Y&R Transcript Thursday 9/20/12

Y&R Transcript Thursday 9/20/12


Episode # 9995 ~ Paul Receives Unexpected Help; Ronan Is Confronted About His Affair

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Phyllis: This is a bad idea.

Ronan: How you holding up?

Phyllis: If I tell you, will you leave me alone? Well, just when I think it can't get worse, it does. (Whispers) Excuse me.

Heather: You wanted to see me?

Michael: Uh, yeah. I just settled the assault case that Judge Rice was gonna preside over. The defendant pled out.

Heather: I will send him a thank-you note for saving the taxpayers' money.

Michael: His plea moves everything up on the judge's calendar. You're gonna have to, uh, accelerate your prep for Phyllis' case. I have other cases.

Heather: You can say "Paul's case." It's not like I forget that my dad's facing a trial.

Michael: We took oaths. We do our jobs well or we resign.

Heather: Yeah, well, I've been booted from this job before. Michael... I know that you and Phyllis are close, but I have no problem prosecuting her, and I will get a conviction. She's guilty. With my dad, I know the circumstantial evidence is extensive, but he's innocent, and I have to believe they'll find the evidence to prove it.

Chris: Okay, everything's in place. You're all set to pay Fairview a visit.

Paul: Which is not easy, considering Kevin has forbidden anyone from seeing his sister.

Chris: No, it's not a straight line from the front door to her room. You know this is risky. If anyone figures out what you're doing, it could compromise you and your defense.

Paul: Daisy might be my only defense. Now that she's awakened, there's--

Chris: She came around briefly, that's all.

Paul: I'm really sorry for dragging you into this whole mess, but I truly appreciate your help in making it happen.

Chris: And we're breaking about a dozen rules doing it, so if this thing goes south--

Paul: I can't let it go south. My whole life might depend on what happens in that hospital.

Man: Newman Enterprises hit a new low at the opening bell. The judge may have reinstated Sharon Newman as C.E.O., but investors' chatter is about her time in Fairview mental hospital.

Tucker: (Grunting)

Sharon: Oh.

Tucker: Oh. Ohh, come on. You're not Victor. That's the only reason prices are down.

Sharon: Prices stabilized when Victoria was in charge.

Tucker: Well, Victoria was C.E.O. as soon as you've proven yourself, there'll be sunny skies and big dollars.

Sharon: I can make decisions and deals and buys and sells, and it won't make any difference as long as Victoria and Nick are around. I can't fire 'em, although I might be able to make their lives difficult enough that it forces them to quit.

Tucker: Now there's a thought.

Man: The Newman scions prevailed, leading to Mrs. Newman's psychiatric evaluation. She's back, and Newman Enterprises has been downgraded to sell.

Victoria: (Sighs) How do we fix this?

Nick: (Sighs) There's gotta be some way to reassure investors, to install some confidence. It'd be a good time for Dad to walk in that door right now.

Victoria: But he hasn't yet, with all hell breaking loose. When will he? I just don't understand why nobody's seen him or heard from him.

Billy: How could you let Victor walk out of here? You were supposed to keep an eye on him, make sure he was safe. Now you and I are gonna go out there, we're gonna find him, we're gonna let him know that he's a billionaire, and drag him back to his mansion.

Genevieve: Mm, look who's back. I took the dare... will you?

Billy: Victor returned, and you couldn't lift your finger to call me and let me know he was here?

Genevieve: Hey, consider yourself updated, all right? Now, listen, you're not going to walk over to that man and say, "Hey, what's up, Victor," right?

Moran: How's the hand?

Victor: It's pretty good. I can still work.

Moran: So you're really staying on, huh?

Victor: Yeah. Gotta make a living, you know? But I'm gonna keep my mouth shut, except when I drink.

Billy: I'm sorry, how are you in charge? If I want to tell him he's Victor, I'm gonna tell him he's Victor.

Genevieve: First of all, are you a doctor? Do you know the safest way to let him know that he is not Christian Doe? And secondly, you and I both knowingly hid his whereabouts. You know, Victor, his family, the world-- they're not gonna be too amused with us. I mean, I think we should come up with a little bit of damage control before we just drop that bomb.

