Y&R Transcript Friday 7/27/12
Episode # 9958 ~ Chelsea Orders Sharon to Stay Away From Adam
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Paul: You want me to fire Chris? Why?
Heather: Because she's more interested in putting Phyllis in prison than proving your innocence.
Chris: That is not true.
Heather: No, you told Michael and Ronan that she killed Tim Reid, that Ricky had nothing to do with it.
Paul: What?
Chris: I spoke to Tim's neighbor. I wanted to find out what she knew about Tim and Ricky, and then she mentioned that someone else came to see Tim.
Paul: Phyllis.
Chris: Yes. She heard raised voices, what could have been threats.
Heather: They had an argument. That doesn't mean she did something to him.
Chris: He was her therapist. She confided in him. She told him things she didn't want anyone else to know. If that were threatened, it would make sense that she'd want to get rid of him.
Paul: And I was so sure that--that Ricky was responsible for--
Heather: We--we don't know that he wasn't.
Chris: Paul. You know I'm right. Phyllis had more reason to want Tim gone than Ricky did.
Avery: Listen, getting the judge to stop "Restless Style" from running that video of you punching Billy is a victory.
Nick: You said a small one.
Avery: Well, it beats a loss.
Nick: Oh, I can't think about this right now. I've gotta check in at work.
Avery: Okay, well, I'm gonna go back to see Phyllis and see if I can work some defense strategies out with her.
Nick: I know we've got a long way to go to clear Phyllis, but it will happen, right?
Avery: That's what I'm working on.
Chris: Michael, have you questioned Phyllis about Dr. Reid yet?
Michael: I'm gonna let Ronan handle that.
Chris: (Scoffs)
Ronan: Yeah. You know, I could arrest you for assaulting a federal agent.
Phyllis: You go ahead, you arrest me, yeah.
Ronan: Yeah? Why don't I do that, then? 'Cause you're not in enough trouble already, right?
Phyllis: Yeah, I'm not. No, I'm not. I'm being charged with attempted murder, and now you're accusing me of killing someone.
Ronan: I asked you. I asked you if you killed Tim Reid.
Phyllis: Oh, that's a big difference, Ronan.
Ronan: Yeah, it is a big difference, Phyllis, because someone saw you outside of his apartment. Someone heard you threaten him. So I'm gonna ask you one more time-- did you kill Tim Reid?
(Doorbell rings)
Ronan: (Sighs)
Avery: Good, you're still here. What's going on?
Ronan: (Exhales slowly) (Chuckles)
Jack: Come on, Sarge, hurry up, or I'm gonna toss myself in this pool, wheelchair and all.
Sarge: All right, lift is working.
Jack: I told you it was working.
Sarge: You sure you don't want to do any upper body before you get into the water?
Jack: Very funny, Augie.
Sarge: Well, you keep that up and I will personally toss you and that chair and all into the water.
Jack: Ooh, tough guy, pickin' on a fella who can't walk.
Sarge: You ready to show me what you got, or not?
Jack: I've been ready.
Lauren: So I put some dresses in the dressing room for the bride-to-be to try on.
Nikki: Thank you so much, and thank you for doing this with such little notice.
Lauren: Oh, absolutely. Actually, I was a little surprised, 'cause I thought the last time you and Victoria were in, you said that Jack had Jean-Pierre making a dress for you.
Nikki: Yes, yes, but I'm worried that it might not be ready on time.
Lauren: Sounds like the wedding's coming up soon.
Nikki: Well, we don't have a date yet, but I wanted to have a plan "B" just in case.
Lauren: Well, that's good. That's good, and this just came in, and I think it is gorgeous.
Nikki: Ohh.
Lauren: Don't you think?
Nikki: It is beautiful. Ohh, just stunning.
Sharon: White? Really? It didn't even apply at your first wedding.
Nikki: Sharon, Sharon. Why do you always make yourself such an easy target? It just takes all the fun out of putting you in your place.
Sharon: And where might that be? Oh, I know. Victor's bed.
Nikki: Oh. I was gonna say the gutter.
