Y&R Transcript Monday 7/30/12
Episode # 9959 ~ Ashley Challenges Jack's Ploy for Jabot; Dr. Tim's Return Troubles Phyllis
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Abby: Oh, and trash pickup-- truly enlightening. I'm a much better person now. I'm learning important things, like, people will throw anything out their car window. Anything, like, "You know what? These jeans-- my butt look big. Out the window they go." You know, there must be a lot of people driving around pantless. You're staring. Can I look?
Daniel: (Scoffs) No. Shut up, I'm not staring.
Abby: (Gasps) Um, we're grown-ups. Granted, we are grown-ups who have seen each other naked, but we're grown-ups.
Daniel: (Laughs) Don't make me say it.
Abby: Ugh! Okay, you're right. Everyone has seen me naked. Can I look?
Daniel: No, shut up.
Abby: What, you think I'm gonna get jealous?
Daniel: (Groans)
Abby: (Gasps) Is she cute and bubbly, a replacement for me?
Daniel: Oh, God, I hate you.
Abby: (Scoffs)
Daniel: (Laughs)
Abby: Heather? You're crushing on Heather?
Chris: You haven't slept.
Paul: You know, when I was lying on that cot and I was staring at the bars, I thought, you know, if Phyllis did pay to have Tim leave town, why did he leave without his medication? Why did he just vanish and draw attention to himself when he could have said his good-byes, right? But no, he--he--he drops off the face of the earth. It doesn't make any sense. So even if Tim got some cash from Phyllis, it really doesn't necessarily mean that Ricky didn't kill him anyway.
Phyllis: So did you hear my rumble, uh, with Summer this morning? Okay, I believe, you know, call me crazy, but I believe that shorts should cover, you know, the general vicinity of the buttocks.
Nick: Yeah, then she, uh, she put on a skirt. I saw.
Phyllis: Yeah.
Nick: I want to talk about Tim Reid. The dude has vanished, and the cops think you killed him, Phyllis.
Phyllis: Well, luckily, I just bribed him to go away, so... (Exhales slowly) That was a close one.
Nick: That news came out of nowhere. I was completely blindsided. So I have to wonder yet again, what else haven't you told me?
Tim: (Sighs)
Ronan: It's a nice life for a guy who's supposed to be dead.
Tim: (Sighs)
Victor: By the way, the market research results have been very positive.
Sharon: Well, I have some rollout ideas we should discuss.
Victor: Well, in that case, I think you should make the judgment.
Sharon: Are you sure?
Victor: You go ahead and do whatever you think is best, okay?
Sharon: Good. I will.
(Intercom buzzes)
Victor: Excuse me. Yes, Connie? All right, send her in. Thank you. I think we're finished.
Avery: Oh, I'm sorry. Connie said to come in. I didn't realize you were in a meeting.
Victor: That's all right. Please come in.
Sharon: Oh, it's fine. I was just leaving. See you later.
Victor: It all looks very good, Sharon.
Avery: I have those redlined contracts. I just need your initial.
Victor: Uh, Avery, before we do that, there's something else we need to discuss.
Avery: Okay, sure.
Victor: There's something going on at Jabot.
Jack: 20, 21...
Sarge: All right, that's excellent.
Jack: 22...
Sarge: Come on, that's outstanding. Let's take--take a break.
Jack: Sarge, you know the deal-- no chairs at the wedding. Push me, Augie, push me.
Ashley: Augie? Is that your real name?
Sarge: No. It's a private joke that really isn't all that funny.
Ashley: Well, okay, then. How you doin'?
Jack: Sarge, uh, Mrs. Martinez has some power bars inside the house. Uh, you could probably use a second wind.
Sarge: More jokes. No, really, I'm laughing inside, howling, slapping my knee.
Jack: So I've got some good news. Nikki and I moved up the wedding. It's gonna happen this week.
Ashley: You both must be very excited. I'm here to talk to you about Jabot. I'm hearing rumblings from the board.
Jack: What are they saying?
Ashley: What are you up to, Jack?
Chris: Ricky’s responsible for Tim's death, this bolsters our argument that Eden's life was being threatened by Ricky and you had to shoot him to save her.
