Y&R Transcript Thursday 9/13/12
Episode # 9990 ~ Sharon Begs for Her Freedom; Lies Shatter Phyllis' Family
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Ronan: Why? Because you asked how I felt about Phyllis and I told you? What, 'cause I'm not playing a game with you?
Nick: You think this is a game to me?
Ronan: You know exactly why I risk so much for your wife, don't you? Here's what it is, Nick-- Phyllis and I had our thing. It was incredible, and at the time, I thought that's all it was, was sex, but now I can't get her out of my head. She's the one who finally got to me.
Phyllis: Summer, what on earth are you talking about?
Summer: I think I was pretty clear, unless you're sleeping with more than one cop.
Phyllis: Okay, okay. You watch your tone with me.
Summer: Gee, okay. Well, what's the right tone for this? "Mommy, pretty please, tell me if you're cheating on Daddy"?
Phyllis: Where would you even hear anything like this?
Summer: You're not denying it. Does that mean it's true?
Victoria: I need dates. Well, how long has this been going on? You must have someone in D.C. who owes you a favor. Ah, see? You are a very resourceful man. Send me an e-mail. All right, thanks. Hello, husband.
Billy: Hello, wife. How's it going? Still keeping the barbarians away from the gates?
Victoria: Well, it's funny you should mention that. I just found out that Sharon is not the only invader that we need to be concerned about.
[Sharon dreaming]
Sharon: My baby. Where's my baby? Please, I need my baby! (Gasping)
[Sharon waking up]
Sharon: (Sighs) Hey! Let me out of here! Please, let me out!
Tucker: Yeah, just, uh, give their agent a call, see if we can fly the drummer in for a redo.
Sofia: Ah, got it.
Tucker: Look at us, whittling down this stack, huh?
Sofia: (Chuckles) We are just too efficient for our own good.
Tucker: Mm.
Sofia: Okay, uh, moving on, the Newman situation. Do you know exactly what's going on with Sharon at Fairview?
Tucker: I wish I knew. I tried to find out. I couldn't even get a note to her. Truth is, uh... (Sighs) I'm not sure how she's gonna come out of this.
Sofia: Well, Tucker, what exactly are you hoping for?
Tucker: That she's, um... sane enough to pass muster, but crazy enough that the stock starts taking a dive again.
Sofia: (Sighs)
Kay: So what does your P.I. say?
Nikki: Well, we have a whole team of them looking. So far, they've turned up nothing-- just no trace of Victor.
Kay: I'm sorry.
Nikki: (Sighs)
Kay: I can see how distraught you must be.
Nikki: Unless there was something really wrong, I don't understand why he would stay away like this.
Kay: Uh...
Jack: Have you considered the most obvious possibility? Victor's off with another woman.
Victor: I didn't order that.
Genevieve: On the house.
Victor: What, are you working here now?
Genevieve: Yeah.
Victor: Well, you seem to-- seem to get what you want.
Genevieve: Do you still think I'm after something? Hmm.
Victor: I don't know.
Genevieve: Well, let's see, now what could that be? Crummy beer, crummy tips, getting pinched on the rear end every other minute. Oh, wait a minute! I know. Rent money. That's it.
Victor: (Laughs) Well, I don't think you would have been kicked out of the mission if Sister Celeste had thought that you were trustworthy.
Genevieve: Christian-- may I?
Victor: Yeah, sure.
Genevieve: I'd like to tell you something. (Sighs) Um, I... I have not had an easy life. You know, I've had to deal with some very shady people, and you learn how to keep your guard up, and that is what Sister Celeste is reacting to.
Victor: Okay.
Genevieve: But now, on the other hand, I do know a stand-up guy when I see one, and that is you all over.
Victor: Why do you say that?
Genevieve: The way you stand up for your fellow workers.
Victor: Oh.
Genevieve: You know, no one should be mistreated on the job like that. It is shameful, and as far as I'm concerned, that makes you a hero.
Victor: Well, no, I mean, the working conditions are just-- they're just awful. I'm just one of them.
Genevieve: Mm.
Victor: That's all.
Genevieve: Okay, if you need to think about it that way, you be my guest, but I tell you something-- I have walked away from lesser men in my life.
Victor: Oh. Yeah. I can't put my finger on it, but I... I, too, have left people behind, you know?
Genevieve: Really?
Victor: Yeah.
Genevieve: Who?
