Y&R Transcript Thursday 8/23/12
Episode # 9977 ~ Chelsea Has Exiting News for Adam; Sharon Gets Unhinged at the Newman Ranch
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Michael: Any more on that supposed windfall Tim Reid came into?
Ronan: Mm, no sign of it yet.
Michael: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Fingerprint analysis of the apartment?
Ronan: Yeah, nothing so far, but I did talk to the coroner.
Michael: They got-- the autopsy's done already?
Ronan: Not quite, but I got cause of death.
Michael: Heart attack.
Ronan: Yeah, brought on by blood pressure medication, high levels of sexual performance stimulants, and a little bit of alcohol.
Michael: Self-administered drugs and alcohol?
Ronan: Yeah, which would give us an accidental suicide.
Michael: Unless somebody helped him along.
Ronan: Coroner's still working.
Michael: We're still in a holding pattern without more information. Get, uh, Tim Reid's lady friend, Beth, back in here.
Ronan: Why? Think she was lying about seeing him that night?
Michael: No, but she could lead us to another of Tim Reid's lovers.
Phyllis: Um, what happened to us keeping our distance?
Kevin: Did you get to Tim's girlfriend?
Phyllis: Not yet.
Kevin: Well, we have to figure out what she knows, Phyllis, and I can't go anywhere near her, not after playing the role of the friendly neighborhood encyclopedia salesman.
Phyllis: You couldn't come up with something less memorable?
Kevin: Oh, I don't know, maybe because she almost caught me helping move Tim's dead body back into his apartment.
Phyllis: I can't go back to his apartment, Kevin. I can't go back there, okay? The police probably have it staked out.
Kevin: Michael is my brother. If she starts describing me to him--
Phyllis: I've tried calling her. She's not picking up.
Kevin: Oh, well, that's good. Maybe it means the cops can't get to her, either.
Phyllis: Yeah, I wouldn't count on that. Michael and Ronan are very, very thorough.
Kevin: Well, then find her before they do. Bye.
Chloe: Hey. What's taking you so long?
Kevin: Um, I was gonna-- I was gonna make you your drink, and then I-I me-messed it up. Do you want me to start it again?
Chloe: You're acting weird.
Kevin: This--this is just my normal weird. (Chuckles)
Chloe: Tell that to somebody who doesn't share a bed with you.
Kevin: What are you talking about?
Chloe: Ever since we launched this web site, you never sleep anymore.
Adam: There's no time for sleep. Tagngrab is picking up traffic, but it's nowhere near where it should be.
Kevin: Well, maybe if you found us a couple more retailers...
Adam: I have. Can you tell me again how you blew that deal with Phyllis?
Phyllis: Hey.
Nick: Hey.
Phyllis: (Inhales sharply) I hate it when the girls aren't here. It makes me... think.
Nick: About Tim Reid?
Phyllis: It's pretty shocking he died.
Nick: Apparently he had a heart attack. I mean, there's gonna be an investigation.
Phyllis: Oh, I'm--I'm sure they're gonna realize it was natural causes, and case closed.
Nick: Except for the fact that Tim's girlfriend told Ronan that Tim had recently come into some money.
Phyllis: All right, they can't tie that money back to me.
Nick: Phyllis, once they start digging, there's a good chance the connection is made, which is why I think you should go to Michael and tell him all about this.
Phyllis: Oh, my-- are you serious?
Nick: Yes, tell him about the tape that Tim had.
Phyllis: What?!
Nick: Phyllis, tell him that Tim blackmailed you to keep quiet. Go to Michael, and do it now, before this gets worse than it already is.
Genevieve: Who had time to sleep? I, uh, I went directly to the bus depot and I verified that, in fact, Victor had come here from Salt Lake.
Tucker: And headed where?
Genevieve: I don't know. I've been all up and down the strip and, uh, nobody seems to have seen him.
Tucker: Well, you must have not been all the way down the strip.
Genevieve: How do you know that?
Tucker: A security camera caught someone who looked like Victor in a casino on Las Vegas Boulevard South.
Genevieve: Are they sure?
Tucker: Why don't you check your phone? I sent you a freeze frame from the video.
Genevieve: (Laughs) Yeah, looks like Victor at the blackjack table. Listen, I'll gladly check that one out for you.
