Y&R Transcript Friday 8/3/12
Episode # 9963 ~ Ashley Says Goodbye while Victor Crashes Jack & Nikki's Wedding
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Nikki: Look, maybe it was foolish of me to hear him out, but I was trying to be the bigger person.
Jack: Meanwhile, he was twisting the knife, hoping you'd be so distraught, you'd call things off.
Nikki: Oh, well, if that's the case, he failed miserably. I told him he and Sharon deserved each other and that I had my own wedding to get to. I almost wish I had asked him to stay, so he could see how happy we are with his own eyes.
Summer: Hey, you two. Everyone's waiting. Time to cut the cake.
Jack: We're on our way.
Victoria: Unbelievable. God.
Billy: I didn't hide it from you. I was telling you all about it.
Victoria: You told me that my dad married Sharon, not that you posted the video. Did you think--
Kay: Hey, best man, matron of honor, your presence is needed over here.
Abby: Yes, it's cake time.
Kay: Yes, yes, all right.
Billy: Right, that's right. Uh, first, a toast. Does everybody have a glass?
Murphy: Oh, hey, sparkling cider for the lady.
Kay: Okay, thank you, thank you.
Billy: For some odd reason, many don't come to me for advice. This is strange, I know, because here standing before you is a wealth of knowledge that all of you are neglecting. It's a mistake, I'm telling you. Today, however, it to be my sacred duty to lend some advice to my brother and Nikki, important tips to maintain a very happy marriage, because this marriage experience is so new to both of them. (Chuckles)
Nikki: (Sighs)
Billy: Nikki, remember that it's always better to go to bed angry than to stay up and fight. You may wonder why. Because you'll need your strength and rest to wake up in the morning and win.
Nikki: Mm thanks, I'll file that away.
Billy: (Laughs) Jack, in case you haven't figured this out by now, women have a unique ability of... skewing the truth.
Kay: (Chuckles)
Billy: It is our part to simply nod and smile and go along with them, so if Nikki ever tells you that she's okay with you working all the time and that you're getting sexier with age--
Jack: I'll assume she borrowed the line from her daughter.
Abby: Ohh.
Billy: Oh, touché, very good, very cute. (Laughs) All kidding aside, the best advice that I can offer is... live each day knowing how lucky you are that you found each other. Count your blessings, not each other's shortcomings-- not that Nikki has any.
Kay: (Chuckles)
Billy: Jack, you've got more than a few. I'm one to talk, 'cause my wife needs a supercomputer just to keep tally of all of mine.
Victoria: Only one, Sweetheart, love?
Jack: (Laughs)
Billy: Uh-huh.
Victoria: Mm.
Billy: You two are the warmest, wisest, most capable people I know, so something tells me that you'll do just fine even without my sage advice, so everyone raise your glasses. Here's to all the happiness in the world for you now and in the future. Everyone, here's to Jack and Nikki.
Nick: Cheers.
(Forks clinking on glasses)
Jack: Think that's our cue.
(Forks clinking on glasses)
Nikki: Hmm.
Jack: That's us.
Nikki: Now wait a minute.
Jack: Got it? Oh, yay! Okay.
Nikki: There you are.
Victoria: Yay!
All: (Cheering)
Nikki: Mm-hmm.
Jack: Oh, yes. Very--oh, wait, oh, hey. There you go. (Laughs) Listen, everyone, if I may... I want to thank everyone for being here, for making this day so special for both of us.
Nikki: That's so true. Every single person here is a living reminder of where I've been and how lucky and blessed I am to be where I am today, with Jack. Mm.
Jack: Mm.
Nikki: Thank you.
Jack: Thank you.
Nikki: (Laughs)
Victoria: Whoo!
All: One, two, three!
Abby: Ohh, no...
Ashley: Oh, no.
Abby: No, no, no, no. Someone's gonna need to take this.
Ashley: Oh, no, don't look at me, really.
Nick: No.
Summer: I am too young.
Phyllis: That's right.
Traci: I have a husband!
Noah: I wonder what Calvin will say.
Abby: It is Carmine. He's not going to say anything 'cause he's not going to know about it.
Kay: Oh, good show, Abby. Good show.
Abby: (Chuckles)
Kay: Good show.
Jack: Hey.
Sarge: Hmm?
Jack: I'm happy to have a chance to finally thank you.
Sarge: Jack, that was all you. You took a huge chance, and I'm so proud of you. You could have ended up flat on your face, but you pulled it off.
Jack: With a lot of help from you along the way.
