Y&R Transcript Tuesday 8/21/12

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 8/21/12


Episode # 9975 ~ Phyllis and Kevin Lie to Cover Their Tracks; Nikki Searches for Victor

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Phyllis: Finally.

Kevin: What, do you need help getting Tim's car out of your lot?

Phyllis: No, I took care of that.

Kevin: Then why am I here?

Phyllis: We need to get our stories straight. We need alibis.

Kevin: What? No, no, no, no. Alibis are for when there is a crime. There was no crime. There was just a dead body, which is not in and of itself a crime, just a dead body.

Phyllis: Okay, okay. Yes. No, it wasn't a crime. It is not a crime when somebody dies unexpectedly in front of you. That is not a crime, but it looks bad, Kevin. It looks extremely bad when you've just been accused of attempted murder.

Kevin: And the guy who died was blackmailing you.

Phyllis: Exactly, so we need to get our stories lined up. So let's relax, okay?

Kevin: (Exhales sharply)

Phyllis: Let's not panic. Tim was a loner. They probably won't find his body for weeks.

Michael: Hey. Any luck?

Ronan: Yes and no. I found Reid.

Kyle: Dad?

Jack: In here. (Breathing rhythmically) (Groans) Your timing's good. I could use a break. (Grunting)

Kyle: Hey, give you a hand? Ooh.

Jack: (Groans)

Kyle: Hey, you're supporting a lot of your own weight there.

Jack: Yeah, I'm doing all right. How you doin' these days? How's work going?

Kyle: (Groans) Did you see the press conference?

Jack: The coronation ceremony, you mean? Sharon crowning herself queen of Newman?

Kyle: (Groans)

Jack: Yeah, I saw it. She talked like it was, uh, a smooth transition. I imagine there was a bit of chaos behind the scenes.

Kyle: Yep, it's pretty scary to think about what's gonna happen to this company if we don't find Victor soon. I don't suppose you have any idea where he's gone.

Jack: No.

Kyle: Would you tell me if you did? (Chuckles)

Jack: Yeah, I would, Kyle. I know how much he means to you.

Kyle: What about Nikki? You think she's got any idea where he's gone?

Jack: (Sighs)

Man: Can I help you?

Nikki: Oh, um, hi. I'm looking for Victor Newman. Have you seen him?

Man: No, afraid not.

Nikki: Do you run this farm? Have you had any contact with him lately?

Man: Been quite some time now. Hasn't come around since his boy got married here.

Man: Excuse me, Mrs. Newman?

Sharon: Yes, what is it, Bobby?

Bobby: I understand you called off the search for Mr. Newman. I was hoping that meant you'd heard from him.

Sharon: No, it means that I've realized that Mr. Newman will return when he's good and ready and not a moment sooner, so we can all stop wasting our time looking for him.

Bobby: Well, I don't feel like it's a waste of time. I can coordinate with Nick, if you'd rather.

Sharon: So let me understand this. If you don't agree with what I'm telling you to do, you will just ignore me and go to Nick?

Bobby: No, I--

Sharon: You know what? I can already see that this is not going to work out. I'm sorry, but I'm gonna have to let you go, effective immediately.

Adam: All right, well, I'm gonna get going. I want to catch Sharon before she starts her big day as C.E.O.

Chelsea: You do realize that this could backfire, right? I mean, you're not exactly Sharon's favorite person in the world these days. It's your father's mess. Why don't you just let him handle it when he comes back?

Adam: (Pops lips) Well, there's no telling when he is gonna come back, and I don't want Sharon or anyone causing irreparable damage to that company.

Chelsea: How is that your problem?

Adam: Well, we do own a big chunk of Newman stock...

Chelsea: Ah.

Adam: And that is some of our children's financial future. I don't want Sharon trashing it.

Chelsea: Probably not the argument you want to use on her, just F.Y.I.

Adam: You think?

Chelsea: Mnh-mnh.

Adam: No, I'm going to, uh... I'm gonna talk to her about my concern for her well-being, basically.

