Y&R Transcript Monday 8/27/12
Episode # 9979 ~ Ronan Figures Out Phyllis' Lies as She and Kevin Continue Tampering With Evidence
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Adam: That, uh, that plug you did for TagNGrab--
Chloe: Yeah, you liked that?
Chelsea: Yeah, you even got Abby backing you up.
Chloe: Oh, that was for just kissing up. She's still hoping I'm gonna get her boyfriend's butt out of the fire when he goes to trial.
Adam: You know, we're gonna get a huge spike in first-time hits. There's a few different ways we can capitalize on this. Where's Kevin?
Chloe: Um, he had to leave.
Adam: Emergency?
Chloe: I-I guess so. I mean, for him to leave when he knows that we had a meeting scheduled...
Chelsea: Didn't he say where he was going?
Chloe: (Sighs)
(Knock on door)
Kevin: Any chance you caught "Restless Style TV"?
Phyllis: Yes. Billy, son of a bitch-- accusing me of murder. Based on what? Nothing.
Kevin: (Sighs) What are you doing? What are you doing? You said you had this place cleaned from top to bottom.
Phyllis: It would take one print-- one print to place Tim here that night, okay? All right? Imagine what Billy would do with that. Don't just stand there. Start cleaning. Here.
Kevin: Oh. You have nothing to worry about. Nobody saw you in Tim’s building. It's my face-- my face is on a police sketch! (Sighs)
Beth: She went to Tim’s once and was in such a rage that I was actually afraid she was gonna knock the door down.
Michael: (Hits pause button) Fantastic.
Ronan: Yeah, just bypass the investigation and the trial phase, and jump right to putting Phyllis in the stocks. Well, why didn't we think of that?
Michael: This is out of control.
Ronan: Mm-hmm.
Neil: (Grunts)
Harmony: (Claps hands) Way to go, Mr. Winters! Way to go!
Neil: (Sighs) Hey.
Harmony: Nice shot. Your office told me I'd find you here.
Neil: Yeah?
Harmony: Mm-hmm.
Neil: And, uh, you came to cheer me on. That's sweet. I like that.
Harmony: Hell, no. Unh-unh. Don't get it twisted. I came to play.
Neil: Ball up. Whoo!
Harmony: (Laughing)
Neil: Come on.
Tucker: You know, I know you're not happy with the way things turned out, but... (Sighs) For selfish reasons, I am grateful you didn't take the job in New York.
Sofia: Well, the raise that you gave me certainly did take the sting out of that decision.
Tucker: Well, good. So... what's the story with Russo?
Sofia: Your source was right. Negotiations between Fox Chase Holdings broke down. He's certainly more amenable to hearing other options.
Tucker: Amenable, as in desperate?
Sofia: As in he is flying out tonight, if that answers your question.
Tucker: Huh.
Sofia: Now regarding Newman, we need to act quickly to counter all this bad press Sharon is getting.
Tucker: Mm-hmm.
Sofia: So I outlined three different strategies we could use--
Tucker: Yeah, put that one on ice for now, will you?
Ronan: Obviously, Beth’s got her own agenda.
Michael: Why not? Why should she be different from anyone else?
Ronan: I'm gonna have to call her in before she hires a booking agent.
Michael: First order of business is to bring Phyllis in for questioning.
Ronan: Let me handle Phyllis.
Phyllis: You have nothing to worry about.
Kevin: Phyllis, I don't do well in prison!
Phyllis: Okay, you're not going to prison, okay?
Kevin: (Sighs)
Phyllis: You're not going to prison, all right? That--that idiot mistress of Tim’s, she doesn't even know who you are, and the sketch, it probably doesn't even look like you. If it did, don't you think your brother, the D.A., would be all over you by now? No, he's not! And even if they connect you to that building, what, at the time that Tim died? So what? Big deal! You will come up with some story, some great story, and everybody will believe you. It's a lot better than you saying, "Oh, I was walking around all night with a rolled-up rug and a dead body inside!" (Sighs) Me, on the other hand, it's completely logical that I would want Tim dead, isn't it? Mm-hmm. Nobody cares. Nobody cares. I mean... (Sighs) If they connect Tim to this place at the time that he croaked, it's over for me.
Kevin: Phyllis, it was a heart attack. That is a proven fact.
