Y&R Transcript Tuesday 9/18/12

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 9/18/12


Episode # 9993 ~ Lauren Confesses; Daisy's Return Shocks Everyone

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Phyllis: How was the guest room?

Nick: It was fine.

Phyllis: You don't have to keep sleeping in there.

Nick: (Sighs) I'm not. I'm moving back to the ranch like I told you. I just need to tell Summer.

Phyllis: I don't think right now is a good time for you to be gone.

Nick: We've been through this.

Phyllis: Your daughter needs you. She needs you. I mean, putting alcohol in her drink? Is there a bigger cry for help?

Nick: I'm not abandoning her.

Phyllis: I need you.

Nick: Apparently not as much as you need Ronan.

Phyllis: That was an alibi. That's all. That affair is a fake.

Nick: Everything between us used to be real.

Phyllis: It still is.

Nick: No, no, it's not. It's all lies and deception and cover-ups. I can't even find us in all that--

Phyllis: No, no, I'm-- no, I'm--I'm here. I'm right here.

(Knock on door)

Phyllis: I'm right here. You're right here.

(Knock on door)

Phyllis: (Sighs)

Heather: (Sighs)

Daniel: (Laughing)

Heather: I feel like we're, like, 16, sneaking around like this.

Daniel: Mm, yeah, it's kinda fun.

Heather: Which part?

Daniel: I don't know. Last night was pretty good. (Claps hands once)

Heather: It was-- it was okay.

Daniel: "Okay"?

Heather: Mm-hmm, yeah.

Daniel: Whoa. Okay.

Heather: Yeah. It was... amazing. Slipping out of your house without being seen by any of your neighbors or any "Restless Style" stalkers? Turns out I'm not too crazy about that part.

Daniel: (Clicks tongue) Well, I got an idea on how we can fix that.

Heather: Mm, really? How?

Daniel: Mm-hmm.

Heather: Mm.

Daniel: Don't leave. (Chuckles)

Kevin: This is a waste. We already talked to Jack. He said TagNGrab wasn't for Jabot.

Adam: Well, obviously, he's changed his mind. It's not surprising, because, um, we're one of the hottest new sites on the internet.

Kevin: I'm not caving to his demands.

Adam: When something is mutually beneficial, it's not considered "Caving."

Kevin: How is it beneficial to us if every time one of our users clicks on a Jabot product, it takes them to the Jabot web site?

Adam: (Smacks lips) Traffic is traffic. We can always use more of it.

Kevin: And what happens when all the other companies who have already signed on with us want a link to their web site? Forget Jack. Soon enough, he's gonna come back to us begging to let him join.

Adam: Until you gain a more clear understanding of all of this, I'll be calling the shots.

Kevin: No, we're gonna be calling the shots together because we're partners

Cane: Hey, Guys, sorry I'm late. Hey.

Kevin: Hey.

Cane: Hey.

Adam: I was expecting Jack.

Cane: Uh, well, Jack's not used to doing business in a fancy place like Jimmy's.

Kevin: (Chuckles) We're not important enough for him.

Adam: Nah, it's just that Jack isn't as cool as the three of us. Go ahead, have a seat.

Cane: Uh, thank you. All right, well, this basically won't take too long if you guys are gonna, you know, agree with what Jabot's proposing, so...

Chloe: This is the coffee shop. This is where we come to drink coffee. Okay. Good boy. Sit. Sit. Good boy. Stay.

Chelsea: Why do you have a rodent on a leash?

Chloe: Uh, it's our dog, and we call him Bobby.

Chelsea: Oh, see? Now that is a cute dog.

Lily: Ohh.

Chloe: Bobby's adorable.

Chelsea: Yeah? Well, your adorable dog is peeing all over your shopping bag.

Chloe: What? B-Bobby, no! No. Naughty! No!

Paul: (Dreaming) Daisy. I've been--I've been trying to see you. I-I tried to see you at Fairview, but they wouldn't let me. They--they told me that-- that you took a handful of pills and-- that's okay. It doesn't matter. The important thing is that you're here now, okay? Daisy, I need your help. I need you to let Michael know that I was telling the truth about Ricky. W-will you do that? Will you help me? Thank you. He tried to hurt you, didn't he? I knew it. That's why you disappeared? Okay. Everything's fine now. I just want you to tell me everything that happened. Daisy? What is it? What's wrong? Why aren't you saying anything? Oh, Daisy, please. You gotta tell Michael what he tried to do to you. Daisy. You gotta help me. Please!

