Y&R Transcript Wednesday 9/19/12

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 9/19/12


Episode # 9994 ~ Christine & Phyllis Argue; Billy's Secrets Put His Family in Danger

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Billy: Okay.

Victoria: Wow. Does your producer always yell like that?

Billy: Oh, no, she was just reminding me loudly that "Restless style TV" isn't exactly, um, how did she put it? It's not "Popping" in the ratings, and the network's not happy.

Victoria: Well, I'm sure that you will blow them away with your next episode.

Billy: Oh, I'm sure, if I can ever come up with another idea. (Chuckles)

Victoria: How about that exposé to discredit Sharon?

Billy: I pitched it. Thonsor's not buying it.

Victoria: Well, talk him into it, please. This might be my only chance to oust Sharon as C.E.O. please.

Billy: Okay, okay, okay, okay, I'll keep working on it. I know you and Nick could use the artillery, so I'll see what I can do.

Victoria: What I need is my dad to get back here and put an end to this madness.

Nick: My feelings exactly.

Victoria: Hi. How's the stock?

Nick: Still dropping.

Victoria: Oh, man, That's really bad news for us, but I'm sure that other people are doing the happy dance.

Billy: Ooh, that is not a thinly veiled reference to my brother.

Nick: Is Jack still amassing shares?

Victoria: Yeah, and proud of it. He also warned us that we need to look out for Tucker.

Nick: I haven't heard of any McCall purchases.

Victoria: Well, Jack thinks that Tucker's not reporting them.

Billy: I can't imagine that he wouldn't know that that's illegal.

Nick: It's just the two-faced kind of thing that Tucker would do-- pretend that he's Sharon's friend while taking advantage.

Victoria: I'm sure that he is loving Dad being missing so that he can buy, buy, buy while the price is good.

Billy: That's exactly what he's doing.

(Cell phone rings)

Billy: I-I'm just saying, you--you can't trust that guy.

Nick: Hey, Sharon.

Sharon: I want to see you in my office immediately, and bring Victoria.

Nick: We're on our way. We have some things to discuss with you as well.

Sister Celeste: Oh, um, Genny, hey...

Genevieve: Hmm?

Sister Celeste: Have you, uh, heard from Christian?

Genevieve: No, nothing, but, you know, I think he's safer staying away.

Sister Celeste: True. Do miss him, though.

Genevieve: Yeah, me too.

Sister Celeste: (Chuckles)

(Cell phone rings)

Genevieve: Oh, excuse me, Sister.

Sister Celeste: Sure.

Genevieve: (Sighs) Hello?

Tucker: Is everything under control?

Genevieve: (Scoffs) I'm waiting tables in a shoddy bar. What do you think?

Tucker: I think that I'm paying you to keep a close eye on Victor.

Genevieve: Okay, and?

Tucker: And the stock is starting to bottom out, so you shouldn't be there much longer.

Genevieve: Uh-huh. Oh, gotta go, gotta get back to my customers. Bye.

Tucker: Genevieve, don't hang... up on me.

Phyllis: I'll have one of those.

Man: All right.

Phyllis: Thank you. (Exhales slowly) This day has gone downhill really fast. What about yours?

Kevin: Adam tried to make a deal for TagNGrab behind my back. Chloe and I had a big fight.

Phyllis: I can top that. Nick and Summer walked out on me.

Kevin: I'm sorry.

Phyllis: Me, too.

Kevin: I don't know what I would do...

Phyllis: Mm.

Kevin: If that happened with Chloe and Delia.

Phyllis: What was your fight about?

Kevin: I told her about my part in the whole Tim thing.

Phyllis: You told her about my Tim thing that could get us arrested?

Kevin: She doesn't know anything about why he happened to die at your place or what was going on between the two of you.

Phyllis: Okay, which means she only knows bout us moving the body. Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? Seriously? What if she talks to her mom? What if she talks to Kay Chancellor?

