Y&R Transcript Tuesday 7/24/12
Episode # 9955 ~ Jeffrey Tries to Prove He Is Not a Bigamist
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Ashley: Well, Jack's Jack. Of course, he wasn't gonna take it lying down, Traci. I should have anticipated his next move and then covered my bases, but you know what? I'm not at the top of my game right now. (Sighs) Yes, because of the divorce. You know, I actually almost backed into somebody today in the parking lot. It was unbelievable. (Gasps)
Tucker: Hi.
Ashley: Hi, uh, I'm gonna call you back. Sorry.
Tucker: Oh, don't be.
Ashley: Okay, well... (Chuckles) It's always nice to see you.
Tucker: Hey, hey. Are you okay?
Cane: Well, that is great news. Thank you. Okay, bye. So that was the P.I. I hired to locate my father.
Lily: And?
Cane: And he's still in Australia.
Lily: (Sighs) Thank... God. Now I can breathe a little bit easier.
Cane: Yeah. You know... I-I keep thinking, though, you know, maybe, just maybe, there's a chance he's behind these deliveries.
Lily: Yeah, but you don't think so, do you?
Cane: No, 'cause I keep going over it in my head. I'm thinking about it and thinking about it. I know my father, all right? He doesn't act coy. He doesn't send hidden messages. If this was him, he would want me to know. He would want me to know, 'cause then I would feel powerless, and that money that turned up the other day at the door, right? If that has my mother's bank account, he's not gonna connect himself with that. He wouldn't take that risk.
Lily: Well, maybe he didn't think that he would get caught. I mean, your mom's not gonna report money stolen that she's not even supposed to have. I just wish that we could call the police or something.
Cane: (Sighs) Yeah, call the police. Can't do that 'cause, you know, once again, we're gonna have to protect my mother.
Lily: Did you tell her about the Swiss francs?
Cane: Mnh-mnh, nope. The less she knows, the better.
Kevin: Center or left?
Chloe: Centered. Yeah, that looks awesome.
Abby: Hey. Oh, super secret.
Chloe: (Clears throat)
Abby: Must be working on your new web site.
Chloe: Well, we know what you've been working on. Hmm, yeah, I don't see this as the latest fashion trend now, do you?
Kevin: I don't know. I mean, anyone stupid enough to follow Abby on Twitter...
Chloe: Yeah.
Abby: Wow, you know, you can be mad at me, but I don't think it's necessary to pick on my fans.
Chloe: Ooh, do you know, I'm following her now...
Kevin: Oh.
Chloe: And I just cannot wait to see one of the videos that she's gonna post of her doing community service and picking up the trash.
Abby: No camera crews. That's actually one of the conditions.
Kevin: Oh.
Chloe: Oh, well, that's great, because there are no conditions on me, so I can just stop by and take a few pictures and post it everywhere. What time is your break over?
Abby: I'm done for the day, which gives us time to have a nice, long chat about your new business. I want to get in on the ground floor.
Kevin: (Laughs) Uh, the investment window is closed. Thank you anyway.
Chloe: Yeah, we really don't want to interfere with your super-busy schedule. You know, with you picking up trash, and--
Kevin: Oh, and she's picking up trash, too. Did you mention that?
Chloe: Oh, yeah.
Abby: (Scoffs) Cool. Well, you're just hurting yourselves.
Chloe: Oh, but its okay when your boyfriend's hurting me.
Abby: Are you seriously never gonna let this go? (Scoffs) Forget it. I'm going to Starbucks.
Kevin: Oh! It hurts my heart.
Abby: (Sighs)
Carmine: Oh, hey.
Abby: Hey.
Carmine: (Sighs)
Adam: You happy?
Chelsea: My mom and I, we used to sneak into resorts and act like we were staying there. Like, hang out by the pool or whatever. I keep waiting for a security guard to show up and ask to see my room key.
Adam: (Chuckles) It's a great, isn't it?
Chelsea: Mm.
Adam: I'm glad we got most of the furniture in here. I think it belongs as do you and I.
(Laptop alert chimes)
Adam: Oh.
(Laptop keys clicking)
Chelsea: You are a very popular guy this morning.
