Y&R Transcript Wednesday 7/25/12

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 7/25/12


Episode # 9956 ~ Abby & Kyle Throw a Pool Party

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Abby: (Giggles) Um, next time, um, we could try a bed.

Carmine: Huh.

Abby: Mm.

Carmine: Maybe the time after next. Mm.

Abby: Mm.

(Cell phone rings)

Abby: Mm, mm, hold on. All right. Hello?

Kyle: Hey, Coz, what, are you, like, jogging or something?

Abby: I did just have a workout.

Kyle: Yeah, I can hear the endorphins.

Abby: Where are you?

Kyle: I'm just here by myself at my dad's pool. You and your ridiculously good mood want to join me?

Abby: (Laughs) Um, sure, yeah. Is this, uh, a private Coz talk, or are you up for something a little more festive?

Kyle: No, I can rock a party. Invite whoever you want.

Jeff: Gloria gave us the wonderful news.

Anita: We wanted to congratulate the newlyweds.

Jeff: Yes, and welcome you with a happy housewarming.

Chelsea: Um, thanks. (Sighs)

Anita: Hope you don't mind your dad and I droppin' in on you, Baby. And my brand-new baby-in-law! Mwah! Ooh!

Adam: Do we mind?

Chelsea: Um, uh, they can stay.

Jeff: (Laughs) This is great.

Anita: Ohh. Fabulous.

Chelsea: But just for a little while.

Jeff: Yeah. I know you're gonna be a wonderful husband to my little girl.

Anita: Mm-hmm.

Jeff: Oh, wow.

Anita: Let me see that ring. It is so big and bright and so expensive. Look at that.

Sofia: Tucker.

Tucker: Hey.

Sofia: Thanks for finding the time to meet with me.

Tucker: That's all right.

Gloria: Sofia, how nice to see you again.

Sofia: (Chuckles) Hi.

Gloria: What can I get you?

Sofia: Iced tea, please, Gloria.

Gloria: Iced tea, and, Mr. Tucker, another one for you?

Tucker: Uh, no, uh, my mother's gonna join me later. I'll wait.

Gloria: Okay. Thank you.

Sofia: Uh, I-I didn't mean to intrude on your lunch, but, uh...

Tucker: That's all right. What's goin' on?

Sofia: Something's happened, and I'm not sure how to tell you.

Neil: Well, Moses and I were, uh, visiting Devon at the recording studio. We figured we'd come by and see Charlie and Matty.

Lily: Aw, they're out with the nanny.

Neil: Oh.

Lily: But will you settle for your sister, huh?

Devon: (Chuckles)

Neil: Yeah? Yeah? You want to say hi? You want to say hi?

Lily: (Laughs) What were you guys working on?

Devon: Uh, just the latest mix of Ana's song.

Neil: Yeah, I loved it. And so did Moses. Right, Moses? You loved it, didn't you? Yeah.

Devon: (Chuckles) I e-mailed it to you.

Lily: You did?

Devon: Yeah.

Lily: Okay, I'll check it out right now and download it.

Devon: And where's Cane at? 'Cause I'd like to get his take on it, too.

Lily: Um, he's, uh, he's gone. It's--it's been a really busy morning.

Neil: (Laughs)

Devon: (Chuckles)

Cane: You know, you--you-- you haven't touched anything, right? Everything's exactly where you found it?

Genevieve: No, I-I-- I checked my jewelry, but it--it's still there.

Cane: Okay, what about your laptop? Where's your laptop?

Genevieve: I-I haven't noticed anything missing.

Cane: Hey. When'd you start smoking?

Genevieve: I didn’t. That wasn't there before! It--there's no way. (Stammers) This place has a very strict no-smoking policy.

Cane: So the person who must have broken in must have left this here for us to find. That's weird.

Genevieve: How did that...

Cane: Wow. That was in our living room, Mom. You kept it?

Genevieve: No. Ethan, I haven't seen this picture since Samantha died.

Cane: Are you saying this is more "Gifts" from the past?

Genevieve: What the hell is goin' on here?

Abby: Carmine, you remember my cousin Kyle.

Kyle: Hey, man.

