Y&R Transcript Friday 8/24/12

Y&R Transcript Friday 8/24/12


Episode # 9978 ~ Michael & Ronan Learn More About Tim's Death; Sharon Gets Back at Abby

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Abby: (Giggling)

Carmine: (Laughing)

Abby: Ohh.

Carmine: Hey. Hey, where'd you go?

Abby: Oh, my God, is that clock right? I'm late!

Carmine: For what?

Abby: We're shooting an episode today, episode two of "Restless Style TV"!

Billy: The man is dead. Don't tell me you don't know something. Well, keep digging. Try your friend at the M.E.'s office. Okay, thank you.

Jeremy: Nothing new on the shrink's sudden death?

Billy: My source says it's all locked down.

Harmony: Which means there's something to unlock.

Billy: That's true. Dr. Reid was gonna tell Baldwin all about Phyllis and the hit-and-run, and now the man is on an autopsy slab. That's a story if I've ever heard one, and I want it for this show airing tonight.

Harmony: The one we're taping this afternoon?

Billy: The very one. I'm gonna try to find out something.

Jeremy: But that--that's cutting it way too close, Billy. I need you here for the run-through.

Billy: Hey, Jeremy, I appreciate it, but calm down. When those cameras start rolling, I will be here, but right now, I'm going over to Tim's place, okay? Thanks. Somebody's gotta know something.

Michael: The coroner's written report was sitting in my fax machine this morning. Reid's body was moved postmortem.

Ronan: Mm-hmm. Someone set the scene to make it look like he died in his living room.

Michael: Yeah, a sudden heart attack right before his deposition. I'm thinking that this is more than, uh, an unfortunate coincidence.

Ronan: Yeah. So... what's our status here?

Michael: Uh, well, as of now, I am declaring this a criminal investigation. I want to know where Tim Reid died, I want to know under what circumstances, I want to know who moved the body, and I want to know why.

Ronan: Okay, I figured that, and so I made some calls last night, after we got the news. The medical examiner and forensics are gonna look at the remains again. Hopefully, they come up with something for us.

Phyllis: And I just want it, uh, just cleaned top to bottom, and, um, shampoo the rugs, please.

Woman: Okay.

Phyllis: Good, yeah.

Nick: Hey, I didn't know you were coming today.

Phyllis: Hey.

Woman: Your wife called me.

Phyllis: Yeah, yeah, I called her. I called her, because, um, you know, Lucy's been here a lot and, you know, sticky fingers, sticky hands, and--all over the place, so I just, you know-- I love her, but it's just-- it was too much. I called.

Nick: Sure.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Man: On Wall Street, Newman Enterprises' stock continues to plummet following the surprise installation of Victor Newman's new bride as C.E.O. shares hit an all-time low as investors panicked.

Man: Is everything okay? What happened to the drapes?

Man: A clear vote of no confidence in business neophyte Sharon Newman's ability to run the giant multinational corporation during her husband's unexplained absence.

Nick: I have to get Sharon the hell out of there.

Phyllis: Uh, yeah, you're gonna have a long line of people waiting to help you.

Nick: Starting with your sister. She's been advising me on the down-low.

Phyllis: Uh, you know that Avery is technically Sharon's attorney?

Nick: She said I should use Sharon's story, play up the time when she was in the sanitarium to get her out of Dad's chair.

Phyllis: You really want to take Avery's advice?

Nick: I didn't think I could play this dirty, but if this is what it takes to save the company, I'll do it.

(Cell phone rings)

Nick: It's Faith's school. Nick Newman. Really? Okay, um, I'm on the way. Faith's sick.

Phyllis: Oh.

Nick: I gotta go get her.

Phyllis: Okay, go ahead and go. Just call me later.

Nick: Okay.

(Door opens) (Door closes)

(Cell phone rings)

Kevin: Uh, this is Phyllis. I should take this. It's probably about the web site.

Chloe: Ooh, put her on speaker.

Kevin: Uh, no, that's okay, I can handle it. Um, you have to get to the office for the taping. Um, Phyllis, hold on a second. Good luck. (Laughs)

Chloe: (Inhales sharply) Okay, bye. Mwah!

Kevin: Bye. Mwah! You're gonna be great.

Chloe: Okay!

Kevin: What do you want?

