Y&R Transcript Friday 8/10/12
Episode # 9968 ~ Christine Prepares to Leave Town
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Phyllis: Nick. (Sighs) You startled me. Yeah, I-I-I went--I'm getting a book for Faith. Uh, the one that Summer used to read with the--
Nick: I saw Tim Reid leaving this store. That cannot be a coincidence.
Phyllis: Oh, my-- you saw Tim Reid?
Nick: Do not lie to me. I want to know what the hell is going on.
Avery: Uh-huh. What's the delay? Did they file the motion? Hi, large coffee black, please. No, I'm just ordering a coffee. Um... no. We--thank you. Thank you. Listen, just have him call my assistant when he knows the judge's schedule. Thank you. (Sighs) Thank you. I have too many things on my plate at once.
Heather: Yeah, how about one more? Christine is stepping down from Paul's case. What would it take for you to drop your sister as a client and represent my dad instead?
Avery: Uh...
Michael: I'm sorry to interrupt, but I need a moment with Paul.
Nina: Should I contact his lawyer?
Michael: Well, you're welcome to do so, but I don't think it will be necessary.
Paul: It's all right, Nina.
Nina: All right, I'll be right back.
Paul: All right.
Nina: Thanks.
(Door closes)
Michael: I understand you're considering changing your plea.
Paul: Unless Eden remembers something under hypnosis--
Michael: Look, I had the cameras turned off, so we won't be recorded, and if you ever repeat what I'm about to say to you, I will deny it.
Paul: (Chuckles) Maybe I should call Chris.
Michael: No. Just listen. Regardless of how the hypnosis turns out, do not plead guilty.
Eden: (Sighs)
Dr. Hoffman: You're afraid of Ricky?
Eden: Yeah, I can't stop shaking.
Chris: I need to prove that Ricky was a threat that night. Now if she's this scared, there must have been a reason.
Dr. Hoffman: Eden, tell me why you're afraid. Do you remember?
Eden: (Breathing heavily) I...
Dr. Hoffman: You said you were in Ricky's suite.
Eden: (Sighs) Yes. (Sighs)
Dr. Hoffman: Are-- are you alone? Is there anyone with you?
Eden: (Breathing rapidly) Oh, yeah. He's-- I'm... oh!
Dr. Hoffman: When you say "He," who are you referring to, Eden?
Eden: (Sighs) Ricky. Oh, my God. He's--oh, no. (Whimpers)
Dr. Hoffman: Is Ricky there with you? Can you see him? What's he's doing?
Eden: Oh, no, no, no. No! No! No! No! No, no, no, no, no, no!
Kyle: All right, stop it, okay? Stop. Just leave her alone.
Eden: No! (Breathing heavily) No. (Gasps) (Shudders)
Phyllis: (Quietly) Okay, all right. Okay. I'll--I'll tell you why I... I just--I wanted to thank Tim for keeping quiet about something that I told him in a session a long time ago. That's all. And I didn't tell you, because I was, you know, afraid that you were gonna punch him out.
Nick: (Quietly) Oh, will you stop screwing around with me?
Phyllis: (Sighs)
Nick: There is clearly more to this. I followed you here.
Phyllis: (Normal voice) You followed me? You followed me?
Nick: Phyllis, don't--
Phyllis: I can't believe that. You followed me.
Nick: You don't get to do that. I saw our financial advisor leave our building this morning. Then I saw you leave right after that in a real big hurry. Would you care to tell me the truth now?
Phyllis: (Sighs) I met Tim--
Nick: No, no, no, no. Don't do it here. I want you to get in your car and go straight home. I'll follow you there.
Victoria: Hey.
Nikki: Hey.
Victoria: Is that Dad's phone?
Nikki: Yeah. Uh, good eye.
Victoria: Is he back?
Nikki: No.
Victoria: Then what are you doing with it?
Nikki: Ending his sham of a marriage.
Sharon: That bastard! How dare he do this to me, sending me a text saying that we're through?!
Tucker: You know, there's another way to look at this. If Victor sent you a text, it means he's still alive.
Sharon: Oh, yeah, my husband's still alive, all right. He's probably annulling our marriage as we speak!
Nikki: Jupiter led Buck to the exact spot where Victor lost his phone. I mean, it was eerie.