Phyllis: Who cares? Who cares? I mean, you heard Billy. You heard Billy. I have a motive, I'm guilty-- done, done! Okay, maybe they can't charge me for Tim’s death, but they can definitely use this against me when they try to convict me for the hit-and-run on Paul and Christine. Oh, my--that rug! (Exhales sharply) This rug, it's the only thing that ties us to Tim. This rug is the only thing that might have anything left of Tim on it. We have to get rid of it.
Kevin: Ugh. (Chuckles dryly) Again with the "We." We are not a "We."
[Cell phone rings]
Harmony: (Laughing) No, no, I didn't even go to the games. The crowd I ran with, they didn't have much school spirit. How about you?
Neil: I wasn't a cheerleader, uh, either.
Harmony: Oh, come on, now. You know what I mean.
Neil: Yeah?
Harmony: You know, what were you like in school?
Neil: Well... (Sighs) I guess I was, uh, kind of a borderline nerd, huh?
Harmony: Stayed on the straight and narrow, I bet.
Neil: Yeah.
Harmony: Hey, come on. Bet you worked hard, right? Got scholarships?
Neil: Yeah. I did. I had to.
Harmony: Uh-huh. No, you didn't have to. You could have done like me and wasted your time partying. I mean, I barely even remember the good ol' days. It might have been different if I'd known somebody like you.
Neil: Right, well, you would never have noticed me.
Harmony: (Stammers) Shoot. Now you know...
Neil: Whoo!
Harmony: That's where you're wrong, Schoolboy! 'Cause the one subject I did excel in was knowing who all the cute boys were.
Neil: Yeah?
Harmony: Uh-huh. Give me the ball back! Give it to me! Come on.
Neil: Come on, you can't get this ball. Oh, look at that. I got some skills, mad skills.
Harmony: (Laughing)
Neil: What you gonna do, Girl? Whoo! Whoo, whoo, whoo!
Sofia: A major investment, it's plummeting. It's tanking, and--and you're not concerned? Did you sell your interest in Newman when I wasn't looking?
Tucker: No, I'm hanging in. As a matter of fact, I'm thinking about doubling down.
Sofia: What, so the lower the cost, the better as far as you're concerned?
Tucker: I'm not the only one to have that idea. I hear Jack Abbott is putting together a limited partnership to buy up some shares.
Sofia: Well, he doesn't have the ready cash available. It's all tied up in the purchase of Beauty of Nature probably.
Tucker: And that won't be my problem.
Sofia: No, your problem's gonna be keeping it quiet. I mean, Tucker, what's going on with you? If word gets out that Tucker McCall thinks Newman is a good investment... (Through clenched teeth) The price is gonna skyrocket.
Tucker: (Whispering) Yeah. That's the last thing I want. So you know what I need from you.
Sofia: (Normal voice) Oh. I'll make the funds available from different sources. We'll create new corporate entities without any obvious connections to you.
Tucker: There we go.
Sofia: And they'll be the purchasers for record.
Tucker: It needs to happen fast. The stock hasn't bottomed out yet, but I don't think it'll be long.
Adam: When I'm ready to comment on that situation with Newman, I will let you know.
Chloe: (Sighs) You know, I am so annoyed with Sharon taking up all of the space in the business section when it should be going to Tagngrab.
Chelsea: Eh, they'll get bored with her soon enough.
Chloe: Well, all men eventually do. Hey, you know what? I'm gonna go grab an iced coffee. You want one?
Chelsea: Um, I'm actually trying to cut back on caffeine, so...
Chloe: Herbal tea?
Chelsea: That'd be great. Thanks.
Chloe: Adam, want one?
Adam: Nope, I'm good.
Chelsea: She's going to figure it out. She probably already has.
Adam: What, that you're pregnant?
Chelsea: Shush!
Adam: Shush.
Chelsea: You shush! Stop.
Adam: Hey, she's not gonna know anything. I mean, look, you are glowing, yes. But that's easily explainable. You're married to me. Besides, if she gets on your case, just distract her. Tell her about this new tagger we have.
Chelsea: What tagger?
Adam: Ah, at Tagngrab. There's, uh, this little guy who's buying up a bunch of stuff. I don't know, it could be...
Chelsea: (Chuckles)
Adam: A boy, a girl, I don't know. But I do know that-- that they're very young.
Chelsea: Yeah, "Young" is right. Looks like a little Baby Einstein to me.