Paul: You know, as much as it would help my case, the last thing I want is to be right about Ricky killing Tim. That would mean four murders would be attributed to my son. Damn, I wish I was working this case. I know I could find Tim.
Chris: Paul, if Tim Reid is alive, Ronan will find him.
Ronan: You're a tough man to track down, Dr. Reid, and they miss you in Genoa City. You're a material witness in not one, but two investigations. I think it's time you come home.
Tim: I don’t think so.
Ronan: And I asked nicely and everything, too.
Tim: You're blocking my sun.
Ronan: Yeah, I thought you might take a little bit of convincing, so I brought some incentive.
Phyllis: Okay. You know everything.
Nick: When I asked you about the hit-and-run, I asked you if that was everything.
Phyllis: Well, it was everything at the time. It was--it was everything in my head at the time.
Nick: Yet you forgot about bribing a man to leave town?
Phyllis: I know it's hard to understand, but compared to the Paul and Christine thing, Tim was nothing. I mean, it was sort of like a puddle versus an ocean, and then when Ricky died, I just forgot about Tim. I just forgot. Listen, you--you forgave me. Can't we just forget about the rest? Can't we just go on forgetting, but--but together this time?
Nick: No, we can't forget any of it.
Victor: You must know that Jack Abbott is very cocky, okay? As soon as he has had a modest success, he thinks he has become invincible.
Avery: Well, his success is substantial at the moment. He does own Beauty of Nature.
Victor: And he's marrying my ex-wife.
Avery: To spite you?
Victor: Oh, every breath that man takes is to spite me. He's had a few wins, so... he'll overreach.
Avery: I'm not sure where my legal services come in.
Victor: I want you to keep a very close eye on both Beauty of Nature and Jabot. Sooner or later, I assure you, Jack Abbott will lose his grip on one or both of 'em. In that case, I want you to be ready to pounce.
Ashley: We finally got Beauty of Nature out of it. We should be celebrating and not fighting over whether or not we should combine it with Jabot.
Jack: I agree.
Ashley: Okay, so if you're planning something, I'd rather hear it from you right now and not after the fact from the board. I mean, that's not good for Jabot, and it's not good for us.
Jack: You're right, and I want you to know. It makes sense for Beauty of Nature and Jabot to be one company. I see that now.
Ashley: I've been saying that all along, so why are you acting like I should be exploding from hearing this news?
Jack: One company, one C.E.O. That's gonna be me, Ash.
Ashley: You want me to step down?
Ronan: Come on out. Dr. Reid, say hello to your little friend.
Tim: What are you doing here?
Beth: I didn't tell him that you were here.
Ronan: No, she didn't, but she did tell us how Ricky Williams and Phyllis Newman were visiting your apartment. You could nearly hear the "Dun, dun, dun" music when she was describing Phyllis to me what did you say about her? She was...
Beth: Mean as a snake.
Ronan: Mean as a snake, right? Yeah. But Beth left me wondering if I could really take her word, so I subpoenaed her phone records, and what do you know? She was making phone calls to a disposable cell phone the very time you were supposed to be gone.
Beth: That is invasion of privacy.
Ronan: Oh, okay. Well, you failing to mention that your boyfriend was alive is providing false information and obstruction of justice. So, guys, here's how this is gonna work-- Dr. Reid, you're either gonna come home with me right now, or I'm gonna book her.
Tim: What if I haven't gotten enough sun?
Beth: (Scoffs)
Ronan: (Chuckles) Well, you stay and work on your tan, then, and I'll pass this ticket to her husband. I hear he's got a real wicked temper.
Tim: (Sighs)
Daniel: Hey, come on, what--what are you what are you, like, 12?
Abby: (Giggling)
Daniel: She has stuff going on. I-I have stuff going on.
Abby: Right, but do the two of you have stuff going honestly, anything is an improvement after Eden.
Daniel: Hey.
Abby: (Stammering) I'm trying to see the attraction, because honestly, the artist and the attorney-- that would make a snoozefest of a rom-com.
Daniel: You know what? We've known each other for a while and we're just friends.