Billy: What's going on?

Genevieve: Well, a lot of drama on this side of the tracks-- a lot of corruption on the docks, injuries due to a total lack of paying any attention to safety regulations. These guys get hurt, they just get fired. They--they don't get insurance, they don't get disability, nothing.

Billy: Of course. Victor tortures his family, but he protects his employees, even when he doesn't know his own name.

Genevieve: He made a lot of noise about the conditions and he got himself roughed up, so now he's telling everybody that he's backed off, but he hasn't. His plan I-is to get proof of these conditions so that he can expose the corruption.

Billy: These poor schmucks don't know who they're messing with, do they? (Chuckles)

Victor: I know you.

Billy: Yep.

Victor: So what are you doing here?

Tucker: Yeah, you make life such hell that Nick and Victoria throw their hands up. I like it.

Sharon: Yeah, I love it.

Tucker: So... how will you start?

Sharon: Well, I won't.

Tucker: What?

Sharon: I can't. (Sighs) That's just gonna create more public chaos with those two. It's gonna end up hurting Newman Enterprises, and I'm not gonna stoop to their level.

Tucker: Look at you, putting the company first. Now that's a leader. The sooner Nick and Victoria acknowledge that, the better for Newman and for the rest of us.

Sharon: (Laughs) They're never gonna feel that way.

Tucker: Remember when we talked about public perception? That's all this is. If it were Victor, he would hold their feet to the fire, call a press conference, and have the entire Newman board singing the Wall Street version of "Kumbaya," praising him as C.E.O. make 'em dedicate that song to you. Force Nick and Victoria to lead the chorus.

Nick: Sorry, I had to get out of the office. I mean, Dad's picture is hanging right there, and we're watching Newman tank because of his wife.

Victoria: (Sighs) Your wife first. I love you, but what is up with your choice in women?

Phyllis: I thought you were walking away.

Ronan: I'm a slow walker.

Phyllis: Nick's a sprinter. (Chuckles) He moved out, and Summer went with him.

Ronan: Um... I'm sorry.

Phyllis: I guess its karma, really. That's what Christine said.

Ronan: Karma's a crock.

(Footsteps approach)

Phyllis: Um... no, I-I-I just came in for coffee, and--and Ronan was here. He just--he was just asking about Summer, that's--

Nick: I want to thank you for handling things with Summer the other day, keeping it quiet.

Ronan: Summer's a good kid going through a rough time, and a lot of that is because of me. I'm glad I could give her a break.

Phyllis: No, that--that's-- that's all on me. That's mine, that-- I'm--I'm gonna make it right.

Nick: I gotta go.

Victoria: The sooner, the better.

Phyllis: Karma, see?

Heather: Chris, hey. Do you have a minute?

Chris: Is this about Paul?

Heather: Uh, both of you, actually.

Chris: What's wrong?

Heather: Look, Phyllis' trial date has been moved up, and while it's a solid case, it's not a sure thing, and I just wish to God I had an eyewitness who could put Phyllis behind the wheel, and while Tim Reid probably knew she did it, it's not like he can testify from the grave.

Chris: Yeah, she shredded his life and probably never thought twice, and now he's dead. I--look, the timing was just too convenient. One might think she got "Creative" again.

Heather: Yeah, it does make you wonder, but an FBI agent is a pretty solid alibi.

Chris: What are you talking about?

Heather: Phyllis has an alibi for the night that Tim died. She was with Ronan.

Chris: "With"?

Heather: "With." Yeah, evidently, they've been having an affair.

(Knock on door) (Knocking on door)

Phyllis: It's Daisy, right?

Michael: Forget Daisy. You have bigger issues to handle.

Phyllis: Oh, God, there's more? Of course there's more. I knew there was more. There's more? There's more?

Michael: Your trial date is moving up. Get ready to go to court.

Dr. Laurents: Don't expect too much. Things haven't changed as much as we'd hoped.

