Y&R Transcript Monday 7/16/12

Y&R Transcript Monday 7/16/12


Episode # 9949 ~ Phyllis' Confession Stuns Nick; Victor Asks Nikki About Jack

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Sarge: All right, I need you to see it in your mind, aim for the wall, like you did before, extend, and reach.

Jack: Ohh! (Laughing)

Sarge: Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God!

Jack: (Grunting)

Sarge: Here, come-- oh, come on. There you go. Have a seat, Buddy. You got it?

Jack: (Grunts) Oh!

Sarge: Come on.

Jack: I got it, I got it, I got it, I got it.

Sarge: That was amazing.

Jack: I haven't had that much leg and sensation in I don't know how long.

Sarge: Even then, it was nothing close to this, Jack. Nothing.

Jack: This is significant, isn't it?

Sarge: (Laughs) Yeah, it really is. I think you should call your doctor and see what he says.

Jack: Yeah. (Sobbing)

Sarge: For heaven's sake, come on.

Jack: (Voice breaking) Sarge... (Sniffles) I owe you one. Thanks for making me work this hard all this time.

Sarge: You know, it's nice to hear you thanking me instead of cursing me for a change.

Jack: (Breathing heavily) Ohh.

Sarge: Are you thinking about Nikki?

Jack: I can't wait to tell her. I have prayed for this moment for a long time. (Exhales slowly)

Nikki: It's too bad Sharon doesn't know how to handle the beast.

Victor: Might be right about that.

Sharon: Yes, this is Sharon Newman. Nikki had plans to swing by the ranch today, and I was hoping to catch her before she left. Has she driven back by the front gate yet? Still there, huh? Thanks.

Victor: You can't leave like this.

Nikki: I'm willing to stay if you have something worthwhile to say.

Victor: Sit down. Answer one question for me.

Nikki: What is it?

Victor: Are you really in love with Jack Abbott?

Paul: Hello? Somebody there? Ricky. Good-bye, Son. I love you. I know why you're here. Go ahead.

Ronan: Um... Paul Williams, you are-- you are under arrest.

Heather: Hey. What's going on?

Chris: Your father is being arrested.

Heather: Now? While Paul is still with--

Nina: Yeah, Ronan went down to the cemetery to get him.

Heather: He couldn't have waited?

Chris: D.A.'s orders. (Sighs) I wonder where the hell Michael is.

Phyllis: (Laughs) Christine found a way to prosecute me. Of course she did.

Michael: Phyllis, Phyllis--

Phyllis: Uh, don't worry. I'm not gonna say anything to incriminate myself. Don't worry.

Michael: You need to call Avery. You need to talk to Nick.

Phyllis: Why? Because you won't listen to me? You won't talk to me? I'm not gonna offer any explanations. Don't worry, but thanks for coming by and letting me know, giving me a heads-up.

Michael: I had to... although it's not quite ethical for the district attorney to give you a heads-up about being arrested and charged.

Phyllis: Because somebody may consider skipping town.

Michael: Listen to me. I did this, I took this risk, I'm telling you as a friend, so you can get your affairs in order.

Phyllis: My marriage, you mean?

Michael: If you panic, if you even think of taking off, I'll be all over you. You have to face this.

Phyllis: Thanks for coming by. (Sniffles) (Exhales slowly)

(Door hinge creaks)

Nikki: Oh, my God. That's what you want to talk about--Jack?

Victor: Well, you wanted me to be straightforward.

Nikki: All right. Yes, I do love him.

Victor: Get out.

Nikki: Oh, my God. Victor, you want me to wear my heart on my sleeve, but you don't put anything out there.

Victor: I said, get out!

Nikki: When I am honest with you, you use it against me every time.

Victor: You love Jack Abbott? Get the hell out!

Nikki: Oh, stop with this nonsense.

Victor: Get out!

Nikki: You done with your games? Because I'm finished playing.

Victor: You deserve each other. Get out!

Nikki: I enjoyed it.

Victor: Don't you ever come back here.

Nikki: Don't worry.

(Door closes)

Jack: I will be scheduled for an M.R.I. As soon as they can squeeze me in. I can't wait!

Sarge: What are you expecting to hear, Jack?

Jack: That the swelling around the bullet near my spine has gone down, that I'll be standing next to Nikki at my wedding.

Sarge: You know what? I'm gonna hope for that with you.

