Y&R Transcript Tuesday 9/4/12

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 9/4/12


Episode # 9984 ~ Phyllis' Lies Upset Michael & Nick; Victoria's Discovery Means Trouble for Sharon

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Victoria: Right, and we can push to make that case. Sharon's not equipped, mentally, to handle the pressure that she's facing. No, I-I hear you. Believe me, we didn't go into this thinking that it was gonna be a slam dunk or anything. All right. Well, thank you very much for your input.

Nick: The forensic psychiatrist thinks going after Sharon's competence is worth a shot, but it's not a sure thing?

Victoria: Well, Sharon's documented history of mental instability works in our favor, obviously, but... (Sighs) There's no guarantee, except that it's gonna get ugly, and we have to be prepared for that. Are you? (Knock on door)

Victoria: Hi.

Summer: (Sighs)

Nick: Hey. You looking for me?

Summer: I can't find my concert tickets. I didn't leave them here, did I?

Victoria: Um, no, not that I've seen.

Summer: (Sighs) They were in my purse, and I don't remember taking them out. I think somebody may have swiped them.

(Knock on door)

Sharon: Oh. I didn't think that I would see you again tonight.

Tucker: Well... (Sighs) I don't think I explained myself very well back at your place.

Sharon: No, no, I-I got the message, and you don't have to worry about me disrespecting your boundaries.

Tucker: Now, see, you did get the wrong idea. Sharon... I would love nothing more than to have you violate my boundaries from here to Sunday...

Sharon: (Chuckles)

Tucker: But you are on a mission right now-- trying to make a name for yourself in the business world, command the respect of your peers, and you deserve that respect. Now if you got involved with me romantically, that would change the public view of you, fair or not. It would undermine everything you're trying to accomplish, and that's just the last thing I want.

Sharon: Well, I-I really do appreciate your concern for my reputation, I do, but for the record, I wasn't planning on taking it public, you know, if we--

Tucker: Darlin', nothing in my life stays private for very long.

Sharon: I'm starting to realize that about you. Did you see Newman's stock price finally stabilized?

Tucker: No. Wow, that's, uh, that's good news.

Sharon: I'm thinking word must have gotten out that you and I fought back against Victoria's takeover attempt, or maybe you leaked it yourself.

Tucker: No, it wasn't me.

Sharon: Having your endorsement gives me credibility. And I can see from the stock price that the investment community is willing to give me a chance, and you know that I will succeed.

Tucker: Uh-huh.

Genevieve: Really, "Christian"? Is that how you want to play it?

Victor: Yeah. You say that as if that is not my name. Why do you do that?

Genevieve: I'm following your lead. Do you want me to call you something else now?

Victor: Uh, excuse me for a moment.

Genevieve: What's the matter?

Victor: (Exhales slowly)

Genevieve: What's wrong? What's wrong?

Victor: (Exhales slowly)

Genevieve: You all right? Here, here, come on, sit down. I mean, right here, just--just right here.

Michael: So you are sleeping with Ronan?

Ronan: Hey, take it easy, Michael.

Michael: No, no, no, no, no. That's your story, right? The night Tim Reid died, you were with him, cheating on your husband?

Phyllis: Yes.

Michael: That is hardly convincing.

Phyllis: Come on, this is mortifying, Michael. Please don't do this to me. I never thought I'd be discussing this with you.

Michael: Yeah, I'm sure you didn’t. You can go.

Ronan: No.

Michael: I'm gonna talk to her alone, either here or at the station.

Phyllis: It's fine. I'm fine.

Michael: (Sighs)

Phyllis: What? I-I have nothing to say to you.

Michael: Oh, that's probably wise. As it is, you're not gonna be able to keep all of your stories straight. I get that Ronan’s trying to help you, but to come up with such a preposterous story--

Phyllis: It's not preposterous. It's not. We were a couple once.

Michael: Until you dumped him to get back together with Nick.

Phyllis: There's always been an attraction between me and Ronan, Michael. When he's around, it's easy to forget I'm married. Please, I'm not proud of it. Please don't tell anybody. Now that you know, just keep it to yourself, please.

