Y&R Transcript Monday 9/17/12
Episode # 9992 ~ Nina Begs for Ronan's Help; Sharon's Return Rattles Nick & Victoria
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Victoria: You left Fairview?
Sharon: Obviously.
Nick: You didn't go through with the evaluation?
Sharon: No, I did. It doesn't actually take three days. I-I mean, it would, I suppose, if there were something wrong, but in my case, no. Oh, hmm. Made yourself at home, I see. Well, just be careful when you're packing up your personal things, because I wouldn't want anything to go missing and then you two accuse me of stealing it.
Victoria: Does the judge even know that you've been released?
Sharon: If he doesn't, he will soon, and once he hears from Dr. Laurents that I'm in perfect mental health, I will be back in charge, where I belong.
Victoria: (Scoffs)
Nina: Thanks.
Man: Good to see your face again.
Paul: Hey, thanks, Dave.
Dave: For what it's worth, nobody who's ever met you is gonna buy this story. The idea that you'd hurt somebody for no reason-- it just wouldn't happen.
Paul: Thank you again. I really appreciate that.
Nina: You see? People know you. They believe in you.
Paul: The jury doesn't know me, and if they were to see the videotape that Ricky made accusing me of being obsessive and out to get him...
Nina: (Sighs)
Paul: I could have the Pope testify for me, and it wouldn't make any difference.
Ronan: You're absolutely positive? Okay. Yeah, all right. Keep me posted, okay?
Ronan: Michael.
Michael: Huh?
Ronan: Daisy Carter is alive. Daisy Carter is alive. I just got confirmation. (Sighs)
Michael: How did they find-- w-was she hurt? Where did they find her?
Ronan: She's been in a mental hospital under an assumed name. She's been pretending to be a head case, and apparently, she decided that she's had enough and she told them who she really is.
Michael: You know what this means?
Ronan: I know.
Michael: This changes everything for Paul.
Nikki: Well, my guess is that it's been something of a relief to you, having Victor gone.
Billy: I wouldn't say that.
Nikki: Now I'm not asking to take over your entire show, just a short segment where we can tell people that Victor is missing and flash a number they could call if they have seen him. I'm sure you'll get a lot of publicity.
Billy: Yeah, that's kind of the least of my concerns.
Nikki: Oh, you're thinking the same way I am, that Victor might be in serious trouble. Look, I have not shared that with Victoria. Please don't. I want her to think that he's fine... (Sighs) But the longer this goes without him being found, the harder it is to have faith. I really am scared.
Billy: Okay, um... I need to be honest with you. You see, there's, um...
Jack: Hello there. Am I interrupting?
Tucker: What's up?
Genevieve: Tucker, you have got to do something. Victor isn't safe here.
Tucker: We've been through this.
Genevieve: Yeah, I know, but I'm really worried that something might happen. I think it's time to bring him home.
Michael: The last time anyone saw Daisy before that? It--all--fine, just keep me apprised of the situation.
Ronan: Daisy tried killing herself?
Michael: Yeah. She took a whole bunch of pills. They found her passed out.
Ronan: Okay, so maybe she wasn't pretending to be unstable. Was she going to make it?
Michael: They think so, but she's still in a coma, so who knows when that'll change or if she'll ever remember anything when she does come to?
Ronan: So not only is Daisy alive, which disproves Paul's story that Ricky killed her, she's in a coma, so she can't tell us what in the hell happened or who she's hiding from.
Michael: Which matters... because if Daisy were hiding from the law and the arrest warrant out for her.
Ronan: Means that Ricky was trying to help her, and that's why he had her wallet and her phone?
Michael: But if she were hiding from Ricky and can corroborate that he was a threat to her or Eden...
Ronan: Or the both of them.
Michael: Then Paul has enough to justify shooting Ricky.
Ronan: At the very least, it would go a long way towards counteracting that video Ricky made.
Michael: Is it too much to hope that Paul will catch a break just this once?
Victor: Genny.
Genevieve: (Clears throat) Okay, so, um... you--you're not gonna go work this shift, are you?
Victor: Yep, I'm going to.
Genevieve: But what about your hand?
Victor: (Exhales slowly) It feels a little better because of you. Thank you.
Genevieve: Yes, but still, you know, I-it needs some time to heal. Just--just take this time off.
Victor: Thank you, thank you.
