Y&R Transcript Tuesday 9/11/12
Episode # 9988 ~ Jack's Progress Is Celebrated; Sarge Asks Harmony About Her Past
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
[Video playing]
Ricky: My dad's got it in his head that I'm, uh, that I'm depraved, I'm some kind of a sicko, and he's working overtime to convince everyone he knows that that's true, that I need to be avoided and that people need to be scared of me. And they all know him here, I mean, they--they trust him. Of course they do. Why would you say these kinds of things about your own son unless they were true? But he's the one who's not really what people think he is.
Billy: It kills me to see you worried about your dad.
Victoria: If you're gonna remind me of all the reasons that he doesn't deserve to have me care about him--
Billy: I'm not going to do that. I'm going to tell you what I know about him.
Adam: Hey, you.
Chelsea: Hi.
Adam: You didn't have to come down. I can bring you what you need.
Chelsea: Oh, no, that's okay. I'm feeling better. Whew. Ugh.
Adam: So, um... were you able to keep down any of that soup?
Chelsea: No. I don't understand it. I mean, I didn't have this problem the last time I was pregnant.
Adam: Well, maybe it's a girl, then. Listen, I, um, I didn't want to have to leave you, but I do have to have a meeting with Kevin and Chloe.
Chelsea: Oh, that's totally fine. You should go.
Adam: Well, no, I-I'm having 'em come here.
Chelsea: Oh. You didn't tell them that I'm--
Adam: No, no. Sticking to the plan-- not telling anyone until after the first trimester's over.
Chelsea: Yeah. I just feel like I'm wearing a big "Baby on board" sign, you know?
Adam: Mm, yeah, that-- I'll keep 'em distracted. There's some good news for the company, so...
Chelsea: Oh. Well, then they probably won't even notice I'm here.
Jeff: Hey, you guys gonna see Chelsea?
Kevin: I don't know. If she's home, I guess.
Jeff: Well, tell her her dad says hi.
Chloe: Mm-hmm, 'cause you guys are so tight.
Gloria: (Chuckles)
Jeff: Well, I'd like to be, but she's... (Clears throat) Having a little trouble getting over her trust issues.
Lauren: (Laughs)
Kevin: Bye.
Lauren: Good-bye. You mean the trust issues you helped to create, just because you weren't there for her entire life, and then you deny being her father when she finally tracks you down.
Jeff: Eh, we should be able to get past that now.
Lauren: Eh.
Gloria: Oh, yeah, sure, now that she's rich.
Neil: Thanks. Appreciate it.
Man: Mm-hmm.
Harmony: Ooh. Even the reviews of that movie we just saw are steamy.
Neil: I-I really had no idea.
Harmony: Mm.
Neil: Now wait a--wait-- you don't beli--I swear to you, somebody at work told me they thought it was, what, what did they say? Uh, thought-provoking.
Harmony: Oh, now that is a fact. I mean, all kinds of ideas in that movie would never have occurred to me, especially that one scene.
Neil: (Chuckles) Yeah, I-I don't think I've ever had more of an awkward moment on a date in my entire life.
Harmony: (Laughs) We are truly really terrible at this dating thing, aren't we?
Neil: Well, hopefully, we'll get better with practice.
Harmony: Well, lesson number one... read the reviews.
Neil: Nice.
Harmony: (Laughs)
Neil: Come on, you're-- what do you feel like?
Harmony: Ah, let's see.
Jack: (Grunting) (Panting)
Sarge: Excellent work. Good job, Jack. You are not letting up.
Jack: I guess being stubborn has a certain advantage. (Breathing heavily)
Sarge: I guess I've become a bit of, uh, a hardened old cynic. Sometimes, even I need to be reminded that there can be miracles, second chances.
Jack: I sure proved the doctor wrong that I was at the limit of my recovery. (Sighs) Probably helps that I had a wife to want to walk away from.
Sarge: Ohh. Well, as they say, um, whatever it takes to motivate you.
Jack: Hey, all kidding aside, I would not be where I am if it weren't for you. Listen, you got any plans? I mean, I was just gonna watch a game.
Sarge: I'm--I'm pretty beat.
Jack: Everything all right?
Kyle: You know I got much love for your dad, right? But, man, there ought to be a 12-step program for people who get married as much as he does.
Abby: (Sighs) Uh, it wouldn't work. He couldn't quit cold turkey.
Kyle: (Laughs)
Abby: What we need is, like, a court-ordered review panel giving a thumbs-up, thumbs-down to every woman he dates.
