Y&R Transcript Tuesday 8/28/12
Episode # 9980 ~ Sharon & Abby's Feud Escalates; Jack Thinks Tucker Has a Secret Agenda
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Phyllis: (Sighs) (Inhales sharply) Answer. Answer, answer, answer, answer, answer. (Sighs)
(Cell phone rings)
Ronan: So what makes you think this rug has anything to do with the Tim Reid case?
Brooks: (Scoffs) That.
Ronan: What, that old stain there?
Brooks: Yeah.
Ronan: That's nothing. That's not evidence. Forget about this.
Heather: Forget about what?
Ronan: Hi, Heather.
Heather: Hi.
Ronan: What are you doing here?
Heather: I, uh, got a call from Officer Brooks' partner. Said he had some possible evidence in the Tim Reid case. That it?
Brooks: Mm-hmm.
Kevin: Did you just ask me what I know about encyclopedias?
Michael: Yeah, yeah. That was it.
Kevin: As in... what are they? Have I ever used one?
Michael: As in, I was wondering if you'd been selling them door-to-door.
Kevin: (Breathes deeply) (Sighs) Yes. When I'm not busy running this place or getting our internet project off the ground, I am ringing doorbells, trying to find morons who want to buy a product that hasn't been relevant since the 1980s.
Michael: Don't mess with me.
Kevin: How can I mess with you? I don't know what you're talking about.
Michael: Okay, here's a simple straightforward question-- where were you four nights ago?
Daniel: Hey.
Lily: Hi.
Daniel: You okay? Is it bad news? What you got?
Lily: Um... yeah, I just-- I was supposed to meet Cane, and he's stuck in a meeting with Jack, so... (Clicks tongue) There you go.
Daniel: How's, uh, how's Charlie and Matty?
Lily: Uh, they're good. They're good. They're, you know, walking, talking, keeping me going... (Chuckles) 24/7, so... how's Lucy?
Daniel: Same. (Sighs) I-I love it, you know? (Laughs)
Lily: Really?
Daniel: Yeah.
Lily: Aw, it's so good to hear you say that. It's so cute. (Laughs)
Daniel: It's weird, though, right?
Lily: It's slower, yep.
Daniel: Yeah.
Lily: (Laughs) So how's everything else in your life?
Daniel: Good. You?
Lily: It's good. Do you want to...?
Daniel: Do you wa--
Lily: Talk?
Daniel: Talk about it?
Lily: (Laughing)
Daniel: (Laughing) Yeah.
Lily: Okay, good.
Daniel: Okay.
Lily: (Laughs)
Jack: Looks good.
Cane: And, uh, because, you know, trends change so quickly nowadays, I'll review it every, you know, quarter.
Jack: I'm impressed, with your expertise and your commitment.
Cane: I like a challenge, Jack.
Jack: I'm glad to hear that, because I have a proposal for you. How would you like to head up the marketing department for Beauty of Nature?
Cane: (Exhales sharply) Whoa. Well, you know, that's not a proposal, Jack, that is a huge promotion.
Jack: I need you, Cane.
Cane: Why do you need me, Jack? What, to develop marketing strategies, or is it something else?
Jack: To help me crush the launch of Newman’s new cosmetics line.
Sharon: Have you seen the latest episode of "Restless Style TV"?
Tucker: You mean that garbage Billy’s calling a television show? No, I missed it.
Sharon: Well, for anyone who didn't, they got to see Abby report that I am a gold-digging tramp who slept her way up to the top of Newman Enterprises.
Tucker: Nah. Nobody pays attention to "The Brainless Heiress."
Sharon: Maybe not when she was begging for attention on the internet, but now she actually has an audience.
Tucker: You know, uh, I had to put up with a lot of crap from Abby when I was with her mother, but unless she's behind the wheel of a car, she can't really hurt you.
Sharon: (Chuckles) She's gonna wish she hadn't tried.
Abby: There, are you happy? I parked off the property. Now let us through.
