Y&R Transcript Wednesday 8/1/12
Episode # 9961 ~ Sofia Gives Neil Her Decision; Sharon Learns Chelsea's Secret
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Billy: (Chuckles) Was I hallucinating back at Newman Tower?
Victoria: What, you mean my dad and Jack getting off the elevator like they had just had a chipper little conversation? Yeah, I saw it. For a minute there, I thought they were gonna shake each other's hands or something.
Billy: It was just weird on all so many levels.
Victoria: Especially since tonight is the night before Jack marries my mom.
Billy: Well, it could have been worse. They could have been screaming at each other. (Chuckles)
Victoria: You know as well as I do that my father will never stop hating Jack.
Billy: Yeah. Hey, man, are we boring you? Are we keeping you up? (High-pitched voice) Hey, look, look, it's John Abbott, the incredible flying baby!
Victoria: I should probably warn you that I just fed him.
Billy: (Normal voice) You want to go to Mom, huh? (Laughs)
Victoria: (Laughs sarcastically)
Johnny: (Cries)
Victoria: Oh. (Laughs)
Billy: (Laughs)
Victoria: Ooh.
Billy: Hey, who are you smiling at?
Victoria: (Chuckles) His imaginary friend? I don't know.
Johnny: (Fusses)
Billy: Obviously, he's much more interesting than Mom and Dad.
Victoria: Oh, yes...
Billy: Here you go.
Victoria: He really does have your goofy grin, doesn't he?
Billy: (Laughs)
Victoria: (Laughs) Come here, Baby. Oh, my little poopy-poopy. Oh, yes, you're just a good boy, aren't you? There you go. You just rest. There you go.
Johnny: (Fusses)
Victoria: There you go. Night-night. Ohh.
John: Well, hi there, Johnny. Yeah, it's me, your granddaddy. (Chuckles) Oh, do you know that you're named after me? How about that?
Johnny: (Cries)
John: Well, I got a secret for you. Oh, Boy, did you luck out in the daddy department. (Makes kissing sound)
(Cell phone rings)
Billy: Well, it is Jack.
Victoria: Ohh. I wonder what that call could be about.
Billy: (Chuckles) Let's find out. Hello.
Jack: Hey, Billy-boy.
Billy: Jack. I thought you'd be busy out having a beer with your new pal Victor.
Jack: Yeah, yeah. Can we talk about something important, like the fact that I'm getting married tomorrow?
Billy: I know that. Good thing Nikki told us, because you couldn't get around to it.
Jack: Stop bustin' my chops and swing by here, will you?
Billy: Okay, I'm on my way, Buddy. Bye.
Victoria: (Gasps) Oh, gosh, I didn't realize how late it is. Uh, Katherine and the bride are gonna be here any minute.
Billy: Oh, okay, well, you ladies have fun. Mwah. I'm out.
Victoria: Mwah!
Billy: Hey, Buddy. I'm sorry to leave you with all the women. One of these days, you're gonna like that, but when I'm done hanging out with Uncle Jack and you're still up, it's gonna be us guys. Give me a high five. There it is! (Growls) Bye.
Victoria: See you.
Nikki: Oh, hello.
Victor: Hello.
Nikki: I was just finalizing the catering for tomorrow.
Victor: Oh, your wedding, yeah. Already tomorrow. I didn't know.
Nikki: Yeah, I just realized there's no reason to wait.
Victor: Mm-hmm, sure. Why would you?
Sofia: Thanks for meeting with me.
Neil: Is this about your job offer?
Sofia: (Chuckles) Yes, and your refusal to allow me to move to New York with Moses.
Neil: Well, Sofia, I am hoping that you will take the necessary time to reconsider.
Sofia: Mm. Well, I don't have that luxury.
Neil: What does that mean?
Sofia: The company needed to fill the position immediately, and I've already given them my answer.
Adam: This web site is great. It's easy to use. It's got perfect graphics.
Kevin: Well, Chloe came up with a lot of the design choices.