Abby: Mm-hmm.
Daniel: We're friends.
Abby: (Gasps) Oh, no, wait, I've got it! I've got it, I've got it. Okay, she's--she's got that whole librarian thing going on, and--and you could get her to relax. You could invite her over to your place and show her your etchings, and she'd be, like, all uptight and geeky, but then she'd take off her blazer and shake out her hair--
Daniel: Okay, you realize you're chasing me away?
Abby: Oh, to--to your friend? To your friend? (Makes kissing sounds)
Daniel: Yeah, I take it back. You're not 12. You're 10.
Abby: (Making kissing sounds)
Woman: Hey.
Daniel: Can I snag one of these? Yeah?
Woman: Mm-hmm.
Daniel: All right.
Abby: (Clears throat)
Daniel: Sugar rush?
Heather: Hmm?
Daniel: Get your energy up?
Heather: What? Uh, oh. Uh, thank you, yes.
Daniel: Awkward, huh? That's probably about putting my mom away.
Phyllis: Really, I don't-- I don't know that girl. I don't know that Phyllis. Y-you and-- you and Daniel and Summer, you changed me. I'm different now. I would--I would never kill someone to shut them up.
Nick: You'd just bribe them.
Phyllis: Yeah. (Chuckles) You get it.
Nick: Okay, so... if the police find Tim and they prove you didn't kill him, what else does he have on you? What can he spill?
Phyllis: He has nothing on me. That's it. Only what's come out. Listen, I paid a man a lot of money to go away. There's no way he's ever gonna come back.
Ashley: So you're gonna merge Beauty of Nature with Jabot, and then you're gonna fire me.
Jack: I couldn't force you out of Jabot if I tried. It's the last thing I'd want to do. Jabot is in your blood, Ash. Look, you'll have power. You'll have control. You'll have a position where--
Ashley: But you'll be C.E.O.
Jack: Yes.
Ashley: Why didn't I see this coming? I mean, it's not enough for you to have Jabot and Beauty of Nature at the same time. It's not enough for you to be marrying Nikki. You got your hands out there and you're just grasping at everything, anything, even if it means ripping my job out of my hands.
Jack: Jabot needs you. You're too smart. You're too strong. You're too valuable.
Ashley: I am all those things, and that's why I'm gonna fight you on this.
Jack: You're gonna lose, Ash. Now between the two of us, we can come up with a position, a title, that you are comfortable with, that I am comfortable with.
Ashley: You've already got all the votes lined up from the board, don't you?
Jack: It's the right thing for the company.
Ashley: It's never enough for you, is it?
Jack: No, I guess it's not.
(Telephone buttons clicking)
Victor: As soon as you get this, kindly come and see me, all right? Thank you.
Heather: I can't tell you anything about your mom's case, which I'm only taking so Christine will focus on Paul.
Daniel: Well, we could talk about muffins.
Heather: I'm not sure that that would be proper.
Daniel: (Laughs)
(Cell phone alert chimes)
Heather: Oh, sorry.
(Cell phone alert chimes)
Heather: I have to get to the station.
Daniel: Yeah, and I have to go see someone who shall remain nameless, but did give birth to me.
Heather: Mm.
Daniel: Muffin rain check?
Heather: I'm A.D.A., and your mom is accused of attempted murder. I don't think that accepting baked goods from you sounds like a very good idea.
Daniel: (Laughs) Okay, um... well, uh, I guess I'll see you later.
Heather: Yeah. Okay, bye.
Abby: Oh.
Sharon: Abby.
Abby: (Sighs)
Sharon: So nice to see you.
Abby: So nice to see you. How are you? Are you still accepting insanely expensive gifts from my father, offering please don't tell me what in return?
Sharon: Things are great, thanks for asking. In fact, I just left Victor at the office, and our new cosmetics division is really blossoming.
Abby: Great! I-I'm so glad to hear that. Maybe you'll get enough satisfaction from your work that you'll stop sleeping with your boss.
Sharon: Well, I think you'll be glad to know that it's not so much I'm sleeping with the boss as I am living with the man I'm working with.