Phyllis: Uh, just checking in, checking in, you know? Wondering if everything's back to normal, or not on the verge of blowing up.

Kevin: Normal. Yeah, I guess so, if "Normal" is us having to work together after moving a dead body, yeah, normal.

Phyllis: Shh!

Michael: I hate to belabor the subject, but...

Ronan: But you're wondering if Phyllis was involved.

Michael: Well, the timing is hard to ignore. The night we're supposed to question Tim Reid under oath about Phyllis and the hit-and-run, he drops dead.

Ronan: (Sighs) You know what I don't get-- why eat a handful of "Mr. Blues" when you have an appointment at the D.A.'s office? Not exactly where you go to get lucky.

Michael: Unless he had an "Appointment" before that.

Ronan: Well, we still agree it was not with the landlady, right?

Michael: She swore she hasn't seen him, had no plans to. I have no reason not to believe her. We have to confirm Phyllis's story about that night.

Ronan: Yeah, the night that she was home alone, watching TV?

Michael: (Sighs) There are security cameras in the public areas of Phyllis' building.

Ronan: Yep, we could see if Phyllis left her place or if anybody came over.

Michael: I'll subpoena the footage.

Phyllis: (Laughs) (Loudly) Thanks for coming by, Kevin. Thanks for coming by. (Normal voice) My cleaning lady is here.

Kevin: (Loudly) Uh, you're welcome. (Normal voice) Look, I'm just glad you decided to work with us. Can we get your page up and running before the show starts?

Phyllis: Yes. (Loudly) L-let's get my page up.

Kevin: (Sighs) Can we go somewhere else and do it?

Phyllis: (Normal voice) Why?

Kevin: Why? Because being here in this room, standing on this rug, it is creeping me out a little bit.

Phyllis: You gotta-- you--you gotta relax, okay? Relax. There's nothing tying us to that event, nothing at all, so let's move on. See? Watch. On the rug.

Beth: Hi.

Billy: Hi.

Beth: You a friend of Tim's?

Billy: In a way, yeah.

Beth: Wait, I know you from TV, that new gossip show.

Billy: Yeah, yeah, that's--that's me. You know, I met Tim once myself, but since I've seen him in the news, I thought that I would do a special piece on him tonight.

Beth: Oh, like, uh, an "In memoriam" or something?

Billy: Yeah, exactly.

Beth: Wow. I think he'd like that, and, um, I mean, just the fact that somebody cares might mean something. I-I have a hunch there were times when he felt completely alone in the world.

Billy: Well, maybe tonight, we could change all that.

Beth: "We"?

Billy: See, I-I'm trying to get a handle on the man, you know, who he was as a person. That's why I came down here. I was hoping to run into somebody who knew him.

Beth: I knew Tim really well. I mean, my husband and I run this place. My husband's the super and I just collect rent, so...

Billy: Okay, so you would have talked to him at least once a month, right?

Beth: It's just so sad, what happened.

Billy: Yeah, it is very sad.

Beth: I was--I was here the night they found Tim's body.

Billy: Really?

Beth: Mm-hmm.

Billy: Did you see anything?

Beth: I already talked to the police and everything.

Billy: Oh, wow. Yeah, that must have been tough.

Beth: It was.

Billy: Hi, I-I'm Billy Abbott, and you are...

Beth: Oh, sorry, Beth--Beth Hortense. Hi.

Billy: Nice to meet you. You know, Beth, if, uh, it would help for you to talk about your friend, I'm here to listen.

Beth: (Sniffling)

Sharon: I just thought these were so outdated, they should be the first to go.

Man: (Chuckles) You're the boss. Um, I've got some sketches and fabrics to show you.

Sharon: Oh, well, I can't wait to redo the place.

(Cell phone rings)

Sharon: Um...

Man: Mm-hmm.

Sharon: So show me what you've got.

(Cell phone rings)

Man: Uh, if you need to take that--

Sharon: No, it's just a business thing that I'm-- I-I don't want to deal with.

Man: I know you're going through a trying time right now.

Sharon: You don't know the half of it. Not only did my husband take a sabbatical, but everyone he left behind wants me to fail.

Man: I'm so sorry to hear that.

