Y&R Transcript Thursday 8/30/12
Episode # 9982 ~ Victoria & Nick Have to Make Drastic Moves Against Sharon
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Lily: Hi. Sorry. I-I know that you're busy.
Ronan: No, no, it's okay. You said it was important.
Lily: It is. I'm just--I'm not really sure how to--
Ronan: Okay, okay. Slow down. Slow down. Would you mind sitting down?
Lily: Yeah, um...
Ronan: Here, let's do this-- you start by telling me what's got you so scared, and then we can backtrack from there, okay?
Lily: (Sighs) My family... is being stalked, and it's tied to Cane's past.
Ronan: (Sighs)
Cane: Why are you running away from me?
Genevieve: I am not running away from you.
Cane: Well, why are you reading these articles about Victor then?
Genevieve: Uh, isn't everyone reading about Victor since he disappeared? Really. I mean, can't I even go online without my own son being suspicious of me?
Cane: I'm suspicious of you because of the way you are acting and trying to hurry out of here.
Genevieve: Well, that's because I'm leaving town. I'm going back to Los Angeles to continue my job hunt.
Cane: How long are you going for?
Genevieve: I don't know. (Sighs) You know, the only reason that I'm sharing my plans with you...
Cane: (Sighs)
Genevieve: Is in case that Claude Shirl person makes another move. I don't want you to jump to the erroneous conclusion that I'm the one responsible for it.
Cane: You know I'm gonna get to the bottom of this, don't you?
Genevieve: And by the way, if something strange does happen-- some strange message or any glimpse of this woman who's impersonating my daughter, I would like to get a call.
Cane: Oh, you'll get a call.
Genevieve: Good-bye, Ethan.
Cane: You have a nice trip.
Cane: (Sighs)
Tucker: You're so full of questions lately.
Kay: And yet there are no answers.
(Cell phone alert chimes)
Tucker: Well, there's not really much to tell. But... (Sighs) I do understand your... finding it strange my sudden interest in all things Newman.
Kay: You know, actually, I find it more upsetting, Tucker, that you are trying to manipulate people into a very unfortunate situation.
Tucker: Victor disappeared without a trace. Now maybe you're projecting your suspicions about what he's up to onto me.
Woman: So, Christian, thank you for treating me to a delicious meal.
Victor: Just a burger.
Woman: Yeah, an excellent one.
Victor: Glad you liked it. But, you know, you got me a job, so that way, I could afford to take you to fine dining.
Woman: (Laughs) I heard you did a great job.
Victor: How the hell do you know that? You hear everything around here, don't you?
Woman: I try.
Victor: Yeah?
Woman: Uh-huh.
Victor: (Chuckles) So then you must know that I was offered another shift.
Woman: Mm-hmm. Gonna take it?
Victor: Oh, yeah, I'm gonna stick around for a while. You bet.
Eden: So how was your day?
Kyle: (Sighs) Distracted. You know, my mind kept wandering to a very late night I had with a very sexy woman.
Eden: So you enjoyed it?
Kyle: Couldn't you tell?
Eden: Well, then why were you gone when I woke up?
Kyle: I didn't want to be tempted to, uh, be late for work. But I could walk you home.
Eden: Um, actually, I'll be here for a few more hours. Someone called in sick, so... but we could, you know, meet back at my place later.
Kyle: Eden, I don't think I'm gonna stay another night.
Sarge: Wow. What's with you?
Jack: What's with me? I just saw my doctor, who I thought was going to tell me I'm well on my way to a full recovery.
Sarge: And he didn't.
Jack: No, that quack had the audacity to predict that I had already reached my limit, that this was as good as it's gonna get!
Nikki: Hi, Sweetheart.
Victoria: Hi, Mom.
Nikki: Mm.
Victoria: Why didn't you tell me that you were flying in tonight?
Nikki: Didn't your brother tell you? I called him and told him I was coming. Where is he?
Victoria: Uh, you know, he's probably tied up with his current wife or former wife and their various issues.
Nikki: Yes, he told me what his nasty little gold-digging ex was up to.
Nick: You can't fire me.
Sharon: You're an employee, and I want you gone.
Nick: So what was the, uh, whole, you know, "We’re such good parents together. There's no reason we can't work well together"? You said that to me this morning.
Sharon: Yeah, that was this morning before I read the article.
Nick: So this is because I said a "No comment" to a reporter instead of singing your praises? Because I rehired the Newman security team to locate my missing father?
