Y&R Transcript Friday 9/14/12
Episode # 9991 ~ Phyllis Is Confronted About Her Affair; Genevieve Helps Victor
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Phyllis: You almost arrested Summer. Why?
Ronan: She was putting more than sweetener in her coffee.
Phyllis: You get in here right now. Get in here.
Summer: (Sighs)
Phyllis: Oh, my God. You were drinking?
Ronan: No, she wasn't. I caught her before she had a sip. But she was in a public place with an open container, and she's underage. You're lucky it was me that nabbed you.
Phyllis: Yeah, you are lucky. Thank you for bringing her home.
Summer: Bet you can't wait to show him how grateful you are.
Phyllis: You get upstairs right now. You go upstairs right now.
Summer: No, I'm going to Dad.
Ronan: Hey.
Phyllis: (Sighs)
Ronan: Are you okay?
Phyllis: No, I'm not! I'm not okay. My daughter hates me. She hates me for something I didn't even do. What the hell did you tell my husband?!
Nikki: Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa. Where are you going in such a hurry?
Nick: Uh, the gym. I feel like pounding something.
Nikki: Oh, I ran into Ronan earlier. He said practically the same thing.
Nick: (Scoffs) Actually, I wouldn't mind pounding Ronan right now, but whatever. He's not the issue. Phyllis is.
Nikki: Oh, Honey, I'm sorry.
Nick: (Sighs) I'm gonna be living at the tack house for a little while.
Nikki: So you want to pound Ronan and you're leaving Phyllis?
Nick: Don't read a lot into that. Things are just not great at the moment.
Nikki: Obviously. But you want to live at the ranch with Sharon there? Uh, unless Fairview wants to keep her longer.
Nick: I doubt it. She checked herself in to satisfy the judge. But hopefully, the doctors will agree she's in no shape to run Newman. Then Victoria can stay in charge.
Victoria: My brother Nicholas and I will make sure that it's business as usual until our father returns. Uh, yes, absolutely. You can quote me. If Sharon is released from the psychiatric facility, and that is a big "If," then the Newman board has safeguards in place to ensure that Nicholas and I will still have some control in leading the company. Putting Sharon at the helm again with no backup poses an unacceptable risk.
(Cell phone alert chimes)
Victor: Threatening me isn't very smart.
Man: I'm just trying to be your friend.
Victor: Is that what you call it?
Man: People who cause trouble around here get hurt. I'd hate to see that happen to you.
Victoria: Tomorrow's edition? Wonderful. Thanks again.
Billy: You know, if I hadn't said it often enough, I'm unbelievably proud of you. And Victor owes you one when he gets back.
Victoria: Do you think he will? Come home, I mean.
Billy: I absolutely do. I do.
Victor: Listen. Listen. This culture of fear has got to stop.
Sister Celeste: Yes, well, it's a nice dream, Christian, but these men have no place else to go. Because of their pasts, or lack of one, they can't work at any of the large piers. They are one paycheck away from being out on the streets.
Genevieve: And the company knows that. That's how they keep the workers in line.
Victor: But I get all that. But you don't know how deplorable the conditions are. I mean, it's a wonder not more people are getting injured every day. It's unsafe. You know, there's a government act called OSHA. It requires management to make sure that the working place is safe. No hazards around.
Sister Celeste: How do you know that?
Victor: I don't know. How do I?
Sister Celeste: Huh.
Sharon: I have a child who needs me and a company to run, so I'm ready to get back to my life, just as soon as I'm released.
Dr. Laurents: I'm not prepared to make that call yet, Sharon.
Sharon: Oh. You were just saying how impressed you are with me.
Dr. Laurents: This is a medical facility. There are protocols that have to be followed.
Sharon: And when do you think you'll make your decision?
Dr. Laurents: I'll let you know.
Daisy: You know who I am.
Dr. Laurents: It's okay.
Daisy: Tell him, Sharon.
Dr. Laurents: Scarlett, you need to go back to your room.
Daisy: That is not my name! I made it up when I had to hide here. Now Sharon knows me. We were in jail together. That inmate tried to attack you, and I saved you. Now it's your turn.
Sharon: Um, you know, I may have been wrong before. I think that is Daisy Carter.
Daisy: Daisy Carter Romalotti.
Dr. Laurents: I have a staff meeting. I will speak to both of you again at our regular scheduled sessions.
Daisy: Hey, thanks for speaking up. It took you long enough.