Nikki: Hey, Sarge. Did you get some cake?
Sarge: Actually, um, I grabbed a piece to go. I gotta get back to the hospital.
Nikki: Very good.
Sarge: Congratulations on the wedding, both of you. You, I am so impressed.
Jack: Thank you, Sarge.
Sarge: All right.
Nikki: Thanks for coming.
Sarge: Congratulations.
Nikki: Thank you.
Jack: Oh, Mrs. Abbott, you have made me a terribly happy man today.
Nikki: Oh, right back at you, Mr. Abbott.
Jack: Mm.
Nikki: Mm.
Ashley: I've got rotten timing. (Chuckles) I'm sorry to interrupt. Um, I need to speak with you, Jack. Could you meet me and Billy in the house?
Jack: Uh, sure, I'll be right in.
Ashley: Thanks.
Billy: Your father was determined to post that video.
Victoria: Oh, okay, so you just threw it on the web without even talking to me about it.
Billy: Okay, just look--
Ashley: Sorry. I know this seems like a very bad time and I'm sorry to interrupt, but I need to talk to my brothers alone. It's important.
Victoria: Oh, yeah, okay, no problem. This conversation is not over.
Jack: Family conference. What's up?
Ashley: Well, when Traci heads back to New York tonight, I'm going with her.
Billy: That's nice. A little vacation, spend some time together.
Jack: How long are you gone for?
Ashley: Indefinitely.
Billy: So not a vacation.
Ashley: Mm, more like a life change. I'm really not sure when I'll be back.
Jack: This is because of me, isn't it, what you feel I've done to you?
Ashley: What I feel you've done to me?
Jack: It was never my intention to run you out of Jabot, much less out of town. Sis, you are very valuable to Jabot, not to mention you're my sister and I love you dearly.
Ashley: I made this decision for a number of reasons, you know, and that's really all I have to say.
Billy: I'm gonna miss you, but if that's what you think you need to do, then--
Ashley: Yeah, I do. I need to do this.
Jack: Remember one thing-- this is always your home.
Ashley: I know that, Jack.
Nikki: It's very sweet of you kids to worry, but... (Sighs) I mean it when I say your father could have married Segundo and it wouldn't have fazed me.
Victoria: Well, I really can't believe that Dad chose today of all days to elope with Sharon.
Nikki: You know your father. Look at the bright side-- now you won't have any trouble remembering either of your parents' anniversaries.
Kay: Uh, well, are we, um, discussing the other wedding of the century?
Nikki: Oh, how'd you guess? I'm gonna go see how Noah's doing with this.
Victoria: I'll go, too.
Kay: You know, uh, Murphy and I came a bit later than planned, and I-I think I saw a certain Rolls-Royce parked outside the house, and then I said to myself, oh, my God, that couldn't be Victor. He couldn't be that insensitive.
Nikki: Mm, guess again.
Kay: Dear God in heaven, what did he hope to accomplish by coming here and upsetting you on your wedding day?
Nikki: Well, if that was his mission, it failed, because as I told Victor, I am not interested in anything he does anymore.
Kay: If only that were true.
Victor: I suggest that we go up and change. What are you looking at me for? Let's go for a ride.
Sharon: Now?
Victor: Yeah. Beautiful day. Let's enjoy it.
Sharon: Sure, let's do it.
(Doorbell rings)
Victor: Oh.
Ashley: Hi.
Victor: Ashley. Come in.
Ashley: Thank you. Hi, Sharon. I'm sorry, I should have called first. Um, this couldn't wait, though, actually.
Sharon: I will go upstairs and change.
Victor: Are you here to discuss my wedding?
Ashley: Oh, my gosh, no. What you do with your life is your business, unless, of course, it affects Abby.
Victor: Well, she's a grown.
Ashley: You and I know that, but sometimes, she forgets.
Victor: Mm-hmm. What's your point?
Ashley: Well, I'm here to ask you to keep an I'm leaving for New York tonight with Traci. I'm not sure Genoa City is the right place for me right now.
Victor: What, permanently?
Ashley: I'm not ruling it out.
Victor: Hmm. But I guess you have to do what you have to do.
Ashley: Thank you for being so understanding.
Victor: I'll keep Abby on a tight leash.
Ashley: (Laughs) Good luck with that one. I think I'll be happy just knowing that you're there for her if she needs you.
Victor: Are you serious about leaving permanently?
Ashley: I don't know.
Victor: My goodness. All kinds of memories now, flooding my brain.
Victor: I wish you the best. The best for you, too.
Ashley: You take care.