Sharon: This is because you undercut me at every turn, and I'm not gonna tolerate it, Nick! Good-bye.
Nick: Don't you walk away from me. We're not through.
Ronan: E-mails, creepy gifts. What's the name you say this person is using?
Lily: Claude Shirl.
Ronan: Claude Shirl. Which is a reference to Cane's past?
Lily: Yes.
Ronan: Okay, but you said the harassment is coming from more than one person, right?
Lily: Yeah, whoever this person is, they've hired actors and messengers, and whenever we confront them, they end up just being imposters.
Ronan: (Sighs) Okay. Okay, well, what happened that you finally decided to call me?
Lily: Well, because today things got worse. This woman dropped this business card right in front of me.
Ronan: Did you call either of these numbers?
Lily: Yeah, and they were both disconnected. But the extremely disturbing thing is that when I told Cane, he said that her description matched his sister.
Ronan: His sister...
Lily: Yes.
Ronan: That was killed?
Lily: Yes, several years ago.
Ronan: It was Samantha, right?
Lily: Yeah. I mean, do you have any idea what that did to Cane?
Ronan: I can't imagine. Why didn't Cane come to me with this?
Lily: Well...
(Cell phone rings) (Ring)
Lily: Hi.
Cane: Hey, where'd you go?
Lily: I'm with Ronan Malloy.
Cane: (Sighs) Lily, I asked you, please don't go to the authorities.
Lily: You know, if you can join us, that would be great. But if not, I will handle this.
Cane: (Sighs)
Victoria: Well... (Sighs) Nick's not picking up.
Nikki: Oh, he'll call when he gets your message. I have missed this one. Mwah.
Victoria: (Sighs) How was your trip?
Nikki: Yes. Oh, it was frustrating. (Sighs) Wish I had been able to bring your father back with me, but I didn't know where else to look.
Victoria: Where did you go after Hope's farm in Kansas?
Nikki: Well, I went to that beach in Mexico where I found him last. I went to the monastery in France. I even went to an ashram in India that your father visited years ago.
Victoria: And no one had seen him or heard from him or anything?
Nikki: No, nothing.
Victoria: Well, that is pretty scary, isn't it?
Nikki: Oh, not really. It's pretty typical of your father, I'd say. Clearly, he just wants to be off somewhere new...
(Toy chimes)
Nikki: And not be found.
Woman: Well, Christian, I'm glad you're gonna be sticking around L.A. for a little while yet.
Victor: You're a nice lady.
Woman: (Chuckles)
Victor: It's good to have a friend, you know? Even one whose attention is constantly straying.
Woman: Oh. (Chuckles) Sorry. Occupational hazard. (Sighs)
Victor: You're worrying about that guy over there?
Woman: Well, he looks like you did when I first saw you.
Victor: Hmm.
Woman: Will you excuse me? Duty calls.
Victor: Fine. Okay.
Woman: Hello. You seem to be a little down. I can offer you a friendly ear if you need one.
Man: Go away.
Woman: Well, yes, I-- I could do that. But perhaps I could help.
Man: You're not getting the message.
Woman: Well, wait, would you--will you let--
Victor: Get your hands off her.
Man: Why don't you mind your own business?
Victor: You owe the lady an apology now.
Man: Who do you think you are?
Victor: You don't want to find out.
Kay: Indeed, I am very, very concerned about Victor. But that is separate from my misgivings-- how people conduct themselves during his absence.
Tucker: Let me tell you something, Katherine-- if anyone is guilty of misconduct, it's Victor.
Kay: (Scoffs)
Tucker: He split. He left his company, his new wife, and his family high and dry. I'm just trying to help salvage the situation. Speaking of which, I have business to attend to.
Kay: As do I. Listen, by the way, you have a great evening.
Tucker: You do the same.
Kay: (Chuckles)
Tucker: Say hello to Murphy.
Kay: Will do.
Sharon: You can't even respect my request to just drop this and leave my house?
Nick: There's a lot about you I can't respect lately, ever since you started acting like the queen of the universe...
Sharon: (Scoffs)
Nick: And trying to run everything and everyone.
Sharon: You know what? Maybe if I got even one iota of support from you or anyone in this family, I wouldn't have to rely solely on myself.
Nick: I have been trying to help you.
Sharon: How? By diminishing me in the press?
Nick: "No comment" is not an insult.
Sharon: Um, you could have complimented my hard work, the fact that I've put everything I have into this company and the ranch.