Genevieve: You're welcome.
Victor: I'm not gonna give management the satisfaction. Besides, I need the money.
Genevieve: (Chuckles) Okay, well, just be careful.
Victor: Okay, all right. Bye.
Genevieve: That was him leaving. You know, every time he walks out of here, I'm afraid that he might not come back in one piece.
Tucker: Aren't you being a little dramatic?
Genevieve: He was jumped from behind and badly beaten.
Tucker: Victor can take care of himself.
Genevieve: (Laughs) Victor doesn't know his own name, and your plan I-isn't working, you know? He was supposed to come back to town in a blaze of glory and--and--and the stock price was meant to shoot up. How do you think the people are going to react when they find out that he has lost his memory?
Tucker: We can orchestrate how much people find out about that and when. It's also possible he'll recover once he's back in familiar surroundings.
Genevieve: Well, then let's bring him back now.
Tucker: Listen, the stock price is about to go over a cliff if Sharon is reinstated as C.E.O. Now I am ready to back up the truck when that happens and buy as much as I can. Then we can start planning the great one's triumphant return... and our big payday.
Genevieve: Then send me some help. I need bodyguards to keep Victor alive. You know, if nothing else, he's an asset you need to protect.
Tucker: Eh, when it comes right down to it, there are a number of people who could run Newman at least as well as Victor could. What's this?
Genevieve: Are you talking to me?
Tucker: No, hold on. There's a courier here. Sit down. (Clears throat)
Genevieve: Oh, well, forgive me for bothering you with something as trivial as life and death. I'm sure that paperwork you've got there is far more important.
Tucker: (Sighs) It's just my divorce decree. (Sighs)
Nikki: We'll talk about this later.
Billy: Th-there's something I need to tell you.
Jack: Go on. Don't let me stop you.
Billy: The producers at "R.S. TV" call all the shots, since they're the ones providing the funding. I could pass along your idea, but, um, ultimately, I just have to go along with whatever they decide.
Nikki: Yeah, I understand. Thank you.
Billy: Yeah, yeah. You're welcome.
Nikki: Oh, there's someone over there I've been meaning to speak to. Jack, it's good to see you looking so well.
Jack: Likewise.
Jack: Okay, what was that about?
Billy: Victor. She wants me to, uh, put up a tip line or something, announce it on the show.
Jack: Well, I'm glad you blew her off. That is what you were doing, isn't it?
Victoria: So the doctor showed you his report on you, or told you what he was gonna say to the judge?
Sharon: I think the fact that he released me ahead of schedule tells you all you need to know.
Nick: It says he doesn't think you need to be hospitalized.
Victoria: Which is huge progress and something you should definitely be proud of, Sharon, but there's kind of a wide spectrum between not needing a straitjacket and ready to run a major corporation.
Nick: It sounds like you don't have confirmation what the evaluation will say.
Sharon: I think you two are the ones who need evaluating if you seriously think that the nasty lies you've been spreading about me would cost me my position.
Victoria: I'm just saying I think it's a little soon for you to be redecorating, is all.
(Knock on door)
Sharon: Come in.
Victoria: Come in.
Sharon: Oh, Avery. Good. Uh, these two are still borrowing my office for now, so we can talk in the boardroom.
Avery: Uh, we need to get to the courthouse. I just got a call, and the judge is ready to issue his ruling.
Sharon: I guess the judge is as eager as I am to put an end to this whole distasteful episode.
Avery: Uh, the judge's office called me first, so your attorneys are probably just hearing now that he's ready to rule.
Nick: We can call on the way over.
Avery: Actually, you won't be allowed in.
Nick: What?
Avery: The judge only wants the lawyers and Sharon present, because this concerns her private medical records.
Sharon: Um, in other words, he's figured out how sneaky and unethical you two are, and he doesn't trust you.
Victoria: Makes you kind of wonder, doesn't it, what the judge saw in your psych evaluation that he thought would be so damaging if it got out.
Sharon: Well, let's get this going. I am eager to get back to work. Why don't you two use this time wisely and pack up all your junk?
Victoria: (Sighs) What do you think?
Nick: Releasing her early could be a sign the doctor didn't see any problems.
Victoria: But there must be something negative in that report. Otherwise, why would the judge want to protect her from exposure?
(Cell phones ringing)
Victoria: (Sighs) That would be the lawyers.