Carmine: Hey, thank for, uh, letting me hang with you.

Kyle: Yeah.

Carmine: I'm gonna go change, okay?

Abby: Mm-hmm. Mm.

Kyle: I thought that whole "He's my boyfriend" thing was just for shock value.

Abby: Carmine is a good guy and a superhot boy toy.

Kyle: Whoa! Too much information, Abbs. No.

Abby: (Scoffs) Give him a chance. Please? Give him a chance.

Kyle: Who-- who else did you invite?

Abby: A bunch of people, and one special guest for you.

Kyle: Like who?

Abby: Hmm.

("Love will find a way" playing)

Neil: It's okay. What about this? What about this? Huh?

(Toy rattles)

Neil: Did you hear that? That's good. (Chuckles)

Devon: Yeah?

Neil: Yeah.

Lily: I love it.

Devon: Yeah?

Lily: Yeah, the mix, the arrangement, everything. It's perfect.

Devon: Well, if you do say so yourself, that was a good suggestion you gave me.

Lily: Well, I'm happy I could help, you know.

Devon: Yeah. There's a couple more ideas that I want to bounce off you, but I have to take off soon cause, uh, Kyle and Abby invited Roxanne and me to, uh, do some pool time.

Lily: Jealous.

Neil: Mm.

Lily: (Laughs)

Devon: (Laughs)

Neil: You're a busy man.

Devon: I know. I know. And I have to stop and, uh, wrap a little gift I got Roxanne before I pick her up.

Lily: Aw, that's so romantic.

Devon: Yeah, let's hope Roxanne thinks so.

Lily: She will.

Neil: Yeah, she will, Buddy.

Devon: Well, see you.

Lily: All right, bye.

Neil: All right, take it easy.

Devon: You, too.

Lily: Have fun.

Devon: Bye, Moses.

Neil: Say, “Bye."

Lily: Bye-bye.

Neil: Say, "Bye, Devon." Yeah, you're gonna miss your brother, aren't you?

Lily: (Chuckles)

Neil: Yeah. I am so proud of you kids. You're not kids anymore. You're adults, you know? Making, uh, making all the right decisions for yourselves...

Lily: Mm-hmm.

Neil: Building relationships.

Lily: Yes.

Neil: Strong ones, right?

Lily: (Chuckles) How's it going with you and Sofia splitting time between Moses?

Neil: Well, it's rough, to tell you the truth. Every night that Moses isn't with me, it's, uh, it's hard.

Moses: (Fusses)

Neil: But Sofia and I, we're-- you know, we're making an effort to keep things amicable, and for a tough situation...

Moses: (Cries)

Neil: It's okay. Oh, it's not okay?

Lily: Oh, he wants his sister.

Neil: It's gonna be okay. Come on.

Lily: I know. Yeah. See?

Moses: (Stops crying)

Neil: Aw.

Lily: See? Say "Daddy, you crazy. You're crazy." (Chuckles)

Tucker: So you're sure this is what you want to do?

Sofia: I think it's what I need to do. But it's not a done deal yet. Tucker, what do you think?

Tucker: I'm not happy about it, but I understand. And you know I'll always back you up. You know that.

Sofia: Yes, I do.

Tucker: Okay.

Gloria: Hello.

Kay: I'm a bit early. I hope I'm not interrupting.

Sofia: Oh, not at all. I have to go meet Neil and pick up Moses.

Tucker: Hey, you keep me posted on that.

Sofia: I will. It was good to see you, Katherine.

Kay: And you kiss that baby of yours for me, will you, please?

Sofia: (Chuckles) Yes. Thanks.

Gloria: Ye-bye, Sofia. (Sighs) You know, seeing you two together gives me an image of my own son becoming a titan of industry someday very soon, I hope.

Kay: Well, Kevin’s, uh, new business, uh, venture certainly seemed promising.

Gloria: Mm-hmm.

Kay: You must be very proud of him.

Gloria: I am, Katherine. Very proud. And of my other son Michael, the district attorney. Excuse me.

Kay: (Chuckles) Well, I do hope you're doing as well as our friend Gloria.

Tucker: Is that even possible?

Kay: All right, I have given you enough space. How are things with Ashley?

