Y&R Transcript Monday 7/23/12
Episode # 9954 ~ Jack Wants to Take Jabot From Ashley
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Victoria: So did you talk to Phyllis yet?
Billy: Hey... (Chuckles)
Victoria: (Clears throat) Does she know that she's...
Billy: N--first order of business when I get to the office is to make coffee, go through the mail, and then fire my editor in chief. I just hope she understands my position.
Ashley: Well, hi. Good morning.
Billy: Hey, hey.
Victoria: Hi.
Ashley: Oh, look at this one. You're getting so big, and you're so handsome.
Victoria: Oh, I know. It happens so fast. I'm afraid to blink.
Ashley: Kind of glad I ran into you, actually, Vicki.
Victoria: Oh?
Ashley: Yeah. When you're ready to come back to work, I'm hoping you'll consider Jabot.
Victoria: Are you and Jack tag-teaming me?
Ashley: No, why?
Victoria: Well, he already approached me about a job.
Ashley: He did?
Victoria: Well, Beauty of Nature, specifically...
Ashley: Uh-huh.
Victoria: But you're all under the same umbrella.
Ashley: No, actually, that's not the case at all. Jack's keeping both companies separate for now. He'll be solely at Beauty of Nature while I run Jabot, which means you're gonna have a decision to make.
Billy: Jack's out at Jabot? Does he know that?
Gloria: I always recommend passed hors d'oeuvres. Keeps people up and circulating.
Jack: I'm more interested in what we serve than how we serve it.
Nikki: Well, I agree. If we're going to have the reception here, I think the food should be memorable.
Jack: Memorable in a good way.
Gloria: Well, if you're looking for "Oohs" and "Ahhs," Jack, you know you've come to the right place. I have taken the liberty of asking my chef to prepare a tasting menu for you.
Nikki: Mm.
Gloria: And, uh, my choices have little stars next to them, but if there's anything else you'd like, please feel free to say word. While you look at that, I'll check on the kitchen. Excuse me.
Nikki: Thank you.
Jack: Well, it doesn't get much better than this, does it?
Nikki: Hey, I'm telling you. Free appetizers.
Jack: I was talking about you and me...
Nikki: Mm.
Jack: Making plans for the happiest day of our lives.
Nikki: Oh, yeah, that, too. (Chuckles)
Adam: Look what daddy brought home.
Chelsea: (Laughs)
Adam: I got us breakfast before we head to the airport-- coffee and doughnuts, but not just any old doughnuts. This is Edna's bakery, okay? Best doughnuts... (Smacks lips) This side of the Mississippi. (Inhales deeply) Heaven in a box.
Chelsea: (Laughs)
Adam: Man, my trips to town when I was a kid were not complete without stops at this place.
Chelsea: You are so insanely cute right now. (Giggles) I had no idea you loved doughnuts so much.
Adam: Uh, Edna's doughnuts.
Chelsea: Oh.
Adam: Pay attention, Woman.
Chelsea: Ah. That's "Mrs. Woman" to you, Mister.
Adam: Yeah, I know. I remember.
Chelsea: Mm-hmm.
Adam: Here.
Chelsea: Uh-oh. Let me see.
Adam: Take a bite.
Chelsea: Okay.
Adam: It's got a little glaze on it. (Smacks lips)
Chelsea: Mmm.
Adam: Is that not the best thing you've ever eaten, ever?
Chelsea: Oh, my God. Nothing has ever been so perfect. You want some?
Adam: Let me kiss some off.
Chelsea: (Laughing)
Adam: Just get a little sugar, Sugar.
Phyllis: Well-- I'll see what I can do. Thanks.
Nick: What'd Avery say?
Phyllis: Um, she thinks that I should use my influence at "Restless Style" to-- to prevent any negative articles from coming out.
Nick: Is that realistic?
Phyllis: Why wouldn't it be?
Nick: Well, for starters, we haven't heard from Billy. We don't know how he's reacting to your arrest.
