Y&R Transcript Thursday 9/6/12

Y&R Transcript Thursday 9/6/12


Episode # 9986 ~ Paul & Avery Search For Ricky's Video; Sharon Is Stunned by a Surprise Encounter

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Victoria: Well, you know, technically, it hasn't been a full 24 hours, so Sharon doesn't have to admit herself to the hospital right this second.

Nick: Yeah, well, it's coming up fast. Sharon either reports to Fairview to be psychologically evaluated or she gets removed as C.E.O. at Newman. And if Sharon's as messed up as we think she is, the judge could decide she's unfit and remove her permanently.

Victoria: Whether or not she's lost her mind, she's lost her dignity and she's lost her decency, so if she loses her job or anything else because of this, it's all her doing.

Tucker: Good morning.

Sharon: Morning.

Tucker: How you feelin'?

Sharon: Well, last night certainly made things more interesting, except for the part where Adam showed up.

Tucker: Well, maybe I should have closed the door before he got a chance to see you.

Sharon: Adam is married now, and I have my own life.

Tucker: Not that that life is all rose petals and sunshine, though, huh?

Sharon: (Sighs)

Tucker: You want to talk about your decision or, um, you want some coffee first?

Sharon: Coffee's not gonna help me decide. Either walk away from Newman without a fight, or walk into Fairview. It's like walking into hell.

Tucker: And I think you have to do it.

Genevieve: Voice mail isn't going to cut it, Tucker. We need to talk about me staying put. Me residing at the mission to keep an eye on Victor is wreaking havoc on my back and on my skin. I'll call you back.

Billy: Genny, Genny, Genny. How you doin'? You have time to talk for a bit?

Avery: If Ricky recorded his murder of Rachel and that recording still exists, it will help you.

Paul: Look, this video is proof... that Ricky was not just a killer. He was sick enough to keep the footage and offer to show it to somebody else. I wish to god the recording didn't exist.

Avery: Well, I am glad the recording exists, because we need that video. Look... Ricky-- he was who he was, he did what he did, and there's nothing that we can do to change that now. What we can do is keep you out of jail, and that's what I plan on doing. I just--I need a starting place, so help me--help me find this footage.

Heather: Hi.

Daniel: Hi.

Nick: What?

Victoria: You're brooding. Are you tied up in knots about Fairview because of Faith and--and Noah, or is it because of Sharon?

Nick: It's for the kids. I pushed for this competency hearing. Once you found the stash of items that Sharon's been stealing, I knew that was the answer to get Sharon out of Newman, but honestly, I didn't see this coming. Sharon back at Fairview-- I thought the judge was just gonna remove her as C.E.O., not have her committed.

Victoria: It's 72 hours' observation. She's not being institutionalized, and honestly, Nick, she married our father, she called off the search for him, she fired his security team, and she stole from your daughter. Now those are all things that scream "Unstable" to me.

Nick: You'd think Sharon choosing to be with Adam would be the most bizarre choice she ever made for her life, but once he was out of the picture, I thought we were home free...

Victoria: (Sighs)

Nick: And now Adam's married and playing the doting husband. Sharon's the one who's taking advantage and taking things way too far.

Victoria: Well, consider this her wake-up call.

Nick: Vick, there is no way Noah and Faith are not gonna be impacted by this. They're gonna hear stuff. They're gonna see stuff. Noah already has.

Victoria: Nick, your kids are gonna be okay because they have you. They have one reliable, sane parent who loves them, who's always gonna be there for them.

Tucker: Would you like some juice or a bagel?

Sharon: You really think I should give in? You think I should go to Fairview?

Tucker: You know... (Sighs) I've been thinking about what you told me last night, about Nick and Victoria wanting to beat you... and even though I don't hold any stock in what they say, I know you do. You need to show that you're not incompetent, that you're not crazy, and just because it comes out of their mouths doesn't make it true.