Adam: Yeah, "Einstein"-- I don't think that's the user name.
Chelsea: (Laughs) "Baby N."
(Knock on door)
Phyllis: (Chuckles) Wow, look at you. Well, I didn't-- I didn't guess that-- that you were one that would watch gossip TV.
Ronan: I'm not here because of gossip TV.
Phyllis: Okay. Well, did something happen between the last time you were here and now, which isn't that long ago?
Ronan: You almost make me feel unwelcome.
Phyllis: No, you're welcome. Is it a social call? Oh, no.
Ronan: Could be worse-- I could have brought a whole C.S.I. team with me.
Phyllis: Oh, I would have loved that. That would have been great. I would have put out a buffet and served cocktails. Do you want something?
Ronan: If I want something, I'll help myself to it... because I have a search warrant.
Kevin: (Sighs) (Sighs) (Sighs)
Kevin: Hello, Officers.
Man: Is that your car over there?
Kevin: Uh, yeah.
Man: You double-parked.
Kevin: Oh, is that right? Um, I was-- I was only gonna be a minute, so...
Man: What were you doing back here?
Kevin: Well, I was, uh, I, um, uh, nature called, so what are you gonna do?
Man: Yeah, I would have gone at the gas station on the corner.
Kevin: Oh, is there one? I-I didn't know that.
Man: Not from around here?
Kevin: No, no, not really. Look, if you guys have any more questions, can we-- we could walk and talk, right?
Man: That's okay. You know, y-you go ahead.
Kevin: Thanks. Have a good day.
Michael: Right in here. Ms. Hortense, have a seat, please. Would you like coffee?
Beth: Oh, no, thanks.
Michael: Okay. Now, Beth...
Beth: Hmm?
Michael: I thought it was important to you to help us find out what happened to Tim when he died.
Beth: Well, it is important. That's why I gave you a description of the guy in the building that night selling encyclopedias, and I've been going through all those mug shots trying to help find him.
Michael: Well, finding him just became a whole lot more difficult now that you've tipped him off in that... interview. (Sighs) He could have gone underground.
Beth: Well--
Michael: He might have left the state.
Beth: Well, no. I mean, Billy Abbott thought we could use the publicity.
Michael: Billy Abbott used you for his own purposes. He--he doesn't care for anything but ratings-- not for you, not for Tim.
Beth: You know who could help find him? You know who? I will tell you--Phyllis. Because she was the one that did it, and he was probably her lookout. I bet you anything.
Michael: All right, that's speculation, unless you know more than you've told us so far.
Beth: Well, I-I know this-- I know that somebody moved Tim’s body after he died and on purpose, put him next to those male enhancement pills to try to make it look like he offed himself, which is just not true, and he did not cause his own death because he only took those pills when he was with me. (Voice breaks)
Michael: All right, all right, all right, have a seat. Have a seat. Calm down. That is a plausible theory, but it doesn't necessarily follow that it was Phyllis.
Beth: (Normal voice) Who else wanted him out of the way that much, or who would try to make his death seem like a joke? I want her to fry for what she did. And if me going on TV will help make that happen, I will do it again.
Phyllis: How's it going?
Ronan: (Blows powder) I haven't found one single print in the entire house.
Phyllis: Mm. Well, my cleaning lady was here today.
Ronan: Yeah, you'd think I'd find her prints then.
Phyllis: She wears gloves when she cleans.
Ronan: If I remember right, don't you clean when you get nervous?
Phyllis: And I'm not cleaning currently, if you've noticed. That should tell you something.
Ronan: There used to be a rug here.
Phyllis: Now my decorating skills are suspect? Yeah, there was a rug here, Ronan. It got dirty. I got rid of it, okay?
Ronan: Didn't even try to have it cleaned, huh?
Phyllis: No, I didn’t. It was red wine that I spilled on it. Are you satisfied?
Ronan: The security camera right outside in your hallway here was shut off for a couple hours the night Tim Reid died.
Phyllis: Okay, like a power shortage or something?
Ronan: Hmm. No, actually, more like somebody broke into the system and deactivated it.
Phyllis: That's weird.
Ronan: If I confiscated your computer and had a cyber forensics team go through it, would they tell me that you hacked into your building's security system recently?
Phyllis: Well, why don't you try it and see?