Tucker: Hey, hey, you're supposed to be searching for Victor, not gambling.
Genevieve: You know what? I can do both.
Tucker: Genevieve.
Genevieve: There's no problem mixing business with pleasure as long as the work gets done, so off to work I go.
Victor: I really appreciate you letting me sleep at the mission last night.
Woman: Oh, no, I-- no thanks necessary, but I-I would like to know your name-- I-I mean, if you don't mind sharing. (Chuckles) Or I can just keep calling you "What's his face."
Victor: Well... um... just call me Christian.
Woman: Oh, well. Good, that's an easy one to remember in my field.
Victor: Yeah.
Woman: So, uh, Christian...
Victor: Yeah?
Woman: Where are you from?
Victor: Um... I don't know. It doesn't matter.
Woman: Hmm. You know, many people come to these parts to forget who they are and where they've been. Are the police after you?
Victor: No, I'm not running from the law.
Woman: From what, then?
Victor: I don't know, I mean... don't you think it's more important to focus on--on, you know, right here and now and then make the best of it?
Eden: (Sighs)
Kyle: Definitely the way to start the day.
Eden: So no update on Victor?
Kyle: No. I wish we'd hear something.
Eden: What, are you worried about him?
Kyle: Yeah. Plus, things are kind of starting to get a little weird around here.
Man: Where should I set up my equipment, Ma'am?
Sharon: Wherever works best for you.
Woman: Thanks for the interview, Mrs. Newman.
Sharon: It is my pleasure, and so considerate of you to squeeze me into your morning newscast.
Kyle: Yeah, so I get this really creepy vibe from Sharon, like it's her--her mission to order me around.
Eden: Yeah. It must be so strange for you to live here with her, you know, without Victor.
Kyle: Yeah, well, it helps that it's a big place, and that Sharon and I aren't exactly looking to bond. And why am I talking about her when I have you all to myself?
Eden: Um, okay, excuse me, Sir...
Kyle: What?
Eden: But that over there is your sunning space...
Kyle: Ohh, what?
Eden: And this is my sunning space.
Kyle: Yeah, I was really gonna generously share my sunscreen with you.
Eden: Oh, and where is this sunscreen?
Kyle: It's on my lips.
Eden: (Laughs) Well then, by all means, do share.
Kyle: Okay.
Chloe: So why don't you just ask Phyllis again?
Kevin: Why, so she can turn us down again?
Adam: I'm still a little fuzzy on the details on how you blew this deal.
Kevin: Shut up, Adam.
Adam: You know, I've been hustling, getting together commercial tie-ins for ads that no one's seeing because we don't have enough traffic.
Kevin: Oh, you think it's so easy? You go out and find us a media director.
Chloe: I mean, you know, it is really hard to find someone like Phyllis, with her tech skills, and she's got a huge blog following... but we'll figure it out.
Adam: We already have. Get Phyllis. Now that she's suspected of this hit-and-run, she's notorious, and that means numbers.
Chloe: Why'd you let it drop with her so easily?
Kevin: I talked to her twice.
Adam: Twice. Good effort.
Chloe: I mean, you just had a couple conversations with her? I mean, you don't usually bow out like that.
Kevin: (Sighs)
Chloe: I mean, this is a really great opportunity for her. I mean, she's gonna get a ton of press, it'll keep her mind off of things.
Kevin: Have you forgotten that she blew you off when you pitched this to her, too?
Chloe: Yeah, that was, like, a 2-second drive-by pitch. I mean, why don't you just really go for it?
Kevin: (Scoffs)
Adam: That's what I'm trying to say, Kevin.
Kevin: Okay, look, she has made it perfectly, undeniably clear that she is dealing with way too much right now to come on board.
Adam: Change her mind. Or have you forgotten what's at stake here?
Kevin: Yeah, I know what's at stake-- everything. (Exhales sharply)
Phyllis: I-I can't believe it. You, Avery, Leslie-- everybody is telling me to keep my mouth shut. That's all you do. "Keep your mouth shut, Phyllis." Now you want me to open it to talk to the district attorney, of all people. (Sighs)
Nick: Michael is getting too close to the truth. Would you rather this come out without you having a chance to explain?
