new facts of life-- the look on Nick and Victoria's faces when they realized they were gonna have to suck it up and sing my praises.
Tucker: Well, payback's hell.
Sharon: Like you wouldn't believe.
Adam: Who's paying who back for what?
Sharon: (Sighs) Well, good, this saves me a call. We're setting up a press conference at Newman.
Adam: "We," meaning the two of you? You've been thick as thieves lately--inseparable these days.
Sharon: Um, no, "We," meaning me and the rest of the Victor's family, which you are a part of.
Adam: To announce what?
Sharon: Your unanimous faith in me as head of Newman.
Victoria: Is "Raging bitch" considered a positive quality in a C.E.O.?
Nick: Depends on the industry. In this case, no.
Victoria: All right, well, then we'll just have to get up in front of the financial press and lie.
Nick: Well, we knew that already.
Victoria: She has... nice hair. That's all I can think of.
Nick: How about "Sharon's enthusiasm inspires everyone around her to work that much harder"?
Victoria: To keep the stock price from dropping to zero.
Nick: All right, you've got to work with me here. We have got to come up with a believable statement that prevents Sharon from tanking Newman. Vick, she won this round. We don't have a choice. Now we have to convince the rest of the world that she's the best person to run this company.
Victoria: Or there will be no company. I get it. I-I get it. I just don't have to like it. (Sighs) "Sharon's enthusiasm"... what was the rest of it?
Nick: "Sharon's enthusiasm makes everyone around her want to do their best work."
Victoria: (Sighs) "Under her leadership and with our total support, we expect that Newman Enterprises will continue to thrive."
Nikki: How can you two side with Sharon like this? Are you kidding? It's an insult to everything your father built.
Billy: Pick up, come on. Pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up.
Genevieve: Victor's not answering?
Billy: Christian, in case you didn't get my last three messages, I need you to call me back immediately, please. (Groans) Victor, you know, I'm trying to do the right thing. I'm trying to get you back home. And like always, you're just making it difficult.
Moran: Give me a call when it's going down. I want to make sure I have an alibi when that troublemaker breathes his last.
Michael: You didn't used to be so uncompromising.
Chris: Oh, God. The lead investigator on a felony case was sleeping with the defendant. If you're gonna stand there and tell me that I was wrong for giving Ronan the boot...
Michael: You weren't wrong. But after you hear what I'm about to tell you, you may want to have me removed, too.
Chris: If you're gonna tell me that you're having an affair with her, too--
Michael: (Chuckles) No. No. No. This doesn't have anything to do with the hit-and-run. This is about Paul's case.
Paul: You saw the video of Ricky killing Rachel?
Daisy: Your son was so messed up.
Paul: (Sniffles) Daisy, listen, I need you to tell me everything you can remember about that video.
Daisy: I only saw it once, but it was so horrible. I-I can't get the images out of my brain.
Paul: No, I understand. Take your time and just whatever details you can remember might be valuable.
Daisy: Uh... well, she was in a bathtub. It was white-- the kind that's up on feet.
Paul: Mm-hmm.
Daisy: And, uh, it was a bubble bath. She was... (Sighs) She was drinking red wine. And, uh, Ricky said it was her favorite.
Paul: Go on.
Daisy: Well, uh... sh-she asked him to leave, and so he got mean, and he... he pushed her head under the water, and he held it there. Something in her drink-- I don't know-- she couldn't fight back. Then he cleaned up all his fingerprints afterwards. It was sickening.
Paul: (Sniffles)
Paul: (Sniffles) So, um... where did--where did you see the video?
Daisy: On Ricky's laptop.
Paul: (Sniffles) Listen, Daisy... would you be willing to testify in court as to what you saw?
Daisy: (Sighs) I-if you can get me out of here, I'll spill everything, anytime, anywhere.
Paul: (Sniffles)
Nikki: Sharon actually threatened to sabotage Newman if you didn't make it seem like you were behind her?
Nick: Pretty much.
Victoria: Nick and I were just trying to buy some time, keep the company from going belly-up.
Nikki: (Sighs) Well, I'm sorry for snapping earlier. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
Nick: Don't worry about it. We know how upset you've been about Dad being gone so long.