Ronan: Damn it, Phyllis. Is this the best that you can do right now?
Phyllis: What do you want me to say? What are you-- what are you doing? What are you--what are you doing?
Ronan: You're in big trouble here, Phyllis! It's not going away. Don't you understand that? All right, no matter how thorough your cleaning woman was, no matter what you did to hide the evidence yourself, there are experts that will come in here, and they will find whatever you hid. The fact that you even tried to clean anything up makes you look guilty as hell!
Phyllis: I have no clue what you're talking about.
Ronan: (Sighs) All right, in that case, you've got two options. Option number one is I bring a C.S.I. team in here. (Takes off gloves) They will find the hidden evidence, and I will have to arrest you. Option number two is you tell me what the hell is going on, the truth... right now.
Neil: (Laughing)
Harmony: What?
Neil: Oh, nothing, nothing. Uh, go ahead.
Harmony: Am I doing it wrong?
Neil: (Sighs) Harmony, look, um, a couple of pointers-- would that be okay?
Harmony: Uh, yeah!
Neil: Okay, cool.
Harmony: Instead of standin' there giggling while I'm makin' a damn of myself.
Neil: All right, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to giggle. Now here we go, all right? I want you to, just as a test here, straighten your legs. Straighten 'em.
Harmony: Oh.
Neil: Straighten 'em. Now bend 'em.
Harmony: Uhh!
Neil: Remember that as a kid? Yeah. You bend your legs, find your balance.
Harmony: I don't remember that. (Laughs)
Neil: Yeah, you do. You find your balance, okay?
Harmony: Okay.
Neil: Now this arm right here, right? Your right hand, I want you to lift the ball up a little bit, just a little, all right? That's your shooting hand, all right?
Harmony: Okay.
Neil: I don't want you to throw it. I just want you to lift it.
Harmony: Okay, but just with one hand? I mean, I don't need both?
Neil: The left hand is your guide hand, all right? This is your shooting hand. You're going to lift the ball up-- you're not gonna throw it-- and when you let it go, you're gonna wave good-bye to it. That's the follow-through, all right?
Harmony: (Chuckles)
Neil: Keep your eyes on the basket. In fact, look at that square, all right?
Harmony: This is a lot to remember.
Neil: Nah, nah, nah. You've got this.
Harmony: Aah!
Neil: Whoo-hoo!
Harmony: (Laughs) What's my name? What's my name?
Neil: Yeah! Oh, my goodness gracious! Whoo! Come here, you.
Harmony: (Laughing)
Neil: Yeah!
Neil: Mm.
Neil: Where to now?
Harmony: (Breathing heavily) Oh, um, are you, um, you hungry?
Neil: (Laughs)
Harmony: For lunch? 'Cause I'm starving.
Neil: Yeah, yeah, sure. I could eat.
Harmony: Okay, well, then let's get out of here. Let me just get my jacket.
Neil: Mm! Come on.
Chelsea: "Baby N" has very traditional tastes.
Adam: One might even say Norman Rockwell-esque.
Chelsea: One might. "A wooden sled"... (Chuckles) "Child-size fishing rod and tackle box." It looks to me like everything on here was ripped off the cover of "The Saturday Evening Post."
Adam: And look at the teddy bear.
Chelsea: Mm. That's adorable. It's a relief, actually. The two of us were such troublemakers, I just assumed we had some kind of payback coming to us, you know? Like we would have some kind of rebel child from birth.
Adam: Yeah, like, they'd come out with tattoos and piercings?
Chelsea: Mm-hmm. Yep. A Mohawk?
Adam: (Chuckles)
Chelsea: But this kid, this kid's easy. I could get along with this guy.
Adam: Yeah, they seem to be wanting to score some points with you. Check this out.
Chelsea: (Laughs) "My mom rocks!" Oh, my God, Adam. I'm gonna be a mom... (Chuckles) To somebody.
Adam: And you're gonna be a great one.
Chelsea: (Inhales sharply) (Exhales sharply)
Phyllis: You know what? Go ahead and do what you have to do, because I know how important your job is to you and how--how it comes first.
Ronan: Uh-huh, my job comes first. That's cute. So you don't want my help at all in this?
Phyllis: (Sighs) You can't help me!
Ronan: No, you are right. I can't help you if you don't tell me what's going on!
Phyllis: You wouldn't believe me if I told you.