Chloe: Well, I might not be an I.T. expert, but I know what catches the eye.
Kevin: (Chuckles) So how's it on the retailing side?
Adam: Uh, well, I actually ran into Jason Moore at Gloworm.
Chloe: Why does that name sound so familiar?
Kevin: He's the C.E.O. of Moore for Less.
Chloe: Oh, only one of the biggest retail chains in the whole country.
Adam: Yeah. So anyway, I-I couldn't help but introduce myself to the guy.
Kevin: (Gasping) Tell me you set up a meeting for us.
Adam: I did one better than that. The guy had some time, so I pitched him our project.
Kevin: You what?
Adam: Yeah, I mean, obviously, I'm gonna have to follow up, but based on his level of interest, I think we're gonna be able to work out a deal.
Chloe: Oh, my God. That's amazing, right?
Kevin: Wrong. Wrong. You had no business pitching anything without either of us there.
Chelsea: (Sighs)
Sharon: (Clears throat) Oh, hi, Chelsea. How are you?
Chelsea: Good. Great. How are you?
Sharon: Um, never better.
Chelsea: Super.
Sharon: Well, uh, have a good evening.
Chelsea: You, too, Sharon.
Adam: It would have taken months to get face time with the guy if we had gone through normal channels.
Kevin: So, what, you couldn't have called Chloe or me?
Adam: And what, Kevin? Tell "Mr. Fortune 500" to just cool off a little while, while we wait for you to show up?
Chloe: I mean, he's got a point, Kevin.
Adam: I don't think that you fully appreciate how huge this could be for our company.
Kevin: Look, see? Right there, right there, you just said it-- our company. You may have put up the bulk of the money, but this is Chloe's and my idea. We're supposed to be partners here, or have you forgotten that?
Neil: You accepted the job?
Sofia: No, I passed.
Neil: (Exhales slowly) Thank God. Sofia, I... what changed your mind?
Sofia: You did. God, the idea of a bitter custody battle-- I couldn't put us or our son through that.
Neil: I hope you realize how grateful I am.
Sofia: I gave up my dream job, Neil, and not to mention the chance to build a new life for myself.
Neil: I-I realize that you--you made an enormous sacrifice.
Sofia: Yeah, well, you didn't really give me much of a choice.
Nikki: I have to say, that was nice to see earlier, you and Jack being pleasant with each other. What were you two talking about in the elevator, if you don't mind my asking?
Victor: I told him to be good to you.
Nikki: He will be. I gotta go. There's still so much to do.
Victor: Wait.
Jack: I called you here because I want you to be my best man.
Billy: Really? Okay, I accept.
Jack: Thanks, man.
Billy: Yeah.
Jack: I also am gonna need your help with a little something at the ceremony, maybe.
Billy: Okay, name it, you got it.
Jack: Hey, Trace!
Billy: Hey.
Jack: What took you so long?
Traci: Seriously?
Jack: (Chuckles)
Traci: Thank you for the 5-minute notice. Hello, I missed you.
Jack: Mm... I missed you.
Traci: (Laughs) And you, too. So how's my little nephew?
Billy: Oh, he's the coolest kid on the planet.
Traci: Of course. Now you said that it was going to be a small wedding.
Jack: Well, a little smaller than I wanted. Kyle's not gonna be there.
Traci: Oh, I'm sorry.
Jack: Well, that's all right. You guys will be there. At least, I hope you will.
Ashley: I never said I wasn't coming.
Billy: What? Why wouldn't you be coming? What?
Traci: Is something going on?
Ashley: Do you want to tell them, or should I?
Neil: I'm sorry you're upset.
Sofia: Are you?
Neil: Of course I am. Listen, I just don't like the idea of my child being shuffled back and forth between Genoa City and New York, all right? Moses needs stability and two full-time parents.
Sofia: Well, I never said it was gonna be easy, but we could have at least tried to make it work.
Neil: Sofia, we agreed to raise Moses together.
Sofia: (Scoffs) Yeah, but that was before we got a divorce and before I got offered this amazing opportunity.
