Y&R Transcript Friday 7/13/12
Episode # 9948 ~ Paul Grieves Over a Loss; Tensions Rise Between Victor & Nikki
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Phyllis: Uh, I was on my way out.
Avery: Yeah, I don't think so.
Phyllis: Oh, come on, Avery. Get out of my way, please.
Avery: The world is half a step from thinking you could commit murder, and once that happens, how am I supposed to help you?
Nick: Daniel is innocent, and now you're gonna go after Phyllis for something? What is with you and this job?
Ronan: Is there a problem here?
Michael: Does it look like there's a problem?
Nick: Yeah, there's no problem, Malloy.
Michael: Listen to me, Nick. You don't want to make this worse. You want to contain this.
Nick: Phyllis is your best friend. You're gonna roll her under the bus, for what? To make sure this D.A. gig is permanent, not just temporary? Or maybe there's someone in the mayor's office that has an ax to grind with "Restless Style."
Michael: What the hell are you-- I am not drunk with power. Nobody trumped up any accusations. Phyllis attempted murder.
Nina: So she spent the last how many years thinking that she could have gotten away with murder.
Chris: Too bad for Phyllis I was a federal employee at the time, which means no statute of limitations on attempted murder.
Nina: Oh, my God.
Chris: You know, Paul, when I think of all she put you through--
Paul: There's only one thing I can think about, and that's... (Sighs) Burying my son.
Jack: So... big plans for the rest of the day?
Nikki: Oh, well, not quite as big as conquering those parallel bars. I'm just going for a ride at the ranch.
Jack: Okay, we can't both be in wheelchairs at this wedding, so, uh, do me a favor-- don't let "Lurch" spook your horse this time.
Nikki: (Laughs) I will keep a note of that.
(Cell phone rings)
Jack: Ooh. Sorry. Oh, I think this is for you.
Nikki: Me, on your phone?
Jack: Go ahead.
Nikki: Hello, this is Nikki. (Gasps) Jean-Pierre. Oh, why, no-- yes. (Laughs) My goodness. I didn't know that. Well, it's just perfect. I will put it in my calendar. I'll see you then. Thank you. Jack Abbott!
Jack: Wrong number?
Nikki: You hired Jean-Pierre to do my wedding gown?
Jack: Yeah, he said he is gonna work night and day to see that it's ready on time. I am not gonna put up with any long engagements.
Nikki: You are so eager. I'm very flattered.
Jack: Only an idiot would waste time not being married to you. I'm a lot of things. I'm no idiot.
Nikki: (Chuckles)
Victor: I would appreciate that immediately. Thank you.
Chelsea: I haven't been to a lot of jewelry stores. I have, however, been to a lot of pawn shops. (Laughs)
Adam: You want me to go with you? Because I want that ring resized ASAP.
Chelsea: No, you don't have to go with me, but, yes, I will get it fixed.
Adam: All right.
Chelsea: I'll see you later.
Adam: Yeah.
Chelsea: Bye. (Gasps) Oh! (Sighs)
Sharon: You don't want to lose this.
Adam: Don't say I never gave you anything.
Victor: Well, I'll be damned. A blank check from your account.
Adam: A little friendly gesture to put a smile on your face. I see it worked, too.
Victor: Want me to smile? Is that it?
Adam: Oh, there's a lot I want, Dad. Let's just hit the high points, shall we?
Chelsea: I'm actually on my way to go get it resized.
Sharon: I don't know what Adam did with the ring he gave me. It was his mother's ring. It was really lovely.
Chelsea: I'm sure it meant a lot to him, to the both of you, just like this one means so much to me and Adam. Well, I better get going. I have no intention of losing this again. Bye!
Victor: You want investment advice? Is that it?
Adam: I'm not-- not looking to work for you. I'm talking about working with you, as much as I enjoyed having an office in the men's room. You and I have made money for each other in the past. It's the only common ground we have, so I say we embrace it.
Victor: So in your delusional mind, you and I are now equal partners in business?
Adam: My hedge fund is legit. No Ponzi, no boiler room, no bilking old ladies for their social security. You can check my records. I'm turning a good profit. I've got my eye on the long term, a legacy, something I'm sure you can relate to. We can do this. It's the only thing we can do. So why don't we invest in Newman, or something else? But let's do it together. Let's make money together. What do you say?