Abby: (Gasps)
Sharon: Yeah. I moved in with Victor.
Ashley: Your message sounded important. I hope Abby didn't manage to get herself kidnapped again.
Victor: Oh, she assured me she's done with all that nonsense. I asked you to come by for another reason. I understand that Jack is sort of... meddling with Jabot, making kind of a power grab. I thought you should know, should--you might do something about that.
Ashley: So you called me because you're concerned about me, and not because you're just fishing for information. I mean, you wouldn't waste my time, right?
Victor: You're being awfully defensive. I assume Jack is already meddling with things.
Ashley: I can handle Jack.
Victor: I'm sure you can, but if I were you, I would show him who's in control, and you could do that by selling your stake in Jabot to me.
Abby: You really, really moved in with him-- your father-in-law by two husbands, the grandfather to your children-- into a house where many, many wives have lived before you? You know, does my dad make you wear a nametag so he doesn't accidentally call you Nikki, or Ashley, or Diane, or Sabrina--
Sharon: Um, Abby, Baby. I don't expect you to give me any credit, and I don't want any from you. I guess it just doesn't occur to you what he and I see in each other.
Abby: You were in love with a psychopath who stole your baby and tortured my mom. I'm actually afraid to ask you what you see in my father.
Sharon: I see a man who doesn't give a damn what anyone else thinks, doesn't need anyone's approval or acceptance to do what he wants. (Sighs) He's happy with me. We're happy together.
Abby: When you drift off to sleep at night, do you dream about his money or his power?
Sharon: Abby, you sound like you're jealous because you're not daddy's little girl.
Abby: Ew. What, now you are?
Sharon: No, no, I am the woman who's sharing his life with him. You know, I wouldn't tell Victor how much you hate me, because it will probably make him want me even more.
Ashley: (Laughs) Sell you my shares of Jabot. Honestly, Victor, I admit that I'm annoyed with Jack right now.
Victor: More like furious.
Ashley: Yeah, more like furious, but not enough to give you access to my father's company. I don't think so.
Victor: Mm-hmm. So you think Jack considers Jabot his father's legacy or his own property?
Ashley: And in what world would this be any of your business?
Victor: Well--
Ashley: I'm not your wife anymore, and I certainly am not stupid enough to think that you care about anything other than business.
Victor: (Chuckles)
Ashley: The last thing I would ever do, ever, is sell you my shares.
Victor: Then give me your proxy. It'll be far easier for you that I deal with the board and with Jack and his extraordinary ego.
Ashley: But this isn't about me, is it? It's about Nikki and the fact that Jack and she moved up their wedding date. Well, you're right, I do find Jack's behavior obnoxious and offensive. But I would never help you trade your ex-wife for Jabot. Sorry.
Jack: So you're coming to the wedding, right? I mean, you should get credit for getting me back on my feet.
Sarge: Hey, I'm all for setting goals and busting them wide open, but don't you think a little realism is called for here, Jack?
Jack: You really don't think I'll be back on my feet in time?
Sarge: Well, I want you back on your feet, but I want you to go all the way up. Not just standing, walking. Not just walking, running. What's gonna happen if you don't hit your mark by your wedding day? You gonna give up, quit? I can't have that, Jack. This is a marathon, not a sprint, and we've just hit mile one here.
Jack: Okay, I hear you.
Sarge: Oh, yeah. No, you don't.
Jack: No, you're right, I don't. Tell me something-- once I'm back on my feet again, who's gonna pester me?
Sarge: Trust me, I'm sure there are people lining up as we speak.
Jack: (Grunts) Yeah, and you're gonna have another client to drive you nuts just like I do.
Sarge: They're not all as annoying as you are.
Jack: Maybe you should have picked a profession that was less irritating, huh?
Sarge: Nope. Didn't have a choice.
Jack: Didn't have a choice? What's that m-- I never asked you, how'd you ever become a physical therapist?
Sarge: Hmm. Street racing. Yeah. Bunch of us young, dumb kids... full of testosterone, hopped up on adrenaline, having "Crazy fun," as we would call it. (Chuckles) Some nights, you would win, and some nights, you would plow right into a-- a concrete wall.