Kevin: She's not. She's not gonna talk to anyone, okay?

Phyllis: Oh, my God. (Sighs) All this on top of Daisy having been in town this entire time.

Kevin: What happened, by the way, when Daniel went to see her?

Phyllis: Nothing. She was still in a coma, which is a relief.

Kevin: A relief that my sister's in a coma after trying to kill herself?

Phyllis: Okay, I didn't mean it like that, but yeah, a relief. It gives us time to adjust.

Kevin: Oh, you mean strategize, so you can figure out a way to keep Daisy out of Lucy's life...

Phyllis: Yes.

Kevin: 'Cause it would have been so much easier had Daisy never been found, right?

Phyllis: She's crazy. She's made things very, very complicated.

Kevin: For you, maybe, but I'm actually happy to find out that she's still alive.

Paul: Chris! What are you doing here?

Chris: Heather called, said you could use a little friendly support.

Paul: Oh, that's awesome. Thanks. Have a seat. It's nice to know that, uh, my friend, my daughter, and my lawyer are looking out for me.

Avery: And your timing is perfect.

Chris: I can't believe that Daisy turned up.

Paul: Yeah, I know. Maybe Ricky did have something to do with her disappearing. I mean, she let everyone believe she was dead.

Avery: We need corroboration that Ricky was dangerous and violent.

Chris: When are you gonna talk to her?

Paul: Oh, well, Daisy's incapacitated.

Chris: Ohh. What do her doctors say?

Avery: Oh, they refuse to tell us anything on how she ended up at Fairview, and I've had no luck getting in there, but maybe with your department of justice credentials, could pull some strings to get us access.

Chris: I'll do what I can. Excuse me.

Avery: (Sighs)

Phyllis: I'm sorry. Maybe you've seen some redeeming quality in all Daisy's half sister story, but I, my friend, am not happy that she's back in town. She's made my life a living hell.

Kevin: We thought she'd been brutally murdered by Ricky, a psychopath. Would you have preferred that?

Phyllis: Oh, come on, don't be stupid. Don't be crazy. We can't talk about this, obviously.

Kevin: Obviously, and you know what? After everything that I have done for you, what I need from you is to just shut up about this. How about that?

Phyllis: Done.

Chris: Well, that was a wash.

Paul: (Sighs) Well, thanks for trying, anyway. Any ideas?

Avery: Well, we can't force the doctors at Fairview to break the doctor/patient confidentiality, even if we all want her take on Ricky.

Chris: And they aren't budging on letting us have access to Daisy.

Avery: No, but there is someone who might be willing to go in for us.

(Cell phone rings)

Kevin: Hello.

Chris: Kevin, hi, it's Christine.

Kevin: What can I do for you?

Chris: I'm sitting here with Paul and Avery, and we're hoping you can help us out.

Sister Celeste: See, he didn't want the people who almost killed me in that accident to bother anymore. That's the main reason he left.

Genevieve: Hmm. It's a noble gesture.

Sister Celeste: I just can't stop wondering if he's okay.

Genevieve: You know, I think that Christian is the type of man who can take care of himself.

Sister Celeste: Well, I hope you're right.

Genevieve: Mm.

Sister Celeste: Look, I'm-- I gotta go, I gotta get back to the mission.

Genevieve: Sister...

Sister Celeste: Yeah?

Genevieve: If you decide to come back here later, there just might be a plate here with your favorite burger on it.

Sister Celeste: (Chuckles) Aren't you a sweetheart? Thanks.

Genevieve: (Chuckles)

Sister Celeste: See you later.

Genevieve: Yeah, aren't I a sweetheart?

(Cell phone rings)

Genevieve: Ohh. Ugh. Have you figured out what to do about Victor?

Billy: I'm just calling to see if he's still healthy and if he's regained any of his memory.

Genevieve: You sound concerned.