Phyllis: Oh, well, I mean, he's gonna support me. I mean, come on, he'd have to. How many times has he been in trouble, right? I mean, do I even have to say it? Myanmar? Hello. If anyone can relate to this, it would be Billy, of all people. And besides, you know, good, experienced magazine editors are hard to come by.
Nick: True.
Phyllis: Yeah, and I run the place. I completely run the place. While he's out schmoozing with the L.A. people, I-I'm working. I mean, God forbid he'd-- he'd actually have to start working for a living. (Chuckles)
Nick: Well, I think you should go in there and talk to the guy, see if he'll just look the other way with all this.
Phyllis: Yeah. Oh, for sure, for sure. He--he will. I-I'm--I'm certain of it. I'm certain of it. Y-you know, I was thinking, maybe... maybe I should write the article about this myself. You know, like, from-- from my point of view, what happened with Paul and Christine and what didn't happen. You know, I could--I just-- I-I could do my own damage control.
Nick: Well, what if Billy's not on board with all this? I think you should just go in there, keep your head down, let the bullets fly by until this all gets settled.
Phyllis: Uh, he--he--he's gonna be on board with this. He's definitely gonna be on board. He--listen, if something makes money, Billy is all for it, bottom line. If he's not, that's not gonna stop me from defending myself in the court of public opinion.
Adam: You know, I love this. It feels so different.
Chelsea: What?
Adam: You, me... this. All the little things that nobody ever sees of Adam. I'm embracing my inner hick.
Chelsea: (Laughs)
Adam: And you're not just embracing me. You actually think it's cool.
Chelsea: Mm-hmm. How convenient.
Adam: You know, um, women looked down on me for being from the farm out in the boonies, especially in school. Harvard and hogs didn't mix. You know, I had Skye, who seemed to love power and money a little more than she did me, and then there's, uh, Sharon, and that didn't, uh... well, that didn't work out for all sorts of reasons. But then there's you, and you seem to just want me to be who I am.
Chelsea: Your upbringing sounds like a fantasy compared to mine. Being able to experience this, this little part of yours, through your eyes, it feels... magical to me.
Adam: Come here.
Chelsea: (Chuckles) Mm. (Gasping) Oh, my God!
Adam: What, what, what, what?
Chelsea: I think I saw a mouse.
Sharon: You want to go somewhere else?
Victor: No, not at all.
Sharon: Well, you can't seem to take your eyes off her.
Victor: If I wanted to be with Nikki, I'd be with her.
Anita: Hiding out in back, huh?
Jeff: (Groans)
Anita: I guess I would be, too, if I had two wives. Correction-- one wife, me, and the also-ran. Oh, speaking of whom... (Scoffs)
Gloria: Hello, Sexy Buns. Listen, table 17 needs, um... mimosas. (Chuckles)
Jeff: (Chuckles) I'm on it, Sugar Lips.
Anita: (Whispering) Hey. I thought that woman would be at your throat.
Jeff: Well, I was able to convince Gloria that you were lying about our still being married.
Anita: (Normal voice) Really? How did you do that?
Jeff: Never underestimate me, Lady.
Nikki: Two thumbs up for the mushroom canapé.
Jack: And a big nay on the duck quesadilla.
Nikki: Yeah, what was that? Mm, it was so dry, too. Didn't you think so? It was dry. Maybe we should ask Victor and Sharon what they think about that.
Jack: I-I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm letting them distract me. I am totally focused on our wedding again. Forgive me?
Nikki: That's easy. Mwah.
Jack: Now...
Nikki: What goes with this red sauce here?
Jack: This is the crab wonton with spicy chili marmalade.
Nikki: Mmm.
Jack: Oh! Oh.
Nikki: Oh!
Jack: Oh, I'm sorry. Here. Yeah, ooh.
Nikki: Don't worry, don't worry. It's okay. You know, club soda-- club soda will fix it. I'll be right back.
Jack: I'm sorry.
Nikki: Not to worry.
Nikki: Hello.
Victor: Hi.
Billy: So, Ms. Hot Commodity, you think you'll wind up working for one of my siblings?
