Y&R Transcript Monday 8/6/12
Episode # 9964 ~ Christine Won't Let Paul Plead Guilty; Heather Wants Eden to Undergo Hypnosis
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Nikki: All right, people, all eyes on me now.
Jack: No problem here.
Nikki: Hey, you. Your job is to listen, not flirt. This is my tribute to you.
Jack: Wait, quiet, everyone.
Phyllis: Oh, well, okay.
Jack: She is going to wax poetic on me.
Phyllis: Oh, really? Okay.
Nikki: When you took my hands, when you stood up for me...
Jack: That's right. I stood up for you.
Nikki: When you did that, my heart was yours. You stood up for me.
Jack: Funny thing-- you sat for me. When you sat at my hospital bed, I couldn't figure out the point in staying alive if I didn't have my legs. The point, my dear, is a life with you.
Billy: Okay, well, can we all just raise our glasses and toast these two while I get the dust out of my eyes? (Clears throat)
Abby: (Chuckles)
Nick: To Mr. and Mrs. Abbott.
(Glasses clink)
Sharon: Come on, Victor, answer your damn phone!
(Doorbell rings)
Sharon: (Sighs)
Tucker: Hey.
Sharon: Oh.
Tucker: Um, feel free to kick me out. I-I saw the news about your wedding, and, uh, best wishes to you both. I have a meeting with Victor and, uh, I couldn't get ahold of him to see if we should reschedule so...
Sharon: Yes, we are married, no, he is not here, but welcome to our wedding reception. I'm having a party. Come on in.
Tucker: (Laughs) (Clears throat) Look, I-if this is a bad time, I can just, uh, take off.
Sharon: Mm, no, no, no, it's not a bad time. What--why-- oh, oh, you mean because... it's my wedding night, and not only did my husband crash his ex-wife's wedding, not only did he make me go riding horses instead of celebrating, he literally left me in the dust, so he's with Nikki now, obviously. Bad time? No, no. It's just wonderful.
Daniel: Can I get a iced coffee with a little bit of hazelnut?
Eden: Uh, mocha?
Daniel: What?
Eden: What?
Daniel: I'm sorry, do you want me to write it down?
Eden: Okay, I'm sorry. Uh, it's just, I had a really good day and managed to forget that there's a man in jail because I'm useless.
Daniel: Hey, Paul's a grown man. He made a decision.
Eden: Yeah, to save me from Ricky, and until I can remember that night, I can't return the favor.
Paul: Sweetheart, this isn't your decision.
Heather: I'm your daughter!
Chris: What's going on?
Heather: He won't give up the idea of pleading guilty.
Paul: Because I am.
Chris: A guilty plea could mean that you spend the rest of your life in a cell.
Paul: My son is in a grave.
Chris: Well, there is no way I'm gonna file a plea of guilty on your behalf.
Paul: Well, then maybe I need another attorney.
Victoria: On my mother's wedding day, you post video of my father marrying Sharon.
Billy: It was a "Timing is of the essence" sort of event, okay? This is a fast-paced business.
Victoria: And if it insults her by implying that she's in the same category, the same universe as Sharon? Oh, oh, well, who cares?
Billy: Your father was gonna give that video to somebody. Better that it's us.
Victoria: Better? If somebody else posted that video, I could be mad at them instead of you.
Billy: You know what? This isn't about the video. It's about the ring on the finger. It's your dad telling you and everybody else that he doesn't give a damn what you think.
Phyllis: Yeah, I know. How am I supposed to get away now, Tim? I know it's not your problem. Okay, I'll be there soon. Hey.
Nick: Hi.
Phyllis: Hi. I-I was just coming out. Let's go.
Nick: Oh, that was, uh, real interesting, the chipper voice.
Phyllis: Chipper voice, what--
Nick: You've been wound up all day. What's going on?
Tucker: Hey, you mind if I join you? Uh, let me--let me get some of that, 'cause it looks like you have some extra there. Come here. Let me have a little bit.
Sharon: Mm.
Tucker: Ah, good. There we go. Now tell me about that horse ride.
Sharon: Well, you know, riding, it's really-- it's Nikki's thing, but then Victor says, "Let's go," and then I said, "Okay, fine," so then we go, but then he rides off and he takes off without me, and you know Victor, he just-- he says all the right things, but he really just does whatever he wants, like-- like going to Nikki's wedding. And by the way, this...