Sharon: No, it certainly doesn't, but being there, in that place-- Faith was born there, and I thought she died there. Faith was a promise that Cassie made to Nick and me, and losing her meant losing that last little part of Cassie. It was months of agony and grief, and even though I have Faith back, it doesn't just go away. I mean, what if some of those feelings come back when I'm there? What if I get angry or upset or depressed? What are the doctors gonna think, that I'm crazy? How do I go there and come out the same person?

Tucker: You do it like other people have, and don't say it's not possible. It is. I know that for a fact.

Sister Celeste: I suspect you're working too hard.

Victor: Is there such a thing?

Sister Celeste: (Chuckles) Yes, if it takes medication to get you through your day. You're gonna have to be a little kinder to your heart. (Laughs) We haven't even started on your mind and spirit.

Victor: Well, maybe there's a pill for that, too.

Sister Celeste: Christian, you know that I want to hear more about you, and I know you've--you're not, uh, much of a talker. I usually respect those boundaries, but in your case, I really think I'm gonna have to push a little, so, um, Christian, are you sure that you are okay? And--and don't just say "Of course." I want you to think about that for a moment, because you do trust me, right? You have to believe that you can trust me. Are you okay?

Victor: No, I'm not.

Sister Celeste: (Sighs)

Victor: I'm afraid. I don't know where I am, who I am.

Billy: So it's time for me to head back to the missus and the gang.

Genevieve: Hmm. Bringing a gift for the baby? "Daddy went to Los Angeles and all he brought me back was this lousy shot glass."

Billy: (Laughs sarcastically) No, but I need someone to keep an eye on Victor. Congratulations, you're hired.

Avery: Well, a computer obviously makes the most sense for where the footage might be.

Paul: Right. Ricky had a laptop, but I'll bet you anything that once Bryce tipped him off that he was being investigated, he would have wiped it off the hard drive.

Avery: Oh, come on. You and I both know that nothing is really deleted off a computer, ever. Get fired up, Paul. We still have a shot.

Heather: Mm.

Avery: Photo album, knapsack, Phyllis' patient file from Tim Reid, uh, various knickknacks.

Paul: Boy, no laptop, computer, nothing?

Avery: Mnh-mnh.

Paul: Wow. Who knows? Maybe Ricky ditched the whole thing.

Avery: Okay, this is not the time to give up.

Paul: I'm not. Maybe we should take a look at some of those other items. They'll lead us in a different direction. His things are still at the station?

Avery: Uh... it says it's delivered to Ricky's next of kin, Heather.

Paul: Oh. Chris told me that it was delivered to Heather. I forgot. Wow. So this has been on Heather's mind this whole time.

Daniel: Oh, it's, uh, really rude of me to show up here unannounced.

Heather: It's true. You know, I'm a stickler for manners. You should probably get some.

Daniel: (Chuckles) Oh, no. Oh, we didn't break it, did we?

Heather: Let me see, let me see. Nope, it's still perfect, but we can try to break a lamp next time, if you want, 'cause I'd kind of be into that.

Daniel: (Laughs)

(Cell phone alert chimes)

Daniel: Oh. Ohh, daddy alert.

Heather: Is Lucy okay?

Daniel: Yeah, she's fine, but, uh, sitter's got an emergency, needs me to go pick her up right away.

Heather: Or, if you-- if you want, you could have the babysitter bring Lucy here.

Daniel: I'll call her right now.

Heather: Okay.

Sharon: Tucker, are you talking about Ashley? Because I know that you were getting to know her when I found out about Faith.

Tucker: (Sighs) (Clears throat) No. Someone else. Maybe that's why, uh, none of that scared me off about Ashley... because of another woman, a long time ago. She was a lot like you, actually. She was beautiful, strong, smart, back in those days. You know, she didn't start out with much, but she was determined to keep moving. She was always going forward.

Sharon: And how did she end up in a place like Fairview?

Tucker: Well... (Sighs) Life got messy. She was overwhelmed, other people thought they knew best what to do with her, so she went in. I visited her every single day. I tried to make her laugh when she needed it. Sometimes I just let her cry. She hated feeling so isolated, you know? Different, forgotten.

