Y&R Transcript Monday 9/10/12
Episode # 9987 ~ Ricky's Video Shocks Paul; Sharon Is Plagued By Nightmares
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Victoria: Thank you. (Sighs)
Nick: You ready to take all this on?
Victoria: Yeah, I will be, as soon as I get rid of Sharon's things.
Nick: Her being out isn't a done deal.
Victoria: No, but it will be in about, mm, 70 hours.
Nick: You seem pretty confident.
Victoria: Sharon is not fit to be C.E.O. of Newman. The psych evaluation is just gonna make that official.
Sharon: Daisy? Is that really you?
Daisy: (Chuckles) I changed my hair.
Sharon: Oh. Well, what are you doing here?
Daisy: I could ask you the same question.
Sharon: Well, I'm not crazy, if that's what you're thinking. I came here on my own and I'll be out in a few days.
Daisy: Hmm. Funny coincidence. We both don't belong here.
Sharon: Everybody thinks you're dead. Daniel was arrested for your murder.
Daisy: Daniel? What? Ricky is the one who tried to get rid of me. That psycho is the reason I'm here. I had to hide from him.
Sharon: Well, you don't have to hide from him anymore. Ricky's dead. Paul's about to go on trial for his murder.
Paul: (Sighs)
Heather: Paul, I'm sorry. I had no idea that Ricky had taken Rachel to Niagara Falls.
Paul: Well, according to his friend, it was just before he killed her. He must have bought this while they were there.
Heather: It's hard to imagine Ricky buying something so... sentimental.
Paul: Yeah, I know. It's funny, isn't it? How a simple keepsake shows us... how little we knew about Ricky. He seemed so twisted and--and... sick. Yet the fact that he bought this and--and kept it just makes me think there's a side of Ricky that we never saw, and it's--it's just hidden somewhere inside here.
(Footsteps approach)
Avery: Hi.
Heather: Hey.
Avery: Your office told me you would be here with Paul.
Heather: Yeah.
Avery: I have news. They set a date for your trial.
Paul: Really? How soon?
Avery: A few weeks.
Heather: That doesn't give you much time to prepare.
Avery: I know. Have you had a chance to go through Ricky’s personal belongings?
Heather: He can’t. Um, I threw them out.
Avery: All of them?
Paul: All of them except this.
Avery: Okay, all right, then we need to put all of our focus on finding this video of Ricky killing Rachel.
Paul: Oh, boy.
Avery: Paul, it may be your only hope.
Genevieve: Hey, sorry I had to hang up earlier.
Tucker: Is there a problem out there in L.A.?
Genevieve: Nothing I can't handle.
Tucker: I don't need Victor showing up in Genoa City right now.
Genevieve: Don't worry. He has found a new home for himself at the mission. The problem is, he doesn't want me there.
Tucker: Well, live in a cardboard box if you have to. Just figure out a way to keep an eye on Victor.
Genevieve: Whoa. (Scoffs) Nice talking to you, too.
(Cell phone rings)
Genevieve: Mm, great. Ohh. Hello, Billy.
Billy: Everything cool with you and "Snidely"?
Genevieve: It will be.
Billy: I don't like the sound of that. What's going on?
Genevieve: "Sister Smarty-pants" convinced Victor that I shouldn't stay at the mission.
Billy: (Laughs) Really? You can't handle a nun?
Genevieve: (Chuckles) Trust me, she hasn't got a prayer against my next move.
Billy: Well, I should certainly hope not. I'd hate to think what would happen if I let it slip that you and Tucker are trying to pull a fast one on Victor.
Genevieve: Relax. I'm keeping an eye on Victor.
Billy: Good. Check in with me later. Thank you.
Tucker: Thanks.
Billy: Tucker. What's new?
Genevieve: Hey. I'm glad you're back. I need to talk--
Victor: Not now, okay? How are you doing?
Sister Celeste: Ooh, he's not doing good. I think his arm is broken.
Man: No, no, no, it's just a little banged up.
Victor: Can you move it?
Man: Sure. (Winces)
Sister Celeste: Oh, uh, he needs medical attention.