Avery: Paul? Paul.

Paul: Avery. I'm sorry. I dozed off.

Avery: Oh, you look exhausted.

Paul: I am. I've been w-working on my case most of the night.

Avery: I got your message about Daisy being alive.

Paul: She's still in coma. She may never wake up. (Sighs) And who knows? Even if she does, she may not be able to tell us anything about Ricky. (Sighs)

Cane: I'm pretty sure it's, you know, similar to what, you know, other companies you're working with have proposed, so...

Kevin: Minus the part about the direct link to the web site.

Cane: Yeah, well, that's a deal breaker.

Kevin: Oh, no, wait, for us, too.

Adam: If Jabot were willing to practice a little reciprocity, maybe put a link to TagNGrab on their web site, I'm sure we could do business.

Cane: Well, we might be able to mention your site on our page, but... (Clicks tongue) You guys aren't gonna get a link. Sorry.

Kevin: (Scoffs) So you want us to promote your company, but you're not willing to do the same for us?

Cane: (Sighs) Look, isn't the whole idea behind TagNGrab to generate business for the companies that join it?

Adam: Every company that's signed on has seen an increase in sales.

Cane: Okay, and that includes... other cosmetic companies, right? So... why would Jabot send its customers to a site where they can purchase products from our competitors?

Adam: Fair enough. I see your point.

Kevin: I don't. We have mutual links, or there's no deal.

Cane: (Sighs)

Paul: It's just that every day, a new piece of evidence points to me being guilty.

Avery: I--

Paul: And anything that is supposed to help like the knife and the video of Ricky killing his girlfriend just seems to vanish. You know, it's feeling like a losing battle.

Avery: Okay, so Ricky didn't kill Daisy, but we know he killed Rachel.

Paul: Right, and we don't have the video to prove it.

Avery: We will, but you can't quit on me.

Paul: (Sighs) Okay. (Sighs) Where do you want to start?

Avery: Okay, well, I called Fairview. I tried to find out what Daisy is doing there, what her condition is, but they won't tell me anything because of the doctor/patient confidentiality. (Sighs)

Paul: Right, unless you're a family member.

Avery: Or we get a subpoena.

Paul: I now somebody who might be able to help us with that.

Heather: I hate this. (Sighs)

Daniel: It's not exactly the thing you want to hear from the person you just had sex with.

Heather: No, I meant-- I meant all this cloak-and-dagger stuff. But I guess there's not much we can do about it.

Daniel: We can go public.

Heather: (Chuckles) And have your mom find out that you're dating a member of the team that's gonna prosecute her? (Clicks tongue)

Daniel: Oh. (Clears throat) Is that what you call what we're doing? We're "Dating"?

Heather: No. Like, yeah, I could. I-if you could...

Daniel: Mm.

Heather: I-I probably could.

Daniel: What?

Heather: I was just... thinking...

Daniel: Mm.

Heather: About... Lucy. I mean, you know I'd never try to take Daisy's place in her life, right?

Daniel: (Chuckles) You know, there are a million awful things I could tell you about Daisy, but... fact of the matter is she was a good mom. I want Lucy to know that.

Heather: Yeah, of course.

Daniel: (Breathes deeply) Although Lucy is gonna need someone in her life to... talk to her about boys and teach her about girlie things.

Heather: Okay, that is a long way off.

Daniel: I don't know. Maybe stick around, you know?

Heather: You're thinking that far in the future?

Daniel: I don't know if you've noticed or not, but... I'm kinda crazy about you.

Michael: We're sorry to bother you at home, but I wanted to talk to you both in person.

Phyllis: Yeah, is this about what happened with Summer and Fen at Crimson Lights?

Lauren: Fen told us that Ronan saw Summer putting vodka in her coffee. Is she okay?

Nick: Yeah, she's having a tough time lately. Uh, we talked to her, though. She knows how we feel about her drinking.

Michael: Uh, uh, that's not why we're here.

Nick: What then?

Michael: (Sighs) We have news about Daisy. She's alive.

Phyllis: Daisy's alive?

Michael: We got a call from Fairview. She's a patient there. Apparently she checked herself in some time ago under an alias.

Phyllis: Why did she do that?

Lauren: Nobody knows.