Adam: Yes, I am. I put out the word that there's a startup worth funding, and, uh, these guys know, something like this, you gotta jump right on it.
Chelsea: Like I did you? (Chuckles)
Adam: Just like you did me.
Chelsea: (Laughs)
Adam: I gotta get my clothes on.
Chelsea: Or... not.
Adam: You know, we are beginning to make a habit of this.
Chelsea: Yeah. Do you have any objections?
Adam: Mm, hold on a second.
Chelsea: Hmm?
Adam: Just let me put this here.
Chelsea: (Chuckles)
Carmine: So... how you been?
Abby: Good. Grateful that your jog this morning didn't take you down Hawthorne Street. That's where I'm doing my community service.
Carmine: Hmm.
Abby: I'm picking up garbage.
Carmine: (Chuckles) No way.
Abby: Uh, way.
Carmine: Hmm, I guess I'll have to change my route tomorrow.
Abby: No, not necessary. That is not an image of me I want in your mind. (Laughs)
Carmine: Hmm. The only image I have in my mind is the one that I have from last time we saw each other.
Abby: (Laughs) You want to get out of here?
Carmine: Uh, I can't. I gotta talk to Kevin.
Abby: No, you do not want to do that. He's in there with Chloe and they have got their phasers set to attack.
Carmine: Well, I kind of lost my job.
Abby: What?
Carmine: Yeah, you know, Gloria's Chloe's mother-in-law. I mean, she's kind of showing solidarity, so I thought maybe if I asked Kevin to ask her if can get my job back, that maybe--
Abby: You know what? Um... how about I talk to Gloria? She loves all things Newman. She loves publicity, which I can deliver like no other. I'm--I'm sure that she and I could work something out.
Carmine: Hmm.
Kevin: So you can search all the reviews, or you can do an advanced search and just look at the ones that meet a certain criteria. So let's say we're talking about food and you only want to see the reviews from... vegans.
(Laptop keys clicking)
Chloe: That's brilliant.
Kevin: Mm-hmm.
Chloe: Adam's gonna be blown away.
Kevin: (Exhales sharply)
Chloe: What? Okay, I know, sometimes he's... ethically challenged.
Kevin: Sometimes?
Chloe: But he is smart, smart enough to know how smart you are and how he needs us both.
Kevin: (Sighs)
Chloe: He's gonna want to stay on our good side so we can all make each other rich.
Kevin: I hope you're right.
(Cell phone rings)
Chloe: Oh, there he is. Hi, Adam. Hi, yeah. Great. Okay, yeah, I know exactly where that is. We'll meet you there.
Kevin: We'll meet him where?
Chloe: Genevieve's mansion. Bought it.
Kevin: (Scoffs) Wow talk about a vulture capitalist. Swooping in on somebody else's misfortune.
Chloe: Uh, he saw a good deal and he took it. Isn't that what you want from a business partner?
Kevin: Uh, yes, yes. Uh, you know what? I will meet you there. There's something I need to take care of here first, okay?
Chloe: Okay.
Kevin: You're gonna--okay.
Chloe: Bye.
Kevin: Bye. What the hell are you thinking, showing up here after what you did to my wife?
Carmine: Yeah, I came here to, um, say I'm sorry.
Adam: Chelsea? Chelsea.
Chelsea: Coming. Sorry. I went exploring and got a little lost.
Adam: (Chuckles)
Chelsea: (Laughs)
Adam: You gotta be careful. I don't want my wife disappearing on me before we even go on our honeymoon.
Chelsea: What are you talking about? This is a honeymoon.
Adam: Yeah, right, with me working all the time?
Chelsea: Well, if this web site is as big an opportunity as you say--
Adam: It could be it could be, but it also could fall apart. That's why I gotta stay on top of things, and Kevin and Chloe are relative newbies at this, so it might require a little babysitting.
Chelsea: Okay. So hold their hands for a little while, and then when that's done... come hold mine.
Adam: You know, when we make our first bundle, I'm gonna take you somewhere incredible.
Chelsea: Deal.
Adam: Come here.
Chelsea: Mm.
Jeff: It just saddens me...