Neil: There will be other opportunities.
Sofia: That is not the point, Neil. I poured out my heart to you about what this job means to me and what it could do for my career, and what was your response? "Go and I'll fight you in court."
Neil: Hold on a minute. You dropped a bomb on me about leaving with my son. What was I supposed to do?
Sofia: You could have at least considered it. God. But you don't even respect me enough for that.
Neil: What are you talking about? I respect you more than you know, Sofia.
Sofia: Well, your actions show otherwise. Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta get home to our son.
Neil: Oh, Sofia, come on, what are you--
Sofia: No, no, you can pick him up at the usual time tomorrow. Good night, Neil.
Neil: Hey.
Harmony: Hey.
Neil: Hey, um, that's right, I heard that you were-- you were in New Hampshire. You went to hear Ana sing, right? Yeah.
Harmony: Uh-huh, and it was even better than I thought, watching her perform in her concert. She even had a couple of solos.
Neil: Huh.
Harmony: Yeah, the girl is all that.
Neil: Yeah, she certainly is.
Harmony: Guess I missed out on some stuff while I was gone.
Neil: Oh, you-- you saw that?
Harmony: Oh, just the tail end. Listen, if you don't-- if you don't want to talk about it, I'll just-- I'll let it be.
Neil: No. No, Harmony, I want you to stay. I could use a friend right now.
Chloe: Okay, guys, we all want the same thing.
Adam: You're irritated and, frankly, a bit myopic. I'm as passionate about this project as you are.
Kevin: Well, that doesn't mean that you can just push us aside and take over.
Adam: Did it seem like I was pushing you aside, Kevin? I do what I do and you do what you do, and you do it very well. I don't write code, and I don't expect you to keep me updated with every little bit of minutia that you're involved in. That is because I trust you, and I expect you should do the same.
Kevin: Okay. Okay, I hear that, I appreciate that, but what I’m going to need from you is better communication.
Adam: Fine. Are we good?
Kevin: Yeah, we're good.
Chelsea: Hey.
Adam: Hey, you.
Chelsea: Hi, sorry. Forgot you guys had a meeting.
Adam: Uh, well, we're just finished.
Kevin: Chloe and I were just leaving.
Chloe: Yeah. Okay, bye, guys.
Chelsea: Bye. So... how'd it go?
Adam: Well, it's a new partnership. We're working out the kinks, but, uh, it's gonna work out fine.
Chelsea: Oh, good.
Adam: What'd you buy?
Chelsea: Um, I got us some kitchen gadgets and some spices.
Adam: Oh, spices. I like spicy.
Chelsea: Mm-hmm, yeah, I-I noticed that about you. Um... oh, no.
Adam: What?
Chelsea: I think I lost something.
Sharon: I was so happy when you called and invited me to dinner.
Victor: Well, to be honest with you, I thought you and I could... have the night out, you know? No business talk, no distractions, just the two of us.
Sharon: That sounds perfect, Victor.
Victor: I'm glad you think that.
Victoria: Okay, Mom...
Kay: Uh-huh.
Victoria: What can we do to help?
Nikki: Not a thing.
Victoria: Oh, come on, there must be something, considering you put this wedding together so quickly.
Nikki: Honey, everything has been done.
Kay: You have the easiest matron of honor duties in the history of weddings.
Nikki: (Laughs) That's right. All you have to do is show up.
Victoria: Huh. Well, I sort of had a feeling that you were gonna try to make me feel like a slacker, so...
Kay: Oh. (Chuckles)
Victoria: I got some of your favorite gourmet goodies and some sparkling cider, just for you, maybe-- maybe just a present for the bride.
Nikki: Oh, my goodness-- oh, Honey.
Kay: Or two.
Nikki: Oh!
Victoria: Yeah, you know, since your wedding is so impromptu, we figured we'd have a spur-of-the-moment shower to go along with it.
Kay: (Laughs) That's a spur.
Nikki: You two.
Kay: Come on.