Lauren: (Laughs) (Sighs)
Chelsea: Hi.
Lauren: Hi! Are you finding everything?
Chelsea: Yeah, thank you.
Lauren: Good.
Chelsea: Um, this is a great color, you know. Yeah.
Lauren: Isn't it? I can barely keep it in stock in any of the stores.
Chelsea: Oh, and, um, I wanted to thank you for sending all those dresses to Kansas. They were all really gorgeous.
Lauren: Oh, of course, of course. Adam wanted the wedding to be perfect.
Chelsea: (Laughs) It was.
Lauren: So which one did you choose?
Chelsea: Oh, actually, I can show you. Uh, let's see.
Lauren: Okay.
Chelsea: I decided on that one.
Lauren: Ohh, that was my favorite. That's great.
Chelsea: Yeah, mine, too. Well, obviously. And Adam really loved it, so...
Lauren: Aw. Well, the two of you look very happy.
Chelsea: Yeah, we are.
Lauren: Well, that's good.
Victor: You're back already?
Adam: I took care of everything I needed to in Kansas, yes.
Victor: Uh-huh. Well, I saw you, uh, you did it, huh? I'll be damned. So you eloped. You tied the knot.
Adam: I did, indeed.
Victor: Uh-huh. No honeymoon?
Adam: I have, uh, some business here in town I'm gonna take care of. After that's over, I will, uh, take Chelsea somewhere she deserves.
Victor: Hope you'll be happy, Son.
Adam: I am... for the very--very first time since Mom died.
Lauren: Here you go, and congratulations again.
Chelsea: Thank you.
Lauren: Sharon, I can take you now.
Sharon: Oh, no, that's okay. I've changed my mind. The color's wrong.
Lauren: Hmm, all right. Well, let me know if I can help you with anything.
Chelsea: It's too bad you, uh, wasted your money on that ticket to Kansas.
Sharon: Adam told you.
Chelsea: That you showed up at his mother's farm and tried to convince him not to marry me? Yeah, he told me. It's embarrassing, getting blown off like that.
Sharon: Going to Kansas was a huge mistake.
Chelsea: You don't seem to me like the type of person who learns from her mistakes. Let me give you a piece of advice-- don't ever try to come between me and Adam again.
Sharon: Ooh. Oh, insecure much?
Chelsea: (Laughs) Why would I be insecure? I have Adam, and if this and the mansion he just bought me don't convince you, then the family we're going to raise there will.
Adam: Thank you for your good wishes. I hope that, uh, that you find the same happiness that Chelsea and I have.
Victor: Even though it's with Sharon?
Adam: There's something that you should, uh, that you should know.
Victor: What's that?
Adam: Sharon, uh, she showed up to Kansas, tried to convince me not to marry Chelsea.
Victor: I know, Son.
Chris: Thank you.
Michael: That was not necessary.
Chris: Ronan should not be doing Phyllis' questioning. He's too personally involved.
Michael: The same has been said of you.
Chris: Oh, well, I'm sorry, I tend to lose a little objectivity when someone tries to run me over with a car.
Michael: Allegedly, allegedly.
Chris: Michael, you know what? Wait. We both want justice. It's important this goes through proper, official channels. No, Phyllis' questioning should be done at the police station and not by Ronan.
Michael: Well, thanks for helping out with that.
Phyllis: Ronan showed up unexpectedly.
Ronan: Hmm.
Avery: With a warrant?
Ronan: Actually, I came to give your sister a heads-up.
Avery: About what?
Ronan: She's a suspect in another case-- the disappearance of Tim Reid.
Avery: Didn't Paul say that Ricky had something to do with that?
Ronan: Christine found a witness who heard Phyllis threatening Reid right before he disappeared.
Avery: That proves nothing.
Ronan: Then you didn't have anything to do with the disappearance of your former shrink, then? 'Cause I need to--
Phyllis: Oh, come on, please, give me a break.
Avery: No, no, no. Don't--don't--don't answer that.
(Knock on door)
Phyllis: Oh, great. Come on in, guys. Join the party.