Tucker: Well, don't be shy. Jump right into my personal life.

Kay: T-tell me something. Please tell me something-- that there's a slight chance of reconciliation.

Tucker: Afraid not.

Kay: What happened?

Tucker: An unexpected complication.

Cane: So you know that this break-in and these "Gifts" are all linked to your secret bank account?

Genevieve: How do you make that connection, Ethan?

Cane: Because somebody dropped off an envelope full of Swiss francs at my door. So I go and ask Kevin to have a look at your bank account. He did.

Genevieve: It's no use, 'cause the thief is hiding behind firewalls.

Cane: The firewalls are gone.

Genevieve: That's good. Do you know who stole my money?

Cane: The hacker used a pseudonym-- "Claude Shirl."

Genevieve: Isn't that the--

Cane: Yeah, yeah, it is. It's a combination of the nicknames that Samantha and I had for each other when we were little kids. So now combined with this picture, I'd say it's escalating, wouldn't you?

Genevieve: (Sighs) It's so sick, this game that your father's playing.

Cane: Dad is in Australia. I know that for a fact.

Genevieve: Yeah, but when has that ever stopped him before, Ethan? He--he has people he pays to do stuff like this. You know that.

Cane: Okay, all right. Look, I know he would be very happy to take your money, but he's not gonna risk himself by touching your bank account.

Genevieve: So, what? You--you don't think that it's him?

Cane: (Sighs) I don't know. I don't know. All I do know is who would know our family well enough to pull this off? Who would know about this picture? Samantha's dead. Caleb's dead. So who's left, Mom?

Genevieve: You're accusing me now, aren't you, Ethan?

Cane: I just--just want to know what's happening. That's all. And I just think you might be the person who can tell me.

Abby: Eden, uh, you remember Carmine, right?

Eden: Yeah. Um, hello again.

Abby: Any weirdness you are sensing between me and Eden is pretty much the norm. We're not B.F.F.'s, but after everything I've done, I can't judge anybody, and she's been dealing with the whole Paul/Ricky nightmare.

Carmine: Oh, yeah. I heard about that uh, I'm sorry.

Abby: See? He's sweet.

Eden: You know what? I'm kind of thirsty. So which way is the cooler?

Carmine: Uh, it's, uh, its o--it's over there.

Eden: Okay, thanks.

Abby: (Clears throat)

Carmine: Do you, uh, want anything?

Abby: Oh, sure. Um, surprise me.

Kyle: So why did you really invite her?

Abby: You're the only person in our family who stood by me after my fake kidnapping fiasco, so I kind of owe you.

Kyle: (Sighs)

Abby: And I know you like Eden a lot.

Kyle: Uh--

Abby: Ahh. You like her.

Kyle: (Sighs) Hey, guys!

Devon: Hey.

Abby: Hey.

Roxanne: Hey.

Devon: (Chuckles) Hey. How you doin'?

Abby: Come here.

Devon: (Groans)

Abby: Ooh, oh, I love the love even though we talk all the time. Hi, Roxy.

Devon: Yeah.

Roxanne: Hey, Abby. Thank you for inviting us, Kyle.

Kyle: Yeah, yeah.

Devon: What's been keeping you so busy? I haven't laid eyes on you since you put us all through hell.

Abby: Um...

Roxanne: Isn't that...

Abby: You're gonna love Carmine once you get to know him.

Devon: You're insane, Abby. You know that?

Abby: Well, um, you know, a girl wants what she wants.

Carmine: (Chuckles)

Abby: (Chuckles)

Kay: (Sighs) All right. What does Genevieve Atkinson have to do with your wife?

Tucker: (Sighs) Genevieve and I go way back.

Kay: To where?

Tucker: We were friends when we were very young. I fell for her, and she left.

Kay: Tucker, why-- why didn't you ever mention this?

Tucker: It was a lifetime ago, and it wasn't important.

Kay: When Ashley found out this unimportant, lifetime ago "Friendship," what?

Tucker: She saw it as yet another lie.

Kay: But the two of you seemed so much better for a while.