Man: You can't walk on, either.
Abby: "Not to enter under any circumstance"? Where is your boss? 'Cause Bobby will straighten this out.
Man: Bobby was let go.
Abby: By who?
Man: Same person that put you on this list-- Mrs. Newman.
Abby: Sharon? She's trying to keep me off my father's ranch. See, she can't do that, because this is my family's home.
Carmine: Hey, look, we don't want any trouble. We--we just came for some riding. Uh, the lady's got a right to do that.
Abby: (Scoffs) Okay, fine. If you want to be a jerk, I'll let you deal with my dad when he gets home. I just need to get my horses.
Man: Pericles and Starfire have been sent to the glue factory.
Abby: Glue factory? I will kill her!
Carmine: Whoa, hey. Hey, hey, hey, hey!
Abby: I will rip every bleached hair out of her head, and then I will kill her!
Sharon: I hope the children enjoy the horses as much as their previous owner did. All right, I'll tell Abby how much you appreciate her generous donation. Bye-bye.
Tucker: This is good... letting everyone know you're in charge.
Sharon: Well, letting the family know is one thing, but the stockholders and the public, not so easy.
Tucker: That's why you have me.
Sharon: Oh, are you here to help me with my press release?
Tucker: Well, I got a call from Warren Magruder, a reporter at "The Chronicle." He wanted a quote about what's happening at Newman for an online article he's working on.
Sharon: And did you say something nice about me?
Tucker: Eh, I convinced him to do a profile on you.
Sharon: Well, how do we know he won't slam me the way Abby did?
Tucker: No, the guy owes me. I told him we'd meet him at Gloworm.
Sharon: Right now?
Tucker: Yeah. I'll prep you on the way over.
Sharon: I--you really believe I can do this?
Tucker: Yes, I do.
Sharon: Okay. Then let's go.
Daniel: You, uh, you go first.
Lily: Oh, gosh. Well... just mostly family stuff. Nothing drastic, but enough to drive you crazy
Daniel: Cane's not hiding stuff from you again, is he?
Lily: No. No, no, no. No. Just really can't get over his past, though.
Daniel: "Mommie Dearest" causing problems?
Lily: Well, Genevieve wants to get closer, but Cane is having a hard time letting her in.
Daniel: Maybe he shouldn’t.
Lily: No, I think he should. I think he should let go of the pain of his past and have a relationship with his mom.
Daniel: Yeah, I get that.
Lily: I mean--
Daniel: Speaking of which...
Phyllis: Hey.
Lily: Hey.
Phyllis: Um, can I talk to you for a sec? Please?
Daniel: Yeah.
Phyllis: Thanks.
Phyllis: Ha-have you seen Ronan?
Daniel: I thought maybe that after that piece that Billy did on "R.S. TV," that you'd be steering clear of law enforcement.
Phyllis: Okay, so, what, the answer is no? Is-- (sighs) No, forget it.
Daniel: What?
Phyllis: I'll see you later.
Daniel: Mom, hey.
Phyllis: Amazing.
Heather: Ronan, you could be contaminating evidence. No, no, don't-- ohh, touch that.
Ronan: It's wine. I'd say it's a cabernet.
Brooks: What if it would have been blood?
Ronan: I've done this a few times, Brooks.
Heather: No, no, you were right to call me. It could have been a real lead.
Ronan: Honest mistake. Come on, I'll help you fold it up and toss it back in the dumpster.
Brooks: Yeah. (Exhales quickly) (Sighs) (Exhales slowly)
Heather: Thank you, Brooks.
Brooks: Yeah, no problem.
Heather: I was really hoping that rug had something to do with Tim Reid’s homicide.
Ronan: Whoa, whoa, whoa, we don't know he was murdered. All we know right now is the body was moved after he died.
Heather: You don't move a corpse unless you have a reason to. We're missing something. Let's get back to the station and figure out what it is.