Ronan: Listen, I can see that you're scared. But you have got to trust me right now.
Phyllis: (Sighs) He was here.
Ronan: Reid?
Phyllis: I didn't kill him. He collapsed.
Ronan: On your rug there.
Phyllis: I couldn't tell anybody, because everybody would think that I lured him over here and tried to poison him.
Ronan: Okay. Why was he here?
Phyllis: He was blackmailing me. He was gonna testify in the hit-and-run.
Ronan: Okay. What did he want?
Phyllis: Money. He wanted money.
Ronan: Did he want anything else? Yeah?
Phyllis: You saw the medical examiner's report, right? You know the drug that was in his blood. He--he-- he thought he was gonna get something else when he arrived here.
Ronan: He's lucky he's dead.
Phyllis: I wasn't gonna gonna do anything.
Ronan: I know.
Phyllis: I wasn’t.
Ronan: I know.
Phyllis: I was just gonna give him tranquilizers, and then he'd pass out, and when he work up, I was just gonna tell him what a stud he was.
Ronan: That's, uh, that's creative.
Phyllis: Yeah.
Ronan: Tranquilizers-- we didn't find any tranquilizers in his system.
Phyllis: He wouldn't, um, he wouldn't drink the wine that I spiked.
Ronan: So what was your plan "B"?
Phyllis: I didn't have a plan "B." I, uh, walked down the stairs, and I-I opened my robe, and then he collapsed.
Ronan: Couldn't handle what he asked for.
Phyllis: Yeah, I guess not. So I rolled him up in the rug, and I took him back to his apartment.
Ronan: You rolled him up in the rug by yourself?
Phyllis: Mm-hmm.
Ronan: Okay.
Phyllis: Yeah, I've been going to the gym a lot.
Ronan: Stop it. Just stop that. I will share with you that we also are aware there was a strange man at Tim Reid’s residence that evening, an encyclopedia salesman.
(Frantic knock on door)
Phyllis: I have to get that?
Ronan: Yeah. Yeah, you do.
Kevin: We need to talk--
Ronan: The accomplice?
Kevin: (Groans) You told him?!
Phyllis: He knew I was lying.
Kevin: Oh, my God. Oh, my God. (Breathing heavily)
Phyllis: It's okay. Seriously, he understands. It's okay.
Kevin: (Breathes deeply) (Takes out cell phone)
Phyllis: What are you doing?
Kevin: I'm calling Michael.
Phyllis: No, you are not calling Michael! Oh, my--that's a-- that's a horrible idea!
Michael: All right, I will follow up, see if any of these guys were in town and could possibly be your encyclopedia salesman.
Beth: I'm sorry I couldn't be more sure, but other faces start running together after a while.
Michael: It's perfectly understandable, but we appreciate you coming and taking the time.
Beth: Okay, well, see you.
(Cell phone rings)
Beth: Hey, that's the guy. (Ring)
Michael: (Chuckles dryly) We've had you looking at too many pictures. This is my younger brother.
Beth: Really? Well, does he sell encyclopedias, 'cause that was the guy there that night.
Michael: Look, I know how eager you are to get to the bottom of this situation. So am I, but my brother has no connection to Tim Reid. He hasn't even met him. Uh, and this is the seventh person you said might be the one who was in your hallway that night. And you did just tell me that the faces were running together.
Beth: Yeah, it's kind of hard to remember for sure.
Phyllis: Oh, no, just stay for a minute.
Kevin: Not without a lawyer.
Phyllis: You don't need a lawyer.
Kevin: (Sighs) Look, whatever deal you made with this guy, I'm certain it didn't include me.
Ronan: No deals.
Kevin: You didn't even get a deal?! Why did you open up your mouth?
Phyllis: Because he knew what was going on. He knew! He knew I was lying. He was gonna prove everything, okay? I had no choice. We didn't do anything wrong or illegal, except maybe for-- for moving the dead body.
Kevin: (Scoffs) "Moving a dead body" makes it sound like we're covering up something else, something worse.
Ronan: He's right.
Phyllis: So what do we do now? Do we tell Michael, or we just wait for everything to go away?
Kevin: (Scoffs)
Ronan: (Sighs)
Kevin: We have another problem.
Phyllis: What?
Kevin: After I got rid of the rug, these cops showed up and asked me what I was doing.