Victor: You want to make a deal with me? Get rid of that con artist, that slut, and your engagement to her. Then maybe we can talk.
Jack: Which means Jean-Pierre has you at the very top of his list. Angelina Jolie is just gonna have to wait her turn.
Nikki: Ooh, yes!
Jack: (Chuckles)
Nikki: What, are you afraid I'm gonna change my mind, or worse, you're gonna change your mind? Do you have something to tell me, young man?
Jack: Ohh, no, you found me out. I got cold feet.
Nikki: Ohh.
Jack: Well, numb feet, but I'm working on that.
Nikki: (Laughing)
Sarge: Hey.
Jack: Hey.
Sarge: Oh, I see mouths moving, but nobody sweating.
Nikki: Sarge...
Sarge: I'm in the wrong place?
Nikki: He says he's got cold feet. Can you work on that a little bit, please? See what you can do. I'll see you later. Mwah. Bye, Sarge.
Sarge: Bye, Nikki.
Jack: What?
Sarge: That's a very classy lady there, Jack. How on earth did you pull something like that?
Jack: You saying I don't deserve her?
Sarge: Sitting there like a lump, not working-- no, I don't believe you do.
Jack: I'm gonna make that woman the happiest woman on earth. Watch me.
Nick: This is Phyllis we're talking about. You know her. Yeah, she can be a pain in the butt at times. She runs her mouth and makes knee-jerk decisions that gets her into trouble all the time, but none of that makes her capable of murder. None of it! Plowing into Christine, hitting Paul, and she's kept this a secret for how long?
Michael: Did you know her back then? Really? The way she thinks, the way she lied, the things she lied about?
Nick: Now we're talking about Daniel's birth? What the hell is with you, man? I can't even follow you anymore. You're telling me that Phyllis, your friend, rented a car, got behind the wheel, and aimed it at Christine?
Michael: Yeah. That's exactly what I'm saying.
Nick: Where's your proof?
Michael: (Sighs) One of Phyllis' credit card statements from that period of time has a charge, a rental car charge. You know what? You know what, Nick? I love her, too, and I know she did this.
Avery: Where were you the night that Paul and Christine got struck by that vehicle?
Phyllis: Oh, God, seriously? I'm supposed to answer that? I'm supposed to--to go back and figure out what I was doing one night in 1994?
Avery: Okay, well, think about it. Were you in a public place? Is there--is--can you provide an alibi? What about your credit card? Did you--did you notice a charge? Did someone use your card without permission?
Phyllis: (Gasps)
Avery: Phyllis, have you been protecting someone since then? Okay, look, I can't help you if you don't answer my questions.
Phyllis: You can't help me! You can't help me! You can't fix this.
Avery: Phyllis, is there... is there truth to what Michael is saying?
Phyllis: How could there be truth to this, Avery?
Avery: (Sighs) I've questioned so many people, Phyllis, and it always got ugly when the person dodged, and you keep not answering me.
Phyllis: Oh, so now I'm a killer? Now I killed people because I'm--I'm not answering your questions the way that you want?
Avery: No, you're--no one died, but they could have. They could have, so help me understand that you didn't do this.
Phyllis: Oh, God, this is amazing. This is amazing. This is amazing. My own sister thinks that I'm a killer. You think I'm a killer, my family. Why don't you just rip my heart out, Avery?
Avery: That's exactly what Dad said when you confronted him.
Michael: The VIN number on the credit card statement matches the VIN number of the car that was used in the assault on Christine and Paul.
Nick: Why wasn't Phyllis arrested at the time, if the VIN numbers are the same?
Michael: When she got the statement, she hacked into the car rental agency's site and she erased all trace of the transaction.
Nick: And you have proof of this?
Michael: No, that's speculation, but given how adept Phyllis is with computers, it's not a big leap.
Nick: So the only thing you have connecting Phyllis to the accident is a single piece of paper that was found in Ricky and Daisy's personal effects?
Michael: I wouldn't exactly categorize it that way, no.
Nick: Ricky set up a victim to look like a drunk driver. Daisy had your wife's office painted in toxic paint to make her look crazy. These two can create a fake credit card statement over breakfast. What's wrong with you?
Michael: Nick, look, Phyllis is in trouble. It's bad. The sooner you wrap your head around that, the better.