Chelsea: I just feel like she wants more than concern from you.

Adam: Yeah, well, I just feel like that ship has sailed, and she knows it. You're not-- you're not worried about this, are you?

Chelsea: About you and Sharon? No. (Laughs) No, of course not.

Adam: Okay. Hey, does anything about this face look like the face of someone who would ruin a very, very, very good thing?

Chelsea: Nope.

Adam: Good. Something about these lips look like they need a kiss?

Chelsea: Yes.

Adam: All right. See you later.

Chelsea: Bye.

Tucker: I hope those are comfortable shoes. You're gonna be doing some traveling today.

Genevieve: Hmm. That's if I agree to find Victor for you. (Chuckles) I, um, can't really understand why you'd want to bring him back, 'cause wouldn't that sort of interfere with what you've got going on with his wife?

Tucker: You are jealous. And who says I want to bring him back?

Genevieve: Ah. So his wife is not the real goal, is it? No... it's the company that she's currently controlling... (Laughs) Uh, no doubt due to your advice and guidance, right? (Chuckles) So you want to be the power behind the throne.

Ronan: Why don't you come outside with me? Come on.

Ronan: I'm sorry for your loss, Beth.

Beth: Thank you.

Ronan: Did you see Tim last night?

Beth: I didn't even know he was in town.

Ronan: Did he tell you that he wouldn't be?

Beth: He wasn't able to call me and tell me things like that unless my husband was away on business.

Ronan: Right. Um, this trip that Tim was planning on taking, did he tell you where he was gonna go?

Beth: He was gonna surprise me and send for me when he settled. Um, said he was coming into a bunch of money, an inheritance or something like that, but I guess none of that is gonna happen now.

Ronan: Hmm. Beth, do you, uh, do you recognize these?

Beth: Oh. Those are... thrill pills. (Chuckles) I'm really gonna miss that man.

Ronan: Um, did you recognize anything else out of the ordinary here last night?

Beth: No. Well, an encyclopedia salesman.

Ronan: An encyclopedia salesman?

Beth: Yeah.

Ronan: Really? Why don't you, uh, why don't you tell me more about that?

Kevin: Shouldn't we stick closer to, I don't know, the truth?

Phyllis: (Scoffs) No, no, no. Sit down.

Kevin: (Sighs)

Phyllis: Listen. I've been interrogated more than once recently. I know the drill. See, if we say we were together, they're gonna ask us what we talked about, and then we're gonna have to come up with this fictitious conversation and keep track of it. It's a nightmare. We're not doing that, okay? So we never even saw each other. We never saw each other. I'm gonna send you an e-mail backdated to yesterday saying I'm not interested in the web site and there's nothing more to discuss.

Kevin: Not interested in the web site?

Phyllis: Yeah. No, n-not now, okay? Listen...

Kevin: (Sighs)

Phyllis: I'm gonna get interrogated when it comes out about Tim. Of course I am, but there's not gonna be anything that connects you to Tim or you to me, you got it?

Kevin: Mm-hmm.

(Knock on door)

Chloe: Hello.

Phyllis: (Whispering) Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? You told Chloe that you were here?

Kevin: (Whispers) No.

Phyllis: Shh. She'll go away.

Kevin: My car. She knows my car.

Phyllis: Crap!

Kevin: Answer the door. Answer the door! Go!

Phyllis: Relax.

Phyllis: (Normal voice) Hey, Chloe, hi.

Chloe: Hi.

Phyllis: Hi, hi.

Chloe: I, um... I saw Kevin's car downstairs.

Phyllis: Oh, um...

Chloe: So I-- oh, yeah, there he is. Hi.

Kevin: Hi. Hey, Babe.

Chloe: Hi.

Kevin: Hi.

Chloe: I mean, you know, you got home so late, and then you left early this morning. I missed you.

Kevin: (Chuckles)

Chloe: Were you just here working on the web site with Phyllis?