Sharon: Yeah. What ended up happening?

Tucker: One day, she walked out of there stronger than ever, and that's the way it's gonna be for you. You'll show that judge, the lawyers, the Newmans, but most importantly, you'll show yourself. That's what really matters here. I believe you can do it. The question is, do you believe it?

Sister Celeste: (Sighs) When you say you're lost, what--

Victor: Well, I... I don't know. I can tell you about the buses I've been on or the meals I've paid for, but anything that happened before a few weeks ago-- I just don't remember.

Sister Celeste: Christian, you could have a-a-a wife, a family, people who miss you.

Victor: I feel that there is someone somewhere... but I don't know who.

Sister Celeste: How lonely you must be.

Victor: I-I-I just... I somehow feel that I... lost everyone... years ago.

Sister Celeste: Lost how?

Victor: I just get this strange feeling that... there's no one. I'm an orphan, you know?

Genevieve: I'm hired. How flattering, but I didn't apply, so go flatter somebody else.

Billy: Oh, oh, wait, hold on. I do believe-- yes, I do have in my possession a picture of you and Victor looking rather naughty.

Genevieve: (Laughing)

Billy: That can still go viral.

Genevieve: Oh, come on. You think that weak blackmail is gonna get me to call you "Boss"? I think not.

Billy: Come on now, it's not that weak, and besides, I'm perfectly willing to sweeten the pot. You said you work for Tucker, I'm assuming not for free.

Genevieve: Continue your train of thought before I respond.

Billy: I have money, and I'm highly motivated to compensate you handsomely, unless of course Tucker is your sole employer.

Genevieve: Uh, I am my sole employer, but talk is cheap.

Billy: Oh, right, talk is cheap.

Genevieve: Mm-hmm.

Billy: Mm-hmm.

Genevieve: Oops, looking rather thin.

Billy: Oops, it's all hundreds, and there's plenty more waiting where that came from after your first employee assessment.

Genevieve: Nice.

Billy: Mm-hmm.

Genevieve: Okay, Billy... tell me what it is that you would like me to do.

Victoria: So... if Sharon does admit herself--

Nick: Then we'll have exactly three days to stabilize Newman as much as possible.

Victoria: Yes, we'll have to calm the stockholders and the board members. Speaking of which, we still have a wild card in that mix.

Nick: Tucker. There's gotta be some reason he was hanging out with Sharon so much.

Victoria: Well, at least at Fairview, she won't be able to see him. That's something. We're gonna have to keep our eye on him.

Nick: Nah, I'll cover that, since you'll be dazzling the board as C.E.O.

Victoria: Which you're-- you're cool with that, right? I mean, you know, I'm, like, the prodigal daughter that quit, and you stayed...

Nick: (Chuckles)

Victoria: And you worked at Newman. I mean, is there a little tiny bit of annoyance that I'm stepping in as C.E.O.?

Nick: I was fired from Newman officially, like, five minutes ago, but don't worry. I'll be dealing with the board, angling behind the scenes. They want you as C.E.O., but not as much as I do.

Victoria: Well, good. Good, good, good. So then it's okay that I am completely excited and psyched, but I've just been stuffing it down because I didn't want you to hate me.

Nick: (Chuckles) Have at it. Seriously, fix what you can so that when Dad gets back, Newman is alive and kicking.

Victor: Look, I don't have proof of anything. It's just what I'm, you know, what I feel in my gut.

Sister Celeste: Now look, l-let me ask around, maybe find a-a neurologist, make some sense out of this memory loss.

Victor: Yeah. But, you know, that woman there, she's a nurse. She--she's very helpful.

Sister Celeste: Mm-hmm. Do you trust her?

Victor: Yeah. You don't?

Sister Celeste: (Sighs) I can only tell you what I feel in my gut. There's something... uh, off, about her. I meet a lot of people. There's--there's nothing about human nature that surprises me anymore, but there are some people that just like to take advantage, and she--she strikes me as that type, and I-I can't have that infecting the people and the things that matter to me.