Michael: But as your friend and as Nick's friend, don't you think he has a right to know?

Phyllis: No. It's over.

Michael: Until the next time he makes you forget that you're married. No. If you're gonna stick to this story, you have to tell Nick... now, tonight, or I will.

(Cell phone rings)

Nick: Hi.

Phyllis: Hey, um... I need you to come home.

Nick: Okay. What's the matter?

Phyllis: I-I have to tell you something, and I--and I can't do it over the phone.

Nick: Okay. I can be there in a few minutes.

Phyllis: See you soon.

Phyllis: You want to stay and watch?

Michael: No, I'm gonna let you handle that, but... (Sighs) Phyllis... I'll be checking in.

Summer: These tickets were impossible to get. The show's sold out.

Victoria: Well, uh, where is the last place you remember seeing them?

Summer: The ranch.

Victoria: Have you looked there already?

Summer: No. I didn't want to have to deal with Sharon.

Nick: Uh, sorry, I can't help you there. I gotta get home.

Victoria: I'll go for you.

Summer: Thank you so much. I'm gonna go check the floor of my car again.

Nick: Okay.

Victoria: Good idea.

Victoria: So you still didn't answer my question about Sharon. Are you ready to take her on publicly? She's gonna be humiliated. She's probably gonna lash out.

Nick: I'm more concerned about Noah’s reaction.

Victoria: Well, it's not like we're saying anything to the judge that isn't true. I mean, Sharon has struggled with kleptomania, and she was hospitalized.

Nick: A long time ago. Noah could see this as us taking advantage of something that's no longer relevant.

Victoria: Well, Sharon is taking advantage of Dad's disappearing to screw us all, so I think we should use whatever weapons we have. But I don't have children with her.

Nick: Look, I can't say that I'm comfortable with this approach, but Sharon hasn't really given us any other choice.

(Cell phone rings)

Sharon: Excuse me. Hi, Lisa. Um, well, I could be interested in that. What does he want to ask me? Okay. Yeah, put him through. It's Calvin Miller from the "Financial Journal." He wants a quote from me.

Tucker: Hey, you know what? His, uh, his column is very widely read. Maybe we should just, uh, tell him you'll call him back and we'll work out what you want to say.

Sharon: No. It's fine. Mr. Miller.

Tucker: (Sighs)

Sharon: No, no, this is a fine time. I do only have a few moments, though. I have Tucker McCall waiting on me. I won't comment on rumors, but I can tell you that I have mapped out an exciting and innovative future for Newman Enterprises, and I have the majority of the board behind me. Well, you're gonna have to draw your own conclusions there. Yes, it was nice talking to you. Bye-bye. Ahh, take that, Nicholas Newman. No one is going to care what he thinks when it's clear that I have your endorsement. You know, I'm actually starting to enjoy the game.

Genevieve: Are you having trouble breathing?

Victor: (Sighs) There's some pressure on my chest.

Genevieve: Your--

Victor: I don't know...maybe it's related to that.

Genevieve: How long ago was your surgery?

Victor: I don't know.

Genevieve: You don't know? I mean, for--for most people, a heart transplant would be a pretty memorable thing.

Victor: Is that what it is?

Genevieve: Yes, I know that's what it is.

Victor: How do you know that?

Genevieve: (Sighs) Uh, because I'm a nurse, retired. Have you been taking your medication?

Victor: No.

Genevieve: When you have a heart transplant, you must have antirejection meds. You're--you're not doing that?

Victor: No.

Genevieve: Uh... (Sighs) Okay, um... I-I'm gonna try to find someone who can help us with this. I want you to wait right here for me.

Victor: Okay.

Genevieve: Okay.

Billy: Well, look what I found.

Victor: So what do you-- do you have a problem or what?

Billy: Me? No, I don't have a problem.

Victor: Well, you may have one very soon if you don't get out of here, okay? So just scoot.

Billy: Well, that's not gonna happen.

Victor: Who's this guy?

Man: Never seen him before. Is he bothering you?