Phyllis: Okay, listen, listen. (Sighs) I'm sure the police have already checked out Tim's finances. If they--if they connected me to--to his finances, they would have already been at the front door by now.
Nick: Maybe. I don't know.
Phyllis: Not maybe. What, this girlfriend of Tim's-- oh, she said he came into some money. That's all she said, that he just came into some money. We don't know if she's credible.
Nick: I just don't want you digging yourself in any deeper.
Phyllis: (Sighs)
Nick: If you don't come forward and this comes out later, it just makes you look very guilty.
Phyllis: And--and it-- and confessing to extortion makes me look less guilty? I can't-- I can't do it. I can't, I can't, I can't do it. Nick, I can't-- I cannot--I cannot walk into that police station and say that I paid extortion money to someone who ended up dead. I cannot do that. You see that, right? I mean, you see that? Can't we just sit back and just wait to see what happens?
Nick: I really don't like this... but we'll try it your way.
Phyllis: Ohh, thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for loving me.
(Cell phone alert chimes)
Phyllis: What--what is it?
Nick: A text from my friend. It says "Turn on the TV."
Sharon: As the current head of Newman Enterprises, I am pleased to announce we're going to extend and fast-track the Newman Cosmetics line.
Woman: That is big news.
Sharon: In my husband's absence, it is my responsibility to see to the growth and stability of Newman.
Nick: I told Sharon this was a reckless move. She's trying to hurt the company.
Phyllis: (Scoffs)
Nick: She's doing everything she can to undermine me.
Phyllis: Sharon, of all people, is not gonna edge you out. Listen, let's just turn off this garbage, please, and get some air. Turn this off.
Nick: I don't even see a small part of who she used to be anymore.
Phyllis: Nick, this is who Sharon really is. I always knew it. Now the rest of the world is gonna see it.
Sharon: That will carry us well into the 21st century.
Woman: So aren't you alarmed by the decline in Newman stock?
Sharon: That was to be expected in the initial days following Victor's absence. I'm certain once everyone sees how strong Newman Enterprises remains under my leadership, there will be no reason for concern.
Tucker: Oh, Darlin', you couldn't be more wrong.
Woman: Well, this is on me.
Victor: Now whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on. I may not have a lot of money, but I certainly have enough on me to pay for a cup of coffee, primarily for a woman who was kind enough to provide me with a place to stay and a change of clothes and...
Woman: Okay. What are you gonna do today?
Victor: (Exhales slowly) Look for dock work, you know?
Woman: You a longshoreman?
Victor: Yeah, among other things.
Woman: And if there is no work?
Victor: I don't know. I guess I gotta move on.
Tucker: What'd you find, Genevieve?
Genevieve: A blackjack dealer who said that Victor definitely played at his table.
Tucker: Did you play at it?
Genevieve: No. Also at that table were some dockworkers from the port of Los Angeles. Victor asked them to give him a ride to L.A., so that's where I'm headed.
Tucker: No, no, no, don't waste your time. My latest intel is that there was a sighting of Victor in Tucson. I want you to drive to Arizona.
Genevieve: You want me to go check out a possible sighting when I know exactly where he went?
Tucker: Genevieve, your job is to find Victor, wherever the hell he is, and keep him away, and my team's been right so far.
Genevieve: You know, I think my information is more reliable.
Tucker: Oh, yeah? How big a tip did you give that blackjack dealer?
Genevieve: A couple of chips, maybe.
Tucker: So he told you what you wanted to hear.
Genevieve: I can read people, and I know that this guy was telling the truth.
Tucker: And my very expensive investigative team is telling me Arizona, all right? And since I am footing the bill for this search, that's where you're going.
Genevieve: You hired me to find Victor, and that is exactly what I am going to do, in Los Angeles. Good-bye.
Tucker: (Sighs)
(Cell phone rings)
Tucker: Hello, Sharon.
Sharon: Did you see my interview?
Tucker: I wouldn't miss that.
Sharon: How was I?
Tucker: You were strong, knowledgeable. You're perfect, and moving forward with the new cosmetics line showed your confidence in Newman product. You looked like a leader.
Sharon: Really? I mean, I was shaking the whole time.
Tucker: You'd never know it.
Sharon: Well, I doubt the other board members are going to be as enthusiastic. I've been dodging calls from Bob and Davis since the news crew left.