Jack: Okay, listen, could we keep this to ourselves? I'd love this to be a surprise to Nikki and Kyle and everybody.

Sarge: Not a problem. Mum's the word. But, Jack, don't you think it prudent to at least prepare for the possibility that it might be a while yet before you walk again?

Jack: No, no, no. I can't think that way.

Sarge: (Sighs)

Jack: The only way I'm gonna get back on my feet is if I believe I can do it.

Sarge: And right on for the power of positive thinking, but... Jack, why does it have to happen by then?

Jack: Sarge, the day I got shot and lost the power of my legs, I thought my life was over. I stopped believing in me. One person was there the whole time, believing in me when I didn't. Now I'm gonna stand next to her at my wedding if it kills me.

Heather: Why are you arresting Paul?

Nina: And immediately after he laid his son to rest? How can you be so thoughtless?

Paul: I'm fine.

Nina: Are you sure?

Paul: Look, we all knew this was a real possibility. I'm just grateful that I was able to have the funeral before any of this happened. Thanks for that, Michael.

Michael: I'm glad it worked out.

Nina: Barely.

Paul: Look, Michael was just doing his job.

Heather: When is the arraignment?

Chris: I'll want it to happen immediately.

Michael: As do I. It's already on the docket.

Chris: And I'm assuming you'll be reasonable with the charges. It--what are we looking at?

Michael: First degree murder.

Phyllis: I'm glad you're here. I was gonna call you.

Nick: I spoke to Michael and to Avery.

Phyllis: What did they say?

Nick: They both think you're behind the hit-and-run on Paul and Christine.

Phyllis: What do you think?

Nick: Phyllis, I don't want to believe 'em... but these are two people who love you, and they're convinced that you did this. So I'm gonna ask you again, for the last time-- did you do this? It's true. You did it.

Jack: Well, now I can't wait till our next therapy session.

Sarge: Jack, there is nothing more satisfying than when a client-- better yet-- when a friend has a breakthrough like this. Jack, I don't-- enjoy the rest of your day.

Jack: Thanks.

Sarge: Good work, man. Good work, good work.

(Cell phone rings)

Nikki: Well, hello, Mr. Abbott.

Jack: Hey, there's the beautiful Mrs. Abbott-to-be. Where are you?

Nikki: I'm at the club. You sound happy.

Jack: Well, that's 'cause I'm gonna have lunch with you. Get us a table.

Nikki: I will do that. See you soon.

Sharon: Nikki. I thought you'd be doting over your fiancé, except you always seem to be somewhere Jack's not.

Nikki: Actually, I'm meeting Jack here. It's fortunate I ran into you. I just came from the ranch.

Sharon: (Scoffs) Should I be surprised?

Nikki: You should be quiet until I'm done. I saw your horse. I was worried that he's not being taken care of or ridden properly.

Sharon: Not your concern.

Nikki: For once, we agree, so I'm just going to leave him all to you. I think you should just go home and have a real good ride.

Michael: So... given the witness statements, the evidence presented, I thought--

Chris: What evidence?

Nina: Paul was protecting Eden. He didn't murder Ricky.

Chris: This charge is completely out of line.

Heather: Michael, you reconsider this.

Michael: And now you're out of line.

Nina: What are you thinking, both of you, trying to put away a good man like Paul? Your sister is alive because of him. You should be falling over yourself thanking him, rather than rushing to convict him.

Paul: N-Nina, that's enough.

Nina: This is wrong, and you know it!

Ronan: All right, all right, all right, stop it right now. I'm not gonna have you or anyone else make a scene in this squad room any longer, okay? I want everyone out right now.

Nina: You're gonna kick out your own mother?

Ronan: Would you rather I lock you up?

Nina: (Sighs)

Michael: You should go, too, Heather.

Heather: Why?

Michael: This is not your case.

Heather: You know what? I don't think this case is evidence-supp--

Paul: You know what? He's right, he's right. Let's all get some rest.

Heather: I'll be back.

Michael: Get Paul processed. We're due in court for the arraignments.

Chris: I'll meet you there. Premeditated murder with intent to kill?

Michael: Equals first degree murder. I went to law school, too, Christine.

Chris: Then why didn't you consider the mitigating circumstances? Eden would be dead if Paul hadn't stopped Ricky.

Michael: There is nothing that corroborates Paul's story that Ricky threatened Eden with a knife.