Victoria: Was there anything on it that can tell us where Dad is?
Nikki: (Sighs) Not that I can find.
Victoria: All right, well, then let's go back to what you said about ending his marriage.
Nikki: Well, I couldn't help myself. Sharon has been so awful. And her new husband disappears, and she can't be bothered to call the police. I had to take matters into my own hands.
Victoria: And what did you do?
Nikki: I sent Sharon a text.
Victoria: From Dad's phone, as if he had sent it?
Nikki: Mm-hmm. "Marriage was a mistake. It's over."
Victoria: Mom. That's terrible. But I really love it.
Nikki: (Laughs)
Victoria: (Laughs)
Nikki: Oh, I'm sorry. (Laughs)
Sharon: This is all because of Nikki. Victor wanted to hurt her. This marriage had nothing to do with me.
Tucker: Well, you may be right about that.
Sharon: Oh, I am right. Did I tell you that I almost backed out of it at the last minute? Yeah, my good senses were telling me this was a bad idea, especially after Victor pulled out the prenup.
Tucker: You signed a prenup?
Sharon: On the plane on the way to Vegas. And if Victor and I ever got divorced, or he died, the terms were incredibly generous. Oh. Wait, wait a minute. Wait a minute. No, no, that was-- that was only in the event that we were married for a certain length of time.
Tucker: How long?
Sharon: Uh, that's-- that's it, I don't know. I didn't bother reading those paragraphs. I certainly assumed we'd be married for more than a week. And even though it's Victor doing the dumping, who knows if I'll walk out of this marriage with even a nickel. (Sighs) Certainly like him to keep his family empire perfectly intact.
Nick: Start talking.
Phyllis: Okay. All right, listen. I'm gonna start with this-- I know you're angry. I understand. It's justified. I get it, okay? I get it. Tim was blackmailing me.
Nick: Again?
Phyllis: Yes, again, except this time, it's not just his word against mine, okay? He--he was taping our sessions. I didn't even know it. He was taping our sessions. And--and--and he had a tape of me talking about what happened with Paul and Christine.
Nick: How do you know he wasn't bluffing?
Phyllis: Because I heard it myself. I heard it myself. And he was threatening to go to the media. I had to pay him more money-- a lot more money.
Nick: So you paid him to buy his continued silence.
Phyllis: Yeah. Yes. Yes. If you want to put it-- yes, I did. I didn't know what else to do, Nick.
Nick: That doesn't explain why Thomas was here. Uh, you could have cashed out in--your savings account, drawn from any of our joint accounts. You didn't need to get him involved.
Phyllis: I didn't get him involved. I lied to him. He doesn't know what it was for.
Nick: That is not my point. You don't bring in our financial advisor when there's cash on hand.
Phyllis: There's not cash on hand! It wasn't enough! I had to take from Summer's trust fund.
Eden: (Breathing rapidly)
Daniel: Hey, hey, hey. Sit down. It's okay. Sit down.
Chris: Please don't interrupt, not now.
Kyle: Look at her. She's freaking out. How can you just ignore that?
Dr. Hoffman: Eden's fine. This is all part of the process.
Daniel: She wanted to do this to try and help Paul, so just relax.
Eden: (Sighs)
Dr. Hoffman: Okay, Eden, let's go back to before you went to Ricky's room. Do you remember getting the idea to go there?
Eden: Yes.
Dr. Hoffman: Do you remember why you went?
Eden: To get something about Daisy, proof that Ricky did something to her.
Dr. Hoffman: Did you find anything?
Eden: (Gasps) Daisy's phone and wallet.
Chris: Those items were recovered by the police, and there's proof that they were in Ricky's possession until he got rid of them.
Eden: (Gasps)
Dr. Hoffman: What's happening right now that's making you so afraid?
Eden: Oh. I need to get out. I need to get out now. I need to get out now. Now.
Dr. Hoffman: But you can't?
Eden: No, stop it! Mm! No. I can't.
Dr. Hoffman: Tell me what's happening.
Eden: (Breathing heavily) Ricky's hands.
Dr. Hoffman: What about Ricky's hands? Did he touch you?
Eden: His hands. (Gasps) Aah!
Kyle: Hey. Hey. Now can we stop?
Eden: No.
Dr. Hoffman: I promise not to push any further than necessary, but I believe she's all right.