Billy: Look, I'm not exactly enjoying Victor's absence from Genoa City, so can you just tell me when this is all gonna be over?

Genevieve: You know, I wish I could ease your mind as well as my own, but... (Sighs) Victor left last night.

Billy: He left? W-where'd he go? Is he coming home?

Genevieve: (Sighs) No. He still doesn't know who he is.

Billy: And you let him go?

Genevieve: Things were getting dangerous for him here, and since it will disrupt Tucker's manipulations, it might end up being what's best for Victor anyway.

Billy: Yeah, and for you, I'm sure.

Genevieve: You know, you needed to wash your hands of this thing, and I need to do the same, and before you ask me, no, Tucker does not know this.

Billy: Why not?

Genevieve: Because I've had it with him.

Billy: Okay. When are you leaving L.A.?

Genevieve: I'm gonna stick around a little while longer, just in case Victor tries to get in touch. He might call me or Sister Celeste.

Billy: I cannot believe we had him and we just let him go.

Genevieve: Billy, if you're this upset, you can end this thing. Just tell what you know.

Billy: Yeah, looks like 'm gonna have to, even if it ruins my marriage in the process. Look, just tell me if you find out anything else, okay? Thank you.

Sharon: Last night and this morning, I was reviewing the work you did in my absence.

Victoria: And you wanted to thank us?

Sharon: Since I have no questions for either of you, I will no longer be needing your services.

Victoria: You might want to tweak your reviewing skills, Sharon. Evidently, you've missed a few things.

Nick: You can't fire us without the board's approval

Sharon: Hmm. I'll have the board reverse that immediately.

Nick: While you were gone and Vick was C.E.O., stock prices stabilized. The second you come back, they're falling again.

Victoria: We don't really see the vote going your way. You might be back, but we're not going anywhere.

Sharon: Fine. You can stay. But I will be watching your every move, and you two better focus on preserving my vision for Newman. Do not try to undermine me.

Victoria: The person you should be questioning in regards to Newman's welfare is your new best friend Tucker.

Sharon: Why is that?

Nick: We suspect he's been secretly buying up Newman stock.

Victoria: And every time you make a bad move and the stock goes down, Tucker is probably consuming a little bit more of Newman.

Sharon: Where's your proof?

Victoria: You need to open your eyes, Sharon. You need to realize who you're dealing with.

Nick: Is he supporting you, or is he out for himself?

Tucker: And set up another dummy corporation so I can buy more Newman stock.

Sofia: Tucker, you're gonna have to start reporting these buys.

Tucker: Mm, not yet.

Sofia: Tucker, people are already starting to get suspicious. Jack, Adam, Nick, Victoria--

Tucker: Which is why I'm taking extensive precautions.

Sofia: (Sighs)

Tucker: Listen, I know it's a risk, but I'm not willing to tip my hand just yet.

Paul: Kevin agreed to talk to Daisy's doctor's for us?

Chris: Yeah, he's been anxious to check on his sister, suspected that Daniel, as Daisy's husband, should see her first.

Avery: Well, since Kevin's a family member, maybe the doctors will be more forthcoming on anything Daisy said about Ricky.

(Cell phone alert chimes)

Chris: Oh, wait, this is from Kevin. Uh, Daisy's primary care doctor is going to be examining her shortly, so it's gonna delay his visit.

Paul: Oh, damn.

Chris: Uh, but he's gonna text me after he sees her.

Avery: In that case, I really should get back to Newman.

Paul: All right, see you later, Avery, and, uh, thank you.

Avery: Mm-hmm.

Chris: Bye.

Avery: Bye.

Chris: So how are you really?

Paul: Really? I'm fine.

Chris: Last time I was here, you were in jail and you felt you belonged there.

Paul: I-I was, and I did.

Chris: Well, you seem better, but are you, or do you still feel like you should be punished for Ricky's death?

Billy: Hey, man, can I get a beer, please? Thanks hey, Kevin, hi. Didn't see you when I came in. What's up, man?

