Y&R Transcript Thursday 8/9/12

Y&R Transcript Thursday 8/9/12


Episode # 9967 ~ Nikki Plays Tricks on Sharon

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Phyllis: Hey, hey. Um, are you off?

Nick: Yeah, I have that breakfast meeting this morning.

Phyllis: Okay. Ah.

Nick: I can cancel it, though, if you--

Phyllis: No, no, definitely not. I'm fine. Go, go do your meeting.

Nick: Okay. See you.

(Cell phone rings)

Tim: (Chuckles) Phyllis.

Phyllis: Ha-have you received any of my messages?

Tim: Oh, you mean the ones where you failed to utter those four little words that every blackmailer loves to hear-- "I have your money"? If you've been talking to Billy Abbott.

Paul: Tim Reid is alive.

Nina: Oh, Paul.

Paul: I was so sure that Ricky killed him, but no, Tim is not dead. In fact, Ricky was not even responsible for having him leave town. Phyllis paid Tim to leave town.

Nina: What?

Paul: I was wrong about Ricky, Tim.... I wonder what else I might have been wrong about.

Nina: Oh, no, no, no, I know where you're going with this. Cricket told me that you were determined to plead guilty to the stupid charge--

Paul: I am guilty.

Nina: (Sighs)

Paul: When I pulled the trigger, I thought that my son was a threat to Eden.

Nina: You weren't wrong about Ricky. We're gonna prove it.

Heather: Hey.

Ronan: Hey. What? Do I have egg on my face?

Heather: No, no, no, no, no, I just--I don't-- I didn't expect to see you here.

Ronan: A guy's gotta get a decent cup of coffee every now and then, right?

Heather: I know. The stuff at the station tastes like sock water.

Ronan: Mm-hmm.

Chris: Ronan. What are you doing here?

Ronan: I'm having coffee.

Chris: I'm surprised you're not at work.

Ronan: Mm. Gave myself ten minutes off.

Chris: Hey, Heather. Oh, cute shoes.

Heather: Oh, thank you. I got them on this great web site. They have amazing bags, too.

Chris: Oh, I'll have to get the address from you.

Heather: No, no, no, I can show you right now on my phone.

Chris: Great.

Ronan: Mm-hmm.

Heather: Ronan, you have to see this.

Ronan: No, no, no, Ronan's good. Ronan's good. Ronan's glad he got this to go.

Heather: Okay.

Chris: Sorry, it's girl--

Ronan: No, don't be. Don't be. You guys click, shop, buy your brains out.

Chris: (Sighs)

Heather: Good one.

Chris: Talking about shopping works every time. You have a name?

Heather: Yeah, Stanley Hoffman. He's a forensic psychiatrist, has done a ton of work with the G.C.P.D. If anyone can get Eden to remember, it's this guy.

Chris: Paul's not gonna be happy we're doing this.

Heather: You know, then we're even, because I'm not crazy about him pleading guilty, nor forcing you to quit as his attorney.

Chris: I'm not gonna step down until I find someone else to represent him.

Heather: I used to always admire how good and honorable Paul is, and right now, I can't stand it.

Chris: Paul couldn't be anything else, even if he tried.

Heather: (Sighs) Well, then let's hope this works. I'm gonna go let him know what's going on.

Chris: I'll call Dr. Hoffman.

Kyle: Hypnotized? That's, uh, that seems kind of sketchy.

Daniel: I think that whoever Heather and Chris get to do this, I'm sure they're gonna be totally professional about it.

Kyle: It seems a little out there to me, but if you think that it will work...

Eden: Well, nothing else has.

Daniel: It's hypnosis. It's not voodoo.

Eden: Yeah, and it may be the only thing that, uh, helps me remember what happened that night, so I have to try it.

Michael: What? Try what?

Kyle: Eden's gonna let some shrink hypnotize her, see if he can get her to remember what happened the night Paul killed his kid.

Michael: No. No way.

Nikki: And did I tell you Jupiter was in full tack?

Kay: Uh, several times.

Nikki: Something's wrong.

Kay: I agree.

Nikki: So you're worried, too.

Kay: Yes, I am, about you.

Nikki: Well, don't be worried about me. Victor's the one who's missing.

Kay: Nikki, there is no man on the face of this earth who can take better care of himself than one Victor Newman.

Nikki: (Sighs) Not necessarily.