Nikki: (Laughs)
Traci: You have agreed to have Beauty of Nature merge with Jabot on the condition that you are the sole C.E.O.
Jack: It's not like I'm leaving Ashley without a job.
Ashley: I'm sure you found a really cushy position for me in the mailroom.
Traci: Jack Abbott, you should be ashamed of yourself. How could you do this to your own sister?
Jack: It's complicated, Traci.
Traci: Yeah. Uh, chime in anytime.
Billy: No, I think we should stay out of it.
Traci: What?
Billy: Oh, yeah.
Traci: Billy, this is a family business. Since Dad passed away, it's the four of us. Now if we can't trust each other, who can we trust?
Jack: This is not about trust.
Ashley: I agree with you on that one, because it's about you-- you putting your own interests first, and to hell with me.
Jack: (Sighs)
Chloe: You know what? I am so happy that you and Adam worked things out.
Kevin: Well, if we're gonna be in this for the long haul, I gotta learn how to play nice. Doesn't mean I'm not gonna be watching him.
Chloe: Well, we have treated Adam fairly. There's no reason for him not to do the same.
Kevin: Well said, my little optimist.
Chloe: (Chuckles) Okay, let's just stop talking about tagngrab for a little bit.
Kevin: That works for me, um, but I have to do some payroll. Otherwise, I'm gonna have a mutiny on my hands.
Chloe: Okay, well, can you hurry up so we can celebrate?
Kevin: Yeah, just give me, like, a half-hour.
Chloe: 20 minutes.
Kevin: 20 minutes.
Adam: Find what you're looking for?
Chelsea: Um, no. I've retraced my steps since I got home, and I just checked the car. One of my bags is just missing.
Adam: Well, maybe you left it while you shopped.
Chelsea: Maybe. I've been a little spaced out today.
Adam: Let me help you look for it.
Chelsea: Oh, no, don't worry about it. It's okay.
Adam: No, it's not a bother.
Chelsea: I don't need your help.
Adam: Okay. Are you mad at me for something?
Chelsea: No.
Adam: I didn't, uh, leave dirty socks on the floor somewhere, leave the toilet seat up, a light on somewhere in the house?
Chelsea: No. You've been amazing. I'm--I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you.
Adam: What'd you lose?
Chelsea: A home pregnancy test.
Sharon: So how did your day go after I left Newman?
Victor: (Chuckles) You know, there was a power outage, and I got stuck in the elevator.
Sharon: (Gasps) Oh, no.
Victor: Guess with whom?
Sharon: Who?
Victor: Jack Abbott.
Sharon: Ohh. (Laughs)
Victor: (Laughs) You find that amusing?
Sharon: It's--I'm sorry, I shouldn't laugh at your expense. It's just, what are the odds?
Victor: Well, I have a feeling the Gods had a good time at our expense.
Sharon: Yes. So I guess it's safe to assume you didn't reveal your plan.
Victor: Unh-unh, just wished him well regarding his new marriage, that's all.
Sharon: Oh, really? What in the world got into you?
Victor: I'm in a good mood because you're in my life.
Sharon: Well, you were right. Going out to dinner with you is exactly what I needed. You are what I needed.
Victor: I'm glad to hear you say that.
Nikki: So sweet of both of you to go to all this trouble.
Kay: Oh, please.
Victoria: Oh, Mom. A bride deserves to be spoiled before her wedding. Oh!
Nikki: (Laughs) Well, it's hardly my first trek down the aisle.
Kay: (Laughs)
Victoria: Well, that doesn't make it any less special.
Kay: Yes, but what better reason to celebrate than finding love once again?
Nikki: (Laughs) Oh, Katherine.
Johnny: (Babbling)
Victoria: Oh, that is Master Abbott calling. I'll be right back.
Nikki: Okay.
Kay: You, um... you do seem happy.
Nikki: I am happy.
Kay: Well, then I will not, um, tell you my other thoughts, but, um... best wishes, again.
Billy: Okay, everybody, just please calm down, all right? You and Ashley aren't gonna get anywhere tonight. Besides, we are here because Jack's getting hitched in the morning.