Kevin: (Chuckles)

Sharon: Well, hello.

Adam: Got a minute?

Sharon: Not really. I was on my way to the office.

Adam: That's what I wanted to talk to you about, this coup you're staging.

Sharon: Here to give me a little friendly business advice?

Adam: (Sighs) No amount of advice could prepare you to run a multinational conglomerate. Anybody else who tells you differently is blowing smoke. I tell you that as your friend.

Sharon: Not as Nick and Victoria's puppet?

Adam: Because I would be so keen to be their puppet.

Sharon: (Chuckles)

Adam: No, Sharon, this is because I am worried about you. I think you might be in over your head.

Sharon: Oh. Well, that was so sweet of you, really, to come rushing over here out of the goodness of your heart and concern for me. No ulterior motive, nothing to do with all the billions of dollars at stake or all the power I'm wielding, the power that I know you would kill for?

Genevieve: So... I'd like to hear some more about this little plan of yours.

Tucker: Same as it always is-- buy low, sell high.

Genevieve: Right, and with the Newman stock prices plummeting with someone as inexperienced as Sharon at the helm...

Tucker: I'll scoop up shares, and either Victor returns, the price rebounds--

Genevieve: Or you and Sharon combined have the controlling interest in the company, and then you can orchestrate the rebound yourselves... assuming, of course, that you can stay on her good side.

Tucker: That shouldn't be a problem.

Genevieve: Nope, not for a guy like you.

Tucker: Listen, I'm giving you an opportunity to make a boatload of money right along with me, and it's a chance for you to get back in the game, and don't think I don't know how much you miss that. Listen.

Genevieve: Mm-hmm.

Tucker: You do this for me, I will definitely make it worth your while. You'll have enough money to support yourself, your family, a little extra left over to throw in Colin's face if you want to.

Genevieve: You do know me well, don't you? But it's not enough. I want stock, too, and I want a seat on that Newman board.

Tucker: Uh... I guess that could be arranged.

Genevieve: Hmm?

Tucker: This is the P.I. I've had looking for Victor since that first night. He says he's got a lead. It's a possible sighting in Chicago. My bird is all fueled up and ready to fly.

Genevieve: Then I guess I am, too.

Tucker: Gen... I'm counting on you.

Genevieve: I'll find him. Don't you worry.

Adam: Sharon, I care about you. I always will care about you. You were the woman who helped turn my life around.

Sharon: Well, we both did that for each other, didn't we? I helped set you on the path you're on now, toward marriage and a happy family life. (Sighs) Lord knows the Adam you used to be could have never done that, um, but you know what? That's okay, because the Sharon I used to be could have never walked into the Newman boardroom and staked her claim the way that I just did. And that's something I learned from you, how to defy expectations and disapproval-- not that I'm giving you all the credit for my transformation.

Adam: I'm sure you're not.

Sharon: Because Victor had a lot to do with it, too. The two of you are similar that way. You both make your own rules and take what you want. You're brazen, and I've learned a lot from both of you.

Adam: (Sighs) And we've both hurt you.

Sharon: Okay, you want to frame this whole thing as I'm hurt and I'm lashing out, a woman scorned and a caricature. Well, you know what? I'm not gonna let you do that. I'm a woman finally coming into her own.

Adam: I doubt Dad would see it that way.

Sharon: Really? I disagree with you. I think that he would be... very proud if he knew what I was doing-- well, if he knew-- I think he'd be fine with it.

Adam: There are a lot of people who aren't fine with this.

Sharon: Who, you and Victoria and Nick?

Adam: No, this goes way beyond family. The board, the banks, Wall Street--they will be gunning for you, Sharon, and they will be ruthless.

Sharon: So what? I can be just as ruthless if need be, something else I learned from you. So don't bother with your patronizing attitude and your phony concern. Ooh, now the real Adam's coming out, and he's pissed. It's okay. Let it all out. You can just be yourself when you're with me. I'm sure it gets tiresome, having to rein it all in and act all lovey-dovey with your pregnant wife.