Nick: That's what it is? Ever since my dad disappeared, Sharon, the only thing you're working on is your title as Mrs. Victor Newman.
Sharon: (Scoffs) That is not true.
Nick: The way you are acting, it's like you don't even want your husband to ever come home.
Sharon: I was devastated when Victor disappeared.
Nick: Then why did you pretend there was no prenup, Sharon? We all know there was one. And why would you ever call off the search for dad?
Sharon: Well, Victor was the one who took off without a word to me.
Nick: He took off? That was all him? You didn't help him with that? You're not making sure that he stays gone?
Sharon: What is that supposed to mean?
Nick: Did you get rid of him?
Eden: So was it the typical "Single guy freak-out syndrome" of seeing your stuff at my place, or what?
Kyle: No. No freaking involved. Really, being with you has been... great. And it would be so easy just to stay, you know, and stay.
Eden: Okay, so then why not stay?
Kyle: Well, we had this plan for me to find someplace else. You know, before you get sick of me and burn all my suits.
Eden: (Sighs) Well, a girl does need her closet space.
Kyle: So in the interest of suit preservation...
Eden: Okay. Well, where are you gonna go?
Kyle: I don't know. I don't know. I'll figure something out, though.
Sarge: All right, Jack. That's enough. Come on. Let's take a break.
Jack: Not yet.
Sarge: Punishing your body is not gonna change what the doctor said.
Jack: (Breathing heavily)
Sarge: (Sighs) Jack.
Jack: (Grunts) (Groans)
Sarge: Mm-hmm.
Jack: (Groans) Damn it.
Sarge: I'll get a bandage for that.
Jack: (Groans) What the hell happened? Where's my, "You go, Jack! You can do anything you set your mind to" speech? (Sighs)
Sarge: I spoke with your doctor.
Jack: When? Wait, he gave you this ridiculous prognosis before you saw me?
Sarge: (Sighs) Yep. And it's not ridiculous, Jack. You've hit a plateau in your therapy, and it's possible you may not get any better.
Jack: I'm the guy they said would never stand, and I have stood.
Sarge: Yes, you have, for a few minutes at a time.
Jack: (Grunts) I'm the guy that said-- I'm the guy they said would never feel his legs. I feel them.
Sarge: Jack, what you have accomplished is incredible. But latching on to some unrealistic hope is foolish at best. You are not a fool, Jack.
Jack: If I hadn't been unrealistic, I wouldn't be here now.
Sarge: So what do you do in six weeks when you still can't walk more than a few steps? You still can't run? You still can't climb the stairs? What--
Jack: I don't expect that to happen.
Sarge: I think you do, and I think you will be disappointed. It will eat at you. It will stop you, and you will lose every gain you've made.
Jack: How do you know that? How can you know that?
Sarge: Years of doing what I do. Jack, you have to make room to learn to live with what you've got left. And if/when it gets better, it's icing on the cake.
Jack: I came here to work. Let's get started. (Breathing heavily)
Nikki: I really only checked a handful of places. Your father could be anywhere in the world living off of one of his private accounts, just watching, waiting, planning his grand return.
Victoria: Well, you know what? If that's what he's doing, I am going to strangle him when he shows up.
Nikki: No, I have first dibs on that.
Victoria: What if something's really wrong, though, Mom?
Nikki: Honey, he has always come back to us. And you know wherever he may be, he knows how to take care of himself.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Man: You're the one that better back the hell off.
Victor: You just walk out of here, all right?
Woman: All right, there's no need for violence. R-really. Look out!
Man: (Grunts)
Victor: (Grunts)
Man: (Grunts)
Victor: Don't you ever come back here! Ever!
Sharon: Okay, Nick, you got me. I knocked Victor off his horse. I killed him, and then I dumped his body in Lake Michigan before anyone had a chance to see. Oh, uh, now I forgot the part when I yelled out... (Laughs evilly) "It’s all mine now, all mine."
Nick: Okay, okay, maybe I'm letting all of this get to me.
Sharon: You think?
Nick: But I need you to tell me if there's something I should know.
Sharon: I told you, I don't know where Victor is. I don't know anything about his disappearance because I had nothing to do with it! God, how could you think such a thing?
Nick: Well, I'm angry. I don't know what to make of you anymore.
Sharon: Oh, well, I'm still me.
Nick: Really? 'Cause I don't see anything left of the woman I used to love.