Sharon: All right, we're even now. I don't owe you any more favors. I have my own situation to work out here. I'm trying to get out of here.
Daisy: Oh, like you're the only one? I have been holed up in here forever, hiding from that psychopath Ricky. There's nothing wrong with me. (Sighs) But that doesn't stop them from trying to dope me up.
Sharon: They have you on meds?
Daisy: No, they give me pills, but I don't swallow them. I pretend to, and then I spit them out. And now they won't let me leave. But I'm not giving up until they do.
Heather: (Sighs)
Daniel: Well, this is a, uh, nice surprise.
Heather: Oh, my goodness, Lucy, you look beautiful in that dress. I have to say, your dad has very good fashion sense.
Daniel: Oh, well, yes, I do. Thank you.
Heather: Mm. Hi. Oh, my goodness.
Lucy: (Fusses)
Heather: Are these ones for walking?
Daniel: Be good for Megan. Mwah!
Heather: She's, uh, she's super special.
Daniel: (Chuckles) Yeah. Yeah, she is. She likes you a lot.
Heather: Yeah.
Daniel: I guess that makes two of us. Is something wrong?
Heather: (Sighs) Look, Daniel, there's-- (Sighs) There's some stuff goin' on with your mom right now that's-- it's kind of complicating things even more than usual.
Daniel: What is it?
Heather: I don't know if you know about this or not, but, look, if you haven't heard about it, you will, so--
(Knock on door)
Summer: Mom's cheating on my dad.
Daniel: Oh, whoa, hey. Why would you say something like that?
Summer: Fen overheard Michael talking about it. Mom didn't deny it. Plus, I just saw them together.
Daniel: You saw Michael and Mom together?
Summer: N-no. Ronan. God, I hate that jerk.
Heather: You know what? Um, I'm gonna go. I'll give you guys some privacy.
Summer: No, I-I wanted to tell Daniel, but I need to go see my dad. (Sighs) How could Mom do this to him?
Phyllis: Why would you let Nick think that you're in love with me?
Ronan: Is that what he thinks?
Phyllis: I think, um, what we had was lust. It--and it-- it was just lust. I thought we both understood that. Oh, my God. What am I gonna do?
Ronan: No, you don't have to do anything.
Phyllis: I love my husband. I love my husband. I love Nick.
Ronan: Well, then you should be telling your husband that.
Phyllis: So that's why you lied to Michael and the cops about what happened the night that Tim died? You're trying to protect me? You said we're having an affair because that's what you want? Is that why you lied? Are there strings attached to the help you're giving me?
Nick: So how you doing? I know it's been rough with Dad still missing.
Nikki: I've heard all of the excuses for why he left. He just needed a break. (Clears throat) Jealous of me and Jack. Realized he made a mistake marrying Sharon.
Nick: You don't believe any of them, do you?
Nikki: I'll tell you, I woke up this morning around 3:00 A.M. in a cold sweat. Don't ask me how I know this, but I really think that something terrible is about to happen to your father. I mean, with all of the people that are out there looking for him, the fact that they haven't found him-- that hasn't happened yet, and I--
Nick: Mom, Mom, look, I'm sorry that you're in such pain. I am. But personally, I think Dad's fine, and he's gonna come home when he's ready.
Nikki: Oh, God, I hope so. I hope so.
Sully: You've given us all a lot to think about, Christian.
Victor: Well, we've gotta stand up for our rights, you know?
Sully: Yeah.
Sister Celeste: (Sighs) I wouldn't get my hopes up if I were you, Christian. I mean, we--we've tried calling the government agencies before. They've sent an investigator, but if no one is willing to file a formal complaint--
Victor: I'll do it.
Sister Celeste: You would lose your job, and then what? How can you help from the outside? I--
Victor: I don't give a damn. These guys are not gonna intimidate me. Things are wrong around here. I will make them right.
(Knock on door)
Billy: You ready to go to lunch?
Victoria: Sure. Hey, um, did you-- did you change clothes?
Billy: Uh, yeah, uh... (Chuckles) I had a little run-in with Phyllis, and my shirt got wet.
Victoria: Ohh.
Billy: Mm-hmm.
Nick: I, uh, I can come back.
Victoria: Uh, no, wait one second. Would you meet me at the club? I'll follow you.
Billy: No problem. Nick.
Nick: Billy.
Victoria: So did you move out of Phyllis'?
