Y&R Transcript Wednesday 8/8/12
Episode # 9966 ~ Billy Searches for More Secrets From Phyllis' Past
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Phyllis: Hey.
Nick: Hey. I was about to leave you a note.
Phyllis: Oh, to say what?
Nick: I've got a meeting I can't get out of, but I'll be back soon, and, uh, I love you.
Phyllis: I love you.
Nick: Did your walk do you any good?
Phyllis: No. I'm just so worried about what Billy has on me that he's gonna spill on his show.
Nick: What's there to spill? The credit card statement saying you rented the car that hit Paul and Christine? It's old news, and it's circumstantial. There is nothing that directly places you behind the wheel of that car.
Phyllis: No. Mm. Nothing we know of.
Nick: Do you have a plan?
Phyllis: Yeah, I do have a plan. I-I need--I need to get on this. I need to--to find out what Billy has on me.
Billy: Why did I say that? Why did I promise some big scoop in the Phyllis story? (Chuckles)
Victoria: Uh, to hook your audience?
Billy: Yeah, to hook my audience, but it was a lie.
Victoria: Well, in that moment, the pressure was on.
Billy: Oh, yeah. And now that pressure is exponentially higher. The producer's expecting a rating's bonanza, and I got nada.
Victoria: What will you do?
Billy: Deliver? I mean, I have to.
Lily: So how long is your break from work?
Cane: Uh, long enough to decompress with you. Come here.
Lily: (Chuckles)
Cane: Mm. Oh, and you. Sorry. Um...
Lily: (Laughs)
Cane: And enjoy my tea.
Neil: Okay. Did you catch, uh, "Restless Style TV"?
Cane: Uh, no, I was held up on a conference call. Why? What'd I miss?
Lily: Well, Harmony made a surprise appearance. Right?
Cane: Really?
Lily: Uh-huh. And then-- should I tell him, or do you want to?
Neil: I can see you're dying to.
Lily: Yes, I am. So he finally has a date with Harmony-- finally.
Cane: That's great.
Neil: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it is. It is great. Um, I-I gotta be honest with you, though. I actually am kind of nervous.
Harmony: Oh, thank you for driving me.
Kay: Oh, please. No bother.
Harmony: Katherine, do-- do--do I look okay?
Kay: (Chuckles) Neil is going to be dazzled.
Harmony: You know what? I don't see him.
Kay: Well, he's not going to cancel. Now I'm going to make myself scarce.
Harmony: N-no, uh, you know what? Actually, I could use the company until he shows.
Kay: It's just a date.
Harmony: Oh, yeah, I know. I-I know. You're right. And with all the wild nights I've had, I-I shouldn't be, but... I'm kind of nervous.
Kay: (Laughs) Ohh.
Harmony: (Sighs)
Jack: So one day in, Mrs. Abbott. What do you think of married life?
Nikki: No phones, no e-mail, no TV... just my husband. I'm loving every second of it. You?
Jack: Me, I feel like I have everything I want.
Nikki: Including a number of business matters that need tending to.
Jack: Yeah, there is that.
Nikki: Go on. Turn the phone back on.
Jack: Thanks.
Nikki: (Chuckles)
(Cell phone rings)
Jack: Oops. (Sighs)
Nikki: Okay, I'll see you in a few hours. (Sighs)
Jack: I'll miss you.
Nikki: I'll miss you.
Jack: I love you.
Nikki: I love you.
Jack: Hello? What did he say? Is the press release done?
(Front door closes)
Sharon: (Grunts)
Tucker: Ooh. How's your head?
Sharon: Throbbing. And I'm mortified, Tucker. (Sighs) Not just because I drunkenly crashed Nikki and Jack's wedding.
Tucker: What else did you do?
Sharon: I kissed you.
Tucker: (Chuckles)
Sharon: And for that, I-I just--I cannot apologize enough.
Tucker: Oh, no, come on. Been there, done worse-- often.
Sharon: (Sighs) Well, whether that's true or not, um, that's comforting. (Sighs)
Tucker: So... (Sighs) Any word from Victor?
Sharon: Oh, you're asking if my husband of one day has bothered to contact me?
Tucker: That's a no?
Sharon: (Sighs) Not a text, not a call-- nothing.
Tucker: Hmm.
Billy: (Sighs) I mean, it's Phyllis we're talkin' about here. There's gotta be a plethora of dirt that I could find on this woman.