Billy: All--all right there, big guy, we're fine. We have no problem. I'll buy you a drink, how about that?

Victor: I don't want you to buy me a drink, okay? Who the hell are you?

Billy: (Chuckles) Who am I?

Victor: Yeah. Who are you?

Billy: You don't--

Victor: Are you a social worker or something? I mean, what are you? Who are you? What do you want?

Billy: Well, I'm a reporter. You don't recognize me at all?

Victor: You're on TV or something?

Billy: Yeah, sometimes.

Victor: I don't know who you are. What do you want? I haven't lived here for long. I have never seen you before. What do you want?

Billy: Okay, take it easy. Hey, man, you don't look so good. Can I get some water over here? Are you okay? Honestly, have you eaten anything? Do you need something?

Victor: I'm all right, thank you. I'm okay. (Sighs)

Genevieve: Things have gotten really bizarre here.

Tucker: I don't have a whole lot of time. Sharon took it upon herself to publicly tout my endorsement of her leadership skills.

Genevieve: Yeah, that might not matter anymore.

Tucker: Of course it matters. Sharon's not supposed to be successful, if I'm gonna make a massive investment in this company.

Genevieve: Tucker...

Tucker: What?

Genevieve: I found Victor.

Michael: Are you having second thoughts?

Ronan: About the affair that I've already had?

Michael: About the affair you made up to give Phyllis an alibi. It's a noble thing to want to help a friend, but have you considered that it might cost you your career? You will be admitting to sleeping with someone that you were supposed to be investigating. There will be consequences. That is, if they believe you. If it comes out you're lying--

Ronan: I'm not lying.

Michael: Phyllis seems to think that I can give you both some kind of free pass. You know better.

Ronan: Yes, I do.

Michael: I'll tell you what I can do. I can forget the entire conversation took place. Go to Phyllis. Tell her that you thought better, for both your sakes. You're only creating more problems than you'll solve.

Ronan: She's not going to take the fall for something she did not do.

Michael: You tell me right now, why is this your problem at all?

Ronan: This is my problem, Michael, because I'm in love with her. (Sighs)

Phyllis: I don't--sit. I don't want to have to tell you this. It's hard for me, but, um...

Nick: How nervous do I need to be?

Phyllis: No, it's--don't, it's--this is serious. I'm having an affair with Ronan.

[Cell phone rings]

Ronan: Phyllis made her choice. She wanted to reunite her family and I understand that, but it doesn't mean that we stopped caring for each other.

Michael: You are never gonna convince me that you were with Phyllis the night Tim Reid died.

Ronan: 'Cause it's hard to believe that Phyllis did something wild and reckless?

Michael: Yeah. She's a newlywed, she adores her husband, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Ronan: Okay. Well, Michael, you can believe whatever you want. I know the truth, and I'm willing to defend that before a jury.

Michael: You tell me now... what will you be left with? What will you be left with in the end? I doubt very seriously Nicholas will let you ride off into the sunset a hero.

Ronan: Did you tell him?

Michael: (Laughs) No. No, no, no, no, no. As much as I love Phyllis, too, I'm not about to throw myself on that particular hand grenade for her. She gets to tell her husband herself.

Phyllis: I'm sorry.

Nick: When was this?

Phyllis: Don't make me get into it, please. I don't want to get into the details. Please don't do that.

Nick: You're not telling me the truth.

Phyllis: No, I am. I'm--I'm telling you the truth.

Nick: No, no. If something happened, I would have seen the signs, and you wouldn't have just volunteered this information. I would have had to drag it out of you. So why in the hell would you make something up like that? What's going on?

Phyllis: Oh, my God, I'm sorry, I'm losing my mind. I'm losing my mind. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. (Sniffles) Oh, my God. It's a lie. It's a lie. You're right. You're right.

Nick: I really don't understand you right now.

Phyllis: It's an alibi. It's an alibi that-- that Ronan came up with for me, because of the night that-- that Tim died.

Nick: Why do you need an alibi?