Nick: Uh, I still have my stuff there, most of it, anyway. I'll get it tomorrow.
Victoria: What happened?
Nick: I don't know, Vick. If I tell you, how long until it ends up on the "Restless Style" web site?
Victoria: Thanks a lot!
Nick: Hey, you're married to him. Things get said. Conversations are overheard.
Victoria: Whatever happened, no one will hear it from me.
Nick: (Sighs) My wife doesn't trust me.
Victoria: What? Why?
Nick: I don't know. It could be because her dad turned out to be such a jackass. Who knows where those insecurities come from? If you ask Phyllis, I'm not even sure if she knows. But the bottom line is, she can't seem to accept the fact that I'm on her side. Something bad happens, and then she spins out of control and does something to make everything worse. But instead of coming to me, it's just-- there's always this new, fresh disaster that I, of course, know nothing about, because Phyllis can't seem to bring herself to confide in me.
Victoria: If Phyllis doesn't have faith in you, I'm sure that must hurt.
Nick: It just boils down to, how many times can a guy get kicked in the teeth before he's had enough?
Ronan: Is that how you see me? The way that you saw Tim Reid? (Sighs) You know that I'm better than that. And listen to me. I don't have to blackmail women for sex. But that's cool, you know? If that's the way that you think I am-- someone that uses women to-- you know what?
Phyllis: No. No, come on, come on, come on. No, no, no, no, no, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I was out of line. I just... I want to talk to you about this. I have to--I have to call Nick about Summer...
Ronan: (Chuckles)
Phyllis: But can you please stay here? 'Cause I want to talk to you about this.
Ronan: (Sighs)
Victoria: You have stood by Phyllis more than most people would have. God knows, I know what it's like to love someone, flaws and all. But, you know, everybody has their limits. Sometimes, you just don't want to forgive anymore.
(Cell phone rings)
Nick: (Sighs) (Ring)
Nick: Yes?
Phyllis: Just so you know, Summer is on her way to see you. She got caught with booze.
Nick: What?!
Phyllis: Yeah, you should know that she got caught at Crimson Lights. She was trying to put alcohol in her drink. Ronan was the one who caught her. If it was any other cop, she'd be at the station right now. I think we both owe him a lot of thanks. Bye.
Phyllis: Nick says thank you.
Ronan: (Scoffs) Yeah. I'm sure he does.
Phyllis: Listen, I apologize. I apologize for going off. I really do. I am freaking out. There's a lot of stuff going on, and I'm losing my mind. Seriously. You happened to be here, and I took it out on you. You have gone out on a limb for me. (Sighs) You're the only friend I have. Truly, you're the only friend I have.
Ronan: It's okay. It's okay. It's gonna be all right.
Phyllis: (Sighs) (Key turns in lock)
Dr. Laurents: I need to speak with Sharon.
Daisy: What about me? I'll prove to you-- here, let's get a computer.
Dr. Laurents: Please go back to your room. I will be with you shortly.
Sharon: So... should I start packing?
Dr. Laurents: The standard competency tests you took are being reviewed. I just have a few more questions to ask you.
Sharon: Okay, of course. Um, what would you like to ask?
Dr. Laurents: About your husband.
Sully: Get the chair.
Sister Celeste: (Gasps)
Genevieve: (Gasps)
Sister Celeste: Christian.
Genevieve: No.
Sister Celeste: Oh, dear God.
Genevieve: Oh, what happened?
Sister Celeste: All right, all right. Shh, shh, shh.
Victor: (Moans)
Genevieve: Oh, okay.
Sister Celeste: Who did this?
Sully: I found him on the ground passed out. Then Moran came along and helped me get him back here.
Moran: Least I could do.
Victor: (Groans)
Sister Celeste: (Scoffs) What happened?
Genevieve: Oh. Oh, no.
Victor: (Groans) I was jumped from behind. I never saw it coming. (Groans loudly)
Genevieve: Uh, Sully, we'll take it from here, guys. Get a beer on me, okay?
Sister Celeste: Where does it hurt? Where does it hurt?
Victor: It's my hand and my head.
Sister Celeste: Here, let me see that. Let me see that.
Victor: (Groaning)
Sister Celeste: Oh, my God. It is so swollen.
Genevieve: Can you move it at all? Oh, you know what? This could be broken. We have got to get him to the hospital.
Victor: No, I'll be fine.
Sister Celeste: Yes. No, no, you have got to get it x-rayed.