Nikki: Well, um, the reason I came by-- I heard from the search team, but there's no word on where he could be.
Victoria: I'm sorry.
Nikki: It's been rough on all of us, especially you two, having to deal with Sharon, and now this travesty of a press conference. I'll leave you two to it.
Nick: No, Mom, uh, hold up.
Victoria: Uh, we were gonna call you anyway.
Nick: (Sighs) When Sharon demanded the family put on a show, she meant all of the Newmans.
Nikki: (Sighs) No.
Billy: When Victor calls-- I mean, if he calls, I'm not quite sure how I'm supposed to find him.
(Door closes)
Genevieve: Oh, here's someone who might know.
Billy: Hi. Uh, we're looking for Christian.
Sister Celeste: Yeah, he's down at the docks.
Billy: Thank you. That was easy. Okay. (Clears throat)
Sister Celeste: What's going on?
Genevieve: Uh... (Sighs) Christian just sort of slipped out of here without letting anyone know where he was headed and... (Sighs) With him still injured and management still kind of unhappy with him.
Sister Celeste: You're really beginning to care about him, aren't you, Genny?
Genevieve: Yeah. I mean, how often do you meet a man like that, you know, with so much honor and integrity and... (Chuckles) The more I know about him, the more I feel like it's important to protect him.
Adam: And why do you think anyone with the last name "Newman" would speak on your behalf?
Sharon: Well, Nick and Victoria have already agreed. I mean, it took a little arm-twisting on my part, but it's a done deal. Your brother and sister will fill you in.
(Cell phone rings)
Tucker: Oh, sorry. (Sighs)
Tucker: Uh, I really should take this, unless you want me to stay.
Sharon: No, it's fine. Go ahead.
Tucker: This is Tucker.
Adam: I suppose this was his excellent advice.
Sharon: It's a brilliant maneuver. It's what needs to be done in order to stabilize the stock price.
Adam: Meanwhile, Nicholas and Victoria get served a big steaming pile of...
Sharon: Crow? Why not? I'm sure it'll be delicious. And there's plenty to go around-- Nikki, Abby, even you.
Adam: What makes you think I'll go along with this?
Sharon: Well, you want to preserve your father's legacy.
Adam: That's not a big selling point.
Sharon: (Scoffs) Okay, well, you are a board member, and Newman's future has a direct bearing on your own future, so it looks like you have no choice.
Adam: I always have a choice, Sharon. I made mine. And it appears you've made yours. You've put your own ego ahead of the best interest of the company.
Sharon: (Sighs) Okay, bait me all you want. But if you don't stand tall with everyone else and support my leadership--
Adam: Well, I could do one better. I could actually go to Nicholas and Victoria before the press conference, and I could give them a little something to spice up their presentation. The fact that you're cheating on your husband while voting his proxy-- I wonder how the judge would find that.
Nikki: You expect me to stand up there all smiles and pretend to support what that witch is up to?!
Victoria: Mom, listen, when Dad does come home, I want there to be a family business for him to come back to. Don't you?
Nick: You don't have to say a word. Vick and I will handle all the questions. Your presence alone will help sell the situation.
Nikki: These reporters are not stupid. They're gonna know it's bogus.
Victoria: Okay, that's why it's crucial for us to stand together as one.
Nikki: (Sighs) None of this would be happening if your father weren't... if he weren't lost, if he weren't... (Sighs)
Victoria: Mom, he's gonna be okay, all right? We just have to hold on to that.
Nick: In the meantime, we're gonna do whatever it takes to save this company.
Nikki: Okay, I understand.
Victoria: All right. So you'll be there?
Nikki: Yes. Just tell me when the damn thing starts. I'll try not to grit my teeth too much in front of the cameras.
Nick: Attagirl.
Nikki: (Sighs)
Nick: (Sighs)
Victoria: All right. One down, two to go. (Clicks lips) But we still have a page of bull to write on the second coming of John D. Rockefeller.
Nick: Are we having fun yet?
Victoria: (Sighs)
Sharon: What's going on between Tucker and me has nothing to do with me controlling Victor's shares.
Adam: But just imagine what it would look like to your honor when Nicholas and Victoria walk into court and drop that little bombshell. Add to it, the little fact that the man that you're sleeping with is on the Newman board. It doesn't exactly paint a picture of a devoted wife earnestly trying to carry out her missing husband's wishes.