Tucker: We were. But... (Sighs) Earlier, Genevieve and I had an argument. Ashley witnessed it, and in her mind, that fight and my anger about it suggested that I... have lingering feelings for Genevieve.

Kay: (Sighs) That fine line between love and hate is--mm.

Tucker: Oh, don't you start now. Sometimes, people just fight. You've met Genevieve. You know how infuriating the woman can be.

Kay: So when Ashley found out, was she right? Do you have lingering feelings for this Genevieve Atkinson?

Genevieve: Take a look around this room. Would I be standing here helplessly if I knew who was behind it? Would I drain my own bank account? Come on, I'm--I'm every bit as much a victim as you are here, and I am just as confused.

Cane: Well, we can't go to the police, can we?

Genevieve: No.

Cane: So, um, with or without your help, I'm gonna find out who did this, and I'm gonna make them pay for harassing my family.

Genevieve: And I hope you do just that. I wish that I had something that I could offer to help. I mean, you know... (Sighs) It--it could be any random person from our past.

Cane: Like who?

Genevieve: I-I don't know. It could be anybody who set foot inside our house, who might have overhear you and your sister using those nicknames.

Cane: (Sighs)

Genevieve: Look, a babysitter, a housekeeper, uh, any one of the criminals that your father worked with. (Scoffs) My God. It could be somebody that we fired. Think about that. Someone who's angry and--and wants revenge.

Cane: Could be. But, you know, uh, trashing this place and you know, the picture and everything-- it's just a little complicated, you know? Don't you think?

Genevieve: Yes, I-I do think so. I-I don't know what else to tell you. (Scoffs) Maybe you should go.

Cane: (Sighs) I don't think you should stay here, Mom. It's not safe.

Genevieve: Oh, no. I'm gonna be just fine. I refuse to be intimidated. I can take anything they throw at me

Cane: Well, you do what you want to do then. I'm fed up with this.

Anita: You can frame your wedding picture and put it on the mantel of your new home. Sweetie, it's what you always wanted.

Jeff: A picture frame?

Anita: A beautiful house to settle down in.

Jeff: Ah.

Anita: To have a normal life.

Chelsea: Speaking of normal, um, how's the whole "Still being married to each other" thing working out?

Jeff: Oh, Gloria’s being a real peach.

Adam: Yeah? She's all right with you being a bigamist?

Jeff: (Laughs) Well, that's-- that's not technically true.

Anita: No, we decided to keep it all friendly, yeah.

Jeff: Yeah, yeah, for Chelsea’s sake.

Chelsea: For my sake?

Jeff: Yeah. We want to be the parents you always deserved. Better late than never, right, "Buggabear"?

Chelsea: Get out. I said that you could stay for a little while. Now it's time for you to go.

Adam: All right, you heard her. Bye-bye.

Anita: Oh, I understand-- coming off that trip, uh, putting this home together. Chelsea must be exhausted.

Chelsea: Uh, no, that's-- that's not it.

Jeff: (Chuckles) Oh, no. Of course not--newlyweds. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge. Um, another time. Do you want to set a dinner date now or--

Adam: You know, you guys know the way out, so see you later.

Jeff: Yep. Right, right.

Anita: We sure do, a-and family doesn't stand on ceremony.

Jeff: Yep, yep. Call us.

Anita: No, we're gonna call you.

Jeff: Okay. (Sighs)

Chelsea: Mm.

Adam: Yeah.

Chelsea: (Chuckles) Oh, God.

Carmine: Hey, the songs you made with Angelina took her to a whole new level, man.

Devon: Oh, wow. You liked 'em, huh?

Carmine: Are you kidding me? I mean, she never sounded so good. And the next album you drop, I'm--I'm all over that.

Devon: Uh, thank you.

Abby: Oh, can you come...

Roxanne: Hmm?

Abby: (Chuckles) Mm, so... what do you think?

Roxanne: Well, uh, he's not at all what I thought he'd be.

Abby: In a good way, right?

Roxanne: Yeah.

Kyle: So I have been thinking about you.

Eden: But somehow, you never manage to dial my number.

Kyle: Yeah, well, I wasn't sure if I should call, you know, with everything you've been handling.

Eden: Yeah, well, um, you're giving me one of the best days I've had in a while, so cheers.