Kyle: Hey, I would like to be on that panel.
Abby: (Laughs) Oh, it's too bad they already did that, um, oh, "Who wants to marry my dad?" We would have rocked that.
Kyle: Yeah, well, we couldn't have done a worse job picking a wife for him as he did for himself this last time.
Abby: Yeah, I just can't wait for him to get back here and kick Sharon out on her butt.
Kyle: Oh, God.
Abby: You know, assuming he does come back.
Kyle: Hey. Unh-unh. Come on, don't think like that. He's Victor Newman, master of the universe. He'll be back.
Abby: I know. How are things going for you? Dad, living under the same roof?
Kyle: Yeah, yeah, we're both being kind of extra-super polite.
Abby: That's not a bad thing.
Kyle: Yeah, it's just we're not really...
Abby: Comfortable, don't really trust each other yet?
Kyle: Yeah, which is fine. I mean, why should we? You know, where we're at, it's fine for now.
Sarge: Uh, I'm just tired.
Jack: Okay. Not my business anyway. I... just--just if you ever did want to talk, though, I mean, you certainly have a captive audience. I-I can't outrun you yet.
Sarge: (Chuckles) No, it's just always a pretty tough day for me.
Jack: I-is this the anniversary of your brother's accident?
Sarge: No, I lost somebody in the uh, you know, when the, uh, World Trade towers went down.
Jack: Oh, my God, it's 9/11.
Sarge: (Sighs) It's 11 years ago. I mean, you'd think, with all that time, it'd get easier.
Jack: This is someone you were close to, then.
Sarge: (Sighs) Be good to the ones that you love, Jack. Sometimes... there are no second chances. Good night.
Jack: Take care.
Jack: Billy, it's me. Uh, give me a call when you get a chance. I'd love for you and Victoria to stop by when you can. I'd... (Sighs) I'm missing family.
Victoria: If you're gonna say that my dad will be fine, that he can take care of himself, my mother already gave me the speech, okay?
Billy: I can do a better job convincing you than she did.
Victoria: I'm convinced. I am. I mean, most of the time, okay? I just--I just had a dark moment, one of which you were a witness to, but in my heart, I know that Dad's okay and he's coming back. I realize that's not something you're looking forward to. You probably think that we're all better off with him gone.
Billy: I do.
Victoria: But not the business, obviously.
Billy: Your father isn't exactly the titan of industry that he used to be. He is the person who put Sharon in the position to take over.
Victoria: He had her sign a prenup.
Billy: Yes, he did, and then he failed to get it into the right hands before he married her. Now look, we don't know what happened, we don't know why he left, but maybe it's all become too much for him. Maybe he's better off away from the company, and right now, I know for a fact that you are going to do a better job running it than he could at this point.
Victoria: Well, thank you. Thank you very much for your vote of confidence. (Sighs) But I don't think either one of us should get used to me as C.E.O., because once he comes back, I will be stepping down.
Billy: And you shouldn't have to do that.
Victoria: Should or shouldn't, me working with my father doesn't work. How many times have we tried it?
Billy: Well, you know, in many companies, they have forced retirement policies. Maybe that's an idea you guys should consider at Newman.
Victoria: Yeah, well, I would be very happy to give up my dream job if it means my father coming back, but you don't see it that way, do you?
Billy: (Sighs) No, I don't, not at all.
Victoria: Well, it doesn't matter, because it's something neither one of us has any control over.
Adam: So the wave has started rolling. Retailers are coming to us, wanting in on the action. I've gotten dozens of inquiries.
Kevin: Well, we knew the news was gonna be good, which is why we brought this. I think it's time we celebrate.
Chloe: Mm-hmm.
Adam: No arguments here.
Chloe: Okay, well, let's celebrate. Why don't you join us? You can have a drink with us.
Chelsea: Um, yeah, I'll get the glasses.
Adam: No, no, no. You know what? I got it.
Chelsea: No, no, it's okay, I don't mind.
Adam: I got it.
Chloe: Oh, newlyweds. How nauseating.
Kevin: Come on, aren't we still nauseating?
(Champagne cork pops)
Chloe: Whoo!