Genevieve: No, this is nothing you can mess around with.
Sister Celeste: Right. Bones might be broken here.
Victor: No, no hospital.
Sister Celeste: No, look, Christian, if it's a question of money, it's silly.
Victor: I don't know my name. (Sighs) I don't know my name. If I go to the hospital and they find out I don't know my name, they're gonna call the cops, and then what happens? Maybe I'm running from the cops.
Genevieve: No, no, I'm sure that--that's not the case here. It's not.
Victor: Yeah, well, how do you know?
Genevieve: I believe you're a good man.
Victor: Maybe I'm running from the law. I don't know.
Genevieve: No.
Victor: I don't know my name.
Genevieve: That's un-- it's all right. It's gonna be all right.
Sister Celeste: Genny, y-y-you can help here, right? You can help. You're a nurse. Can you help to splint this?
Genevieve: (Sighs) Y-yeah, I mean, I'll do what I can.
Sister Celeste: Okay.
Genevieve: I'll get some ice.
Victor: (Sighs)
Sister Celeste: All right.
Genevieve: Come on. Clear out of here. Give me some space, okay? (Sighs) "How to splint hand."
Nick: Straight to voice mail. Summer should have been here by now. Where the hell is she?
Summer: I'm here! I can see Mom called.
Nick: You have a lot of explaining to do, young lady.
Summer: It's no big deal. I didn't even have one sip.
Nick: It's a very big deal! I'm sure you would have drunk it if you hadn't been caught.
Victoria: I thought you knew better, Summer.
Nick: You know, Daniel was underage, and he got drunk and Cassie felt the need to rescue him...
Summer: I know that.
Nick: Which led to her being killed. Because of alcohol, you'll never have the chance to know her, Summer.
Summer: Dad--
Nick: How can you even think of drinking?
Summer: Ask Mom. She's the reason.
Nick: This was your own bad decision, Summer, so don't bother giving me any lame excuses.
Daniel: Don't let me interrupt.
Ronan: I was just leaving.
Daniel: (Sighs) So it's true. You and Ronan are sleeping together.
Phyllis: (Sighs) How did you hear that?
Daniel: Summer. Summer, yeah, she, uh, stopped by. She, um... (Chuckles) Do you have any idea how upset she is?
Phyllis: I wish I could explain.
Daniel: Are you-- are you thinking with your brain? With your head? Even just a little bit right now? Or are you just on total self-destruct mode and trying to take your whole family down with you?
Sharon: Victor stood by me when no one else would.
Dr. Laurents: Yet he walked out on your wedding day.
Sharon: Well, he, you know, he--he left town. No one knows why. It's just something that Victor does from time to time, and I understand that about him, just like I understand how important his company is to him. He entrusted me with Newman Enterprises. And because I want to be a good wife to him, I'm anxious to get out of here and get back to running the company. Look, I'm not perfect. I have issues and problems, like anybody else does. But I haven't done anything that warrants being locked away from the world.
Dr. Laurents: We'll talk soon.
Billy: Remind me to tell my niece about the time that I got drunk in high school, passed out in the snow and almost died. (Chuckles) Drinking at that age is never, never a good idea. Nick's gotta be less-than-happy.
Victoria: It's not really a happy day for any of them.
Billy: Well, that must explain Phyllis' mood when I saw her at the coffeehouse lookin' for Summer.
Nikki: (Sighs) This family is certainly being tried. I'm just glad I don't have to worry about the two of you.
Billy: Hmm.
Nikki: I don't, do I?
Billy: (Chuckles)
Victoria: Ohh, Mom. No. Ever since Dad took off, Billy's been my rock. I honestly don't know what I'd do without him.
Billy: (Chuckles)
Dr. Laurents: Hounding me while I'm with another patient, it seems very inappropriate behavior.
Daisy: Oh, really? Well, how would you act if no one believed what you were trying to tell them?
Dr. Laurents: When you first came to us, you had a very different story.
Daisy: I lied, okay? I told you why. It was either that, or I was gonna be hunted down and killed. (Sighs) Now you have my fingerprints, and you'll finally know that I was telling you the truth. How soon till we get those results?
Dr. Laurents: Your prints are in the system, but these things can take time, upwards of two weeks.
Daisy: (Scoffs) I can't wait two weeks.
Dr. Laurents: Well, you may have no choice. I'll let you know when I hear anything.
