Y&R Transcript Wednesday 8/22/12

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 8/22/12


Episode # 9976 ~ Avery Suggests Nick Use Sharon's Past Against Her

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Genevieve: Ugh. That's lovely. (Sighs) Tucker, you owe me. Boy, do you owe me.

Tucker: Get those updated Victor Newman sightings from your crew and get 'em to me ASAP. All right.

(Knock on door)

Tucker: Come in. Well, hello, Mrs. Newman. How are you this fine evening? Oh, looks like you've got some fire in your eyes.

Sharon: Haven't you heard? According to the internet, I am "The ditzy dilettante who is destroying Newman stock prices. I am supposed to slink off and go back to being professional arm candy."

Tucker: Well, you are gorgeous, but there's nothing ditzy about you.

Sharon: They're implying that I have no right to assume Newman leadership.

Tucker: Oh? Victor left you in charge by walking out that door, and the man did give you a cosmetics division to run.

Sharon: I know, and you know that, but they--the public, the Newman family, the press-- they don't want to hear it.

Tucker: Then we make 'em listen. Prepare to get some r-e-s-p-e-c-t.

Nick: Hi. All right, what's up?

Avery: Oh, just a friendly conversation, completely off the books and nothing to do with knocking my boss Sharon off the Newman throne.

Carmine: Hey.

Abby: Hey.

Carmine: So, uh, is this it?

Abby: (Laughs) Excuse me?

Carmine: Well, where I come from, "Dinner and a movie"-- that normally means something different.

Abby: (Gasps) Okay, well, then--then we'll go. We--

Carmine: Really?

Abby: Yeah, we'll score some hot dogs at the movie theater, if that's what you want.

Carmine: What I want? What I want, so... wow, that's a long, long list.

Abby: Oh, really?

Carmine: Yeah.

(Cell phone rings)

Abby: Oh. Ahem.

Carmine: Ugh.

Abby: Oh, it's--

Carmine: Mm.

Abby: Uncle Jack, what's up?

Jack: I have a proposition for you. If you're not too busy, come by the house. We need to talk.

Victor: Would you mind giving me a beer? I'll take it up to my room.

Man: The room you haven't been paying for? I don't think so. Lay down the cash or find a new place to crash.

Victor: Well, I ain't got no cash. I mean, what, are you kicking me out, or what?

Nick: Well, as you reminded me the other day, you are Newman's lead counsel and my father's advisor, which means you now work for Sharon, so any conversation we have regarding getting her booted from the company sounds like a good way to get fired.

Avery: Well, we're just talking about the menu, or your kids, or my new shoes. Not once did I mention your stepmother.

Nick: Can we please not call her that?

Avery: Okay, Victor never intended Sharon to run Newman Enterprises, and the prenup he had me draw up proves that.

Nick: Oh, the prenup that we think she burned?

Avery: Which is when she lost any shot at my support. My documents are not kindling.

Nick: And she now has this legal precedent to back up her takeover. That is convenient.

Avery: Oh, please, please. Kaplan vs. Kaplan? What, did Sharon suddenly go-- go diving into a-a law library? No, somebody fed her that precedent.

Nick: Sharon always has someone coming to her rescue. We just have to figure out who it is and what's in it for them.

Avery: Okay, well, meanwhile, I did my homework, and I found cases that set precedent separating business and personal finances. It's not a lock, but it's something.

Nick: And if this information were to somehow get into my attorneys' hands, they could then use it to counter Sharon's claims.

Avery: Like I said, we're just talking about the weather, but you should give this to your legal team. They will try and convince the judge to issue an injunction while he or she considers the case more fully, and it gets Sharon the hell out of Victor's chair, at least for now.

Nick: Well, "For now" isn't good enough for me. When I'm done with Sharon, she better not have another say in my father's company ever again.

Sharon: The media has not stopped beating up on me since the press conference, and all of the web sites-- they're making me into a punch line.

Tucker: You're an easy target 'cause you've never run a billion-dollar corporation before. We knew this would happen. You can handle it.

Sharon: Yeah. Here you are, all calm and rational, and I want to jump out of my skin, and I want to throttle every blogger and half the people in this town. I mean, the nerve of them to attack me like that!