Tucker: You can handle them, and Nick and Victoria and anyone else who disagrees with you.
Sharon: Tucker, thank you for believing in me.
Eden: (Giggles) Kyle, stop, I'm serious!
Kyle: I'm sorry, were you-- were you saying something?
Eden: No.
Sharon: Um, I'm gonna have to call you back.
Eden: Stop it!
Kyle: Because I'm not gonna--
Eden: Stop, I'm serious! (Laughs) Stop it!
Kyle: Here it comes.
Eden: No!
Kyle: Here it comes!
Eden: Kyle, stop--
Sharon: Um, excuse me. You two just interrupted a very important business call.
Eden: Oh, sorry.
Sharon: I just had a news crew here, and you're running around my house half-naked?
Kyle: Hey, we didn't know.
Sharon: Kyle, you're an executive at Newman. You should be more aware.
Kyle: Meaning?
Sharon: Meaning, what if you had disrupted my live news announcement dressed like that?
Beth: Thank you.
Michael: Well, thanks for coming in, Beth.
Ronan: We wanted to revisit the night that Tim died, uh, especially talk about the medication that he left out in the open.
Beth: Medication? Oh, his sex pills.
Michael: You said you were surprised that he was back in his place, that, you know, you hadn't heard from him for awhile.
Beth: Right.
Ronan: Did he maybe intend to surprise you, night of romance?
Beth: Oh, no, Tim would never-- I mean, he knew--he knows-- he knew my husband's schedule better than me, and Ray was home that-- Ray is my husband-- Ray was home that night, and Tim would never risk running into Ray.
Ronan: Is it possible that Tim maybe said or gave you the impression that he was seeing someone else?
Beth: No! No, never. Timbo would never--
Michael: I'm sorry, we don't mean to upset you, but you have to see how this looks. If Tim took those pills, he must have been planning to be, um... intimate with someone that evening.
Beth: No. Tim would never-- he just wasn't like... but you know what? I didn't see anything and I don't know anything, okay?
Michael: But you did.
Beth: What?
Michael: The encyclopedia salesman, in the hall.
Beth: Well, I forgot about that.
Michael: Oh, well. No, I find that strange on so many levels. Uh, tell us about him.
Kevin: I've had it with you coming in here acting like you're in charge and I'm some disappointing employee.
Adam: So stop disappointing.
Chloe: Guys.
Adam: I should be spending time with my wife right now. Instead, I'm stuck here, trying to understand why you can't get this job done.
Chloe: Okay, can we please just chill? You're all trying to make it work out.
Nick: We get here at a bad time?
Phyllis: Yeah, uh, pretend we're not here.
Kevin: Uh, actually, you know what? We were just talking about you.
Phyllis: Me?
Kevin: Mm-hmm.
Nick: Why?
Chloe: Well, we really want Phyllis to come work with us, and we just don't understand why you don't want to.
Adam: You behind this, Nicholas? You have a problem with your wife working with me?
Nick: No, I wanted Phyllis to take the job despite your involvement, Adam, but Phyllis makes up her own mind.
Phyllis: Yeah, I make up my own mind, Adam. I do that. Um, I already explained it to Kevin, so it's...
Kevin: About that. I think we should have another chat.
Phyllis: No, no, I don't think we should. I mean, go, go.
Kevin: I do. I think we should. I'd like to talk to you on the patio, please, thank you.
Phyllis: Um, I'm gonna leave my purse there.
Chloe: (Exhales slowly)
Kevin: Well, there's been a change of plans. You're taking the job.
Eden: Sharon, I apologize again about before.
Kyle: No, no, no, don't apologize. You didn't do anything wrong.
Sharon: Excuse me, but you were inconsiderate and loud, and, Kyle, you're a guest in this house.
Kyle: Yeah, I'm Victor's guest.
Sharon: Well, he's not here, and I shouldn't have to worry that whatever girl you're fooling around with at the time might come running into my living room half-naked.
Kyle: Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait--wait a minute. First of all, Eden's not "Whatever girl," and second of all, this has been your house for, like, two seconds. (Scoffs)
Eden: Okay, I think I should go.
Sharon: That's an excellent idea.