Avery: (Sighs)
Ronan: What are you guys doing here?
Man: We have orders to bring in Ms. Newman for questioning.
Ronan: I was just about to take Mrs. Newman in for questioning.
Man: We have to take her in. Direct orders from the commissioner.
Ronan: Who got him involved?
Phyllis: Oh, I wonder.
Avery: Phyllis.
Phyllis: You know, just cuff me. Get it over with. Cuff me. Cuff me.
Ronan: That's not necessary. You're not under arrest.
Phyllis: Oh, not yet.
Avery: Phyllis, I'll be right behind you.
Phyllis: Can you, please? I got your purse. I got it.
Ronan: I had noting to do with this.
Avery: No, but we know who did, and she is not gonna get away with trying to destroy my sister. Excuse me. (Sighs)
Chris: Phyllis is being brought in.
Michael: Thank you.
Heather: Come on, Christine, do you really think that she's capable of murder? She's Nick's wife. She's a successful businesswoman. She--
Michael: Mother, Grandmother.
Chris: I--and she didn't want to lose that. Look, the--the Phyllis I know would go to any lengths to protect what's hers.
Paul: No, no, no. The hit-and-run is a crime of passion, a reaction to seeing you and Danny. If she killed Tim, that's cold and calculated... something Ricky would do. I still think he's responsible.
Michael: Paul, Ricky confessed to killing Daisy, his girlfriend, her college buddy who was coming to meet with you. In all that flood of confession, he never mentioned Tim Reid?
Paul: No. No, he didn't.
Nikki: Lauren, I've left two dresses in the dressing room. I want to bring Victoria back to see them.
Lauren: (Chuckles) Okay. Okay, I'll put them on hold for you.
Nikki: Thanks. Uh, hopefully, it won't be for too long. I have to say, I cannot wait to be Jack's wife.
Lauren: Oh, Honey. Look, you just light up when you say that.
Nikki: Ohh. Well, I feel a little guilty being this happy, knowing Paul is going through all of that.
Lauren: Yeah. Oh, this case is really tearing Michael up.
Nikki: Oh, I-it's hard to imagine anybody believing that Paul could kill his own son.
Lauren: Well, Michael knows that he's not a murderer, but they have to find that knife.
Nikki: Oh, it's gotta turn up eventually.
Lauren: Let it be sooner rater than later.
Nikki: Yeah.
Lauren: I do not know how much more Paul can take.
Nikki: Well, at least he has Nina. Having someone to lean on makes all the difference.
Lauren: And Jack is a very lucky man. You have been with him through this paralysis. I'm sure that you are the reason he's getting through.
Nikki: Ohh. Well, he's the one doing all the work. I've never seen someone be so determined. I hope he's not pushing himself too hard.
Jack: I wasn't finished.
Sarge: Well, here's the thing about me being your physical therapist, Jack-- makes me the boss of you.
Jack: You know, I-- I get out of this chair, I'm gonna kick your ass.
Sarge: Well, you do as I say, and you just might get the chance to try.
Jack: I could have done more reps in there.
Sarge: Yeah, you could have, and quite possibly injured yourself, tough guy.
Jack: I know my own body now.
Sarge: I know my job.
Jack: Your job is to get me walking again.
Sarge: I made no promises.
Jack: No, I made promises. I promised myself I was gonna be back on my feet.
Sarge: And I believe you will be back on your feet, Jack, but you have to trust me.
Jack: Okay. But not a word of any of this to Nikki.
Nick: Connie wasn't at her desk. Okay to come in?
Victor: Of course, Son. Sit down. I'm surprised to see you here, considering... the stuff that has been going on with Phyllis.
Nick: Yeah, she and Avery are working on her case, so I figured I'd come in here and get some work done.
Victor: Mm-hmm. How about Summer?
Nick: Summer is angry, scared, and confused.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Nick: Noah took her to the movies.
Victor: Hopefully, he'll be able to keep her mind off things.
Nick: So what's going on around here? I know the deadline's coming up for the packaging design on the new products.
Victor: It's already been taken care of, Son.