[Video playing]
Ricky: I can almost understand why Rachel's friends won't accept that she committed suicide... (Exhales slowly) Because then, you gotta ask yourself, could I have said something? Could I have-- could I have done something that would have made her stop? I know, because I ask myself that question every day. (Breathes deeply) I wanted to marry the woman. But for my own father to buy into those rumors, to never ask me about it directly, but instead, go behind my back and take the word of some people he doesn't even know over mine? It's like he wanted me to fail. It's like he wanted to believe the worst in me, and I... and I don't understand why. (Chuckles) You know, I was, uh, I was so excited to come to town and finally get to know my dad, to--to deal with him on his terms, as an adult and not some... some kid, some nuisance. But he had no intentions of ever getting to know me, not the real me. He had his own ideas of who I was, and nothing that I did or said made any difference, and now I don't know where this is gonna end, but... I'm scared. Hopefully, I'm worried for nothing. We'll go our own ways, and he'll-- he'll drop this obsession. But just in case, I thought that somebody ought to know. Now you do.
Neil: Well, you've been working more hours than I have lately.
Harmony: It--I don't mind it. It's exciting, watching a TV show come together.
Neil: If they were smart, they'd put you back in front of the camera.
Harmony: Oh, please. I'm still embarrassed.
Neil: What? You were adorable.
Harmony: Stop. You're just biased.
Neil: My name is biased, damn glad to meet you.
Harmony: (Laughs)
Neil: (Laughs)
Harmony: Hey! How are you?
Sarge: I'm doing okay. Neil.
Neil: Sarge. Nice to see you.
Harmony: Are you meeting somebody?
Sarge: No, I'm just grabbing a sandwich to go.
Neil: Well, would you care to join us?
Sarge: Probably wouldn't be the best, uh, company tonight. It's not been a great day.
Harmony: Well, that's when you need company the most.
Neil: Yeah. Come on, sit down. We insist.
Sarge: All right. Ahh.
Jeff: True, I wasn't a model parent when Chelsea first got to town.
Lauren: (Laughs) You wouldn't even admit to being her parent.
Jeff: Yeah, but that changed.
Gloria: Sure, when you found out she was marrying a Newman.
Jeff: Oh--
Gloria: Oh, don't, don't, don't. But don't worry about it. We all like to see our children doing well and moving on in the world. (Sighs) I brag about my son the D.A. all the time. Michael getting that position was the most exciting thing that ever happened to me and to him and the family.
Lauren: Not so exciting these days. I'm telling you, the stress of that job has taken years off of his life.
Heather: Look, this is ridiculous. Ricky's obviously lying.
Avery: No one's gonna hear it anyway. It's inflammatory. It'll never be allowed in court.
Michael: It goes to motivation.
Avery: Michael, it's a setup!
Michael: This flash drive was incredibly well-hidden. How do you make an argument that he thought someone was going to find it?
Avery: Well, we did find it, didn't we?
Michael: Yes, unfortunately, you did, and I can't ignore it! I wouldn't be doing my job.
Avery: Okay, I want a copy, and I will fight you on this.
Michael: You go ahead and fight me on that. That's your job. I'm sorry, Paul.
Paul: (Sniffles)
(Door slams)
Heather: Dad.
Paul: You know, I knew that Ricky was jealous of our relationship and that he was angry... but to do something like this... he must have really hated me.
Avery: Listen, you made sure that Ricky couldn't hurt Eden. Now we're gonna make sure that he can't hurt you.
Kevin: All right.
Chloe: Oh. Well, you didn't even drink your champagne.
Chelsea: Oh. It--sometimes it gives me a headache.
Chloe: Oh, well, I wish I would have known. I would have brought something else.
Chelsea: Oh, that's okay. That's okay. I'm just glad I got to toast with you guys.
Chloe: Wait, but-- you drank champagne when we were celebrating your engagement. I mean, we drank, like, two bottles.
Chelsea: Did we?
Chloe: Mmm. Mmm, these are my favorite. I love--you want some?
Chelsea: No, thanks. Excuse me.
Chloe: Okay.
Victoria: So I hear we're gonna be working together now.
Kyle: Yeah, I'm looking forward to it. N-no? Should I not be?
Abby: You have never even worked with her. I have. I still have nightmares.
Billy: (Chuckles)
Victoria: Wait a second. Don't listen to them.
Jack: Hey, guys. Come on in.
Jack: Glad you could make it.
Abby: Oh!
Billy: (Chuckles)
Jack: (Chuckling)
Billy: Look at you. All right.
Kyle: Hi.
Abby: Wow. (Chuckles) (Gasps)
Victoria: (Chuckles)
Adam: Do you think you'll have some time tomorrow to, uh, get together with that designer and work on that app?
