Y&R Transcript Monday 8/20/12
Episode # 9974 ~ Sharon Warns the Newman Board; Phyllis Wants Kevin to Help Her With Tim's Body
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Abby: This is Abby Newman, reporting from the Newman Tower. The drama is on here in the heart of Genoa City, and as usual, my family is all up in it. I promise the viewers of "Restless Style TV" the inside story that only I can deliver. Do not touch that dial. This is my first assignment, and I promise you one hell of a show.
Adam: You'll be taking control of Newman Enterprises?
Sharon: You're damn right I am.
Nick: No, you're not. Victoria and I are stepping in for Dad.
Victoria: We'll fill you in on the details after the meeting.
Sharon: Oh, that won't be necessary, Victoria. Um, the only thing I'll need you to do is get out of my chair so I can run this meeting.
Phyllis: Oh, my God. Oh, no, no. Wha--no! Tim! (Exhaling deeply) Oh... (Exhaling deeply)
(Knock on door)
Kevin: Phyllis, are you home? Phyllis?
Kevin: Oh. (Chuckles) I'll come back when you're a little more dressed. (Chuckles)
Phyllis: Look, you're gonna help me save this son of a bitch.
Kevin: Holy--
Genevieve: (Clears throat) Gloria?
Gloria: If you'll excuse me one moment... yes, Genevieve? I trust everything was satisfactory?
Genevieve: Oh, delicious, as usual, uh, but there is a problem. I changed purses this morning. I think I left my wallet in the other one.
Gloria: Ohh, I hate that when that happens. (Laughs)
Genevieve: (Laughs) I know.
Gloria: Well, why don't you just call a friend, have her bring it over? Or better yet, have the club messenger it over.
Genevieve: Ohh, that's such a bother. You know what? You could just put it on Tucker's bill. He won't mind.
Gloria: Mm. Unfortunately, patrons have to be present in order to charge on their accounts. Company policy.
Genevieve: But you're the owner, Gloria. Surely you can look past it just this once.
Gloria: And if I do, what do we do the next time you "Happen" to forget your wallet? Unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh. Don't tell me any more stories. I know them all. Believe me, Genevieve, I've been down on my luck before. My advice-- just learn to, um, live within your means.
Genevieve: This is a temporary situation.
Gloria: In the meantime, if you come here, please find a way to pay your bill. Okay.
Genevieve: (Groans) Tucker, it's me. Look, if you pick up this message, please call me back immediately. It's urgent.
Gloria: Well, Genevieve, you are in luck. It's been taken care of.
Genevieve: Who?
Phyllis: 28, 29, 30...
Kevin: Okay, okay, okay.
Phyllis: 31, ugh.
Kevin: Okay, Phyllis, we should stop. Stop!
Phyllis: No, no! He's not gonna die here. 30--
Kevin: Look, look, he has not taken a breath in a long time, and, uh... he doesn't have a pulse. Your son of a bitch is dead.
Phyllis: Oh, my God, oh, my God. Oh, my God. There's gotta be something. There's gotta be something. There has to be something else.
Kevin: What? What?
Phyllis: Oh, my God. Wait a second, wait a second, I know. I know. Okay, yeah, here--
Kevin: Whoa, whoa, whoa! What is--what is that?
Phyllis: This is-- this is Summer's allergy pen.
Kevin: Oh, this is not gonna help.
Phyllis: It might.
Kevin: What, Phyllis? Do you really want your daughter's needle sticking out of this man's chest when the cops get here? Unh-unh. Okay, good, give me this. Give me this. Who is this guy?
Phyllis: Dr. Tim Reid. He was my former shrink. He was blackmailing me, but then he wanted more than money.
Kevin: (Gasps) Oh. (Exhales sharply)
Phyllis: That's--that's-- that's not why--that's not why I have this, okay? I was just playing along. Then I was just gonna give him something to knock him out, and then when he woke up, I was gonna just tell him that he'd been a big man and convince him.
Kevin: Oh.
Phyllis: But then when I changed and I came down the stairs, I opened my robe, he keeled over.
Kevin: Oh, wow.
Phyllis: I mean, if the cops find out--
Kevin: What do you mean, if the cops find out?
Phyllis: Oh, they don't have to.
Kevin: Oh, yeah, they do.
(Knock on door)
(Knock on door)
Billy: Phyllis, its Billy.
Kevin: Exactly what do you need?