Victor: I don't know. I just don't know. Uh, I just have this strange feeling that--that... I should be somewhere, that someone is waiting for me or I should be with someone. I don't know. It's just a feeling.
Genevieve: Christian, do you think maybe this was all meant to be, that you would come here, you know? Maybe this is all part of a much larger plan.
Victor: Yeah, maybe. Yeah. I don't know.
Phyllis: Listen, you know-- you know what it's like to be a high-profile person. You understand, y-your dad and me-- and there are a lot of people in the world who like to spread rumors, very, very mean... (Sets mug down) Mean rumors that aren't true.
Summer: So is this a lie or not?
Phyllis: Summer, it's very, very complicated, and--
Summer: Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Phyllis: And--and sometimes, people, they just-- they aren't as perfect as you want them to be.
Summer: I could tell things were weird between Dad and you.
Phyllis: Listen, listen, I want--here, listen to me. I've made a lot of mistakes. I made a lot of mistakes, a lot of things I regret, okay? But, you know, your--your parents, we're human. We're human, and--and--and it's--and it-- its good that you are-- where did you hear this? Who--who--how did you find out about this? Where did you hear this? I just--
Summer: Fen heard his dad talking about it.
Phyllis: Michael? Yeah, Michael should have never let that happen.
Summer: (Scoffs) Don't blame Michael. Blame yourself. I-if you were just gonna go out and have sex with whoever... I wish you never married Dad again.
Nick: You'd better stay the hell away from my wife.
Ronan: You know, you're not mad at me. You're mad at yourself. The law is closing in on Phyllis. Someone had to step up, but you're just too squeaky clean for that, aren't you?
Nick: You know what, Malloy? You have no idea who you're dealing with. This is not over.
Billy: Well, whosever circling, I'm sure you can handle 'em.
Victoria: This particular vulture isn't as easy to pick off because he actually happens to be my vulture-in-law.
Billy: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Jack?
Victoria: When Newman stock tanked, he loaded up on shares. Your brother now owns over 5% of Newman Enterprises.
Billy: Wow. Are you serious?
Victoria: Fortunately, when you amass that much stock, you have to file with the S.E.C., so if Jack is planning a hostile takeover, then at least we have warning.
Billy: When you say "Hostile," I hope you're not serious, because I don't want it to come to that. We don't need a whole lot of family infighting anymore.
Victoria: (Sighs) Oh, God. You know, none of this would have happened if Daddy was here, and we still have absolutely no word.
Billy: Hey, y-you know what? Victor's fine. I'm sure of it. You--you just keep doing the mogul thing, which, by the way, is sexy as hell, especially this. Mm-hmm.
Victoria: You like that?
Billy: I do.
Victoria: You know, maybe if you play your cards right, I might chase you around the boardroom.
Billy: You're gonna chase me? What happens if you catch me?
Victoria: Well, then we'll have to have an amicable merger.
Billy: Ooh, humina, humina, humina, humina.
Victoria: Mm-hmm.
Billy: Mm-hmm.
Victoria: You never did say why you stopped by.
Billy: Oh! Do I need an excuse to see my gorgeous wife in her natural habitat?
Victoria: (Sighs) I am gonna miss it when Dad comes back and I have to step down. But don't worry about Jack. I'll handle it. You just make sure you stay above the fray, as usual.
Billy: Hmm.
Kay: My good, look at you. You're on your own two feet!
Jack: Yeah, I'm out of the wheelchair for good.
Kay: Good.
Nikki: It's incredible, Jack, really.
Jack: I'm proud of the work I've done. I believe in fighting my own battles and sticking around.
Kay: Well, not to mention the support of, uh, from all those people who love you.
Nikki: That was a dig at Victor. He had just married Sharon, which is enough to send anybody running for the hills.
Jack: Or into another woman's arms.
Nikki: I don't buy that for a second.
Kay: Nor do I.
Jack: Or maybe you haven't heard. Uh, someone else from Genoa City vanished shortly after Victor did-- Genevieve Atkinson. You remember, they do have some history.
Kay: (Laughs) Jack, Jack, Jack. Ohh. (Laughs) I'd almost forgotten how much you enjoy stirring up trouble.
(Cell phone rings)
Tucker: This is Tucker.
Genevieve: Listen, how long do I have to keep up this plan with Victor?
Tucker: Till you hear otherwise.
Genevieve: (Sighs) (Sighs) The man is suffering.