Kevin: Daisy's alive.

Billy: What? Where has she been?

Kevin: She's been in Fairview.

Billy: Well, that makes sense, the psychiatric hospital.

Kevin: Yeah, well, that's where they put you when you swallow a handful of pills.

Billy: Oh. She didn't strike me as the suicidal type. Sorry.

Kevin: Hmm. I'm telling you about this because it's out there, people are gonna be talking about it, but I am not kidding when I tell you I'll drop-kick you if this ends up on "Restless Style."

Billy: Take it easy, big angry. I've got enough stuff going on. That's not gonna happen, okay?

Kevin: (Scoffs) Like what?

Billy: Oh, well, like Victor.

Kevin: Victor's gone. How can he be a problem?

Billy: Yeah, well, when he first disappeared, I was extremely happy to live in a Victor-free world. I even slightly fantasize about getting even with him.

Kevin: Finding out where he was, keeping him away from the people he loves, like he did to you?

Billy: Yeah. He would deserve that, wouldn't he?

Kevin: (Sighs) Well, I think you should just drop the revenge stuff. You're home, you have your wife, you have your kids.

Billy: (Clears throat)

Kevin: Besides, Victor is your wife's father.

Billy: Yeah, I know that.

Kevin: So for her sake, maybe you should be hoping that he makes a swift and safe return home and that he's not dead in a ditch somewhere.

Billy: Yeah, that's, uh... that's just it. Victor is alive. I've seen him.

Paul: Well... (Sighs) The guilt I have over Ricky's death will, um... probably never go away, but I am helping out with my defense.

Chris: It is so good to see you fighting, the way that all of us who care about you prayed you would.

Paul: I owe it to all of you.

Chris: What?

Paul: You kept telling me things that I needed to hear, and kept telling me until I listened.

Sofia: Okay, Tucker. Okay. Let's say you don't get nailed for hiding your stock purchases, hmm? And let's say Victor Newman is not off soul-searching somewhere, but maybe something happened to him and he's dead.

Tucker: Well, that's dire.

Sofia: An awful possibility, but it's possible. Newman will take a tremendous hit, and you'll suffer monumental loss.

Tucker: Let me tell you something. Victor Newman is the ultimate bad penny. He'll turn up again, and when he does, that stock will go through the roof.

Sofia: It's an unnecessary gamble.

Tucker: It's a calculated risk, one I'm willing to take.

Sharon: Why would I trust anything that you two have to say? You just tried to have me declared incompetent, and Tucker is the one member of the board who has stood by me.

Nick: Because he has an agenda.

Sharon: Well, I'm not going turn against him because of your mind games.

Victoria: Just because you don't like what Nick and I said it doesn't mean that it's wrong.

Sharon: We're done here.

Nick: No, actually, we're not. There's something else I want to talk to you about.

Sharon: Uh, e-mail me.

Nick: No, this has nothing to do with Newman.

Sharon: (Sighs) Make it quick.

Nick: Summer, Faith, and I will go back to my place on the ranch.

Sharon: What happened?

Nick: Phyllis and I are having some issues.

Sharon: Oh, you mean issues related to that hit-and-run disaster that she forgot to tell you about?

Victoria: Nick doesn't need to explain anything to you.

Sharon: He does if it affects me, and especially if he's planning on moving back to the ranch right after I've resumed my role at Newman. I find that suspect.

Nick: Are you implying that I'm planning to spy on you?

Sharon: I wouldn't put anything past you.

Victoria: You know, you better get a grip before you completely self-destruct.

Kevin: Please tell me you're not holding Victor hostage somewhere.

Billy: Come on. Okay, I-I swear that I didn't keep him from coming home from L.A.

Kevin: Okay, and what's the rest?

Billy: He doesn't know where home is or who he is, and I didn't exactly clear that up for him.

Kevin: Are you crazy?