Billy: Phyllis, hit-and-run, details, especially about this old doc of hers that's being questioned.
Phyllis: (Whispering) Please don't say a word, please? Please, okay? I didn't kill Tim. I didn't do it. I swear I didn't do it, but it won't matter to anyone, especially Billy, if he finds out that he died in my apartment. Please, Kevin, please. Please don't say anything. I will go down for a crime that I did not commit. I've done worse things in my life. Please, please, please. I will lose everything. I'll lose my family. I will lose my kids. I will lose my freedom. Please. I'm not going to prison. I'm not doing it. I'm not doing it. You know what it's like there. You know what it's like when people think the worst of you. It's not good for you, either. How about this headline? "Tagngrab founder found tagged with a dead body." The tabloids will be all over it. It's not really the kind of publicity a start-up needs, is it?
(Rhythmic knocking on door)
Billy: Phyllis, I'm not leaving until we talk.
Phyllis: Think of Chloe and that poor, innocent little Delia. Think of Delia. How is that--
Kevin: Okay! (Whispers) Okay, stop talking.
Billy: Now I heard that. Well, hell, Phyllis, if you're not home, maybe somebody broke in and I should call the cops, have 'em kick down the door. What do you think?
Victoria: I'm good, actually.
Sharon: Victoria, what are you doing here? You're not even on the payroll.
Nick: Yes, actually, she is. I asked her to come back.
Sharon: Well, I really have to question your loyalty to the company, I mean, with all the times that you've come and gone over the years as an executive, but I guess I can find a place for you somewhere. After all, family does for family, and you are my stepdaughter.
Sharon: Bob. Davis. Tucker. Adam. As chairwoman of this board, I really do look forward to what all of you can bring to the table.
Adam: (Clears throat) Madam Chairwoman.
Sharon: Yes?
Adam: I don't know. I'm reading up on this Kaplan vs. Kaplan case study, and it is... fascinating stuff.
Sharon: It is, isn't it? I can legally take over in my husband's absence. You all should take a look at it. I mean, I made enough copies for everyone. Uh, Bob, be a dear and hand those out for me.
Nick: There's gotta be a way around this.
Victoria: I'll text Avery.
Nick: Look, Sharon, if--if you would like more responsibility around here, we can certainly look into that for you.
Bob: I'd second a motion to that effect.
Davis: You've done a bang-up job on the new line. Perhaps Nicholas and Victoria would give you complete autonomy over it.
Sharon: Gentlemen, you're not trying to sweep the little woman under the rug, are you? Do not even think about messing with me!
Genevieve: I am not a charity case.
Avery: That's not what I-- of course you're not.
(Cell phone alert chimes)
Avery: Uh, I need to go. Excuse me.
Genevieve: Before you go, there's something that you need to understand. You do not pity me, got it? Because what you witnessed here was nothing more than a misunderstanding.
Avery: Okay, well, just consider it my good deed for the day, and let's move on.
Genevieve: Uh-huh.
Sharon: This emergency meeting was called to assure board members and stockholders that Newman Enterprises would continue to thrive in Victor's absence, and under my control, it will. I intend on making that perfectly clear during the press conference.
Nick: All right, that's enough. Just--just stop. Your presence is not reassuring, Sharon, it's disruptive.
Sharon: Excuse me, but weren't you the one who lectured me on the importance of a united front? That is what I am doing, Nick. In fact, you and your sister are the only ones stirring up unnecessary conflict.
Victoria: Can everyone please just clear the room? Uh, Nick and I would like a word with Sharon.
Adam: (Clears throat)
Sharon: Adam. Aren't you gonna stay for the sibling summit?
Adam: No, I think I'll pass. I have a feeling this is gonna be a bloodbath and, uh, I'm wearing a new suit.
(Door closes)
Victoria: Who do you think you are?
Stanley: Mr. McCall, Stanley bishop from the "Chronicle." What is going on in the boardroom?
Tucker: No comment.
Abby: Mr. McCall, Abby Newman, "Restless Style TV." We've been waiting for an announcement from the boardroom for, like, ever. What gives?
Tucker: You might want to pack it in for the night. It could be awhile before they can figure things out.
Abby: Oh, we are not going anywhere. Something is brewing upstairs, and it is not coffee. I'm gonna call Billy and tell him to get his butt down here.
Phyllis: What--what are you doing? What are you doing?