Victor: Yeah, but she--

Sister Celeste: No, I mean, things like... you know, the mission, people like you.

Victor: Yeah, but she-- she brought me all the medication. She helped me.

Sister Celeste: (Sighs)

Billy: In exchange for a respectable fee, you will become Victor's personal stalker. Every move he makes, every breath he takes...

Genevieve: I'll be watching him? Uh, I don't think that's possible.

Billy: Oh, it's very possible. You're resourceful. Get a job near his. Get a job here, I don't care, but if he remembers anything, you send up a flare, and the more I know, the more money you get.

Genevieve: Wow, you are sitting on a heap of seething resentment, to keep your wife's father away from his own family.

Billy: Victor's safe. No harm in keeping him on ice for awhile. Besides, you're here. You're gonna make sure he stays... (Deep voice) Strong like bull.

Genevieve: What's your plan after that, Billy?

Billy: (Inhales sharply) (Normal voice) Well, that is on a need-to-know. Right now, I'm headed back to Genoa City. Do we have a deal?

Genevieve: As long as you keep paying, yeah, we do.

Billy: Good. Hey, guys.

Sister Celeste: Oh.

Victor: Hi.

Billy: So it's time for me to head back home. It was a pleasure meeting you, pleasure playing darts with you.

Victor: Yeah, you, too. It was--it was fun. It was fun.

Billy: You know, you're a good guy, Christian.

Genevieve: (Coughs)

Billy: I think our paths will cross again.

Victor: Thank you.

Heather: Lucy, I love your hair. I think you should do mine sometime. You don't want to do it now? She wants to do her nails first? I think its nails first.

Daniel: Look at you go.

Heather: Yeah, I'm a mild-mannered A.D.A. by day and a nail maven by night. Both jobs actually pay about the same, in all seriousness. I've done the research.

Daniel: (Laughs)

(Knock on door)

Heather: Hey.

Paul: Hi, Sweetheart. How are you? Everything okay?

Heather: Hey. Uh-huh.

Paul: Good. Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know you had company.

Heather: No, no, no, um...

Daniel: Yeah, um, we're not, uh, really company, guests.

Heather: Yeah.

Daniel: Um, we, uh, came over here to see Kevin, and he wasn't around.

Heather: Yeah, and I happened to be in the hall, and Lucy needed a change, so...

Daniel: Yeah, but we got sidetracked by nail polish...

Heather: Yes.

Daniel: So we should probably--oh, I know-- go and change that stinky diaper. Come on, stinky pants.

Heather: It's been quite a day.

Paul: (Sighs)

Heather: What's up?

Paul: Well, I, um, I came to pick up that box of Ricky's things. I never should have let them dump that on you this whole time, so I'll--I'll take it off your hands.

Heather: I got rid of it.

Paul: Heather, you-- you got rid of Ricky's things?

Heather: Yeah.

Paul: There might have been evidence in there, or--or...

Heather: Mnh-mnh.

Paul: Something for me to remember Ricky by.

Heather: Look, I know, I do, and I-I went back and forth. It's just that you had so much guilt about Ricky, I just--I thought that box would be misery for you, and I didn't want you to go through that.

Paul: He's my son. It should have been my choice.

Heather: I'm so sorry.

Paul: It's all right. Look, uh... in the box, was there a DVD or a recording, something that the G.C.P.D. might have overlooked?

Heather: Mnh-mnh, no.

Paul: A-a flash drive, a memory card, anything like that?

Heather: No, there was nothing like that. Why?

Paul: We found out that Ricky made a recording, something we need.

Heather: A recording of what?

Paul: (Sighs) Of Rachel's death, when he killed her.

Heather: (Exhales slowly) He... he killed his girlfriend and... you know what? Its pr-- I'm sorry, but it's proof of what he was, and that you had no choice.

Paul: There was no computer in the police inventory.