Adam: Where did you hear that Chelsea was pregnant?

Jack: (Grunting)

Kyle: There you go. Harder, come on. You are so much stronger than you were just a few weeks ago.

Jack: (Breathing heavily)

Kyle: So, uh, when do you expect Nikki back?

Jack: I don't. She left.

Kyle: She left?

Jack: She's on a campaign to find Victor.

Kyle: I don't-- two days after the wedding?

Jack: Yeah, that was kind of my reaction, too.

Kyle: I am so sorry.

Jack: Thanks.

Kyle: Where did she go?

Jack: I don't know.

Kyle: You haven't even been in touch?

Jack: I'd made clear what my feelings were before she left--ohh!

Kyle: Sorry, sorry.

Jack: That's okay. It's okay. I didn't tell you, I, uh... I stood at the wedding.

Kyle: You did?

Jack: Yeah, Nikki and I stood face-to-face as we exchanged our vows, my way of proving to her there wasn't anything I wouldn't do for her.

Kyle: And then she goes and she does this.

Jack: I knew there was always gonna be a tie between the two of them, but, I mean, they raised their kids together and--

Kyle: No, you're not defending her.

Jack: No, I am not.

Kyle: Good. You didn't deserve this. You shouldn't have to put up with it.

Ronan: Thank you. Hey, we need to pull Tim Reid's bank records. He told the neighbor here he was about to come into some big money.

Michael: How big?

Ronan: Didn't say. Also she said there was an encyclopedia salesman here last night.

Michael: How archaic. Do encyclopedia salesmen still exist?

Ronan: Listen, it could be a scam, it could be unrelated, I'm not sure, but it's worth checking out.

Michael: Do you have cause of death yet?

Ronan: Yes, we do. Prelim says it's most likely a heart attack.

Michael: You sound dubious. Think there's more to it?

Phyllis: Uh, no, we weren't talking about the web site, just-- in fact, I-I-I already told Kevin that it's just-- I'm not interested, not my cup of tea.

Chloe: Come on. I mean, you would be the face of TagNGrab. I mean, think about it. There would be thousands of people signing on every day to check out, you know, the swag that you're tagging on your board. I mean, you're gonna be setting trends, kill others...

Phyllis: (Laughs)

Chloe: I mean, most world leaders don't even have that kind of power.

Phyllis: Oh, yeah. Well, it's just the timing.

Chloe: I know, because of the charges that you're facing. I get it...

Phyllis: Yeah.

Chloe: But I think this would be a great opportunity for you to focus on something else, and it gives the public something else to associate your name with, like, you know... (Chuckles) Besides, uh...

Phyllis: Yeah, yeah, other than--yeah, you know...

Chloe: Yeah, you know, scandal and crime.

Phyllis: Yeah, oh, yes, yeah, right. Um, this is--this is the deal. I-I just don't think it--it's right that, um, I'm in the public eye right now. That--that's all.

Kevin: Okay.

Phyllis: I don't want to be.

Kevin: Great. Well, thank you, anyway.

Phyllis: Yeah, well, I have an appointment, so, um, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave, like, uh, now.

Kevin: Yeah, sure thing.

Phyllis: Okay.

Chloe: Okay. Bye.

Phyllis: See you. Bye-bye. See you.

Kevin: (Sighs)

Chloe: That was weird.

Kevin: What? No, no, no, it wasn't. It's just--you weren't taking no for an answer. She'd already heard the whole spiel from me.

Chloe: When, last night?

Kevin: No, no. Uh, just this morning.

Chloe: Where were you last night, then?

Sharon: I didn't mean to say that.

Adam: But you did say it. So someone planted that seed in your head that Chelsea might be pregnant, someone who's possibly trying to mess with you, manipulate you.

Sharon: That is very interesting. Maybe when Chelsea dropped that bag with the pregnancy test in it right in front of me, it was intentional. I wouldn't put it past her.

Adam: She didn't know what had happened to that test.