Nick: What do you mean? You made that decision without me?
Victor: Well, because you were busy with Phyllis' arrest, I delegated authority to Sharon. She made the decision.
Nick: Are you serious?
Victor: It's already gone to production.
Chelsea: Forgot my bag.
Sharon: Oh. Well, we wouldn't want Adam's hard-earned money to go to waste.
Chelsea: (Laughs) You know, green really isn't your color.
Sharon: You think I'm jealous of you?
Chelsea: I think you need to accept that Adam's moved on with his life. Maybe you should do the same.
Adam: Hey. Everything okay?
Chelsea: Perfect. What are you doing here?
Adam: Well, I, um, saw your car outside, and I was on my way home wanted to see if you felt like joining me.
Chelsea: Great. I'm all done here.
Adam: So you made it back to Genoa City okay?
Sharon: Yeah. Thanks. And, um... congratulations.
Chelsea: Ready?
Adam: Yeah. Thank you, by the way. I'll see you.
Chelsea: How'd you get here so fast?
Adam: I told you, you need a new car, preferably a faster one. I can get one for you if you want.
Chelsea: You spoil me. If you don't believe me, you can just ask Sharon.
Adam: She's getting to you, huh?
Chelsea: (Scoffs) Please. You know, she accuses me of only being interested in your money, yet she's living with Victor.
Adam: (Pops lips) It's called projecting.
Chelsea: Hmm, really? I call it being a big old bitch.
Adam: (Chuckles) (Growls)
Chelsea: (Laughs)
Adam: She's not getting to you, huh? Tell me the truth. You want to claw her eyes out, don't you?
Chelsea: Maybe a little, at first, but now, honestly, I just feel bad for her. She seemed so...
Adam: Alone, yeah.
Chelsea: Yeah, but she has Victor, right?
Adam: Maybe.
Chelsea: What do you mean?
Adam: Well, I, uh... (Exhales slowly) I ran into Dad, told him about the situation where she went to Kansas, tried to stop the wedding.
Chelsea: What did he say?
Adam: That he already knew.
Chelsea: And?
Adam: And that's all I know. I have no idea what's going on between those two.
Nick: Giving Sharon the authority to act unilaterally on Newman's cosmetics line-- what is this, a gift from you to her?
Victor: She is more than qualified to make a decision like that. Otherwise, I wouldn't have hired her in the first place to develop a line with you.
Nick: You really have lost all perspective when it comes to Sharon.
Victor: No, none whatsoever. I know exactly who she is and what she is, all right? A dedicated, smart lady who... learned the whole cosmetics business in no time at all. She has earned my respect for what she has done here at Newman. I wish she would have yours, as well.
(Cell phone rings)
Nick: Hey, Avery, what's up?
Avery: Phyllis has been taken in for questioning again.
Nick: Why?
Avery: They think she might be involved in another crime. Look, just meet me at the police station.
Nick: (Sighs) I'm on my way. I gotta go.
Victor: All right, Son.
Chris: They should have been here by now.
Lauren: Christine.
Chris: Hi, Lauren. I'm gonna see if I can find out what's taking them so long.
Michael: Okay.
Lauren: Um, hmm. What's going on?
Michael: Work stuff.
Lauren: Yeah? Well, I came to see Paul. Is that about his case?
Michael: I really can't talk about it.
Lauren: Okay, let me know if I can do anything.
Michael: Yeah, all right. Mm, you're cleared to interrogation one. Paul is there.
Lauren: All right, thanks.
Chris: They're here.
Phyllis: Are you kidding me?
Avery: Phyllis.
Phyllis: Really? Are you doing this? You know I had nothing to do with Dr. Reid's disappearance. You know that, Christine.
Avery: Phyllis! Not another word, Phyllis.
Phyllis: Okay.
Michael: Take her to interrogation two.
Avery: I need a moment with my client.
Michael: Let me know when you're ready.
Avery: (Sighs)
Ronan: Guess I don't have to ask who called in the marines.
Chris: I have waited a long time to see Phyllis get punished for the things she's done. I am not about to let her slip away now.