Tucker: Well... (Sighs) I just got the official word we're divorced. I don't know what the protocol is. Uh, maybe I shouldn't be calling. I don't know, I just, um... I needed to, I guess. Well, I hope to hear from you.
(Cell phone rings)
Tucker: (Exhales slowly) Sharon, Honey, where are you?
Sharon: I'm on my way to hear the judge's ruling.
Tucker: Already? Well, that's a good sign, huh?
Sharon: I hope so.
Tucker: Well, why wouldn't it be? You didn't have any problems at Fairview, did you?
Sharon: No, I handled myself well.
Tucker: I knew you could do it. Good for you.
Sharon: Victoria seems really confident things are going to go her way. It has me wondering if she got to the doctor somehow.
Tucker: No, no, no, don't think like that. You hung tough, and you won.
Sharon: Well, I'll just keep telling myself that.
Tucker: Well, better yet, go see the judge, let him tell you.
Sharon: I'll let you know how it goes.
Tucker: Okay, talk to you soon. (Sighs)
Tucker: (Exhales slowly)
(Door opens)
Devon: Tucker. Are you okay?
Billy: I'll be there soon.
Jack: The judge is ready to make his ruling?
Billy: Yes, but he won't allow Vicki or Nick to be there when he does.
Jack: Why?
Billy: I don't know, something about respecting Sharon's privacy. Look, I-I gotta go, okay? I gotta get back to Newman. Vicki's probably climbing the walls.
Jack: Let me know what happens. And I will let my broker know Newman stock is about to go on sale.
(Footsteps approach)
Nikki: Do you have a minute?
Jack: D-depends on what you want to discuss.
Nikki: I think we should talk about the divorce.
(Door opens)
Paul: Been looking for me?
Michael: There's been a new development in your case.
Nina: If it's about Ricky's video, we--
Ronan: It's not about that.
Paul: Sit down.
Nina: Um, your lawyer?
Paul: It's all right. I want to hear what they have to say.
Michael: We need you to go over again your account of what happened the night of the shooting.
Nina: Not seriously.
Ronan: In particular, we need you to talk about the confession that Ricky gave you that he killed his ex-girlfriend and her friend Craig Hunt.
Paul: And Daisy Carter.
Nina: (Sighs)
Michael: Paul, I understand you had your suspicions before you went to his room that night, your suspicions that Ricky was responsible for Daisy's disappearance, but is it possible that as Ricky recounted his crimes, you just assumed that one of 'em was Daisy's disappearance, that he never specifically mentioned her by name?
Paul: I remember very clearly.
Nina: And then you found that he'd had her things in his room. That was confirmation.
Ronan: Except... that it's not. We know for a fact that Ricky didn't kill Daisy, Paul.
Paul: I don't understand. How--how can you be so sure?
Michael: Because Daisy is alive.
Nikki: I can't say I'm surprised you filed for divorce. I wish you hadn't. Even now, I-I wish there was something I could say to convince you--
Jack: Wow, this does sound familiar. Pretty much the same words I said when you decided to bail on our honeymoon and search after Victor. "I wish you wouldn't do this. Is there something I can say to change your mind?" It...
Nikki: I care about what happens to Victor. I never pretended otherwise, Jack.
Jack: Sweetheart, caring is one thing, this is quite-- (Breathes deeply) You know what? I've wasted enough of my time arguing with you. You've made your choice.
Nikki: You--you don't seem to be able to accept the fact that I'm not as coldhearted as you would like me to be towards Victor. And that's--that's okay. I-I can learn to live with that. I just don't understand why you have to be so angry.
Jack: Your life could be so much richer. You could be so much happier.
Nikki: Oh, really? Well, it doesn't seem like my happiness is really on your mind right now.
Jack: Chasing after Victor isn't gonna get you there, either. Never has, never will.
Nikki: I-I'm not-- I'm not doing that. God, I just want to make sure he's all right.
Jack: And then what?
Nikki: And then I'll walk away.
Jack: Until the next time?
Nikki: (Sighs)
Jack: Nikki, you want to spend your life catering to Victor's every need and ignoring your own, I can't stop you. But I'm giving up my front row seat. I don't much like this show, and I know how it's gonna end.
Billy: You've done everything you could to stabilize things here, reassure your shareholders.