Phyllis: Ronan came up with it. It was his idea, not mine. I-I need it because... Tim died here, in front of me. I didn't kill him. I had nothing to do with it, I had nothing--but I knew that nobody would believe that. No one would believe that I had nothing to do with it, right? And--and--and I-I-I-- they would believe that I was a lying, cheating skank, of course, but you didn't-- you didn't believe that. You didn't-- you didn't believe that. Thank you for not-- not thinking that. Thank you, thank you.

Nick: Wait, so the--the man who was blackmailing you died somewhere in here, and you didn't feel the need to tell me that?

Phyllis: Well, I didn’t... because, like you said, I need-- I need things dragged out of me. It's like you said.

Nick: Yeah? Start talking.

Tucker: You talked to Victor?

Genevieve: He's acting like he has amnesia.

Tucker: What?

Genevieve: I-it seems like he doesn't even know who I am.

Tucker: Do you buy it?

Genevieve: I don't know what to think. I mean, my first guess was that it was some kind of a cover-up for the real reason that he left town. I mean, if he were found wandering the streets, suffering from a brain injury, then he couldn't possibly be held liable by the shareholders for dereliction of duty, right?

Tucker: Well, that's one way to handle it.

Genevieve: So then, if I rescue him, I'm playing right into his hands.

Tucker: No, don't do that.

Genevieve: I've just been going along with it, pretending like I don't recognize him, either.

Tucker: Has anyone else there figured out who he is?

Genevieve: No.

Billy: Feeling better, man?

Victor: I don't know. (Sighs) It comes and goes, you know? I had, uh, I had a heart transplant.

Billy: Really? You did, huh?

Victor: Yeah.

Billy: Yeah. Wow, huh.

Sister Celeste: Um, Christian, is everything all right around here?

Victor: Yeah, there was a woman here earlier. She said she could get me some medication.

Sister Celeste: What kind of medication?

Billy: Well, when you've had a heart transplant, you gotta take antirejection drugs for the rest of your life.

Sister Celeste: What-- a heart--a heart tra--

Victor: Yes.

Sister Celeste: You never told me anything about that. Um, there's a doctor on call at the mission. I'll ask him to come over.

Billy: Mission? What mission is that?

Victor: He--he's a-- you're a reporter?

Billy: Uh-huh.

Victor: You better be careful--

Billy: Okay, could I get some more water for this gentleman, please? And, uh, Sister, I presume?

Sister Celeste: Yeah.

Billy: Can you-- I got a question. You know, I've been working on this thing. Can you come here for a second? Uh... what's going on with this guy? Does he really not know who he is?

Sister Celeste: All right, are you ready to hear this?

Sharon: (Gasps)

Victoria: Oh, I'm so sorry. Did I startle you?

Sharon: Let that be the end of people wandering through my home unannounced. Spread the word.

Victoria: Well, I just came by to look for Summer's concert tickets.

Sharon: Haven't seen 'em, and if you don't mind, I'd prefer to be alone.

Victoria: Are you having a stressful day?

Sharon: Mm-hmm, thanks to you.

Victoria: You know, Sharon, you should just-- I don't know, you should just let go of all this conflict. Enjoy the house. Enjoy the lifestyle. Take the jet. Go to some paradise. Have a fling with a cabana boy. Doesn't that all sound much better than wrestling with all of us and trying to navigate all of this corporate intrigue?

Sharon: Turns out I'm pretty good at corporate intrigue. I was able to brush off the mutiny that you and Nick plotted against me today. I wouldn't have been able to do that if I were the nitwit that you would like everyone to think I am.

Victoria: Well, then you lived to fight another day, but that's exactly what it's gonna be-- a fight every single day, until you admit that you have no business running my father's company.

Sharon: (Sighs) I am Mrs. Victor Newman.

Victoria: For not even 24 hours before he abandoned you.

Tucker: (Clears throat) Do you think it's possible that Victor really has lost his memory?

Genevieve: I don't know, but the one thing that has me concerned-- he's not taking his medication. I mean, it seems like he's not even aware that he had a heart transplant. Really, h-he doesn't seem well.

Tucker: Well, if what he says is true and he's not taking his pills, his body could be starting to reject the transplanted heart.