Tucker: Mm.
Sharon: Is not really a wedding ring. This is a revenge ring.
Tucker: Hmm.
Sharon: Mm-hmm. But stay, drink, do whatever you want.
Tucker: Mm-hmm. Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, where are you going, where are you going?
Sharon: I-I'm going to get my husband.
Tucker: Sharon, you're toasted.
Sharon: Okay, well, then you drive, or I will ride that damn horse if I have to, to get Victor.
Heather: She knows what she's doing. Pleading guilty would be a huge mistake.
Paul: You know, not too long ago, you were trying to get me to fire her.
Heather: I wanted you to be her priority, and now you are.
Paul: I killed my son, and to try and avoid paying the price is an insult to him, even in death. I was hell-bent on seeing my son as a monster, so I just assumed that he killed Tim Reid. I was wrong, so maybe I was wrong about all the others, too. Maybe I was wrong about Rachel and--and Craig Hunt and--and--and Daisy, even Eden, for that matter.
Chris: Ricky confessed to you.
Paul: Did he confess, or was he taunting me? You see, he knew I was investigating him. Can you imagine what that might be like? Your whole life, all you want is your father's approval, and then you find out that I dismissed him as a sociopath.
Chris: Paul, he held a knife over Eden.
Paul: Did he? Where is--where is the knife?
Chris: Paul...
Paul: Even if he did hold the knife over Eden, maybe he was testing me, to find out if I would react as a real father would.
Heather: You were a real father.
Paul: Really?
Heather: Mm-hmm, but he rejected you. He rejected decency and humanity.
Paul: You're an A.D.A. You know what I've done, so don't excuse me.
Chris: You saved a young woman's life.
Paul: I am a man who killed his own son.
Heather: I have to get back to the office.
Paul: Heather.
Paul: You need to help me do the right thing. You make Chris plead guilty for me.
Chris: You can go in.
Heather: That's not my dad, not the way I think of him. He needs to be at home with love and support. He needs to see a doctor.
Chris: I would need to convince the judge to revisit bail, and we would need new evidence.
Heather: (Exhales sharply) God, if Eden could remember. What about hypnosis?
Chris: (Sighs) I mean, I'm not sure she's ready or willing to relive that night.
Heather: We won't know unless we ask. Will you keep an eye on him?
Chris: I'll do whatever I have to, to help him get through this.
Phyllis: That was Daniel. He wants me to watch Lucy.
Nick: So was the perky voice for his benefit or mine?
Phyllis: (Laughs) Perky, perky. What is perky? Like--like chipper with a hair toss?
Nick: What's going on? You've just been--you know? I-I mean, it's gotta be more than the charges. We've been dealing with that.
Phyllis: I know you love me. I love you. I-I trust you. I know I d-- I-I have to go take care of... Lucy.
Nick: Okay, well, just so you know, I am conveniently not going to forget about this conversation.
Tucker: All right, all right, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Slow down.
Phyllis: Hello.
Tucker: Hi.
Nick: What-- why would you do this?
Sharon: Come look for my husband?
Nick: Sharon, he's not here.
Sharon: (Scoffs) Oh, please.
Tucker: (Exhales quickly)
Nick: Did you bring her here?
Tucker: Do you want me to let her drive in that condition?
Sharon: Victor! Where is he?
Jack: Sharon, I'm gonna ask you to leave.
Sharon: What? No, this used to be my house, too, Jack.
Jack: That was a long time ago. Billy.
Sharon: Wh-what? Oh, you-- ask Billy to make me leave? (Scoffs) Like I'd listen to anything he says.
Billy: (Whistles sharply)
Sharon: Okay, Victor has been missing for hours, and you and I know exactly where he went.
Nikki: Actually, no, you and I don't know, and one of us doesn't care.
Sharon: Oh, yeah, you don't care. (Laughs) That's why you're always at the ranch, riding your horse, putting it in Victor's face, because you don't care.
Nikki: Listen to me. All I care about is my husband and our wedding guests, and you are not on that list.
Sharon: What'd you do, Nikki, tell him that if he left me, he could just fall into your arms?