Sharon: Is she pregnant?

Adam: No.

Sharon: For the record, Adam, I am completely fine with you moving on with Chelsea. Have all the babies you want. In fact, you might want to have a few extra ones. She has a tendency to give 'em away.

Adam: You're not bitter at all, are you?

Sharon: The two of you never entered my mind when I made my decision about Newman.

Adam: Was it your decision, or was it someone else's, someone nudging you behind the scenes?

Sharon: Oh, that's so insulting.

Adam: Kaplan vs. Kaplan, 1963. It just fell out of the sky and landed in your lap, Sharon. The shareholders have a right to know if there is someone pulling your strings.

Sharon: (Laughs) You know, that's funny, that's really funny coming from you, this attitude you're taking, because I remember when you were running Newman Enterprises, and there were all these secret alliances and secret deals and meetings. And now suddenly, you are this big believer in corporate transparency.

Adam: Whoever you're shielding is playing you, Sharon. Tucker? He has his own agenda. His M.O. is he swoops in on people and companies when they're vulnerable.

Sharon: Mm-hmm. So is yours. So is Jack's. Katherine, Victor-- every major player in this town got where they are by answering the door when opportunity knocked. I don't hold that against you, and I certainly don't care if you hold it against me. I have to protect my own interests. Yes, um, I need your help in getting rid of an unwanted guest. Thank you.

Adam: You said that my dad would be proud of your decisions.

Sharon: I think he would be.

Adam: Is he the one orchestrating this, Sharon? Is his disappearance part of the plan?

Sharon: No one is "Orchestrating" me, Adam, and no one will, ever again.

(Doorbell rings)

Sharon: Oh, there's your escort.

Adam: When everything goes to hell... don't call me.

Chloe: Well, it stinks that you didn't get any sleep last night. I mean, you know, if you had car trouble, you should have just called me. I could have come to get you.

Kevin: Well, I didn't know how long it was gonna take. They kept saying it was gonna be a half-hour. Five times they said that.

Chloe: Ugh. How bad was the bill?

Kevin: There was no bill. (Chuckles)

Chloe: Why?

Kevin: Because they felt bad for how long they made me wait.

Chloe: Oh, well, that was really nice of them. You know what? Maybe we could, I don't know, get them an ad on the web site or something.

Kevin: Yeah, that's a good idea.

Chloe: But next time, please call me. I mean, I was very worried about you. I thought you got into a car accident or something.

Kevin: I-I will, of course. I'm sorry.

Chloe: You know what was really nice, though? It didn't even cross my mind that you were with somebody else.

Kevin: What? Chloe, come on.

Chloe: No, I'm saying I didn't even have those insecurities. I mean, thank God, right? I mean, who has time to be all worried about that when you're just, you know, trying to start a new company? I mean, being jealous is very time-consuming, I can tell you. I mean, you gotta check up on your guy, you gotta figure out everything that they're doing, everything that they're saying. And, you know, if I caught you, I would have to kill you and dispose of the body. Such a hassle.

Michael: Dispose of the body?

Kevin: (Laughs) She's-- she's kidding. She's kidding. What's up?

Michael: Well, oddly enough, I have been dealing with a dead body.

Chloe: Whose?

Michael: Tim Reid. Tim Reid, Phyllis' ex-therapist. He was supposed to testify at a deposition this morning. He didn't show. Turns out he died last night. Couldn't be deader.

Chloe: Wow. Well, there you go. Somebody had a worse night than yours.

Phyllis: What now?

Ronan: (Chuckles) When was the last time you spoke to Tim Reid?

Phyllis: I try to avoid Tim Reid whenever possible. Uh, Leslie told me he didn't show up for his deposition.

Ronan: No, he didn't...

Phyllis: Mnh-mnh.

Ronan: Because he's dead.

Phyllis: He died?

Ronan: (Chuckles) You never answered my question. When was the last time you saw Tim Reid?

Phyllis: You need an exact answer?

Ronan: Preferably.