Ronan: (Sighs)
Chloe: Uh, well, I can tell you where Kevin was the night that you're talking about.
Michael: I'd like to hear this from my brother.
Chloe: Well, it'll be the same, okay? He went to go meet with Phyllis. They were supposed to talk about her joining our internet company, and, uh, he never made it. His car broke down. He didn't get home until late.
Michael: How late?
Chloe: Well, I don't know. I was asleep.
Michael: What was the name of the company that towed your car?
Kevin: It... wasn't towed. Um, this guy just stopped and offered to help fix it.
Michael: You pay with a check, cash, credit card?
Kevin: Well, it turns out that it was just this wire that was loose. Took him two seconds to figure it out, and... he wouldn't take any money from me.
Michael: Well, it's a nice story. Makes sense, Chloe’s backing you up. Trouble is, I don't believe a word of it. I'm gonna have to ask you to come down to my office.
Chloe: Wait, you're not arresting him, are you?
Michael: No, no, there's just someone I'd like you to meet.
Abby: Sharon knew how much those horses meant to me. No, she's messing with me. She's messing with me.
Carmine: What, by killing your horses? That's pretty messed up.
Abby: There are no glue factories anymore. If a horse needs to be put down, they just--just put it down.
Carmine: So, what, she shot 'em?
Abby: No, she stole them. Hey, security guy, you know what you're gonna want to do? You're gonna want to get Mrs. Newman down here, or I'm gonna go get back in my car and I'm gonna smash it through the gate.
Man: Excuse me.
Abby: (Gasps)
Sharon: Um, Abby, is there a problem?
Abby: What have you done with Starfire and Pericles?
Sharon: I donated them to a farm for developmentally disabled children. I mean, you hardly ever rode them, so I knew that you would be happy knowing that they're helping someone less fortunate than you. I had no idea that you would be upset.
Abby: You're a liar, that's what you are!
Carmine: Okay, easy.
Sharon: My goodness. Well, you know, it's for the kids, so no worries, right?
Abby: (Scoffs) You're not gonna get away with this! When Dad gets back, he's gonna put you in the glue factory, you nasty old hag! You too, "McCreep"!
Cane: Do you really think that one person can head up both departments?
Jack: I think you can.
Cane: Well, with that kind of support, how could I say no?
Jack: Terrific.
Cane: All right, well, uh, I will start working on a, uh, marketing plan for Beauty of Nature that will complement Jabot. We will attack Newman on two fronts.
Jack: And they won't know what hit 'em.
Cane: Mm. There is another way we could take advantage of Victor's absence. We can get a block of Newman stock. We leverage Jabot and we leverage Beauty of Nature, and we can make a very sizable purchase.
Jack: Yeah, I thought of that--kind of risky. We don't know if, uh, Sharon’s gonna run the company into the ground before Victor gets back, if Victor gets back.
Cane: All right. Can I ask you something? Why--why are you, uh, having a conversation with me like I'm one of-- of your most valuable employees after what my mother did to you?
Jack: What happened between Genevieve and me is in the past. I'd just as soon leave it there.
Cane: I wish I could do the same.
Lily: Well, these hit-and-run charges must be rough on all of you.
Daniel: Mm. As far as mom's concerned, she's the only one that's affected by any of this.
Lily: Well, she can be a little, you know, self-absorbed.
Daniel: (Laughs) By "A little," you mean "Completely," right?
Lily: Well, behind all that "Phyllis-ness," you know, she just wants you to be happy.
Daniel: Yeah, I suppose you're right. As long as she has veto power over whoever I'm happy with, right?
Lily: Well, I thought she'd be glad to see you with anybody but Daisy.
Daniel: Mm. Apparently, the A.D.A. who's prosecuting her is unacceptable.
Lily: You and Heather?
Daniel: Hey. Hey! Hey.
Lily: What?
Daniel: Shh. Come on, it's not exactly like we're posting it on FacePlace or anything.
Lily: Okay, Daniel, she has a point. Really? Really?