Daniel: Just let her go, man. Just let her go.
Eden: (Breathing heavily) Mm.
Dr. Hoffman: I want you to focus again, Eden. Go a little deeper into your memory. Did Ricky touch you?
Eden: (Screaming)
Kyle: Bring her out of this now. Now. Now.
Eden: No!
Kyle: Shh, shh, shh. Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.
Eden: (Sobs)
Nick: You paid this idiot how much?
Phyllis: I'll pay it back. I-I swear, I'm gonna do ev-- I want to pay it back. I'm gonna pay it back, okay? It doesn't matter how long it takes. Every single dime-- every single dime I'm gonna pay back.
Nick: Just whatever it takes to keep me in the dark, huh?
Phyllis: No, I'm not trying to do that. That's not what I was trying--
Nick: I am so sick of all of your excuses. You told me--you promised me everything was out in the open.
Phyllis: It was. It was out in the open-- every single thing. This--this thing, it happened later, and I wanted to take care of it myself. I wanted to take care it, and I knew if I told you, you would go to the police.
Nick: Well, what would have been wrong with that? Your brilliant plan to pay him off last time nearly got you arrested for his murder. Phyllis, I'm your husband. Why can't you trust me on this?
Phyllis: I do trust you. I do trust you. Don't make it about that. Of course I trust-- I didn't want you to hear those tapes. I didn't want you to hear what I was like back then-- how vicious, how my mind worked then.
Nick: Oh, my God. Oh, my God. I can't even--I can't even deal with you right now. I have to try and stop what you've done, you know that, right? I have to see if I can stop this money from being transferred.
Phyllis: Okay, but-- but wait a second. I mean, if you--if you do that and Tim doesn't get his money, he's gonna go to the police--
Nick: No, no, no, no, no, no. Stop. You don't get to do this alone anymore. You need to call Avery and warn her about what could happen if I don't succeed.
Avery: From what I know about your dad's case, he's the real victim in all of this and not Ricky. He should never have been charged with premeditated murder. He should have never been arrested. Now as an attorney, this is the kind of thing that I love, and if it were any other time, I would be all over it. But I won't desert Phyllis.
Heather: Yeah, no, I-I understand family loyalty. I do. But... come on. As clients, there's no comparison. I mean, Paul is innocent, whereas Phyllis--
Avery: Okay, Phyllis is a good person, and I believe in her. And I'm very sorry about the situation with Paul, but I just--I can't help right now.
Heather: Okay.
Paul: The D.A. asking a defendant not to plead guilty? Michael, that's crazy.
Michael: It would be if I didn't know in my gut you were innocent.
Paul: My God. That you would come here and admit to me that--
Michael: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I am way, way out on a limb, which is why this has to remain between us, because when I heard you were about to commit this idiocy, I... I can already see the toll this is taking on you... being locked up in here. (Sighs) If you plead guilty, you will do serious time. There is no way around it. And once you're sent upstate to the penitentiary, I can't guarantee you'll remain in protective custody.
Paul: I hear what you're saying, Michael, and, uh... I appreciate you looking out for me. But unless Eden can substantiate that Ricky was a threat to her, how can I walk into court and claim that I shot my son to save her life?
Michael: You can claim it, because it's true, and on some level, you know it's true.
Paul: I can't prove it. So why put everyone through the pain of a-a lengthy trial?
Michael: To give yourself a fighting chance, to give your supporters more time to build a stronger defense. Look, despite our differences, I've always known you to be a good and honest man, Paul. Don't plead guilty to a crime you didn't commit out of some misguided sense of penance, because you know what? Wherever you go, that's where you'll be.
Chris: (Sighs) How soon can you write up your evaluation?
Dr. Hoffman: I'll do it right away.
Chris: Perfect. Thanks.
Dr. Hoffman: If I leave right now, will you be all right?
Eden: Yeah, I'm fine.
Dr. Hoffman: Okay.
Kyle: Are you sure?
Daniel: It was kind of an ordeal.
Eden: Well, I mean, I'm a little shaken up, but I'll be okay. Mostly, I'm just bummed that I-I couldn't remember more. I mean, I was terrified of Ricky, and I can testify to that. But is--is--is that enough to help Paul?
Chris: Honestly, I don't know.
Phyllis: Um, I need to talk to you someplace private.