Victoria: You know, it's just another story. I mean, why are you getting so rattled?
Billy: Because in front of all those live cameras, I got nervous.
Victoria: What? Come on. (Laughs) You seemed so calm.
Billy: (Laughs) Nothing went right.
Victoria: Well, you pulled it off.
Billy: Barely. And next time could be a complete disaster.
Victoria: Oh, no, not necessarily.
Billy: Think about it. I'm out there promoting "Restless Style" as a must-read magazine with a must-see TV show. (Sighs) And if I recycle old news, I'm gonna look like a moron. And did you hear Abby?
Victoria: Yeah, she can be a bit of a loose cannon.
Billy: Yeah, blabbing on about God knows what. I mean, let's face it, I'm--I'm gonna fail. That's it. I'm gonna fail.
Victoria: Oh.
Nick: You don't need to go anywhere near Billy or anyone in the press, for that matter.
Phyllis: Ugh, no, I actually--I actually do. I need to control this story. I need to have some sort of control.
Nick: You can't. It's already out there.
Phyllis: (Sighs) You and I both know that "Restless Style" coverage of this story is gonna be a lot nastier or more ruthless than any of the other tabloids combined.
Nick: Okay, I know that this bites, and I'm sure it’s very frustrating for you.
Phyllis: Yeah, of course it is. I hate this.
Nick: And it might hurt a little, too. I mean, this is Billy who's doing it to you.
Phyllis: I know. He's family. I mean, we worked together. I don't understand why he's doing this to me.
Nick: Well, whatever lies they're gonna tell about you on that broadcast, we're just gonna ride it out together.
Phyllis: Thank you.
Nick: And you've told me everything I need to know, right?
Phyllis: Right.
Nick: Honesty really is our best defense for this so we're prepared for whatever they throw at us.
(Cell phone rings) (Ringing stops)
Phyllis: No, what are you thinking?
Nick: Why would Billy show the video of me hitting him but only hint that he has this huge reveal about you?
Phyllis: To get more viewers. That's what I would do.
Nick: Yeah, just-- it's his premiere. If he had a bomb to drop, that would be the perfect place to do it. I-I don't know. Maybe he's bluffing.
Phyllis: I hope you're right. You have no idea how much I hope you are right.
Lily: So where are you meeting Harmony?
Neil: I'm meeting Harmony here, um, a few minutes ago. Maybe--maybe I should call her.
Lily: You know, I think it's really sweet that you're so nervous.
Neil: (Chuckles) It's ridiculous.
Cane: No, it's not ridiculous. It's symbolic.
Neil: Of what?
Cane: You know, that this woman, uh, means something to you.
Neil: I suppose so. After so many missteps on both our parts, it's very surprising tat this is happening at all. I just want to make sure everything runs smoothly.
Harmony: Its, um, a turning point for me and Neil. Do you think I'm a hypocrite?
Kay: Why on earth would I?
Harmony: Well, you know, because of all that stuff I said about swearing off romance and focusing on myself.
Kay: (Sighs) That. Darling, you were worried about, uh, how Devon and Sofia would react to you being with Neil. That's all that was.
Harmony: You know, maybe I still should be.
Kay: Oh, I don't think so. Essentially, Devon has given his blessing. Sofia has accepted the situation. And all that is left is for you to just relax and enjoy.
Harmony: You know, Neil should have been here by now. Uh, maybe he changed his mind.
Kay: Well, I seriously doubt he's going to cancel. Now just--just relax and call the man.
Harmony: Katherine, that doesn't seem proper.
Kay: Oh, proper be damned. What--yeah. (Chuckles)
(Cell phone rings)
Neil: Oh. Hey, I was just about to call you.
Harmony: Hi, uh, you running late?
Neil: I was early. I mean, I'm here.
Harmony: At Gloworm?
Neil: Crimson Lights.
Harmony: (Gasps) Whoops.
Neil: No, I-I-I said maybe Gloworm and may-- it doesn't matter. Don't move. I'll be right there, okay? Bye. I gotta go. Take care, Cane.
Lily: Okay. Ye. Have fun!
Cane: All right, have fun.
Neil: Yeah, all right. Thanks.
Cane: Yep.
Lily: He's so cute.
Cane: (Sighs) Um...
Lily: Hi.
Cane: Hey.