Kevin: I'm, uh, just making it look like he's sleeping. This way, if Billy comes in, there won't be a dead body lying on the floor. Haven't you ever seen "Weekend at Bernie's"? These two guys, they go to their boss's beach house and he's dead!
Phyllis: I saw the movie. I saw the movie. I know the movie, okay? I'm not letting him in.
(Rhythmic knocking on door)
Billy: Okay, this is your last chance. I'm pulling out my phone. I'm dialing 9, I'm dialing 1...
(Cell phone rings)
Kevin: He was totally bluffing.
Billy: Weird. Hey, Abby, what's up?
Abby: Something is happening with the Newman board, but nobody's talking. I think I might need brother-in-law/uncle backup if I'm gonna get the scoop.
Billy: (Groans) Okay, I'm on my way.
Phyllis: He's gone. He's gone. All right, all right, all right, all right, all right, all right. Here, help-- help me move this table.
Kevin: Why?
Phyllis: Why? Because we're gonna roll him up in the rug.
Kevin: Why?
Phyllis: Why? Because we'll roll him up in the rug, we'll take him back to his apartment, and then it'll look like he died of natural causes there, in his own apartment, which he did, I swear. The police will not connect me--us. They won't connect us to the body. Got it? Any questions?
Kevin: No, no questions.
Phyllis: Okay. All right, here we go. Let's just roll him up. We'll roll him up. We'll roll-- roll him up in the rug. Come on.
Kevin: Dead body moving. Wow, it's been years. Okay.
Sharon: I'm Mrs. Victor Newman, but, um, you know, if you're going to continue to work here, then I suppose, in the future, you could just skip the formalities and call me "Boss."
Victoria: This reckless game that you're playing-- it isn't gonna last, Sharon.
Sharon: Victoria, I really do care about what's best for this company.
Victoria: F.Y.I., treachery and turmoil aren't in the mission statement.
Sharon: Oh, well, F.Y.I., um, you're one to talk. Let's see. Um, as of recently, you wanted nothing to do with this company or your father. And now, since Victor Newman has disappeared, you've suddenly swooped in with your evil claws out, trying to scoop up as much power as you possibly can, all the while playing the role of the helpful daughter. Well, that's pathetic. Meanwhile, here I am. I'm just trying to prevent outsiders like you from tarnishing Victor's legacy.
Victoria: Outsiders? Really? Well, I was running multiple divisions of this company while you were running around trying to marry anyone with the last name "Newman." If anyone is qualified to step in and help, it's me.
Sharon: Oh. Oh, I see. So you're up-to-date on the organic line, and you're aware that the Guster deal is about to close. Oh, and what about the new, um, energy research?
Victoria: Well, Sharon, these are all things that I can quickly and easily be brought up to speed about.
Sharon: Oh, yeah, I mean, it's... (Chuckles) These are things that I already know. Newman Enterprises needs a strong leader, one who can transition smoothly into the position of power, and that is me.
Nick: Sharon, if you assume control, you could do irreparable harm to this company. You are not a C.E.O. You are not someone who runs a multinational corporation.
Sharon: Well, I am now.
Victoria: Avery. We need you to file an injunction to stop Sharon immediately.
Avery: Victoria, I--
Sharon: Um, you know, she's--she's not gonna file anything on your behalf.
Victoria: Why not?
Sharon: Because she works for me. Avery is Newman's chief counsel, and since I'm in charge, she works for me.
Nick: Tell me she's wrong about all this.
Avery: She's not. There is a precedent that exists. I looked it up, Kaplan vs. Kaplan, on the way up here, and although it is an obscure case, Sharon is right. Legally, she has every right to assume the mantle of leadership.
Sharon: Which means that neither of you can retain Avery's services. Sorry.
Victoria: Fine. I will call Leslie Michaelson. I'm sure that her firm will be more than happy to tackle a high-profile case such as this.
Sharon: Okay, well, while you are wasting your money, time, and energy trying to fight me, I will be here voting Victor's controlling interest, because Newman Enterprises is not going to come to a grinding halt on my watch! I think the time has come for you to decide. (Sighs) You're either going to stand with me or you're against me.
Adam: Congrats on acquiring F.M.N. and all its Newman shares, Davis. I acquired a little something of Genevieve's myself at the fire sale.
Davis: Had I known what a headache it would become, I would have passed.