Ronan: Okay. It's called the department of justice, Christine. Just thought you might want to remember that.
Phyllis: Listen, I just went to talk to him. That's all, just talk. I-I just went to persuade Tim to take a, you know, uh, to leave town.
Avery: And by "Persuade," you mean "Bribe."
Phyllis: No, no, no, no, no. I did not bribe him. I gave him cash. I gave him cash to help him out, so he could take a vacation. Come on. I didn't know that some neighbor saw me.
Avery: Saw you, heard you, told the police everything.
Phyllis: What am I gonna do?
Avery: Oh, damn it, Phyllis, why do you always ask that question after the thing you've done comes back to bite you? Or so...
Phyllis: What's she doing here?
Michael: Christine is here as an observer, as Paul's attorney.
Avery: Ah, as long as we're all clear on that.
Michael: We are.
Nick: What's going on?
Michael: Nicholas, what the hell--you cannot walk in here like that, Nick.
Phyllis: I want-- I want him here.
Michael: What?
Avery: Michael, Michael.
Michael: Fine. Everyone have a seat.
Michael: What happened between you and Tim Reid when you went to go see him?
Nick: Your old shrink?
Michael: Nicholas, please. Tim Reid is missing. You were seen arguing with him right before his disappearance.
Phyllis: I never even saw this woman who claims I was there. How do you know she's not lying?
Michael: Is she?
Avery: Don't answer that.
Chris: Avery, you're a lawyer. You know, sometimes, it's difficult to build a case against someone, and other times, all the pieces just fall into place, like this one. Phyllis has kept a deep, dark secret for over 20 years.
Avery: That has not been proven.
Chris: Well, what we do know is that her ex-therapist, the one person she'd be most likely to confess her crime to, just happened to disappear at the exact moment her secret was about to be exposed. Is that a coincidence? I don't think so.
Phyllis: Nobody really cares what you think.
Chris: What do you think, Michael? How far do you think Phyllis would go to keep the truth from coming out?
Michael: What part of "Observer" did you not understand?
Heather: I'm gonna go see how it's going with Phyllis.
Paul: Okay. Thanks.
Lauren: Phyllis s here?
Paul: Yeah. Chris was trying to prove that Ricky was responsible for Tim Reid's disappearance.
Lauren: To support your claim that he was dangerous?
Paul: Right, only what she found out did not indict Ricky. A neighbor heard Phyllis threatening Tim.
Lauren: (Sighs) And now the police are questioning her about it.
Paul: Right. Chris thinks that Phyllis confided in her therapist about hitting us with the car, and when Ricky started to get nosy, she got rid of Tim, because she didn't want him telling what he knew.
Lauren: Do you believe that?
Paul: I don't know. With all of Chris' digging, she was not able to prove that Ricky was the serial killer that I was convinced that he was. You know, I should be hugely, hugely relieved, but I'm not. Instead, I... I don't know what I am.
Paul: (Exhales sharply)
Lauren: Oh, I'm so sorry.
Paul: My son is dead, and people are feeling badly for me.
Lauren: Because you are a good man.
Paul: Mm. A good man that killed his son.
Lauren: You had no choice.
Paul: I didn't give Ricky a chance, Lauren. From the very beginning, I-I had a bad feeling about Ricky. And I-I went with my gut, I followed my instincts, and they told me that he was a dangerous person... one that was capable of murder. What if I was wrong?
Lauren: You listen to me. Do you remember Shawn? (Tapping finger) This is not your first time with a sociopath. You followed your instincts with Shawn, and you saved my life like you saved Eden's.
Paul: (Sighs) But my son is gone. He's dead, and it's my fault.
Lauren: You shot him in the shoulder. You were not trying to kill him.
Sarge: Yeah, I paid Mrs. Martinez to tell me if you tried to sneak in any extra workouts.
Jack: No kidding. I paid her not to tell you.
Sarge: Your legs.
Jack: Yeah, that's right, my legs, and they're gonna be working. When Nikki walks down that aisle, she's going to see a smiling and standing Jack.
Sarge: There is no set date that's going to happen.