Nick: You need to drop this now.
Ronan: So I hate to pile it on you, but we have to deal with Paul now.
Michael: Have I told you today how much I hate this job?
Ronan: I have the check-in logs of the institution where Isabella Williams resides, and Paul was there when he said he was there.
Michael: Paul could have gone to visit Isabella to help cushion the blow about Ricky, or he could have gone because he felt guilty. We'll never know...
Ronan: Mm-hmm.
Michael: So therefore, Paul is still not cleared.
Ronan: Right. With no knife to prove that Ricky was threatening Eden...
Michael: All right, so we're back at the beginning. Son shot by father. He's unarmed...
Ronan: Mm-hmm.
Michael: Apparently because father snapped.
Father Glen: And Ricky has returned to the father we all know. Let us pray. O God, by your mercy, rest is given to the souls of thy faithful. Be please to bless this grave and appoint your holy angels to guard it, and set free from all the chains of sin the soul of him who is buried here, so that with all thy saints, he may rejoice in thee forever through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Heather: Amen.
Paul: Amen. Thank you, father.
Father Glen: My sympathies to you and to your brother, Father Todd, poor sister, and your whole family.
Paul: Thank you.
Nina: It was really nice.
Paul: Well, he's so certain that Ricky's in heaven now. I pray to God he's right.
Adam: So you heard that Chelsea said yes. But we were talking about business, not my engagement.
Victor: Son, you're aligning yourself with a con and a grifter.
Adam: She has a past, Dad, as do most of us. To be honest with you, her extracurricular activities pale in comparison to mine, so if you want to get all righteous, you want to come at somebody, bring it on. Bring it to me, okay? I can take it, but you leave Chelsea alone.
Victor: Wake up, Son. She doesn't need you to protect her. She'll cut off your hand to take your watch. She got pregnant to turn a profit.
Adam: You hired her to break Billy and Victoria up, so don't go all sore loser because it didn't work out.
Victor: You inflict that slut on our family, and I will do everything in my power to stop you.
Adam: So we're family again. That's progress.
Victor: What happened to your path to redemption?
Adam: Still on it, Dad. Just picked up a fellow passenger along the way.
Victor: Son, if I were you, I wouldn't leave this blank check around her.
Adam: You leave Chelsea alone, Dad. You don't want me to revert to type and go all Satan's understudy. You go after Chelsea, it's not gonna be pretty, I can promise you that.
Nina: Paul, you're a good man, and you tried with Ricky. We all know how hard you tried.
Paul: Did I really? All those years he was in California...you know, I remember a, uh... a father's day card he sent to me once, and he had, uh, drawn a picture on the cover of the two of us. We're standing really close together, and he was looking up at me with a, uh... big smile on his face. And on the inside, he, uh... had written... (Sniffles) Telling me everything about his life and the school he was attending and the sports he played. (Sniffles) I don't know, m-maybe he was 7 or 8 at the time. (Sniffles) And then at the end he said how much he loved me and that he'd hoped that, uh... we could see each other very soon. And the next year, I got a card, and, uh... there was no drawing on the front. It was just "Happy Father's day." And I opened the card...and there was nothing. Just his signature. Now come on, if that's not the biggest clue to get me out to California to see my son, I don't know what is. (Sniffles)
Chris: Ricky was a grown man in control of his life. The decisions he made, the way he died-- that was his choice.
Paul: So look around, Chris. Who was in his life to tell him to stop, to tell him that he needs help, to tell him that he is loved?
Heather: People tried with Ricky, and he pushed them away or he hurt them.
Nina: And you gave him a chance to find his way back, to have a relationship with you.
Chris: But he didn't take it.
Paul: Or he couldn't... (Sighs) Because the damage was already done. Look, I'm sorry. I... (Sniffles) Thank you. Thank you. I just need, uh... (Sniffles) A min--minute here, o-okay?
Nina: Of course. Take all the time you need. Of course.
Paul: Nina. Please. I need to do this alone.
Nina: Of course. I'm sorry.
Paul: (Sniffles)
Sharon: Defiantly declaring your love just to drive Victor crazy. You know, you and your love against the world-- it just sounds so... familiar.
Adam: That? That wasn't about trying to make my father crazy. That was about defending Chelsea, not that she needs it. She can rumble with the best of 'em, but she shouldn't have to, not with the likes of Victor Newman.