Paul: No, I understand. I just, uh, well, I just would really like to see her. Thank you.

Dr. Laurents: Mm-hmm.

Patty: Pauly!

Paul: Pattycakes.

Patty: Paul.

Tucker: You set up that new company?

Sofia: Yes, in Panama. The paperwork has been executed.

Tucker: You want to leave that outside?

Sofia: The paperwork?

Tucker: No, that edge of judgment in your voice.

Sofia: It's not judgment, Tucker, it's a warning. You know we are skating on thin ice with all these shell corporations set up on every shore.

Tucker: Its how business gets done. Now put in an order for 500,000 shares of Newman when the price drops another 10%.

Sofia: Oh, because it's gonna drop that low, and this is just such a great idea?

Tucker: It will, and it is. Watch and learn, Kid.

Sharon: Nice of you two to come into the office. I assume you heard the news about Newman opening low.

Victoria: Congratulations. Your return undid any progress we might have made. You must be so proud.

Nick: Did you look into Tucker buying up chunks of Newman stock?

Sharon: Tucker is not the problem. I am not the problem. You and Victoria are the reason this company is slipping.

Victoria: Did that shrink test you for delusions? Because my guess is you would fail that test.

Sharon: You two have undermined and sabotaged me at every turn. You've embarrassed this company with your public tantrums and by dragging me into court. You let Wall Street and the press make us into a punch line. You have investors running scared because you two have your father's ego and you lack his common sense. When Victor walked away, that put me in charge, and now I have to clean up the mess you've made, and you two are gonna help me do it.

Victoria: And on what planet would we help you?

Sharon: You say all you care about is making right by Newman enterprises? Well, then, you prove it, because I'm going to call a press conference, and if what you really care about is this company, then you and the board of directors will stand by me and with me. You will get up there and say that I have your faith and support as Newman's C.E.O.

Billy: Genny filled me in. The docks are a land mine and no one gives a rat's ass if anyone gets hurt. That needs to change, but come on, man, look at yourself. You're hurt. You need some backup. That's just me, being the voice of reason. Granted, I don't have a lot of practice at being said voice of reason, but there it is.

Victor: I don't know what you're talking about. What-- you must have confused him or something.

Billy: Oh, okay, okay. You know I'm a journalist. Let me blow this wide open, and then you can sit right there on your barstool, far away from all this mess.

Victor: Oh, now I know what you want. No, I don't work that way. I-I-I don't need your help.

Billy: Typical.

Genevieve: (Sighs)

Billy: (Chuckles)

Victor: (Sets bottle down)

Genevieve: Christian, Billy knows people and he wants to help you, so let him.

Victor: What do you mean, you want to help me? I-I-I don't want to work with the press.

Billy: I understand, but let me get this story out there. I can expose what's going on at the docks, see how widespread it is. Public outcry can get you considerably more than a man with a bum hand. Come on.

Victor: Yeah, but then why don't you talk to the workers and get your story?

Genevieve: I thought you said the workers wouldn't talk.

Victor: Well... I guess you ain't got no story.

Billy: (Sighs)

Genevieve: Wow. Well, that was productive. Now what do we do?

Billy: I'm gonna get that S.O.B. to trust me if it kills me.

Genevieve: I thought you were gonna tell that S.O.B. that he was Victor Newman.

Billy: Who says I can't do both?

(Knocks on table)

Phyllis: I'm going to court, I'm going to court. When? Wh-wh-what-- I-I-I thought we had more time.

Michael: Uh, the clerk will contact you with a date shortly.

Phyllis: How did that happen?

Michael: Another defendant settled, took a plea. I know you've refused before, but, Phyllis, I would really suggest you do the same thing.

Phyllis: Okay. Is that why you're here, to tell me to give up and go to prison?

Michael: (Sighs) Call Leslie, tell her to approach Heather.

Phyllis: No. I'm not putting on an orange jumpsuit and I'm not rotting in a jail cell, okay?

Michael: You might not have a choice. If you're convicted, you will get more jail time than if you cut a deal now.

Phyllis: I'm not leaving my family, Michael.