Man: (Sighs)
Victor: Wait a minute. Uh... Genny, you're a nurse. Can--can you take a look at this--this man's arm?
Daisy: Ricky's dead?
Sharon: Yeah, for awhile now.
Daisy: (Sighs) I haven't had access to TV or newspapers or anything.
Sharon: Mm, and I remember what that was like.
Daisy: You've been here before?
Sharon: Um, I'm really not gonna discuss my personal business with you.
Daisy: (Scoffs) Like I care. I want to know about me. Everyone thought I was dead?
Sharon: You know, I'm surprised one of the staff didn't say anything to you.
Daisy: Well, I had to check in under a false name. I couldn't risk Ricky finding me here.
Sharon: You're really paranoid, aren't you? I bet it didn't take much to convince the doctors that you belong here.
Daisy: Hmm, I'm not the one on my return visit.
Sharon: Well, I won't be here long. I have a company to run, and I intend on getting out of here before my enemies make that impossible.
Victoria: Okay, one company-wide e-mail announcing that you've been rehired, sent.
Nick: Thank you.
Victoria: What are you working on?
Nick: Something that will ensure Sharon can never fire us again, at least not unilaterally.
Victoria: "Neither Nicholas nor Victoria Newman may be removed or dismissed from their positions as executives at Newman Enterprises without the approval of the board of directors." Good, brilliant.
Nick: It's time we start making our moves before Sharon makes hers. What?
Victoria: Oh, you just sound just like Dad.
Billy: So, old Tucker, Buddy, ol' pal, what's new at Newman Enterprises?
Tucker: Why are you asking me? You're married to a Newman.
Billy: Oh, that is true, but Vicki has no idea where her dad is, and she doesn't know what motivated Sharon's new power trip.
Tucker: And what makes you think I do?
Billy: Well, you have gotten very chummy with Mrs. Newman lately.
Tucker: I'm on the Newman board. I'm protecting my interests.
Billy: That's right, until Victor comes back.
Tucker: If he comes back. You know, no one's heard from him for weeks.
Billy: Oh, I know. That is weird, and despite every ounce of my being not caring, I still find myself wondering where he is. What's he up to?
Tucker: It's too bad we can't ask him.
Billy: Oh, come on. His not being here gives you a great opportunity to make a run at Newman, doesn't it?
Tucker: Well, it's not so bad for you, either. There's nobody around trying to break up your marriage or your face, or have you thrown in jail for something you didn't do.
Billy: Well, I guess Victor being AWOL is good for both of us, in a way.
Tucker: To common ground, then.
(Glasses clink)
Man: Yeah, yeah--aah!
Genevieve: He's got to have an x-ray.
Man: I'm sure it'll heal on its own. I mean, it has to, 'cause I can't afford x-rays, or a doc.
Victor: Well, you don't have to pay for it. The company will have to pay for it.
Man: Yeah, well, they already said that they won’t.
Victor: You had the accident because of their negligence. I saw it.
Jake: Norm. Drinks on the house today, and anything you want to eat.
Norm: Thanks, "Blackie."
Jake: Tough break, gettin' the ax.
Norm: Yeah.
Sister Celeste: (Sighs)
Victor: You got fired?
Norm: (Sighs) Can't work the docks with a bum arm.
Victor: Wait a minute, man, they can't fire you. You hurt that arm because of their negligence.
Norm: Yeah, well, that's the way it is, man. You know, that's the way it's always been.
Victor: That can't go on. We have got to change things.
Daisy: Head of a company, huh? At least I'm just pretending to be delusional.
Sharon: The part about abandoning your daughter-- real.
Daisy: Well, it's better for Lucy that her mother is alive than dead.
Sharon: Debatable.
Daisy: (Scoffs) Please. You married the man who kidnapped your child.
Doctor: Sharon. Time to start.
Daisy: Electroshock therapy, I hope.
Doctor: Are you ready?
Sharon: Yes.
Daisy: Dr. Laurents, I need to talk to you.
Dr. Laurents: We have an appointment this afternoon.
Daisy: I'm sorry, it can't wait. I need to check out now.