Heather: Mnh-mnh, no, they never found his laptop, and neither did I.

Paul: Okay, so I guess we keep looking. Listen, uh, I better get going.

Heather: Look... I was scared of what it would be like for you to have Ricky's things. I'm--I'm sorry. I was--I was trying to help.

Paul: I know.

Heather: (Exhales sharply)

Daniel: Hey.

Heather: Hmm?

Daniel: You okay?

Heather: I messed up really bad.

Sharon: (Gasps) Hey!

Faith: Mommy!

Sharon: Oh, Baby! (Laughs) You know what? I was just wishing that something good would happen today, and then you came into my arms! (Laughs) (Gasps) Oh, wow, I love it. Not as much as I love you, though. Mwah. (Laughs) Baby, mommy has to talk to you. Come here, let's sit down. So... mommy has to go away for a few days, but I'm gonna miss you the whole time, and I'm gonna think about you every second, and then when I come back, everything is gonna be better than ever.

Nick: I guess you made your decision.

Sharon: Just like you made yours.

(Cell phone rings)

Victoria: Hello.

Tucker: Hey, Victoria, it's Tucker. I was wondering whether you heard from Sharon or not, if she's gonna check herself in.

Victoria: That's funny, I thought you'd be the first to know, since you two have been so chummy.

Tucker: Oh, listen, I'm just doing what I do best-- protecting the bottom line, putting up a united front for the sake of Newman, but the reality is, the entire board knows we won't survive with Sharon driving this bus. So once she's off the bus, what's the plan?

Victoria: Well... (Sighs) My brother and I have handled things before when my father's been gone, so it won't be an issue, and when he gets back, it'll be his call.

Tucker: Well, you sound pretty confident that Victor's just around the corner. Did you get a new lead on his whereabouts?

Victoria: No, not yet, but we will, and then he'll be back in charge.

Genevieve: Hey. Have you seen the bartender? I was thinking about asking him if he needed any extra help.

Victor: You want to work here?

Genevieve: Well, I need a job, and you know, you take what you can get. (Chuckles)

Victor: But you're a nurse.

Genevieve: You know, life and death can be pretty exhausting. I think that pouring drinks is gonna be kind of a relief.

Victor: What are you really after?

Nick: I wasn't sure you'd accept the judge's conditions.

Sharon: Well, the choice was to leave Newman or jump through your hoops, which is fine. I'll just suck it up, three days at Fairview, and I'll be back to work, so your sister shouldn't get too comfortable in my chair.

(Footsteps approach)

Avery: I filed the papers.

Sharon: (Sighs) How soon do I have to go?

Avery: An hour.

Sharon: Ohh. Baby... mommy has to take that trip now, but it's only gonna be three days, and then when I come back, we'll have such a celebration. I love you, my Faith, and I will see you so soon. Bye, Baby.

Faith: Bye, Mommy.

Heather: Just my dad came here looking for, you know, answers about Ricky. You know, just... memories, and he left with nothing because I just tossed it all out. I mean, even you said that your dad would want all of your belongings. I don't know, I was just so sure that I knew better.

Daniel: Oh, hey, how'd you get this? Don't play with this.

Heather: Oh, my goodness, Lucy! Thank you. (Gasps) Thank you, thank you. I totally forgot about this. Oh, at least I have something of Ricky's to give my dad.

Genevieve: You know, I've lived a lot of places, and each place kind of has its own challenges. I think what I want right now is just to hang out... (Chuckles) Someplace where I'm welcome, you know? We're not so different. At least, that's what my instincts tell me.

Victor: All right. Excuse me.

(Cell phone ringing)

Genevieve: Finally, he calls back.

Tucker: What? You're doing fine. You're in tight with Victor. You just stay put and keep him away from Genoa City and Newman for a little while longer. Don't you remember, thrill of the upper hand?

Genevieve: Yeah, that's kind of losing its luster.

Tucker: Listen, I went fishing with Victoria. The Newmans still don't have any idea where Victor is.