Tucker: (Exhales slowly) Press is getting restless. Any news?
Bob: Not a word.
Adam: Sidebar, Tuck?
Tucker: Sure, Buddy.
Adam: What's your take on all of this?
Tucker: I'm shocked.
Adam: Are you?
Tucker: Aren't you?
Adam: Oh, me? I'm definitely shocked. Yeah, I'm not buying this "Sharon just woke up this morning and suddenly remembered Kaplan vs. Kaplan" case explanation.
Tucker: Well, hell hath no fury, right? From what I understand, Sharon wasn't, uh, too happy when her husband took off. Plenty of motivation to find a way to make him pay, don't you think?
Adam: My take... my theory-- someone fed her the information.
Tucker: Pointing the finger at someone else is the best way to keep people from suspecting you, isn't it?
(Door opens)
Sharon: Gentlemen, please gather round. (Clears throat) We have a press conference that we need to go to. Now I trust that we are all on the same page. Plaster on your game faces and your smiles. It's time to announce the new captain of this ship.
Billy: Abbs, any news?
Abby: None. I'm about to storm up there and bust down those doors myself.
Billy: Okay, take it easy. I'm just gonna call Victoria, see if she can tell me what's going on, all right? Relax.
Abby: (Sighs)
Billy: See? Here we go.
Sharon: Good evening, everyone. I'm Sharon Newman. I apologize for keeping you waiting. It is an honor to be addressing such esteemed members of the press.
Abby: I'm sorry, who appointed you spokesperson, a mid-level employee? We'd really like to hear the scoop from the top dog.
Sharon: You're looking at her. Newman Enterprises is now in my very capable hands.
Kevin: Is there a back entrance to Tim's apartment?
Phyllis: I can't remember. Just an elevator and stairs.
Kevin: No, no, no, I don't like those odds. Somebody could see us.
Phyllis: That's why we rolled him up in a rug, Kevin. If someone sees us, we'll just say we're delivery people.
Kevin: Oh, that's convincing! Security cameras?
Phyllis: None.
Kevin: How do you know?
Phyllis: I just know, okay?
Kevin: Okay, okay, okay. What about the cameras in your building?
Phyllis: I disabled them.
Kevin: Of course you did. His car-- his car is still at your place.
Phyllis: Yes, his car is still at my place. I will move it, Kevin, unless you want to turn around and go back right now.
Kevin: No, no, no. You know what I think? I think that the less time I spend in your car with a cadaver, the better!
(Police siren wailing)
(Police siren wailing)
Kevin: Maybe you should just pull over already.
Phyllis: I'm not pulling over. I'm not pulling over. I didn't do anything wrong. They don't have cause to stop me. I didn't do anything illegal.
Kevin: Oh, tell them that. Tell them that, that you did nothing wrong. Tell them that as your dead shrink is rolling out of the carpet.
Phyllis: (Exhales slowly)
Sharon: Therefore, while my husband is taking some much-needed personal time out of town, I will be running Newman Enterprises.
Stanley: You know the whereabouts of Mr. Newman? Because I've heard a missing persons report had been filed.
Sharon: (Laughs) Oh, Stanley, don't you think I'd know if my husband were M.I.A.?
Abby: Was the appointment a unanimous decision? Because this seems like a hostile takeover.
Sharon: Well, I do have the full support of the board and the Newman family.
Abby: Mm.
Stanley: Can we get a quote from the other board members?
Sharon: Um, absolutely. Um, who's first?
Adam: The, uh, board is very excited to be working with Mrs. Newman.
Abby: Nick, Vicki, your thoughts? Please, step up to the mic and tell us how you really feel about Sharon taking over Dad's company.
Nick: The details are still being worked out. Thank you very much for coming. We will keep you posted as the story develops. Thank you.
Billy: (Clears throat)
Sharon: Nick, uh, Victoria. In the future, I will want to review any statements you intend to make to the press.
Nick: (Groans)
Avery: I will keep an eye on things.
Nick: Thank you, Avery.
Billy: So, Guys, it seems that Sharon's gonna be sitting in Victor's big ol' chair, behind his desk. Not you, and not you, so I hope the devil has a big warm coat.
Abby: How do we get rid of her?
Nick: That will not be easy.
Victoria: Unfortunately, the last thing that we want to give Sharon is more publicity about her ridiculous power grab.
Billy: Oh, so you don't want us to air the footage that we shot today?