Nikki: Oh, my God, have you been drinking? I-I know you are desperate to be me, but the bottle isn't the way.
Sharon: (Laughs) Be you? Um, excuse me, everyone. Do I have dollar bills hanging from my g-string?
Jack: Okay, now we've crossed the line.
Nikki: No, no, no, its fine, Jack, it's fine. I can handle this. Listen, I know what it's like to be married to Victor, and I-I pity you. I really do.
Sharon: You can take your pity and shove it.
Nikki: You know what, Sharon? It is time for you to sober up.
Sharon: (Screams)
Abby: Ohh!
Billy: Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! (Claps hands)
Eden: So after Daisy conked you on the head, it just all came back?
Daniel: Eventually. Not that I wanted it to at first, but, yeah, you know, now I'm with Lucy and now I'm grateful.
Eden: I'm like, you know, is it like it is in the movies? Like, should I get someone to drop a brick on my head so that my memory will come back?
Daniel: (Chuckles)
Eden: (Sighs) It's not funny. Paul--Paul needs my help now.
Daniel: Hey.
Heather: Hi.
Daniel: Hi. Is this okay, greetings and whatnot?
Heather: No, greeting-- greetings are okay. Whatnot is--is off the table while I'm working on your mom's case.
Daniel: (Chuckles) What's your definition of "Whatnot"?
Heather: I need to ask you for your help with my dad's defense. You're friends with Eden.
Daniel: Mm-hmm. Yeah, trust me, that girl-- she would do anything to try and figure out what happened or to remember what happened that night.
Heather: I need you to convince her to try hypnosis.
Chris: As your lawyer, I need to get you bail and get you home with people who love and support you.
Paul: The judge denied me bail, with good reason.
Chris: But if Eden can remember that night, she can give us a statement that her life was in jeopardy.
Paul: What part of that night does that poor kid deserve to remember? Just leave her alone.
Chris: Paul, be logical. I mean, suddenly, you think Ricky wasn't a threat and you committed murder? I mean, if you really believe that, then why shouldn't Eden remember what happened that night?
Paul: Because it's traumatic. Ricky acted out because I... I doubted him, and I reacted by killing him.
Chris: What harmless person acts out like that?
Paul: And what father kills his own son? I made Ricky bitter and resentful by neglect, by rejection, and if-- if he committed any of those crimes, it's on my head... because whatever Ricky was or he wasn't, he is dead, and that is my fault.
Chris: Stop it. You cannot throw your life away because Ricky threw away his, and I am not gonna help you do it.
Sharon: Oh!
Nikki: Oh, Dear, did you lose your balance? That sort of thing happens when you overindulge.
Sharon: Oh, you would know, Nikki.
Nick: All right, that's enough.
Victoria: God. Honestly, Sharon.
Sharon: Oh, Victoria. Why don't you go and protect your poor, defenseless mother? (Laughs) What-- what is this supposed to do?
Abby: (Laughs sarcastically) Ask me if I care. Is this what you do now that Mom's gone-- you crash weddings with random women?
Tucker: Believe me, this wasn't my plan for the evening, Abby.
Abby: (Scoffs)
Nick: Tucker told me Dad was just being Dad, so you getting all worked up is pointless.
Billy: But, hey, congratulations.
Nick: Sharon, whatever Dad does has nothing to do with you.
Sharon: No, Nick, it doesn’t. It doesn't have anything to do with me, and it's never going to have anything to do with me!
Jack: You got her here, you get her out of here--now.
Tucker: Come on, Darlin'.
Sharon: I'm leaving.
Tucker: Time to dry off.
Billy: Hey, have fun, Tucker.
Sharon: W-wait, wait. I will not forget this.
Billy: Okay, show of hands, who else won't forget this? (Clicks tongue)
Victoria: All righty, she's gone. So where is, uh, where's Dad, hmm?
Nick: Tucker told me that Sharon and Dad went for a ride. They got split up, Sharon got back to the barn, and Dad's horse was there in full tack.
Nikki: Well, that's not like your father. He treats his animals better than his humans.
Victoria: Let's find him, make sure he's okay, and maybe we'll just casually bring up an annulment. God knows he's mentioned that to me more than once.
Billy: (Chuckles)
Victoria: Is that right, Mom?
Nikki: Honey, you go right ahead. I'm through thinking about him.