Genevieve: I wouldn't want to be responsible for that. Look, can you find out what medications he's supposed to be taking and have it called in to a local pharmacy here?

Tucker: Yeah, I can do that, but you stick with him. I need to know at all times where he is and what his plans are. I'm not ready for him to come home.

Phyllis: Kevin understood the position I was in. He's been wrongfully accused of murder before, and he--he understood. You know, when I told him that--that Tim just dropped dead right in front of me, he agreed to help me move the body.

Nick: Phyllis--

Phyllis: I know, I know...

Nick: This is just--

Phyllis: I know, I know, I know it was crazy.

Nick: (Sighs)

Phyllis: (Sighs) Listen, we thought the whole thing was done and over with, and then Kevin saw Tim’s neighbor outside in the hallway and pretended to be an encyclopedia salesman, and then the medical examiner, uh, found out that the body had been moved. They figured that out. That--that--that's what he did, and then--and I know it looks horrible now that I shut off the security camera the night that Tim came over, but I did do that. They haven't figured it out yet, but I did do that.

Nick: Phyllis, it-- this is ridiculous.

Phyllis: I know, I know, I know, you tell me-- you tell me--you tell me not to handle things on my own. That's what you tell me to do, and--and--and I-I-I should-- I should do that, but I just--I-I panic.

Nick: But you turn to Ronan for help?

Phyllis: No, I didn't turn to Ronan. He--he was on it. Nick, he was on it. He was figuring it out, and he was pissed off at me because I was putting him in an awkward position.

Nick: So he returned the favor.

Phyllis: No, no. He was helping me. I know it's horrible. I know this is humiliating, but we gotta stick to this story, just so I have an alibi for Michael.

Nick: You're not thinking this through, Phyllis, you're not. What's your plan? You're just gonna lie to everyone, to--to Summer?

Phyllis: It's better than me going to prison for the rest of my life.

Nick: This--this-- this is insane. It's insane.

Phyllis: I know, but can you-- can you just do it, please? Can--can you just-- when you talk to Michael, just say that you--you-- you're--you're upset and you don't want to discuss it. Just don't--don't-- don't contradict the story, please.

Nick: I don't know if I can do that. How long have you known?

Michael: Known what?

Nick: About her and Ronan.

Michael: I'm not sure I know what you're talking about.

Nick: I know you know about the affair. You're the one that forced Phyllis to tell me about it. I'm sure there was some good intentions behind that.

Michael: I don't even believe--Nicholas, I don't even believe there was an affair.

Nick: Really? What do you call it when they're sleeping together?

Michael: She said that?

Nick: Yeah, she did. Explains a lot.

Michael: Like what?

Nick: (Sighs) You know what? You know too much about this already. I don't want to talk about it.

Michael: No, no, Nicholas, you need to tell me how you're gonna handle this.

Nick: I don't know.

Phyllis: Hi.

Ronan: Hi. Nick's inside.

Phyllis: Oh, my God, what?

Ronan: Yeah, he's talking to Michael right now.

Phyllis: Oh, no, no.

Ronan: How much does he know?

Phyllis: He knows everything.

Ronan: Everything.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Ronan: Okay, so what's he doing in there right now? Is he backing up our story?

Phyllis: I don't know. I don't know. He was furious for not-- for me not confiding in him.

Ronan: (Sighs)

Phyllis: I mean, I should have. He has a point, you know? Are there--we could have-- we could have come up with a plan and not this absurdity. Not--not that I don't appreciate what you've done for me, roman.

Ronan: Oh, right, right. I get it. I get it, but I doubt Nick shares in your appreciation.

Phyllis: Well, if he tells Michael the truth, you're off the hook.

Ronan: If he's doing that, then he's basically turning you in. Would he do that?

Phyllis: Let's find out.

Sharon: I am the acting head of a global industrial corporation while you're at home changing diapers, not that there's anything wrong with that. What I'm saying is I think we've kind of changed roles in a way, and that might be driving you over the edge.

Victoria: Oh, and by "Over the edge," do you mean crazy? Except that you wouldn't want to say that word. Does it remind you too much of things that you want to forget, like your stay in the psych ward?