Jack: That I am.
Ashley: Want to stay with me in the pool house, I hope?
Traci: Sure.
Billy: Okay, I've gotta go see the fam, so...
Ashley: Yeah, and I need some fresh air.
Traci: Um, I'll go with you.
Billy: Night, all. All right, good to see you. Bye.
Traci: Good night, Billy. I'll see you in the morning. Mwah.
Billy: Jack.
Jack: Night. (Exhales slowly)
John: Hello, Son.
Jack: It's been awhile.
John: Yes, it has. Too long.
Jack: Happy birthday, Pop.
John: (Chuckles) Well, you remembered.
Jack: I will never forget this date as long as I live. I miss celebrating it with you.
John: I'm here now.
Jack: Yeah, why are you here now?
John: Well, let me say first, I am rather astonished at what you've accomplished since your shooting, but, Jackie, some of the choices you're making...
Jack: What choices?
John: Kyle won't be at the wedding?
Jack: Kyle still blames Nik for his mother's death.
John: And maybe you should have given him time to adjust. And now you're fighting Ashley because you're on a power trip.
Jack: So you've come here to express your disapproval?
John: No, I have come here because there's still time to make it right.
Neil: I-I'm really sorry that Sofia's unhappy, but you know something? Honestly, I am committed to being a hands-on father, right? And I can't do that if I'm 800 miles away for half the year.
Harmony: I admire you fighting for your child. Wish I'd fought for mine like that when they were little.
Neil: So you understand where I'm coming from?
Harmony: Yeah, of course... but I also understand where Sofia's coming from. I mean, you... broke her heart, Neil, and there are a lot of painful memories there. She just wants a fresh start. Nobody gets that more than me.
Neil: I-I sympathize, I do, but I don't regret threatening to take her to court, and luckily, now I won't have to.
Harmony: Yeah, but something's still bothering you.
Neil: You know, Harmony, before all this happened, Sofia and I were just fine sharing Moses, but now, I'm afraid she'll never get over her resentment of me.
Harmony: She might not. I mean, your ex came to you hoping that you would find a way to see, and you didn't. That's a game-changer.
Chelsea: Did you take a vow of silence?
Adam: I'm just-- I don't know what to say. I'm just surprised, that's all, and I shouldn't be surprised. After all, we've been doing a lot of--
Chelsea: Uh, honestly, I might not even be pregnant. I've just been feeling a little bit queasy, and I'm late.
Adam: How late?
Chelsea: Not very. It's probably a false alarm. I should not have even told you. You've got so much going on, building your new business. So, um, why don't you go, um, back to working, and I will go rustle up some dinner? Okay, so I'll just be in the kitchen, rustling. Yeah, okay.
Victoria: So you just missed my mom and Katherine.
Billy: Yeah? Did your mom enjoy her surprise shower?
Victoria: Yeah, she seemed genuinely touched.
Billy: Good. Where is she at now?
Victoria: She's on her way back to Jack's.
Billy: Nice. She just missed the fireworks.
Victoria: Fireworks?
Billy: Yeah. Jack made a business decision that really pissed off Ashley, so things got heated.
Victoria: Whose side are you on?
Billy: I'm on my side. I love my family, but I'm not gonna get sucked into their battles over Jabot.
Victoria: Good, good call.
Billy: Where's the peanut?
Victoria: Well, he wanted to wait up for his daddy, but he just couldn't keep his little eyes open.
Billy: Ahh. Well, I'm gonna give him a kiss. Highlight of my day.
Victoria: I know.
Billy: Let's go.
Victoria: Okay.
Billy: Mmm, these are good.
Victoria: Mm-hmm.
Ashley: I'm trying really hard to hang in there, but it's--it's not easy.
Traci: I know. You had all these problems with Abby, you know, with the ridiculous kidnapping stunt she pulled, and Tucker, ohh. Ashley, are you sure it's over?
Ashley: Yeah, it's the right thing, but, you know, doesn't make it any easier...