Kay: This is no way for you to be starting off your marriage. You should be thinking about Jack, certainly not Victor. You told me before your wedding, Jack is the man you want to be with.

Nikki: And he is.

Kay: Then focus on him. Let Sharon worry about Victor.

Sharon: Can I have Bonnie bring you anything?

Avery: Oh, no thank you, I can't stay.

Sharon: Oh, of course. I'm sure you must be busy with Phyllis' case and Victor's business.

Avery: Have you heard from him?

Sharon: Not a word. I take it you haven't, either?

Avery: I'm afraid not, sorry.

Sharon: Well, I'm sure he's fine.

Avery: Listen, I won't keep you. Uh, I just stopped by because Victor said he left some papers for me the other day.

Sharon: Oh, well, they're probably on his desk in the study.

Avery: Thank you.

(Cell phone rings)

Sharon: Hi.

Tucker: Hey, Sharon.

Sharon: How are you?

Tucker: Well, I was calling to see how you were. Have you heard anything from Victor, or from anyone demanding a ransom for him?

Sharon: No, not a word, from my husband or his so-called kidnappers.

Tucker: Listen, Sharon, if you need anything at all, you just let me know.

Sharon: Oh, um, I have to go. Did you find everything?

Avery: Uh, not exactly. Where's the prenup Victor had you sign?

Heather: Hey.

Nina: Hey.

Heather: How's my stubborn dad? Still determined to plead guilty?

Nina: Yeah, and fire Cricket. Can you please talk some sense into him?

Heather: I may have some news that'll change your mind.

Nina: Did they find the knife?

Heather: No, but... we might have found a way to prove that it exists.

Paul: How?

Heather: Eden's agreed to be hypnotized.

Paul: (Scoffs) Hypnotized, really?

Heather: Look, it could be the best chance that she has at remembering what happened the night Ricky died.

Paul: Right. I don't know. I don't want to put Eden through that.

Heather: She wants to help you.

Paul: I don't like it, Heather, okay?

Heather: You know what? I'm sorry, no offense, but it doesn't really matter how you feel, okay? Eden's doing this. Christine is setting it up right now.

Eden: Look, I know it's your job to go after Paul, okay? But I have to help him. I mean, even though I can't remember what happened that night, I totally believe that he saved my life.

Lauren: Yeah, I do, too.

Michael: This is not about Paul's guilt or innocence. I am worried about you remembering that night. It could be traumatic. It could be overwhelming for you.

Eden: Oh, no, I have a huge hole in my memory. That's what's driving me crazy.

Michael: You know what? Hypnosis is not an exact science. You could end up more crazy.

Lauren: Uh... Honey, would you excuse us for a minute?

Eden: Sure.

Lauren: Don't you want to see Paul get out of this mess?

Michael: Paul? Paul. We're talking about my sister.

Lauren: Right, who is a grown woman and can handle this, and if it helps Paul--

Michael: Well, what if it doesn't? What if it doesn't? What if Eden goes through this whole process and her mind's still a blank? Maybe she can handle remembering, but what if she can't remember? Letting Paul down-- that might not be something she can deal with.

Lauren: And you know what? We will be there for her, no matter what. But, Honey, urging her not to do this is a mistake for her and for Paul.

Michael: Excuse me. I want you to think about this before you make a decision.

Eden: I have.

Michael: I just don't want to see you more hurt than you've already been.

Nikki: Katherine, I have no regrets about marrying Jack, not one, but Victor and I have long history. We have children and grandchildren together. If he's hurt--

Kay: We don't know that he is.

Nikki: He would not leave his horse in full tack. He just wouldn't.

Kay: How many times has he gone off and not told a soul?

Nikki: Well, what if this isn't one of those times? If I find out later that I could have helped him and didn't, I will never forgive myself.

Kay: You are walking such a fine line. Promise me-- promise me that you will be very, very careful.

Nikki: Aren't I always?

Kay: Almost never, uh, where Victor is concerned.

Nikki: I promise you, I will be careful. Good-bye. I'll see you soon.

Kay: Bye, Darling.

Tucker: Hey, Mom.

Kay: Tucker, hello.

Tucker: I didn't want to intrude. Any word on Victor?

Kay: Uh, you're asking for yourself, or... for Sharon?

Tucker: (Sighs)

Kay: Well, come on. Nikki told me you were with Sharon the night Victor disappeared.

Tucker: Victor and I had a business meeting. When I showed up at the ranch, Sharon was there alone. She was upset. I tried to help her out.