Michael: Look around you! Sweetheart, your family's not here. If you took a plea... if you spared them the anger, the angst, the frustration by telling the truth just once, if you--if you trusted them, the people who love you-- they will understand.

Phyllis: What about the people who hate me? What are you gonna do, dance on my grave?

Ronan: Hey. I heard you were back.

Chris: What is wrong with you? Unethical, irresponsible, unprofessional-- she is a suspect, Ronan. Phyllis is going to trial for trying to kill a fed, and you had sex with her?

Paul: I appreciate you bringing Patty here for a reevaluation, Doctor. She doesn't get this type of care at the prison hospital.

Dr. Laurents: Well, we'll do some blood work, some talk therapy, see if we can adjust her protocol at the prison, make some progress. I'll give you two a minute.

Paul: All right, thanks, thanks again.

Paul: Hey, Patty. I missed you.

Patty: I missed you. You need a doctor, too. You look so sad.

Paul: I am. I did something very bad, Patty, and it--it-- it hurts me every day.

Patty: Pauly, no, you never do anything bad. You are the best brother ever, and I love you.

Paul: I love you, too. But I'm not a very good father. Do you remember Ricky? Sweetheart, he, um... he died, and it's all my fault. So I need-- I need people to understand that I never would hurt Ricky if I had the choice, and I think there is someone who can help me-- Daisy Carter. Do you remember Daisy? She is in here, just like you are, and I think if I could talk to her, that she could make everything okay, but they--they won't let me go to her room.

Patty: Oh, you don't need her room, Pauly. You could stay here right-- stay with me. Stay with me.

Paul: I know, I want to stay here with you, but I need to talk to Daisy about Ricky.

Patty: I can help you. I have an idea. I can help you.

Paul: You can, really?

Patty: I can. We can--we can draw pictures of little kitties. It helps me when I'm-- I'm feeling sad. Yeah.

Phyllis: It was a credit card statement, Michael, a credit card statement that says I rented a car. Come on. You have nothing.

Michael: Think about it, Phyllis, just think about it. Sometimes prosecutors, they--they screw up, sometimes jurors are less than intellectually competent, but most of the time, guilty people get convicted.

Phyllis: My family didn't leave me. They didn't leave. They're on a break. I have to be here when they get back.

Michael: Many people love you, but you keep secrets. You keep big secrets, and they have a tendency to blow up at the worst possible time, so please, please, Phyllis, for your own sake, tell Leslie everything. She's your attorney. She needs that information to build a competent case. If you let her be blindsided in court... you're putting yourself in your own cell.

Ronan: Phyllis and I were involved the last time you were in town, Chris. That's not news to you.

Chris: Oh, and so now, are you gonna tell me that you weren't with her the night that Tim Reid died?

Ronan: No, I'm not gonna tell you that.

Chris: Oh, God. Uh, the woman is awaiting trial. You've jeopardized the case, your job, your career. If I took this back to the department of justice--

Ronan: Is that what you're planning on doing?

Chris: What the hell were you thinking?!

Ronan: Uh, I wasn't thinking. That thing that Phyllis and I had-- it didn't go away. It just... it got bigger.

Chris: Well, you screwed up, and the worst part is who you screwed up with.

Tucker: With Sharon out of the mental facility and back at Newman, the stock is starting to fall.

Sofia: Are you sure it's gonna drop even lower?

Tucker: At this very moment, Sharon is holding Nick and Victoria's feet to the fire, insisting that they back her up, along with the entire board.

Sofia: (Scoffs) That'll never happen.

Tucker: No, it won't. Nick and Victoria will flip out. They'll come back swinging in public. They might even get mad enough to quit. Either way...

Sofia: Ahh.

Tucker: They're still at war, Newman price tanks even further, 10% drop. Watch that ticker and then buy those shares.

Victoria: Yesterday, you weren't allowed anything sharper than a crayon, and now you think you can order us around.

Sharon: I'm C.E.O.

Victoria: You have no idea what it takes to sit in that chair.