Sharon: You sound so... chivalrous.
Adam: After, uh... you and I parted ways, Sharon, things were a little touch and go there for a while. I had just flipped a new leaf out there at my mom's, but it was too late for us. The past and--and Patty caught up to me... but I managed. I moved on, and then Chelsea came along. I look at her and I see... I don't know if this makes any sense, but I see myself back at the farm, you know? I don't know, she makes me feel... (Sighs) I'm pulling for you, Sharon. You deserve to be happy, too.
Sharon: (Chuckles) Please. I am so happy. Things are wonderful.
Adam: I'm glad to hear it.
Nikki: So Sharon can't be bothered to ride her new horse? He's listless. He's miserable out there. There is no sheen to his coat.
Victor: Don't you worry about the damn horse, all right? He's fine.
Nikki: An animal like that needs attention. He needs exercise. You can't just coddle him. You need to let him get out there and go full steam.
Victor: Don't you come in here and lecture me about how to treat a damn horse!
Nikki: Well, what about your new little pet cat, Sharon?
Victor: What about it?
Nikki: Does she know anything about horses, or is she content to just collect status symbols to save her poor little ego? Because if you have allowed that poor animal to suffer out there because Sharon is a pitiful horsewoman, so help me, Victor...
Victor: (Slams glass down) So help you what? Huh? You didn't come here because you give a damn about the damn horse.
Nikki: I--
Victor: You came here because you're jealous of who's living with me. We both know it.
Phyllis: Oh, so now I'm Dad? Now I'm a liar...
Avery: Okay, stop.
Phyllis: I'm a liar, I'm a thief. I'm someone who cuts off their own kid to save their butt.
Avery: Phyllis, stop.
Phyllis: Wow, thanks, Avery! We've really come far, haven't we? Wow!
Avery: Okay, listen to me. I lost my sister for years because of Dad's lies, and Mom, what she lost standing by him-- please stop, okay? You're spinning out just like you used to do when we were kids.
Phyllis: You don't know what I used to do! You know what? Live--live in the now.
Avery: Stop it.
Phyllis: Get out of the past, Avery.
Avery: Okay, please, please, please, please stop covering. Stop evading...
Phyllis: Covering?
Avery: For your children, for Nick, for me. Please just be honest, okay? You're better than Dad. You are.
Ronan: (Clears throat) Didn't expect to see you here.
Heather: Yeah. Any new cases I should know about, new developments?
Michael: Uh, why don't we go to my office?
Heather: What is it? Go on.
Michael: We're pressing charges against your father. Obviously, you will stay nowhere near this case. I'll gladly grant you a leave of absence for the duration of the prosecution.
Heather: Are you firing me?
Ronan: He's not firing you. He's giving you a break.
Heather: If I'm not fired, I'm not leaving, okay? You're prosecuting Paul. I'll deal with it.
Chris: Michael, do you have a minute?
Heather: Is it about Paul's case?
Chris: No, not this time.
Michael: Excuse me. Okay, if this is about the statute of limitations and Phyllis, nothing's changed since we last spoke. They've expired.
Chris: No, you're wrong. I was a federal employee at the time of the murder attempt, which means no statute of limitations. That's right, you can prosecute Phyllis, and you will.
(Cell phone rings)
Michael: Sorry. Hello.
Phyllis: Michael, I need to see you. I'll come to you.
Michael: No, no, uh, right now would not be wise.
Sarge: There you go, tough guy. That's excellent work. Come on, you can ease it up now. Relax. Let's call it a day.
Jack: Like hell, like hell.
Sarge: What do you-- what are you--excuse me?
Jack: I am on the verge of a breakthrough. I can feel it.
Sarge: You're feeling them endorphins, and that's fine. You can have 'em again tomorrow, an all-you-can-handle endorphin buffet. How's that sound?
Jack: Oh, come on. What happened to the Sarge who was gonna take me beyond my limits?
Sarge: I never said that. I said to your limits, not past them. Past your limits is asking for trouble, Jack.
Jack: Give me a break. How am I ever going to stand with Nikki at the altar if you go soft on me now? (Grunting)
Sarge: Ah, that's what this is all about, huh?