Lily: (Laughs)
Cane: You know what I'm thinkin'?
Lily: What?
Cane: That we should go on a date.
Lily: Aw.
Cane: Hmm?
Lily: Aren't you so romantic?
Cane: I'm so romantic. I want to celebrate all the calm.
Lily: All the calm.
Cane: All the calm.
Lily: (Laughs) You know, it has been nice. No new secret messages or surprises from the mystery person.
Cane: Mm-hmm. Let's hope it continues. Come here.
(Cell phone rings)
Lily: (Sighs)
Cane: Hold that thought.
Lily: Okay.
Cane: Hey, Jack.
Jack: Cane, we need to get together.
Cane: Uh, sure. Where? When?
Jack: My place, as soon as possible.
Sharon: (Groans) Nikki, this is really not a good time.
Nikki: Oh, probably not, seeing as you're nursing a hangover, but this is important.
Sharon: (Sighs)
Nikki: Tucker, hello.
Tucker: Hello.
Nikki: Interesting seeing you with Sharon-- again.
Tucker: I just dropped by to check on things.
Nikki: Mm-hmm. So while the two of you are sitting here chatting it up, Victor is not back.
Sharon: Victor is my husband and my concern, so why don't you get the hell out and go back to your husband?
Nikki: So what have you done since Victor's disappearance other than drink too much and embarrass yourself?
Tucker: Nikki, there's no need to make this ugly.
Nikki: Excuse me. Who are you to be injecting yourself into her marriage?
Sharon: (Sighs) Tucker, don't waste your breath. "Ugly" is who she is and what she does.
Nikki: (Sighs)
Sharon: And besides, I do have things in motion.
Nikki: Well, do tell.
Sharon: Well, the Newman security team has confirmed that Victor is not in any medical facility within 100 miles.
Nikki: What about the grounds?
Sharon: Of course the grounds have been checked.
Nikki: And have you bothered to ask the people who might have seen him?
Sharon: Oh, I have personally-- I have personally spoken with every member of the household staff. Victor did not say anything to any of them about leaving, and they don't know where he is.
Nikki: Well, you've only been married to the man for one day. Why on earth would they trust you?
Sharon: And you think that they would confide in you if Victor had decided to disappear as he has in the past or if he instructed them not to say anything?
Nikki: What if he didn't choose to leave? It bothers me that his horse could have come back to the stables on his own. Did you share that information with the police, Sharon?
Sharon: I haven't contacted the police.
Nikki: What?! Why not?
Sharon: Because he hasn't been missing for an entire day.
Nikki: What?
Tucker: You can't file a missing persons report yet.
Nikki: Victor Newman is not just "Another person." All right, I will take care of this since you don't seem to know how.
Cane: So, uh, most newlyweds don't conduct business the day after getting married, so I'm certain this must be urgent.
Jack: Ashley has left town.
Cane: Is she okay?
Jack: She' an indefinite leave of absence. We're about to issue a press release. There's a handful of people I wanted to tell personally, though. You're among them.
Cane: Since I report directly to her.
Jack: I am in charge now, Cane. There are gonna be some changes around here.
Cane: (Sighs)
Neil: Again, I'm-- I'm really, uh, sorry. I apologize for the restaurant mix-up.
Harmony: No, no, I-I-I was the one who misheard you.
Neil: No, I-I-- I don't think so. I think it's, uh, you heard it right, and I must have-- I said it wrong.
Harmony: (Chuckles)
Neil: (Laughs) Right?
Harmony: Well, at, um, at least we're in the same place now.
Neil: Yeah, we sure are.
Adrian: Welcome to Gloworm. My name is Adrian, and I'll be your server. Our specials this evening are chicken risotto that comes--
Harmony: Uh, excuse me, Adrian, but do you think we might see a menu first?
Adrian: (Sighs) Of course. (Chuckles) I-I'm new. You're my first table... (Laughs) Ever.
Neil: Yeah, well, Adrian, you're, uh, you're in good company. This is a first for us, too.
Victoria: You won't fail, okay? But, Billy, there's a right way and a wrong way to stay on the air.
Billy: I'm not gonna go after your dad or your brother, just one hot item on Phyllis. And you're worried about me.
Victoria: Well, yeah, maybe just a little bit. I mean, your "Failure is not an option" speech-- it sounded a little bit desperate. I don't know.