Tucker: (Clears throat) Darlin', you're talking to the guy who woke up from a coma to hear that the public didn't believe McCall, Unlimited would survive if I didn't, but I'm here. McCall’s doing just fine. This isn't about you. It's about the public identification of Victor Newman as the face of Newman. So now it's time for you to step up, show 'em what you got-- brains, determination, and instinct.

Sharon: I do have all that, Tucker. I just need to take this chance and prove it.

Tucker: Well, that'll be easy 'cause, you see, bloggers, business writers-- they're not creative thinkers. They need everything spoon-fed to 'em, so we issue press releases, ideas for moving forward.

Sharon: Okay, well, I've been up to my eyeballs. I haven't even had a chance to issue a memo.

Tucker: You got ambition.

Sharon: Of course.

Tucker: You want this power.

Sharon: I feel I've earned it.

Tucker: What's your vision for Newman?

Sharon: Well, my vision includes Nick and Victoria and Adam all on their knees telling me that they were wrong about me, and it includes Victor begging for my forgiveness for making a fool out of me. How's that sound for a press release?

Tucker: Mm, yeah, yeah. Well, revenge is a great motivator, but we need specifics.

Sharon: Yeah. My area of expertise has always been cosmetics, health and beauty.

Tucker: There you go. Work that angle. Think outside the box. No restrictions. You call the shots.

Abby: Hi. I suck.

Jack: Excuse me?

Abby: I should have come by sooner after Nikki left. I wasn't sure if my hovering and "There, there" sounds would just make it worse.

Jack: Actually, the proposition I had for you, the reason I called you over--

Abby: Hey, I know what it's like to want to pretend you don't have a heart and just focus on work, and by "Work," I mean shopping and paparazzi and trying to get my name on page six. But I know you, and Mom just left and Nikki is chasing after Dad, and I think that you need to talk about it, to get it out with someone who-- who loves you and understands. Just, please, don't let this fester into a blood blister of misery on your soul.

Jack: I appreciate the support and the imagery. Look, I-I'm coping, I really am. Right now, some other things are happening, things we need to deal with, like this.

Abby: (Scoffs) Oh, yeah, Sharon is business anthrax. Everyone runs screaming.

Jack: Yeah, maybe we should be buying stock in hazmat suits.

Abby: Well, what do we have to talk about? I already sold you all my available Newman shares back when I needed funding for the Naked Heiress. Newman stock goes down, my wallet stays fat. You... (Chuckles) You don't want me to buy those back, because tough luck-- that's not happening.

Jack: Oh, no, no, no, no, I love and cherish every share of Newman that I own. In fact, I think they need brothers and sisters.

Abby: What?

Jack: I want to own a bigger piece of Newman Enterprises. You can help make that happen.

Victor: Yeah, I just had a fight where they had me blacklisted, so give me another week, and I get a paycheck.

Man: No money, no room.

Victor: How about if I work? I'll get--get you the money.

Man: You read the papers? It's tough out there, so figure it out. Make some friends. Grease some palms.

Victor: Grease some palms? With what money?

Man: Not my problem.

Woman: Hey. He is right, you know. You do need to make some friends.

Tucker: Yeah, and did they I.D. the photo? Pretty sure? Well, I guess that'll have to do for now.

(Cell phone rings)

Tucker: I got another call. You check in with me on the hour. Ahh. Genevieve. How's the open road?

Genevieve: (Laughs) Ohh, it's just fabulous. Okay, so I am just inside Utah, as per your directions.

Tucker: What's the matter? Did you get cut off by an 18-wheeler?

Genevieve: No. Do you detect a note of resentment in my tone, displeasure that I am driving all over the map while you call the shots?

Tucker: Oh, come on. You're not getting even a little bit of a thrill, being the one to get the jump on Victor? After the way he cut you loose, I thought you'd love this.

Genevieve: I'll keep my thrills to myself, thank you very much.

Tucker: All right. My P.I. team says that, uh, all signs point to a coffee shop in Salt Lake City. I'll text you the coordinates. You call me when you get there.

Genevieve: Tonight? Y-y-you expect me to get there tonight? I've been driving since the dawn of time.

Tucker: Well, if it's too much for you, Kid, you can pack it in for the night, but, uh, then it's up and at 'em first thing in the morning.

Genevieve: And let somebody beat me to it? Not a chance. You know something, Tucker? You really seem to enjoy me taking orders from you. You know, it seems like maybe-- maybe I should have been nicer to you way back when.