Victoria: Wow, okay, so she'd really rather go to Fairview than to walk away from the C.E.O. job? (Scoffs) Honestly, I don't know whether to be horrified or impressed. Yeah, we've got to kick ass in the next 72 hours, don't we? Okay, we'll do it. Talk to you later, Nick. Bye.

(Keys jingle)

Victoria: Oh, hi.

Billy: Hi. Look at you, all fired up.

Victoria: Yeah. You're back.

Billy: I am.

Victoria: Talk to me.

Billy: (Laughs)

Victoria: Tell me about this story you've been tracking down. I want to hear all the gory details.

Billy: Mm.

Victoria: (Chuckles)

Genevieve: Can you imagine if Jack knew that Victor had amnesia?

Tucker: Well, Jack won't know, and neither will anyone else.

Genevieve: I gotta go.

Victor: Why are you so nervous? You're jumpy.

Genevieve: Uh... talking to an ex. Yeah, you know how it is.

Victor: Well, why don't you talk to him in person?

Genevieve: (Laughs) (Scoffs) What, are you trying to get rid of me?

Victor: You know, Sister Celeste doesn't... she doesn't trust you, and she's a very good woman, you know. She's helped a lot of people who are down and out on their luck, so just stay away from her, all right?

Genevieve: Why?

Victor: I'm going to work now, but I don't want you to bother Sister Celeste or bother anyone in the mission. They do very good work. You stay away from 'em.

Genevieve: (Exhales slowly)

Daniel: So... good times at, uh, good times at Heather's, huh? Want some of this?

Lucy: (Crying)

Daniel: Oh, okay. Not so good times. Well... I know you miss mommy, and I know she loved you a lot, and you were probably the best thing that ever happened to her. And Heather's cool, hmm? There you go. And she likes us, so... I just want to make sure that if we're gonna spend some more time with her, hang out with her some more, you're gonna be okay with that. Of course, I think it'd be pretty great, hmm?

Heather: Paul.

Paul: Hi.

Heather: Um, here. This was Ricky's. I forgot that I kept it. It just--it seemed like a-an alternate universe, you know, a place where Ricky was happy.

Paul: Right. Niagara Falls. Bryce said, um, Ricky took Rachel there.

Billy: Sharon is now doing the crazy walk again, and you are the big Kahuna?

Victoria: Yeah. Well, you know, at least until Dad gets back, which I hope is soon.

Billy: Yeah, that'd be great, so things can go back to normal. He'll shove you aside, try to break us up. Yeah, sounds like fun, fun had by all. Can't wait.

Victoria: Why are you getting so mad?

Billy: You know, when you were a little kid, I bet all the other little girls wanted to play little puffy pink princess, but you--you probably had a little power suit, little briefcase...

Victoria: Oh.

Billy: Pushing around a little stroller.

Victoria: Mm-hmm.

Billy: Well, look at you now. You've got all that. Plus, you get a bonus-- you get me. And if it were up to Victor, you wouldn't have any of it, and I'm not gonna forget that just because he's pulled his little disappearing act.

Victoria: Well, neither have I.

Billy: You haven't forgotten, but you're gonna forgive him, just like you always do.

Victoria: Yeah. Yeah, I'm capable of forgiveness, which is why we're still married after all the crappy things you've done, too. So I don't know, maybe we should put that in my "Plus" column. I'm gonna go check on our son.

Billy: (Sighs)

Nick: There you go.

Nick: Sharon should be in Fairview right now.

Avery: Mm-hmm. 72 hours to prove she's sane.

Man: You'll wait in there until your paperwork is processed. Then you'll be escorted to your room. Any family or friends you want to say good-bye to before you go in?

Sharon: No, I'm alone.

Daisy: Sharon?

Daisy: It's me, Daisy.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Victoria: If you want what's best for Newman, prove it.

Daisy: Sharon, tell him who I am!

Avery: We need to put all of our focus on finding this video of Ricky killing Rachel. It may be your only hope.

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