Daisy: (Sighs)
Daniel: Years ago, you made a mistake with Paul and Christine. Come on. You were younger. You were misguided. What's your excuse now? What's your excuse? Why do you keep making these mistakes? I mean, have you taken into consideration the rest of us?
Phyllis: Oh, you and Nick and the girls-- that's the only thing I'm thinking about right now.
Daniel: So you're thinking about us when you're crawling into bed with Ronan? Mom, come on.
(Door opens)
Phyllis: Oh, come on. No, you come on, Daniel--
Summer: (Sighs) Why are we even here? I want to go to the ranch with you.
Nick: You don't get a say after what you did.
Daniel: What'd she do?
Phyllis: Your sister was at the coffeehouse with a bottle of alcohol expressing her anger.
Daniel: Really? Well, you didn't tell me that part. Summer, uh, I don't know. I would hope that you would have a little more sense after everything that I went through.
Summer: Fine. Whatever.
Daniel: "Whatever"? That's nice. (Scoffs)
Nick: Hand over your phone. I'll be upstairs to get your laptop and your tablet, as well. You are beyond grounded.
Summer: What I did is nothing compared to Mom, and who's punishing her?
Nick: That is between your mother and me, and it has no bearing on what you've done.
Summer: (Scoffs)
Phyllis: I'm thankful that we are dealing with this together.
Nick: Really? You're thankful? Look what you've done. Look what you forced our daughter into. Don't expect me to be grateful.
Sister Celeste: Careful.
Genevieve: Okay, I've gotta take this off.
Victor: (Groans loudly)
Genevieve: I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Victor: (Winces) Let's do it.
Genevieve: Okay. Okay, it's off.
Victor: (Groans loudly)
Genevieve: All right, there it is. Let's get the ice on it. Let's get it elevated.
Sister Celeste: Okay, here.
Genevieve: Okay, can you-- we have to wrap this in a towel. Can you run and get one behind the bar, please?
Sister Celeste: Okay. Yeah.
Victor: Just do what you have to do, okay? (Winces)
Genevieve: All right. Let's keep it elevated. Okay, any better now?
Victor: (Sighs) You're very nice. Thank you. (Sighs) (Groans)
Phyllis: Wait a second. Wait a second. You're blaming me because Summer went out and bought vodka?
Nick: What kind of example have you been setting? Lying, cheating-- or so she thinks. And the reasons we have to let her think that are even worse.
Phyllis: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, let's talk about that. Why did I lie to her? To protect her, Nick. I'm protecting her. I tell her the truth. Then she's walking around carrying a bunch of secrets. I can't do that. She is so-- she is so scared that I'm gonna go to jail.
Nick: No, no, no. You're the one who is scared. You live in fear. You let it dictate your entire life.
Phyllis: I messed up, okay? I messed up. I just--I-I...
Nick: Yeah, yeah, I know. You panic, I know. That's the reason you can't trust me enough to be there for you, because you let everything snowball.
Phyllis: No, because you're so always disappointed in me! (Sighs) Always. And I want to tell you the truth, but then I-I think of the look in your eyes, of disappointment, and I just--I-I-I-- I can't get up the nerve to... (Stammers) I'm like, "I-I gotta fix it. I just have to fix it on my own." I just--I-I-I-I just... (Sighs)
Nick: I gotta get to work. Clearly this is not the best time to tell her I'm moving out.
Phyllis: Maybe--maybe we shouldn't tell her that at all.
Nick: I'll be back later to talk to her.
Daisy: Hey, what happened to you?
Sharon: (Sighs) I don't know what Dr. Laurents is gonna decide where I'm concerned. I'm still hoping to get out early, but in any case, this is my last night here. My 72 hours is up tomorrow.
Daisy: Must be nice.
Sharon: None of this is nice.
Daisy: Uh, Sharon? I-I know you don't like me, but, uh, if you are gonna get out before I do, I need you to tell Daniel I'm here, and if you won't do it for me, do it for Lucy. Please?
Sharon: Fine, I'll--I'll-- I'll mention it to him when I see him.
Daisy: Wh-when you see him? I need you to call my husband and tell him I'm still alive.
Sharon: I haven't slept very well. It's been a very stressful day. Would you mind?
Daisy: (Sniffles) (Sighs)
Woman: I just got a page. Mr. Bosch is missing.
Dr. Laurents: What do you mean?
Woman: Well, we sent him to Memorial on account of his gallbladder, and you know they don't have security like we do. He just walked out.