Billy: Well, the stakes are just a little bit high.
Victoria: Just like they are at the magazine.
Billy: No, this is TV. Millions of eyeballs watching, thousands of thumbs ready to Twitter critiques.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Billy: And then remotes ready to change the channel every week.
Victoria: Okay, so does that mean every week you're gonna be frantic and stressed out trying to find a hot new story? Wh-what is that gonna do to you?
Billy: Make me famous
Victoria: Or it's gonna make you the kind of person that doesn't care if they hurt someone.
Billy: Oh, come on.
Victoria: What? Okay, you're not that now. But how far will you go to make that show a success?
Billy: (Sighs)
Nick: Hey, don't freak out.
Phyllis: I--oh, I've already been there and done that. You've noticed, right?
Nick: Which is why I'm encouraging you to let this "Restless Style" thing go.
Phyllis: Oh, I'm trying. I'm trying. I'm trying. I'm trying. (Chuckles) That helps.
Nick: Well, good. Then you'll be glad to know that I have nothing but that between you and me on the schedule tonight.
Phyllis: Okay. Thanks. Bye.
Nick: Bye.
Phyllis: Oh, come on, Tim. Why are you not answering? Please. Come on. I need to talk to you. I really, really need to know if you talked to Billy Abbott. You know what? There's only one thing that I can do then.
Lily: Hi.
Kay: Oh, hi.
Lily: Looks like you can't resist books, either.
Kay: Well, I just, um, stopped by to pick, uh, pick up an out-of-print manuscript for Murphy and, uh, then I started browsing, and then I started buying.
Lily: Yeah. (Laughs) I know how that is. I do.
Kay: What brings you here?
Lily: Um, I was just looking for some vintage bedtime stories for the twins, so...
Kay: Mm-hmm.
Lily: Uh, have you seen, uh, Harmony today?
Kay: Well, as a matter of fact, I just, um, just left her a short while ago.
Lily: Oh.
Kay: Have you seen your, uh, father?
Lily: Um, yeah, actually, I was with him when she called.
Lily: He practically ran out of the door when he realized that she was waiting for him.
Kay: She wanted to make such a good impression on him.
Lily: I know. I think they both had butterflies about this.
Kay: (Chuckles) Well, once, uh, they're past the bumpy start, all will be well for them.
Lily: Yeah. I mean, they know each other. They like each other. So what could go wrong? (Chuckles)
Neil: Maybe I, uh, maybe I gave you too much detail there. I shouldn't have done that.
Harmony: Oh, no, no, uh, your evaluation of the euro... (Chuckles) Was interesting.
Neil: Thanks.
Harmony: You know, I-I'm always hearing from Katherine what a great job you're doing.
Neil: Thank you. I, uh, that's-- that's good to hear. So, um, your job at "Restless Style" magazine, right? How's that go--how's it-- the TV show?
Harmony: Yeah, um, they're still figuring it all out, you know, so...
Neil: Right, sure. Sure. This is some good bread. You--you want--
Harmony: Uh--
Adrian: Sorry for the delay.
Neil: That's okay. I appreciate it. Wow.
Adrian: Bon appétit.
Neil: Hey, what--what-- my man, hold on one second. This, um, this isn't what we ordered.
Adrian: Oh, right. You're table three, not five. I will straighten this out right away while you two continue enjoying each other.
Harmony: (Sighs)
Jack: I will be relying on you more heavily in Ashley's absence as I focus on Jabot and Beauty of Nature and this merger.
Cane: I'm glad I can help.
Jack: I realize you already have extra stuff on your plate with Jill gone, but you've done an amazing job.
Cane: Well, she trained me well.
Jack: Yeah. I expected her back by now.
Cane: Yeah, um, Phillip's knee recovery has been rougher than we expected.
Jack: So I understand. Well, since we don't know when Jill's coming back, effective immediately, I'm promoting you to interim head of marketing.
Cane: I-I'm honored. Thank you.
Jack: You've done great work, Cane. You deserve the promotion. I hate to do this. I got a few phone calls I gotta make.
Cane: Um, do you mind if I ask you something before I go?
Jack: Sure. What is it?
Cane: Well, I was thinking with all the changes in the company, do you think we should beef up the P.R. department?
Jack: I'm about to start a search for a consultant.
Cane: Well, would you mind if I take that on? I could look for some candidates, report back to you-- I mean, if you're comfortable with that.