Abby: Oh, I will give up my reporting debut if it means taking that skank down.
Billy: Honey... (Clears throat) See, I was here when it all went down, and if "Restless Style" doesn't report it, then people are gonna sense that there's a story and they're gonna start digging deeper, and that could be a problem for Newman.
Nick: He's right, Vick.
Abby: We'll just have to annihilate Sharon some other way.
Nick: There actually might be one person who can get through to her.
Tucker: (Whistling) Darlin', you were magnificent.
Sharon: That was exhilarating. For the first time in my life, I was in complete control, and it was because of you.
Tucker: Ohh.
Sharon: (Clears throat)
Genevieve: Uh, the door was open. I'll leave you two alone.
Tucker: No, no, no, hold up, Genevieve. I forgot we had an appointment. It's been one hell of a day.
Sharon: Yes, it has.
Tucker: Uh, do you mind?
Sharon: Not at all. You, uh, have a nice evening.
Tucker: Thanks.
Genevieve: Dare I ask?
Tucker: You jealous?
Genevieve: (Laughs) Hardly. Shocked is more--actually, that's an understatement. Th-the ink on your divorce papers isn't even dry yet, and you're moving on with a married woman.
Tucker: I wouldn't say "Moving on."
Genevieve: I see. So is that why you remembered that we have an appointment with each other? You wanted to get rid of Mrs. Newman? Why? Is she too clingy for you?
Tucker: What'd you want, Genevieve?
Genevieve: I need money.
Tucker: Ohh, money. Well, you know what? Your timing's pretty good... 'cause you remember that job I mentioned I have for you?
Genevieve: Mm, the one you couldn't tell me about.
Tucker: Well, I was waiting for some things to fall into place, and now they have.
Nick: We need to talk.
Adam: I was wondering when we were gonna have a one-on-one.
Nick: Boardroom?
Adam: After you.
Victoria: I really hope Adam will be willing to help us.
Billy: So how can I make this day better for you?
Victoria: Forget what I said earlier. Run the story. Use "Restless Style" to vilify Sharon.
Billy: Hmm.
Phyllis: Get--ugh.
Kevin: (Shuddering)
Phyllis: Relax. Where do we put him?
Kevin: Uh, uh, uh... there's not a lot of options. The bed, the floor, I--
Phyllis: No, we have to make it look like he was doing-- I don't know where it-- whatever he does and--
Kevin: I got it, I got it, I got it, I got it. He was, uh, he was in the chair. He was reading, and he felt a pain and tried to get up, and bam, hit the ground.
Phyllis: Dropped dead. Okay, that's good. That's good.
Kevin: Okay, okay. Ugh.
Phyllis: Gingerly, gingerly.
Kevin: (Shuddering)
Phyllis: Gingerly, gingerly.
Kevin: Okay, grab his shoulder, grab his shoulder. Just grab his shoulder and get him off the rug.
Phyllis: He's dead weight.
Kevin: All right, all right.
Phyllis: Leisurely. Come on.
Beth: Don't bother getting off your fat rump, Ray. I'll check out the noise complaint.
Phyllis: Oh, no. Oh, no, that's the last thing we need.
Kevin: What? Who?
Phyllis: Tim's neighbor.
Kevin: Well, just be quiet, she'll go away.
Phyllis: No, no, no, no, no. Her husband's the landlord. He has a key, which means if someone's heard us moving around up here...
Kevin: Go distract her. Go distract 'em now.
Phyllis: No, I can't. I've been here before.
Kevin: What?
Phyllis: She's-- she might have seen me.
Kevin: What? When-- when were you here?
Phyllis: I-I can't do it. You are the one who needs to go.
Kevin: What? No, no, no!
Phyllis: You need to go. Listen to me, listen to me, listen to me. You need to go distract her.
Kevin: Absolutely.
Beth: Who are you?
Kevin: I'm Chuck.
Beth: What do you want, Chuck?
Kevin: To sell you a set of encyclopedias.
Phyllis: All right, Tim, where'd you put that confession tape? So...
Beth: Encyclopedias? People still use those? They don't use computers now?
Kevin: There was a warehouse clearance sale.
Beth: Think I'm gonna pass.
Kevin: You're gonna pass? Well, then I will throw in an extra disc that has tons of bonus material.
Beth: Computer's on the fritz.
Kevin: Volume "X" through "Z," no extra charge.