Chris: Yeah, that doesn't mean it didn't happen.

Michael: A man was shot and-- a man was shot and killed, Christine. I could not delay indicting Paul any longer. You know that. The charge sticks. Put your case together.

Nick: So you rented the car?

Phyllis: I-I rented a car.

Nick: And you did what? You just drove around looking for Christine so you could--

Phyllis: It wasn't-- it wasn't like that. It was a mistake.

Nick: It was a mistake?

Phyllis: It was a mistake.

Nick: A mistake. A mistake is buying the wrong kind of toothpaste. Two people almost lost their lives because of you.

Phyllis: I know, I know, I know. I know. I'm not trying to minimize it. I'm not. I regret it.

Nick: So why'd you do it? I don't understand. Help me understand this. How can you leave Christine and Paul lying in the street...?

Phyllis: I don't know.

Nick: Not knowing if they're dead or dying--

Phyllis: I don't-- I--honestly, I don't know! I don't know. I don't know. I-I-I-I couldn't think, Nick. I... (Exhales sharply) I couldn't think.

Nick: And you didn't say anything about it for 20 years?

Phyllis: You don't know what I went through. (Voice breaking) You don't know. You don't know it. You--you don't know what this was like.

Nick: No, no, no, no, no. That doesn't erase it, and it doesn't change the fact that you didn't trust me enough to tell me about it.

Nikki: How was your physical therapy?

Jack: It went very well. How was your trip to the ranch?

Nikki: Oh, I didn't go riding. Ran into a detour.

Jack: Ooh, sounds like you ran into Victor. How ugly was that, on the Richter scale?

Nikki: Same Victor, different day.

Jack: You know what? Forget about that. You're here with me now.

Nikki: I certainly am.

Victor: I wasn't expecting you.

Sharon: There are some things that I need to talk to you about.

Victor: All right, what are they?

Sharon: Well... it's about Newman, if now is a good time.

Victor: Yes?  Is that a new necklace, or what? I've never seen you wear that before.

Sharon: Uh, yeah, it's new.

Victor: Huh. All right.

Nina: I didn't mean to make a scene and get us kicked out. I'm really sorry.

Heather: It's okay.

Nina: I just couldn't help myself.

Heather: I wanted to scream at Michael and Ronan, too.

Nina: How do you hold it together?

Heather: I keep telling myself that Paul can't be in better hands than Christine's. Nobody will fight harder for him.

Nina: Okay, well, I will hold on to that thought. Please tell me there's a chance that Paul will be let out on bail.

Chris: I'm sorry you didn't get bail.

Paul: Yeah, right. We both knew it'd be next to impossible.

Chris: I'm gonna want some time alone with my client after I talk to Michael.

Ronan: Okay.

Chris: Paul isn't a hardened criminal. You know he would never attempt to flee.

Michael: That was the judge's ruling.

Chris: Okay, and since we're stuck with it, I have to tell you that I'm worried about his security. He's a private investigator. He's got ties to the G.C.P.D. I mean, he helped put away a lot of the guys that he'll be in jail with.

Michael: I share your concern.

Chris: Okay, so what are you gonna do about it?

Michael: I'm going to put Paul in protective custody.

Chris: Thanks.

Nick: All those times we opened up, talked about having a clean slate, you said nothing. Earlier today, when I asked you if you were guilty of the things that Michael was accusing you of, still you said nothing. It's only now that your back is against the wall that you are finally admitting this to me. Why?

Phyllis: I was afraid. Oh, I was terrified.

Nick: Of what?

Phyllis: This... (Sniffles) What's happening now. I mean, when is the right time to--to expose something like this? When is the right time to say, "This is who I am"? What--what am I gonna do, you know? Uh, tell you casually over dinner? (Sighs) What am I-- what am I gonna say to you, Nick? What... "Oh, I-I was driven with jealousy over Christine." I mean, what-- how am I gonna bring that up?

Nick: So you did this because you were jealous of Christine?

Phyllis: Yeah.

Nick: You know, I guess I should have really been afraid for Sharon, given how much you hate her.

Jack: So you looking forward to the theater tonight?

Nikki: Mm, mm-hmm. You know I am. I always love this playwright's work.

Jack: Well, not always.

Nikki: Oh, my God. The woman with the hat sitting in front of me!

Jack: (Chuckles) Same playwright.