Phyllis: What'd she say?

Michael: Nothing. She's in a coma. Drug overdose.

Nick: She's gonna make it?

Michael: We're working on getting some word about her condition, but they're very reluctant to give it to us

Phyllis: I can't believe this. The thought of her being in Lucy's life again, I cannot believe this.

Lauren: Look, nobody is thrilled about this. I'm certainly not. But Paul-- I means claim that Ricky killed Daisy is a big part of his defense.

Cane: It, uh, seems to me that you two need to, uh, figure some things out.

Adam: We're good. We want to close the deal.

Kevin: Right, so long as Jabot agrees to our terms.

(Cell phone alert chimes)

Kevin: Uh, I have to run. There's a family emergency. Um, I'm sorry we couldn't work this out, but if you change your mind, we still might be able to let you join on. Just don't wait too long.

Cane: I'll keep that in mind, Kevin. Thank you.

Kevin: Adam.

Cane: Well, um, shame we couldn't come to an agreement. I'm sorry.

Adam: Maybe we still can.

Lily: Wow, this is interesting-- three of us hanging out while our husbands are in a meeting together.

Chloe: Yeah, Kevin mentioned that.

Chelsea: So why aren't you by your husband's side?

Chloe: Oh, because someone has to take care of the baby. I mean, you'll understand that soon. Well, not like taking care of a dog is like taking care of a baby, but...

Lily: Are you pregnant?

Chloe: Oh, I'm sorry. Was it a secret?

Chelsea: (Chuckles) Just like you didn't know that when you opened your big mouth to Jeffrey.

Chloe: Gloria said that it only made you closer with your daddy, so I think you should be thanking me.

Chelsea: (Scoffs) I should be...

Heather: Oh, I have to interview a witness, and I still have to go home and change, mm.

Daniel: Want me to come with you? I can help you with your zipper.

Heather: And I would never make it to my meeting.

Daniel: Hmm, is that such a bad thing?

Heather: Yes!

Daniel: (Chuckles)

(Cell phone rings)

Heather: Hey, Paul. What's up?

Paul: Well, um, I was wondering if we could meet. I need to speak to you about something.

Heather: Um, I have a meeting at the Athletic Club. Could you-- could you meet me there?

Paul: That's perfect. Uh, I'll see you soon.

Heather: Okay. Now I actually officially have to go.

Daniel: (Sighs) Okay.

Heather: Okay?

Daniel: Fine. All right, on one condition. You promise that you will come right back here when you're done

Heather: Promise. You want to check the hall for me?

Daniel: Okay, you're good.

Kevin: Michael, what is this all about?

Phyllis: Hey.

Daniel: Hey.

Michael: May we come in?

Daniel: Um, yeah. Come on.

Kevin: (Sighs) You want to tell us what's going on?

Phyllis: You want to tell them?

Michael: Uh, you may want to sit down for this.

Kevin: I think you should just tell us.

Daniel: Yeah, I think you should just tell us.

Phyllis: Yeah, Daisy's alive.

Michael: She's at Fairview sanitarium. She's in a coma. She O.D.'d on some pills.

Daniel: I want to see her.

Chelsea: Well, I've got to run. I'm meeting Adam for lunch.

Lily: That's really pretty.

Chelsea: Oh, thanks. Adam got it for me.

Lily: (Chuckles) He seems to really make you happy.

Chelsea: Yeah, he does.

Chloe: Why wouldn't he? He's rich. He's a Newman.

Chelsea: That's not why I'm with him.

Lily: You know, Chloe, some people said the same thing about you when you were engaged to Chance, so...

Chloe: Oh, that is so not like this.

Chelsea: Yeah. I'm not the maid's daughter trying to marry my way upstairs. Too bad that didn't work out for you. Bye.

Chloe: She's such a bitch. (Scoffs)

Nick: Thanks for meeting me on your lunch break. You want a muffin or something?

Summer: Too fattening.

Nick: Will you stop it with that? You're perfect.

Summer: You're my dad, you're supposed to say that.

Nick: Well, doesn't mean it's not true.

Summer: You're, like, the sweetest guy ever. I don't know how Mom could hurt you like she did... with that gross cop.

Nick: All right, there's a lot of things that your mother's done that I don't like. But, Summer, she's a great mom, and she loves you a lot. She just wants you to be happy.