Sharon: (Sighs) Thank you. You know, the former Mrs. Newman and her kids, even the staff here-- they resent me for being here. They think I'm an opportunist, as if anyone would ask to be put in this situation-- left to my own devices, instead of being on my honeymoon, trying to stabilize Victor's company and having to prove myself to people who think they're better than me. But you know what? (Chuckles) I'm gonna show them that I do belong, and I am going to redo this house and Newman Enterprises top to bottom.

Man: Out with the old, in with the new.

Sharon: Exactly. Why shouldn't I make my mark? You know, this is my house now. It should reflect my tastes, and I want to be surrounded by the colors that make me look my best.

Man: In that case, you're gonna like the color palette I chose.

(Door opens)

Sharon: Hmm.

Nick: Sharon.

(Door closes)

Sharon: Nick, you cannot just--

Nick: Faith's school called. She's not feeling well.

Faith: Mommy.

Nick: I know it's my day to have her, but she keeps asking for you.

Sharon: Come here. Hey, Baby, let's... ooh, she does feel a little warm.

Nick: I tried calling you.

Sharon: Um, yeah, I know, I saw that. I just thought it was--

Nick: Yeah, I know what you thought.

Sharon: Martin, uh, can we do this another time?

Martin: Of course. I'll show myself out.

Sharon: Let's sit down.

Faith: My tummy hurts.

Sharon: Your tummy hurts? Baby, I'm so sorry. But you know what? Daddy and I are gonna make it all better.

Chloe: Okay, my TagNGrab piece is all ready to go.

Harmony: I've checked out the site. Looks like fun.

Jeremy: Okay, our premiere last week didn't exactly set the ratings on fire. I'm not sure that a fashion web site story will--

Chloe: Uh, lifestyle site, not just fashion.

Jeremy: You actually believe that's why people tune in to a show like this?

Abby: It's called "Restless Style," Jeremy. I mean, that's why my friends tune in-- catch the trends, all the cool stuff online before everyone else. I mean, if you're worried about hot scoop, I've got that. (Chuckles)

Carmine: It's true, she does.

Chloe: (Chuckles) "Hot scoop" as in journalism, as in--never mind.

Abby: I need to talk with Billy about this Newman story that I'm working on. Um, where is he?

Harmony: Well, he's out reelin' up a big story of his own.

Chloe: We hope.

Jeremy: (Exhales slowly)

Billy: Thank you for being so candid.

Beth: You're welcome.

Billy: Have you ever been on TV?

Beth: Me? No. (Gasps) One time. We had those heavy rains and the streets were all flooded and the Milwaukee stations sent down everyone to film, and you could see me behind the guy talking for just a second.

Billy: (Laughs) Well, I was talking about "Restless Style TV." I'd like to bring you on as a guest. You can tell the entire world what you just told me.

Beth: Oh, I-- I don't think so. I'm sorry, I just-- I can't do it.

Billy: Sure you can. Sure you can. Come on, for Tim. I mean, he deserves at least that much, don't you agree?

Beth: Well... um...

Kevin: What?

Phyllis: Mm, do you think these are enough items?

Kevin: Yeah, it's an interesting mix. I like it.

Phyllis: Yeah, well, I'm not anything if not eclectic, right? (Chuckles) So should I just post it?

Kevin: Just post it. (Sighs)

Phyllis: Phyllis Newman, TagNGrabber extraordinaire.

(Knock on door)

Kevin: (Whispering) Are you expecting someone?

Phyllis: (Whispers) No.

Ronan: Phyllis, its Ronan. Do you have a minute?

Phyllis: (Sighs) Crap.

Kevin: Can we just pretend that we're not here?

Phyllis: No. Just be cool.

Phyllis: (Normal voice) Hey, come on in.

Ronan: Thanks.

Phyllis: Sure, sure. Um, Kevin and I were just, uh, working together.

Kevin: On TagNGrab. It's my--my new web venture.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Kevin: It's me, Adam, Chloe.

Phyllis: It's great. We just posted something. Uh, it's so great. You want to see the post? No?

Ronan: No, I'm good.

Phyllis: Okay.

Ronan: Thanks. Some other time.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Ronan: I actually need to speak to you in private.

Kevin: Phyllis?

Ronan: Yes, please.

Kevin: Oh, okay. I was--I'm leaving. Bye.

Ronan: Great. Thank you.

Kevin: Bye. See you.