Kevin: Uh, yeah. Let me know what's good for him. Uh, mornings are better for me.
Chloe: Oh, you must be hating the mornings lately.
Chelsea: What?
Chloe: I hope you feel better soon.
Chelsea: I feel fine. I don't know what you mean.
Chloe: No. (Clears throat) Okay. Let's go. Bye.
Chelsea: (Sighs) She totally knows I'm pregnant.
Neil: So you have a, uh, a client giving you grief, or what?
Sarge: No.
Harmony: I imagine Jack Abbott's the type used to getting his own way.
Sarge: Actually, uh, Jack surprised me. He's been working really hard to get stronger, and he's made some incredible progress.
Harmony: Oh, well, that must make you feel good. I mean, to be a-a part of that, helping somebody heal.
Sarge: Most of the time, I love what I do. Not everybody's story is like Jack's, though. There are some people that work just as hard and don't get the same results that you or I would say they... deserve.
Neil: You know, that reminds me of going with Lily, my daughter, to her chemotherapy appointments. You know, they--you'd be in the same room with patients and other families, all of us going through the same hell, offering up the same prayers, but we knew that we wouldn't all get the same outcome.
Harmony: But Lily's all right now. I mean, she has two beautiful babies--twins.
Sarge: So you're a grandpa, huh, Neil?
Neil: Yeah, shh, shh. Don't talk about it.
Sarge: (Laughs)
Harmony: You have kids?
Sarge: No. Just me.
Avery: I'll get you a copy of Ricky's video as soon as I get it from Michael.
Heather: My computer's default setting has automatic download. I already have it.
Avery: Ah. Look, I really don't think this is admissible in court, but if it is, we will call Bryce to the stand to contradict all of it.
Paul: Why would anyone take Bryce's word over Ricky's?
Avery: Well, Ricky had motive to lie.
Heather: I mean, this video is Ricky obviously trying to cover himself.
Paul: You know, Heather, that doesn't make any sense. He couldn't have known what was going to happen, unless he was truly afraid of what I might do.
Heather: No, don't. You know that's not true, and you told me that right before he died, he was practically sneering at you because he knew that you wouldn't hurt him.
Paul: Till he forced my hand. You think that could have been it, that he was setting me up, like--like suicide by cop? Why in God's name would Ricky do something like that?
Avery: Paul, there's no use trying to get inside of Ricky's head. You're trying to make rational sense of the situation. Ricky wasn't rational.
Heather: I can't believe I was so stupid to call Michael over here before we knew what was on that file.
Avery: We thought we did know.
Heather: I'm so sorry.
Paul: (Sighs) I'm gonna splash some water on my face.
Heather: Do you really think we can get that excluded?
Avery: I hope to God we can.
Heather: I mean, if any jury sees that-- I mean, how are you gonna get those words out of their heads?
Abby: Does mom know that you're out of the wheelchair?
Jack: No, I haven't called her yet.
Abby: She's gonna be so excited for you.
Jack: Yeah, she is, probably more than I deserve. Don't ever let business get in the way of family. Don't let anything get in the way of family. Somebody reminded me of that today.
Billy: So now you're reminding us. I get it.
Victoria: Mm.
Jack: That, and I'm giving you permission to take me to task when I forget what's really important in life.
Victoria: Notice he said "When," not "If."
Abby: (Chuckles)
Jack: Yeah, old habits die hard. I will tell you this-- when I got the feeling in my legs back, it wasn't anyone at Jabot or Beauty of Nature I wanted to call. It was all of you.
Kyle: It's the best news. I still can't believe it.
Jack: A toast, to the people in the world that are most important to me, to bonds that cannot be broken... to the Abbotts.
(Glasses and bottles clinking)
Adam: (Sighs) You feeling worse?
Chelsea: Why didn't I just tell Chloe I had the flu or something? She would have bought that.
Adam: You don't know for sure she figured out about the baby, and so what if she does? Sharon knows.
Chelsea: Sharon didn't say anything, though. Chloe will.
Adam: Well, people will eventually figure it out.
Chelsea: I know. I just liked it being our delicious little secret for awhile.
Adam: It was fun, wasn't it?
Chelsea: And now we're gonna have to share him or her with the world. I just don't know if I'm ready for that.
Chelsea: Mm.
Adam: (Sighs)
Chloe: I'm telling you, she has known for awhile, because I offered her coffee just a few weeks ago, and she didn't take it because she said she was going off caffeine.
Kevin: Oh, well, that about settles it.