Tucker: What way back? You don't look a day over 20. So, you packin' it in for the night or not?

Genevieve: At some seedy roadside motel? Hardly.

Tucker: That's my girl.

Genevieve: You know, I never was "Your girl," and that's really the point of all this, isn't it?

Jack: It is a limited partnership. With it, you and I scoop up lots of lovely shares of Newman Enterprises on the cheap.

Abby: You don't give up, do you? Long after you and Dad leave this earth, you will return as ghosts and continue to spook each other for all of eternity.

Jack: (Sighs)

Abby: And I am aware that I sound exactly like my mother right now, but she was right. You are obsessed.

Jack: I am practical. Victor has sulked off to parts unknown once again, just to stir things up. Meanwhile, life goes on. Stocks get bought, hopefully by the right people. He'll get over it.

Abby: I recall you saying that when Dad found out that I gave you money to buy Beauty of Nature.

Jack: And he did indeed get over it that time, didn't he, more or less? He will get over it again, this time, when he comes back.

Abby: And you're sure he'll be back soon?

Jack: I've never been surer of anything in my life. Anytime I have tried to dance on "The 'stache's" grave, the zombie has come back.

Abby: Grave? Do you think my dad's dead?

Jack: No! No, that's my point. When "Lurch" returns, Newman stock is going to soar again. That's why we want to buy Newman shares now. Unfortunately, as you know, my money is tied up in Jabot.

Abby: Right, so you need to hit up the Abby A.T.M. again.

Jack: Well... (Sighs)

Abby: Look... (Sighs) I know that torturing my dad is your mission in life, but have you stopped to think that maybe this has a little bit to do with Nikki? Maybe a little vengeance or a--or a way to distract yourself from the pain? You and Nikki were married for the length of time it takes to drink a latte, and then she ran after her ex, who you hate more than anyone in the world. That hurts. Ow!

Jack: Okay, you're right.

Abby: Okay, so can we talk about that?

Jack: It has been my mission for a long time to put Victor in his place. I also like money and power. Come on, Abby, will you do this with me?

Abby: No. I can't help you this time.

Jack: (Sighs)

Avery: Look, my hands are tied, and I am stuck with the current Mrs. Newman as a client, so please, please, you and your legal team can hand me my butt in court if it means that Sharon is booted from Newman.

Nick: It's not gonna be that easy. You're kind of scary in court, but I assure you, my team will do everything they can to crush you.

Avery: Good.

Nick: I just want you to know, I really appreciate everything you're trying to do to protect my dad's company. It means a lot.

Avery: Well, that doesn't mean that I'm not furious at him for taking off.

Nick: Oh, I hear you. With any luck, Dad will be home soon, and then he can deal with Sharon, and hopefully, we can avoid court altogether.

Avery: Any news?

Nick: No, my mom's checking all of Dad's old haunts, but nothing's turned up yet. But she's not gonna quit.

Avery: Well, she is devoted. I wonder if Victor will thank her for it.

Nick: In his own way, maybe. My dad is who he is, and nobody understands that more than my mom.

Avery: Well, I'm sorry that he has you all worried, and I'm sorry that Sharon is making it so much worse. I should go. We have had our heads together long enough.

Nick: Yeah. Thanks again.

Avery: Oh, for what?

Sharon: What's going on here?

Victor: This is a bar.

Woman: I've noticed.

Victor: But you're not drinking.

Woman: Mm, soda water.

Victor: Oh. So you come to a bar for soda water?

Woman: (Chuckles) This place has more to offer than just booze.

Victor: Oh.

Woman: Hmm. You're new in town.

Victor: Yep.

Woman: Where's home? Miss it?

Sharon: What are you two doing?

Avery: Oh, just in-laws catching up.

Nick: Or are you so deep into war mode, that is not allowed?

Sharon: Avery, I need to take a meeting with you later.

Avery: Sure. What time?

Sharon: I'll let you know when. Right now, I need a few moments alone with Nick.

Avery: Of course. I'll wait to hear from you. Uh, tell Phyllis that I will be by later to see her.

Nick: I'll do that, and she'll appreciate it.

Avery: Okay. Okay, bye. Excuse me.

Nick: Please.

Sharon: Oh.

Nick: Have you seen the business news? Newman's getting pounded, thanks to you.

Sharon: Hmm. Well, Victor is the brand, so that has more to do with him taking off than me stepping in.