Gloria: (Scoffs)
Jeff: That we're not at the place I thought we were when the facts come in, you're gonna regret your lack of faith in me.
Gloria: (Scoffs)
Jeff: I hope I have it in me to forgive you.
Gloria: I'll take my chances, Jeffrey.
Jeff: Why can't you just believe me? That woman is not my wife!
Anita: Looky what I found-- our marriage certificate.
Jeff: (Groans)
Lily: Look, if your mom figured out who stole the money from her account, and it's the same person who sent us the Swiss francs...
Cane: Which is a lot of ifs.
Lily: Yeah, but there's no harm in asking.
Cane: Did you see how freaked out my mother was when those toys turned up?
Lily: Okay, first of all, that's different. That was a reminder about her daughter who died.
Cane: But what it proves is the person who's behind this has a cruel streak, and I want to protect her from that, okay? You know, she's already got this whole "Being dependent upon Tucker" thing going on.
Lily: Ugh, Tucker. I think that she is just playing with fire. I mean, not that he hasn't been good to Devon, but--
Cane: That's different. That's his son.
Lily: It's like, when you think about how he treated Harmony all those years ago, how he dumped Jill, and then he trashed his marriage...
Cane: The man's got issues.
Lily: Do you think that she's in love with him? I mean, I know that he said that she's the one who broke his heart, but...
Cane: (Sighs) You know what? I don't know what's going on with those two, but if she's in love, you're right, she shouldn't trust him. That's all I know.
Tucker: I feel responsible.
Ashley: Well, you don't need to.
Tucker: (Sighs) So you gonna tell me the divorce isn't at least part of why you're upset?
Ashley: What divorce? You haven't signed the papers yet.
Tucker: Yeah, I've been meaning to get to that. You know, it might make it easier if you told me that... (Sighs) That wouldn't be the end for us, that we could still be friends, you know, like you said.
Ashley: I know I said that. Would you actually be able to settle for that?
Tucker: I never settle, but I would be willing to respect whatever boundaries you want to set.
Abby: Are you serious? Me, you can't forgive, but you let him back in your life?
Kevin: The only reason I haven't come after you personally for what you did to Chloe is because I don't have to. I've got a brother who's the D.A., a mom who used to be your boss--
Carmine: Yeah, about that--
Kevin: Yeah, no, no. No, you're not getting a second chance. You're not gonna need one, anyway, because you're gonna be in prison.
Carmine: Look, I don't-- I don't always think things through.
Kevin: Yeah, yeah, I can tell, and coming here was another bonehead move.
Carmine: Look, I waited for Chloe to leave. I know she doesn't want to see me right now.
Kevin: She sees you, she sees you. She has nightmares.
Carmine: I-I feel really terrible. What can I do?
Kevin: You can stay away. Leave us the hell alone, unless you want to get busted for stalking, too.
Chloe: Wow. You guys got married. (Laughs)
Chelsea: Yeah. It was, uh, it was fast, I know.
Adam: Guess I swept her off her feet.
Chelsea: (Chuckles)
Chloe: Well, I guess we're a company full of newlyweds now.
Adam: Yep. So where's Kevin?
Chloe: Oh, he's on his way, but I brought his laptop. Um, I just want to show you what he's been working on.
Adam: Oh, great. You know, I've, uh, put together a list of, uh, web designers, programmers that are available, and then some that can be made available, for a price.
Chloe: Okay, well, Kevin-- he's working on that same sort of list, too, so you guys can just cross-reference.
Adam: Good.
Chloe: Um, okay, so let's start from the beginning. Okay, here it is. I mean, he's obviously changed the home page.
Adam: No, no, no, his is-- this is really good. It's--it's refined, but it's not stale, so...
Chelsea: Kevin's really good at this stuff, isn't he?
Chloe: He is really talented.
Adam: (Pops lips) You know, we're only missing one thing now.
Chloe: I know-- a name. I mean, you'd think that would be the easiest part, but it's not. It has to be perfect.
Anita: Read it and weep, huh?
Jeff: This does not mean what you think it does.
Gloria: No, it just means that you are a two-timing, lying bastard.
Jeff: Just listen to me for one second--
Gloria: I will not listen to you!