Nick: We can maintain some of that, even if Sharon does come back as C.E.O.
Victoria: And there's always a silver lining. If things get bad enough, that might be just what it takes to get Dad's butt back here.
Nick: I hope you're right, because if this doesn't bring him back, nothing will.
Genevieve: There you go.
Sister Celeste: I'm really okay.
Victor: Now you're gonna sit down right over here. Here. You sit down right here.
Genevieve: Hey.
Sister Celeste: (Sighs)
Genevieve: What happened?
Sister Celeste: Uh, I-I'm okay.
Genevieve: What happened?
Victor: She nearly got killed.
Sister Celeste: (Sighs)
Genevieve: What?!
Sister Celeste: Uh, I'm fine.
Victor: She was bringing me some food, and then one of those forklifts nearly collapsed and almost took her out.
Genevieve: Oh, my God. Uh, can I get something for you? Would you like a cup of tea, maybe? Or you know what? Maybe a little nip of sherry?
Sister Celeste: Scotch neat.
Genevieve: Coming right up, Sister.
Sister Celeste: (Sighs)
Victor: (Exhales slowly) That was a close call.
Sister Celeste: Look, I don't want you to be so upset about this. It was-- I'm sure it was an accident.
Victor: No, it wasn't an accident.
Tucker: Did you sign that artist you were so gung ho about?
Devon: I got him. We're gonna go in the studio next week.
Tucker: Well, it's all good then.
Devon: What about you, though? Doesn't seem like things are all good from the way you looked when I walked in here.
Tucker: It's nothing.
Devon: Yeah? Come on.
Tucker: All right. (Sighs)
Devon: Mm-hmm.
Tucker: (Sighs)
Devon: Oh.
Tucker: It was inevitable. (Sighs) Ha! It was a crazy idea to think that I could be anybody's husband, much less the kind of husband Ashley deserves. Not that that excuses any of the stuff I did.
Devon: No, hey, come on. Don't... you don't have to do that. All right? I know how much you regret what happened. And I'm sure not gonna give you a hard time about it. You're going through enough as it is.
Paul: You're sure it's Daisy?
Ronan: Yes. Yes, we are. They checked her prints to verify her story.
Paul: Who did?
Michael: The staff at Fairview hospital. She was hiding out there under an assumed name.
Nina: Hiding? From who? From Ricky?
Ronan: We're not sure.
Paul: Well, what does she say?
Michael: She is in a coma. Overdosed earlier today. Apparently a suicide attempt.
Nina: (Sighs) Oh, God.
Paul: Is she gonna make it?
Nina: (Sighs)
Michael: Hopefully.
Ronan: Paul, we have a big problem here. You told us that Daisy was dead and that Ricky killed her.
Paul: Well, that's because that's what I thought.
Michael: I know. And it must have been a reasonable assumption at the time.
Paul: It wasn't an assumption. It's what Ricky told me.
Michael: Are you sure you don't want to change that part of your story?
Paul: Why would I want to do that, Michael? Because it looks like I'm lying? I'm accusing Ricky of something he didn't do to justify my shooting him?
Nina: You know he wouldn't do that.
Michael: I just want to give you another chance to go over what happened in your mind so you can correct--
Paul: Everything happened the way I said it happened. Ricky confessed.
Ronan: Paul, why would Ricky lie about that?
Paul: I don't know. Daisy knows Ricky's dark side. If she is truly hiding out, she abandoned her only child, chances are she is afraid for her life.
Nina: And when she wakes up, she'll confirm it.
Michael: We'll see.
Ronan: (Sighs) Okay, we'll be in touch.
Paul: I've got to get into Fairview.
Nina: If Daisy's unconscious, then--
Paul: She might have confided in someone-- a doctor, a patient. Someone has to know the truth.
Devon: I know what it's like... (Sighs) Actually. Not that I was married before, but I've done things that I knew were wrong, and I let people down who believed in me and just felt horrible about it. And if you knew me better, you could have called me out on that when I was coming down on you so hard before.
Tucker: You weren't out of line coming down on me.
Devon: I really am sorry, the way things worked out with you and Ashley.
Tucker: Yeah. (Sighs) Well, she's better off without me. And I knew that going in. I knew. But... (Sighs) A woman like Ashley you can't not try. I'm a good salesman. I convinced us both. And I made the classic rookie mistake-- overpromised, under-delivered. Anyway... (Sighs) That's that.