Jack: It's been a wonderful day, but I actually think I'm ready for everyone to leave.
Billy: Nice, subtle.
Jack: Yeah, I'm smooth, aren't I?
Billy: I know that I'm not Victor's favorite person, but I'm up for the ride-along.
Victoria: You're not exactly my favorite person right now, so my brother and my sister and I will find my father, thanks.
Billy: That's sweet. (Clears throat)
Phyllis: Don't summon me again, please. Don't do that.
Tim: Wow, you look lovely. I suppose your place is out, huh? So, uh... (Clicks cheek) A hotel it is.
Phyllis: Hey, uh, okay--
Tim: Shall we? Come on.
Phyllis: You--you really-- you really think I'm gonna sleep with you in exchange for that session tape? I'm not doing that.
Tim: Oh, the session tape where you confess to attempted murder? Uh, yes.
Phyllis: That was a doctor/patient conversation.
Tim: We transcended doctor/patient.
Phyllis: How much money do you want from me?
Tim: In lieu of your passion, the price is way too high.
Phyllis: Try me. Oh, my God, you're crazy.
Jack: You are an excellent best man. You did a fine job. Now go away.
Billy: (Laughs) Okay, okay, but first, about the Victor/Sharon video-- I apologize about the blindside.
Nikki: But not for posting it?
Billy: No, Ma'am. That's my business. That's what "Restless Style" does. I regret the timing and that I couldn't tell you beforehand, but that's all.
Jack: Victor gave you the video. He knew you were gonna post it. Kind of makes you a patsy.
Nikki: Well, now, I have to respectfully disagree with my husband. Victor wanted to ruin our wedding day. Too bad for him it wasn't possible. Friends who love us helped us celebrate our day.
Billy: Yeah, and those who don't love us so much, well... they're all wet.
Nikki: I would be amused, but I have no idea what you're talking about.
Billy: Mm-hmm. (Laughs)
Daniel: What if a brick to the head wasn't your only option?
Eden: What, a way to remember what happened in Ricky's suite? Of course.
Daniel: Heather had an idea, um, but, you know, she didn't want to pressure you.
Eden: Huh, so you got the job.
Daniel: No, no, no pressure from this end, either. Um, she just wanted me to see if you'd ever thought about maybe hypnosis.
Eden: Well, I mean, it makes sense. It's just, um...
Daniel: A little scary?
Eden: Oh, like somebody, you know, digging in my brain, and I'm not sure what they're gonna find. You know, there's a lot in there I'd like to keep tucked away.
Daniel: I mean, you could say no.
Eden: And Paul can stay in jail.
Heather: Hey. So Daniel told you? You can say no.
Eden: I know. I know I can say no... but I'm saying yes, so, uh, what do we do?
Paul: So exactly how do you work for the justice department when you want me to skate for a crime that I committed?
Chris: I am your defense attorney. That means I defend you.
Paul: I want to plead guilty.
Chris: But you're not! You were acting in self-defense and defense of a third party. That's how the law works.
Paul: You were so angry at Phyllis for not copping to what she did, and yet, you won't let me do the same thing.
Chris: Because you're being irrational.
Paul: How else do you expect me to get through this? If I am ever to become a halfway decent person again... it starts by accepting responsibility for killing my son.
Chris: Okay, well, let it go, because I won't go along with it.
Paul: You don't have a choice, Chris.
Phyllis: That's a phone number, not a dollar amount. You're crazy.
Tim: My price, your freedom.
Phyllis: I'm not Victor Newman. I don't have his wallet.
Tim: Phyllis Summers Newman can swing anything if she wants it enough.
Phyllis: You're blackmailing me.
Tim: Blackmail, attempted murder. I don't know who's taking the moral high ground here, hmm?
Phyllis: Uh, I'm-- I'm not paying.
Tim: Oh, then I guess you'll have to wait for the jury to say, "We, the jury, find the defendant guilty."
Phyllis: Okay, okay, all right, I got it. Find another amount.
Tim: You cost me my practice, decades, past and future, of income, and, of course, pain and suffering, substantial amounts of both. So you can make it up to me, one way... or another.
Victoria: No, we've been through the house. We went to the barn. We searched the entire grounds. You really think Dad's gonna sneak back in here without us noticing?