Chloe: You know, I bet you that's why they got married, but I don't think she's that far along.
Gloria: Excuse me. Is somebody having a baby?
Chloe: Chelsea.
Gloria: Oh.
Jeff: Wow, you don't say.
Lauren: Oh, God.
Jeff: (Laughs) What? That's great news.
Lauren: Uh-huh, uh-huh, and you're gonna try and take advantage of it and worm yourself into her life.
Jeff: I-I can't be happy I'm gonna be a grandfather?
Gloria: Hmm.
Chloe: Oh, because you were so excited when you found out that you were her father.
Kevin: So excited that you were pretending to be her uncle.
Jeff: Yeah, well, now's my chance to make up for lost time.
Lauren: And, you know, the sad thing is, you're absolutely right-- if you were capable of that, and if you could open your heart to her and her child, and if you can't, if you can't give her something real, then you know what? Just leave it alone. Leave her alone and drop it.
Jeff: A gift-- that's a great idea. So tell me, Globug, where do the, uh, high-end rug rats do their shopping?
Gloria: (Chuckles) Fenmore's.
Jeff: No, something nicer.
Gloria: Ugh.
Jeff: Get your purse. Let's go.
Lauren: Nicer?
Jack: Hey, I'm sorry if that was insensitive, bringing up the importance of family when your father's missing.
Victoria: No, I-I think that what you said was beautiful. I just wish that dad was here to hear it and maybe, you know, take it to heart.
Jack: Any news on his whereabouts?
Victoria: No, nothing.
Abby: We just have to have faith that he's okay, and he'll be back soon.
Jack: He will be back.
Kyle: And when he does get back, he's gonna be proud of you and Nick for fighting to save the company.
Victoria: Well, I can't let Sharon destroy in a few months what it took him a lifetime to build.
Billy: Well, hopefully, the judge will have enough sense to leave you in charge. You should really see her over there running the show. It's like watching you at Jabot, both of you born and bred to carry on a family dynasty.
Jack: Still, I'm sure it's hard for it to happen this way.
Victoria: Well, I just keep telling myself that... (Clears throat) Dad will be back any day, and when he is, I'll happily turn over the reins.
Lauren: What's wrong?
Michael: Things have gotten a lot worse for Paul.
Lauren: Oh, no.
Michael: New evidence has come to light. I think it's a load of crap, but it's not looking good at all.
Lauren: Well, then I-- I have to come forward about the gun.
Michael: No, no, that's not gonna help-- that's not gonna help Paul...
Lauren: Yes, yes.
Michael: It's just gonna screw everything up for him. No, it's not!
Lauren: No, it would. It is the gun that makes Ricky's death look premeditated. (Taps fingertip) I have to tell Avery that the gun was mine, and not Paul's.
Neil: Thanks.
Harmony: And that's why Devon never knew that Tucker was his father. What?
Sarge: Oh, I'm just trying to picture you as a groupie.
Harmony: (Sighs) They used to call me "Candy Cane."
Neil: She was actually born, um, "Yolanda."
Sarge: Yeah. Where are you from?
Harmony: Seattle. How about you?
Sarge: Pittsburgh. It's funny, I would have never guessed you were from the northwest.
Harmony: Well, I guess it was all the globe-trotting I did following behind Mick. Guess I'm kind of like a mishmosh now. Anyway, I don't like thinking about all of that. Hey, how about some dessert?
Neil: Yeah, dessert sounds good.
Victoria: Bye, Hannah. Thanks for watching him.
Billy: (Slowly) Okey-dokey. (Normal voice) Johnny is out.
Victoria: You think we should, you know, open a bottle of wine?
Billy: Oh, you mean "Open a bottle of wine"?
Victoria: Yeah.
Billy: Okay, how'd I get so lucky?
Victoria: I'll show you lucky.
Billy: You're gonna show me lucky? Mm. Mm.
Kevin: Chloe?
Kevin: "Ran out to pick up a surprise for my business wizard husband. Be back soon." (Exhales slowly) (Turns on TV)
Chelsea: Mm.
(Cell phone rings)
Adam: I don't have to take this.
Chelsea: No, it's okay. It's okay. You can get it. Get it. (Clears throat)
Adam: Hello. No. No, I have no comment on that. Thank you.
Chelsea: What? Was it a reporter?
Adam: Uh, a guy wanted to do an interview about, um, Sharon's visit to Fairview.
Chelsea: Oh. You haven't had much to say about that, even to me.
Adam: Well, it's just... sad.