Victoria: I mean, whether or not Sharon was able to convince the doctor that she's fine, she stole those things. She knows that she's losing it. I mean, shouldn't that be enough to convince her to just step back and let the people that know how to run the company run it?
Billy: But see, that won't solve her problem.
Victoria: Yes, it would.
Billy: No, it wouldn't, because her problem is your father humiliated her. From her perspective, he abandoned her on their wedding night, made a fool out of her. So now she's out to prove that he's wrong, that everybody's wrong, and that she's stronger and smarter and better than any of us ever realized. Now I'm sure, in her fantasies, Victor comes crawling back and he begs for her forgiveness and then he stops and asks for her investment advice.
Victoria: Have you talked to Sharon about this?
Billy: Let's just say... (Sighs) I understand how being pissed off at your father might push someone over the edge, make 'em do some things they wouldn't normally do.
Victoria: It doesn't let her off the hook.
Billy: No. Nobody's off the hook.
Victoria: I mean, look at you. You have more right to be pissed off at my dad than anybody. But are you lashing out? Are you letting it take over your life and change who you are?
Sister Celeste: But I wasn't hurt.
Victor: But you could have been. That's the message they were trying to send you.
Sister Celeste: I do not want you to use this as justification for getting back at somebody. I-I don't want--
Victor: You--
Sister Celeste: I don't want to handle it that way.
Victor: You're being stubborn right now. What are you gonna do, file a complaint? Turn the other cheek? You almost got killed.
Sister Celeste: (Sighs)
Genevieve: Here.
Sister Celeste: Ah. Thanks.
Genevieve: Mm-hmm. Christian?
Victor: Good, that feels better. Yeah?
Sister Celeste: Yeah.
Genevieve: Come on. Come talk to me for a minute.
Sister Celeste: (Sighs)
Victor: What?
Genevieve: Do you think this is really worth it, what you're doing here? You barely know the dockworkers. You don't owe them a thing. It's very heroic of you to risk your own life to improve their conditions, but you don't have the right to risk hers.
Victor: Well, I'm not risking hers. I mean... (Sighs)
Sister Celeste: (Sighs)
Nina: Hey. Look, I know you're just doing your job. I'm here to ask you-- I'm--I'm here to beg you, don't stop doing it. Don't think that just because so much looks incriminating, that your work is done.
Ronan: I haven't made any judgments.
Nina: That's not good enough. You can't just go where the evidence leads you on this one, because Ricky deliberately set out to mislead you.
Ronan: Logically speaking, I don't see how he could have set all of this up.
Nina: Logic? No. Use your gut. Paul is a good man. He saved Eden's life. That's the truth.
Ronan: (Whispering) I cannot tell the jury to trust their gut.
Nina: No. No. We're gonna need proof for that. So don't stop looking until you find it. Please.
Nick: Hey, Mom.
Nikki: Hi, Sweetheart. Any word?
Nick: Not yet.
Nikki: You said in your text you saw Sharon. How did she seem?
Nick: She seemed confident. It's kind of a relief. I wasn't sure what kind of impact going back to Fairview would have on Sharon.
Nikki: Well, that was the judge's idea, not yours.
Nick: Still, I would have felt terrible if she'd had some kind of collapse while she was in there. Mom, I want her out of Newman, but not like this.
Nikki: Are you hoping that the judge rules in her favor?
Nick: Look, having her in there is a disaster for the company, the shareholders, and the employees. But honestly, if Noah has to hear on the news that his mother was declared mentally unstable--
Nikki: Hey, I understand. There's nothing stronger than the instinct to protect your children.
Nick: Then protect me, and don't tell Victoria that I'm kind of hoping Sharon wins this round.
(Door opens)
Billy: Avery's calling.
(Cell phone alert chimes)
Jack: (Sighs)
Devon: So, hey, what do you say? Do you want to go catch a movie? Or we can go to the studio or something.
Tucker: (Chuckles)
Devon: Huh?
Tucker: Look at you trying to distract me.
Devon: (Laughs)
Tucker: That's nice. But, uh, I'm waiting for a phone call. Then I'm gonna have to do some business. But thanks.
Devon: All right. All right, well, I'm gonna take off then.
Tucker: Me, too.
Devon: Look, if you're alone later and you want to talk, I'm available.