Victoria: Well, they are obviously having some kind of dispute, which I am not anxious to get in the middle of.
Billy: Can't blame you there, but to make things a little bit more interesting, how would you like to come work with me?
Victoria: Here?
Billy: Yeah, here. I'm losing my right hand right as I'm starting up a new TV series, and I desperately need a good manager that can run the magazine while I tend to the show, so...
Victoria: I don't know the first thing about publishing, Billy.
Billy: That doesn't matter. You're smart, accomplished, good with people. You'll learn really fast.
Victoria: (Sighs) I guess you didn't hear me when I said I'm not up for a lot of conflict at the moment.
(Elevator door opens)
Billy: There's no conflict. Phyllis is out. There's no conflict here.
(Footsteps approach)
Billy: She's--yeah.
Victoria: (Clears throat)
Phyllis: Hey.
Billy: Hey.
Victoria: Hi, Phyllis.
Phyllis: Hey. Yeah, uh, so... this is awkward. Uh, I guess I-I should start by saying I'm sorry for, uh, embarrassing the family.
Victoria: You're hardly the first.
Phyllis: I-I just want you to know that--listen, Nick, after a lot of soul-searching, has, um, has decide to support me through this, which I thank... God for e-every three minutes of the day.
Victoria: Yeah, that sounds like my brother. I mean, he can overreact and he's ill-advised sometimes, but he usually ends up doing what he thinks is best.
Phyllis: Okay, so, um, I know that my arrest cast a-a bad light on the magazine. I'm--apologize, but I-I'm gonna fix that. I'm gonna fix that. I'm--I'm just, you know, out on bail and--and just ready to dive back in.
Billy: I'm sorry, that's not gonna happen. I'm gonna have to let you go.
Nick: Phyllis just left for work, so you missed her.
Avery: Oh. Well, as long as you're here, thank you.
Nick: For what?
Avery: For standing by my sister. I know it wasn't an easy decision to make.
Nick: Well, talking to my kids made me realize how much Phyllis has changed. The Phyllis from long ago is not the woman I'm in love with now.
Avery: Well, I'm glad to hear you say that, because she's gonna need you, to lean on you, a lot.
Nick: Phyllis will fight as much as she needs to. In fact, she left here saying she was gonna write an article to plead her case.
Avery: What? Oh, my God, that's the worst thing she could do.
Victoria: Uh, okay, suddenly I'm sort of in the mood for some fresh air, so I'll talk to you later.
Billy: Okay. Bye. Mwah.
Victoria: Okay. Bye. (Whispers) Good luck.
Billy: Yeah. Don't you have some articles to write or something, somewhere else, please? Thanks.
Phyllis: Okayed I remind you what happened last time you fired me?
Billy: No, not really.
Phyllis: Yeah, the sales went down. They plummeted, actually, and, uh, our advertisers pulled out of their accounts.
Billy: Yes, that's right, but the, uh, people backing the new TV series said they were gonna pull the plug if I kept you on. They're not too comfortable having one of my key players accused of attempted murder.
Phyllis: That's more important than loyalty?
Billy: (Sighs) I've got a lot invested in this, and you know it. I made a business decision, and I mean this when I say it-- I'm gonna be sorry to see you leave, but I've gotta let you go.
Phyllis: Okay, listen, listen. (Sighs) Okay, you're letting me go. Fine. Okay, hopefully, um, you have the decency not to-- not to, um... you know, kill me in the magazine, publish--publish certain things in the magazine.
Billy: Okay, there's a problem for us. I promised that I would put you on the next cover.
Phyllis: Oh, my God. What? So not only are you firing me, you're gonna crucify me.
Billy: In print... and in the pilot episode.
Phyllis: Oh, my God, Billy--
Billy: This is a big story, okay? This is what we're built on, and I can't just let it pass and not cover it because it's you. I'm only telling you this so you're not blindsided.
Phyllis: Thanks a lot.
Billy: Yeah, I know.
Adam: I gotta get it. Ohh!
Chelsea: Ew! There it is, there it is! There it is! (Shudders)
Adam: Didn't you-- didn't you live in a third world country for a little while? It's just a mouse.