Nikki: I cannot believe it. I was ready to rip that thing-- the feathers right out of it. You never did tell me how you got her to take it off. What--how'd you do that?

Jack: Oh, you know, charm, panache.

Nikki: You flirted with her, didn't you? You flirted with her!

Jack: Hey, hey, I got her to take the dead bird off her head for the rest of the play, didn't I?

Nikki: (Laughs) Oh, my God. Yes, you did. I can't believe you remembered that after all these years.

Jack: It was a long time ago, when we were first married. I think I was more focused on what you were doing than what was going on on the stage. I like to see you in fighting form.

Nikki: Well, I suppose I can be rather... feisty at times.

Jack: Whether it's raising a hue and cry over theater sight lines or fighting for me to get my life back together. I'm in a good place, Nikk. I owe you for that. You're largely responsible. We make a pretty good team.

Nikki: Yes, we do.

Jack: I'm glad I'm marrying you, and I will be there for you the way you've been there for me.

Nikki: I'm gonna hold you to that.

Jack: You can, and one more thing-- I will always, always have your back in a bird hat fight.

Nikki: (Laughs) Thank you very much.

Jack: (Chuckles)

Victor: I think you're right. We should go with the first option, all right?

Sharon: Okay, great. I will let the team know.

Victor: Hmm. What are your plans for tonight?

Sharon: Um, I have no plans. You?

Victor: Why don't I tell the chef to prepare dinner for us? We'll stay in.

Sharon: That works for me.

Victor: I'll let him know.

Eden: Hey.

Heather: Hi.

Eden: How's Paul? What? What happened?

Nina: Paul was arrested.

Eden: But I thought-- Michael told me he let Paul go.

Heather: No, just long enough so he could bury Ricky.

Nina: And then he couldn't wait to throw Paul in jail again. You know, I-I know Michael's your brother, but I gotta say--

Eden: Well, no, I'm sure that Michael hates all of this.

Nina: Not enough.

Eden: Okay, Paul told the police that he shot Ricky to protect me, and I believe him, and I think Michael does, too. I think he'd release Paul in a heartbeat if he could, but... I guess, without a witness to back up what your dad said...

Heather: We just have to hope it comes back to you.

Eden: And what if it doesn't? Paul could spend the rest of his life in prison because of me?

Chris: Michael's arranged for protective custody while you're incarcerated.

Paul: (Sighs) That'll be good. Thank you, and you can thank-- thank Michael for me, too.

Chris: I-I just wish I could have prevented the arrest, or convinced the judge to give you bail.

Paul: If I'd been the judge, I wouldn't let me out, either. I've accepted it. You should, too.

Chris: I can't.

Paul: Well, you should, because I'm beginning to think this is where I belong.

Phyllis: You didn't have to be afraid for Sharon.

Nick: Really? Really? I mean, you did this 'cause you were jealous of Christine.

Phyllis: It was years ago. It was when I first came into town. I was a different person.

Phyllis: You... you know me. You know the real me.

Nick: I don't know that I do. I don't know that I ever did.

Phyllis: The way you're looking at me...I knew that if I told you, you wouldn't love me anymore.

Chris: This isn't where you belong, and I am gonna do everything I can to clear your name. Are you listening to me?

Paul: Whatever you do, you're not gonna change the facts. I pulled the trigger.

Chris: To protect Eden.

Paul: I don't know. I don't--I don't have any idea what was going through my mind.

Chris: Paul, your official statement made it very clear. Ricky was going to stab Eden. You shot. You aimed and you fired. You hit him in the shoulder, but then he fell backward outside the window. You didn't set out to murder him.

Paul: What if--

Chris: Don't do this.

Paul: What if I lost it? What if I just snapped?

Chris: You didn't! You didn't lose it.

Paul: What if I saw Eden on the floor, unconscious, and--and Ricky with the knife? I mean, it was so much like Isabella. You know, maybe there was another way I could have stopped Ricky.

Chris: No, there wasn't another way, and you can't see that because you're coming off the funeral and you're grieving. That's what this is.

Paul: (Sniffles) Okay. So here I am, in an interrogation room... and I'm wearing the same clothes I was wearing when I buried my son. Why? Because I killed him. (Sniffles) I took the life of my child.

Chris: I know how hard this must be.

Paul: No, you don't. You don't have kids. You wouldn't have any idea. I'm sorry.