Jack: You were in a chair once?
Sarge: No, actually, I, um, got cut up pretty bad from the... the windshield. The glass was everywhere, but my passenger--wow. (Clears throat)
Jack: Did he make it?
Sarge: Oh, yeah, yeah, he, uh, he--he made it. As a matter of fact, he's my brother. (Chuckles)
Jack: Your brother.
Sarge: Yep. No more street racing for him. He got a new set of wheels.
Jack: So that's why you're a physical therapist-- to help your own brother walk again?
Sarge: Oh, he wasn't interested in me or my help-- not then, now, never. Really can't argue with the guy, though, right? Have we slacked enough, Slacker? Break's over. Come on, back to work.
Jack: All right. (Sighs) I can't remember how many times I fell on my face when we were first working together. I'm not on my face anymore. I owe that to you.
Sarge: You know, my brother was the only other person that, uh, got away with calling me Augie. (Chuckles)
Jack: Okay, Augie, let's get my marathon started here. (Breathing rhythmically)
Phyllis: All right, so I just wanted you to know that, for the record, I did not kill Dr. Reid. I made some mistakes in judgment, yes.
Nick: Some raging mistakes.
Phyllis: Okay, but I didn't murder anyone.
Daniel: Well, I guess I should be used to this, right? But then they wouldn't be called surprises.
Nick: Well, that was the last one, right?
Phyllis: Yeah, yeah, of course.
Daniel: Okay. (Clears throat) Well, then I'm behind you.
Phyllis: Thanks. So I'm faced with, um, attempted murder charges and, um... uh, a very, very vindictive--
Nick: Hey.
Phyllis: A vindictive--
Nick: Okay, okay.
Phyllis: Okay, I-I'm-- I just--I just want you to know that I love you.
(Knock on door)
Avery: Hi.
Nick: Hey.
Phyllis: Hey. What--what's happening?
Avery: They found Tim Reid.
Heather: You found him.
Chris: I want him in interrogation now.
Tim: Ah, Christine. Still type "A," and no peaceful resolutions to your Phyllis issues. You really should talk to someone about that.
Chris: Right this way, Dr. Reid.
Ronan: This way.
Sharon: Connie said Ashley stormed out. Is that because I moved into the main house?
Victor: Mnh-mnh.
Sharon: Is there anything I should know?
Victor: Well, if there were, then I would have told you.
Sharon: Mm... okay. Is there anything that you would like to share with me, as someone you can trust and count on? Victor, my loyalty is with you, and I would like to be a sounding board or support or whatever you need me to be.
Victor: I asked her to come by. She got very angry... and that's what I wanted.
Abby: Okay, so guess what? Sharon Newman tried to give me a verbal spanking. It was... (Singsong voice) Hilarious.
Ashley: (Clears throat) Sorry I missed it. Anyway, I want you to hear it from me before you hear it from anybody else. Tucker and I are done-- for good.
Abby: (Normal voice) I'm happy for you, and I'm proud of you.
Ashley: Speaking of proud, how's your community service going?
Abby: Oh, it's fabulous. I wear an orange vest and I pick up roadside clothing. Oh, okay, so Sharon--
Ashley: You know what, Abby? Community service isn't a joke, and I'm not gonna have you treat it like it is. Maybe I need to be clear with you. I don't have any patience for immaturity or selfishness from anybody, including you. In fact, I think everybody in our family and our extended family should grow the hell up.
Ronan: Ricky Williams came to see you. How about you tell us about that?
Tim: He said he wanted information on Phyllis Newman for his book.
Chris: What did you tell him?
Tim: That my time with Phyllis was best left in the past.
Ronan: So he left empty-handed, then.
Tim: No, actually. I realized later that he had stolen my patient file on Phyllis.
Ronan: Did he talk about his plans for Phyllis Newman, or anybody else, for that matter?
Tim: No. He was a very focused young man, and it appeared that Phyllis was the object of his obsession.
Chris: And you could relate?
Tim: If I had had clients like you, I'd be rich.
Ronan: Why don't you grab a cup of coffee? Heather and I will take it from here.