Kay: So when you went back to the ranch yesterday, you... you were trying to help her out then, huh?

Tucker: She doesn't have a whole lot of people on her side right now. I know what that's like.

Kay: I would love to think that, um, you are giving her a shoulder to lean on out of the goodness of your heart.

Tucker: Why else would I be doing it?

Kay: Why, indeed?

Avery: Victor had me draw up the prenup before the two of you went to Vegas. He told me to pick up the signed document, along with these other contracts for Newman Enterprises. He said they would be in his study, in the out-box. These were there, but there was no prenup.

Sharon: I'm sorry, I wish I could help you, but I don't know anything about a prenup.

Kyle: You don't have to do this if you don't want to.

Daniel: Why don't you let her decide?

Kyle: That's good advice. Might think about taking it.

Eden: Okay, knock it off, Guys. Jeez. Believe it or not, I can serve coffee and tea and make decisions about my own life.

Kyle: Nice.

Daniel: Come on, man, that's all you.

Kyle: What is your deal, Romalotti? Why are you pushing Eden to do this hypnosis?

Daniel: I'm just trying to help her.

Kyle: Yeah, trying to help somebody. I'm not so sure it's Eden.

Lauren: You okay, Honey?

Eden: Yes.

Chris: Eden. I just spoke with a doctor named Stanley Hoffman. He's a forensic psychiatrist who specializes in hypnosis. I told him about your situation, and he's agreed to meet with us today, at your apartment.

Eden: That soon?

Chris: Y-you haven't changed your mind?

Eden: Um, I just need a minute to think.

Chris: What happened? Daniel got her to agree.

Lauren: Yeah, but I think Michael may have caused her to have second thoughts.

Chris: He's really gonna do this to Paul?

Lauren: Look, Christine, he is just concerned about what forcing her memory will do to her.

Chris: Okay, and I understand his concern, but we don't have time to wait for it to come back on its own.

Lauren: What do you mean?

Chris: Paul's gonna plead guilty.

Lauren: No.

Chris: He's starting to believe that he imagined the knife and imagined that Ricky was a threat. Eden is the only one that can convince him that he was justified in shooting Ricky.

Lauren: (Sighs) Now look, I'm on Paul's side, you know that, but, I mean, we can't push her to make her decision. Either way, she's--she's gotta decide for herself.

Eden: Well, I have. I'll do it.

Paul: Look, I don't want to fight you on this.

Heather: (Voice breaks) Then give up this stupid idea of pleading guilty. (Sighs)

Paul: I killed Ricky. I don't want to walk into court and deny it or I don't want to trash my own son to justify it, and I don't want anyone to defend me, either. I just want it to be over.

Nina: Hey.

Ronan: Hey.

Nina: I just went to get a soda. I could grab you one, if you want.

Ronan: No, no, I'm good. Thank you.

Nina: Hey, listen, um, your birthday's coming up, and maybe we could, I don't know, have dinner or something.

Ronan: Yeah.

Nina: I mean, I'd-- I'd offer to cook it, but it's not really my thing.

Ronan: (Chuckles) Uh, yeah, Chance mentioned this.

Nina: (Laughs) Yeah, well, I make a mean reservation, though.

Ronan: I really don't celebrate my birthday. My parents always tried to get me to, but it's just, uh... it's not my thing.

Nina: Right.

Ronan: How's Paul?

Nina: He's ready to plead guilty.

Ronan: Didn't s-see that one coming.

Nina: Yeah, well, I should have. He's a decent man, the best I know, and he thinks he deserves to be punished for what happened with Ricky. Hardly the sentiment of a cold-blooded killer, don't you think?

Ronan: I have to deal with the facts, not people's emotions.

Nina: Oh, right, of course. Well, maybe that's the problem. You don't know what it's like to have a child you'd sacrifice everything for.

Michael: Hi.

Ronan: (Sighs)

Nina: Excuse me.

Michael: What?

Ronan: We've got a problem.

Nick: No problem. I have kids myself. Just call my secretary and reschedule. Okay.

Nick: Hey, Connie, it's me. My appointment just canceled, so I'm gonna go home and work from there, okay?

Phyllis: Thank you for being so prompt. I-I just wanted to get this taken care of.

Man: Well, what can I do for you?