Dr. Laurents: I'm afraid it's not that simple, Scarlett.
Daisy: Uh, n-no, that's n-not my name. I had to call myself that. I had to hide here. Uh, I'm--I'm Daisy, Daisy Romalotti. Uh, Sharon knows. Tell--tell him who I am.
Sharon: Um, I'm sorry, I have no idea what Scarlett’s talking about.
Dr. Laurents: We'll talk soon, I promise.
Daisy: But it can't wait. I need to get out of here. I have a daughter. I have to get back to her. You can't keep me prisoner! Sharon, tell him who I am!
Tucker: All my years in business, I've never seen anything like this.
Victoria: Well, when is the last time you saw someone with zero business experience shanghai the C.E.O. position of a multibillion-dollar corporation? We're trying to keep Sharon from running Newman into the ground.
Nick: All the other board members have agreed to sign. You with us or not, Tucker?
Victoria: If you want what's best for Newman, prove it.
Tucker: (Sighs)
Nick: We'll get you copies of it as soon as we get the rest of the signatures.
Tucker: Sure thing.
Genevieve: Hi. I'm Genny.
Jake: You want a drink?
Genevieve: Uh, no. Actually I was kind of wondering if you might be hiring.
Jake: Nope.
Sister Celeste: Um, Blackie, could I get some--some ice, uh, uh, for Norm's arm?
Jake: Coming up, Sister.
Sister Celeste: Okay, thanks.
Genevieve: You know something? For a nun, you've got quite a way with the men.
Sister Celeste: (Laughs) Well, people around here know that I don't want anything from them.
Genevieve: All I want is a job and a place to stay.
Sister Celeste: Hmm. I think you might be better off trying to find that someplace else.
Victor: Listen, we can't let our boss get away with this.
Man: Nobody wants to make trouble. If you do, you're out of a job.
Victor: Now wait a minute. He already lost his job.
Man: Yeah, we feel bad for him, but I don't know, we can't all afford to lose our jobs, too.
Victor: But, Guys, that's why we have got to stick together. If we all refuse to continue working with this kind of treatment, they'll have to listen. Who's with me?
Sister Celeste: (Sighs)
Heather: Anything out here?
Paul: No. No sign of Ricky’s old laptop, a flash drive, DVD. Nothing that would hold a video file.
Heather: Hey.
Paul: You have any luck over at Eden’s?
Avery: They let me bring in a private forensics team, they turned the place upside down, and, uh, nothing in her apartment connected to Ricky.
Paul: (Sighs) You know, I don't care what Bryce said. It's hard for me to believe that a boy that would buy this would be able to kill his girlfriend in cold blood.
Avery: We won't be able to prove it if we don't find that video.
Paul: It's almost as though he's speaking out to us. He was good once, before everything went...what the--
Heather: Paul?
Avery: Move back.
(Pan tapping on glass)
Paul: (Breathing heavily)
Heather: Is that--
Paul: A flash drive.
Tucker: Hi. Nurse Baker?
Nurse Baker: Mm-hmm.
Tucker: Yeah. I was told to check with you about visiting a patient. I'm here to see Sharon Newman.
Nurse Baker: Let's see where she is. I'm sorry, Mrs. Newman's here for a court-mandated evaluation. She's not allowed visitors.
Tucker: It's very important that I see her.
Nurse Baker: I'm afraid I can't help you.
Dr. Laurents: Kathy, can you get Sharon Newman's file and bring it to her room?
Tucker: Doctor, Tucker McCall. Hello. I'm a close friend of Sharon Newman’s. I need to see her. The nurse refused to let me.
Dr. Laurents: Nurse Baker was following the rules.
Tucker: When can I see Sharon?
Dr. Laurents: Not until she's released.
Dr. Laurents: Sorry about that. Let's have a seat, and I'll tell you how the evaluation process works. Today, we'll talk generally about your life, uh, what led up to your being here, anything else that you want to tell me. Uh, over the next couple of days, we'll discuss why you've been ordered to undergo this evaluation, uh, your feelings about that. You'll also have to undergo some cognitive testing, and at the end of three days, I will issue my report. Do you have any questions?