Phyllis: Well, I don't know if I can give you one. I-I haven't seen Tim in weeks.

Ronan: So you didn't see him last night, then?

Phyllis: How'd he die?

Ronan: Don't know. Don't have a coroner's report yet.

Phyllis: Uh-huh. Well--well, hopefully, it wasn't a hit-and-run.

Ronan: (Chuckles) No, it wasn't. Prelim's looking like a heart attack. Suppose you're relieved, huh? You don't have to worry about his testimony now.

Phyllis: I was never worried about his testimony.

Ronan: I'm sure that you weren't. (Chuckles) Where were you last night?

Phyllis: I was here, watching TV.

Ronan: Yeah? What'd you watch?

Phyllis: "CSI." I really love the show. I can't get enough.

Ronan: Nick watch it with you?

Phyllis: No, Nick was at a Newman board meeting. Are you the one who has to notify next of kin?

Ronan: As far as I'm aware, he doesn't have any. Just a girlfriend.

Phyllis: He has a girlfriend?

Ronan: He does. His neighbor, actually, the same woman that saw you when you went to go see him.

Phyllis: Really?

Ronan: She claims that Tim was about to leave town... that he'd suddenly come into some money and that he was gonna send for her.

Phyllis: Is that it?

Ronan: She's very upset, so we're gonna get her full statement another time.

Phyllis: Thanks for coming by.

Ronan: Yeah, I'm just doing my job. I'm gonna get back to the station.

(Door opens) (Door closes)

Tucker: Hi.

Sharon: I hope this isn't a bad time.

Tucker: No. How you doin'?

Sharon: (Sighs) I feel very good. I feel like I have been in the passenger seat my whole life and I just finally got ahold of the steering wheel.

Tucker: It's a real rush, isn't it?

Sharon: Yeah, but it's also nerve-racking, though I do have control of the brakes, so I can slow down whenever I want to, which is why I'm here. I think, um... I got a little carried away yesterday.

Tucker: Ah, the kiss.

Sharon: Yeah. Um, I-I'm sorry if that made you uncomfortable.

Tucker: No, no, hell, no. I enjoyed it, both times, but I know I was just in the right place at the right time.

Sharon: Well, there was a little more to it than that, but the thing is, I, um, I'm facing some major challenges, some fierce opponents. I need to keep a clear head, and I can't afford any... complications.

Tucker: Gotcha.

Sharon: Thank you for understanding.

Tucker: Sure.

Sharon: You know, I'm not sure what I would have done without you in my corner these last few days. I really do appreciate your friendship.

Tucker: I'm glad you feel that way.

Jack: (Breathing heavily)

Kyle: Oh, my God.

Jack: (Laughs) I'm gonna try to take a step.

Kyle: Are you sure?

Jack: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Kyle: All right.

Jack: Okay.

Kyle: There you go, there you go!

Jack: (Groaning)

Kyle: All right, oh, whoa, whoa, whoa! Close. Hey...

Jack: Almost.

Kyle: Any day, any day.

Jack: I may have to wait till your wedding.

Kyle: (Scoffs) You got a little bit of time, then.

Jack: (Chuckles)

Kyle: (Laughs)

Jack: You seeing anybody these days?

Kyle: Uh... Eden Baldwin.

Jack: Wow.

Kyle: Yeah.

Jack: She's a beautiful woman.

Kyle: She, uh, she's had it pretty rough lately.

Jack: You should bring her by sometime.

(Cell phone rings)

Kyle: I got it. (Sighs) Nikki.

Jack: So how long have you and Eden been dating?

Nikki: Hi, it's me. I'm at Hope's farm. Victor's not here. I'm not really sure where to go next. I know you're still angry, but I hope you can understand why I have to do this. I miss you, and I love you.

Nikki: Victor... (Sighs) If you had any idea how much I'm sacrificing to find you... or would you even care?

Michael: $350 in his bank account?

Ronan: Hardly the big windfall the girlfriend talked about.