Sharon: And you do. I guess that's why you always quit or Victor always fired you. It's time for some new blood, and that's me.

Victoria: You want to see blood? You go tell Wall Street again how gifted you are at business, and they will shred you before you get the words out.

Nick: Sharon, you're outclassed. If you want the stock price to go back up, you need to step aside. Do it gracefully, but do it now.

Sharon: Or what? You two will quit?

Nick: That is what you want. The board restrictions prevent you from firing us, so that's not gonna happen.

Sharon: I want Newman Enterprises to be the comeback story of the decade. I want to replace Beauty of Nature with something bigger and better. I want to build out our infrastructure and our technology. I want the board of directors to present a united front and blow everyone out of the water who ever doubted us, but you two-- you want to whine and scrabble and put your egos first. Well, guess what, Kids? Suck it up, because I'm not gonna let you destroy my company.

Billy: Ho ho ho. Okay, are you excited? You want to see who got you presents? Boom. Right here, look, a phone, yeah, and another one just like it. One for you, one for me.

Victor: What am I supposed to do with it?

Billy: Well, this number is already programmed into this phone. Use it to call me.

Victor: Why would I call you?

Billy: For backup, if you need it. Now pay attention. This phone has a camera for taking pictures. You can also record conversations. Use this thing, get the information, and we can expose what's going down here together. It's a heck of a story, a noble thing that might soften some angry hearts. Look, just take the phone, okay? Use it, get the information, and call me if you need any help.

Victor: I don't need your help.

Genevieve: Christian, please, don't try to do it all alone.

Victor: Well, who is he?

Billy: I'm the nice guy trying to help you out.

Victor: I don't want to talk to you. I don't want to talk to you, okay?

Genevieve: (Sighs) Billy... that was great. It was really clever.

Billy: At least now he's got somebody that can have his back besides you and a nun.

(Tosses down cell phone)

Nick: You may have been in my dad's bed. That doesn't make you him.

Victoria: Where is the prenup, Sharon? Oh, it's in ashes, because you're a sneak and a liar.

Sharon: Maybe some time in Fairview will help you deal with your anger issues.

Victoria: You know, the world knows that you are the worst thing to happen to this company, this family. The doctor who let you out made a huge mistake.

Paul: Man, if I could just get into that room...

Dr. Laurents: How are you two doing?

Paul: Well, uh, I'm afraid you're right, Doctor. Not much has changed with my sister. Uh... is there a restroom that I could use on this floor?

Dr. Laurents: Well, there's no restroom for guests in the locked ward. I'll have a nurse escort you down to the lobby.

Paul: Oh... (Stammers)

Patty: Kitty-kitty! Mr. Kitty! Where are they? Where are my kitties?

Paul: No, Patty, Patty--

Dr. Laurents: Patty, calm down, Patty.

Patty: Where are my kitties? No! No, somebody took them away!

Dr. Laurents: Patty. Calm down, patty. Patty, its okay.

Patty: You chased them, you mean, bad man. You chased them.

Paul: No, no, no, she doesn't know what she's doing.

Dr. Laurents: Patty. Patty.

Patty: No, I just want my kitties back. Please make them come back. Make them come back, please.

Dr. Laurents: It's okay. It's okay. Draw me some pictures.

Patty: (Sobs) I just want my kitties. Oh, me and my kitties, my kitties and me-- what love hath brought together, no one can put asunder, you wolfman! (Growling)

Dr. Laurents: Patty.

Paul: Daisy. Daisy, can you hear me? If you can hear me, wake up again. Daisy. Daisy.

Daisy: How-- where am I?

Paul: It's okay. You're safe. It's Paul Williams. You're gonna be okay.

Daisy: Paul... thank God you're here.

Phyllis: Um, you know, so--so it was just a knee-jerk decision. It was just... panic.

Leslie: So Ronan Malloy claimed he was with you when Tim Reid died. An FBI agent admitted to an affair with a woman about to go on trial for attempted murder of a federal employee.

Phyllis: Somebody just suggested I come clean with you. You know everything now. You know everything.