Anita: Let me borrow that.
Gloria: Give me that!
Jeff: You looking for me?
Man: Jeffrey Bardwell?
Jeff: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Thanks. All right, this should show you. (Sighs) See? Look. I had her declared legally dead years ago, and if you're legally dead, you can't be legally married, ergo, no wife.
Ashley: Look, I've had it up to here with you attacking me in public and accusing me of having poor judgment, after the stunts you've pulled, Abby.
Abby: Oh, do not change the subject. I know exactly what you're doing.
Ashley: It's not up to you who I see and who I don't see.
Abby: So I just have to sit back and watch you get all gooey over a guy who stomped on your heart...
Ashley: You know what? First of all...
Abby: And he'll do it again, Mom, if you give him a chance.
Ashley: You are making way too much out of the situation.
Abby: Are you--you're talking to me. My entire life, I have watched you repeat the exact same pattern...
Ashley: Okay.
Abby: Over and over how many times with Dad? Why can't you see that you deserve better?
Genevieve: Hey, Tucker. Nice to run into you.
Tucker: How are you doing?
Genevieve: Well, I was kind of looking forward to discussing how I might best fit in your organization. I know we talked about finances and investment, but, uh, I do have practical experience doing marketing and P.R.
Tucker: That's interesting. I'll have to think it over.
Genevieve: That's what you said the last time I asked you about this. I-I was sort of hoping that by now, that you would have come up with something for me.
Tucker: Well, I've, uh, I've been a little distracted lately.
Genevieve: You know, I'm not comfortable taking these handouts from you. It's just a little bit degrading... but maybe that's your favorite part.
Tucker: You remember I said I wasn't comfortable mixing business and personal?
Genevieve: Mm-hmm.
Tucker: Well, this little exchange we're having is reminding me why.
Genevieve: Yeah, you can't have anybody around who knows you too well and might be able to call you on your, uh... tactics, hmm?
Tucker: Listen, I've been offering you a helping hand. If you don't want that, you just say the word.
Genevieve: You know what I need. I need the dignity of being able to earn my own way in the world, to have my independence. You don't want me to have that. You don't, so why? Why is that, Tucker?
Tucker: Maybe it's because I'm having a hard time believing that you're serious. That doesn't sound like the Genevieve I used to know. That girl wasn't too concerned with the dignity of earning her own way.
Genevieve: And have you been waiting all these years just to teach that girl a lesson?
Tucker: Oh, come on.
Genevieve: I was a fool, all right? I didn't value the things that I should have. Do you think that I didn't pay for that? Oh, nothing that you could ever come up with for me would ev-- I don't even know why I'm bothering to try to explain this to you. Unless... you lost a child who you loved dearly because of your own poor choices... so I guess you're just gonna have to take my word for it. I have suffered, more than you could have ever hoped for me.
Tucker: Wait, wait, wait.
Genevieve: (Sniffles)
Tucker: I'm sorry.
Genevieve: (Sniffles)
Abby: I get my hopes up every time you tell one of these guys that you're gonna let them treat you like dirt, and then you go back. You always go back. It--it breaks my heart, and it's... it has to mean that you think that he-- he's all you could get, and that's not true.
Ashley: Stop trying to analyze me, and don't you dare shame me into doing what you think I should do.
Abby: I am not!
Ashley: Yes, you are. What else was that little scene over there? I mean, you talk about how Tucker has no respect for me, but he would never speak to me the way that you do, Abby-- never-- like I don't have a brain in my head.
Abby: Okay, you're right I'm sorry, I just... (Sighs) I get scared when I see that look on your face, that... "Um, you know, maybe he's not so bad after all" look.
Ashley: It's... not easy to walk away from somebody that you love or that loves you.
Abby: (Scoffs)
Ashley: Hey. He does love me. Maybe not enough, but more than he's ever loved anybody else in his life. That counts for something.
Abby: Well, I love you. Doesn't that count for something?
Ashley: (Sighs) Of course.
Anita: This trumps that.
Jeff: (Laughs) What? Nothing trumps death.
Anita: I'm not dead.
Jeff: More's the pity.