Jack: I am not only comfortable with that, I appreciate the extra effort.
Cane: Thank you, Sir.
Man: So there's been no contact?
Sharon: None.
Man: But also no sign of criminal activity, and Mr. Newman does have a habit of taking off without disclosing his plans.
Sharon: That is correct.
Nikki: While Victor may have had more than enough motivation to want to leave for a while, that doesn't rule out the possibility of an accident or foul play. Now I hope to God nothing has gone wrong, but we need to take every step we can to ensure his safety.
Man: Well, given Mr. Newman's stature, I'd--I'd say you're right. I'll, uh, send out an alert to the police and sheriffs' offices in the surrounding areas.
Tucker: Can you monitor the house phone?
Man: In case there's a ransom call? Yeah, we'll-- we'll cover all the bases.
Nikki: Well, the new Mrs. Newman might want to keep her conversations private.
Sharon: Unlike the old Mrs. Newman, I have nothing to hide. Go right ahead, Detective.
Nikki: Well, now that the situation has been handled properly, I'll be on my way. Um, you might want to do the same.
Tucker: Sharon, you really want to extend this visit with law enforcement present?
(Front door closes)
Sharon: Hmm, you're right. I have better things to do than sling mud at Nikki.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Billy: And you're still pissed that I posted that Victor/Sharon wedding video, aren't you?
Victoria: You crossed the line, Billy.
Billy: And because of this TV show, you're afraid that I'm gonna continue to push that line.
Victoria: Well, there are certain people and certain topics that should remain off limits.
Billy: I'm not gonna casually crush people's lives just to get good ratings. Oh, come on, Vicki. You know me better than that. I'm not gonna let it get that far.
Victoria: Okay. I believe you.
Billy: But I still have a show to put on the air, and I need some exclusive stories.
Victoria: Well, you've always found stories for the magazine. What makes you think you're gonna come up dry now?
Billy: This program raised the bar for me. I wanted to meet it. I wanted to meet it and do it one better.
Victoria: You always manage to pull it off, and you'll pull it off this time.
Billy: Aw, Baby, do you have that type of faith in me?
Victoria: No doubt.
Billy: (Chuckles)
Victoria: You will find something fantastic for next week's show and every show after that, with or without this Phyllis thing.
Billy: Okay, you're right. I can do it. But, God, it sure would help if I could find some dirt on Phyllis.
(Knock on door)
Billy: I'll get it. (Grunts) (Whistling)
Phyllis: We need to talk about what you said on your show today.
Billy: (Taps on door)
Harmony: Well, I do love bread. (Chuckles)
Neil: I am so sorry. Where is this guy? Buddy, excuse me. Yeah, can I talk to you for a sec? We need to o-- yeah, can we--
Harmony: Ooh!
Adrian: Sir, I am so, so sorry.
Neil: No, it's, uh, it's just, uh, ice water, right? It's--it'll dry.
Adrian: I haven't even brought your order.
Harmony: Listen, that's--that's okay, but do you at least have a towel?
Adrian: I'll get one.
Neil: Yeah, you-- you do that.
Harmony: (Sighs) Do you--
Neil: Wow. I--this has not gone the way I hoped at all.
Harmony: You know what I think? I think that we are just trying too hard to make this a "Date" instead of just chillin' and talkin' the way we usually do.
Neil: Yeah, right? Maybe Gloworm wasn't meant for us today.
Harmony: I can wait to eat. What do you say we go grab a movie and take it from there?
Neil: That sounds like my kind of date.
Man: I finished setting up the wiretapping. When I hear any information about Mr. Newman's whereabouts, I'll be in touch.
Sharon: Well, thank you so much, Detective. And I do hope that Victor will return home soon and all of these matters will be resolved.
Man: I'm sure.
Tucker: Thanks. Well, I should get goin', too.
Sharon: Hey, thanks or stickin' around and helping keep the peace between Nikki and me.
Tucker: Yeah. Navigating the waters with someone's ex can get tricky, huh?
Sharon: And this is a particularly complicated situation with a particularly nasty past.
Tucker: Hmm. You keep me posted on Victor?
Sharon: I will.
Tucker: If you need a friend, you let me know.
Nick: Thank you. I still haven't heard from Dad, so I'm going to cover what I can at Newman.
Nikki: I've contacted the police.
Nick: Isn't that Sharon's responsibility now?