Tucker: He can handle a little hard labor.
Genevieve: It's not the job. Look, for whatever reason, the man can't remember his life, his family, the--the people he loves.
Tucker: I'm not paying you to have a conscience.
Genevieve: (Sighs) Tucker, try to have a little compassion.
Tucker: Keep up the good work.
Jack: Newman Enterprises. Popular stock these days.
Sofia: Jack! You can walk?
Tucker: When did this happen?
Jack: Well, it's a little project I've been working on for awhile.
Tucker: It's so good to see you out of that chair, man.
Jack: Well, thanks, and I didn't mean to startle you. I couldn't help noticing what was on Sofia's tablet here.
Tucker: Yeah, well, um, I'm a member of the Newman board. Naturally, I'm interested in how that stock is doing.
Jack: Naturally. I guess you'll find this out sooner rather than later. Uh, I have filed the necessary papers with the Securities and Exchange Commission regarding my growing ownership in Newman.
Jack: That is the law, isn't it?
Tucker: Yep, sure is.
Sofia: So you now own 5% of the outstanding common shares?
Jack: Yep, sure do.
Tucker: Fire-sale prices. Why not?
Jack: Well, the opportunity would never have happened if Newman hadn't taken a powder. I do think it's a shame that the board decided to punish Sharon so quickly for stepping in.
Tucker: Well, you know, I wasn't part of that deal. I urged them to try and work with Sharon and give her the benefit of our advice.
Sofia: Newman seemed to have other ideas.
Jack: Had to be pretty rough for Sharon, though, being forced back to Fairview after the last visit was so traumatic for her. If you ask me, though, Victor's the one that needs to have his head examined, not Sharon.
Phyllis: There-- there are special circumstances, and your--your dad understands.
Summer: Dad knows? (Scoffs)
Phyllis: Summer. Okay, Summer-- no, no, no, Summer! (Sighs)
Summer: (Sighs shakily) (Sighs)
(Elevator doors open)
Nick: Summer?
Summer: Dad.
Nick: Hey, what's wrong? What's wrong?
Summer: How can you stay with Mom after what she did to you?
Nick: Okay, look, let's go inside and talk about this, okay?
Summer: Mom's hooking up with that cop, and you want to talk? Don't you care?
Nick: Of course I care. I care about you, I care about your mother, our family, very much.
Summer: (Laughs) What family? Mom's ruined it-- again. (Sniffles)
Nick: What the hell just happened?
Phyllis: She found out about the affair. She found out. She knows. I couldn't tell her it was fake. I couldn't tell her.
Nick: That is just great.
Phyllis: Well, I didn't do it. It was Michael. Michael is spouting off about the affair so anyone can hear.
Nick: Don't do that! Don't do that. It's not Michael's fault. It's all your lies that has done this to our daughter.
Nikki: Ronan. Uh, listen, I-I need to talk to you.
Ronan: I'm off duty right now. You need to make an appointment to talk to me.
Nikki: I'm not making an appointment with you! I want answers. Now how is it that the police have not come up with any leads on Victor?
Ronan: We are working on it.
Nikki: Well, here's a name for you--Genevieve Atkinson.
Ronan: (Sighs)
Nikki: Has anybody reported her missing? She has a bit of a history with Victor, and she left town, too.
Ronan: I don't know anything about a missing persons report on Ms. Atkinson. Nikki, right now, I need to pound something, preferably a punching bag.
Nikki: W-wait-- don't walk away from-- come back.
Kay: Thank you. Thank you very much. You've been very helpful. Bye-bye.
Nikki: What's this?
Kay: Genevieve's cell phone number.
Genevieve: Like another?
Victor: No, thank you.
Genevieve: Okay.
Victor: How much do I owe you?
Genevieve: Uh, told you, on the house.
Victor: Well, I didn't ask you to buy me a drink.
Genevieve: Okay, $2.50.
Victor: All right. All I have is a 10.
Genevieve: Oh, it's okay. I've got change. Okay, just a second here. One, two...
Victor: You've got a lot of money.
Genevieve: Ah, yes, don't I?
Victor: Yeah. Thank you.
Genevieve: There you go, and your coins.
Victor: No, you keep that, okay?
Genevieve: Ah, thank you.
Victor: Yep.
Genevieve: Billionaire tipper.
Sharon: You know my history here, Doctor. Just terrible memories.