Chelsea: Well, I-- that doesn't mean I like rodents! (Shuddering)
Adam: I got you. I got you. Okay.
Chelsea: Ohh. Ee.
Adam: Yep, I got him. You want to see him?
Chelsea: No, no! Mice are gross and they bite. You have to get rid of that right away, please.
Adam: He's got a cute, furry face. You sure you don't--
Chelsea: Please, please!
Adam: All right, I'm gonna take him downstairs, I'm gonna let him outside.
Chelsea: (Shuddering)
Adam: Big baby.
Boy: Elmer, Elmer! (Whistles)
Adam: Who's Elmer?
Boy: My pet mouse. We were playing and he got out.
Adam: So, uh, does this happen to be him?
Boy: Elmer! I'm so glad you found him. If my mom found out he got lost... (Sighs) She would kill me.
Adam: (Chuckles) Well, there you go. Now your mom's not gonna kill you.
Boy: Thanks.
Adam: Sure, Buddy.
Chelsea: (Laughing)
Adam: Elmer the mouse. You were afraid of Elmer the mouse. Yeah, I'm--I'm glad I took him out...
Chelsea: It's... (Laughs)
Adam: Before he savagely took care of our doughnuts.
Chelsea: It's not funny! Mice are gross!
Nikki: How long does it take to get some club soda and a lemon?
Victor: Maybe I should go get it myself.
Nikki: Yeah, well, you probably will. You take charge of everything else. Have you talked to Nicholas lately?
Victor: Yep. Apparently our son had done some soul-searching and decided to stand by Phyllis after all.
Nikki: Mm. Well, I'm not surprised. He's always had principles. His taste in women, though, could be better.
Victor: That supposed to be a backhanded slap at Sharon? If it is, then keep your opinion to yourself, all right?
Nikki: Victor, I really couldn't care less who's warming your bed these days. I am much too busy planning my wedding to a wonderful man who understands and cares about me like very few people have, and I am extremely happy.
Victor: Are you trying to convince me or yourself?
Jack: If you're gonna hang out with "Old Moneybags," you might as well get used to that. Those two have always had a strong pull between each other.
Sharon: And that doesn't bother you?
Jack: No, because I know Nikki loves me.
Sharon: Well, good, because she's not getting her hooks back into Victor again, I can assure you of that.
Jack: When did you get so possessive and bitter you've changed.
Sharon: If I have, it's only because my eyes have finally been opened. Excuse me, will you?
Ashley: So... I offered Victoria a job at Jabot, only to find out that you had already recruited her for Beauty of Nature.
Jack: Hello.
Ashley: Hello.
Jack: So?
Ashley: She assumed that the companies were merging, and I told her that wasn't so, so which is it?
Jack: The companies will merge when it's the right time. I thought we discussed this.
Ashley: I thought we had, too, but I'm starting to wonder, did you hear anything that I said about heading up two competing companies being a blatant conflict of interest?
Jack: I'm not going to resign from Jabot, Ash. Don't even suggest it again.
Ashley: Hmm. You're not leaving me any choice, Jackie. I have to contact the board and have you removed.
Chelsea: Once we're back and everyone knows we're married, I wonder what life will be like for us.
Adam: I imagine it'll be perfect, everything you ever dreamed of or ever wanted. I'm gonna make it happen for you. And all those other folks, don't sweat 'em. They don't get us. I don't care, and you shouldn't, either.
Nikki: Well, that seemed to have worked.
Jack: Oh, well, good.
Nikki: What did Ashley say to you, to make your good mood disappear?
Jack: Oh, there's something at work Ashley and I aren't exactly seeing eye to eye on, but let's not let that distract us from our mission, which is to make sure that all of our guests at this wedding reception think that the food is amazing and won't forget it for decades.
Nikki: Okay.
Victoria: Hi.
Nikki: Oh, hi, Sweetheart. Mwa!
Jack: Hi.
Victoria: Hello. I came as soon as I got Johnny settled with the nanny. What's going on?