Sharon: Okay, well, you know what? Think whatever you want... while you're cleaning out your office.
Nick: You're serious about that?
Sharon: Yeah, you don't want me anywhere near Newman. I don't want you there anymore, either, after today.
Nick: Okay. But just know I'm gonna fight you on this, on everything you're doing. And trust me, I'm gonna put an end to it.
Sharon: Go ahead. Try. What's it like? Yeah.
Woman: (Sighs)
Victor: I'm sorry that man bothered you.
Woman: (Sighs) I wish he had just backed off. But I-I appreciate your coming to my defense.
Jake: Glad I didn't have to use this.
Woman: (Chuckles)
Jake: It gets messy.
Victor: Is your arm all right?
Woman: Yeah. Oh, yeah.
Victor: Okay.
Woman: I-I'm--I'm fine. Um, I gotta get back to the mission.
Jake: Hold on, Sister. Flick, check the lot and make sure that piece of-- make sure that guy is gone. You want a cup of hot tea or something?
Woman: Mm, no. Really, I-I'm fine. I really have to get back. I'm anxious.
Victor: I-I think--I think I'm gonna walk you home.
Woman: I have a lot of work waiting for--no.
Victor: I'm gonna walk you home, Sister.
Woman: No, uh, no, really. Really, it's not necessary. I'm fine.
Victor: Well, you're about the second person who's going to lose an argument with me tonight.
Woman: (Laughs) All right.
Victor: All right?
Woman: Then I accept graciously.
Victor: Okay.
Jake: If you head back this way, there's gonna be a beer waiting for you on the house.
Victor: Well, I appreciate that. Thank you. I'll be back.
Victoria: Well, my baby boy is sound asleep and wearing the most blissful smile.
Nikki: Aw, he's having sweet dreams.
Victoria: Yes, that's because he got to spend time with his grandmother.
Nikki: (Chuckles)
Victoria: You know... (Sighs) Being with you has made me feel a little better, too.
Nikki: Oh, I'm glad.
Victoria: And as furious as I am with Dad, you're right. We have every reason to believe that everything is okay.
Nikki: Absolutely. I gotta go.
Victoria: Okay. Are you headed to Jack's?
Nikki: Uh, no, I have one more stop to make first.
Victoria: Oh. Seems like you're trying to delay seeing your husband.
Nikki: No, not at all. I'm anxious to see him.
Victoria: Really? Well, then why didn't you go straight to his place?
Nikki: Well, I wanted to update you and your brother first. I did call Jack. Uh, he didn't call me back. How has he been since I've been gone?
Victoria: Well, you know, I haven't seen him personally. But Billy checked in on him, and apparently he sounds fine. But what if he's not?
Nikki: Well, I'll find out soon enough. Bye, Honey.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Nikki: (Sighs)
Jack: Mrs. Martinez?
Mrs. Martinez: Mm-hmm?
Jack: Could you please pack up all of Nikki's things? It's time.
Mrs. Martinez: I understand. I'll take care of it.
Jack: (Sighs)
(Doorbell rings)
Kyle: Hey, Mrs. Martinez. How's it shakin'?
Mrs. Martinez: Shaking very well. Thank you, Kyle.
Kyle: All right.
Jack: What a nice surprise.
Kyle: Yeah, I had some free time. Thought I'd drop by, check in. What'd you do to your hand?
Jack: Oh, I kind of overdid it on the physical therapy today.
Kyle: You make any progress on those couple steps you took the other day?
Jack: Well, not yet, but I'm not givin' up hope. How about you? How you doin'?
Kyle: I'm good.
Jack: Things have gotta be kind of weird at--with Newman, never mind life at the ranch with Sharon.
Kyle: Yeah, strange, annoying, tense, but I don't have to deal with Sharon on the home front anymore. I moved out.
Lily: Hi.
Cane: Hey.
Lily: You're not mad at me, are you?
Cane: No, I'm not mad at you. I know what happened today was scary for you, okay? So I know why you came to him. It's okay.
Lily: I didn't tell him anything about your mom's bank account or the damage to her suite.
Cane: Thank you. Okay.
Lily: I don't-- I don't want to get her thrown in jail. I just want to find out who's doing this to us.
Cane: All right, well, maybe he can help us out. Let's go and talk to him. Come on. Hey, man, how you doin'?
Ronan: How you doin'?
Cane: Thank you. I appreciate this.
Ronan: How you been?