Daniel: Yeah. I don't know. Uh, it--it's messed up, I know. Heather's prosecuting my mom because she tried to kill her dad, but...
Lily: (Chuckles)
Daniel: I really like her. (Laughs)
Lily: (Laughs) Okay. Well, you know what I say-- just be with her, but then don't tell your mom.
Heather: I, um, wouldn't give up your day job. In fact, maybe you should get back to it.
Ronan: Really? Well, I'm on break. Thank you.
Heather: Mm-hmm.
Ronan: First one in ten days, so I think I'm due.
Heather: Yeah, we've-- we've all been logging a lot of hours.
Ronan: Take a shot. Take a shot. Come on, it's good for stress. Helps put things into perspective.
Heather: Some people know how to do that without blowing off work.
Ronan: (Chuckles)
Heather: Oh, uh, when you decide to check back in, I'll be in my office, doing my job.
Ronan: Got it.
Chloe: First you tell me that you brought your car in to get fixed at the shop. Then you tell Michael that you had some guy help you on the side of the road.
Kevin: Right.
Chloe: Wait, so then, which one is it?
Kevin: Neither. My car never broke down. That's what I was about to tell you at Crimson Lights when Michael came in.
Chloe: (Sighs)
Michael: Here you go.
Beth: That's him. That's the guy who said he was selling encyclopedias.
Michael: Are you sure?
Beth: Yeah, that's him. That's the encyclopedia assassin.
Kevin: Wha--okay, I have never sold encyclopedias or ever used one as a lethal weapon.
Beth: He's lying! That was--you're the one in the hallway the other night. He was selling, you know, "X" through "Z." No, you weren't, that was code. "X" is for ecstasy and you are a drug dealer, and that's what that means. You weren't selling books. You were selling crack and Tim was on to you, and that's why you killed him. You killed my Timbo!
Kevin: Oh, my God!
Michael: Oh, no, no, no, no! Officer Chung, now, please!
Beth: You--I saw you! He's the one.
Michael: Take Mrs. Hortense to one of the visitation rooms and just relax for a minute. Maybe she should lie down. Give her a drink of water.
Beth: Look at those books you weren't selling. Look up "Fry City" and see your destination, Junior, okay?
Kevin: Wha... (Laughs) Ohh.
Chloe: Oh.
Michael: (Chuckles sarcastically) Start talking.
Kevin: (Laughs) You are not gonna take that nutcase seriously.
Michael: Well, give me a reason not to.
Kevin: One, I'm your brother. Two, I would never deal drugs, and three, I would never kill anyone.
Chloe: Why would you even think that Kevin had something to do with this Tim guy?
Michael: Tim Reid was Phyllis' former psychologist and just happened to be the key witness in her attempted murder case.
Chloe: You were supposed to be with Phyllis that night.
Michael: And Tim Reid turned up dead.
Chloe: (Sighs)
Michael: So if you happen to have moved a corpse recently, now would be the time to come clean.
Daniel: Ooh. I was, um, just texting you.
Heather: Ah.
(Cell phone alert chimes)
Heather: Oh. Do you want a reply?
Daniel: (Laughs) I would, um... (Clears throat) I would love a reply. Probably not here, though. We should--we should maybe go someplace.
Heather: (Sighs) I don't think that's a good idea.
Daniel: Okay. Do you want to do this? Do you want to-- do you want to be with me?
Heather: What do you think?
Daniel: Then let's forget about the rest.
Heather: (Sighs) We can’t.
Daniel: Why not?
Heather: Look, there-- there are a lot of things going on with your mom's case.
Daniel: I'm guessing that "The charges have been dropped" is not one of them.
Heather: There might be more charges.
Phyllis: I've been looking for you.
Ronan: And you found me.
Phyllis: Get my messages?
Ronan: (Sighs) I did.
Phyllis: What did you do with the rug?
Ronan: You're a suspect in a case that I'm investigating. You got that? We can't do this.