Gloria: I've had it with both of you.
Jeff: Honey, if you just listen to me, this can be fixed.
Gloria: No, if you'd gotten yourself fixed years ago, we wouldn't be in this mess.
Anita: Wha...
Jeff: Now that's where you've got it all wrong. Chelsea's not the problem, she's the solution.
Chloe: Well, we-- we went through the whole list, but you didn't really like any of the names.
Adam: Well, it's too derivative. It could cause legal headaches. I think we need to delegate this to a naming agency.
Chloe: Right, right. There is such a thing?
Adam: Yeah, yeah, they're staffed full of PhDs in linguistics. Keeps 'em off the streets, you know?
Chelsea: What if you named it after Delia? Sorry, I-I was just thinking, 'cause it has the word "Deal." It's kind of like, "Good deal."
Adam: I don't know. It's cute, right?
Chloe: Yeah, yeah, it kind of is.
Chelsea: Or was there a Greek goddess of shopping? You could always, like, invent one and just name it after her.
Chloe: That's actually kind of funny.
Adam: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I like that. Just keep going. I-I like your ideas here.
Chelsea: Oh, no, I mean, I don't know. Um, you could do something dealing with surfing slang, kind of a play on surfing the web. I don't know. I know all those terms. Or something like, um... tagngrab. Never mind, never mind. You should leave it to the PhDs. What do I know? (Laughs)
Chloe: No, I-I like that. You know, I'm gonna see what Kevin thinks.
Adam: Yeah, I-I like it. It's short, sweet, to the point, you know?
Chelsea: You like it, really?
Adam: Really.
Chelsea: (Laughs)
(Cell phone alert chimes)
Chloe: Kevin loves it.
Adam: And we have a name.
Chelsea: (Laughing)
Cane: What time is she bringing the kids back?
Lily: Uh, not till naptime.
Cane: Well, you don't have to go.
Lily: No, it's fine. Kevin will be more comfortable talking to you in private, and plus, I have errands to run, so don't worry.
Cane: Mm-hmm.
(Doorbell rings)
Lily: Oh.
Cane: (Sighs)
Lily: Hi. I'm just leaving, so come on in.
Kevin: Oh, okay. Bye.
Lily: Bye.
Cane: Bye, Baby.
Lily: Bye.
Cane: Hey, uh, thank you for coming.
Kevin: Sure. Listen, I have somewhere else I need to be, though.
Cane: Then I'll make it quick. What did you find out when you hacked into my mom's Swiss bank account?
Kevin: Uh, I don't think I can share that. Whoever was draining your mom's account put all these firewalls up, and your mom and I figured, by the time I could get through all the firewalls, all the money would be gone and she'd have no way to pay me.
Cane: Okay. Well, I can pay you. Get through the firewalls. Find out where the money went.
Ashley: Tucker can be wonderful, and he was wonderful while you were missing. Doesn't mean that I'm gonna take him back, okay? I'm just not completely sure I'm ready to close the door. I don't know.
Abby: But you'll be careful, keep your eyes open?
Ashley: Keep my eyes open.
Tucker: Oops, sorry.
Genevieve: Thank you.
Tucker: You know, I'm sure, uh, Gloria would stock wine coolers if we asked her.
Genevieve: They're not my favorite anymore.
Tucker: No. Now you drink champagne.
Genevieve: And there it is again, that bitterness. Why didn't I see it before?
Tucker: I don't know where you get the idea that I'm holding some kind of grudge against you.
Genevieve: I took it at face value, sort of this, uh, air of studied indifference that you have whenever you're around me. I thought that you let go of the past, even what happened in Australia. You haven't, have you? You remember everything about that. (Exhales sharply) What was I wearing, Tucker?
Tucker: (Sighs)
Genevieve: I had my hair up, hair down? Did I cry? I'm pretty sure I must have.
Tucker: Are you trying to make a point? (Sighs)
Genevieve: It seemed so chivalrous of you to offer to help me with my financial problems, but I think that it was really about you, your chance to have the upper hand.
Tucker: You're wrong.
Genevieve: Am I?
Tucker: (Chuckles)
Genevieve: Hmm?