Nikki: Here, I-I'll be right back. Excuse me.
Jack: Thanks.
Victoria: Oh.
Jack: Have a seat, have a seat.
Victoria: Okay.
Jack: I understand Ashley offered you a position at Jabot.
Victoria: Yeah, she put some feelers out there.
Jack: Well, you still haven't gotten back to me on my offer to have you head up Beauty of Nature. I hope your entertaining other offers doesn't mean you're turning me down.
Victor: So Jack is giving her the hard sell. Don't blame him.
Sharon: You think she'll go to work for him?
Victor: Victoria's very fond of Beauty of Nature, and she had a lot of autonomy with me. I'm sure that he's not willing to give it to her when she works for him.
Sharon: Well, at least you won't have to worry about our line. It's going to be a huge success for Newman.
Victor: I'm sure it will. Listen, I have some business to attend to, okay?
Sharon: Oh, you've just put down your fork, and now you're leaving?
Victor: No, you stay and finish, all right? I'll see you back at the ranch.
Ashley: Hi.
Sharon: Ashley.
Ashley: Um, I couldn't help but notice how Victor just left you sitting here, and I'm sure you don't want my advice, but I'm going to give it to you anyway.
Phyllis: (Exhales slowly) (Sighs) Hi.
Nick: Hey.
Phyllis: That weasel fired me.
Avery: What, because of the charges?
Phyllis: Yeah, apparently uh, all the people in Hollywood have a problem with me being around, but it's not gonna stop them from hyping my story in the most salacious way possible. Yeah, I'm the next cover girl of "Restless Style," and I'm getting the entire "Restless Style" treatment, with cameras rolling and all, but of course, of course, it was just a business decision.
Nick: What a load of crap. If Billy wants to fire you, that's his prerogative, but he's not gonna write an article that's gonna convict you. That's not gonna fly with me.
Phyllis: Avery, I'm screwed.
Sharon: If you're here to judge me--
Ashley: Not at all. I care about you. I mean, I feel like you and I have a bond because of Faith, and, uh... I think I'd be remiss if I didn't try to save you from some heartache.
Sharon: Okay. Say whatever's on your mind.
Ashley: Okay, first and foremost, the most important thing in Victor's life is Victor. A close second is Nikki, followed by his children and then Newman Enterprises, and after that, maybe he'll have a few meager scraps of attention to share with the woman in his life. And if you think you're gonna change him or maybe capture his heart in a way Nikki hasn't, it's just... futile.
Sharon: Ashley, I'm not you, and--and I don't want to be Nikki. I'm also not some consolation prize. Listen, Victor is with me because he wants to be and I know how he feels about me. I know what I'm doing.
Ashley: I hope you're right, for Faith's sake.
Anita: All right, quit stalling. I want an explanation. How in the world did you convince Gloria that we're not hitched, hmm?
Jeff: When Angelo had me kidnapped, Gloria totally misjudged my character. I told her she owed it to me to give me the benefit of the doubt this time, and she did.
Anita: Oh, guilt. Yeah, might have worked, too, except no one-- repeat, no one-- makes a liar out of me, Jeffrey.
Jeff: Um... (Clears throat) Anita. Anita, wait, wait!
Victoria: Honestly, Jack, I haven't decided where I'm gonna be working or when I might be available, and I was hoping that you might give me a little more time to make up my mind.
Jack: Okay, don't take too much time. I have big plans for Beauty of Nature, and I want you involved from the get-go.
Victoria: All right. I appreciate that, and I promise I will let you know soon.
Jack: Fair enough.
Nikki: So Gloria is trying to pressure me into signing the contract for the reception.
Jack: (Sighs)
Nikki: And since I just remembered I have an appointment with Lauren to go over design ideas for my dress, I gotta go.
Victoria: Oh, uh, well, do you need a second opinion? On the dresses, I mean.
Nikki: Honey, yes, I would love that.
Victoria: Great.
Nikki: All right, I'll see you later, Darling.
Jack: Bye, Baby.
Victoria: Bye, Jack.
Jack: See you. Thanks.