Nick: Oh, come on, Sharon. If I was in that C.E.O. position or Victoria, none of this blowback would be happening.

Sharon: You don't know that.

Nick: Actually, I do. I have stepped in many times for my dad. So has Victoria, and by and large, the business community has always been very supportive.

Sharon: Okay, well, you know what? We'll turn it around. I'll turn it around.

Nick: How are you going to do that, by impressing them with your spokesmodel expertise?

Sharon: Once the public sees what I'm capable of, then market confidence will return.

Nick: What you're capable of. You're--you're gonna show them all of your business savvy and finesse, Sharon?

Sharon: We already have a strong start with the cosmetics line we're building for the Mitsukoshi shelves. Now all we have to do is blow it wide open.

Nick: What are you talking about?

Sharon: We fast-track foundations, eye color, lip color, bronzers for all of the American market as soon as possible. While Jack's busy toying with Jabot and Beauty of Nature, we'll come in and take the whole marketplace.

Nick: That's your plan. I mean, are you kidding me? No way in hell.

Jack: Honey, you're my wingman--my wingwoman.

Abby: (Scoffs)

Jack: We are a team, you and I.

Abby: My dad is missing.

Jack: Your dad is simply out of touch.

Abby: However you want to say it, he is not here, and I can't exploit that. You're like a-a matador. You, like, stick the bull with that thing, A.K.A. my dad, and I can't have anything to do with that, okay? My dad has forgiven me for so much, and how do I repay him every single time? By hurting him again. I actually have to stop doing that!

Jack: Your dad has forgiven you because every single time, what you've done has helped you and helped your bank account, and no one understands that better than Victor Newman. He'd do exactly the same thing in our position.

Abby: I'm not pouncing on the Newman stock.

Jack: You do realize that people out there, strangers, are buying up oodles of Newman stock on the cheap as we speak? I just think it should be his daughter, that's all, and I think he'd be okay with it.

Abby: Know why I know he would not? Because you're the one telling me he would.

Jack: Okay, so be my silent partner.

Abby: (Scoffs)

Jack: This is a limited partnership, perfectly binding. You can play this any way you want to, but I promise you, this is good for you, and your father would understand.

Abby: No. You'll have to buy that stock on your own, Uncle Jack.

Tucker: Nice. Newman stock is tanking hard. Yeah, keep buying, but hang back just a little bit. I think the prices could even go lower. Oh, just a gut feeling, and I don't think the Newman board is gonna give Sharon Newman a vote of confidence anytime soon.

Nick: Okay, so you... want to fast-track products that don't exist yet. Forget development, forget testing. Hell, Sharon, we can sell empty boxes and a smile.

Sharon: No, Nick, we would obviously fast-track development, too.

Nick: You're a placeholder. You're a benchwarmer. There's no way in hell Dad would want you changing his budget or his timetable.

Sharon: This is just you afraid that I'll show you up.

Nick: Newman stock value is hemorrhaging because of you. Now is not the time for you to be showboating. We have to stay status quo and show the markets and the public that everything is gonna level off.

Sharon: Life was a lot easier when I was just your wife, wasn't it, Nick? When it was all about our kids or our fights or you leaving me for Phyllis. Now we're on equal footing. Well, not really. I'm in charge, and it bugs you.

Nick: (Chuckles) Okay, okay, look... it's just you and me here. Please tell me-- why are you so power-hungry? What's with all the big moves?

Sharon: You have to move forward or fall behind, Nick. That's how business works. I want Faith to know that she can succeed in whatever she wants to in life. I'm being a role model for her.

Nick: Newman is Faith's legacy, too, and you are doing nothing to protect it for her and Noah. You're making this about yourself. This is all about you, Sharon. It has nothing to do with the family. Do you think the kids won't see that?

Sharon: Don't you try to turn our kids against me, Nick. That is a bad idea, and they will only end up resenting you in the end.

Nick: Do you think Noah has forgotten all the times you've taken off, forgotten that they ever existed? Do you think Faith won't be able to--to read on the internet all the details about this, starting with Adam and ending with right here, right now?

Sharon: I have never forgotten that my children existed, number one. Number two, I haven't "Taken off" any more often than you have or Phyllis or anyone else. You need to stop this emotional manipulation. It is pure sexism, and you would never pull this on a man.