Nikki: Well, yes, it is, but... (Sighs)
Nick: Look, I really think you need to stop trying to show up Sharon and focus on your new marriage.
Nikki: I am a very happy newlywed, thank you very much. But something had to be done, and it's a good thing I stepped in, too. Sharon looked like hell.
Nick: You went out to the ranch?
Nikki: Yes, and there she was hung over with Tucker McCall, who appears to be her new best friend.
Phyllis: What is it you think you know about me, Billy?
Billy: A-about the hit-and-run? Weren't you there?
Phyllis: Okay, you have some explosive story? What is it? Who'd you talk to?
Billy: You want to know my source? Oh, okay. I-I can't do that.
Phyllis: Well, I hope you didn't pay them a lot of money, because it's all lies.
Billy: Lies? Really? Okay, well, give me your side of the story. I'd love to share that with the audience.
Phyllis: What--what-- why are you doing this to me? Were family. You're my brother-in-law, and now you're leading the charges against me.
Billy: You seem awfully anxious about a little TV show and about things that I haven't said about you yet. So what's up, sister-in-law?
Cane: I'm sorry. Excuse me, Miss. Is this a good book you're reading?
Lily: (Laughs)
Cane: Hmm?
Lily: Hi, I wouldn't know, because I've been rereading the same page, dying to know how your meeting with Jack went.
Cane: Well, you are looking at the new interim head of marketing at Jabot. That's how it went.
Lily: Oh, my God, Cane! (Laughs)
Cane: (Sighs)
Lily: That is great.
Cane: Oh, isn't it?
Lily: Did Ashley suggest this?
Cane: Uh, no, actually, Ashley's on leave, and Jack has sole charge, so he gave me the responsibility. Hmm?
Lily: Oh, so Ashley just took off out of the blue?
Cane: Yeah, yeah, it seems, uh, something, uh, big has gone down, but Jack wouldn't go into it.
Lily: Like what?
Cane: I don't know. And I kind of get the feeling we're not gonna find out.
Phyllis: You know what? Yeah, I am anxious. I'm very anxious, because it's not just me that this is affecting. This is affecting my entire family-- you, Nick, my ki--my kids-- Summer, Lucy. I mean, doesn't it matter to you how this affects her?
Billy: (Scoffs) Uh-oh.
Victoria: (Scoffs)
Billy: (Chuckles)
Victoria: Who exactly were you thinking about all of these years when you tried to cover up that you almost killed two people?
Phyllis: Allegedly. Allegedly.
Billy: Yeah, allegedly, but you were charged, Phyllis.
Victoria: Yeah. A lot of people are convinced that you did it.
Phyllis: Well, apparently, you are, aren't you?
Victoria: Personally, I'm just surprised that you'd play the "Think of the kids" card.
Phyllis: My kids are innocent in all of this.
Victoria: Did you think of the kid when you ripped Lucy away from Billy and me?
Phyllis: Okay, okay, I get it now. Wow, stupid me. That's what this is about, right? It's about Lucy.
Victoria: When you brought Daisy back to town? When you wrote that scathing article about Sharon, did you think about Noah and--and Faith? What about when you ripped into Diane? Did you think about Kyle at all?
Phyllis: Oh, well, perhaps I should have, Victoria.
Victoria: Oh, okay. So now you're--you--you-- you've grown a conscience. Caring about innocent victims has never really stopped you from writing what's hit the hardest. Phyllis, the only person that you are looking out for, that you've ever looked out for, is yourself.
Sharon: Did your mother run right out and report to you?
Nick: I would have come anyway. Sharon, I know you're dealing with a crappy situation right now, but you cannot go off the rails like this.
Sharon: Excuse me, but I just married a man who, after barely saying "I do," ran off without a word. I think I'm entitled to handle this situation exactly how I want to.
Nick: So this is how you choose to handle it? You get drunk, show up at a party, and make a big scene? And let's not forget, we were supposed to meet with Tarragon this morning.
Sharon: (Gasps)
Nick: You, me, and Dad.
Sharon: Oh, my God. I forgot that was today.
Nick: Well, clearly, since I was the only one who showed up.
Sharon: (Groans)
Nick: Not cool.
Sharon: My apologies.
Nick: I don't want your apologies. We have a company to run. We gotta save face and keep things running smoothly until Dad gets home.