Phyllis: Okay, well, um, a friend of mine gave me a tip. Uh, it's a-an amazing investment opportunity, and, uh, we just, you know, have to act fast. You know how it is. So I figured the best way to secure funds was just to borrow from-- from summer's trust. Uh, this is how much I need.

Phyllis: Yeah. No, I-I-I know that-- that seems like a lot, but, um... I-it's a lot. Uh, it's worth it.

Man: Well, of course, we'll have to discuss this with your husband.

Nick: Whoa, careful. Careful, Counselor.

Avery: Oh, oh, oh, Nick. Sorry. Sorry. (Sighs)

Nick: Guess your day wouldn't be complete without running into someone.

Avery: Uh, yeah, right.

Nick: You all right?

Avery: Not really. Uh, did your dad mention anything to you about the prenuptial agreement with Sharon?

Nick: I didn't even know they were getting married.

Avery: Okay, well, your dad had me draw up a prenup, and now he's missing and so is the document, and Sharon claims she knows nothing about it.

Nick: You think she's lying?

Avery: That was my impression, yes.

Nick: (Sighs) I never got the feeling that Sharon was in this for money. It seemed a lot more personal for her.

Avery: Okay, well, I've been wrong a time or two, and I don't think this is one of those times.

Nick: I guess, when people are pushed, they're capable of just about anything.

Avery: (Sighs) How's Phyllis doing?

Nick: Oh, you haven't heard? Uh, she, uh, she went and paid Billy and Victoria a visit.

Avery: She what? Okay, please give me some good news and tell me that she got through to him.

Nick: Billy's holding tight to his first amendment rights.

Avery: Yeah, okay, next time, Phyllis, let me handle things.

Nick: No, I think she finally realized there's nothing she can do to help her cause.

Phyllis: Okay, yeah, right here. Okay, this is where it sa-- right here, "One parental--" see? "One parental signature required to transfer funds to and/or from the trust." Okay, Nick doesn't even need to know.

Man: It's--it's such a large amount, and I just-- I don't know anything about this investment.

Phyllis: I checked it out. I completely checked it out. It's a great deal for the entire family. Here, right here. This is the account I want it transferred into.

Man: An offshore account?

Phyllis: Please, just do it.

Tucker: Uh, I hope you don't mind me dropping by like this, but, uh, when you hung up on me earlier--

Sharon: Oh, gosh, I'm so sorry about that.

Tucker: Oh, no, it's-- it's no problem. I was just worried about you. Is everything okay?

Sharon: Um... Victor's attorney was here.

Tucker: She have news on him?

Sharon: She was looking for some papers Victor had left for her. She couldn't find them, and she wondered if I knew where they were, but I couldn't help her.

Tucker: So you haven't heard from Victor at all?

Sharon: Not a word.

Tucker: You know, I took the liberty of checking with my pilot. He said the Newman jet hasn't left Genoa City since you and Victor returned from Vegas.

Sharon: He could have flown commercial.

Tucker: Well, according to my, uh, contact at the F.A.A., his passport hasn't been used and his name hasn't shown up on any domestic manifests.

Sharon: Victor is a resourceful man. If he wanted to disappear without a trace, I'm sure he could.

Tucker: And it would take someone just as resourceful to find him.

Man: Mrs. Newman.

Nikki: Well, one of many, I'm afraid, Buck. Actually, it's Mrs. Abbott now.

Buck: You'll always be Mrs. Newman to me, the first and only one.

Nikki: Oh, you're very sweet.

Buck: Just listen to Jupiter. (Chuckles) He's as glad to see you as I am.

Nikki: How is he?

Buck: Truth, he ain't been the same since I found him in here alone in full tack.

Nikki: Victor would never have left him unattended like that.

Buck: No, Ma'am. If Mr. Newman couldn't take care of Jupiter, he would have called me or one of the boys.

Nikki: So what do you think happened?

Buck: Best guess, Jupiter came back alone.

Nikki: Was there anything on the tack, like blood or torn fabric? Anything that might have indicated Victor took a fall?

Buck: Nope. I went over every inch of Jupiter and the tack-- both clean.

Nikki: Buck, can you saddle up Blue Smoke for me? I'm gonna change and take a ride on the trail, see if I can find anything.

Buck: You head north. I'll take Jupiter and cover the south side of the ranch.

Nikki: Okay. Those horses are so connected to Victor. Maybe they can help us figure out what happened to him.

Buck: Yes, Ma'am.

