Y&R Transcript Wednesday 9/5/12

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 9/5/12


Episode # 9985 ~ Nikki Tries to Reason With Jack; the Judge's Decision Devastates Sharon

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Adam: What you reading?

Abby: Ew. Personal space. (Sighs)

Adam: Ew, sibling zone.

Abby: (Scoffs) Surprised you're not in the Sharon zone down at the courthouse. "Hey, Sharon, my wacko, klepto, weepy-eyed ex, I'll come save you, because we're both freaks."

Adam: I'm on a low-freak diet. It was going to my hips.

Abby: (Snorts)

Adam: So why aren't you playacting like a reporter, fluffing your hair and flubbing your lines, or locking arms with Nicholas and Victoria in a sign of solidarity?

Abby: No, I'm gonna let them have all the fun, but I will turn my back if you want to scamper down there.

Adam: Oh, I'm sorry, were you saying something?

Abby: (Sighs)

Nick: Phyllis, I gotta go.

Victoria: Is she on her way?

Nick: No.

Victoria: Uh, all right.

Nick: How you doing? Everything exploded after you found Sharon’s stash. I still can't believe she stole Summer's concert tickets.

Victoria: You know, it's terrible that Noah and Faith's mom is spinning out like this, but it's kind of a relief to have proof that she's in no condition to run Newman.

Nick: Sharon should have gotten help the first time she stole again. This hearing is what's best for Newman Enterprises and our family, and in the end, it'll be what's best for Sharon, too.

Avery: It'll all be fair game--your mental history, your voluntary commitment, along with this recent episode of missing items found at the ranch. Sharon, it's not gonna be pretty, and your job is to stay calm, answer questions directly, succinctly, and never, ever lose it. I will handle the rest.

Sharon: Absolutely.

Avery: I'll meet you at the courthouse.

(Knock on door)

Sharon: (Sighs)

Tucker: Wow. That chair looks good on you.

Sharon: (Chuckles) Better than a straitjacket?

Tucker: Hey, listen. Don't let them psych you out. Nick and Victoria are threatened, okay? That's why they angled for this hearing. It just means you're doing something right, and I'm gonna be right behind you.

Sharon: I'm not crazy, you know.

Tucker: I know that, and I am gonna do everything I can to make sure nick and Victoria don't force you out of power.

(Cell phone rings)

Billy: Hey, Victoria. You at the courthouse?

Victoria: Yeah. We'll go in soon. How's the big news lead, huh?

Billy: Well, um...

Victor: I'd like a beer.

Billy: Story is developing. You go land the big one, Tiger.

Nikki: Yes?

Man: Uh, delivery for Nikki Newman from Jack Abbott.

Nikki: Oh, um... uh, just put it on the chair here, please.

Man: There's more.

Nikki: Yep. I'm sure there is.

Jack: Come on in. What do you got?

Cane: Well, I just came from the finance department, and they want you to know that you are now leveraging what little collateral you have.

Jack: We're fine, Cane.

Cane: Well, if you saw the looks on their faces when I asked for this paperwork, I don't think you would be saying that, Jack.

Jack: I'm not concerned about the looks on the employees' faces.

Cane: If this goes wrong, you are going to lose everything.

Nikki: (Sighs) Jack’s.

Cane: We are overextending our equity. We have already leveraged beyond a reasonable level, Jack.

Jack: "Reasonable" is such a subjective term. I don't know why you have a problem with this. You're the one that first suggested it.

Cane: I suggested it before things got this volatile. Let's say we borrow against, uh, Jabot and Beauty of Nature to buy more Newman stock, and then Sharon decides to tank the company, or worse yet, Nick and Victoria go to war against her and Newman falls apart at the seams. Newman becomes insolvent, which means Jabot and Beauty of Nature become insolvent and then--call me crazy-- but I really don't think they're doing bailouts now for cosmetic companies, Jack.

Jack: I hear you. You're wrong, but I hear you. Everything's going to be fine, Cane.

Cane: Well, I'm sure there was someone at Lehman Brothers who was saying the same thing before they went down in flames.

Jack: Submit the papers. Extend our credit. Do it now.

Judge: Okay, Victoria Newman Abbott asserts Sharon Newman is not mentally competent to run Newman Enterprises, and on behalf of the Newman board, request that she be removed as acing C.E.O. That about the gist of it?

Man: Sharon Newman has a history of mental instability, your honor. You have details in front of you about her arrests and being institutionalized due to her kleptomania.

Judge: Do you have anything for me regarding her present state?