Sharon: Would you really do that to me, after everything we've meant to each other?
Adam: I wish, for your sake, that you would just stand back, take a look at it from another perspective, and ask yourself if this is something that you really want to do.
(Cell phone alert chimes)
Adam: Nicholas and Victoria want to see me. Gee, I wonder why.
Sharon: Please don't side with them against me.
Adam: (Sighs) I'm not your worst enemy right now, Sharon. You are.
Tucker: Ready to get a table?
Sharon: No. Let's meet back at your place. We'll celebrate there in private.
Tucker: What did he say to you?
Sharon: I'll explain later.
(Cell phone rings)
Genevieve: (Sighs) It's about time you called me back.
Jack: Once "The Mustache" decides to mosey on back to town, I'll be raking in the cash, thanks to him.
Abby: Man, you sound so sure that Dad is coming back.
Jack: Oh, I know him all too well. Like I said, Victor is coming back. We couldn't get rid of him if we tried.
(Cell phone alert chimes)
Abby: Oh, um, I'm sorry. I have to go. But thank you for lunch.
Jack: My pleasure.
Abby: (Clears throat)
Jack: Have a good day. Hey, don't worry about me or Victor.
Abby: Uh, here's the thing-- whenever someone expects Dad to do something, he always does the opposite.
Moran: The guy who wants to rat out the bosses, he'll be waiting for you in the back of warehouse 5. It's all set.
Victor: All right, I'll--I'll be there, too, okay? Thank you.
Genevieve: You know, you can avoid my calls all you want, and it's not gonna change my mind. I am through.
Tucker: This little escapade with Victor is about to bust wide open, and you're smack in the middle of it, Darling. Now I hear you want out, and I will honor that as soon as you do one more thing for me.
Genevieve: And if I refuse?
Tucker: Well, it's your prerogative, but you've worked hard. You want your cut, don't you?
Genevieve: (Sighs) What do you want?
Tucker: You see Victor? Is he there? You have him in your sights?
Genevieve: Yes.
Tucker: Does that phone of yours have a camera?
Genevieve: Why?
Tucker: Just listen. This is what I need.
Chris: If the gun Paul used to shoot Ricky wasn't his, then whose was it?
Lauren: That would be courtesy of me.
Chris: It was your gun?
Michael: Which Paul agrees he had no business carrying given her prior weapons charge.
Lauren: He insisted that I give it to him and, um... I finally gave in.
Chris: Who else knows about this?
Michael: Uh, Paul, Avery. But Paul doesn't want to use it in his defense, because he, like me, is concerned about Lauren.
Chris: (Scoffs) The ethics around this place. And I don't even want to know when you found out. Look, no matter what Paul thinks, the information about it being Lauren's gun has to come out. We need it for Paul's defense.
Paul: Not anymore. I've got all the evidence I need.
Paul: Daisy is more than willing
Michael: Now h-how did you even get in to talk to her?
Paul: That's not important. What is important is she can prove that Ricky was violent.
Chris: The crux of Paul's defense.
Lauren: But who's gonna believe her? She's in an asylum and suicidal.
Paul: She didn't take the pills to kill herself. She swallowed all those pills to get out of Fairview and into a regular hospital, where it would be easier to escape.
Lauren: And--and what was she doing at Fairview to begin with?
Paul: She was hiding from Ricky. She claims that he tried to kill her. And she will not only make a statement to that effect. She has seen the video that Ricky made of himself murdering Rachel. Apparently, it was still on his laptop.
Chris: Okay, that's all very encouraging, but given Daisy's track record, I--
Paul: She was telling the truth. Believe me. She knew things that weren't even on the police report.
Michael: Such as?
Paul: The type of bathtub the victim was in, the color of wine she had been drinking. How else would Daisy know that? She had to have seen the video. And I'm telling you, I just saw her. She is sane enough to convince a judge that my son was extremely dangerous.
Nikki: Oh. Hi, Jack.
Jack: Wait, wait, wait, Nikk, join me.
Nikki: Uh, I'm fine. Thank you. (Sighs)
Jack: Listen, I-I wanted to thank you for making the divorce so easy. I signed the papers. You should be getting the final decree any day now.