Tucker: Okay, it's true. My motives weren't entirely gallant.
Genevieve: Do tell.
Tucker: Well, it just hit me that the only wealthy folks in town you hadn't already been through were either married or in their 20s. I thought I'd spare us all the indignity.
Genevieve: You bastard.
Tucker: (Sighs)
Tucker: (Groans)
Abby: I wanted to talk about Carmine with you. He said that you let him go, and I just think that--
Gloria: Listen, Abby, we'll talk about your boyfriend problems another time, because right now, I've got my own to deal with, okay? Okay?
Abby: Uh, great news-- Gloria is open to discussing it, just not at this particular moment.
Kevin: I'm guessing you don't want your mom to know what we're doing here, right?
Cane: Yeah, that would be correct, yeah.
(Laptop key clicks)
Kevin: Whoa.
Cane: What? What is it?
Kevin: All the firewalls are gone-- vanished. It's like someone rolled out a red carpet for us.
Lily: Thank you. Thanks. Hi. Genevieve.
Genevieve: Oh, hi.
Lily: Hi. (Chuckles)
Genevieve: I'm sorry. I-I was all in my own world.
Lily: It's okay.
Genevieve: I just kind of locked horns with Tucker.
Lily: (Inhales sharply) Yes, well, a friendship can become complicated when money becomes a part of it. Do you want to sit down for a minute?
Genevieve: Oh, you're-- you're on your way out.
Lily: No, its fine, it's fine. I've been actually thinking about you, so come on.
Genevieve: (Laughs) Worrying about me, you mean.
Lily: (Chuckles) Well, I think-- I thought I understood why you didn't want to accept our help, but then you took Tucker's, so...
Genevieve: It's like you said-- money does complicate things, and my relationship with Tucker is a lot less fragile than my relationship with Ethan.
Lily: Yeah, I think we were surprised to find out that you even had a relationship with Tucker.
Genevieve: Y-yeah. He's got, um, kind of a notorious reputation, and I just didn't want anybody to get the wrong idea.
Lily: So you weren't...
Genevieve: Lovers? (Chuckles) No, no, we weren't. Um, I was really young. I don't think I even knew what love was, but... we always did understand each other, maybe a little too well, and that continues to today.
Lily: Yeah, and now you're arguing.
Genevieve: Well, that's not exactly new, either. (Laughs) The truth is, though, he has every right to be upset with me.
Cane: So that was the last withdrawal?
Kevin: Yeah, it was the one that zeroed out the account.
Cane: Can you tell where it went?
(Laptop keys clicking)
Kevin: Into another account that was zeroed out.
Cane: (Exhales slowly)
Kevin: This one is registered to... Claude Shirl.
(Laptop keys clicking)
[Cane remembering]
Genevieve: Who's it from?
Cane: I don't recognize the e-mail address. "How do you love the presents, Claude? Love, Shirl."
Kevin: What? You know who that is?
Cane: No. No, not exactly, no.
Carmine: Look, don't, uh, don't bother talking to Gloria. Kevin would be pissed if she hired me back anyway, so... I caused them enough problems already.
Abby: I'm so sorry I roped you into my stupid plan.
Carmine: Well, actually, it was my stupid plan to begin with.
Abby: Yeah, but I hijacked it.
Carmine: (Chuckles) Well, nobody makes me do anything I don't want to do.
Abby: Mm. Gotta tell you, even now, I don't really regret doing it. (Laughs)
Carmine: I know what you mean.
Abby: (Laughs)
Carmine: (Chuckles)
Jeff: Whether or not I'm technically legally married to her, I didn't believe I was. Isn't that all that matters?
Anita and Gloria: No.
Jeff: (Sighs) Okay, look, we can keep fighting over things that happened decades ago, or we can concentrate on the future, specifically Chelsea's future as Mrs. Adam Newman. She's rich, and about to get richer.
Gloria: Hmm. Thanks to the entrepreneurial skills of my son.
Jeff: Yeah, well, your son isn't gonna cut us in on the action. My daughter, on the other hand...
Anita: Our daughter.
Jeff: Might... (Clears throat) As long as we all work together to make it happen. Now what do you think? Sound like plan?