Avery: Listen, I can't right now. I have a ton of craziness on my plate. Victor's gone.
Phyllis: This is really, really, really important. Can we please talk in there, please?
Avery: Okay, what? What? Did something happen? What's wrong?
Phyllis: Um, yeah, yeah. Uh, listen, I, uh, I-I paid Tim Reid off again.
Avery: You are kidding me.
Phyllis: No. No. No, I had to. He had some very hard evidence against me. I had to do it. I had to stop him, okay?
Avery: Who else knows about this?
Phyllis: Nick knows about it. He's trying to stop the wire transfer from going through to an offshore account.
Avery: Oh. Uh-huh.
Phyllis: But listen, he wanted me to talk to you so you can counter anything that--that Tim tries to do, anything that kind of come--
Avery: Stop it. Stop. Stop. Stop. Enough, Phyllis. I can't do this anymore. I-I c-can't be your attorney. I quit.
Tucker: Well... (Sighs) If it's any consolation, Victor's screwed over a lot of people in his time.
Sharon: Right. I'm just another face in the crowd. I'm just another person Victor used and then threw away. (Gasps) (Sighs) Victor's briefcase. (Laughs)
Tucker: Ah.
Sharon: (Sighs) Okay. He, um... he had this with him on the plane when we eloped. And then Avery came over here looking for the prenup. She couldn't find it on his desk. Maybe it's still in here. I could take a more careful look at it, see what I'm up against. Of course it's locked. (Inhales sharply) Damn you, Victor! Help me break into it.
Tucker: (Scoffs) (Laughs)
Nikki: Finding your father's phone on the trail is not a good sign.
Victoria: Well, you know, to me, it's just a sign that Dad wanted us to worry. He does have other cell phones, you know.
Nikki: (Sighs) But I-I can't help but be concerned. Ever since he disappeared, I can't think of anything else.
Victoria: Mom, you're starting a new life with Jack. You're happy. Dad's just trying to ruin that. Don't let him, please.
Sharon: Oh. Stupid lock. Tucker, help me out here, will you?
Tucker: Well... (Sighs) If you want to get into your husband's briefcase, you probably have a right. I don't. But I'd like to watch, if you don't mind.
Sharon: Maybe I should blow it up or throw it off a building.
Tucker: Or maybe you should find something heavier and bigger to hit that lock with.
Sharon: Hmm.
Tucker: Hmm.
Sharon: This might work.
Tucker: Give it a whack and see.
Sharon: (Sighs) Yes. Finally! (Sighs) Let's see. Oh, here it is, the dreaded prenup, the one I should have never signed. Let's see how bad it is.
Victoria: Look, things haven't been going Dad's way, so he's off licking his wounds somewhere. It's what he does, Mom. You know that.
Nikki: Victor could be acting out. Or he could be in trouble...
Victoria: (Sighs)
Nikki: Serious trouble. Does nobody else see that?
Victoria: Mom--gosh. How exactly does your new husband fit into all this, anyway?
Nikki: I love Jack. Everything is great between us. Nothing has changed.
Victoria: Okay, so then what are you doing here in Dad's stable, wringing your hands and messing with Sharon?
Nikki: Well, what do you suggest I do, Victoria? (Scoffs) Pretend your father doesn't exist and just go on my merry way?
Victoria: Frankly, yeah. Stop obsessing over Dad. Go home to Jack... after you tell Sharon you were behind the text.
Nikki: (Sighs)
Sharon: Oh, my God.
Tucker: Hmm?
Sharon: Okay, please tell me that that second paragraph doesn't mean what I think it means.
Tucker: (Sighs) (Sighs) Well... (Sighs) Sorry to say, if the marriage was brief as this one was, you get nothing.
Sharon: (Sighs) Son of a... Victor probably had this planned all along. Marry me just to upset Nikki so that she would walk away from Jack. Then he could turn around and dump me and marry her.
Tucker: Guess anything's possible.
Sharon: (Sighs) I might as well just call Avery and get it over with. Or... I could take a page from my husband's playbook.
Phyllis: Okay, I get it. I get it. I screwed up. But let me ask you something-- if Tim doesn't get his money, how can we stop him from--
Avery: God, stop it. Stop it. Enough! Phyllis, I just got done defending you to Heather, only to find out you've been lying to me again.