Phyllis: Uh, what do you-- what do you want to talk to me about?

Ronan: I want to talk to you about Tim Reid's death.

Phyllis: His heart gave out. That's all.

Ronan: We're no longer satisfied that that's how that went down, so we're continuing the investigation.

Phyllis: What?

Ronan: Yeah. And this is exactly what I need to talk to you about, because some things just aren't adding up for me.

Phyllis: Okay. Wh-what kind of things?

Sharon: Are you sure? Because it would be no problem to bring her I-- okay. No, that sounds fine. Thank you. Bye.

[Sharon remembering]

Nick: There, that can be Faith's room.

Sharon: Faith?

Nick: Yeah, that's our baby. That was-- that was the name of our daughter that we had, in that dream that Cassie came to visit me, to show me what my life would be like someday.

Sharon: Oh, Nick.

Nick: So... what do you think? Huh? You like that one?

Sharon: (Laughs) Yes.

Nick: Yes, you can have a pony.

Sharon: (Laughs)

Nick: What did the doctor say?

Sharon: Um, he said that as long as her fever doesn't spike, we don't have to bring her in.

Nick: Hooray!

Sharon: Yeah.

Nick: All right, beautiful, I hooked you up with some tea here, a little honey in it, just the way you like it, all right?

Faith: Can Buster have some, too?

Nick: Buster?

Sharon: That's her pink bear.

Nick: (Snaps fingers) Buster's the pink bear, of course. I'm gonna go get him.

Sharon: Um, Nick...thank you so much for bringing her here. I really feel bad that I didn't answer when you called earlier.

Nick: I'm probably not your favorite person right now.

Sharon: Well, you're the father of my children, and I need to keep that in the uppermost part of my mind. I mean, if anything had happened to Faith and this had been more serious--

Nick: Well, fortunately, it wasn't.

Sharon: No, but... it could have been. You and I both know that. (Sighs) I used to think that things like that only happened to other people.

Nick: Look, everything's gonna be all right, okay? Faith's fine, and in a couple days, she's gonna be speeding around here like the road runner and making us want to pull our hair out.

Sharon: Yeah, mm-hmm. (Sniffles) I just don't like how business has been coming between us. You know, I-- it makes me lose sight of the good man that you are. I mean, I was considering firing you from Newman, but I-I realize now that that would have been a mistake. (Sighs) You and I are good together as parents. There's no reason why we can't work together, too, really well.

Nick: Well, I'm glad you decided not to fire me. Thank you.

Sharon: (Laughs)

Nick: Uh, would you like to discuss--

Faith: Mommy!

Sharon: Um, coming.

Nick: Yeah, we'll do that later. I'll get Buster.

Kevin: A double espresso.

Michael: Good, thanks. I need this bad. What? You okay? You're a little wound up.

Kevin: Uh, it's just a little nerve-racking, starting a new business. (Exhales sharply) I just really hope getting involved with Phyllis doesn't come back to bite me.

Michael: Oh. She's agreed to work with you. Good, excellent. I'm glad she has something to focus on besides her legal problems.

Kevin: Is that what's bothering you, Phyllis' case?

Michael: Well, it's this-- this whole Tim Reid thing.

Kevin: Uh, what about him? I-I-I heard he died of a heart attack.

Michael: It's a little bit more complicated than that.

Kevin: What kind of complicated? How so?

Michael: All right, this is confidential, so just keep this between us.

Kevin: Yeah, yeah.

Michael: The coroner says the body was moved.

Ronan: Tim didn't die in his apartment.

Phyllis: What do you mean?

Ronan: From the way the blood pooled in his remains, the M.E. could tell that he didn't expire in that position.

Phyllis: So... where did he expire?

Ronan: We don't know... yet.

Phyllis: Who moved the body?

Ronan: That's what I'm trying to figure out.

Billy: Hey.

Jeremy: Ohh.

Billy: Sorry, man, I was in makeup.

Jeremy: I am just grateful you are in the building.

Billy: Oh, you think you're grateful now, wait till you see what we have when we go to tape. Okay, everybody, listen up. I am going to lock down this set. We have some truly great stuff.

Chloe: How great?

Billy: Great enough to ask anyone who is not directly involved with the shoot to kindly leave.

Carmine: I'll stay out of your way.