Michael: Well, he could have made that up, I suppose.

Ronan: He could have hid it somewhere. Listen, I-I stopped by Phyllis' last night. I know. She says that she was home alone all night, and of course, she has no way of confirming that.

Michael: You think she was involved somehow?

Ronan: No... but I'll tell you what I am curious about-- these, uh, male performance enhancers that Reid had out in his apartment, just sitting out, as if he were expecting company.

Michael: Well, the tox screen will tell us if those were in his system.

Ronan: Mm-hmm. He tells his girlfriend he's out of town. Now if there is another woman, what was he gonna do, sneak her in right under Beth's nose?

Michael: Make more sense just to meet her somewhere else.

Ronan: Exactly. You'd think so.

Phyllis: They found the body.

Kevin: Yeah, I heard.

Phyllis: But there's a problem.

Kevin: Oh, God. What?

Phyllis: That neighbor, the woman that you were schmoozing-- apparently, she was Tim's lover. She might know about the money transfer.

Kevin: What-- what money transfer?

Phyllis: The blackmail money, Kevin, the blackmail money. Please, keep up, keep up.

Kevin: You said he was demanding sex.

Phyllis: That, too.

Kevin: Are you telling me you made a traceable payment?

Phyllis: I did what I had to do. I just have to find this woman before the cops do.

Adam: Hey.

Chelsea: Hi.

Adam: Mwah. What are you up to?

Chelsea: Oh, you know, tagging and grabbing and leaving lots of positive reviews about my shopping experience all over your web site.

Adam: You are adorable.

Chelsea: Thank you. Okay, so tell me, how'd it go with Sharon?

Adam: (Sighs)

Chelsea: Was she awful? Did she make you wonder what you ever saw in her?

Adam: (Clicks lips) You know, you shouldn't be enjoying this quite so much.

Chelsea: (Giggles) Oh, but--but I do, I really do. Okay, I'm sorry. Tell me. Tell me.

Adam: Well, um, apparently, I am responsible for the way that she's been acting lately. I have, uh, corrupted her or something like that.

Chelsea: Well, since you're her inspiration, does that mean you get a piece of her Newman profits?

Adam: (Chuckles) Yeah, no. Matter of fact, I got, uh, almost thrown out on my butt.

Chelsea: Oh, poor baby. Did somebody's dignity get bruised? Hmm? Hmm? Why don't you come home with me, and I'll kiss it and make it all better?

Adam: I like that. This is--

Chelsea: Is that better? Ohh.

Adam: It's almost better. One more.

Chelsea: One more?

Kyle: You know, that message could be Nikki saying she found Victor and she's on her way home.

Jack: Ah, that wouldn't exactly solve the problem, would it? I want to give it another try.

Kyle: With Nikki?

Jack: No, I'll deal with that when she comes back, if she comes back. No, help me get up.

Kyle: Okay.

Jack: (Grunts)

Kyle: A-all right. You all right?

Jack: Yep, yep. Okay, here we go.

Kyle: A-all right.

Jack: Uh-huh.

Kyle: Okay. (Laughs)

Jack: (Grunts) (Laughs)

Kyle: Yes!

Nikki: If you should hear from him, please have him call me.

(Telephone rings)

Tucker: This is Tucker.

Genevieve: I found someone who saw him.

Man: Don't feel the need to rush off.

Nikki: Thank you. (Sighs)

Genevieve: Yeah, he hitched a ride on a truck that was headed for Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

Tucker: Oh, well, I hear that part of the country is very pretty this time of year. You be sure and send me a postcard. Sorry about that.

Sharon: No problem.

Tucker: Now where were we?

Sharon: You were saying you had some ideas for the next board meeting.

Tucker: Oh, yeah.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Tucker: Victor left you in charge by walking out. Prepare to get some r-e-s-p-e-c-t.

Nick: When I'm done with Sharon, she better not have another say in my father's company.

Jack: I want to own a bigger piece of Newman Enterprises. You can help make that happen.

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