Phyllis: (Sighs) What did you tell them?
Kevin: I told them nothing.
Phyllis: Did they see you with the rug?
Kevin: I don't know.
Phyllis: Oh, my God, are you kidding me? Are you kidding me, Kevin? You couldn't wait until it was dark? You couldn't find someplace less conspicuous? Are you kidding me?
Kevin: (Gasping) Are you kidding me?! Now you're loaded with suggestions. Earlier, it was just, "Hey, Kevin, get rid of the rug!" You know what? This is your problem, not mine!
Ronan: Stop! Where's the rug now?
Kevin: (Sighs)
Phyllis: Tell him. Tell him. He's gonna help us.
Kevin: (Sighs)
Chelsea: Want some?
Chloe: No, thanks.
Chelsea: What's wrong?
Chloe: Mnh-mnh. Nothing. Great. (Sighs) Really excited about Tagngrab. You know, I just think we're right at that tipping point. I can just feel it.
Chelsea: But you're worried about Kevin.
Chloe: No. No, I'm-- it--it was a little bizarre, how he took off like that, but, um, I'm sure he had good reason.
Chelsea: Mm-hmm.
Chloe: It's not like he's never missed a meeting before. Tagngrab is really important to him, to both of us.
Chelsea: I know. And it's obvious that to anyone that's paying attention that something else is way more important to him. (Crunching)
Chloe: Like who--what?
Chelsea: You.
Chloe: (Sighs)
Sofia: Well, I agree with you. There is a potential fortune to be made here. But there's also a lot of variables. Now, Tucker, this is not normally the way you like to do business.
(Door opens)
Tucker: (Sighs)
Sofia: (Sighs)
Tucker: Hey.
Sofia: Tucker! (Whispering) What are you doing?
Neil: (Clears throat) The chill of peppermint. It does seem kind of warmer than usual, doesn't it?
Harmony: Yeah, we were supposed to get some rain, I thought.
Neil: Yeah.
Sofia: Yeah, well, things don't always turn out the way you'd expect.
Harmony: Uh, e-excuse me. I'm gonna go to the restroom.
Neil: Uh--
Tucker: Oop. I'm vibrating. Oh, I gotta get this. Sorry.
Sofia: So... you and Harmony, huh?
Neil: Yeah. We, um, we've been spending some time together. If it makes you uncomfortable, we can leave.
Sofia: (Laughs) Don't be silly. Look, I am fine.
Neil: So... work's going well for you?
Sofia: Yeah, Tucker always manages to find a way to keep things interesting, you know? I'm not running a company the way I thought I would be, but I'm never bored.
Neil: And Moses is thriving.
Sofia: Yes, he is, so I don't regret any of the things that I did for his sake. (Sighs) Look, Neil, I'm gonna tell you something now, and it--it might come off as jealousy, but look, it's not. If Harmony is the woman you want to spend the rest of your life with, I will be completely supportive of that. But as your friend and as the mother of your child, I am asking you to be careful. Don't close your eyes to her history. There's too much at stake. But that's it. It's done.
Tucker: Hey, Harmony.
Harmony: Hey.
Tucker: I've been meaning to get in touch with you.
Harmony: About Devon?
Tucker: No, no, about you. How happy are you at "Restless Style"?
Harmony: It's a good gig. I'm lucky to have it.
Tucker: I think you could do better.
Harmony: Oh, yeah, like there's gonna be a lot of people dying to hire somebody with my qualifications.
Tucker: I would.
Harmony: You?
Tucker: Yeah. I mean, uh, the work wouldn't be glamorous or anything, but it would pay better, at least twice as much to start. And who knows how far you could go? I mean, look at Sofia.
Harmony: So what you up to?
Adam: Thank you. Yeah, I look forward to it. Bye.
Chelsea: What was that? What just happened?
Adam: That was Little Bee Industries. They want to, uh, sell their products on Tagngrab.
Chelsea: Should I know that?
Adam: Oh, they sell a lot of popular brands of baby equipment-- clothing, furniture, toys.
Chelsea: Mm. Baby "N" will be so pleased.
Adam: Yeah, you know the great thing is I didn't have to go to them. They--they approached me.
Chelsea: Mm.
Adam: I mean, I didn't even have to give 'em the whole pitch. They heard that we're the next great thing in retail, and they want in.