Summer: (Scoffs)

Nick: And no matter what happens between your mom and me, just know that I love you, too, okay?

Summer: You're moving out, aren't you?

Nick: Yeah.

Paul: Uh, let me talk to her.

Avery: Okay. I'll get a table. (Sighs)

Lauren: Hi.

Avery: Hi. I guess you heard the news.

Lauren: Yeah. How's Paul doing?

Avery: Well, he is anxious to find out what Daisy was doing at Fairview and what her prognosis is.

Lauren: Do you thin she can help him?

Avery: (Sighs) If she wakes up, maybe.

Lauren: You don't sound very optimistic.

Avery: Well, we need proof that Paul didn't plan to kill Ricky, that he saw his son as a threat, and he acted in order to protect Eden. And right now, that video of Ricky murdering his girlfriend is our best bet.

Lauren: And if you don't find it?

Avery: Well, then I have to find something else to convince a jury that the shooting wasn't premeditated.

Heather: That's the last thing I expected you to say.

Paul: Well, I always knew it was possible that Daisy was alive, since we never found a body.

Heather: Uh, but you-- you believed Ricky when he said that he got rid of her.

Paul: Is there any possibility that you can pull some strings for me and get me into Fairview?

Heather: Mm-hmm.

Paul: Or at least, you know, get some information?

Heather: No, yeah. I'll, uh, see what I can do.

Daniel: You know, of all the things I imagined happening to Daisy, I don't think that checking into a mental hospital or trying to kill herself was even on my radar.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Kevin: She told me that all she needed was one person on her side. And I tried, but it was too little, too late.

Michael: All right, that was Dr. Laurents, Daisy's psychiatrist.

Daniel: What did he say?

Michael: He wouldn't give me any specifics about her condition, but he said since you are her husband, you can see her.

Daniel: Let's go.

Phyllis: (Sighs)

Nick: I hate it that you're caught in the middle of this.

Summer: I'm not. I'm totally on your side.

Nick: I-- that's what I don't want, you making your mother out to be the bad guy.

Summer: You're pissed with her. Why can't I be?

Nick: This thing with Ronan is between your mom and me. I mean, how would you feel if--if you got in a fight with your boyfriend and I was in the middle of that?

Summer: I don't have a boyfriend.

Nick: Thank God you don't. But someday you will.

Summer: You're totally gonna want to check him out when I do. How are you gonna do that if we're not living together?

Nick: Don't worry about that. I'll find a way.

Summer: It'd be a lot easier if we lived together.

Nick: Summer, you don't want that.

Summer: You think I want to live with Mom?

Nick: She loves you so much. No matter what she's done.

Summer: I don't care. I want to live with you. Please.

Nick: (Sighs) If you're sure.

Summer: I am!

Nick: Okay.

Summer: Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.

Kevin: (Sighs) Good, you're still here. There's some stuff we need to talk about before my life becomes completely insane. Um, I'm not--

Cane: All right. I, uh, have some good news. I spoke to Jack, we're all set. Congratulations.

Kevin: All set with what?

Adam: TagNGrab just signed a sizable deal with Jabot.

Heather: I'm wondering what you can tell me about Daisy Romalotti's condition. No, I don't think District Attorney Baldwin has gotten a subpoena yet, but-- yeah, I understand. Yeah, thanks. (Sighs)

Paul: No luck.

Heather: Mnh-mnh. All they'd tell me is that Daniel was on his way to go see her.

Paul: Yeah. Well... so I guess we keep trying.

Heather: Hey. I'm gonna keep on it, okay? We're gonna get to the bottom of this. All right.

Paul: Thanks.

Heather: I love you.

Paul: Love you, too.

Heather: Bye.

Heather: My dad really needs you.

Paul: Uh, we just hit another brick wall.

Avery: Okay, then we'll keep bulldozing through them.

Lauren: Right. Avery's right.

Paul: There is no witness to prove my claim of self-defense. There is no evidence to say that Ricky was a threat to anyone. The knife I saw him trying to kill Eden with doesn't exist. I used a stolen key to enter his room.

Avery: Okay, Daisy could wake up at any time and confirm everything you've told us about Ricky, or we could find the video, or another piece of evidence shows up that proves you're innocent.

Paul: But I'm not. I killed my son.

Lauren: It wasn't premeditated, and you and I both know that.

Paul: Lauren.