Victor: You do the same, okay?
Chelsea: Mmm. Dessert at home-- genius idea, genius.
Adam: Strawberries are loaded with folic acid.
Chelsea: (Laughs) Oh, are they are?
Adam: Muy importante.
Chelsea: You, my friend, have a one-track mind these days.
Adam: Uh, excuse me? We both do.
Chelsea: It blows my mind how different this is. Actually planning to have a child with a husband that you love so much as opposed to being pregnant and alone in a foreign country. But Billy and Victoria now have the son that they've always wanted, and it brought the two of us together.
Adam: (Smacks lips)
Chelsea: I guess it's true what they say-- everything does happen for a reason.
Adam: (Pops lips) And including little babies. A little cause and effect there, too.
Chelsea: Really?
Adam: Mm-hmm.
Chelsea: Show me. (Laughs)
Adam: Mm-hmm.
Chelsea: (Laughing)
Adam: Come here. I'll show you.
Chelsea: Mmm, mmm, that's good.
Adam: I'll show you. Wait.
Chelsea: No! (Laughing) Mm.
Adam: Come here.
Nick: I bet I know what that's about.
Phyllis: I don't blame her for being mad at Billy.
Nick: That's pretty tacky posting that video without any heads-up.
Phyllis: Mm-hmm. Suddenly, I don't feel like the worst person in Genoa City anymore.
(Cell phone rings)
Phyllis: Hey, what's up?
Tim: I told you I'd be in touch.
Phyllis: The wedding was great. It was beautiful.
Tim: Let me guess, you can't talk?
Phyllis: Um...
Nick: You need to?
Phyllis: Yeah.
Nick: Go ahead.
Phyllis: I'm at the reception. I-I'm kind of busy, you know? Um, uh, uh, I... you know, I-I-I can't help you.
Tim: (Chuckles) Oh, you can help me, by getting busy with me at your earliest convenience.
Phyllis: That might be difficult.
Tim: Don't keep me waiting, or that tape I have of you confessing to the hit-and-run might just wind up on the 9:00 news.
(Voices speaking indistinctly)
Eden: Yeah.
Kyle: I'll get you something.
Sharon: Have either of you seen Victor?
Eden: No.
Kyle: No.
Eden: Why?
Sharon: Well, we, uh, we went out for a ride, and then he went galloping ahead of me, and I-I couldn't keep up, so I just-- I rode back to the stable.
Kyle: Did he get a call or something?
Sharon: No. No, one minute he was with me, and then the next... I don't know what he was thinking. His horse is in the stable, so I assumed that he would be here. I don't know where he could be. I wonder what happened to him.
Billy: Hey. Hey! Perfect! Both of your bags are in the car and driver's waiting.
Traci: Good. I don't think the plane can, though, so we should be going.
Victoria: Oh. Well, have a safe flight.
Traci: Thank you. Thanks, Victoria.
Victoria: Ohh. All right. Good luck.
Ashley: Thank you.
Victoria: All right, take care.
Ashley: You, too.
Billy: So, uh, Victoria... (Chuckles)
Ashley: Oh.
Billy: I love you. (Growls) I'm gonna miss you.
Ashley: I love you, too, Honey.
Traci: Bye, Sweetie.
Billy: See you, Guys.
Traci: Okay. Hey.
Ashley: Ohh.
Abby: This is me, not crying.
Ashley: (Laughs) This is me trying not to cry.
Traci: (Chuckles)
Abby: I'm already planning my trip to New York.
Traci: And we're looking forward to it.
Ashley: Yeah.
Jack: You two take care of each other.
Traci: We will, and you keep up the good work. We look forward to having you be up and out of that chair really soon.
Jack: That's the plan. Hey. How about a hug for the road? Ash...
Ashley: Huh?
Jack: I love you.
Ashley: I know you do. I love you, too. (Sighs) (Sighs)
Nikki: You take care of yourself.
Ashley: No, you guys take care of each other. I gotta tell you, though, Nikki, after the last week, your new husband is a lot more like Victor than you might think.
Traci: You ready?
Ashley: I am.
(Door closes)
Ashley: (Sighs)
Jack: (Breathes deeply) Well, Mrs. Abbott, shall we get back to our party?
Next on, “The Young and the Restless”…
Chris: I'm not gonna file a plea of guilty on your behalf.
Paul: Well, then maybe I need another attorney.
Sharon: And you know Victor-- he says all the right things, but he really just does whatever he wants.
Heather: You're friends with Eden. I need you to convince her to try hypnosis.
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