Phyllis: I wasn't lying to you.
Avery: Giving in to blackmail, that is the worst thing you could have done.
Phyllis: What?
Avery: Listen, I wanted to believe in you again, but I can't. I can't trust you.
Phyllis: Wait, wait a second. Wait a second. Are you walking away?
Avery: Uh, every time I turn around, you've cooked up some fresh disaster. Do you realize you have made it impossible for me to defend you? Listen, I will continue to be your sister...
Phyllis: Well--
Avery: But I cannot be your lawyer, not after this.
(Cell phone rings)
Heather: Daniel, hey. How did it go? Did Eden remember anything?
Daniel: Why don't we meet up, and I'll tell you all about it?
Heather: Uh, where I'm at isn't the best place to meet. Neither is my office. How about Trumbles?
Daniel: Yeah, that-- that could work. I'll, uh, I'll see you in a few, okay? Bye. Hey, uh... I wouldn't just take off, but I can see you're in good hands.
Kyle: She totally is.
Avery: About your earlier offer, I'm in. Tell your father he has a new attorney.
Heather: Seriously?
Chris: Wait, how can you take on Paul's case? You're defending the woman that ran us down. That's a total conflict of interest.
Avery: Uh, the conflict has been resolved. I'm no longer representing Phyllis.
Chris: Given the overlap between Paul's case and Phyllis', I would be remiss if I didn't ask--
Avery: There's no need to worry about my objectivity. I'll do right by Paul. Thank you.
Chris: Why aren't you representing Phyllis anymore?
Avery: She fired me. So if you'll excuse me, I just have a few things to deal with for Victor, and then I can dig into Paul's case.
Chris: Thank you, Avery, for everything.
Avery: Safe trip.
Chris: Thanks. Wow, something pretty bad must have happened for you to fire your own sister.
Phyllis: I don't need to talk to you.
Chris: I may be leaving Genoa City, but don't imagine for a second that I won't be tracking your case. And when I come back for the trial, I'll--I will look forward to watching them cart you off to prison.
Heather: I'm sorry Eden had to relive all that.
Daniel: Do you think it's gonna help Paul's case?
Heather: It's not the slam dunk we were hoping for, but her fear of Ricky has to make an impact on a jury. Plus, it's the only positive piece of evidence we've had in a long time.
Daniel: Good. I'm glad you're pleased.
Heather: I owe you both big-time-- Eden for agreeing to be hypnotized and you for helping convince her to do it.
Eden: (Chuckles) Thank you. You know... (Sighs) I mean, this might sound weird, but while I was under, I could have sworn that I heard your voice.
Kyle: (Chuckles) Uh, yeah. Uh, I kind of lost it with the doctor. He was pushing you way too hard. I mean, watching you freak out like that-- I kind of wanted to kick his ass.
Eden: (Laughs) Aw, so you were looking out for me.
Kyle: (Chuckles)
Eden: What happened to your arm?
Kyle: Oh, well, this, um... this really tough chick let me have it.
Eden: Oh, my God. I am so sorry. Did I do that?
Kyle: No, no, it's-- I'm fine. I'm fine.
Eden: (Scoffs)
Kyle: And hey, I'm really proud of you.
Eden: Why, because I have an incredible right hook?
Kyle: No, no, because of how brave you were.
Eden: (Sighs)
Kyle: Not a lot of people would have done what you did today.
Eden: Well, I don't feel so brave at the moment.
Kyle: Well, you're with me now.
Eden: Oh. (Chuckles)
Kyle: And you have nothing to be afraid of.
Eden: (Chuckles)
Michael: Well, what about the knife? Did Eden remember Ricky threatening her with it?
Chris: Unfortunately, no. But she was almost hysterical with fear just thinking about being in the same room with him, and I think that will go a long way in helping Paul's defense.
Nina: Yeah, I should think so.
Paul: Chris, let me ask you something, if this were--
Chris: You know what, Paul, I-I can't advise you. Your new attorney has to do that. (Sighs) I'm going back to Washington tonight.
Nikki: You said you loved the text.
Victoria: (Sighs) I know, but, uh...
Nikki: Well, give me one good reason why I should admit I sent it.
Victoria: Jeez, Mom. I don't know. Because it's the classy thing to do?