Sharon: No. Okay, sounds fine.
Dr. Laurents: Great. Let's get started. So tell me what's been going on in your life lately.
Sharon: Okay, well, um, I got married recently.
Dr. Laurents: How do you feel about that?
Sharon: It's not, um, what I expected it would be.
Dr. Laurents: How so?
Sharon: Well, I didn't realize that, being Mrs. Victor Newman, I would have a target on my back. I mean, I knew that Victor's children weren't happy about my marriage, but what I didn't expect-- and this might sound a little bit paranoid-- is that they would come after me so viciously.
Dr. Laurents: How have they gone after you?
Sharon: Well, this, for one. You know, they've convinced a judge to make me undergo this evaluation as a way of forcing me out of my position at Newman Enterprises, but I'm not gonna let them get away with it. You know, all my life, I've been bullied or pushed around by people who think they're better than me, but no more.
Dr. Laurents: Mm-hmm. Sounds like you're under a lot of stress.
Sharon: That's not unusual in the corporate world.
Dr. Laurents: In the past, when you've been overwhelmed, it caused you to steal. That's why you were a patient here a few years ago.
Sharon: Well, I was having trouble dealing with my pregnancy.
Dr. Laurents: You were stressed then, like you are now.
Sharon: No, no, it's completely different.
Dr. Laurents: How?
Sharon: Well, this time, I didn't steal. I was set up
Dr. Laurents: Why did you agree to go through this process?
Sharon: Because I want to prove Victor's children are wrong about me.
Heather: Here, one pair of tweezers.
Paul: Thanks.
Heather: Whoa. What do you need those for?
Paul: To get the plastic wrap off.
Avery: We need to do this by the book.
Heather: I think we should call Michael.
Avery: I agree.
Heather: Unfortunately, the evidence has already been compromised.
Paul: Look, I know, you're right about everything. I just... I reacted without thinking.
Heather: It's totally understandable.
Avery: Okay, well, let's not make anything worse. Let's call Michael, get him over here.
Heather: All right.
Paul: Tell him to hurry.
Genevieve: Gin and tonic, keep the change.
Man: My kind of lady.
Genevieve: My kind of bartender, not like that other guy who was here before. What's his problem, anyway?
Man: Blaukowski? He doesn't like people poking around in his life.
Genevieve: He doesn't like people, period.
Man: There you go.
Genevieve: Thanks.
Man: Well, you gotta be careful when you're wanted in three states. Never can tell when a pretty lady turns out to be an undercover cop.
Genevieve: He's a fugitive?
Man: They don't call him "Blackie" for nothing. Dude's got a real dark side.
Sister Celeste: (Sighs) Well, the ice should keep the swelling down.
Victor: He should go to the hospital...
Sister Celeste: Yeah, I know.
Victor: And the company needs to damn well pay for it. Why won't they listen to me?
Sister Celeste: Well, you heard Sully. They don't want to lose their jobs.
Victor: But that's why they have to stand united.
Sister Celeste: (Sighs)
Victor: Otherwise, the same thing will happen to them.
Sister Celeste: Well, you're right, of course.
Victor: Guys, I know you're all afraid of losing your job. I know you are. I think we can do something about that.
Tucker: (Writing) "Nick and Victoria making a move at Newman. Prove your competence as quickly as possible and get back here as soon as you can." Josie.
Josie: Yes?
Tucker: You order those flowers for Mrs. Newman?
Josie: They said I could pick them up anytime.
Tucker: Pick 'em up, deliver this with the flowers right away. (Exhales slowly)
Dr. Laurents: Are you worried about how all this might be affecting your children?
Sharon: Well, Noah is old enough. I think he understands that in families, there are bound to be disagreements.
Dr. Laurents: And how about your daughter?
Sharon: Faith--I would do anything to protect her.
Dr. Laurents: Especially after what happened here with Adam?
Sharon: That was a dark time, for me and for Adam, but we both worked really hard to put that behind us.
Dr. Laurents: Apparently, you were successful. You ended up marrying Adam.