Tucker: Well, I appreciate that. Hey, man.
Devon: Come on.
(Cell phone rings)
Tucker: Okay.
Devon: That's your phone call.
Tucker: Yeah, there it is.
Devon: I'll see you.
Tucker: All right.
Tucker: Sharon. What did the judge say?
Victoria: All right, Avery, you're on speakerphone. What's the ruling?
Avery: Sharon's back in as C.E.O.
Nikki: (Sighs)
(Cell phone alert chimes)
Jack: Wow, Sharon has regained the throne, and the market hasn't closed yet. Thank you, Judge.
Ronan: Paul's lucky to have you in his corner.
Nina: I want to believe that you're in his corner, too. I mean, I... I know you can't say it out loud. You have to maintain your objectivity.
Ronan: Yes, I do.
Nina: I haven't been able to give you nearly as much as I wish I could have. But I'm pretty sure that that mile-wide stubborn streak that you have, that came directly from me. All I'm asking is that you put it to good use investigating this case.
Nina: Deal?
Ronan: Yeah, deal.
Nina: (Sighs) Okay.
Michael: Hello, Nina.
Nina: Hey.
Michael: New information?
Ronan: No. No, she's just, uh, she's just worried for Paul is all.
Michael: Does it feel to you like we're... missing something obvious?
Ronan: Yeah. And maybe Daisy can tell us what that is.
Michael: Yeah. I hope to God she can.
Paul: Excuse me. Um, there's a young woman here in a coma. I need to speak with her doctor.
Man: Are you a family member?
Paul: No, I'm an investigator.
Man: Can't help you.
Paul: You know the woman I'm talking about, right? Did she ever tell you why she was here?
Man: I could lose my job, man. You're gonna have to leave.
Jack: Oh, didn't take long for news to get out. Let's see about stock prices. Ooh, and down it goes. (Chuckles)
Victoria: (Sighs) Damn it.
Nick: All right, we knew this might be all the time we'd get, but we accomplished a lot. It's gonna be different this time when Sharon comes back. We have that provision in place that we can't be fired. Sharon will have to deal with us.
Victoria: And I am so looking forward to that.
Nikki: If only I could find your father, this whole nightmare would be over in an instant.
Billy: (Clears throat)
Genevieve: There you go.
Man: Thank you.
Genevieve: Fresh one.
(Cell phone rings)
Genevieve: Hello. Checking up on us?
Billy: How's the patient?
Genevieve: He is flirting with catastrophe as usual. Listen, I think that I should warn you. Victor may be coming back to town very soon. If the judge rules against Sharon--
Billy: Didn't happen. The judge put Sharon back in charge. Look, I don't know how much longer I can keep this secret. I've almost blurted it out a few times already. My wife isn't going to understand.
Genevieve: You know, it might be worth it to face whatever the consequences may be.
Billy: Easy for you to say. You're not in danger of losing your family. You know, I wish I had never found Victor. I gotta go.
(Cell phone rings)
Tucker: (Sighs) So you heard the news about Sharon?
Genevieve: Yes. Tucker, I think you're letting greed cloud your judgment.
Tucker: I think you'll feel better once you get your cut. You just sit tight for a little while longer. Everything will be fine.
Victor: Thank you.
Sister Celeste: God bless.
Victor: Thank you.
Genevieve: Are you going back to the dock?
Victor: No. No, uh... I just told the sister, I-I'm gonna move on. I think its best.
Genevieve: Yes, I-I think that is for the best.
Victor: Okay. So...
Sister Celeste: Good luck.
Victor: Thank you. Thank you and--and thank you for everything you've done.
Genevieve: No.
Victor: Okay.
Genevieve: No, don't thank me, just...
Victor: Okay.
Genevieve: Take care.
Victor: You're very nice. Thank you.
Sharon: Ah, still here, I see. Well, let me give you a hand. Here you go. And let's just put some of your things in here for you. Happy to help. It's no problem. If you don't mind, I have work to do.
Next on “The Young and the Restless” --
Heather: Can you see that far in the future?
Daniel: I'm kind of crazy about you.
Nick: Just know that I love you, too, okay?
Summer: You're moving out, aren't you?
Paul: Lauren. Lauren.
Lauren: You never would have shot your son if it weren't for me.
Avery: What are you talking about?
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