Tim: Well, it appears that Mr. Williams wasn't the only one fixated on Phyllis.
Ronan: You live in a dump and you can barely keep a job. Explain to me how you got down to Mexico.
Tim: Bingo, at the local church.
Heather: Did, uh, Phyllis Newman give you money to leave town?
Tim: Where'd you hear that?
Ronan: We read that in a wire transfer from her account to yours.
Tim: Then you have your answer.
Heather: Now tell us why Phyllis wanted you gone.
Victor: You see, Jack Abbott is very pleased with himself right now, hmm? He's got Beauty of Nature and then my ex-wife. Jack Abbott's weakness is his hubris. No matter what he has, he wants more, and then he gets cocky, and then in the end, inevitably, he loses everything.
Sharon: And what is it that Jack stands to lose right now? Are you talking about Nikki?
Victor: I asked Ashley to come here. I offered to buy her out.
Sharon: But she would never sell that to you, so why would you even ask?
Victor: Because I want her to know what everyone else already knows-- that Jack is doing everything in his power to push her aside, his own sister. So she'll get upset about that, angry about that. She'll refuse to go along. And that's when everything falls into place.
Ashley: You know, what really gets to me is the sense of entitlement, the selfishness-- an entire life built on "I want it, so I should have it." I see it from your Uncle Jack, your father, and yes, you. Maybe you should be an example to the adults in your life and make better decisions, maybe focus on something other than yourself. Would it kill you to put that thing down and actually have a live conversation for a change?
Abby: Sorry, I-it's Carmine. He was just wondering--
Ashley: You know what? You said I could count on you. Maybe you need to prove it. I'm gonna need somebody in my corner when I take down your Uncle Jack.
Paul: (Sighs)
(Door opens)
Chris: I was just in with Tim Reid. He's alive, and according to him, Ricky was pleasant, not at all a threat.
Paul: Wow. Well...maybe I was making this whole thing up. Months ago, when we were wondering if--if Ricky was too much like Isabella-- I mean, really, what-- really had he done? Taken a few pictures of Heather kissing Adam? So he was a less-than-loyal brother to a sister he hardly knew, and--and treated me with well-deserved anger? You know, maybe he--he... was just throwing my paranoia in my face that day at the club. Maybe he had no intention of hurting Eden.
Chris: Paul, Tim is alive, but Craig and Rachel aren't, and--and Daisy isn't, either, more than likely.
Paul: Well--
Chris: Look, you knew what Ricky was capable of, and you did what you had to do.
Paul: Mm. There was no knife found at the murder scene. Eden doesn't remember anything, right? She can't corroborate what I'm saying. So if I were sitting on that jury deliberating on my guilt or innocence... I'd have to vote guilty.
Avery: And who's questioning him?
Daniel: Okay, look, I'm not bailing on you. I just gotta go see Lucy, all right?
Phyllis: Okay, give her a kiss for me.
Daniel: All right, see you later.
Phyllis: Okay.
Daniel: Bye.
Avery: Bye. They're questioning Tim now. They're gonna ask why you paid him to leave town. Is he gonna turn on you?
Phyllis: I don't know.
Tim: Phyllis and I had, shall we say, a personal history.
Heather: Mm-hmm.
Tim: If money entered into it, that's our business.
Heather: Actually not. Your ex has been arrested for attempted murder. Shortly before that, she came to your home, gave you money, and then you went off the grid. Looks kind of suspicious.
Ronan: "Best left in the past," huh? That's what you said about Phyllis. The implication to me is you don't like her so much. Okay, so why don't you tell us what you know about her?
Tim: Phyllis paid me to keep my mouth shut. It seems that it's time to open it back up.
Phyllis: Tim hates me, but he liked the money I gave him.
Avery: So where does that leave us?
Nick: If he doesn't keep his mouth shut, does he have enough to put you away
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Michael: What are the things Phyllis doesn't want anyone to know?
Jack: I'm surprised you didn't let the door shut in my face.
Victor: Don't think that didn't cross my mind.
Nikki: Jack and I have decided to get married this week.
Victoria: (Gasps)
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