Man: If my client may speak.

Victoria: Your honor, I discovered certain things in my father's home yesterday-- my niece's missing concert tickets, a scarf with the price tag still on, lipstick, things that we think Sharon could have stolen from stores or people. As you know, Sharon has a history of compulsive stealing, so for her to run a publicly traded company at this time isn't safe for the company or for the investors.

Judge: Clark.

Avery: This isn't about lipstick, your honor. Victor Newman's whereabouts are unknown, and my client is exercising her legal rights per Kaplan vs. Kaplan to act in her husband's stead.

Judge: Mrs. Newman, care to speak for yourself?

Sharon: Yes. My husband, Victor Newman, gave me a division to create and run. I am applying that same business sense to the grand scheme at Newman Enterprises, and I think that my husband would be proud of me.

Victoria: Oh, really? Would he be proud of you stealing from his granddaughter?

Sharon: I have no idea where those items came from. They could have come from anywhere. People come and go all the time, or maybe someone put them there to undermine me.

Judge: Did you see Mrs. Newman take these items?

Victoria: No, I did not, but I am still convinced that she stole them.

Judge: Do you have anything else to back up your concerns for her mental health?

Man: Testimony from someone who knows Sharon Newman intimately.

Genevieve: A hard day of heavy lifting at the docks, Christian?

Victor: Yeah.

Genevieve: Think that's a good idea?

Victor: Well, you know, I'm... I'm very happy that I'm working.

Genevieve: Yes, but after the episode that you had yesterday... y-you really should have gone to the hospital.

Victor: Well, but the symptoms went away.

Genevieve: (Sighs) After you took the anti-rejection meds, thank God, which reminds me, you--you need another pill.

Victor: Oh, yeah?

Genevieve: Mm-hmm, you do.

Victor: Okay.

Genevieve: Um, not that. This one. Here you go. Feel okay?

Victor: Yeah.

Genevieve: Yeah?

Victor: I feel pretty good. I feel pretty good. You're a good nurse, you know? I appreciate it. I'm gonna go play some darts now.

Billy: Hi.

Genevieve: Oh!

Billy: So what the hell are you doing with Victor in L.A.?

Adam: Hit "Refresh."

Abby: Dude, you have your own phone.

Adam: Hello, full hands. Hit "Refresh."

Abby: (Sighs) Empty brain.

Adam: Good one. Hit "Refresh."

Abby: No one knows anything new, okay?

Adam: Yeah, we should probably stay out of it anyway.

Abby: You couldn't have thought of that three years ago and not turned Sharon into a psycho? Or maybe you could have taken her away for good, so she couldn't gold-dig on my dad, chase him off, and ruin his company.

Adam: Dad was Sharon's golden God and he married her-- that is, until he left because, uh, Nikki and he are freakin' Liz Taylor and Dick Burton, and they have to blow the world up with their dramatic love.

Abby: You're just jealous. All the times you tried to ruin Newman, and your old squeeze finally succeeded.

Adam: Whatever. I'm going down to the courthouse.

Abby: Not without a chaperone, you're not.

Nick: Sharon and I were married for many years. We have two children together. The reality is, Sharon has been mentally and emotionally fragile for years now. That is not a judgment call. It is well-documented. Sharon was committed to Fairview because it was either that or jail time for her stealing. It wasn't easy to watch then. It's certainly not easy to watch now. It's been this cycle for awhile-- moments of stability, then the bad decisions, the rough patches. The stealing starts again, and then Sharon spirals downward.

Man: And when did all this begin?

Nick: The last few years have been the worst, but you want to know what I think... ever since we lost Cassie.

Sharon: Don't do it, Nick.

Nick: We lost a child together. Things were never the same.

Sharon: No, they weren't the same, because while I was grieving the loss of our child, you cheated on me. You cheated and you left me when I needed you most, and now I don't need you, and this is payback.

Judge: Get this on track.

Man: You know Newman Enterprises as well as anyone. You co-C.E.O.'ed with your sister, ran day-to-day operations. What do you think about Mrs. Newman's abilities to lead?

Nick: Based on Sharon's very limited experience and her mental issues, she is just not fit to be Newman's C.E.O.

Cane: You are buying a huge chunk of Victor Newman's company after your wife-- that's his ex-wife and mother of his children-- has gone to go and look for the man.

Jack: You're overstepping now.

Cane: And you are overextending now.

Jack: Go file the papers, Cane.

Cane: Yes, Sir.

(Doorbell rings)

Nikki: Oh.