Nick: You are throwing your family under the bus for a little bit of power. Sharon, it's not worth it, I'm telling you, because I promise you, this power will not last for you.

Sharon: You have always underestimated me, Nick.

Nick: No, maybe it's you who's underestimated yourself. I think, your whole life, you felt that maybe you weren't-- I don't know, ever since your dad abandoned you.

Sharon: You're bringing that up now?

Nick: You've never quite felt good enough for your dad, so you spent your whole life trying to prove you're worthy. Fine. I get it.

Sharon: Oh. Well, thank you for being so empathetic.

Nick: But throwing your weight around, trying to prove to everyone that you know more than them-- that's not earning you self-respect. Until you believe that deep down, Sharon, this is all just show.

Sharon: Thank you for reminding me again how arrogant and presumptuous you are. Certainly not the qualities of a good leader. I now know, more than ever, Newman is in the best possible hands. (Mouths word) I'll take a pinot grigio, please.

Abby: What are we toasting, you destroying my dad's company, "Ditzilla"?

Sharon: Hmm. This is good, it really is. You all underestimate me. It's like a hobby for you people or something. And, you know, it's amusing, because I am in charge, and there's nothing that you or anyone else can do to stop me. Ah, cheers.

Woman: Seat's still open. You--you never said where you were from.

Victor: I know. It doesn't matter.

Woman: Okay. I'm only a-asking 'cause it sounds like you need a place to stay, and I-I can help.

Victor: I'm not interested, all right?

Woman: (Sighs) Sure.

Victor: Give me another tequila.

Man: No money for rent, but you're gonna buy a drink?

Victor: Yep.

Man: You know her?

Victor: She made an offer, but I'm not interested.

Man: You just blew your best chance out of here, Bud.

Nick: I'm glad you texted me. I was about to text you. Your client--

Avery: Your ex-wife.

Nick: She is out of control. She has delusions of grandeur. She thinks she's gonna save Newman? She's part of the problem. We've survived for how long without her?

Avery: Mm-hmm.

Nick: Now she's gonna come in here and save us with all her bright ideas?

Avery: And when you stop to breathe, I will tell you that Sharon had Newman security team call off their search for Victor.

Nick: Wait, what?

Avery: Yeah, yeah. I called to check on progress, and they said they stopped gathering information per Sharon's orders.

Nick: No, no, no, she can't do that.

Avery: Well, she did. Seems Sharon doesn't want Victor found.

Abby: That ditzy, klepto, marriage-obsessed piece of arm candy is trying to play mogul with my family's company. If Dad were here--

Jack: None of this would be happening, but Sharon is out of line. Victor shoulders some of the blame.

Abby: Meanwhile, you make a killing with Newman stock, so clearly, you feel my pain.

Jack: You and I are on the same side, Abby. We agree, Sharon is dangerous for Newman Enterprises. All the more reason for you to buy Newman stock now. It's more... leverage against your stepmommy dearest.

Abby: So if I buy, she suffers?

Jack: If you play your cards right. Listen to me. Victor is coming back. When he does, Newman stock prices will soar. Why shouldn't you benefit from that? Besides that, when Victor does come back, he's gonna be pretty upset with what Sharon's done with the company. He'll be happy you stepped in.

Abby: You win. I'm in.

Jack: Good. The--the papers are back at the house.

Abby: I have to go see Carmine, so I'll stop by later to sign.

Jack: Okay, good. You have fun. I'll have a pen ready for you.

Abby: (Sighs)

Sharon: Do you mind?

Jack: Not at all. Rough day?

Sharon: Oh, yada yada. Newman price drop is my fault. Meanwhile, Victor gets a free pass to abandon his company and his wife, and Nikki has gone off looking for him. I'm sorry, Jack. You know, nothing changes between those two, and we are the ones who always lose.

Jack: I do understand a thing or two about payback. How far are you gonna take this?

Sharon: My role at Newman? As far as I have to, I suppose. Why, what would you do?

Jack: To stick it to Victor? Oh, believe me, I'd do a whole lot worse.

(Cell phone rings)

Tucker: (Clears throat) Hey, Gen. You in Salt Lake already? You're haulin' it, aren't you?

Genevieve: I don't haul, I drive with alacrity, and yes, I'm in Salt Lake.

Tucker: Did you get any information on our friend Victor?