Sharon: Yes. You know, he was really sorry about what he did, and I was able to forgive him, and our relationship-- it helped each other heal.
Dr. Laurents: Mm. Sounds like an incredible story, but it didn't have a happy ending.
Sharon: No, things didn't work out for Adam and me.
Dr. Laurents: Then you married his father, who's also the father of your first husband.
Sharon: It's complicated.
Dr. Laurents: Well, why don't we stop there? We'll pick it up again tomorrow. I'll have someone let you know what time.
Sharon: Dr. Laurents, how am I doing?
Dr. Laurents: We're just getting started.
Victoria: All right, done. Our shareholders now have second quarter reports for all of our subsidiaries.
Nick: It's going out this late?
Victoria: Well, Sharon had it below "Redecorate the ranch" and "Fire you" on her to-do list.
Nick: Mm.
Victoria: How'd you do?
Nick: I got the rest of the signatures of the board. Sharon can no longer fire us unless the board approves it.
Victoria: I made a list of things that we really need to address. Um, let's get started with this one here.
Billy: Connie said I might find you here. Thought we could go to lunch. Her, not you.
Nick: Mm.
Victoria: Oh, hi. Um, I'm actually kind of in the middle of something right now.
Billy: Okay, well, I will just sit here quietly and observe.
Victoria: Thanks. So I did a comparative analysis when I was compiling the quarterly reports. Tech commodities are up over the last couple of months. However, profits from our new cosmetic line are not.
Nick: (Scoffs) I knew it-- Sharon and her brilliant idea to allocate all those funds to develop new products. You just can't do that in an economy like this.
Victoria: I say we put an indefinite hold on Sharon's plans and maybe put the money towards one of our tech companies.
Nick: Largent?
Victoria: I already called Phil Anderson. He wants to meet with us. Um... now, actually.
Nick: Let's do it.
Victoria: Okay. Oh, Baby, I'm sorry. I-I'm so sorry, I'm just--I'm not gonna be able to have lunch with you.
Billy: That's okay. I'll catch you at home.
Victoria: But--yeah.
Billy: Okay.
Victoria: Okay, I love you.
Billy: I love you, too. Obviously, you don't love me as much as you love your job. (Chuckles) Oh, well.
Victor: I've been working with you guys for weeks, under the same dismal working conditions. We all know the boss cuts corners. That's why Norm got hurt. That's why some of you are gonna get hurt. And now they don't want to pay his medical bills. Are you kidding? It was because of their negligence that he got hurt. They're not offering him workman's comp. This could happen to any of you. Things gotta change around here.
Man: Who's gonna change 'em?
Victor: You, you, and you-- all of you. If we stand united, if you all have respect for yourselves, you demand better working conditions, better medical coverage, workman's comp, they're gonna listen to you. If they don't, you threaten to walk off the job. You just don't come back. What are they gonna do? Things will have to change around here... 'cause otherwise, what happened to him is gonna happen to all of you. And then what? So who's with me? What, Norm is the only guy? You're gonna-- you're gonna let him fight for himself?
Victor: All right, Guys.
Sister Celeste: (Chuckles)
Victor: Good. We gotta fight united. We gotta stick together.
Daisy: I know what I told you when I first checked in here.
Dr. Laurents: So... nobody was trying to kill you.
Daisy: No, that part was true--Ricky Williams. He was wack times ten.
Dr. Laurents: But he was only after you?
Daisy: I saw video of him killing his girlfriend.
Dr. Laurents: Why didn't you go to the authorities?
Daisy: I tried. I was supposed to meet up with the D.A., but then Ricky showed up ins--instead, and I had to come here and hide from him, but I don't have to worry anymore, because he's dead.
Dr. Laurents: Scarlett--
Daisy: Daisy. My name is Daisy Romalotti. I live in Genoa City. My husband is Daniel Romalotti. We have a daughter together named Lucy. If you call the police department there, they will tell you that everything I am saying is the truth.
Dr. Laurents: I want to help you, Sc--Daisy.
Daisy: Then let me go home.
Michael: You realize you should have called me before you broke this?