Billy: Yes, you will, because you, too, are going to kindly leave.

Abby: Billy!

Billy: I'm sorry, Abbs, no exceptions. I don't want any of this to get out before we go to air. You guys, you too, I'm sorry, take the afternoon off. TV personnel only.

Jeremy: We're getting a little bit of a late start because of your little field trip, so we need to start on point and on time.

Billy: Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay.

(Telephone rings)

Billy: Uh, Harmony, can you get this? I need to look over these.

Harmony: Hello, Billy Abbott's office. Uh... Billy.

Billy: Just take a message. I've gotta get this down.

Harmony: I-I think it's a call you've been waiting for.

Billy: Okay, um... this is Billy. Really? Are you sure? Yes, that is what I'm talkin' about. Good work. Thank you very much. Okay!

Jeremy: Do we need to talk about that?

Billy: No, no, no, you're the one who said we needed to go. Let's go, let's go, let's go, come on.

Jeremy: Okay, everybody, places. All right.

Chloe: (Sighs) Okay.

Jeremy: Here we go. And in five, four, three, two...

Billy: Hello, everyone. Welcome to "Restless Style TV." I am your host, Billy Abbott, and you will not believe what we have for you tonight.

(Knock on door)

Michael: Yeah. Oh. Get anything out of Phyllis?

Ronan: Not a thing.

Michael: Well, listening to her lawyers for a change.

Ronan: Yeah, first time for everything. She did seem a little evasive.

Michael: Did the building manager give you any trouble?

Ronan: No, not after I handed him a subpoena. Went upstairs, came back down, he handed me that-- footage from the night in question from the security camera outside of Phyllis' door.

Michael: Okay. Let's see if anything happened that would make Phyllis nervous.

Ronan: Let's do it. It's queued up one hour before Tim Reid's death.

Michael: Okay, I'm gonna fast-forward.

Michael: What the hell?

(Computer keys clicking)

Phyllis: (Sighs)

Kevin: Are you-- are you alone?

Phyllis: Yeah, yeah, my cleaning lady--she just left. What's going on?

Kevin: What's going on? The police know that the body was moved.

Phyllis: I know. Ronan told me.

Kevin: What did you say?

Phyllis: I asked who moved the body. He doesn't know.

Kevin: Oh... (Scoffs) That's not true. They know. He knows. They always know.

Phyllis: No, no, he doesn't. No, they don't, Kevin. You gotta relax, okay? You gotta relax here. My cleaning lady-- she cleaned this place top to bottom.

Kevin: The rug, Phyllis!

Phyllis: She shampooed the rug!

Kevin: What about the fibers? Don't you ever watch cop shows? They always get tripped up by the fibers. If they find one--one fiber on that corpse, do you know how screwed we are? What are you-- what--whoa!

Phyllis: Oh, my gosh, look at that. Well, this is ruined. I can't fix that. We're gonna have to get rid of it. Come on. Help me move the table. Come on.

Kevin: Okay.

Phyllis: Ooh.

Kevin: Okay, your way or my way?

Phyllis: Uh...

Kevin: This way, come.

Phyllis: No, maybe my way.

Nick: What are you doing?

Kevin: Nothing.

Phyllis: Nothing. Right?

Nick: Really?

Phyllis: No. That--that's not true. We--Kevin and--and I are just, uh, we were toasting to our--our new, uh, business, um, venture, and--and look, look! I just spilled wine all over, so we gotta get rid of the rug.

Nick: Yeah, I see that.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Nick: Do you want to put the table down?

Phyllis: Oh, yeah, yeah.

Kevin: Okay.

Phyllis: Bend at your knees.

Kevin: (Clears throat) You did a hell of a job there.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Kevin: Hell of a job, um...

Phyllis: It's horrible.

Kevin: Well, we're done, work-wise. I got everything that I needed, so, uh, nice seeing you, and I'll, uh, talk to you later.

Phyllis: Okay. Bye, Kev.

Kevin: Bye.

Nick: See you.

Nick: Ugh.

Phyllis: Um, so how's Faith?

Nick: Uh, she's fine. She has a little bug or something, I don't know. She just wanted her mom, so I took her to Sharon's. When I left, she was already asleep.

Phyllis: Yeah. You and Sharon didn't get into it, right?

Nick: No, no, it was all Faith. We'll save that business conversation for another day. How was it working with Kevin?