Nina: When it's done, that's when. I just-- yeah, I'll think about the other thing, as well. In my spare time, okay, Ross? Thanks. (Scoffs)

Kay: Hollywood calling?

Nina: Hey.

Kay: (Chuckles) I didn't mean to frighten you.

Nina: No, it was just my agent.

Kay: Mm-hmm. Demanding you work, uh, so he can make a living?

Nina: He suggested I use what's happening in my personal life in my next script.

Kay: Oh, I see. Well, I will bring that subject up. How is Paul holding up?

Nina: Oh, it's-- the pressure's getting to him.

Kay: You, too, from the looks of it.

Nina: I came here to just catch my breath.

Kay: Very hard to do with, uh, one of those things.

Nina: Oh. (Chuckles) If I could turn this off and solve my problems, I--believe me, I would do it.

Kay: Hmm?

Nina: I had a run-in with Ronan again today, another one.

Kay: (Chuckles) You're getting it from all sides today, my dear, aren't you?

Nina: I just--I tried to talk to him about his birthday, but clearly, that's off limits.

Kay: I'm sorry.

Nina: I can handle him shutting me down. It's just the way he's treating Paul.

Kay: Hmm?

Nina: He's so angry, he can't see the goodness in anyone.

Kay: Well, I mean, he can't see it in himself.

Nina: Well, I'm not gonna hold my breath waiting for it to happen.

Kay: Nina, be patient. He's a good man and he does believe in finding the truth. Paul didn't murder his son, you love yours, and eventually, Ronan is going to believe both of those things are true... eventually.

Nina: I so hope you're right.

Kay: (Chuckles)

Ronan: Paul is going to screw up what we're trying to do for him here.

Michael: Well, if he insists on pleading guilty, even if we find proof to clear him, it doesn't matter.

Lauren: Michael.

Michael: Oh, hi.

Lauren: Christine just told me that Paul wants to plead guilty.

Michael: Yeah, that's an interesting strategy.

Lauren: Well, I'm not gonna let him.

Lauren: Thanks.

Ronan: Well... do you think she can get him to change his mind?

Michael: She has the motivation. Paul and her go way back.

Lauren: I won't let you do this.

Paul: Look, I've already been over it with Chris and Heather--

Lauren: Yes, but neither of them were the ones that gave you the gun that shot Ricky.

Paul: I've made up my mind, Lauren.

Lauren: No, Paul, you don't have to do this. In fact, Eden is undergoing hypnosis right now.

Paul: Yeah, I know. I didn't want her to do that.

Lauren: No, and she is. She's going to remember, and then this whole nightmare is gonna be over.

Kyle: You okay?

Daniel: Christine said this guy's top-notch, and we're all here for you, so no worries.

Eden: Yeah. I think you guys are freaking out more than I am. I'm fine, I really am.

Dr. Hoffman: So, Eden, now that you know how this works, do you have any questions?

Eden: Um, no, I don't-- I don't think so.

Dr. Hoffman: Remember, you'll be in complete control when you're under. If you're uncomfortable at any point, you can end the session.

Eden: Okay.

Dr. Hoffman: You ready?

Eden: Yeah, yes.

Dr. Hoffman: Where would you like to sit?

Eden: Oh, um... I mean, I guess, here? Okay.

Eden: Like this?

Dr. Hoffman: Mm-hmm. (Exhales sharply) Close your eyes. Imagine you're somewhere peaceful, a place that makes you happy. See yourself there, calm, relaxed. Feel the tension go out of your body. Feel it being released from your arms, now your legs. Your head's relaxed. All your muscles are quiet, still. Your body is sinking in, shutting down. The only thing you're aware of is your breathing, in... out. In... out. Are you relaxed?

Eden: Yes.

Dr. Hoffman: I'm going to count to ten, and when I get to ten, you and I are gonna go back to the night you can't remember.

Eden: In Ricky's room.

Dr. Hoffman: That's right. Ready?

Eden: Yes.

Dr. Hoffman: One... two... three... four... five... six...

Ronan: Yeah, that's it. Thank you. All work.

Avery: I could say the same thing for you, unfortunately, since you're trying to send Phyllis to prison.

Ronan: How's she doing?

Avery: You got a minute?

Ronan: My to-go order's not ready yet.

Avery: Sit down.

Avery: Dealing with the hit-and-run charges has been difficult enough for Phyllis. Now being a suspect in Tim Reid's disappearance--

Ronan: Well, she didn't help herself very much by paying Reid to leave town.