Chloe: Who does?
Adam: A smaller company. They--I guess word's getting around.
Chelsea: (Chuckles)
Adam: Now we're gonna ride the wave.
Chelsea: You should call Kevin and tell him.
Chloe: Yeah, I wish I could, but he's not picking up his phone.
Kevin: There's an apartment building there. There's an alley right behind it. It's in the dumpster.
Ronan: Okay.
Kevin: What are you gonna do?
Ronan: Its better that you don't know.
(Door closes)
Kevin: Why did I just do that? Why did I just do-- why did I do that? I just gave him a map to the evidence that's gonna put both of us in jail!
Phyllis: No, look at me. He's on our side.
Kevin: (Scoffs) No, no, he is an FBI agent, and he is a cop with undercover experience. He's an expert at making people think he's on their side.
Phyllis: Mnh-mnh. We can trust Ronan.
Kevin: He's gonna regret helping you. He's gonna regret it. You know how I know that? From experience.
Phyllis: (Sighs)
Tucker: You can turn the offer down if you want. It's okay.
Harmony: I need to think about it.
Tucker: Yeah, talk it over with Neil, too, if you want.
Neil: Great. Thanks. Appreciate that. Our table's ready.
Harmony: Nice to see you.
Sofia: Enjoy your lunch.
Neil: Tucker.
Tucker: See you later, Neil.
Sofia: (Sighs) Okay.
Neil: Thanks. Hey.
Harmony: (Clears throat)
Neil: (Clears throat) Tucker wasn't giving you a hard time, was he?
Harmony: Uh, no, but if he was, it wouldn't be anything I couldn't handle. It's just that when he's nice, it's confusing.
Neil: Mm.
Sofia: So you offered Harmony a job?
Tucker: Come on, don't look at me like that. I didn't offer her your job.
Sofia: What's going on with you, Tucker? Are you still interested in her?
Tucker: (Sighs) I'm interested in what she can do for the company.
Sofia: What? Answer phones or park cars? She can't even do that. She'd probably drive off in one of 'em.
Tucker: Oh, Sof, come on. She's, uh, she's got a talent for drawing people out, making 'em feel comfortable, you know?
Sofia: And why would you need that? Who do you need her to draw out?
Tucker: Look at you, so suspicious. What's that all about?
Sofia: Well, it's with good reason.
Tucker: I'm going back to the office. See you later.
Harmony: (Laughing)
Neil: You did? You didn't like that? What?
Harmony: No, stick to your day job.
Neil: (Laughs) What?
Harmony: Okay. Yeah, so now I know that telling jokes is not your thing. (Laughs)
Neil: Is not my thing? Okay, all right, well, listen, so I got another one for you.
Harmony: What?
Chloe: Hey, hey, hey, guess what? Companies are coming to us now. They want to partner with us.
Kevin: (Sighs)
Adam: Well, just one so far, but it should be the beginning of a trend.
Kevin: That's great, and I would love to talk about all this, but there's something I need to talk to Chloe about right now.
Adam: Fair enough.
Chelsea: Okay, see you guys.
Kevin: Bye.
Chloe: What's wrong?
Kevin: (Sighs) Something happened that I didn't tell you about and I should have.
Chloe: I knew it. (Through clenched teeth) I knew you were hiding something.
Kevin: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I thought it was something that I could handle on my own, and--
Michael: Hey, question for you.
Kevin: Oh?
Michael: What do you know about encyclopedias?
Phyllis: Hey, um, you're probably somewhere you can't take my call right now, but I-I just wanted to tell you I... I told Kevin that we could trust you, and I really, really hope that's true. Everything I have, my entire life depends on your right now.
Ronan: Brooks.
Brooks: Malloy. What are you doing here?
Ronan: What are you doing here?
Brooks: You know what? A guy was here earlier, acting real strange. It got me curious.
Ronan: And so, what? Oh, you went dumpster-diving? And what'd you find out exactly, that he was redecorating his apartment?
Brooks: You know, I'm not even sure if it's his. Whoa. Is that blood?
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Sharon: I'm being featured in "The Chronicle," Newman Enterprises' new C.E.O. Tucker set it up.
Abby: Sharon? She's trying to keep me off my father's ranch.
Michael: I'm gonna have to ask you to come down to my office.
Chloe: Wait, you're not arresting him, are you?
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