Dr. Laurents: Is that what brought on your nightmare?
Sharon: Well, I was dreaming that I could hear my baby crying, but I couldn't get up to go and find her. It was as though I was being held down by someone, and then when I woke up and I realized I was here and I had no way of seeing or talking to Faith, just this wave of pure panic came over me, but y-you know, I-it's passed. I'm fine now. It's just...
Dr. Laurents: Go on.
Sharon: I'm just freaked out, or-- I'm worried that that might make you want to lock me away for good.
Phyllis: It's what Ronan told Michael, what Ronan told Michael. This is Ronan's lie, not mine.
Nick: Well, it wouldn't have been necessary if you didn't need it to cover up all the other ones.
Phyllis: What--what do I do, what do I do? I couldn't tell her the truth. She would become a-an accessory after the fact, Nick.
Nick: So our daughter thinks you're cheating on me with Ronan, and that I'm totally cool with that?
Phyllis: Okay--
Nick: Does that sound like a good thing to you?
Phyllis: No. No, no! It's not. It's not, I agree. Maybe we can come up with something...
Nick: Unbelievable.
Phyllis: Something so that--
Nick: Here you go again, you're trying to come up with another lie, Phyllis. I don't get it.
Phyllis: I'm sorry, okay? I don't know what to do. I had no other option. She confronted me with this information, and I had no other option.
Nick: Did you ever think of coming to me after Ronan came up with this ridiculous alibi? No, of course not. I mean, why would you? You probably don't even want me, knowing that he's totally in love with you.
Phyllis: What? That is a huge assumption you're jumping to.
Nick: I just left him, and I asked him point-blank, why did he go out on such a limb for you, and apparently, Phyllis, you're it for him.
Phyllis: He said that to you?
Nick: Yeah, he said that to me. You know, I-I'm--I'm done. I'm going to the ranch.
Phyllis: Wait, you're leaving me again? You're leaving again?
Nick: (Sighs) Yeah, I am, and don't expect me back tomorrow.
Summer: I can't even believe her. How could she treat my dad that way?
Fen: You know how grown-ups can be sometimes. They tell us one thing, then do just the opposite.
Summer: (Sighs) I was actually really happy when they got remarried, and now it's a total wreck, thanks to my mom.
Fen: I'm sorry you're so bummed. I mean, I would be, too, if it were my folks.
Summer: If they can do whatever they feel like, so can I.
Fen: Wait, what do you have on your mind?
Summer: I have an idea. Come on, let's go.
Jack: So much nicer to see your beautiful face when I walk in here, as opposed to the previous boss.
Victoria: Is there something that I can help you with?
Jack: Sounds like, uh, good news travels fast.
Victoria: Is it good news? I'm not really so sure about that.
Jack: Well, with all of your stockholders so eagerly dumping their Newman shares, I would think you'd be grateful that someone wants to buy them.
Victoria: The stock price has stabilized. I would really like to know what your intentions are. You trying to make a move on my family's company?
Jack: Now why would I do something like that?
Victoria: Oh, come on, Jack, please don't insult my intelligence. You already took Beauty of Nature away.
Jack: I didn't take anything from anyone. Beauty of Nature was on the block. Mine was the highest legitimate offer.
Victoria: Well, then you should be satisfied with what you have, because the flagship will always be run by Newmans.
Jack: I stand warned. Can I offer you a little tip? Not everyone is as ethical as I am.
Victoria: Oh.
Jack: I have a pretty strong hunch that one of your board members has amassed a considerable amount of Newman stock without fulfilling his legal obligation to notify the financial authorities.
Victoria: Who?
Jack: Tucker McCall.
Tucker: Damn it. Stock's just grinding sideways. I need it to crater again so I can snap up a few million more shares.
Sofia: You won't. It'll be me and these shell corporations you've set up. Look, Tucker, haven't you had enough trouble with the S.E.C. without you accumulating this much stock without filing the proper disclosures?
Tucker: Sofia, I promise you, it'll be worth the risk.
(Cell phone ringing)
(Cell phone ringing)
(Quick footsteps)
Genevieve: (Sighs) (chuckles) I didn't mean to leave that there.
Victor: I guess you don't want to talk to that N-Nikki Newman, is that?
Genevieve: She's a friend. She's kind of an annoying friend, and I'm in the middle of a shift, so...
Victor: Oh. She's gonna have to wait then till you talk to her.