Sharon: (Sighs) You would bring that up.

Victoria: You bet I would, and not just to you. I'll be bringing it up tomorrow to a judge, who will then want to hold an extremely public hearing on whether or not someone with your mental health should be running a global industrial corporation.

Sharon: You are being such a bitch.

Victoria: You know, Sharon, I didn't have to give you the heads-up. There's still time for you to exit gracefully. I'm sure that we could come up with a compromise that everyone would love. You release a statement saying it was your idea to step down, you wanted to spend more time with your family-- those of them who are still speaking to you, that is.

Sharon: You know what's going to make me happy, Victoria? When the judge tells you to take your slander and your blackmail and go home. I'm not afraid to stand up to you in court, or anywhere else, for that matter, and I am done letting you and your family steamroll me. I've got nothing to be ashamed of.

Michael: Nick.

Nick: That's classy, showing up here with him.

Ronan: I never intended to cause a problem in your marriage.

Nick: That's nice. (Grunts)

Phyllis: Oh! Oh, my God.

Michael: Nick, Nick!

Ronan: (Grunts)

Nick: You got no place here in this town. Why don't you do us all a favor and leave?

Michael: Look, let's get to the car. Come on, let's go, let's go.

Phyllis: Thank you.

Tucker: Hey. I need you to be ready. Newman shares are gonna drop again soon. When that happens, you buy up everything we can get our hands on.

Sister Celeste: (Sighs) Well, I-I thought at first he was trying to forget his past. We see a lot of that here, but--but the opposite is true. He's trying to remember.

Billy: That's a hell of a situation to be in.

Sister Celeste: (Sighs)

Victor: Thank you.

Sister Celeste: Uh, Christian, I've-- you look worse.

Billy: So, uh, when's your friend showing up with that medication?

Victor: I don't feel good.

Sister Celeste: Okay, all right.

Victor: I don't know. She said she would be back. I don't know.

Billy: Okay, who--who-- who is she? Is she someone you met here?

Victor: No, I don't know who she is.

Sister Celeste: (Sighs)

Victor: I don't know. There she is.

Sister Celeste: Oh, good. Oh, good, um, you're looking for Christian.

Genevieve: He didn't leave, did he?

Sister Celeste: No, no, no. He's--he's here, he's right here.

Genevieve: Okay, good. Hey, good news. I was able to get all three of the medications that you need.

Victor: I appreciate that.

Genevieve: Here you go.

Victor: Thank you so much.

Sister Celeste: Um, okay, how do you know that they're the right medications?

Victor: She's a nurse.

Sister Celeste: Um, uh, what happened to your friend? (Sighs)

Victor: I don't know.

Genevieve: What friend are you talking about?

Victor: I don't know.

Genevieve: Take it.

Victor: Some guy who asked a lot of questions.

Genevieve: Uh, Sister Celeste?

Sister Celeste: Yeah.

Genevieve: Uh, that mission that you run-- would you have room for one more, perhaps? I-I'd like to oversee Christian’s care. Here, one more.

Sister Celeste: Um...

Victor: Are you sure I gotta take--

Genevieve: Mm-hmm.

Sister Celeste: Yeah, okay, that would be fine.

Genevieve: Thank you.

Sister Celeste: Mm-hmm.

Billy: Hey, Honey, call me when you get this. I've got some news you're definitely gonna want to hear. Downside is I've gotta stay away for a few more days, but the upside is it's definitely worth it. Okay.

Victoria: Oh, wow. What is this? Summer's concert tickets. I thought you said you hadn't seen them.

Sharon: I have no idea where--

Victoria: Look at all this stuff. This stuff can't possibly be yours. Are you stealing again, Sharon? Ohh, you'll be lucky if you don't end up back in that asylum.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Nick: This hearing is what's best for Newman Enterprises and our family.

Sharon: I'm not crazy, you know.

Tucker: I am gonna do everything I can to make sure Nick and Victoria don't force you out of power.

Billy: So what the hell are you doing with Victor in L.A.?

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