Traci: Mnh-mnh.
Ashley: Walking away from somebody that I loved as much as I loved him. You know, and then I got Jack betraying me the way he did. It's unbelievable.
Traci: Ohh, it is. When I think about all you did to keep Jabot going while he was recovering from the gunshot--
Ashley: We almost lost him. I would have done anything for him, you know that.
Traci: Of course I do. Now I love my brother, but he is being a total jerk turning on you like this. I'm so sorry.
Ashley: Thank you, Traci.
John: Do you remember the last time we talked?
Jack: Yeah, I had flat lined on an operating table.
John: Right, and I told you not to give up, that your greatest achievements were ahead of you.
Jack: I didn't give up. I came back.
John: Oh, and this is the life you came back for?
Jack: Yes! This is the life I fought like hell for! I'm about to marry Nikki, I'm about to get my legs back, and merging Beauty of Nature with Jabot is about the best thing that could happen to your company.
John: At what cost, Jack?
Jack: Dad, I don't mean to hurt Ashley.
John: Ohh.
Jack: I don't mean to hurt Kyle. I have been given a second chance in life, and I have learned one thing-- every second counts. You see what you want, you grab it, and you hold on to it.
John: Well, Son, if what you've learned from your second chance is that, you're not the man I thought you were.
Jack: I don't need this. You're not even real.
John: (Sighs)
Sharon: Is this what you were planning when you went to make that phone call during dinner?
Victor: I enjoy surprising you.
Sharon: More like spoiling me.
Victor: Besides, I wanted to be alone with you and talk.
Sharon: About?
Victor: Let's start over. A new beginning, as of tonight.
Sharon: I would love that.
Victor: I'd love to dance with you.
Jack: Hey, there's my beautiful bride.
Nikki: Hi. Now everything is all set, so no backing out.
Jack: As if.
Nikki: (Chuckles)
Jack: Hi.
Nikki: Mm. Oh, guess what? Victoria and Katherine threw me a surprise shower, with presents and everything.
Jack: Wow, that's wonderful.
Nikki: (Laughs) What's the matter? You--you're thinking about Kyle, that he won't be at the wedding, aren't you?
Jack: No, that, I'm prepared for.
Nikki: Well, that doesn't make it hurt any less.
Jack: A father should accept the son for who he is and not make him feel guilty for not seeing eye to eye.
Nikki: Where are Billy and your sisters? Is Traci here?
Jack: Yeah, Traci's here. It wasn't exactly the family reunion I'd hoped for.
Ashley: I'm just so sorry that you're coming home to all this drama, drama.
Traci: (Laughing) Oh, Honey. If one of us wasn't in crisis, I'm not kidding, I would think I was in the wrong family. (Laughs)
Ashley: (Laughs) I've missed you so much.
Traci: (Sniffles) I've missed you, too. Uh, Ashley...
Ashley: Yeah?
Traci: When the wedding is over, why don't you come home with me? Seriously, it's perfect. It'll give you time to think. You can get some perspective.
John: You need to find your happiness.
Traci: You know what Dad would say-- you need to find your happiness.
Ashley: (Laughs) It's his birthday today.
Traci: I know. (Chuckles) (Sniffles)
Ashley: (Inhales sharply) I wish he was here with us.
Traci: Ashley, he's always here with us.
Kevin: I'm done.
Chloe: Ah, look at that, with two minutes to spare.
Kevin: So what do you feel like doing-- dinner, movie, clubbing?
Chloe: (Laughs) Let's just go home.
Kevin: Okay. Um, what time is your mom bringing Delia back? We could do, like, a family game night.
Chloe: Actually, she just called and she asked if Delia could spend the night with her.
Kevin: So we have the whole house to ourselves?
Chloe: How about adult game night?
Kevin: How about I race you to the car?
Chloe: Okay.
Victoria: So I don't think my mom's gonna be back for a while. She wanted to spend a little time with Jack before things got... crazy tomorrow.
Billy: You know what I like about this wedding?