Dr. Laurents: The court's given us sufficient time to evaluate you, Sharon. No one's gonna be making any snap judgments based on you having one bad dream.
Sharon: Well, good. I'm very relieved to hear that, because at the end of 72 hours, you are going to tell the judge that I am completely sane. Nick and Victoria-- they accused me of stealing without a shred of evidence. I mean, did they actually see me steal anything? No, and I believe that they planted those items in my living room to get me out of their father's company. They know my weaknesses. They know my history. They're using it against me, and it wouldn't be the first time. And if you're scribbling down the word "Paranoia" in your notebook, I would like to ask you to look up Nick and Victoria online as well as all the Newmans. You'll see what kind of grand schemes they're capable of. Setting me up like this-- it's child's play for them. And what you're seeing here in me is I'm going into self-preservation mode. I'm not having any delusions of grandeur. I'm really not doing anything other than trying to keep my husband's company afloat until he chooses to come back. As for anything else that qualifies me as unbalanced, um, you know, I came here voluntarily, to prove to the courts that I have nothing to hide, so please ask me anything you want, and I will do my best to give you answers.
Victoria: So... what proof do you have that Tucker's acquired that much stock and failed to report it?
Jack: None whatsoever, but you and I both know how he operates. I'm merely suggesting you keep a closer eye on things.
Victoria: (Sighs) Thank you. Thank you for the heads-up, but I'm still not entirely sure your motives are innocent.
Jack: Buy low, sell high-- nothing wrong with a shrewd investment, right?
Victoria: Oh, you must be spread pretty thin these days, Jack. Where are you getting all this cash from?
Jack: I appreciate your concern, Victoria, but I have everything handled.
Victoria: How many times have I heard somebody say that before a big fall?
Jack: I'm sure we can find some way to play fair together.
Victoria: I was really touched the other night at your place, when you said that I was an Abbott now, but I'm also still a Newman. I hope that that lovely speech wasn't to soften me up so that you could try to slip something past me, because one hostile move against this company, and I will retaliate, family or no family.
Jack: I would expect nothing less.
Victoria: Good. Then I'm glad we understand each other.
Jack: Perfectly. Congratulations again on your new position. I'll let you get back to it.
Victoria: Bye, Jack.
Jack: Good-bye.
Jack: Nick.
Victoria: Come in. Shut the door. I'm gonna tell you what just happened.
Nick: (Exhales slowly)
Victoria: Oh, no. What's going on now?
Nick: What do you think?
Victoria: Phyllis.
Phyllis: (Exhales sharply)
Billy: Hi. How you doin'?
Phyllis: Not now, Billy, please.
Billy: Oh, come on, you can't say hi to an old friend and colleague?
Phyllis: I'm looking for my daughter.
Billy: Ooh, trouble at home because of your mounting legal issues? Do you want to comment? (Sputters)
Phyllis: There's your comment.
Billy: (Chuckles) Oh, that was good. That was cute, so cute.
Phyllis: Well, your nasty snipes and innuendos have made my family's life a living hell. You know that?
Billy: I tell you-- I tell you what, why don't you come on the show, tell us your side? I'll even provide drinks so you can throw 'em at me.
Phyllis: You're a joke.
Billy: I'm a joke?
Phyllis: You call yourself a journalist.
Billy: Well, I learned it by watching you, Sweetheart.
Phyllis: If you as much as breathe my daughter's name in your magazine or on your show, I swear to you, I will come after you personally and you will be sorry.
Billy: (Laughs) Oh, it's all so cute. Ahh.
Victoria: I'm really sorry to hear that you and Phyllis are having problems again, although with her trial coming up and her ex-therapist conveniently dropping dead...
Nick: Suffice it to say, I was past my limit.
Victoria: Yeah, I'm sure.
Nick: My biggest concern right now is my kids, especially Summer. I don't think I realized the toll this whole mess could take on her.
Summer: Vodka goes great in iced coffee.
Fen: How would you know? You've never had that, either.
Summer: I'll put some in my drink and we'll both try it.
Fen: This is a bad idea, Summer. What if we get caught? You think my dad wouldn't totally kick our butts?
Summer: (Sighs)
Fen: Guess again.
Summer: Life's about making mistakes... or so my mother says. Maybe this will be one. Maybe it won't. Can't know till we try.
Fen: I... (Sighs)
Summer: Hey!
Ronan: This isn't a good idea.