Genevieve: I not only got information. I think that I may have found the man himself. Yeah, so I went to the coffee shop, and I chatted up the locals and the staff. You know, I can be very earthy and accessible when I need to be.

Tucker: I'm sure you can.

Genevieve: (Chuckles) Anyway, indeed, Victor had been through, also making friends, got invited to a spaghetti charity dinner at a nearby church.

Tucker: Excuse me while I wrap my head around that one.

Genevieve: Well, apparently, he was very charming and gracious, and when it was over, they put him on a bus to Vegas, where they all seemed to believe that he was gonna stay.

Tucker: Wow. Look at you, doing recon like a pro. My guys didn't get anything out of the locals.

Genevieve: And that should be reflected in my paycheck.

Tucker: So Vegas next?

Genevieve: Not unless my bank account suddenly blossoms, 'cause I'll tell you something-- making friends doesn't come cheap, and neither does getting information. You know, you got drinks, you got dinner, various sundries.

Tucker: No, keep driving. I got you covered.

Genevieve: A wise choice. Nice talking with you, Tucker. (Sighs loudly) Viva Las Vegas. Victor... here I come.

Woman: Well... good luck to you.

Victor: Excuse me. Um, you mentioned a place to stay for the night?

Woman: I did. We could go now.

Victor: Well, I haven't got any money.

Woman: (Chuckles) That--that--it's no problem. I-I run a homeless mission with my sisters.

Victor: With your sisters?

Woman: Mm-hmm.

Victor: You must have a very close family.

Woman: I guess I haven't been perfectly clear. I'm a nun.

Jack: It's all there. (Chuckles) Come on, Jackie, let's see what you got. Come on. (Exhales slowly) (Grunts) Okay. Let's take a step. (Grunts) (Groaning) Oh, that's okay. Next time. Next time, it'll happen.

Abby: (Sighs)

Carmine: Hey. What's on the brain?

Abby: I hate Sharon. Ohh, she's like-- ugh, just-- but it just doesn't mean that I was right to partner up with my Uncle Jack again.

Carmine: Was he full of it?

Abby: (Laughs) No. I mean, that's it. He made sense about some of it, but, man... my dad would go ballistic.

Carmine: So Uncle Jack's the issue here.

Abby: Yeah, he is. Maybe I should just do this on my own. I mean, I've got the money. I could be the one with the stock. Maybe I should do this on my own. (Sighs)

Nick: Well, now you have to make up for lost time. I want every contact you have out gathering information and looking for my father, and if Sharon tries to cancel the search again, under no circumstances should you comply. Yes. You got that? Okay, bye. How can Sharon do this? I mean, how cold has the trail gone now?

Avery: Well, she's obviously decided to milk the situation for her benefit.

Nick: I'm telling you, if my father's in danger or if he's in trouble because Sharon called off this search--

Avery: Okay, my money is on Victor to take care of himself in any situation, but you're right. Delaying the search was a mistake. I didn't expect this from Sharon.

Nick: Who would? I used to know every move she made. Now it's like her brain's done a 180. I have no clue. Avery, I want Sharon the hell away from Newman, from my father, and everyone in this family. How we gonna do that?

Avery: Well, Nick, it's not impossible.

Nick: You have an idea, something you didn't mention before?

Avery: It's delicate because of the kids... but there are instances where mental instability has been cited to overturn a spouse's claim on her husband's assets. And given Sharon's history-- she has spent time in a mental institution. It might be a way to bring her down if you're willing to go there.

(Door slams)

Tucker: Uh-oh. What'd my door do to tick you off?

Sharon: You should have heard Nick just now, lecturing me as though I have no rights over Newman.

Tucker: Eh. Sour grapes. You know, Nick just wants to take credit for, uh, saving Newman so he can get a pat on the head when daddy gets home.

Sharon: I know... but, God, it infuriates me. He is going to try to undermine me at Newman. He's gonna try to undo every decision I make, and the staff-- they are loyal to him, not me, so anything he says--

Tucker: Don't let him say it. You can muzzle Nick and send a message to the entire staff while you're at it. I do it all the time.

Sharon: How?

Tucker: Nice little termination letter. You want Nick off your back? Fire him.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Kyle: I mean, where is the respect for the man who bought this house? Victor's away, he's not dead.

Sharon: As the current head of Newman Enterprises...

Nick: She's doing everything she can to undermine me.

Tucker: Darlin', you couldn't be more wrong.

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