Jack: I'm not gonna schedule anything until it does. See, I can be reasonable.
Nikki: There you guys are.
Jack: Hey.
Nikki: How was your workout?
Jack: Uh, okay.
Nikki: Yeah? Okay? I just thought, maybe, 'cause you got a little feeling back in your foot, your progress would go more quickly.
Jack: Well--
Sarge: Oh, you don't want to force these things, Nikki.
Nikki: I just know how bad he wants to walk.
Sarge: Really? He never mentioned anything about that to me.
Nikki: (Laughs) Well, he isn't the most patient man in the world, and that's why I'm not going to make him wait any longer for at least one thing.
Sarge: And I'm gonna take that as my cue to leave.
Nikki: (Laughs) No, I'm talking about our wedding.
Sarge: (Laughs)
Nikki: I want to get married right away
Jack: Now what--we can't.
Sarge: I'll see you tomorrow. Jack, Nikki.
Jack: So... (Sighs)
Nikki: Why--why are you hesitating? Are you-- you still want to get married?
Jack: Y-yeah, of course I do, I just--I mean... (Sighs) When you say "Right away," I mean, wh-when are we talking?
Nikki: Next week?
Chelsea: That's weird. What happened to my lipstick?
Victor: Well, send the final packaging choice to me and Nicholas, all right? No, continue production. Yep, thank you.
Sharon: I heard what you said to Nick about me.
Victor: He was out of line.
Sharon: Well, you know, you didn't have to defend me after what happened, so thank you.
Victor: Thank you? That's all I get?
Sharon: Um, I don't understand.
Victor: Well, aren't you gonna buy dinner for me, maybe?
Sharon: Gloworm?
Victor: Well, why the hell not?
Jack: No, we--we can't get married next week. Honey, Jean-Pierre won't even be finished with your dress till a month from now.
Nikki: No, no, no, no, that's not a problem. I found some beautiful dresses at Fenmore's this morning. Lauren said she could have one ready in just a couple of days.
Jack: Invitations take a while to be printed. It--
Nikki: That's not a problem, either. Paperless is the way to go these days. It's quick, it's better for the environment, or we could just telephone people, if you like.
Jack: (Sighs) I want this wedding to be special-- a great, wonderful service, an elegant reception, everything you deserve.
Nikki: I don't care about any of that. I want you. That's all I want. I love you, and I want to be your wife.
Jack: I guess I can't argue that, can I?
Nikki: Nope.
Jack: Okay.
Nikki: Well, okay.
Jack: Okay, Nikki. I will marry you next week.
Nikki: (Giggles)
Michael: Ms. Clark, it would be a lot easier on all of us if your client just answered our questions.
Avery: She's under no obligation to do that.
Michael: If she has nothing to hide, why--
Phyllis: I don't.
Michael: Then--
Ronan: Hey, hey. When was the last time you saw Tim Reid?
Phyllis: A few weeks ago. Before that, I hadn't seen him in over 20 years.
Ronan: 20 years. And why did you get in touch with him again?
Phyllis: Because I found out that Ricky had contacted him, and I wanted to know why.
Ronan: And how many times did you see him?
Phyllis: Once.
Ronan: At his apartment?
Phyllis: Yes.
Ronan: And when you were there, did you argue?
Phyllis: I was upset that he talked to Ricky.
Ronan: Did you threaten him?
Phyllis: No.
Chris: So you decided to get rid of him. Is that how you handle your problems?
Nick: Back off, Christine.
Avery: This is not your case, Counselor.
Chris: No, Phyllis wanted to make sure that Dr. Reid didn't tell Ricky that she was the one that ran Paul and me over, so she just got rid of him, didn't you?
Michael: Enough!
Nick: Enough.
Phyllis: You're right.
Avery: Phyllis!
Phyllis: You're right, I did get rid of him. I got rid of Dr. Reid... but not in the way you think. I paid him to go way.
Chelsea: Hi. Ooh, what's in the bag?
Adam: Something I promised you.
Chelsea: A new car?
Adam: How did you guess? No.