Cane: Hello, Nikki.

Nikki: Hello.

Jack: Well, I would have thought my dramatic exit yesterday would have made things crystal clear. We are done.

Nikki: I think I have a say in that. This was part of that substantial delivery I got today.

Jack: Well, thank you for rushing it over here. I was worried I might freeze to death.

Nikki: I know, it--it's just a sweater. I remember I used to throw it on and come down here, make coffee all the time. (Sighs) Jack, we were best friends and--and then lovers and then husband and wife. There's too much history to just wipe it all away.

Jack: You find anything else in that box, donate it.

Nikki: Jack...

Jack: It's amazing what you can live without, Nikk.

Nikki: Don't--don't do this. Don't--don't send me away, because I won't go. I care about you too much.

Jack: No, actually, far too little... and way too late.

Genevieve: Finding Victor was a miracle.

Billy: Mm-hmm. Like you didn't arrange to meet up here. Is that what you're telling me?

Genevieve: Why would we do that?

Billy: Oh, I don't know. You tell me, hmm? I like that one.

Genevieve: Can I tell you something? You've been peddling smut a little too long. The man was having chest pains when you took that picture.

Billy: And you came running. Is that what Tucker wanted, for you to buddy up with Victor?

Genevieve: What are you talking about?

Billy: Tucker sent you, didn't he?

Genevieve: (Scoffs) As if I take orders from any man. You really are boring me.

Billy: Okay, well, maybe this will liven you up. I hit "Send," this image goes to the "Restless Style" web site, and the whole world knows that you're chummy with Victor.

Genevieve: No. (Sighs) Okay. The truth is, I have sunk so low that I now do Tucker's bidding, and I don't make it worse for myself by asking any questions.

Billy: So what are you doing, preying on a wandering billionaire with amnesia?

Genevieve: Ohh, so you bought that "I lost my memory" routine. Oh, aren't you the sucker.

Billy: Eh.

Sharon: What you did in there, dragging our personal lives into this...

Nick: It's relevant. You left me no choice but to do that.

Sharon: You know, you love to say that you don't know me anymore. Well, let me tell you something, the Nicholas that I used to know-- he would be disgusted by you, as disgusted as I am, and so would Cassie.

Avery: (Exhales sharply) The judge is ready.

Victoria: Hey.

Abby: Hey.

Victoria: You came with him?

Abby: Ew. God, no.

Adam: Ugh. God, no.

Abby: (Sighs)

Victoria: Okay, well, the judge is about to make his ruling, so it'll be over soon.

Abby: (Sighs)

Judge: Let's get on with this, shall we? Take your seats.

Jack: Well, you've returned my sweater, I've said thank you. Social protocol would indicate that's your cue to leave, and yet you're still here. Why? Why are you here, Nikki? Do you even know? Your mission to be the one to find Victor, the one who knew him better than anyone else, has stalled, hasn't it? What does that make me, the runner-up?

Nikki: That's right, just get it out. Its okay, I can take it. Then afterwards, we can find out--

Jack: We can what, we can what?

Nikki: How to be...

Jack: Friends? Besides, Victor's out there. According to you, not of his own volition. Go save him! Please! I don't need your help.

Billy: So you think Victor's just fine and dandy, no amnesia. He just wants to play darts and pretend that he doesn't know us.

Genevieve: Victor is capable of anything.

Billy: Yeah?

Genevieve: Mm-hmm.

Billy: Ask him if he's capable of remembering his address.

Genevieve: Victor loathes you, Billy, so why do you care if he's here in L.A.?

Billy: Just watch this. Hey, man. You want to play some darts?

Victor: Yeah. Let's see what you've got.

Billy: All right, all right, all right.

Victor: Right there. I just made some money.

Billy: Did you?

Victor: Yeah.

Billy: Well, you're about to lose it.

Victor: All right. See what you've got. Uh-oh.

Billy: All right. (Laughs)

Victor: That doesn't look too good, does it, huh?

Billy: No, it doesn’t.

Judge: The stakes are high for Mrs. Newman, her children, the extended Newman family, and Newman Enterprises, so I don't make this decision lightly. What's clear is I cannot make a judgment regarding Mrs. Newman's mental health on a few subjective statements and limited documentation. As a result, I simply cannot order her removal as C.E.O. Instead, I propose the following.

Abby: You can leave.

Adam: So can you.

Abby: Does your wife know that you're so interested in your ex's future?

Adam: It's not Sharon's future I'm interested in.

Abby: Isn't it?

Victoria: Sharon's out, I'm in.