Victoria: Mm.
Jack: Ben, Jack Abbott. How are you? Listen, I was hoping you could meet me at Gloworm. Yeah, I--there's something important I want to discuss with you. I'm there right now. I appreciate it. Talk to you then. Sis, I love you to pieces, but you'd be making a big mistake, trying to run me out.
Nick: What kind of idiot screws over his most valuable employee? Or is this just another way for you to sell out a Newman so you can make a buck?
Billy: Okay, Phyllis isn't a Newman. She's married to one, and she also left tire tracks onto two innocent people, and now that's a story, and if it were anyone else, Phyllis would be all over it. You know that damn good and well, so she's just getting a view from the other side. If she doesn't like it, I don't know what to tell you. What's she gonna do? Is she gonna run over me with her car when I leave the office? Is that what she's gonna do? (Grunts) (Chuckles) Well... (Sighs) (Chuckles)
Nick: You know, I wish I'd never started this asinine magazine. All it's done is cause me and my family nothing but grief, and you are the sole reason for that.
Billy: Did you get that out of your system, brother-in-law? Good. So in interest of not upsetting my wife, your sister, why don't we just stop right here, or do you want me to call the cops?
Phyllis: Oh, Avery, you know, there are parts of my past that, um, aren't very, uh... (Sighs) Savory. If Billy starts talking to my enemies, Lord knows what kind of story he's gonna write.
Avery: Okay, well, whatever gets thrown at us, we'll handle. If I have to restore your reputation in the courtroom, I'll do it. We will deal with this, Phyllis.
Phyllis: You know what? I-I can't--I can't let Billy just rip me to shreds, you know? I-I just--I can't sit back and do nothing that's--I-I can't... uh, you know what? I'm gonna-- I'm gonna start writing a blog.
Avery: No, you're not.
Phyllis: Yes, I am.
Avery: No, you're not. That is the worst thing-- you could cause irreparable damage. No.
Phyllis: I have to fight this. Do you understand that? I have to fight this, and with words. I mean, that's the only way I can.
Avery: (Sighs)
Anita: You need to open up your ears and listen to me. Jeff and I are married, have been for years.
Jeff: She's lying to you, Sugarplum. I already explained this to you.
Anita: You have to ask yourself, why is he so frantic to hold on to you and to discredit me? The club's in your name now, isn't it, Gloria? If your relationship isn't legal, then Jeff has no marital property rights. Without his sugar mama, he'd be flat broke.
Jeff: (Scoffs)
Gloria: I am not gonna be made a fool of by either one of you. I will get to the bottom of this myself, hmm?
Jack: No, I realize it's highly unorthodox, but I just think we need to take our time in merging these two companies.
Ben: Exactly right. If the public perceives the products have changed, it could threaten the whole franchise.
Man: I totally agree.
Jack: Then I have your votes?
Man: You have mine.
Ben: Behind you all the way, Jack.
Jack: Thank you, Gentlemen. I really appreciate you coming over.
Ashley: Excuse me, Ben and Rich, I need to speak with my brother alone.
Jack: Thanks, Guys.
Ashley: Just what the hell do you think you're doing?
Victoria: Hi. What are you doing here?
Victor: I have some news about your brother Adam. It seems that he and Chelsea eloped to Kansas and got married yesterday.
Victoria: I had no idea.
Victor: I also know that that lowlife mother of Chelsea's, Anita, is back in town, which, I'm sure, doesn't make you too happy.
Victoria: Well, that's kind of the understatement of the year.
Victor: I'll make sure to keep both of them away from you, okay?
Victoria: How much is that gonna cost me?
Victor: What do you mean, how much is that gonna cost you? I just want you to consider coming back to Newman Enterprises. That would make me very happy, and you would be working alongside your brother Nicholas.
Victoria: Okay, Dad, if you knew how many offers I've had today...
Victor: Oh, I can only imagine, and one of them, I'm sure, was from Jack Abbott, right?
Victoria: Yeah. You saw me speaking with him at Gloworm?