Phyllis: What's wrong with a little one-on-one?
Ronan: (Chuckles) A little one-on-one could be dangerous.
Phyllis: You like danger.
Ronan: Oh, I do, but I don't think you realize how high the stakes are.
Phyllis: I'm willing to risk everything on one shot. If I make it, will you talk to me?
Ronan: You're on.
Phyllis: 2 out of 3.
Ronan: Unh-unh. One shot--that was the deal.
Phyllis: You like torturing me? You like seeing me sweat?
Ronan: (Chuckles) Yeah, I do, but not like this.
Phyllis: Why are you doing this to me?
Ronan: Let's talk about something else, hmm? Let's talk about-- let's talk about your apartment. You know, I love the way you decorate your apartment.
Phyllis: You want to talk about interior design?
Ronan: That rug that you had in the living room-- I love that rug. I thought it brought everything together, really. It's a shame that you ruined it with that wine stain.
Phyllis: Yeah... but I did the right thing by throwing it out, don't you think?
Ronan: You did the right thing, yeah.
Phyllis: Great. I wasn't sure. Now I am. Thank you.
Ronan: Get out of here.
Daniel: What do you mean, "More charges"?
Heather: I can't talk about it.
Daniel: Fine, then we won’t.
Heather: I know, but I want to. I mean, there's a million things that I want to ask you about your m-- see? This is what happens when we're together.
Daniel: Oh, look, look, I bet if we tried really hard, we could find something other to talk about than my mom or your job.
Heather: Okay, fine. Let's give it a shot.
Daniel: Packers.
Heather: Oh, Jets.
Daniel: Ohh, J... oh. (Inhales sharply) (Shudders) Alternative rock.
Heather: (Inhales sharply) Jazz.
Daniel: (Groans) Jazz.
Heather: Mm-hmm.
Daniel: Jazz. (Laughs)
Daniel: "B" horror movies.
Heather: Ugh. Foreign?
Daniel: (Groans)
Heather: No?
Daniel: Don't like reading subtitles. What about art? How do you feel about art?
Heather: I love it, all kinds.
Daniel: See? There we go. Great, something we both like.
Heather: Mm-hmm. Well, I mean, you mean something bes-besides...
Daniel: Uh, y-yeah, something other than that. (Laughs)
Heather: I was a little worried.
Jack: Howard, Newman stock still trading at a high volume? What do you mean, one buyer? We know who it is? How much have they managed to acquire? I'll--I'll free up my money as soon as I can. Gotta go. Hi, Sharon. Hey, Tucker.
Tucker: Hey, Jack. I'll let Warren know we're here.
Sharon: Thank you. I'll be right there.
Jack: What's going on there?
Sharon: I'm being featured in "The Chronicle," "Newman Enterprises' new C.E.O." Tucker set it up.
Jack: Careful, with the press and Tucker. They can't be trusted.
Sharon: I can take care of myself, Jack, but thank you for the advice. I appreciate it.
Michael: If you don't come clean right now, I won't be able to help you.
Kevin: Who says I need help?
Michael: Any sane, logical person looking at the situation.
Chloe: Kevin, will you please just tell Michael the truth?
Kevin: (Gasps) wow, my brother and my wife both think I'm a liar, yet the whack-job who was cheating with her neighbor and hallucinating about an encyclopedia-selling drug dealer-- she's a credible witness.
Michael: All right, go! Go. Don't say I didn't give you a chance.
Kevin: What would I do without you on my side?
Michael: I guess you're about to find out.
Jack: I got the paperwork right here. As soon as you sign it, we can buy some Newman stock.
Abby: I've changed my mind.
Jack: Wait, what do you mean? Why?
Abby: I've got my reasons.
Jack: Abby, lis--
Abby: My mind's made up, Uncle Jack.
Tucker: Oh.
Abby: (Scoffs)
Tucker: Good to see you again, Abby.
Jack: Have a seat, Tucker.