Abby: Seriously?

Victoria: Until Sharon commits herself to Fairview for observation, and the doctors judge her mental state.

Adam: Fairview.

Abby: Whoa. You must have been convincing.

Victoria: Well, the judge gets it. There are international repercussions if Newman bottoms out. So we need to tell the other board members.

Adam: (Pops lips) You saved the global economy today. Rah rah you.

Victoria: Let's divide up the calls, okay?

Abby: (Sighs) (Scoffs)

Avery: As per the judge's orders you have 24 hours to decide what you're gonna do. I'll be I touch.

Sharon: No balloons? You're not popping champagne corks with your loving siblings?

Adam: Walk away. Don't go anywhere near Fairview.

Sharon: (Sighs)

Adam: You gotta leave Newman. Just lay low, spend some time with Faith, go see Noah, something, anything.

Sharon: Just as long as I stay away from Newman Enterprises, right?

Adam: You don't want this.

Sharon: Oh, you have no idea what I want!

Adam: Do you know what you want, or is someone else telling you what you want, someone like Tucker?

Sharon: You used to say that you were the only one who knew that I didn't need a man to tell me how to think. Stay away from Tucker... and stay the hell away from me.

Victor: Hey.

Billy: You're a dart hustler. Nice work. All right, here you go.

Victor: Thanks, brother.

Billy: Good work. You got it.

Victor: All right.

Billy: All right.

Victor: Who's next?

Billy: See? There you have it. No darts hanging out of my eyeballs or anywhere else, which means he has no idea who I am or who he is.

Genevieve: You know, maybe Victor detests you because you're silly enough to underestimate his ability to con you.

Billy: Lady, you play the class act pretty well, but we both know you're just basically a mob wife without the fake tan, so if you're here with Victor, it means you're after something. And while I might not like the man at all, my wife is attached to him, so I want to know what you're up to.

Genevieve: Hmm, and you've been cozying up to him so well, I guess I'm wondering why you're here.

Billy: I'm after a story.

Genevieve: And nothing else? (Laughs) I'm sorry, but I seem to recall that Victor had his own daughter arrested at your wedding, and then didn't he leave you to rot in a cell in Myanmar? (Chuckles) Does Victoria know that you're here playing darts with Daddy? Ah, she doesn’t. You're keeping that one all to yourself, aren't you, with delicious little thoughts of revenge? What, you're gonna come between him and his family the way he came between you and yours? Listen, Billy, if that's the case, no one would blame you. No one at all.

Billy: Excuse me, I need to make a phone call. Thank you.

Nick: Yeah, I know, I know you're trying, Bobby. Keep me posted.

Abby: Well, if Dad is somewhere checking the market and he sees how far down Newman closed, someone's gonna get punched.

Victoria: Mm. You know, listen, we knew the price would drop after the hearing, but once Sharon is found non compos mentis and I am no longer just interim C.E.O., then the prices will stabilize, and then they'll rise.

Nick: Yeah, good, great.

Victoria: But you're just thinking about Fairview.

Nick: Yeah, I am. You know what that place did to Sharon last time?

Victoria: That was due to Adam, not to Fairview.

Nick: The judge's decision makes sense. Faith's gonna know her mom's gone for a few days. Noah will understand all of it.

Abby: Do you regret the hearing?

Nick: It had to be done.

Abby: You did the right thing. Dad would say that, too.

Nikki: Thank you for getting me into the house, Bonnie. The guard at that gate made it very clear that I'm on the "Do not admit" list.

Bonnie: Mr. Newman would be furious if he knew about that.

Nikki: Yeah, well, Mr. Newman can come back on his own and take care of it. I will see to it that he does. Now there's gotta be something here that Sharon missed, some sign of where he was going. What is this? She's redecorating? Her husband is missing and she has fired the security team looking for him, and she has time to choose between persimmon and coral?

Sharon: (Sighs)

Tucker: Pull the trigger now. Buy that Newman stock. Get back to me with the totals.

Tucker: Sharon.

Sharon: (Sighs)

Tucker: You all right?

Sharon: Nick and Victoria-- they just tore me apart. It was awful.

Tucker: Well, the judge better not have put up with that.

Sharon: I have got to submit to 72 hours of psychiatric evaluation or I lose my C.E.O. title, and I have 24 hours to decide.

Tucker: (Sighs) God. Sharon, I’m so sorry.

Sharon: (Sighs) I just... (Exhales sharply) I can't go back to that place. Fairview? I mean, you-- you can hear the locks when they shut you in. Anything can happen there.