Nikki: Okay. Thanks for telling me.
Jack: You all right?
Nikki: I'm sorry. I'm--I'm just, um... I'm going through a really... (Sighs) Bad time right now.
Jack: Ending a marriage is never easy.
Nikki: (Sighs)
Jack: Or is it something else that has you worried?
Nikki: You are the last person that I should be talking to about this.
Jack: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Sit--wait, Nikk, sit. Sit. You can always talk to me-- always-- about anything. I do not relish the idea of you going back to Victor, and when things go south, which they inevitably will, I won't say "I told you so," I promise. But we've shared too much. You can always talk to me, okay?
Nikki: Thank you. (Sighs) I wish I were as certain as you are that he's coming back. (Sighs) 'Cause lately, I just have this terrible feeling that something's very, very wrong.
Sister Celeste: Billy and Genny were looking for you.
Victor: Hmm.
Sister Celeste: It seemed pretty urgent. What are you up to?
Victor: Nothing.
Sister Celeste: (Chuckles) It is bad form to lie to a nun. I heard you talking to Moran. You're still in this fight, aren't you, despite what you said about minding your own business from now on?
Victor: Shh.
Sister Celeste: (Scoffs)
Victor: I'm just... taking precautions, you know, make sure that those people I've learned to care about don't get hurt.
Sister Celeste: Yeah, well, you're gonna have to think about yourself, too, Christian, that you don't get hurt. The world needs men like you. (Inhales sharply) Mm.
Victor: (Chuckles)
Sister Celeste: (Sighs)
Victor: You take care of yourself, okay?
Sister Celeste: You, too.
Victor: Okay.
Genevieve: Christian?
Victor: Mm-hmm?
Genevieve: Hey, um, you can't go until Billy gets here, all right?
Victor: Well, I-I gotta be someplace.
Genevieve: Mnh-mnh. Later.
Victor: No, this can't wait.
Genevieve: (Inhales quickly) I'll follow you if I have to.
Victor: Oh, no, that would not be a good idea.
Genevieve: Wouldn't be my first.
Victor: Well, then I'll wait.
Genevieve: Okay. Don't go anywhere. Get Billy back here.
Tucker: Listen, whatever Adam tries to throw at you, I'll handle.
Sharon: What if he tells Nick and Victoria that he saw us together?
Tucker: Well, we'll just deny it. It's our word against his. I like our odds.
Sharon: What am I doing? If anyone told me a year ago that I would be here now, I... all I cared about then was getting out of prison and spending more time with Faith and having a simple, normal life. Uh, how did I get here?
Tucker: I'll tell you how-- by getting kicked around and humiliated by the people you loved.
Sharon: (Sighs)
Tucker: Sharon, you deserve good things. You need to take them. Don't question yourself, not--not after the way you've been mistreated.
Sharon: Maybe I shouldn't have called off that search for Victor. I mean, what if something bad did happen to him?
Tucker: (Sighs) You know, I've been debating whether to show you something, but now listening to you second-guess all that you've accomplished, I believe I have to. This is what your poor lost husband's been up to.
Chris: What Daisy told you might be enough to have the charges against you reduced, maybe even dropped.
Michael: All right, I was able to get a court order allowing us to question Daisy immediately.
Chris: Excellent. All right, let's go.
Paul: Awesome.
Lauren: Let's go. Okay. Yeah.
Nick: Thanks for coming right over.
Victoria: Yes, we really appreciate it.
Abby: What's with the emergency text?
Adam: Come on, Abby... (Sighs) All four of Dad's kids in one room together-- can't you hear the battle horn? They need our help attacking the enemy.
Tucker: That's Victor in a bar with some other woman.
Sharon: Who is she? And when was this taken? Where was it taken? And how did you get it?
Tucker: One of my operatives snapped it in Vegas. And Victor left. The trail went cold. He could be anywhere by now.
Sharon: I can't believe you kept this from me this whole time.
Tucker: Sharon, you were dealing with so much, I didn't want to upset you more. And the only reason I hired a P.I. was for you, so that if you ever did need Victor, I'd be able to reach him for you. And when he took off and that wasn't possible anymore--
Sharon: But it doesn't matter, because there's no reason I would ever need him. Clearly he has moved on. Who is she?