Sharon: Well, it's not that easy.
Nick: No, actually it is, unless something else happened between you and Dad. Is there something you're not telling anyone?
Sharon: I swear, there's nothing else to tell.
Jack: Hey. Perfect timing.
Nikki: Did you finish all your business?
Jack: Oh, I'm as finished as I need to be for right now. What have you been up to?
Nikki: Well, I went to the ranch to talk to Sharon about Victor.
Cane: So I offered to help Jack find a new P.R. consultant.
Lily: Yeah, that'll help pick up some of the slack with Ashley and Jill gone.
Cane: Yeah, it will. Uh, and I know some good people, but I was thinking you do, too, from your modeling days, so do you think you know any names or anyone you could recommend?
Lily: Um, yeah, I can do some research and just see who's still in play.
Cane: That'd be great.
Lily: I love you. I am so proud of you and your promotion.
Cane: Thank you. I'm just a little bummed 'cause, uh, I won't get to spend as much time with you and the kids.
Lily: Well, that's okay. We will make the most of the time that we do have together.
Cane: (Sighs)
Lily: (Chuckles)
Cane: Yeah.
Neil: Oh, no, look at you. You know, I'm so-- I'm so sorry that your heel broke like that.
Harmony: (Laughs)
Neil: We should have-- we should have just driven to the movies, you know?
Harmony: It wouldn't have mattered. The air-conditioning would have still been broken...
Neil: Right.
Harmony: And the theater would have still been closed.
Neil: And no popcorn.
Harmony: (Laughs) Hey, you know what?
Neil: What?
Harmony: You know, I could, uh, break the heel off the other shoe and have myself a new pair of flats. (Laughs)
Neil: (Laughs) Oh, Harmony, you know what? This has got to be the worst first date ever. (Laughs)
Harmony: (Laughs)
Neil: Maybe, uh, maybe we should just-- maybe we should just give up and, uh, you know, try some other time.
Harmony: Let's just start fresh.
Neil: Yeah, o-okay. Yeah, well, um, what's your schedule look like? When--when would you like to do that?
Harmony: Right now. We could pick up some food from here for a picnic.
Neil: Okay, yeah. I-I heard there's a, uh, a free concert in the park.
Harmony: Hey, I am all over any plan that includes music.
Neil: And if it rains...
Harmony: If it rains, we get wet, and we'll have fun anyway.
Neil: Well, we'll be under my umbrella so we won't get wet.
Neil: I should, uh, I should go and maybe order some food, huh?
Harmony: Well, I'd say this date just got a whole lot better.
Jack: So Victor's still missing?
Nikki: I realize he's Sharon's problem now, but she wasn't doing anything, and I just felt compelled to inform the police.
Jack: I'm glad you told me.
Nikki: I'm so relieved that you understand. So why don't we turn those phones off again and enjoy this yummy dessert that I brought back for us and, uh, anything else that might happen after?
Jack: Well, much as I do enjoy a good dessert, maybe we could skip right to the, uh, "Anything that might happen after"?
Nikki: Oh! (Laughs)
Jack: (Chuckles)
Sharon: Don't you have a wife facing trial for attempted murder? Why don't you go pick on her?
Nick: I'm gonna go, but you better listen to me. Don't make this situation worse.
Sharon: How am I doing that?
Nick: We have work and a daughter who needs us. You need to pull yourself together.
Phyllis: Wow. Okay. I came here to appeal to your humanity, of which you have... zip.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Phyllis: You're not family. Oh, and by the way, about your show-- about your show... (Sighs) Billy, when people realize that you are nothing but a fraud, it's all gonna be forgotten and over in a flash. Thanks. Good luck to you. Good luck.
Billy: Good luck to you, too.
Victoria: Thanks so much for stopping by, Phyllis.
Billy: (Chuckles)
(Front door slams)
Billy: Oh, hot damn. Phyllis comin' in here like that...
Victoria: Did you see the way she was acting?
Billy: Mm-hmm. There's something that she doesn't want to get out.
Victoria: And it's gonna be big.
Billy: And all I have to do is find out what it is.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Sharon: Did you find everything?
Avery: Where's the prenup Victor had you sign?
Tim: Phyllis.
Phyllis: You're not getting a dime from me if you've been talking to Billy Abbott.
Tucker: Any word on Victor?
Kay: Are you asking for yourself or for Sharon?
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