Kyle: No, no, no, don't-- don't leave on Sharon's account. I don't care what she thinks, even if she thinks hers is the only opinion that matters.
Sharon: Kyle, I'm only asking for the respect that I deserve.
Kyle: Yeah, well, that would be none.
Sharon: What did you say?
Kyle: Hey, I'm only shooting back what you're dishing out, Sharon. I mean, where is the respect that you owe for the man who bought this house? Victor's away, he's not dead.
Sharon: I know that.
Kyle: I mean, it's bad enough you're trying to--to fix what's not broken here at the ranch...
Sharon: I'm not doing that.
Kyle: But on top of that, you're trying to hijack Newman...
Sharon: Um, that's my company.
Kyle: And the only degree that you have is an M-R-S.
Sharon: Well, my M-R-S entitles me to my position at Newman and in this house...
Kyle: (Laughs) Oh, my God.
Sharon: And I will run them however I see fit.
Kyle: Ohh, wow, just wow. You're really embracing this whole "Lady of the manor" thing, aren't you? It's too bad you can't see what a joke you are to everyone else.
Sharon: You know what? I'm--I'm not gonna be talked to this way, so I'm gonna go out, and when I come back--
Kyle: Hey, ho, ho, I'm way ahead of you. I may have to deal with you at Newman, but I'm done putting up with you here. I'm gone.
Sharon: Can't wait.
Kyle: And hey, Sharon. Don't get too comfortable in the master bedroom or in the boardroom, 'cause when Victor gets back, you can kiss 'em both good-bye.
Phyllis: Where is this coming from? I thought we agreed that TagNGrab wasn't a good fit. We don't need a new connection between us.
Kevin: We reacted in the heat of the moment.
Phyllis: And made the right decision.
Kevin: No, not for me, you didn't. See, the thing is, my not trying harder to get you to come on board--it is creating a lot of trouble for me.
Phyllis: Okay, okay. Are you forgetting Dead Tim?
Kevin: We did not kill him!
Phyllis: Shh!
Kevin: We moved a body. (Sighs) This project, okay? Listen to me. This is not just a web site. I have poured my blood, sweat, and tears into this, and we are this close-- we are this close from going huge or going bust, and you can help save us.
Phyllis: Okay, Kevin, I understand that. I-I understand, really...
Kevin: Good.
Phyllis: But this is not a good idea, us working together.
Kevin: Look, after everything I did for you, you said you owed me one.
Phyllis: I did, I did--
Kevin: I risked my ass for you, and this is what I want in return. Let's go.
Phyllis: Oh, excuse me--
Kevin: I have great news, everybody. Phyllis is gonna take the job after all.
Chloe: That's amazing.
Kevin: Mm-hmm.
Adam: Welcome aboard.
Nick: What changed your mind?
Phyllis: Kevin. He changed my mind. He--he made me realize turning you guys down was a mistake, and being in-- in this group is just a perfect fit for me.
Michael: Did this encyclopedia salesman have any samples with him?
Beth: No, but he sold great without them. Ever since he told me about the "X" through "Z" volume, I can't stop thinking about Zebras.
Michael: Beth, we're thinking this man in the hallway was not a vendor of encyclopedias.
Ronan: It's really unlikely that salesmen like that still exist.
Beth: That's what I thought at first, 'cause he acted kind of twitchy. He was sort of nervous, you know?
Ronan: Okay, so he wasn't there to sell you anything, and he was acting nervous outside of Tim's door, right?
Beth: Mm-hmm.
Ronan: Is it possible, maybe, Beth, that that was the person Tim was expecting?
Beth: No! Oh, no. You think--no, Tim was all about ladies, believe me. (Chuckles)
Michael: Ohh! Oh... we do.
Ronan: The fact that the guy was there at all is what raises questions for us.
Beth: Like what?
Michael: You know, Beth, we'd like you to meet with a sketch artist of ours and, uh, maybe we can, uh, put together a picture of this mystery man.
Beth: Okay.
Michael: Tim Reid's sudden reappearance in Kenosha, the meds, the suspicious guy in the hallway--
Ronan: He dies right before we're able to depose him about Phyllis. Yep, something's off.
Michael: I hate the way this is looking for Phyllis.