(Bottles clink)

Kay: Genevieve is a very complicated woman, and you are a very complicated man. So, um, I realize I may be minimizing it, uh, asking...do you still have feelings for Genevieve?

Tucker: There is a connection, something that, uh, draws me back when I see her. But whatever I might have felt or feel was never reciprocated by her.

(Cell phone rings)

Tucker: Sorry.

Tucker: Hello, Genevieve.

Genevieve: Tucker, is there any way that you could come by my place?

Tucker: I'm in the middle of something.

Genevieve: I really, really need to talk to you. Please.

Tucker: All right, I'll be there.

Genevieve: I'll be waiting.

Lily: So they left a family picture but didn't take anything?

Cane: (Sighs) As far as I know, yeah.

Lily: I mean, this is just getting more and more bizarre. Its like--how is Genevieve?

Cane: Well, when I got there, she was upset, and then I started asking her, "Do you know who maybe could have done it?" The next thing you know, she gets, you know, really upset.

Lily: Well, of course she did. Somebody is messing with us and using her dead daughter to do it.

Cane: I think that the reason my mother is being defensive is because she is behind all of this.

Neil: So my little man started grabbin' on to that new giraffe like it was his best friend.

Sofia: (Chuckles)

Neil: So I made sure to pack it so he'd have it at your place tonight.

Sofia: Thanks. (Sighs)

Neil: Yeah.

Sofia: (Sighs)

Neil: Hey, what's goin' on? Are you all right?

Sofia: Neil, uh, there's something I need to share with you.

Neil: Yeah? Share something about what? About Moses?

Sofia: I've been offered a job in New York, and I really want to take it. Well, at first, I was just gonna turn 'em down, but then the more I thought about it, the more I wanted it. Neil, get this-- they want me to run Odessa, Incorporated.

Neil: That's a great company.

Sofia: Yep. (Chuckles) And I would be in charge, not second-in-command. But more than that, it'll be a chance to start fresh.

Neil: Hmm. I didn't know you were looking to start fresh.

Sofia: (Sighs) Well, Moses is the biggest blessing in my life, but outside of his being born, my time in Genoa City hasn't, uh... (Scoffs) Been what I'd hoped.

Neil: What about Tucker? Aren't you an integral part of his company?

Sofia: Well, like it's time for me to find out who I really am again.

Neil: Sofia, you can look for yourself all you want. But we have a child together. Do you honestly believe that you're gonna leave Genoa City and go to New York with my son and have full custody?

Sofia: Not at all, Neil. I mean, we can still find time to share our son.

Neil: It's never gonna happen.

Genevieve: I wasn't sure you'd come by.

Tucker: (Scoffs) I said would. Now what was so important?

Genevieve: (Sighs) I felt horrible about the way we left things.

Tucker: You could have said that on the phone.

Genevieve: Come on, Tucker. (Sighs) We shouldn't be that distant with each other. We were good friends once, and I'd like to be again.

Lily: I never thought Genevieve was behind all of this crazy stuff, and I thought that you would come to agree with me.

Cane: You know that she's completely capable of doing this, don't you?

Lily: Okay, but why would she?

Cane: Why wouldn't she? She plays the victim. It diverts suspicion.

Lily: But why?

Cane: I don't know. I don’t. But what I do know is the woman's room is ransacked and trashed and she wants to stay there. So what does that tell you?

Lily: It tells you that she's stubborn and in shock and doing what she always does-- pretending that she's invincible.

Cane: Or it tells you that she trashed the room herself, and that's why she's not afraid to stay there.

Lily: Okay. (Sighs) I get that you don't trust her, but what you're saying is really, really out there.

Cane: Maybe. (Sighs heavily)

Lily: Okay, listen. (Sighs) Can you just think about, for one second, who else might do something like this?

Cane: I have been thinking about it, and I don't know. I-I-I-I can't figure out what-- what acquaintance would we have in Australia that all of a sudden, all these years later, would want to come at me and my mom like this? I don't know.

Lily: Well, maybe there's something that we overlooked, you know? Like--like a-a clue or--or something left behind. I don't know.