Billy: It's not as bad as it sounds, okay? He--he was doing fine. He had his meds. Hell, he even had a job.

Kevin: Why are you saying that in the past tense? Is he okay now?

Billy: I assume he's fine, but he's not in the place that he was staying, and I don't know where he went, so...

Kevin: (Scoffs) You had a chance to bring Victor home, and now he's missing?

Billy: Why are you getting so uptight about this?

Kevin: Because you told me, and I am tired of getting dragged into other people's secrets!

Billy: Okay, chill out. Forget I told you.

Kevin: I can't do that, and now you have to clear this with Victoria. You know, you're lucky-- you're lucky that you got your life and your marriage back together after being some other woman's baby daddy, and now this? You're trying to out-Victor Victor?

Billy: Things got a little bit out of hand. Once I knew and I didn't say anything, I got stuck in it.

Kevin: You're not stuck, you're screwed and you need to fix it. Find him before somebody else does and this all blows up in your face.

Billy: Well, gee, Kev, you're making both of my options seem so tempting.

Kevin: Well, why did you tell me?

Billy: Because you were here.

Kevin: No, no, no. You told me because you knew what I was gonna say and you know what you have to do, so go do it.

Billy: Yes, fine, okay? You're right. I've gotta go find Victor, and I gotta bring him home. So much fun. That's it. That's it.

Chris: I hope we finally catch the break in your case that we need.

Paul: Well, that could happen today, when we talk to Kevin.

Chris: I like that optimism. I will be right back.

Paul: Okay.

Phyllis: Hey, Summer, Honey, uh, um, it's your mom. I just wanted you to know, you left your history book in your room, and now you need it for school, so I'm gonna drop it off at your dad's. Okay, that's--that's a-all I wanted to tell you, and... I miss you. I know you don't want to hear it, but I miss you, okay? Bye. Look at this. You're back.

Chris: And you don't look happy.

Kevin: (Sighs) Your hair is different. Daisy, it's Kevin. I'm really glad to see you. I mean, not in here, of course, not like this... but considering that everybody thought you were... Oh, I hate that you're in here. I hate that you had to resort to this. (Sighs) I came here because I had a lot of questions to ask you about Ricky, about why you ran... but none of that matters now. I'm just glad you're alive and I get to tell you that. I want us to be brother and sister. And when you wake up, I'm gonna be there for you. I'm gonna help you. I’m gonna look out for you, whatever you need. I'm not gonna walk away.

Daisy: Kevin.

Kevin: Daisy? (Chuckles) Daisy. Hold on, hold on.

Sister Celeste: Ahh. Thank you, Genny. (Laughs)

Genevieve: (Chuckles) You're welcome.

(Cell phone rings)

Genevieve: You again?

Tucker: I need the latest on Victor, and don't dodge my questions this time. How is he?

Genevieve: Well, he actually... he walked through the door.

(Knock on door)

Tucker: Come in. Hey.

Sharon: Look that's not why I'm here.

Genevieve: Christian.

Sister Celeste: Christian.

Genevieve: We didn't expect you to come back.

Victor: I just couldn't stay away.

Phyllis: Yeah, I'm in a bad mood. I just found out that Daisy Carter is alive.

Chris: Is that all?

Phyllis: No. You're in my face... but I can do something about that.

Chris: I heard you just leave that message.

Phyllis: It must make you very, very happy to know that my husband and my daughter moved out.

Chris: What makes me happy is that you're finally being flattened by the karmic wheel.

Phyllis: (Inhales slowly) Watch out.

Chris: I have to say, it does make my world a whole lot brighter.

Avery: Where's Sharon?

Nick: (Sighs) Gone, with no word when she'll be back, so I guess I'll have to get her signature on that.

Avery: Likewise, and I'm sorry you have to get her to sign off on your work.

Nick: So while we're alone... Tucker McCall. What's your take on him?