Victor: He's very smart to approach you. No one is more qualified for the job than you are. As much as you would like to go back to Beauty of Nature, a company that you have helped create, just know that Jack Abbott wants what is and was mine-- Beauty of Nature, your mother, and now you.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Victor: Please come back where you belong. It would make me very happy.
Nikki: Oh, I have never had so much trouble finding a parking-- hello, Victor.
Victor: Hi. I was just leaving. You think about it, Victoria.
Nikki: Are you okay?
Victoria: Actually, Mom, I am about as confused as I've ever been.
(Key turning in lock)
Adam: Okay. Don't move, all right?
Chelsea: (Laughs) Okay.
Adam: No peeking. Nothing.
Chelsea: Okay.
Adam: All right, ready?
Chelsea: I'm ready. (Squeals) What? Oh, my God!
Adam: In you go.
Chelsea: Where are we going? Oh, my God! Oh. Whoa.
Adam: Okay, I'm setting you down.
Chelsea: Okay.
Adam: Still no peeking.
Chelsea: Okay.
Adam: You ready for this?
Chelsea: Yeah. Wow. Ohh, this place is amazing. Where are we?
Adam: Home. 10 bedrooms, 12 bathrooms, 16 acres. There's a billiards room, library, den. There's a walk-in wine cellar. There's even this, uh, speakeasy in the basement. How cool is that? And, uh, there's a big ol' gazebo out by the lake, paddleboats, private airstrip.
Chelsea: A-and it's-- it's all ours?
Adam: I hope you like it.
Chelsea: (Laughs) Like it? Adam... (Laughs) Never in my wildest dreams... oh, my God!
Victoria: Okay, well, so... do I work for Jabot, Beauty of Nature, Newman, "Restless Style," or none of the above?
Nikki: Well... you know, staying home with Johnny and raising him, that's definitely a possibility.
Victoria: I know. I know that, and part of me would love to be a full-time mom so I don't miss a minute with him, and so that I can keep him safe from Chelsea and Anita. But how do I know what to do? What should I do?
Nikki: Angel, I can't answer that. It has to be your choice.
Gloria: All right, my son Michael, the district attorney, is on this. We're gonna know soon enough if you two are married.
Jeff: Good.
Anita: Great.
Jack: What? I laid out my case. They saw the wisdom in it. No arm-twisting required.
Ashley: All perfectly aboveboard? Meeting with two of Jabot's key board members so you could sway their opinions.
Jack: You want to call a meeting to question my tactics, go right ahead, but I can tell you right now, with those two votes, I will be holding my current position.
Sharon: I am going to the stables. Now that I have my new horse, I'm going to become an excellent rider. Would you like to come with me?
Victor: Well, good. Not now, Sharon. Um... uh, I have some... things to do, but I'm glad you enjoy the horse, okay? You have a good time.
Phyllis: Honestly, I'm glad someone hit Billy. I am. I just wish it wasn't you.
Nick: That punk is so smug. I couldn't help myself.
Avery: Okay, well, next time, try to control your impulses, and you, too. No blogging, no talking to the press, no...
Nick: You gotta listen to Avery. Anything you write will be used against you. Christine will make sure of that.
Avery: Let the fight happen in the courtroom, okay? Not in the media.
Phyllis: I know you're both right. I know you are. I just feel so helpless.
Billy: "What is the price of jealousy? Ask Phyllis Newman, and the answer is two human lives."
Man: Uh, Billy, sorry to interrupt.
Billy: What is it, Mark?
Mark: Just so you're aware, we've installed our cameras for the show all over the office ahead of schedule, and we have signed releases from everyone on staff, so we went ahead last night and got 'em rollin'.
Billy: So you're saying anything that happened here today would be on video? Works for me. (Taps finger) Thanks.
Mark: Yep.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Kevin: No, you're not getting a second chance, 'cause you're gonna be in prison.
Jeff: This does not mean what you think it does.
Gloria: No, it just means that you are a two-timing, lying bastard.
Cane: Oh, my God, what happened here? What happened? Are you all right?
Genevieve: (Sobbing)
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