Leslie: Ronan's lying to the authorities. He's ready to perjure himself if he gets called to the stand. Sounds like you're having an affair.

Phyllis: I know it sounds like that. I swear we're not.

Leslie: Then why would he risk his entire career for you?

Phyllis: Because he believes I didn't kill Tim Reid.

Leslie: Hmm. Sounds like Malloy is too noble for his own good, but as long as he keeps watching your back...

Phyllis: I think he might.

Michael: Everything okay?

Chris: (Sighs) And you knew.

Michael: About...

Chris: Oh, please, you're Phyllis' bosom buddy, and Ronan here is her... whatever. Doesn't anyone give a damn about this case?

Michael: Heather is handling Phyllis' prosecution, and believe me, she wants a conviction as much as you do. As far as Ronan and Phyllis are concerned, yes, I have a few questions of my own.

Chris: Oh, trust me, I'll want him fully debriefed and then booted off this case.

Ronan: All right, this isn't your house, Christine.

Michael: Ronan.

Ronan: It's not your d--

Chris: You know, Ronan, I could call your boss and have you yanked out of here before you can pull out your gun and your badge. If you are lucky, you'll keep your job with the bureau. Oh, don't look at him. He can't help you. You made your choice when you slept with Phyllis.

Ronan: Okay. Guess I'm off the case.

Daisy: I wasn't trying to kill myself. I took all those pills to try and get out of here. I thought they'd transfer me to a hospital, but I guess it didn't work.

Paul: Why are you here?

Daisy: (Sighs) To get away from Ricky. He tried to kill me. The night of the arts gala, I was gonna talk to Michael, but Ricky found me. I ran and he followed me. I fell down a hill and I lost my wallet and my cell. Th-there was no way to call for help, so I hid... and I played dead until I heard him leave. I was so afraid to come back to town, so I hitched a ride and I wound up at some rest stop... (Sighs) Got a hold of a pair of scissors, cut my hair, walked a little more, and that's when I saw this place.

Paul: Really? And they just let you in here?

Daisy: With a made-up name and story. I had been around crazy a lot, so it was really easy to fool these people.

Paul: Daisy, I'm so sorry. Uh, why on earth did Ricky want you dead?

Daisy: Because he knew I saw the video.

Paul: The video? What video?

Daisy: Of Ricky killing his girlfriend.

Tucker: You okay? Did they quit?

Sharon: They caved. Victoria and Nick fell right in line for the sake of the company, and it was all your idea.

Victoria: How did you even get the words out?

Nick: "Dear P.R. department, one public tribute to Queen Sharon, please."

Victoria: Ugh, disgusting.

Nick: (Sighs) Sharon's not going anywhere, Vick. We didn't have much of a choice. We have to save Newman.

Victoria: Well... (Sighs) At least she agreed to our conditions.

Nick: It's a small victory, but it is something.

Victoria: And now, we have to write a statement of praise to the business genius that is Sharon Newman. I think I might gag. (Sighs)

Nick: Vick, don't worry. Sharon's gonna get hers.

Victoria: When?

Nick: When Dad comes back, he's gonna deal with her, and the rest of us can just sit back and watch.

Moran: Hey.

Moran: So you backed off. I get it, but there's a guy I know on the inside-- following orders, cutting corners, only he ended up hurt and he got fired, even though he was loyal. Now he'll talk, file a report, if you walk him through it. That's the only way. If you're in, meet him later by the docks, behind warehouse 5.

Victor: I'll be there.

Moran: He took the bait.

Genevieve: You know, we need to be very careful about how we tell him who he really is. He could totally freak out on us.

Billy: Okay, figure it out now, like, right now.

Genevieve: What are you gonna do?

Billy: I'm pulling the plug. I'm going to tell Victor who he is before he does something stupid and gets himself killed by these longshoremen. Hey, where the hell is he? Oh, come on.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Paul: Would you be willing to testify as to what you saw?

Nick: When Sharon demanded the family put on a show, she meant all of the Newmans.

Billy: Where is this gonna go down?

Moran: Warehouse 5, across the street, but you're too late!

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