Avery: I don't trust him. Sharon does.

Nick: Vick and I tried to warn her. We think he's buying Newman stock on the down low.

Avery: And given Tucker and Sharon's relationship, she doesn't believe you?

Nick: How'd you guess?

Avery: Well, I'm also gonna guess that you and Victoria will work around that.

Nick: We decided that I will be contacting the S.E.C.

Avery: And you will ask them to look into Tucker's recent business transactions?

Nick: Best scene, he gets busted right away. At the very last, the S.E.C. will put some heat on Tucker McCall.

Tucker: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be presumptuous. Just happy to see you.

Sharon: You're about the only one besides Faith.

Tucker: Mm. So your homecoming went about as well as expected, huh?

Sharon: Even worse.

Tucker: Talk to me.

Sharon: Okay, Tucker, I need to ask you something, and I want you to be honest, because if you're not, I'm gonna find out anyway, so just tell the truth.

Tucker: What is it?

Sharon: Have you been buying up Newman stock?

Victor: I just had to come back, mainly because of you, Sister.

Sister Celeste: Me?

Victor: Yep. I was afraid that the people who came after you once were gonna do it again, you know? Because you had the courage to stand by me, so I'm gonna look out for you, and I need to get back to work, make some money.

Genevieve: But what about your protests against the management?

Victor: I'm not gonna-- I'm not gonna protest anymore, okay? Sorry, Guys, I, um... was trying to help, but, um, it didn't work out that way. Anyone who goes up against this company, I guess we've learned, you know, is gonna get in trouble, so no more trouble. I just came back to do my job, that's all. I don't want any of you to suffer because of me.

Billy: Ahh.

Victoria: (Sighs)

Billy: Hey. Oh, I'm glad you had the time to come meet me. Look, I need to tell you something.

Victoria: Wait, wait until I tell you about what happened with Sharon.

Billy: I've gotta go back to Los Angeles.

Victoria: What? Now? Why?

Nick: Avery, you've put yourself on the line, trying to help Victoria and me while still working for Sharon.

Avery: Well, the way I see it, I'm still working for Victor, but... (Sighs)

Nick: Frustrated?

Avery: Ohh, I wish that I could do more here, or for Paul, or for my own sister, for that matter. How is Phyllis doing?

Nick: Summer and I moved out earlier today.

Avery: Oh, Nick. What brought you to this point?

Nick: It was starting to affect Summer. She was struggling with Phyllis, and Faith doesn't need to be around all that tension.

Avery: Well, I feel awful for Phyllis, but I do understand. You've been dealing with so much. I don't know how you're holding up so well.

Nick: I don't have a choice. I have to. I love my wife, but I have to look out for my children, and Phyllis is gonna have to face the consequences of the choices she's made.

Phyllis: Wow, Christine Blair, always upholding truth and justice.

Chris: Those of us who can, do.

Phyllis: But you are one stone-cold bitch.

Chris: Oh, says the woman who tried to kill me with her car.

Phyllis: You just want to see me suffer, don't you?

Chris: Yes, I do.

Phyllis: That's the same as wanting my children to suffer. You know that, right?

Chris: Your children already suffer. They have you as their mother.

Phyllis: You have no idea what it's like to protect a child. Oh, well, of course you don't, because you don't have any children.

Chris: You know, I might have children if you hadn't tried to murder me and Paul.

Paul: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hi.

Phyllis: (Chuckles) Hi.

Paul: I was wondering what happened to you.

Chris: Yeah, I just tripped over some trash.

Paul: Well, I don't think any one of us wants to create a scene right now. You know, Phyllis and I, uh, spend enough time in the media as it is.

Chris: No, you're right, it would be bad for Phyllis to be seen verbally abusing her victims in public.

Phyllis: Ooh, you started it.

Chris: And I'll finish it in court.

Phyllis: You do that.

Paul: Hey, Kevin.

Kevin: Hi

Chris: How's Daisy?