Chelsea: Um... a lavish honeymoon?
Adam: Sort of.
Chelsea: Oh, wow, honeymoon in a bag-- I can hardly wait.
Adam: I love it when you go all mushy on me.
Chelsea: (Laughs) (Girlie voice) Oh, Adam, tell me what's in the bag. I hope it's something expensive and outrageous that I just can't live without.
Adam: Yeah, I'm pretty sure I like you cynical instead.
Chelsea: (Laughs) What, no diamond-encrusted cell phone?
Adam: (Laughs) Look, I have been very busy as of late with business, so we haven't been able to go off to a honeymoon, so I figured I would bring a honeymoon to us, per se.
Chelsea: Mm?
Adam: It's, uh, European style. Check it out. I have some, uh, French wine...
Chelsea: (Normal voice) Ooh.
Adam: Very rare. Italian antipasto...
Chelsea: (Gasps)
Adam: Very delicious. I have beluga caviar-- very expensive-- and I have some Belgian chocolates-- very decadent. After all of that, we are going to have a Swedish massage. Try and say that three times fast. Um, I will be doing the massaging, um, and it will be very... very..
Chelsea: (Laughs)
Adam: So are you ready to pop the cork?
Chelsea: Mm, yes and no, although, you know, I-I don't really know much about hearts and flowers, but I do know that you wouldn't have a massage on a full stomach. So maybe, um... maybe massage first, and all the, uh... all that "Very" stuff later.
Adam: No, I have, uh, just a question. Why am I the one getting undressed when you're the one who's getting the massage?
Chelsea: Because I-I like my masseur fully engaged.
Adam: (Laughs) Fully, huh?
Chelsea: Uh-huh.
Adam: Okay, well, I'm all in.
Chelsea: (Laughs) Mm-hmm. All or nothing, Baby.
Adam: Come here. Just shut up.
Chelsea: Mm. (Laughs)
Nikki: (Gasps) Oh.
Jack: To... my future wife, who, in less than a week, is going to be Mrs. Jack Abbott.
Nikki: I can't wait.
(Glasses clink)
Heather: Phyllis paid Tim to leave town.
Paul: (Sighs) So Ricky didn't kill Tim. Where does that leave us?
Heather: Finding out that Ricky had nothing to do with Reid's disappearance-- it doesn't look good for your defense, but we still believe that Ricky killed his girlfriend, the person who has proof of that, and Daisy.
Paul: (Breathes deeply)
Michael: Phyllis, I want a direct answer. Why did you pay Tim Reid to leave town?
Phyllis: Because I knew Ricky was writing that book. I didn't trust Dr. Reid to keep the patient/doctor confidentiality.
Avery: Something Phyllis is legally entitled to.
Chris: If he left on his own, why didn't he take his personal belongings?
Phyllis: I don't know. Maybe he didn't need them.
Ronan: Not even his medication?
Phyllis: I don't know about his medication. I don't know about that. I gave him enough money to refill his prescription.
Chris: (Sighs) And why should we believe you?
Phyllis: Because I'm telling the truth. Last time I saw Dr. Reid, he was alive and well and looking really forward to taking a vacation on my dime.
Chris: So the man leaves on his own accord. The police spend weeks looking for him, not even a clue as to where he went. I don't know. Something doesn't add up.
Beth: They asked me about that woman, Phyllis, and when I was leaving the police station, I saw her being brought in for questioning.
Phyllis: I gave the money to Dr. Reid. I have a copy of the transfer back at my place.
Avery: Okay, if she was gonna kill Dr. Reid, why would she give him a huge sum of money?
Chris: To throw us off track.
Phyllis: Oh... my God.
Chris: But you know what? Even if you didn't kill Dr. Reid, it's obvious that you were desperate to get rid of him, which proves you had something to hide, and the jury will see that.
Next on "The Young and the Restless”...
Victor: I want you to keep a very close eye on both Beauty of Nature and Jabot.
Jack: One company, one C.E.O. It's gonna be me, Ash.
Nick: So I have to wonder yet again-- what else haven't you told me?
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