Abby: I'm an optimist.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Abby: Hey, what did Bonnie and the guards say?
Nick: No sign. We gotta work with what we know.
Abby: Maybe he got thrown. We should check the trails.
Nick: All right, keep your ringers turned on your cells.
Victoria: You two go ahead. (Sighs)
Abby: What, you're gonna wait here?
Victoria: No, I am going to wait at home.
Nick: Vick, you're taking off?
Victoria: The fact that there's no sign of Dad is proof that he planned this. It wasn't enough that he'd married Sharon. Then he has to go and make sure that the whole world saw that video. He will do anything to make Mom pay for marrying Jack.
Nikki: Hi.
Jack: Fancy meeting you here.
Nikki: Mm, well, I am the lady of the house, otherwise known as the ball and chain.
Jack: (Chuckles) So tell me, has the ball and chain been thinking about "The Mustache"?
Nikki: Yes, with great gratitude that he is now Sharon's problem.
Jack: Yeah? Not worried?
Nikki: Jack... he came to our wedding after Vegas nuptials with your ex-wife, my former daughter-in-law. I mean, that's just too much bad judgment for one day. I am on overload.
Jack: Sharon was never this desperate before, or maybe she was and I didn't notice.
Nikki: Maybe you're the one worried about an ex.
Jack: Oh, no, I got a one-track mind.
Nikki: Mm.
Nikki: What?
Jack: I am just amazed that you are somehow more beautiful than you were the last time we were married. I meant what I said. The day you sat down by my hospital bed, you changed everything. Everything we now have is because you saved me.
Nikki: Everything we now have is because you let me.
Chris: What should I do, bring Heather in here? Say if you can't save yourself for your own sake, then do it for her? Because I will. I will guilt you, I will harass you, I will do whatever it takes, but I will not enter a guilty plea on your behalf.
Paul: How long have I loved you?
Chris: What does that have to do with any of this?
Paul: You know, it's hard for me to remember a time when you didn't have at least a corner of my heart... and I'm not talking about infatuation or passion or obsession. Just love, pure love... and this sense that you were one of the kindest, truest, most decent people that I've ever had the privilege to know.
Chris: Paul, please.
Paul: I've known a hell of a lot of attorneys in my lifetime. How many friends do I have like you? I need my friend, Chris. More than anything else in the world, I need my friend.
Chris: (Sighs) So you want me to step aside as your attorney?
Paul: Yes, I do.
Heather: I know that the idea of hypnotism can seem unnerving, but I promise you, we'll do whatever it takes to minimize the stress.
Eden: Like let me take a human security blanket?
Heather: If that's what it takes.
Eden: Okay, um, then we're set. I'm gonna go quietly freak out while I make some lattes or something.
Heather: You got her to say yes. That was amazing.
Daniel: Nah, you don't have to give me any credit. Eden's been freaking out about this whole thing. I'm sure she's just happy to have an option.
Heather: Look, if you want to play this all humble, that's fine, but she trusts you. That's a big deal.
Daniel: Now you think I'm trustworthy, huh? Yet before, you wanted to have me locked up.
Heather: What do you want, a cookie?
Daniel: Heck, I would love a cookie, but I thought that the exchange of baked goods between the two of us was strictly forbidden, not--
Heather: Oh, no, no, no, baked goods was a metaphor. I mean, I'm offering you a real-life cookie.
Daniel: As much as I would love that, I should get home to Lucy.
Heather: Yeah.
Daniel: Rain check?
Heather: Soggy cookie. Okay, you're on. (Laughs)
Jack: (Laughing)
Nikki: What? (Laughs) I'm all for levity in the bed, but what? What is it?
Jack: You shoved Sharon into the pool. (Laughs)
Nikki: (Laughs) Oh, yeah. Well, it was a nudge.
Jack: With a splash.
Nikki: (Laughs) Well, what does she expect, crashing our wedding, throwing assumptions around?
Jack: (Laughs) She thinks Victor will never let you go.
Nikki: Yeah, well, he doesn't have that option, because I am extremely spoken for.
Jack: Poor Sharon, letting Victor use her that way to get to you.
Nikki: Look, I have deep wells of sympathy for the newest Mrs. Newman, but there is a new guest at the Sharon pity party.