Dr. Laurents: All right. (Sighs)
Daniel: Yeah, I'll tell you what the problem is. I just want to try and keep Summer from making the same damn mistakes that I've made.
Heather: Mm-hmm.
Daniel: (Sighs) I don't know. Maybe I'll--maybe I'll talk to her later. I don't know. Do you know any convents I can-- I can take her to? That would be--
Heather: (Chuckles) I think-- I think you need to relax. I think you have a few years...
Daniel: (Sighs)
Heather: Before-- before all of that pretty much starts to happen.
Daniel: Mm. That feels good. (Sighs)
(Bell rings)
Daisy: (Sighs heavily) Genoa City Memorial, here I come.
Woman: Doctor, you need to see this.
Dr. Laurents: Scarlett's fingerprint check. That was quick.
Daniel: (Chuckles)
Heather: (Sighs) You're pretty good at that.
Daniel: Mm. What? (Laughs)
Heather: Making me forget all of my... troubles.
Daniel: Oh, yeah, that. It's funny. You were the one telling me that I needed to relax.
Heather: Yeah, it's funny how that works.
Daniel: Yeah. (Chuckles) I feel so sane right now. You know, I'd forgotten what that felt like. Together, I just feel like we could handle anything.
Ronan: Yeah, it's Malloy. Daisy Carter? Wh-- she's where? Are you sure?
Summer: (Sighs)
Phyllis: So you understand why your dad and I are so mad at you?
Summer: I'm not Cassie or Daniel.
Phyllis: It doesn't make what you did any less dangerous. Listen to me. Alcohol-- it doesn't solve problems. It only makes things worse.
Summer: Makes things worse.
Phyllis: Yes.
Summer: Are we done?
Phyllis: No, we're not done. Your dad and I love you very much. As mad as we can get at each other, you always come first. You get that, right?
Summer: (Scoffs) I still don't get how he can act like everything is okay.
Phyllis: Well, you think that everything's okay with him just because he's calm? No, he's not happy with the things that I've done. In--in fact, he--he may need some time away.
Summer: If Dad moves out, I'll never forgive you.
Nick: Hey.
Victoria: Hey. How'd things go with Summer?
Nick: Well, she is grounded till she's 30. I still can't believe she'd try and drink.
Victoria: (Sighs) I am so sorry that you have to deal with all of this on top of everything else. Why don't you let me shoulder a little more of the work around here at least, you know? Just give yourself a break.
Nick: Ah, I love you for offering, but I'm cool, really.
Sharon: I'm back.
Nikki: Billy, uh, do you have a minute?
Billy: Sure. What's up?
Nikki: (Sighs) You know, I've never really approved of your methods when it comes to that magazine. But I need your help.
Billy: Okay.
Nikki: I don't want Victoria to know how worried I am, but I'm desperate. I need you to use all of your connections and resources to help me find Victor.
Billy: (Chuckles)
Sister Celeste: Let me help you. All right, there you go.
Victor: Can I have a tequila, please?
Genevieve: Yeah, right away.
Sully: I was afraid something like this would happen.
Moran: I don't think it's very safe for you around here.
Victor: I'm all right. Thank you for your concern.
Moran: I hope so, for your sake.
Victor: All right.
Sully: Take care.
Sister Celeste: Christian, are you sure you don't want any, um, pain meds?
Victor: No, thank you, Sister.
Genevieve: I don't want you to get hurt anymore.
Victor: You know, I think we got the attention of management. They know they're wrong, and they're trying to intimidate me.
Sister Celeste: Christian?
Victor: Yeah?
Sister Celeste: I think that Moran has a point. You've riled up some dangerous people. Maybe you ought to move on...
Genevieve: Mm-hmm.
Sister Celeste: Before something worse happens than a smashed-up hand.
Victor: No, I'm not going anywhere.
Sister Celeste: Now listen. Listen to me. Other sisters in my order run a shelter up north. I'll buy you a bus ticket. I'll give you a few dollars to help you get resettled.
Genevieve: Yeah, Sister's right. You should go now, Christian.
Victor: I'm staying here. I've got a-- I've got a job to do.
Genevieve: No matter what the cost?
Victor: Right. No matter what the cost. I got a job to do, and I'm gonna do it. They're not gonna intimidate me. No one does that.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Genevieve: Victor isn't safe here. I think it's time to bring him home.
Avery: The judge is ready to issue his ruling.
Nikki: I think we should talk about the divorce.
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