Avery: You think I didn't tell her that?

Ronan: Did she hear you?

Avery: Trust me, she's not gonna go anywhere near the guy.

Phyllis: That's the number to the offshore account where I transferred the money, and the password to access the account.

Tim: This is a huge step forward for you, Phyllis, realizing that you can't always get your own way. I'm glad our therapy sessions weren't a total waste.

Phyllis: Go to hell.

Sharon: Are you sure that I can't have, um, Bonnie fix you something to eat?

Tucker: No, no. I just came by to tell you what I found out about Victor-- thank you-- or what I didn't find out.

Sharon: Oh. Well, I appreciate you trying.

Tucker: I'll tell you what, I'll keep looking.

Sharon: You know, don't waste your time. (Chuckles) I mean, I'm sure, wherever Victor is, that's exactly where he wants to be. Wish he could have filled me in on the plan, but hey, that's Victor.

Tucker: Yeah, us men can be real jerks sometimes, do stupid things.

Sharon: Not just men.

Nikki: Hey, Buck, I didn't find anything, did you?

Buck: I found this.

Nikki: Let me see.

Buck: Jupiter kept wanting to stop at one point on the trail. I finally got down and had a look around, and sure enough, spotted that in the brush just off the trail.

Nikki: Looks like Victor's.

Buck: Well, I never took any notice of Mr. Newman's phone.

Nikki: Battery's almost dead. Let's see-- yes, this is his. These are his contacts. Um... the last call he made was to Billy, the same day he married Sharon.

Buck: Maybe we ought to turn that over to the police. I mean, even though the other Mrs. Newman doesn't think there's anything to worry about...

Nikki: No, you're absolutely right. Um, the police should be notified. I'll take care of this.

Buck: Well, I'll bring Jupiter in.

Nikki: Okay. Thanks, Buck.

Lauren: (Sighs) I need to talk to you.

Michael: What, about Paul?

Lauren: No, about Eden. She's decided to go ahead with the hypnosis.

Michael: I told you how I feel about that.

Lauren: Yes, you did, but Christine and Daniel and Kyle will be with her, and she's doing it now.

Michael: And I'm supposed to be fine with this?

Heather: If Eden can corroborate Paul's story, this thing won't even go to trial.

Nina: Even Ronan would have to admit it's a clear case of self-defense.

Paul: Oh, come on, you guys, aren't you getting a little ahead of yourselves?

Heather: Look, Michael won't even be able to prosecute you if Eden backs up your story.

Paul: She hasn't remembered anything yet.

Heather: How about this? You agree not to plead guilty until we find out what happens with Eden.

Nina: Please, Paul.

Paul: All right, I'll wait.

Dr. Hoffman: She's under. This may get rough, but she'll be all right.

Kyle: Just take it easy with her, Doc.

Daniel: He knows what he's doing.

Dr. Hoffman: Okay, Eden, we're gonna go back to the night you can't remember. You went to the athletic club.

Eden: To Ricky's room.

Dr. Hoffman: Are you there now?

Eden: I'm nervous... shaking.

Dr. Hoffman: Why?

Eden: I don't know. I'm just scared, really scared.

Dr. Hoffman: It's okay. You're safe. I'm right here with you. What are you afraid of?

Eden: Ricky.

Ronan: I told Phyllis to take the deal that Michael's offering.

Avery: Some friend.

Ronan: I've worked hundreds of these cases, and I've seen people convicted on a lot less than what they have on Phyllis.

Avery: Well, they didn't have me as a lawyer. I'm good at my job. Let me do it.

Ronan: So am I.

Avery: Bring it on, agent Malloy.

Phyllis: I gave you what you wanted. Now stay out of my life forever. You got it?

Tim: Gee, I don't know, Phyllis. I just may have to come back someday and collect on that kiss you owe me.

Phyllis: You do that, and I really will kill you.

Tim: (Laughs)

Tucker: I better get going. Listen, if you need anything, you just let me know.

(Cell phone alert chimes)

Sharon: Mm. It's from Victor.

Tucker: What's it say?

Next on "The Young and The Restless"...

Nick: I saw Tim Reid leaving this store. That cannot be a coincidence.

Heather: What would it take for you to drop your sister and represent my dad instead?

Sharon: My husband's still alive, all right. He's probably annulling our marriage as we speak!

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