Phyllis: O-oh, good, good. I think--I think we make a-a-a great team.

Jeremy: Great job, everyone. We have just enough time to do a little tightening up in editing, get it uploaded and on the air.

Billy: Yeah, I'll be right there.

Abby: Way to go, Uncle "B"! You did it.

Billy: No, we did it.

Harmony: Oh, come on, take the credit, Boss. What you were able to dig up and at the very last second...

Chloe: Sheer genius.

Billy: Not everybody's gonna think so.

Chloe: Hey.

Kevin: Hey. The show just started. This is the first commercial break.

Chloe: Oh, oh, uh, you are not gonna believe what Billy-- ooh, ooh, wait, no, no, no. Okay, I'm up first. You'll just have to watch and see.

Kevin: (Laughs) Okay.

Chloe: (Sighs) Welcome back to "Restless Style TV." Chloe Mitchell here with some hot news for all you cyber trend-watchers. Tagngrab, the cool new lifestyle web site, cofounded by yours truly, features the latest fashions and accessories you can purchase instantly. Like my top, my shoes, my ring? Go to tagngrab.com to see everything I have on today, plus a bunch of other cool stuff I love, all yours in just a couple of clicks. Tag it, grab it, and post it on your page for all your friends to check it out, plus our former editor in chief Phyllis Newman has her very own exclusive page. You'll be hearing more about her later in the show.

Abby: I just clicked on TagNGrab. It's awesome. (Inhales sharply)

Carmine: "Awesome"?

Abby: (Moaning) I can't stand her. All she talks about is her stupid web site, and I only said that to stay on her good side for you. (Gasps) Ooh, wait, here I am. Hi, I'm Abby Newman, with "The Naked Truth." As my pathetic stepmommy does her best to drive our family business into the ground-- yes, I am talking about Sharon Newman, who slept her way to the top of Newman Enterprises by marrying my father Victor Newman, after having been married to both of my brothers, which is a whole nother story. (Chuckles) Anyhoo, with Dad off on safari or wherever, Sharon twisted enough arms on the board to get herself named C.E.O. The shareholders are freaking out. The stock price is plummeting towards earth faster than a flaming meteor. Way to go, Sharon. Girlfriend better stick to husband-collecting... (Laughs) 'Cause she ain't cut out for--

Sharon: (Turns off show) You are going to regret that.

Nick: Way to go, Abby. Keep the pressure on.

Phyllis: What--what-- what do you think Chloe meant when she said there's gonna more about me later in the show?

Nick: You know how these things go. They promise some big scoop at the end, and it's all just rehash. Billy wants to keep the story alive to cover his butt because they didn't find anything.

Billy: Next on "Restless Style TV"...

Phyllis: Yeah, that we know of.

Billy: Phyllis Newman and the sudden, and from what I hear, suspicious death, of her one-time therapist Dr. Tim Reid. Did I say "Therapist"? Well, it seems they were also lovers. All that and more when we come back from a short break, so don't go away.

Nick: What's he mean, "Suspicious"?

Abby: How fun was that? (Giggles)

Carmine: You looked fantastic, Babe, and you were hot, too.

Abby: I was, wasn't I?

Carmine: Yeah.

Abby: The most important part-- I got to stick it to Sharon.

Sharon: Yes, Abby is banned from the premises, effective immediately. Both here and at the Newman Tower. Oh, even if she is with someone, I don't care. I don't want to see her face. Yeah, the stables will be off-limits, too. In fact, transfer me to the stable master, would you? Thanks. (Clears throat) Hello, Buck. This is Mrs. Newman calling. Uh, tell me, Abby's horses, what were their names? Pericles and Starfire, right. Um, do you remember that charity in Louisville? It was the farm for the developmentally disabled children? Yes, that's the one! We will be donating both horses. I'd like them delivered today.

Billy: So what do you think? Did I deliver?

Jeremy: And then some.

Billy: (Laughs) I assume that I'm forgiven for missing the run-through?

Jeremy: It's a really good show, very entertaining. The energy makes up for what we lack in polish.

Billy: Yeah, not to mention the content.

Jeremy: Oh, man, you ain't kidding. I can't wait to see what you come up with next week.

Billy: Yeah, well, that's then, this is now. I'm going to enjoy the fruits of my labor at the moment.