Lauren: You never would have shot your son if it weren't for me.

Avery: What are you talking about?

Paul: Lauren, I mean it.

Lauren: The gun that Paul used that night was mine.

Paul: (Sighs)

Michael: Daniel. This is Nurse Baker.

Kathy: You can see your wife now.

Phyllis: Oh, okay, good. Let's go.

Kathy: Uh, only Mr. Romalotti's allowed in.

Phyllis: Yeah, of course.

Michael: (Sighs)

Daniel: Hey. It's Daniel.

Kevin: So you got Jabot to agree to our terms?

Cane: Yeah, well, uh, you know, Adam saw the benefits of having your company associated with us, you know, even without the reciprocal links, so...

Kevin: He saw that before I left. I disagreed. The deal is off.

Adam: Would you give us a minute.

Cane: Yeah, I think you guys actually need to have a-- an hour.

Kevin: What's not working, Adam, your ears or your brain? I said no deal without the link.

Adam: Remember, you are a computer programmer who has had one good idea.

Kevin: That's one more good idea than you've had.

Adam: If it weren't for me, you would be tagging and grabbing by yourself in some back room in your coffeehouse.

Kevin: Oh, and what would you be doing?

Adam: Making millions elsewhere. So why don't you keep your mouth shut, keep your eyes open, and be grateful that I'm saving you from tanking--

Kevin: Grateful? Grateful, you arrogant-- this is my idea.

Chelsea: Hey, what's-- what's going on?

Chloe: Yeah, I thought you guys were having a meeting. I mean, why don't you guys tone it down? It's really not good for business.

Chelsea: Yeah, she's right.

Kevin: Oh, she's right? Like she was right about getting into business with your husband?

Chloe: Okay. First you're attacking him, and now you're coming down on me, all while a potentially huge client watches?

Kevin: (Sighs) Not today, Chloe.

Chloe: (Scoffs)

Adam: That child is going to tank this whole project.

Lily: So rough day at the office?

Cane: Look, everything I've heard till now about TagNGrab has been good, you know? Great sales forum, a lot of buzz, brilliant management team, but...

Lily: Well, that always comes with a little bit of crazy.

Cane: Yeah, well, I could deal with a little crazy, but these two guys, they just don't get along.

Lily: I'm sure it doesn't help that Chelsea and Chloe aren't BFFs.

Cane: I'm starting to think that doing business with them is gonna be a mistake.

Daniel: How the hell did you wind up in here? Why'd you take all those pills? Was it an accident? Hmm. (Inhales sharply) It had to be an accident. (Sighs) You'd never leave Lucy like that. You know, she misses you. I can see it in her eyes every day since you disappeared. I know a lot of stuff was going on... with us and with Mom, before you left. I just want you to know that if you come out of this, I hope you can be a part of Lucy's life.

Phyllis: You okay?

Daniel: Mm-hmm. Where's Michael?

Phyllis: He had to leave. What'd she say?

Daniel: Nothing. She's still unconscious. What if she stays like that?

Lauren: I bought the gun illegally to protect myself against Daisy.

Paul: Look, don't listen to her.

Lauren: Paul knew I was hiding something and asked me to show it to him. He knew I was on probation.

Avery: (Sighs)

Lauren: And he was worried about what would happen to me if I got caught with the gun. So he asked me to give it to him.

Paul: I'm just gonna deny everything you're saying.

Avery: Paul, Paul, if you just happened to be carrying Lauren's gun when you went to Ricky's room, it could prove that you didn't go there with the intention of killing him.

Paul: You could go to jail if you do this, you know.

Lauren: I'm willing to face that possibility.

Paul: I'm not.

Lauren: I know what can happen to me if I come forward. And I'm gonna do this.

Paul: (Sighs)

Michael: Hey, I just got a 9-1-1 text from Paul. What happened?

Lauren: He's upset.

Michael: Hmm? Why? What's going on?

Lauren: I told Avery the truth about the gun.

Adam: Let's table our differences, present the united front.

Kevin: Well, no matter what you negotiated, you need me to sign off on it, and that's not gonna happen.

Adam: Is this what it's gonna be like with all our deals, you're gonna argue with me for argument's sake?

Kevin: No, I'm arguing because it's a good argument.

Adam: To say you're difficult to work with is a gross understatement.

Kevin: Right back at you.