Chelsea: And you wouldn't have taken it this far?
Adam: N... (Sighs) For once, I'm glad that my brother and sister are shutting me out. I don't want to have anything to do with it. I'll just focus on my... my gorgeous, extremely queasy wife.
Chelsea: Actually, I'm feeling a lot better. You could even kiss me if you want.
Adam: Oh, I want.
Chelsea: Oh, you want, huh?
Adam: Yeah.
(Doorbell rings)
Chelsea: Ohh.
Adam: Give me the kiss anyway.
Chelsea: (Giggles) Wait a second. You don't think reporters would show up here, do you?
Adam: I don't know. We'll see.
Jeff: Congratulations! We just heard your good news.
Neil: I'm gonna take care of this, and, uh, go check in on Moses.
Sarge: All right, well, um, I guess I'll say good-bye, then.
Neil: Yep, I'll see you soon, okay?
Sarge: Thanks for lunch.
Neil: Mm-hmm, no problem. Bye.
Sarge: So... tell me, what'd you think about Pittsburgh when you were there?
Harmony: Excuse me?
Sarge: Maybe it's one of those things you don't like to think about. Good night.
Chloe: Hey!
Kevin: Hey, you're back. (Turns off TV) (Gasps) Is that my surprise?
Chloe: Yes, well, there's two, actually. But here's your favorite pizza.
Kevin: Ohh, Magpie's! I love you.
Chloe: Okay, and while I went out to go get it, I just--I s-- I went next door, and, um...
Kevin: Yeah?
Chloe: Okay, I'm just gonna go get it. (Laughs) This is so great! Hold on. (Giggles)
Kevin: Ohh, Magpie's. (Inhales deeply) (Exhales sharply)
Chloe: (Laughs) Okay, the shelter was running a special on pet adoptions, and I just couldn't resist... (Baby talk voice) 'Cause look at this face. Look at it.
Kevin: Chloe, that is the strangest-looking dog I have ever seen in my life.
Chloe: (High-pitched voice) I know. Isn't he perfect for us? Look, hold him. Go to daddy.
Kevin: (Laughs)
Chloe: (Giggling)
Jeff: So how's it going? How are you feeling? (Chuckles) I mean, I don't know how far along you are.
Chelsea: Okay, can we just not do this, please? No one here buys for a second that you give a damn about this a kid, so drop the act.
Jeff: I understand why you'd feel that, but I really am happy for you and for me, but not for the reasons you're thinking. See, I don't, um, have to worry anymore that my being a rotten father is gonna screw up your whole life. You're on the right track now. You and your baby have a great future ahead of you, no thanks to me. That's, um, not because of your finances. It's because you finally have somebody looking out for you, the way I should have been. Good luck to you. I'll be thinking about you.
Chelsea: (Sighs) What was that? (Scoffs)
Adam: A tiny flicker of humanity.
Kyle: You're an inspiration, seriously.
Jack: Thank you.
Abby: You know, I have seen Mom fight her way back from awful, awful stuff, and Aunt Traci-- she handled Colleen's death with incredible grace. And here you are! I mean, you're standing and you're walking when they said you never would. The Abbotts are one tough breed.
Kyle: It makes me proud to be one, proud to be your son.
Jack: You can't know how much those words mean to me. I'd like us to be closer, and I know I've done some things that have made that difficult. At the time, I thought they were the right move, but... no matter how you rationalize it, anything that divides a parent and a child is wrong.
[Video playing]
Ricky: Hopefully, I'm worried for nothing. We'll go our own ways, and he'll... he'll drop this obsession.
(Laptop key clicks)
Paul: So you needed to punish me, is that it? This is your revenge?
Michael: You've seen me grilling people on the stand. That would be you. I couldn't go easy on you.
Lauren: I wouldn't expect you to.
Michael: You understand I'd be compromised, too?
Lauren: I wouldn't tell anybody that you knew about that.
Michael: No, of course, you wouldn't. No, you would just perjure yourself under oath.
Lauren: I have to do everything I can to help Paul.
Michael: No, no, no, you don't have to do everything. You--you cannot help Paul. He is in too deep. He would not want you to jeopardize your own freedom. You cannot do this. You have to reconsider. (Pounds finger) You cannot do this!
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Michael: Tell me that you don't believe that Phyllis and Kevin were involved in Tim Reid's death.
Nick: I want to know why Ronan would put himself through all of this for you.
Beth: Timbo!
Ronan: Yeah, did she get it?
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