Kevin: Uh, well, she was unconscious when I got there, but, uh, then she woke up.

Paul: She did?

Kevin: I mean, just for a second, though.

Paul: Did she say anything?

Kevin: Uh, she said my name. That was it.

Paul: What did the doctors think?

Kevin: Well, they said that that was a good sign and that she will likely recover from this.

Chris: Well, that's great that she's recovering.

Kevin: Yeah. They wouldn't tell me anything that Daisy said about Ricky. Even though I'm family, they said it was confidential.

Paul: Oh, okay. Well, when she gets better, we can ask her, I suppose.

Kevin: Uh, actually, I decided that, um, I don't want to question her about this.

Paul: You did? Why?

Kevin: Look, Paul, I feel for you, I do, but Daisy is my sister, and she is very fragile right now. She tried to kill herself.

Paul: Right, I understand. I've been there with my sister. I--believe me, I know how scary it is.

Kevin: So when she does get better, I think I just want to take it easy with her, and I'm gonna need you guys to back off.

Paul: Okay.

Kevin: Thanks.

Paul: (Sighs)

Chris: He just needs some time.

Paul: Which I don't have. Daisy is the key to my defense.

Chris: So what do we do?

Paul: Chris, I got to find out more. And I think I have an idea how to do that.

Tucker: Yes, I have been buying Newman stock.

Sharon: Secretly?

Tucker: So many people were unloading their shares, I felt that buying would help the company and show support for your leadership.

Sharon: And that's the only reason?

Tucker: Well, I won't deny it's a great investment, and it'll really pay off once the stock bounces back.

Sharon: Which will be when?

Tucker: It's inevitable. When the market realizes that Newman can run perfectly well under you.

Sharon: You could have told me.

Tucker: Yeah, well, the idea was to help you, not make you party to my not-exactly-legal actions. Did Nick and Victoria come to you with this?

Sharon: Yes, they did, and I told them I didn't believe them, but I had to be sure.

Tucker: Yeah. Well, I'm glad you told me about it.

Sharon: I'm sorry I doubted you. I just feel like I can't trust anyone these days.

Tucker: No need to apologize. They've been putting you through hell lately.

Sister Celeste: Well, you have made a difficult decision, Christian, but now everybody is gonna be safe.

Victor: That's the plan.

Sister Celeste: (Chuckles) Well, we'll figure out a way to deal with the--the injustices done to the workers around here, another way.

Victor: I'm sure we will.

Sister Celeste: Oh, whoops. (Chuckles) The dockworkers aren't the only ones who were due back at work ten minutes ago. I-I gotta get-- I gotta get to the mission. Will I see you there tonight?

Victor: Yep, definitely.

Sister Celeste: Okay. Um, thanks again.

Genevieve: You're welcome. I'm a little surprised to hear that you've given up the fight. I mean, I get why, I really do.

Victor: Don't let anyone else hear you say that, all right?

Genevieve: You haven't given up, have you? Christian... why did you really come back?

Victor: I'm gonna fight the bastards on my own.

Billy: I've got a major scoop and the network wants me to make it a priority.

Victoria: Well, when will you leave?

Billy: As soon as I can reassign the stories I thought I'd be handling.

Victoria: All right, well... be brilliant. Come home soon, okay?

Victoria: People are staring.

Billy: Let 'em stare. I don't care. I love you, and I don't want you to ever, ever forget that.

Victoria: I won't, never ever.

Billy: Good.

Victoria: Well, when will you, uh, be back?

Billy: I'm hoping I'll be back home with what I need very, very soon.

Next on :”The Young and the Restless"..

Phyllis: I thought you were walking away.

Ronan: I'm a slow walker.

Chris: If this thing goes south--

Paul: My whole life might depend on what happens in that hospital.

Billy: How are you in charge? If I want to tell him he's Victor, I'm gonna tell him he's Victor.

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