Chris: Well, you're right. I'm not a parent, but that doesn't mean I can't understand how much you loved Ricky... and how hurting your child would be the last thing you would ever do willingly. You didn't plan this. You didn't pick up a gun intending to kill him. You didn't.

Paul: It doesn't matter.

Chris: Yeah. No, it does. We are fighting for your freedom, for your life. You cannot give up.

Paul: He's gone.

Chris: I know. But we can get through this, okay? Together, right?

Paul: He's gone. You know what? (Sniffles) I don't care anymore. I really don't. Whatever punishment I'm given, I will accept.

Ronan: Well... this is exactly the kind of case you hate to catch. (Exhales slowly) We searched every inch of the club. We searched the street where Ricky fell. We didn't find the knife that he was supposedly holding.

Michael: The damn knife is the key.

Ronan: So what do I do now? Do I canvass homeless people and petty criminals, see if they ran away with a weapon that may not exist?

Michael: That is the usual approach to it, if we were so inclined.

Ronan: We've arrested Paul. It's our job to make the case against him more solid, not less.

Michael: That's usually how it works.

Ronan: You want to disprove the case against Paul?

Heather: Wait, you went back to the crime scene?

Eden: Yeah, lots of times. Just, you know, I'm retracing my steps, just--

Nina: Isn't that room taped off?

Heather: Yeah.

Eden: Well, I can still walk down that hall and right up to the door. Sometimes, you know, I-I try walking fast, sometimes slow. I try knocking with my right hand, with my left hand--

Heather: Eden, just-- you can't do that. It's too much.

Eden: Not if it helps, no. Not if I can just will myself to remember what happened between Ricky and me before Paul got there. But it's all a blank. There's just nothing.

Nina: There has to be. You have to get your memory back. It's the only thing that can save Paul. Oh, I'm really sorry. I should not have made you feel bad. Please, forgive me. I'm just-- I'm just scared. Excuse me, please.

Heather: You're doing the best you can.

Eden: Then why can't I see it? Why can't I just put that night back together?

Heather: Maybe you're too stressed, you know? You're putting too much pressure on yourself. Try to go to a movie, read a good book, and you know what? I bet you-- I bet you it'll probably just come back to you.

Eden: (Scoffs) Do you actually believe that?

Heather: I have to.

Michael: I'm district attorney. I've barely had this job, and I already feel like I've compromised myself in about a hundred different ways.

Ronan: Like with Phyllis?

Michael: (Sighs)

Ronan: And now Paul?

Michael: (Laughs) I took this position because I thought I'd be able to do good, to be able to do the right thing.

Ronan: There's nothing right about what's going on here.

Michael: Between you, me, and the wall, there's nothing I'd like more than to be able to prove Paul did not commit premeditated murder.

Ronan: Hmm. I feel exactly the same way.

Michael: Then let's do it. Let's make it happen. I'll work the legal end.

Ronan: Okay. I'll work the cop end. Together, we'll get the truth.

Paul: I'm exhausted.

Chris: Well, I can't leave here until you remember what kind of man you are. You're a man who loves his kids and whose life revolves around doing the right thing. Paul, you never would have pulled that trigger unless you felt you had no other choice.

Paul: You weren't there, Chris.

Chris: You're not a murderer. You can't give up on yourself. I'm sure as hell not going to.

Jack: Is that smile for me?

Nikki: It's a bribe.

Jack: Well, it's working. I'll give you pretty much anything you want.

Nikki: I want to start planning every fabulous detail of our wedding.

Jack: Well, that's great, but I thought you didn't want to rush our big day.

Nikki: Well, I don't want to waste time, either. You're right. We are so lucky to be together. There's really no reason to wait.

Victor: I'm sorry, but this will be a while, okay?

Sharon: Oh, no problem.

Victor: Okay. Yes, Al, you were saying?

Nick: You're looking for answers that I can't give you right now.

Phyllis: So you'll think about it? You--you'll-- we'll sleep on it, and then--and then tomorrow...

Nick: I don't know what I feel for you right now.

Phyllis: You can't leave. We're married. You won't leave?

Nick: I'm gonna pack my bags, go back to my place.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Adam: You came to me.

Kevin: No, she came to you. I was blindsided.

Adam: I'll withdraw the offer, if that's what you want.

Chloe: No!

Abby: You remember Carmine.

Victor: You get out now.

Sharon: Nick.

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