Nikki: Mm.
Victoria: Okay, well... what if you're right, and Dad's not okay? Even if there's a 1% chance that that could be true, we can't let his wife go on thinking that he's fine. The police are gonna want his phone. They're gonna want to search for clues, and eventually, it's gonna come out that Dad didn't send that text.
Nikki: All right, all right. Fine. I'll go to Sharon and tell her I sent the text. But don't expect me to like it.
Tucker: If you want to try to out-Victor Victor, odds are you won't succeed. (Sighs)
Sharon: But... what if this prenup were to disappear?
Tucker: (Sighs)
Sharon: Instead of coming out of this marriage empty-handed, I might be entitled to a piece of Victor's fortune, maybe even a stake in Newman Enterprises. (Sighs) Gosh... (Sighs) I'd be a force to be reckoned with in this town... instead of just another woman Victor humiliated.
Tucker: You know, uh, I'm generally not opposed to playing a little dirty, but I think you're asking for trouble on this one.
Sharon: How?
Tucker: That notary in Vegas, Sharon. He witnessed your signature.
Sharon: That man has no idea what I signed. He never even read the document. And if no one can produce a signed prenup, then it cannot be enforced.
Tucker: How can you be sure there aren't copies?
Sharon: Well, when would Victor have had time to make copies? He raced over to see Nikki seconds after we got home.
Tucker: When Victor gets back, do you really think he's gonna let you win without a knock-down, drag-out fight?
Sharon: Bring it on. Victor owes me for what he's done to me. And this is the only thing standing in my way. And if I've never seen it, and you've never seen it...
Tucker: Whoa, Darling... (Chuckles) This is my cue to leave. Good luck.
(Door opens)
(Door closes)
Michael: Why would Phyllis fire her sister? She is a brilliant attorney.
Chris: That's a very good question. Makes me think there's more to the story. I wish I could stay here and find out what it is, but I have ignored my work for too long.
Nina: We all know why you're leaving.
Chris: Look, I have to get to my work in D.C. and then I'll be back.
Michael: Yeah, well, you better be. Come here. Mm. Mm!
Nina: Thanks. Take care of yourself, okay?
Chris: Yeah. I will.
Nina: Good.
Chris: I'm just a phone call away if you need me.
Paul: Listen, uh... thanks for everything. I really do appreciate it.
Chris: Next time you see me, we'll be celebrating your "Innocent" verdict.
Paul: Yeah.
Chris: (Sighs)
Phyllis: I-I can't believe that she'd do that. I can't believe she'd abandon me yet again. Great sister. Wow. Wow. What a shock.
Nick: Well, she probably felt justified, since you paid off Tim yet again.
Phyllis: Can-- can you hold me?
Nick: (Scoffs) I couldn't stop the money from being transferred. It was too late.
Phyllis: Okay. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I was scared. I'm sorry. Maybe it's a good thing that you couldn't stop the transfer, 'cause Tim has his money, and he'll disappear, and he won't testify, so it's a good thing?
Nick: (Scoffs) I-I can't believe you. Still trying to justify your actions-- the lying, taking money from our daughter's trust fund. I love you so much, and I'm trying to stand by you. But you sure don't make it easy.
Daniel: It was pretty intense. I mean, every time that the doctor mentioned Ricky's name, uh, she was kicking and screaming and... hey. You okay? Is it something I did?
Heather: (Sniffles) No. (Sobs) It's not you. (Sighs) I mean, Eden was-- she was petrified of my brother. And I can only imagine what he did to her, to other people, other girls. (Sniffles) I mean, my brother was a horrible, horrible person.
Heather: (Sobs)
Daniel: It's okay.
Heather: (Sighs)
Daniel: It's okay.
(Cell phone rings)
Sharon: Hello?
Avery: Sharon, its Avery. Have you heard from Victor?
Sharon: Nope. Not a word.
Avery: Any sign of the prenup? It needs to be filed right away.
Sharon: I haven't seen it. But if I do, I'll let you know, okay? Good-bye.
Nikki: What are you doing?
Sharon: (Gasps)
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Paul: I am just trying to do what's right.
Avery: Then you fight.
Nikki: What are you burning?
Sharon: I was just stoking the fire.
Nick: Uh, what's up, Lionel?
Lionel: There is a disturbance at the main house.
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