Cane: Wait a minute.

Lily: What? These were left in Genevieve’s room?

Cane: Yeah, in a glass ashtray that was clean, and my mom doesn't smoke.

Lily: Okay, well, either she's hanging out with someone who smokes, or whoever trashed her room left this there on purpose.

Cane: To send us a message. Come on. Let's go see what we can find out. So...

Roxanne: Do you want anything to eat?

Devon: No. I have a little somethin'. (Chuckles)

Roxanne: Wait, what is this?

Devon: This is a-- a coulda-shoulda-woulda present.

Roxanne: New holiday? (Laughs)

Devon: Uh, it's about how I "Coulda" had a lot of other girlfriends.

Roxanne: Well, what stopped you?

Devon: I wouldn't have had the very best, which is you.

Roxanne: And you should have?

Devon: I should have shown you every single day how special you are.

Roxanne: (Chuckles)

Devon: I figured that you could use a new music player since yours is 2 years ancient. (Laughs)

Roxanne: I love it. Oh, there's a playlist on here.

Devon: Uh-huh.

Roxanne: Devon.

Devon: (Chuckles) That song right there-- that first one. That's the song I listened to while driving home after we first met.

Roxanne: (Sighs) This is the first song that we danced to.

Devon: Mm-hmm.

Roxanne: I had a deejay play it three times at my birthday.

Devon: (Laughs)

Roxanne: Chili Peppers, Florence...

Devon: Mm-hmm.

Roxanne: Childish Gambino. I love these, but why are they on here?

Devon: Well, Honey, that is the playlist and soundtrack to our trip.

Roxanne: (Sighs) Yes!

Devon: (Laughs) Don't you want to know where we're gonna go? We're going to Chicago in August.

Roxanne: Yes!

Devon: (Laughs) You haven't heard the best part, though. I got us two tickets to Lollapalooza and three nights at a very, very fancy hotel.

Roxanne: Mwah!

Devon: (Laughs)

Roxanne: Yes!

Abby: What's going on?

Devon: You like that?

Roxanne: I like that a lot. (Laughs)

Abby: Seriously, they're so cute. Aw, that's so sweet.

Adam: We are toasting to you.

Chelsea: Why?

Adam: (Pops lips) Well, for the way you handled Jeffrey and Anita. Who's in charge? You is.

Chelsea: I am. (Sniffles)

Adam: Chelsea...

Chelsea: (Sighs)

Adam: Wait, hold on. What--what is it?

Chelsea: (Sighs) It's just... (Sighs) Jeffrey and Anita... (Sniffles) (Sets drink down) Talking about being a family. (Sighs) My mom turned me into a con artist, and the father who didn't want anything to do with me until I married you and all of your money-- they pretend that they care, but really, it's just another scam... (Sighs) For them to get their hands on some cash. And it shouldn't hurt, but it does.

Adam: Ah, come here.

Chelsea: (Sighs) (Sighs)

Anita: Jeff pushed Chelsea too hard and got us kicked out.

Jeff: (Sighs) You were the one acting like you wanted to swipe that diamond off her finger.

Anita: (Scoffs)

Lily: Hi, Gloria.

Cane: Hey, you guys.

Lily: Um, I'm sorry.

Cane: Hey, Jeffrey.

Lily: Uh, do you have a minute?

Gloria: For you two, always. This way.

Lily: Excuse us. (Clears throat)

Gloria: What's up?

Cane: I have a friend who might be in town, so have you met anybody who might be Australian? Or have you seen anyone out of the ordinary at all?

Gloria: Out of the ordinary?

Cane: Yeah.

Gloria: No, not really, Australian or otherwise. But I can check with the staff.

Lily: Okay, if we can check with them, as well, that'd be great.

Cane: Yeah, that would be great.

Gloria: Of course you an. And why don't you check the reservation book, too?

Lily: Okay. Thanks.

Cane: All right, thank you. We'll do it.

Tucker: You know, just a little while ago, you were accusing me of being vengeful, of enjoying that you're dependent on me.

Genevieve: Yeah, uh, look, I was very emotional, and I'm sorry. I-I was wrong. I was out of line.

Tucker: Is that it? Is that all you wanted?