Tucker: I don't know, someone he hooked up with on the road.
Sharon: (Sighs) So my husband is alive and well, and he's living the good life with some stranger. He's not pining over me.
Tucker: I know it's humiliating. And I'm sorry if it hurt you to see that. But it just proves you were right all along. I couldn't let you have doubts and surrender to Victor's kids without having all the facts.
Sharon: Surrender? Oh, hell, no. They haven't seen anything yet.
Billy: (Clears throat) Where's Victor?
Genevieve: Uh, he's in the men's room. He wanted to leave, but I got him to stick around.
Billy: And you let him out of your sight. That's very good. Thank you. And it's empty.
Genevieve: Oh, no. Oh, no. I'm...
Sister Celeste: Uh, uh, listen, you guys, uh, keep an eye on Moran, okay?
Genevieve: Moran? Why?
Billy: Who? What? What? What are you talking--?
Sister Celeste: I-I-I've gotta go. I don't have time to explain.
Billy: What was that all about?
Genevieve: I don't like the look on her face.
Billy: No, neither did I.
(Cell phone rings)
Billy: (Groans) Look, I gotta take this. (Clears throat) Hey. What's going on?
Jack: I have a favor to ask. (Sighs)
Billy: Uh-oh. Should I be worried here?
Jack: I know you turned down Nikki's request to have your show help find Victor. I was hoping I could get you to reconsider.
Billy: Wait, now you want him found? Why did you change your mind?
Jack: (Sighs) Its Nikki. She's a wreck-- worse than before. I am--frankly, I'm worried she might start drinking.
Billy: Really, it's that bad, huh?
Jack: Every minute that he's gone, she is in agony. (Sighs) Look, I hate to even say these words, but if I could get that clown to come back myself to save her the misery, I would do it.
Billy: (Inhales sharply)
Jack: If you could get your producers to come around, I'd... (Sighs) I'd owe you one. Billy, you still there?
Billy: Put Nikki on the phone.
Jack: Yeah, hold on a second. Billy wants to talk to you. Go ahead.
Nikki: Billy?
Billy: Hey. Look. Don't ask how or why-- just don't ask anything. I'm gonna text you a number. You dial it. You might get Victor.
Nikki: Are--are you saying he's okay? He's alive?
Billy: He's not answering my calls, okay? So maybe if he sees your name, uh, who knows?
Paul: Uh... listen, um, why don't you wait out here?
Michael: Oh. Yes. Paul's right. We don't want to do anything to upset Daisy-- might affect the interview.
Lauren: Yeah. Seeing me will definitely do that.
Chris: Thanks for understanding.
Lauren: Of course.
Michael: All right. Mwah. Well...
Nick: We have to do something to shore up the stock price before we reach the point of no return.
Victoria: And since the judge wouldn't help us throw Sharon out, our only option is to make it look like we're behind her.
Abby: B-behind that greedy airhead? (Scoffs) I'm--I'm sorry. You're kidding me. (Scoffs)
Nick: Sharon has threatened to be reckless with her position if we don't give in to her demands.
Victoria: (Sighs) And in return for her agreeing to let us help her and not run the company unilaterally, the family will make a public statement of support of Sharon as C.E.O. until Dad returns.
Abby: That's blackmail. Can't we report her to the S.E.C. or something?
Nick: Look, Abby, I know this isn't palatable, but all fighting with Sharon has done is hurt the company.
Victoria: So we will all appear on camera. Mom's already on board. We just need you two to say that you're with us.
Adam: (Sighs) Well, you're leaving out the juiciest part now, aren't you, the reason why Sharon is willing to tank her own portfolio to get her own way? It's not the money. It's not the power. It's not the fame. It's not the closet full of Gautier suits.
Abby: It's personal.
Adam: You are damn right, Abby. It's personal. It's a great big "Screw you" to the rest of us from stepmommy Sharon on live TV. She feels ostracized, and Nicholas and Victoria are bending over. They're saying, "Thank you, Ma'am, can I have another?" And really, what fun would there be in that if we couldn't do that all together as a family?
Abby: (Groans) Adam's right. I don't want a part of that at all.