Beth: Can't think of anything "X" through "Z" I want to know about, so...
Kevin: (Scoffs) Well, then you're not thinking hard enough. There's--there's-- there's--there's Xanadu, Xylophones, X-rays. The photo spread on Zebras will knock your socks off.
Phyllis: (Gasps) (Gasps) Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Okay. I'm sure you made backup. I'm sure you made backup...
(Chain clattering)
Phyllis: So we're-- oh, shh. I guess so. Okay, good-bye, my not-so-dearly departed Tim.
Kevin: You know, it is clear, clear to me that you are a very, very intelligent woman, so you don't need encyclopedias. Sorry to have wasted your time.
Beth: Hold on, Son. You know what? There are some things I would like to learn about, and I happen to like Zebras, so I'll take a set. How much?
Kevin: $400.
Beth: What? Are you a salesman or a thief?
Kevin: What, is that too much?
Beth: Yeah.
Kevin: Well, that's a bummer.
Beth: (Scoffs)
Kevin: I guess I'll just try the next building. Have a good night.
Beth: You know, you should get a real job, uh, really.
Phyllis: Okay, good, good, good, good.
Kevin: I said I was an encyclopedia salesman. It's 2012.
Phyllis: Hey, you know what? You really helped me out. I really appreciate it. You went above and beyond, clearly. I owe you one.
Kevin: One? You owe me one?
Phyllis: Oh. Get his hat and glasses. Put his glasses on.
Kevin: Oh, man.
Kevin: (Gagging)
Phyllis: Come on, come on!
Kevin: Okay, go, go, go, go!
Nick: We need to convince Sharon to step down.
Adam: By "We," you mean me?
Nick: Not long ago, you stood in this very room and you tried to convince everyone that you were a changed man. You backed up Dad on his organic line because you knew it was best for Newman Enterprises. Well, Adam, now is the time for you to prove that that wasn't just talk. You need to do what is best for this family and this company, and you can do that by convincing Sharon she's making a huge mistake.
Adam: You make a compelling argument, Brother, and you remind me of two things-- one, that I am a Newman, and two, that I am a new man, so sure. I'll talk to her. I'll see if I can get her to back off.
Gloria: And right here, Sharon.
Sharon: Lovely. I'd like a bottle of your most expensive wine.
Gloria: (Laughs) What are we celebrating?
Sharon: Oh, my promotion. I've taken the reins at Newman Enterprises.
Gloria: (Laughs) Well, that is--
Sharon: Oh, look, it's already on the evening news.
Gloria: (Gasps) Unbelievable. Congratulations.
Sharon: Oh, thank you.
Gloria: I will have my chef prepare a spectacular meal, a decadent dessert, and if you need anything, you just give a wave, and I'll be right back.
Sharon: Okay.
Abby: Top dog, huh? So it's official-- you're a bitch.
Sharon: A very, very powerful one.
Gloria: Excuse me, Abby. (Chuckles) From Victor's private collection.
Abby: (Scoffs)
Sharon: Wow.
Gloria: Mm-hmm.
Sharon: You know, I think I'd like to buy a round for everyone...
Gloria: Oh.
Sharon: Um, except for Abby, because we all know what happens when she drinks-- clothes come off and people get hit by cars she's driving.
Gloria: Mm.
Sharon: So why don't we just, um, charge this to the Newman corporate account?
Gloria: (Sighs) My pleasure.
Abby: You should enjoy spending my dad's money while you can. When he gets back, you'll be lucky to have access to the petty cash.
Billy: So what you thinkin' about, Baby? Coming up with a multitude of ways to torture Sharon?
Victoria: Actually, I was thinking about Dad.
Billy: Oh. Then you're just blatantly torturing yourself.
Victoria: Oh, I just wish Mom would hurry up and find him. He needs to come home. It's the only way to stop Sharon.
Sharon: Connie, get the head of Newman security on the line for me, please. Hello, this is Sharon Newman. I'd like to call off the search for my husband.
Tucker: Here you go.
Genevieve: We'll toast my new job after you've told me what it is.
Tucker: The world wants to know where Victor Newman is hiding. We're gonna find him first.
(Glasses clink)
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Chloe: Were you just here working on the web site?
Adam: I think you might be in over your head. You might be realizing that yourself.
Sharon: Go to hell.
Tucker: I'm giving you an opportunity to make a boatload of money right along with me.
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