Ronan: I know, but we can't get past it, because if Reid knew something damaging about Phyllis' hit-and-run, she would obviously gain from his death.
Michael: And she was home alone the night Tim died.
Ronan: She was, watching a "C.S.I." marathon.
Michael: Oh, you know, I wish she had a better alibi, especially if Tim's death is ruled a homicide.
Ronan: Maybe it won't be. Reid died alone in his apartment. If that's the case, we won't even have to go there.
Kevin: We tweaked the look and the feel. We made the navigation easier, see?
Phyllis: Mm. It could be more engaging. You need theme pages.
Chloe: Okay, well, whatever you want, think, need, we're on it.
Phyllis: Okay, I'm gonna get my phone and make some notes.
Nick: If you're sure about this, I'm all for it.
Phyllis: Yeah. Do I not seem sure?
Nick: It was just a pretty whiplash shift from "No" to "Yes."
Phyllis: No, I-I think it's great. It's a fun project. It'll be fun. I mean, hopefully, I can see it through.
Kevin: Uh, hey, no, no negativity. Your legal stuff will get handled, and you and us, we are gonna make this thing a huge success and we're gonna make millions, and we're gonna live happily ever after.
Phyllis: Happily ever after.
Chelsea: Hi.
Adam: Sorry I'm late.
Chelsea: Ah. More fighting with Kevin?
Adam: (Clears throat) Whatever.
Chelsea: Mm.
Adam: But, uh, Phyllis showed up, and she, um, agreed to, uh, to join us.
Chelsea: Oh, she changed her mind.
Adam: Mm-hmm.
Chelsea: That's great news. (Clears throat) Even more reason to celebrate.
Adam: What is this?
Chelsea: I was gonna wait until you got home, but, um, now is the perfect time. Go on, open it.
Adam: It's a pregnancy test, and it... it says "Pregnant," and... pregnancy test that says "Pregnant" means--
Chelsea: It means-- it means we're having a baby. (Laughs)
Adam: We're having a baby.
Chelsea: (Laughs) Yeah.
Adam: We're having a-a baby.
Chelsea: We're having a baby!
Adam: We're having a baby!
Chelsea: We're having a baby.
Kyle: Jeez, start the day doing laps in luxury...
Eden: And end up packing.
Kyle: (Laughs) (Groans)
Eden: (Sighs) You know, I don't know where you were planning to go from here, um... but you're welcome to stay at my place.
Kyle: Like, uh... like, move in with you?
Eden: Yeah, sure.
Kyle: Oh.
Eden: Oh! Kyle, no, okay, wait, I just-- I meant, like, a night or two, you know? I mean, like, uh, I wasn't asking you to be my roommate or anything, because that would be, like--
Kyle: (Laughs) You're really cute when you're flustered, and you don't need to be.
Eden: I don't?
Kyle: No, no.
Eden: Okay.
Kyle: I'm on the same page. I don't think we're ready to be roommates...
Eden: Okay.
Kyle: But I would love to crash with you for now.
Adam: So there's a little-- little boy or little girl in there, huh?
Chelsea: (Laughs) Yeah.
Adam: (Exhales sharply)
Chelsea: (Sighs)
Adam: How do you-- how you--how you feeling?
Chelsea: I feel ha-happy. I feel so happy.
Adam: So have you called your doctor yet?
Chelsea: Not yet.
Adam: Uh, do you want anything?
Chelsea: What I wanted was to see your reaction, and it did not disappoint-- cutest thing ever.
Adam: Wow.
Chelsea: Sharon's here.
Adam: Sharon.
Sharon: (Clears throat) Um, I was just picking up a to-go order. I heard your news. Congratulations.
Adam: Thank you.
Woman: Ah, Christian. Hey, how, um, how's it going on the job hunt?
Victor: Nothing yet.
Woman: Yeah, well, I had a feeling, so, um, that's why I'm sitting here chatting with my old friend Jake. He's offered to give you a shift later today.
Victor: Well, that's nice. Thank you.
Jake: Yeah.
Woman: Could be more, if you do a good job.
Victor: All right.
Jake: We'll give you a try, see if it works out.
Victor: Okay, well, I appreciate that.
Woman: (Chuckles)
Victor: I guess I owe you a cup of coffee.