Phyllis: Oh, come on. Can I please turn this off? I don't want to hear any of this worthless--

Nick: No, no, no, no. Leave it on. Leave it on. I want to hear what Billy has to say.

Billy: And we're back. As promised, Phyllis Newman. Last week, we discussed her being charged with attempted murder as the driver in a hit-and-run involving two pedestrians, who coincidentally, she publicly hated. This week, the near 20-year-old story continues to unravel as another player from that time, Dr. Timothy Reid, was to be deposed by the D.A.'s office. Previously, Dr. Reid was Phyllis Newman's court-appointed therapist in a child custody matter. However, it didn't take long before the good doctor and Phyllis Newman found themselves in bed together. So much for ethics. Michael Baldwin subpoenaed Dr. Reid to discuss his taboo relationship with Phyllis Newman, when suddenly, out of the blue, he died. Convenient, if your name is "Phyllis Newman." Tonight, we have a special guest, Beth Hortense. She was Dr. Tim's landlady in their apartment complex in Kenosha. Hi, Beth.

Beth: Hi.

Billy: You were well-acquainted with Dr. Tim. Do you mind telling our viewers a bit about the man?

Beth: Well, um, he was just about as nice a guy as you could meet, and I don't think he'd hurt a fly. He mostly, you know, kept to himself.

Billy: What about this woman, Phyllis Newman?

Beth: Oh.

Billy: Ever see her?

Beth: Yes, Sir. She went to Tim's once and was in such a rage that I was actually afraid she was gonna knock the door down.

Billy: The night that Tim died?

Beth: Oh, no, no, way before that, no. But--but the night he died, there was someone there.

Billy: At Tim's apartment?

Beth: Yeah, yeah. A guy was there that night. He said he was selling encyclopedias, but I'm pretty sure he was lying.

Billy: Did you tell the cops?

Beth: Oh, of course, and I even helped him with a sketch for the artist, you know, so they could see what he looked like.

Kevin: Holy...

Chloe: I know. It's great, isn't it? Oh, there is gonna be a stampede on Phyllis' TagNGrab page.

Kevin: (Breathing rapidly)

Billy: Beth...

Beth: Hmm?

Billy: You are a great neighbor, a great citizen. Thank you for being on our show.

Beth: Thank you. Um, we'll miss you, Tim. Bye. Thanks.

Billy: Minutes before we went to tape, I learned from a source close to the investigation that the police have indisputable medical evidence that Dr. Timothy Reid was moved to his apartment from an as yet undisclosed location after he died. Seems to me those who die of natural causes don't normally get up and move themselves. So you tell me-- who do you think stands to gain the most by silencing Dr. Reid permanently and then covering it up? Tune in next week to "Restless Style TV"...

Phyllis: Okay, listen, I--

Billy: Where we're going to dig deep--

Phyllis: I-I'm turning this off. (Turns TV off) (Sighs)

Nick: Please tell me that you didn't have anything to do with this in any way.

Phyllis: I swear to you, I had nothing to do with Tim's death.

Michael: No, no, I understand completely. Thank you for your help. Yeah, we'll be in touch. Hmm. According to the building manager, there was no glitch in the video you received.

Ronan: (Scoffs)

Michael: The security cameras were turned off for a couple of hours and then turned back on. As far as they can tell, somebody hacked into their security system.

Ronan: "Somebody." Right, somebody like Phyllis "Somebody."

Michael: Phyllis is more than capable.

Ronan: All right, well, I'll send a tech over from cyber crimes to the building and see if the hacker left a footprint. (Sighs) Do you really think that Phyllis set out to kill him?

Michael: I think the chances of this being a coincidence are roughly the same chances that I would have of winning a $50,000 lottery. It could happen, it really could happen, but--

Ronan: But not too likely.

Michael: No. Tim dies the night he was supposed to be deposed. Nick is at a Newman board meeting. The kids are out. Phyllis has no alibi. The body is moved. (Sighs) It's time to get a search warrant. We have to start putting pressure on Phyllis.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Neil: You came to cheer me on. That's sweet. I like that.

Harmony: I came to play.

Man: What were you doing back here?

Kevin: I, um...

Phyllis: Do you want something?

Ronan: If I want something, I'll help myself to it.

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