Genevieve: Tucker, I don't think you ever forgave me for that night in Sydney.

Tucker: We don't need to go there.

Genevieve: Look, you know, y-you tracked me down at the club... (Sighs) And you told me that you still loved me, and that you suspected that I still loved you.

Tucker: Apparently, I was wrong.

Genevieve: But--no. (Sighs)

Tucker: (Sighs)

Genevieve: And you told me that you wanted me to meet you at your hotel bar later that night.

Tucker: Yeah, I'm-- I'm not doing this. No, come on.

Genevieve: Please. Please, please. Uh, no. Please listen to me. And then before I could answer you, you remember right at that moment? We were interrupted by, um, Colin’s thug. Remember?

Tucker: Mm-hmm. Yeah. I remember that.

Genevieve: Yeah.

Tucker: Do you remember that I gave you my room key? I slipped it to you before you took off with that guy?

Genevieve: And-- but if I could have said something at that moment, I-I would have.

Tucker: Yeah. I'll never forget the way you looked at me as you walked away. (Chuckles) Wow. Gave me hope. But what the hell was I thinking? I waited all night for you...

Genevieve: Mm.

Tucker: And you never showed.

Genevieve: You're wrong about that. I did go back to your hotel that night. I did. I wanted to be with you more than anything.

Abby: Is this perfect, or what? You've gotten along with everybody. They're not freezing you out.

Carmine: Yeah, it's great. But you in that suit... (Inhales deeply) Epic.

Kyle: Hey, do you want to go out later? I mean, just us?

Eden: I'd like that.

Devon: I love you, Honey.

Roxanne: Well, since you ditched all those other girls...

Devon: (Chuckles)

Roxanne: I love you back.

Sofia: Why don't you take some time to digest the situation, and then we can work something out.

Neil: I don't need time. If you try to go to New York with my son... I will stop you legally.

Jeff: Eh, it went okay for a first family visit.

Anita: We'll do better next time.

Jeff: Yeah, 'cause we're not giving up.

(Cups clink)

Anita: (Chuckles)

Adam: Parents are parents. Nothing can change that.

Chelsea: I want to change that. Can we please, please, please change that?

Adam: (Chuckles) Listen to me. The only family that matters is you and me.

Chelsea: You and me

Adam: You and me.

Chelsea: (Laughs)

Adam: Come here.

Tucker: You came back that night to be with me?

Genevieve: (Sighs) I got all the way to your door. (Sighs) And I wanted to go in, I really did, but I just... (Sighs) I felt like I had to be faithful to my husband.

Tucker: (Laughing) Wow.

Genevieve: What?

Tucker: Why are you telling me this? It doesn't change anything! Once again, you chose Colin over me. What'd you think, if you told me you were briefly tempted to be with me, that would impress me and make me easier to manipulate?

Genevieve: No! I-I'm not trying to manipulate you here.

Tucker: Go to hell.

Gloria: Oh, well.

Lily: Well, that was a bust.

Gloria: Well, you know, it's still possible that Cane's friend has been here. You know, Gloworm’s a very popular place. We get lots of new customers.

Cane: Thank you. Thanks. I really appreciate it.

Lily: Yeah, thank you.

Gloria: Good luck.

Cane: Thanks. Thanks.

Lily: (Sighs) I am so sorry this was a waste of time.

Cane: Actually, it wasn't a waste of time. There's a reservation in the book for Claude Shirl for yesterday.

Lily: What? So then he was seen, and there must be cameras here.

Cane: He was a no-show. What does this person want? Why are they doing this?

Lily: (Sighs) I mean, do you still think that Genevieve has something to do with this?

Cane: You know, this is strange, because why would my mother make a fake reservation here in Gloworm? What does she possibly have to gain from doing that?

Lily: I don't know, but whoever it is wants us to know that he's in town and that he's close.

Cane: Come on, let's go.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"

Nick: Billy is determined to blow this story up.

Phyllis: Oh, Billy.

Billy: The Phyllis story is huge, we've gotta cover it, but this footage of your brother--

Victoria: Use it.

Chris: What did he look like?

Woman: She was a good-lookin' redhead.

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