Woman: Oh, no. (Laughs) Uh, maybe later. No, I've gotta run. I'll let you two work out the details.
Victor: All right.
Woman: Bye.
Victor: Thank you. Thank you very much.
Woman: You bet. Bye, Jake.
Jake: That woman's helped a lot of people...
Victor: Oh, she's a very kind woman.
Jake: And she's never asked for anything in return.
Victor: Yep, I'll-- she's a very nice--nice person.
Jake: Yeah. Well, I'm not, so you better not be trouble.
Victor: Oh, I-- I just want to make some-- some money, you know? So I'll--I'll do a good job. Thank you.
Tucker: Did your big tip pay off?
Genevieve: Nope, not yet, uh, but, uh, somebody directed me to this bar where apparently a lot of workers hang out.
Tucker: When are you laving for Tucson
Genevieve: (Sighs) Look, if Victor is here, somebody at this bar is gonna know exactly where he headed.
Tucker: I doubt that.
Genevieve: Talk to you later. Hey, have you ever seen this guy?
Man: Sorry.
Genevieve: Could you take another look, please? This is really important, very important man, Victor Newman.
Man: Oh, yeah, sure. Newman was in here with Warren Buffett. They ordered a couple of pitchers and a bucket of wings.
Genevieve: This is very serious.
Man: Seriously, Lady, someone like that come in here, everybody'd be talking about it.
Genevieve: Okay. (Sighs) (Clears throat)
(Cell phone rings)
Tucker: That was fast. Good news?
Genevieve: Nope, it's a dead end, but, uh, I'll ask around a little bit more.
Tucker: No, you're gonna stop wasting my time and money and get to Arizona.
Genevieve: Fine. Next stop, Tucson. (Sighing)
Sharon: (Breathing heavily) (Grunts) (Breathing heavily)
Chelsea: (Sighs) Now I wish I hadn't told you in public that I'm pregnant.
Adam: Mm, mnh-mnh. This was--it was perfect.
Chelsea: Perfect, except for the fact that your ex found out the news the same time you did.
Adam: Hey, hey, hey. Forget about that. We're gonna enjoy this incredible sundae, and we're gonna enjoy this incredible day.
Chelsea: I am.
Adam: Things have finally started coming together, for us, for work. (Sighs heavily) So much of what is right started with you.
Chelsea: That's so sweet, but--
Adam: You reminded me that I-- that I could still be happy. I love you so much.
Chelsea: I love you. (Chuckles)
Adam: Hey, little guy.
Chelsea: (Laughs)
Adam: We're having a baby.
Nick: I think it was very smart and very brave of you to take that job.
Phyllis: Brave?
Nick: Yeah. With your case coming up and the situation with Tim, it would have been a lot easier to keep your head down.
Phyllis: Yeah, well, I tried that. It didn't work.
Nick: Positive action is always better.
Phyllis: Thank you. You made this better. You made this better. You made me better. (Sighs) You've made me so much better. Thank you for standing beside me every step of the way.
Nick: Well, when you let me.
Phyllis: Have I told you how lucky I am to have you in my life? I don't think I tell you that enough, how lucky I am to spend every single day with you.
Chloe: Well, I don't know how you got Phyllis to change her mind, but yay you! Mwah!
Kevin: Yeah, yay me.
Michael: Here, come here. That could be anyone.
Ronan: Uh-huh. Sketch artist said that Beth was shaky about the deets, too, and that she kept changing her mind.
Michael: Oh. Thank you so much for coming in and helping us with this.
Beth: Well, I'm not sure I got the face right. He was harder to remember than I thought.
Michael: We appreciate your time and your effort.
Beth: Can I go now?
Ronan: Yeah, sure. I may have to call you with a follow-up, though.
Beth: Okay. Anything for Timbo. (Whispers) Bye.
(Cell phone rings)
Ronan: It's the coroner's office. Hello. You're sure? Okay. All right, thank you.
Michael: What, what? Tim's autopsy?
Ronan: Coroner is certain that the body was moved postmortem.
Michael: Moved? Who moved it?
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Phyllis: I want this place immaculate, okay? Shampoo the rugs.
Michael: There are security cameras in the public areas of Phyllis' building.
Ronan: Mm-hmm.
Billy: If it would help for you to talk about your friend, I'm here to listen.
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