Summer: Mind your own business.
Ronan: This is my business. A little young to be drinking, don't you think?
Summer: I wouldn't be, if you weren't doing it with my mom!
Man: Somehow, the bosses already heard about our grievances and they sicced the company lawyer on us, saying if we want our jobs, then we'll drop all this.
Victor: And I think that's good news.
Man: How do you see that?
Victor: That means they're running scared. They're trying to intimidate all of us because they know they're wrong. Now is not the time to give up. Now is the time to fight harder.
Man: What, until we all get canned? Then what? I mean, I've got a family to feed.
Genevieve: Christian's right. He knows what he's talking about and he's on your side. I mean, look, he--he stands to gain or lose as much as you do. You should listen to him.
Man: Uh, no offense, Genny, but what do you know about our kind of problems?
Genevieve: (Sighs) I don't have to be a dockworker to know that the man is making sense.
Victor: They're rolling out the big guns. So can we.
Man: Meaning?
Victor: We hire a damn lawyer.
Man: Yeah, that new hire, Christian-- he's still stirring up trouble, talking to the guys about getting a lawyer.
Man: Okay. I'll deliver the message.
Phyllis: I want you to call me back right away, Summer, please. I mean it.
(Knock on door)
Ronan: Brought your daughter home. She's lucky I'm not arresting her.
Victoria: More turmoil-- just what you don't need.
Nick: I'll deal.
Victoria: Well, if you want, you can stay with us.
Nick: Thanks, but I'm not sure how long this separation's gonna be. I'm gonna be at the tack house. At least Sharon's not at the ranch... for the moment, anyway.
Dr. Laurents: When the nurse told me you were in here screaming and pounding on the door to get out, naturally, that painted a certain picture, but after talking with you, I have a better understanding of what led to that behavior. You seem to have a firmer grasp on things than I expected.
Sharon: Oh, thank you, Dr. Laurents. I-I am so glad to hear that. Does that mean that I can get out of here now and go back to running my company?
Kay: So...
Nikki: I couldn't reach Genevieve. Ronan was zero help.
Kay: I'm so sorry.
Nikki: (Sighs) I just keep having these visions of Victor in terrible straits.
Kay: Nikki, now listen to me. I know how frightened you are, and you cannot keep on carrying this burden all by yourself. For God sake, talk to the children!
Nikki: No, absolutely not.
Kay: Oh.
Nikki: I would rather them cling to their last hope than to be worried sick.
Kay: Well, I have an appointment. Uh, if you need me, I-I'll stay, I-I'll cancel.
Nikki: Thank you, Katherine, but it's not necessary. I'll take a hug, though.
Kay: (Chuckles) Ohh, Sweet Baby. All right, now listen to me. Victor will be back. He's strong, wonderful, and... infuriating as ever. Hmm? You be strong.
Tucker: Hey. Don't tell me you're leaving already.
Kay: No, I have to.
Tucker: You know, uh, Nikki's looking a little ragged.
Kay: Well, uh...
Tucker: Did Jack upset her?
Kay: As long as Victor is gone, she's gonna be suffering. I tried to be strong for her, but evidently, it isn't enough. I wish there was a way that she could be reassured that Victor is alive and well.
Jack: Your wife is not happy with me, not at all.
Billy: Yeah, she really let you have it, huh? I had a feeling. I'm also not very anxious to get in the middle of it.
Jack: Well... (Sighs) I'm investing a lot in Newman Enterprises, laying it all on the line. When Victor gets back, stock prices are gonna soar.
Billy: Yeah, well, what if the corporate shark that we know and hate doesn't actually come back?
Jack: Victor always comes back.
Billy: Hmm.
Victor: Listen, we don't have to decide anything right now. Sleep on it, but don't dismiss it. There's too much at stake for all of you and your families and your kids. We've gotta make sure that those bastards don't intimidate or abuse us any longer.
Genevieve: Can't argue with that, guys.
Man: Can I talk to you for a sec?
Victor: What is it?
Man: Word to the wise, Christian. (Chuckles) Stop causing trouble, or someone's gonna get hurt.
Victor: I have no doubt that someone is gonna get hurt.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Sharon: I think that is Daisy Carter.
Daisy: Daisy Carter Romalotti.
Ronan: Are you okay?
Phyllis: No, I'm not! What the hell did you tell my husband?
Nick: How many times can a guy get kicked in the teeth before he's had enough?
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