Cane: Guys, um. I'm just trying to understand what the problem is here.

Adam: A misunderstanding is all.

Cane: This is business. And until you guys figure out your problems, then I'm sorry. All right? Jabot--we just can't do business like this. Okay. Thanks.

Adam: Bravo, Kevin.

Kevin: He'll be back... with better terms. You'll see.

Adam: You're going to kill TagNGrab.

Chelsea: Come on.

Chloe: What do you think you're doing, going after him like that? You made a fool out of all of us.

Kevin: Back off, Chloe. Today is not the day.

Chloe: What, for a conversation? When is that day? Because it never seems to come around.

Kevin: Okay, you want to talk? My sister is alive. She's in a mental hospital. She tried to kill herself.

Chloe: And when did you find that out?

Kevin: I just found out today.

Chloe: So instead of telling me this major news, you went ahead and picked a fight with Adam.

Kevin: I'm telling you now. I just found out.

Chloe: Just like you told me that you moved a dead body in the middle of the night, and then covered it up with some lame story about your car breaking down?

Kevin: This isn't like that.

Chloe: It is just like it. Because we used to communicate like two people who trusted each other, and now we don't.

Cane: (Clears throat)

Lily: Well, it is nice being the ones without all the drama for once, right? You're not bored, are you?

Cane: What, bored with you?

Lily: No, with us and not having any drama.

Cane: What do you call last night?

Lily: I would call that R-rated.

Cane: Hmm.

Lily: Yes.

Cane: Do you know what I was thinking?

Lily: What?

Cane: (Whispers) I was thinking we need to make a sequel.

Lily: A sequel, really?

Cane: (Normal voice) Yeah, a sequel. A sequel, yeah.

Lily: Well, Cindy won't be back for a couple of hours.

Cane: Oh, really?

Lily: Mm-hmm.

Cane: Yeah?

Lily: What was that?

Cane: Mm. That's what I like to call a rehearsal.

Lily: (Laughs)

Cane: Hmm.

Lily: Okay, let's go.

Michael: I can't believe you did this.

Lauren: I didn't mention you.

Michael: This won't change anything for Paul. It could change everything for you.

Lauren: (Sighs) Well, it's true. And I'm not sorry.

Avery: Paul, you have to let me use this information.

Paul: No, I don't. Subject closed.

Avery: (Sighs) Okay, what's next then?

Paul: I have to get into Fairview. It's the only way I can find out about Daisy-- why she's there, and what she said about Ricky.

Avery: I don't know how you're gonna be able to do that.

Chris: I might be able to help.

Daniel: You heard?

Heather: Yeah. This sort of throws a whole... wrench in the dating thing.

Daniel: No. No, no, it doesn't have to.

Heather: You can't change reality. You know, nor-- nor would I want to. You know, Lucy's mom's alive. That's great.

Daniel: I-I don't care about that. I want to be with you. I like--

Heather: Please. Don't.

Daniel: How am I supposed to stop thinking about you?

Heather: Y-you just have to.

Daniel: (Clears throat)

Heather: I have to go.

Heather: (Sniffles)

Phyllis: Hey. You're here. Did you change your mind? Summer?

Summer: I'll come back and get the rest.

Phyllis: What's going on?

Summer: Dad and I are moving out.

Phyllis: What? You didn't say anything about Summer going with you.

Summer: It was my idea.

Nick: I tried to talk her out of it.

Summer: I want to go with Dad.

Phyllis: Okay. All right, I understand. It--the--the ranch is gorgeous. There--there's a pool and your--your--your horses are there, and it's beautiful.

Summer: And far away from all the crap here.

Phyllis: Right. You don't have to go, Summer. You don't have to-- you don't have to leave. You're kind of the only thing I have left.

Summer: (Scoffs) Don't throw that on me.

Phyllis: Okay. Sorry. That--that's right. You're right.

Summer: We should go.

Phyllis: Okay. Okay. Summer, just, uh, listen. I'm gonna miss you.

Summer: You did this to yourself, Mom.

Nick: She's right.

Phyllis: (Sighs)

Next on "The Young and the Restless" --

Chris: They aren't budging on letting us have access to Daisy.

Avery: There is someone who might be willing to go in for us.

Genevieve: Victor left last night.

Billy: Is he coming home?

Victoria: Tucker McCall is a corporate shark.

Nick: Is he supporting you or is he out for himself?

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