Victoria: (Sighs) Abby.
Abby: Victoria, no way. I am not letting that phony destroy my credibility with the media.
Tucker: It must feel like a full-on slap in the face. Listen to me. You gotta stay strong, Sharon. You follow through. Don't let Nick and Victoria and the rest of the haters win.
Sharon: Don't worry. I won't.
Tucker: Look at you. How Victor could ever walk away from a woman as beautiful and intelligent and sexy as you-- it just blows me away. I couldn't do it.
Moran: Me again. Is our friend with the busted hand on his way? Great. Let me know when it's done.
Billy: (Coughs)
Genevieve: (Whispers) Billy, I just overheard Moran plotting with someone about Victor.
Billy: This guy.
Genevieve: It was this--yes. She's right.
Billy: This guy?
Genevieve: Yes.
Billy: You're Moran, right? Hey. Start talking to me.
Moran: (Chokes) What?
Billy: Start talking to me. Where's Christian? What's about to happen?
Moran: I don't know what you mean!
Billy: Do not lie to me. I will pop your head off.
Moran: I don't know anything!
Billy: Listen to me, you're a big boy, and I swear to God, if you make me do it, I will beat you into a pulp, and you will never be right again. Do you hear me? Do you hear me? Do you hear me?
Moran: (Breathing heavily) Your friend pissed off the wrong guys. I don't think he's gonna make that mistake again.
Jack: So what did Billy have to say?
Nikki: Your brother was very kind. He gave me some encouragement.
Jack: Good. I'm glad.
Nikki: You've been so thoughtful. I appreciate it. But right now, I just can't get my mind off of Victor. I-I really need to be alone.
Jack: Okay, yeah, I get it.
(Cell phone ringing)
Nikki: Victor? Hello?
Lauren: Where's Daisy?
Chris: Are you sure this is the right room?
Paul: Yes. I was just here. Daisy was just here.
Michael: Excuse me, Nurse. My name is Michael Baldwin. I'm the district attorney. I have a court order to interview Daisy Carter. This is her room. What--
Chris: Where is she? Why is it empty?
Woman: The patient was just checked out a little while ago.
Paul: How is that possible?
Chris: Wait, no one was allowed to visit her, let alone check her out of here.
Woman: Correct. Only immediate family members could do that. Daisy's doctor approved her release.
Lauren: What immediate family? Her brother Kevin?
Michael: What?
Woman: No, Daisy's mother.
Sharon: Thank you.
Tucker: Nah. You don't have to thank me for anything.
Sharon: (Sighs)
Tucker: (Sighs)
Sharon: You are the only person who has supported me through this whole crazy thing. You know, I think you're good for me.
Jack: (Inhales deeply) (Sighs)
Abby: If you guys and Nikki care more about business than your own reputations, that's your problem, but I have an image to uphold. The Naked Heiress can't afford to be anything less than 100% honest, so I won't lie and let the world think I'm Sharon's new B.F.F.
(Door closes)
Nick: So what about you? Any chance of you standing with the rest of the family on this?
Adam: Oh, I love how, in a moment of crisis, I'm a bona fide Newman. It makes me feel all warm and tingly inside.
Victoria: You're right about this being a crisis. Unlike Abby, though, I think you understand what's at stake.
Nick: All right, if you won't stand with us in supporting Sharon, please don't antagonize the situation by publicly coming out against her.
Adam: I am late for an important business meeting. I'll consider what you proposed.
Nick: (Sighs) Well, what a giant waste of time.
Victoria: (Sighs) Oh, please, Dad, please come home. (Sighs)
Nikki: Victor? Is that you? Uh, I've been so worried. Please say something. I-I know you're there.
Victor: Nikki?
Nikki: Yes! Yes, it's me.
Billy: Where's Christian? Where's this gonna go down?
Moran: In warehouse 5 across the street, but you're too late.
Nikki: Victor? Victor?
Next on "The Young and The Restless"...
Abby: Were you talking to Dad?
Nikki: Oh, Abby, yes.
Chelsea: You and Kevin came to an agreement about Jabot and TagNGrab?
Kevin: Uh, no. We didn't.
Sharon: No one's gonna take anything away from me anymore. I'm gonna see to it.
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