Cane: Good. I'm okay. Thank you.
Ronan: All right, let's have a seat. So from what it sounds like, you've been dealing with this stalking thing for a while.
Cane: Yeah.
Lily: Yeah, too long.
Cane: Yeah.
Ronan: Why didn't you come to me sooner?
Cane: (Sighs)
Ronan: Colin could easily be operating from Australia by just hiring someone to do his dirty work here.
Cane: I just don't think it's him.
Ronan: Based on what, Cane?
Cane: Because everything that's happened is cruel and it's malicious. You know, that's my dad's style, but, you know, he's not pointless. You know, there's no upside to torturing Lily and myself like this.
Ronan: Right. Okay. Then who?
Lily: Maybe it's someone from Cane's family who worked with them or someone with a personal grudge.
Cane: Yeah. I mean, like, this is the sort of thing that Caleb would do. You know, and who knows who he was associating with before he got killed?
Ronan: Maybe whoever he was associating with is now looking for payback.
Lily: Exactly, which is why we have to figure out who this is before it affects our kids. I mean, too many incidents in Cane's family have ended in violence.
Nikki: (Sighs)
Kay: Oh, I am so thrilled to have you back.
Nikki: Thank you.
Kay: Sit down. So, uh...
Nikki: It was quite a trip.
Kay: No luck in, uh, bringing Victor back?
Nikki: (Sighs) Katherine, I'm frightened.
Jack: With Victor gone, I can understand your not wanting to stay at the ranch with Sharon in charge.
Kyle: You know, my reasons go way beyond the obvious.
Jack: Well, I know the mess of things she's made at Newman. What else has she done?
Kyle: She just doesn't care that Victor's gone.
Jack: I see.
Kyle: (Chuckles) Things got really bad when I brought Eden over to the house. Sharon went off on her.
Jack: Why? What's she got against Eden?
Kyle: I don't know. Who knows what's going on in Sharon's head? I try to avoid her whenever I can, but when I am around her-- weird.
Jack: What do you mean? Weird how?
Kyle: I found her in my room.
Jack: Doing what?
Kyle: Well, she claims she was looking for me. But then my license went missing. And I'm pretty sure I put it right on my dresser. Then I came back that night. It was gone.
Jack: Why would Sharon want your driver's license?
Kyle: I... it probably wasn't her. Uh, maybe I'm wrong about where I left it. My point is, I don't like her. I don't trust her. I can't kick her out of the house, so I left.
Jack: So you staying at Eden's house?
Kyle: I stayed with Eden last night, but we're nowhere near ready to make that a full-on thing.
Jack: So where you staying?
Kyle: I'm staying with a buddy of mine from work till I find an apartment.
Jack: What would you think about moving in here?
Sharon: (Sighs) (Sighs)
(Cell phone rings)
Tucker: Hey, Sharon.
Sharon: Tucker, I want to see you. There's been a new development.
Nick: Sorry I missed seein' Mom.
Victoria: Well, wherever you were, it doesn't look like it went very well.
Nick: I was just with Sharon.
Victoria: What did she do now?
Nick: She fired me.
Victoria: What? She's insane!
Nick: Tell me about it.
Victoria: (Scoffs) Why would she let you go? You are the single best asset that she has at Newman. What is she do-- is she trying to destroy everything?
Nick: I can't give her that chance. It's time to go after her publicly, legally.
Victoria: Well, that won't be an easy fight. How far are you willing to take it?
Kyle: Dad, I was not asking to move in just then...
Jack: No, I know that.
Kyle: 'Cause-- I mean, that's, like, not even an option really.
Jack: Yeah, because of Nikki, but listen--
Kyle: Yeah, yeah, you're not gonna be there for Nikki when she gets back.
Jack: You think I'm gonna change my mind?
Kyle: You guys are married. I mean, before you actually see her, how do you know what's gonna happen?
Jack: My point is, this is your home. I'd love to see you living here. Too much pushing.
Kyle: No, it's not. (Chuckles) I'm thinking.
Jack: Which way you leaning?
Kyle: Well, it's not a half-bad idea.
Jack: So tell me about the good half.
Kyle: I mean, I'd be okay with us hanging out, watching games on the mega-screen.
Jack: With the surround sound?
Kyle: It's tempting. I mean, come on. This place has some serious amenities. I'd be an idiot to pass it up.
Jack: Then don't pass it up. Welcome home.