Tucker: Thanks, Jack.
Jack: So what is going on with you and Sharon?
Tucker: What's going on? Hmm, let me see. Well, she's the new C.E.O. of Newman Enterprises. I'm a concerned board member. We have a mutual desire to see Newman do well in Victor's absence.
Jack: Wow, that was good. I almost believed that. So why did you really set up the press interview for her?
Tucker: She needs someone in her corner.
Jack: Like Ashley did?
Tucker: I didn't mean to hurt Ashley.
Jack: Yeah, I'd hate to see what would happen to someone if you did.
(Cell phone rings)
Jack: (Scoffs)
Tucker: Nice talk, Jack.
Jack: Hey, can you get back to Gloworm right away? There's been a little change of plans.
Sharon: I started out as spokesperson for the company, and I worked my way up. Recently, Victor put me in charge of the new cosmetics line.
Warren: You and his son Nicholas.
Sharon: Yes, but I was the primary force in getting that project off the ground.
Warren: I heard the board wouldn't approve you for the job until Nick said he'd work alongside you.
Sharon: We all agreed that it would be better if it were a team effort. However, I am the one who secured the Asian markets for us.
Warren: You wouldn't have been able to do that if Nick hadn't arranged the meeting with Mr. Mitsukoshi.
Sharon: Nick and I did go to Tokyo together. However, I met privately with Yosuke and closed the deal.
Warren: You make it sound as if Newman Cosmetics exists because of you.
Sharon: I have played a major role in launching a new and potentially lucrative cosmetics line for the company, and that's not easy to do in this economy.
Warren: But does that qualify you to run a multibillion-dollar corporation?
Sharon: One of the most powerful executives in Japan trusted me enough to go into business with Newman Enterprises. I think that should prove to the stockholders that I am perfectly capable of running the company.
Cane: Jack wants me to be the head of marketing for Beauty of Nature now.
Lily: That's great.
Cane: I know you're celebrating on the inside, right?
Lily: (Chuckles) No, I'm--I'm sorry. I-I'm excited. I am.
Cane: Did something happen? Did you get an e-mail or a note or a gift or something?
Lily: No. Uh, no, it's just-- just been on my mind.
Cane: Don't give these people any power, okay? There is nothing that indicates you're in any trouble, and I promise you, I will never let it get to that point, okay?
Lily: I know.
Cane: Are you sure? You're okay?
Lily: I'm fine. (Chuckles)
Cane: Well, I got to, uh, I gotta go.
Cane: I love you.
Lily: Love you, too.
(Door opens)
Lily: (Sighs) (Grunts)
(Keys jingle)
Lily: Sorry.
(Door closes)
Daniel: The best-- Chicago has the best museums.
Heather: Mm-hmm.
Daniel: And then we can go and we can get some pizza. We could--
Heather: I can't go all the way to Chicago. I have work.
Daniel: (Sighs) Well, the museum here is... suitable.
Heather: Mnh-mnh.
Daniel: I-I mean, they've got a new exhibit.
Heather: No, no, no, no, no, no. Somebody would see us. I know someplace that we could go. It's close, uh, private... I happen to live there.
Daniel: Oh, um...
Heather: Mm-hmm.
Daniel: Does it have any art?
Heather: Do posters count?
Daniel: (Inhales deeply) Today?
Heather: Mm-hmm.
Daniel: Mm-hmm, yeah.
Heather: Yeah. You want to see me there in, like, ten minutes?
Daniel: Five.
Heather: That's even better.
Daniel: Okay.
Heather: Okay.
Michael: I hate this.
Ronan: Hate this? You need this. Relax. Shoot.
Michael: This is not relaxing!
Ronan: Just take a breath, turn, and shoot.
Michael: Beth Hortense says that Kevin, my brother, was the man in the hallway selling encyclopedias outside of her apartment.
Ronan: Beth told you that? And you believed her?
Michael: No. I don't want to.
Ronan: Well, then don’t. Go with your gut. Trust it.