Chloe: Okay, well, I don't know where Kevin is, but I think that we made a lot of progress.
Adam: Definitely, and I'll get somebody to work on a logo, now that we have a name.
Chloe: Yeah, good work. Thank you.
Chelsea: It was fun.
Chloe: I guess we'll talk soon.
Adam: All right, I'll show you out. (Clears throat) Thanks, Chloe.
Chloe: Bye.
Adam: You... you are, like, this smart, and I'm, like, this smart for marrying you.
Chelsea: (Laughs) Well, let me ask you, if we're both so smart, then why is there no food in our refrigerator? Shouldn't one of us geniuses have taken care of that?
Adam: You know, I have a very, very good answer for that question.
Chelsea: Mm-hmm.
Adam: It's because...
Chelsea: (Giggles)
Adam: We have better things to do.
Chelsea: Ah.
Adam: Mm, mm.
Chelsea: Ohh, okay.
Adam: Come here.
Chelsea: Mm. (Chuckles) Mm, mm!
Abby: (Chuckles)
Carmine: Mm. Okay.
Abby: (Giggles)
Chloe: I can't believe that Cane is now asking you to break the law.
Kevin: Uh, well, he's not, now. I mean, it was a side job, but it's over, so-- hey, how did it go with Adam?
Gloria: Adam, Adam, Adam. Speaking of Adam, how's that new business of yours doing?
Chloe: Great. You know, Chelsea actually had some really good input.
Gloria: Hmm, Chelsea. I'm starting to think she'll be a real asset to this family.
Kevin: Whoa, back up. Chelsea's family? I thought it turned out you and Jeffrey were never really married.
Gloria: Oh, that. Hmm.
Chloe: Really? Not a big deal?
Gloria: Just a technicality. Besides, Jeffrey and I have more important things to focus on now.
Chelsea: (Giggles)
Adam: Mm.
Chelsea: Mm. (Laughs)
(Doorbell rings)
Chelsea: (Sighs) Maybe it's Kevin?
Adam: (Sighs)
Chelsea: (Laughs)
Adam: If so, his timing sucks.
Chelsea: Mm-hmm. (Sighs)
Adam: Hold on.
Chelsea: (Laughs)
Adam: Oh, boy.
Chelsea: (Sighs)
Anita: Hi! Congratulations, Sweetie! Ohh.
Jeff: We are so proud to welcome you as one of our own.
Anita: Sweetheart. Oh!
Tucker: Thanks. Sorry about that, man.
Ashley: Did you hurt yourself?
Tucker: It's what I get for being clumsy.
Ashley: I know how it happened.
Tucker: (Sighs) I really shouldn't let her get to me. She can be so annoying.
Ashley: There's a lot more to your history with her than you ever discussed with me, huh? You know, don't worry, you don't have to say anything. I... I mean, I could see how intense it was for both of you. (Scoffs)
Tucker: Come on, let's not go down the wrong road with this, huh?
Ashley: It's not my business.
Tucker: Well, it is your business, or would be, if there was anything there. You're my wife.
Ashley: Only till you sign the divorce papers, which, hopefully, you'll do very soon.
Tucker: (Sighs) You really don't have any faith that I can change, do you?
Ashley: Maybe you could, if you felt as strongly for me as you do, or... as you did for Genevieve.
Tucker: Genevieve? There's no comparison. What are you talking about?
Ashley: Good-bye, Tucker.
Tucker: (Sighs)
Tucker: (Sighs)
Genevieve: Ethan. (Sobbing)
Cane: You all right? My God, what happened here? What happened? Are you all right?
Genevieve: Look what they did to me! (Sobbing)
Cane: Come here, come here.
Genevieve: (Sobbing)
Cane: Come on. You're gonna be okay.
Genevieve: (Sobs)
Cane: (Exhales slowly)
Genevieve: (Sobbing) (Sniffles) (Sighs shakily)
Next on “The Young and the Restless”
Sofia: I've been offered a job in New York, and I really want to take it.
Kay: Do you have feelings for this Genevieve Atkinson?
Cane: And this is more gifts from the past?
Genevieve: What the hell is going on here?
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