Tucker: Come. You listen to me. You want to walk away from this fight, you can.

Sharon: I'll lose the C.E.O. tile. I'll never get it back.

Tucker: That's true, and Nick and Victoria will know your buttons. They'll know they can push you around. But when it comes down to it, come on, is it really worth it?

Sharon: (Sighs) They know they can beat me, though. I... (Inhales slowly) Victoria has been waiting for this day for over a year. Nick, too, and you know they won't stop at the C.E.O. title.

Tucker: Well, you know Nick better than I do. He gets a little power, how far will he go?

Sharon: Mm. Yeah, he has taken me to court before, more than once, for Faith.

Tucker: (Sighs) I wish I could fight this for you.

Sharon: (Sighs)

Tucker: I'd go to Fairview for you.

Sharon: Meaning... you think I should go.

Tucker: I want you to do what you can live with.

Sharon: Gosh, I don't know what that is. (Sighs)

Tucker: It's okay.

Nick: I got your text.

Avery: Well, I wasn't sure if you'd be celebrating. Sharon will soon be gone from Newman, and most likely for good.

Nick: Well, like they say, it had to be done.

Avery: I saw your face. I know it wasn't easy for you to go after Sharon like that.

Nick: All of your contact with Sharon has been about murder charges and the woman Phyllis hates and--and now this. I promise you, that is not who Sharon used to be. But we fought and we won, and that's thanks to you.

Avery: Oh, Nick, I didn't do anything.

Nick: It was your idea to challenge Sharon's mental status. We owe you. Dad owes you. We’re lucky to have you in our corner.

(Cell phone rings)

Victoria: Hi. Guess what?

Billy: Back at you.

Victoria: The judge gave Sharon 24 hours to turn herself in for psychiatric evaluation or she's done as C.E.O., which means your hot wife is now interim Newman C.E.O.!

Billy: Well, look at you, Fancy Pants. Uh, something crazy just happened.

Victoria: Oh, y-you know, I didn't really want to say anything in front of Nick, because, you know, I know he's really worried about Sharon, but, wow, it's like this intense rush, you know, being C.E.O. again. I know it's only for three days, but, wow, being in charge, being Mrs. Fancy Pants head honcho, in charge.

Billy: Good for you. I can practically hear you smiling.

Victoria: Oh, sorry. (Chuckles) What was the crazy thing that happened?

Billy: You know, I, uh, I just miss my wife. Crazy, huh? Who knew? Look, Honey, um, I'll see you in a few days, okay?

Victoria: Can't wait!

Billy: Bad news for you. (Chuckles) Sharon's been removed as C.E.O. of Newman and Victoria's in charge now, so whatever Tucker had cookin' just went up in smoke. Sorry. Ooh, excuse me.

(Cell phone ringing)

Tucker: What's up?

Genevieve: It's surreal. Victor really does have amnesia.

Tucker: You're absolutely sure now?

Genevieve: Very, and I hear that Sharon is out as C.E.O., so now what?

Tucker: It's true. We're fine. You stay put, keep doing what you're doing.

Genevieve: You know, I need a little more to go on than that, Tucker.

(Knock on door)

Tucker: I gotta go. I’ll be in touch.

Tucker: Adam.

Adam: Yeah, I don't want to be here, either, but I'm worried about Sharon.

(Door slams)

Sharon: You don't have to worry about me, Adam. I'm fine.

Cane: So all of our available funds are now sunk into Newman Enterprises, Jack.

Jack: Don't look so cheery, Cane.

Cane: I'm hoping for the best. See you.

 (Door closes)

Jack: Yeah, that makes two of us.

Jack: Hey, its Jack Abbott. I'm ready to start divorce proceedings.

Nikki: No notes, no little scribbled pieces of paper, no travel receipts, nothing.

Bonnie: I didn't find anything, either.

Nikki: (Sighs) Bonnie just give me a-a few minutes, and then I'm gonna have you sneak me back off the property. I know you're angry, Victor, but you didn't have to run off, if that's what happened. Have you forgotten how many times we've counted these stars together? No, you haven't, because if you were gone and couldn't count the stars, I would-- I would feel that... and part of me would die, too. Victor, just stop it! (Voice breaking) Just stop this and come home! Come home to me!

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Victoria: Tell me about this story you've been tracking down, all the gory details.

Heather: I totally forgot about this. Well, at least I have something of Ricky’s to give my dad.

Avery: Ricky recorded his murder of Rachel. Help me find this footage.

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