Michael: What if she's not lying?
Ronan: Oh, Michael, you have to stop over thinking this. (Sighs) I mean, a guy that's messing around with his neighbor's wife is found dead. Surprise. He has blood pressure medication, sexual stimulants, and booze in his system.
Michael: Coroner said the body was moved.
Ronan: Of course. Tim and his lady friend are about to do the deed. They're in their secret rendezvous spot. All of a sudden, his heart... (Groans) He's dead. She takes him back to his own living room, makes it look like he died there-- alone.
Michael: Maybe.
Ronan: Michael, we have not one single shred of evidence to implicate Phyllis or Kevin in Tim Reid’s death, so I don't know why you're trying to dig some up.
Michael: Because I want to do what's right.
Ronan: You're the D.A. You get to decide what that is.
Michael: (Passes basketball)
Ronan: (Catches basketball)
Chloe: Okay, well, will you just please tell me what's going on?
Kevin: (Sighs) Okay. You trust me?
Chloe: Of course I trust you. I'm getting the feeling that you don't trust me anymore.
Kevin: I do, I do. (Rubs hands together) It's just of all the crazy things that have happened to me in my life, this might be the craziest. And coming from a guy who used to rob banks wearing a chipmunk head, that's saying something.
Chloe: Okay, will you please just tell me? Because not knowing is killing me.
(Cell phone rings)
Kevin: Oh. Hold on just a sec. Hey, Phyllis, what's up?
Phyllis: Ronan didn't take the rug as evidence. He left it in the dumpster.
Kevin: Are you sure?
Phyllis: He's on our side. Everything's gonna be okay. Just keep your mouth shut.
Kevin: That's great. Okay, I'm just gonna tell Chloe, then.
Phyllis: Kevin, just keep your mouth shut. Don't tell anyone, okay? I gotta go.
Kevin: Great news. She's gonna flip. Talk to you soon. Ahh. Uh, wait till you hear what Phyllis had to say.
Chloe: No, later. I want to know why that woman in Michael’s office said that she saw you in her apartment building.
Kevin: She's nuts, that's why. Or overwhelmed with grief, I don't know.
Chloe: So that's what you were gonna confide to me? That this was just all a big misunderstanding?
Kevin: Yeah, yeah. So listen to what Phyllis had to say.
Chloe: No, I don't want to talk about that right now.
Kevin: How can you say that? We've invested every last dime we have in this.
Chloe: If TagNGrab's media director and genius programmer are involved in a murder investigation, then we don't have a project anymore! Or a life together or any kind of future at all!
Carmine: Hey, what's up?
Abby: Mm. Buy up all the available Newman stock. If you have to liquidate some assets, then do it. Just get your hands on as much of that stock as you can. My goal? (Scoffs) To take down the stepmother from hell and the weasel who is backing her. I want to hit them so fast and so hard, they don't see it coming.
Warren: Good. Well...
Sharon: Well, thank you very much. It was wonderful to meet you.
Warren: You, too.
Tucker: Warren, I appreciate your help.
Warren: Good to see you.
Sharon: Mm-hmm.
Jack: I thought about what you said regarding Newman’s stock.
Cane: You want to acquire some?
Jack: I want to know what Tucker McCall is up to. If he's acquired more than 5% of the company, he has to file papers with the S.E.C. I want to know if he's done that.
Cane: And if he hasn't?
Jack: If he hasn't, I want to know how much Newman stock he has acquired. If he's in violation of S.E.C. regulations, I want to know about it.
Cane: What do you think he's up to?
Jack: I would bet my wheelchair he's trying to gain control of Newman Enterprises, using Sharon to do it.
Next on “The Young and the Restless"...
Genevieve: I will be the one to find Victor Newman.
Cane: They've hired somebody who looks like my sister. Who shoves a ghost in someone's face?
Paul: This friend of Ricky’s that we're meeting today, if he's a dead end, they might as well convict me right now.
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