Avery: Yes, but we've all been pretty hyped up since Bryce told us there was a video of Ricky killing his girlfriend.
Michael: And you think it's on this?
Heather: You want to prove Ricky was a cold-hearted murderer? That's it in your hand.
Michael: Where's your computer?
Heather: Right there.
(Laptop keys clicking)
Michael: There's only one file.
Paul: Play it.
(Laptop keys clicking)
Michael: Doesn't look like there's anything on this.
Paul: What the--
Ricky: My name is Ricky Williams. If anything happens to me, the first person you need to look to is my dad, Paul Williams. He's out to get me.
Dr. Laurents: Your story is very believable. So is the one you told when you arrived.
Daisy: (Chuckles) Yeah, but this one is true.
Dr. Laurents: It would be irresponsible of me to let you walk out of here without checking it out.
Daisy: Then can I leave?
Dr. Laurents: One step at a time.
[Sharon dreaming]
(Fire alarm bell clanging)
Sharon: Aah! (Screaming)
Dr. Taylor: Come on, you can do it. Push.
Nick: I'm right here. Good.
Sharon: (Screaming)
Baby: (Crying)
Sharon: My baby.
Baby: (Fussing)
Sharon: My baby.
(Monitor beeping)
Nick: Sharon? Are you asleep?
Nick: I got a call. The baby--did something happen?
Sharon: Faith--she didn't make it. Our little girl didn't make it, Nick.
Nick: I like hearing that. Thanks, Thomas. That was my stockbroker. Newman stock is on the way up.
Victoria: We haven't even been in charge a day.
Nick: He thinks it's gonna get back to where it was before.
Victoria: Oh, man, Dad would be so happy to hear that.
Nick: Hey, he's gonna come back.
Victoria: Oh, I know, I know. I'm gonna go tell Billy the good news.
Nick: Yeah, I'll walk you out.
Victoria: All right.
Tucker: What are you doing? I told you to get those to Fairview right away.
Josie: They said that Sharon can't receive anything from the outside while she's in for observation.
Tucker: (Sighs) There's gotta be a way to get in touch with her.
Victor: Well, now that that's settled, let's get you to the hospital, okay?
Norm: I already told you, I can't pay.
Victor: Don't you worry about it. I'll take care of it.
Sister Celeste: Christian, you don't have that kind of money.
Victor: I don't care. Just send the bill to the boss, how's that? Let's go.
Man: The old guy's stirring up trouble. We're gonna need to do something about him.
Man: Blaukowski?
Jake: Yeah.
Man: You're under arrest.
Jake: (Sighs)
Genevieve: (Clears throat) Hey, good news.
Billy: Always happy to hear that.
Genevieve: A job just opened up at the bar where Victor hangs out.
Billy: Oh, that's good. Keep an eye on him. Let me know if his memory comes back. And if he's planning on coming back to Genoa City, I at least want to be the one covering it.
Genevieve: I don't think that's gonna happen any time soon. The poster child for the 1% has just turned into champion of the underdog.
Billy: Okay. Well, as long as he stays under the radar, it should be a good deal for everybody.
(Door opens)
Billy: And I've got to go. Thanks. Hey. Thought you'd be out conquering the corporate America. (Chuckles)
Victoria: (Sighs) Did that already.
Billy: What's wrong?
Victoria: (Sighs) Nothing.
Billy: Everything okay?
Victoria: Yes, everything's terrific. Newman stock is back up. They said it might go even higher than before Dad disappeared.
Billy: Well, that's great.
Victoria: Great.
Billy: So why the "Not great" face?
Victoria: I was thinking on the way over here, he wouldn't just disappear, Billy. I mean, not unless something was wrong.
Billy: We're talking about your dad.
Victoria: I know. I just want him to come home.
Billy: Okay. Um, I have something that I should tell you.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Gloria: I also see straight through you, and so does your daughter.
Heather: Ricky's obviously lying.
Avery: No one's gonna hear it anyway. It's inflammatory. It'll never be allowed in court.
Billy: It kills me to see you worried about your dad. I'm going to tell you what I know about him.
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