Kyle: (Sighs)
Nikki: I told Victoria that I thought her father was out there somewhere and that he was fine and that he would be home soon.
Kay: Is there, uh, something you'd like to tell me that you couldn't say to your daughter?
Nikki: Katherine, with every day that I was out there looking, I felt less certain and more scared.
Kay: Oh, Darling, I don't doubt that, for heaven sakes. You were alone. You were frustrated.
Nikki: I'm defeated. I just-- I have this terrible feeling inside, Katherine. It's... it's this dread that somehow Victor has gotten himself into serious trouble. And that... (Sighs)
Kay: Hmm?
Nikki: (Voice breaks) That he might be dead.
Kay: No, no, no, no, no, no. Come on, now. Stop that. I mean, you're exhausted. Darling, listen to me. You--you left here assuming you were the one person who could locate Victor. And then when you weren't able to, the whole thing just came crushing down on you.
Nikki: (Sighs) But it feels so real, Katherine.
Kay: Well, Darling, I-I don't doubt it. You know, sometimes when things get into your head and your heart, it's very, very difficult to shake. Really. Just because it feels real doesn't mean it is.
Nikki: But what if... what if it's true? Katherine, I-I don't know how I would live without him. (Sighs shakily)
Kay: Well, I... hope you never have to find out. Stop it.
Nikki: (Sniffles)
Kay: Now how many times have I told you, Nikki, you are never, never, ever to give up hope?
Victor: (Exhales slowly) (Sighs)
Genevieve: Are you all right?
Ronan: I'm gonna contact the Australian authorities and confirm that Colin is still down under.
Cane: Okay, thank you.
Ronan: Of course. I'm also going to try to get my hands on some details about Caleb's past. I just want to see what he was into and who he was associating with before he was killed.
Cane: All right, sounds good.
Ronan: If anything else changes, if anything else happens, you guys keep me in the loop, okay?
Cane: All right. All right.
Lily: Okay, we will. Thank you so much.
Cane: Hey, thank you, man. I appreciate it.
Ronan: Of course.
Lily: I'm sorry. I just felt like I had to get us some help. (Sighs) What was that for?
Cane: That's me saying that what you did was right, okay? And whatever happens next, we're gonna face it together head-on. All right, come here.
Lily: Thank you.
Eden: Hey. I thought you were gonna spend the night apartment-hunting.
Kyle: Yeah, well, I had a hankering for some coffee... and for you-- mostly for you.
Eden: Okay, one coffee coming right up.
Kyle: Hey, hey. Don't you want to know where I'm gonna be living?
Eden: You rented a place that fast?
Kyle: I'm movin' in with my dad.
Eden: Well, I didn't see that coming.
Kyle: (Chuckles)
Eden: But, I mean, since you guys have been getting along better, that's really good. Is it really good?
Kyle: Yeah, yeah. Uh, I think it will be. (Sighs)
Nikki: Jack? Jack?
Jack: Look who's back.
Nick: It was Avery's suggestion.
Victoria: Hold on a second. I thought that Avery was Sharon's attorney.
Nick: First and foremost, she is Dad's attorney, which is why she came to me. Now, Vick, I'm swearing you to secrecy.
Victoria: Okay. Consider me sworn. What's your idea?
Nick: To go after Sharon's mental instability.
Victoria: (Sighs) Wow. That's, um... (Inhales sharply)
Nick: Yeah, I know.
Victoria: You gonna do it?
Nick: I didn't want to, but I may not have a choice. What about you? Would you be willing to take it that far?
Victoria: (Sighs) Yes. One way or another, it's time to end this reign of terror.
Sharon: I fired Nick.
Tucker: That's a good move.
Sharon: Really? You think?
Tucker: You have to stand up for yourself, Sharon, as painful as that can be at times. And this may just be one of those times. I think Nick might come after you now even harder than before.
Sharon: Oh, he already warned me that he would, but I'm gonna be ready for him. I'm not gonna give up.
Tucker: There you go.
Genevieve: (Sighs)
Victor: (Sighs)
Genevieve: You gave me quite a scare.
Victor: I'm fine now. Thank you. Thank you for your concern, okay? I'm all right. My name is Christian.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Victoria: Staging a coup like this is not in Sharon's wheelhouse. She definitely has an advisor.
Tucker: I'm being summoned to Victoria's house.
Sharon: Any idea why?
Tucker: No idea.
Nikki: Jack, I know you--
Jack: All of your things are packed and ready to be moved out.
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