Jack: Oh, Tucker, yeah. What the hell is that about? Well, he didn't waste any time, did he?
Nikki: Victor's gonna put an end to that in a heartbeat.
Jack: That heartbeat better come pretty soon.
Nikki: Mm.
Sharon: Mm. Mm. This coffee is awful. (Laughs)
Tucker: Well, you know, that blanket's cashmere. That's one out of two.
Sharon: (Whimpers) It's my wedding day.
Tucker: Aw.
Sharon: It's my wedding day.
Tucker: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Here, sit down, sit down.
Sharon: (Sniffles)
Tucker: Come on. I'll tell you what-- I'll, uh, I'll go get somebody to get you some tea.
Sharon: No, no! Shh, don't tell the staff! They'll just gloat. Besides, I'm... I'm fine. I'm fine.
Tucker: Yeah. Hey, you are fine. Today will be over soon enough, and then you're gonna bust right through tomorrow. That's how it works.
Sharon: (Sighs) Here I am, I've lost my groom... but you're here and you're making me feel like-- like I'm not a failure.
Tucker: (Sighs)
Sharon: No disappointments, no disapproving glares. Do you have any idea what a relief that is?
Tucker: I do. Yep. (Sighs) It can beat you down, always feeling like the screw-up. I'm not talking about you. I'm talking about me.
Chris: You don't want to do this.
Paul: How much time have you spent on this case? I-I can't ask you to... to be my lawyer and my friend, so I'm just asking you to be my friend.
Chris: I'll always be your friend.
Paul: (Chuckles)
Chris: But as of today, I'm no longer your attorney.
Paul: You need time and space. Go back to your real job, your other life, and take my call when I need to hear a friendly voice.
Chris: (Laughs) There may be a corner in your heart for me, but... the space you take up in mine...I won't stop worrying about you.
Paul: I don't expect you to.
(Door slams)
Billy: Hey. Any sign of your dad?
Victoria: Oh, yeah, because he is so important to you. How would you be able to sell any magazines without Victor Newman?
Billy: Look, I wish I told you, I really do, but can we talk about Victor being AWOL right now, please?
Victoria: Do you remember when that video came out of Nick punching you in the face, and you said that if I said no, you wouldn't run it?
Billy: And I meant it.
Victoria: Oh, I see. So now that it's about my father, I don't get a vote. So, no, we can't talk about my dad or where he is right now, on or off the record.
Billy: Wonderful.
Phyllis: I don't have the money.
Tim: But I bet you have enough to cover the hotel room. Shall we?
Phyllis: No, no.
Tim: Well, then it's off to the police station with my tape recorder.
Phyllis: Okay, hold on, wait.
Tim: Hotel?
Phyllis: I'll get the money. I'll get it. I just need some time.
Tim: I suppose I could give you an extremely short amount of time, but you better come through for me, or I press "Play" and your life goes boom.
Nick: Hey.
Daniel: Hey.
Nick: Is this why Phyllis had to watch Lucy, so you could get coffee?
Daniel: What are you talking about? Lucy's with the sitter. I'm going home now.
Nick: Oh, I guess I misunderstood.
Abby: And Daniel has very urgent meetings here w-with attorneys with long hair.
Daniel: And I'm leaving.
Abby: Mm. Well, the good news is that we didn't find Dad thrown from his horse, but honestly, taking off without warning-- Dad would flay me for that. Of course, for him, it's fine.
Nick: Well, it's a total Dad move. He married Sharon to stick it to Mom, and all he has left to show for it is the wrong wife.
Tucker: Mm, ohh, easy now. Okay, okay.
Sharon: (Grunts)
Tucker: Oh, I think you might have lost your balance again.
Sharon: Ohh! (Sniffles) Nothing's working out for me the way I planned.
Tucker: Well, you just get some rest and, uh, Victor will be back soon. You can kiss him or slap him. That's your choice.
Tucker: Okay. (Sighs) All right.
Jack: (Breathes deeply) (Sighs) Nikki?
Nikki: Oh, my God, Victor, you'd better be okay.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Adam: There's a web site very similar to ours. It's launching--tomorrow.
Avery: If Billy ignores that gag order, we will shut him down immediately.
Billy: I thought we had a show to shoot. What's going on?
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