Victoria: What?
Billy: I've got a feeling that the best man and the maid of honor have a really good chance of hooking up.
Victoria: (Sighs) Um... matron of honor.
Billy: Oh, Baby, there ain't nothing matronly about you.
Victoria: Wow. F.Y.I.-- worst pickup line ever.
Billy: I know!
Victoria: (Laughs)
Billy: Maybe I should just shut up. Maybe--
Victoria: Maybe we should just shut up.
Billy: Yeah? (Laughing) Ohh! Look at you. Mm. Mm.
Chelsea: I hope grilled cheese and tomato soup's okay. Adam?
Chelsea: Babe?
Adam: Hey.
Chelsea: Oh, hey. (Chuckles) There you are. I thought maybe you got freaked out and ran off.
Adam: (Chuckles) No, I went to get another test.
Chelsea: Really?
Adam: I can't wait to find out if we're gonna be parents.
(Bag rustling)
Adam: Um, the instructions say that the--the--the test results are the best if taken in the morning. Is this not the right box? I mean, they all look the same to me at the store. I--
Chelsea: (Chuckles) No, it's not that. It's just... (Sighs) You really wouldn't mind?
Adam: (Sighs) Are you kidding me? This would be amazing. (Sighs)
Chelsea: (Chuckles) Just when I think you couldn't be more wonderful. (Laughs) Mm. (Sniffles) Mm.
Adam: Mm. (Sighs) A baby.
Chelsea: (Chuckles)
Adam: Wow.
Chelsea: (Laughs)
Adam: Come here. Mm.
Harmony: You know what? Here I am giving you all this sage advice when I wrote the book on making mistakes.
Neil: Mm. I've made a few whoppers myself.
Harmony: Yeah, well, loving your son isn't one of them. Yeah, you know, maybe you might be going over some rough waters with your baby's mama. But you know what? I think if the two of you put that little sweetheart first, you'll do right by each other. And that's my two cents.
Neil: (Chuckles)
Harmony: There's more where that came from, or I can just... shut up about it from now on.
Neil: Uh... don't you ever stop being honest with me. I like the fact that you don't just tell me what I want to hear. You tell me what I need to hear.
John: Ashley?
Ashley: Hi. Daddy.
John: (Chuckles) (Sighs)
Ashley: You know what's going on, don't you?
John: Yes. Yeah. And I'm sorry we haven't spoken till now. I realize you've struggled quite a bit lately.
Ashley: Yeah, I'm so confused. Nothing is turning out the way I hoped it would. I don't know what to do.
John: Oh, well, then maybe it's time that you take care of you.
Ashley: Could you be a little bit more specific?
John: Ashley, Honey, you deserve to be happy. But you need to remember that life is what you make it. So you have to ask yourself, what do I really want out of these next weeks, months, and years? Now you do that, Sweetheart, you've got your answer.
Ashley: I love you, Daddy.
John: Oh, I love you, my beauty.
Jack: I hate that Ashley's mad at me. But damn it, Nikki, I can't be in charge of everyone's happiness.
Nikki: Well, you make me very happy. Doesn't that count for something?
Jack: More than you know. God, I am so lucky. I can't wait to marry you tomorrow.
Nikki: I can't wait to marry you.
(Song ends)
Sharon: This has been an amazing evening.
Victor: It has, indeed.
Sharon: I feel very lucky that we found our way back to each other.
Victor: We've both made mistakes. When it's all been said and done, I think we understand each other.
Sharon: We do.
Victor: Mm-hmm. And we have been there for each other.
Sharon: When no one else was.
Victor: We belong to each other.
Sharon: Mm-hmm.
Victor: I want to be with you. I enjoy being with you, which is a long way around to asking you if you will do me the honor of becoming my wife.
Next on "The Young and the Restless”...
Ashley: Things aren't clicking for me here in Genoa City.
Tucker: What can I say to change your mind?
Phyllis: You son of a bitch. You taped our sessions.
Victor: With this ring, I thee wed.
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