Jack: (Breathing heavily) This is what I dream about night and day. After we say "I dos," I'm gonna walk Nikki down the aisle. (Grunting)
Nikki: Your ego never ceases to amaze me. I am worried about a horse, and you make that about your love life...
Victor: You don't want to talk about the damn horse.
Nikki: That I am jealous? Oh, my God.
Victor: Say whatever you want to say, all right?
Nikki: All right, fine, if you're up for adult conversation.
Victor: (Slams glass down)
Nikki: My wedding to Jack is going to be fairly soon.
Victor: And you want me to give away the bride? Is that it?
Nikki: No, no, no, no, no, you are not going to ruin this for me. You are not invited to the ceremony. You will not have a chance to "Speak now or forever hold your peace."
Victor: What, and claim you as my own? Is that what you want?
Nikki: I can't imagine what you might pull.
Victor: But that is what you have--
Nikki: I'm just saying you won't have the opportunity.
Victor: That is what you have imagined, isn't it?
Nikki: What? Oh, my God.
Victor: That I would ride in on a big white horse and save you from that jackass.
Nikki: Are you kidding me? I don't trust you is what it is.
Victor: You bet. You shouldn't.
Nikki: I want this marriage. I want to have a husband who sees me as an equal, a husband that I can trust, and Jack is all of those things.
Victor: Then why don't you get yourself a dog?
Nikki: He is kind and generous--
Victor: Get yourself a dog. You'll be happier.
Nikki: Jack makes me happy. Let me have that, please.
Victor: (Slams glass down) You have the audacity to come to my home and expect what, some grand declaration, huh?
Nikki: You are so damn stubborn!
Victor: And you are the most infuriating woman I have ever known!
Nikki: Clearly, you have a lot of pent-up energy and no proper way of releasing it...
Victor: (Scoffs)
Nikki: Just like that poor horse. It's too bad Sharon doesn't know how to handle the beast.
Victor: Might be right about that.
Paul: Ricky, I...you were a miracle, a gift, and I had forgotten that. Somehow, I convinced myself that it would be better for you to live in California. Better for whom? I loved you. I love you... but I failed you, over and over and over again...but it didn't have to be this way. I could have been with you. (Sniffles) I could have raised you. I could have watched over you and helped you, because there was a moment... (Sniffles) I could have stopped this from happening. And not just the moment the other night in your--in your room. I could have saved Rachel, I could have saved Craig Hunt, I could have saved Daisy...because I would have saved you first. (Sniffles) You came into this world perfect and whole. Nobody's born with a broken soul, but souls are broken along the way...just like mine is breaking now. I'm sorry, Ricky. I am truly, truly sorry.
Nick: I know Phyllis is in trouble. Michael has lost it. This makes no sense to me. Tell me how we shut him down before this gets out of hand.
Avery: Oh, Nick.
Nick: What? Oh, come on. You don't-- you don't think Phyllis did this?
Avery: Yes, I do.
Phyllis: Okay. Okay, listen. I-I-I couldn't talk before. We were in my office. I couldn't talk before, but now...
Michael: No.
Phyllis: Now I can tell you anything.
Michael: No, no! What you say now, I can't unhear, I can't forget.
Phyllis: You're my friend. (Sobs) I need a friend!
Michael: I'm the district attorney. Now Christine has found a way around the statute of limitations.
Phyllis: Ohh. That's impossible.
Michael: (Sighs) It has been alleged that you made an attempt on the life of a federal employee. You can be prosecuted as a result. Christine has demanded that you be charged, so whatever you have to tell me, don't, Phyllis. Don't.
Chris: Michael may have taken off, but this isn't over. He will have Phyllis arrested for attempted murder.
Nina: She's gotten away with this for a lifetime already. No more.
Ronan: I understand, okay? But I think you might want to focus on another case for a moment, like your client's. We have a warrant to arrest Paul. We're charging him with murder.
Chris: (Gasps)
Paul: Ricky, I know you had to be in such pain. I know you had to suffer to be so angry. And now I just-- I pray to God... I pray to God, please let you rest in peace.
(Twig snaps)
Paul: Hello? Is someone there?
Adam: Show me your hand, Woman. Huh. So, what, are they resizing it? They're gonna make you wait? Do I have to buy you another ring in the meantime?
Chelsea: Aren't you gonna get me one for every day of the week?
Adam: Oh, I'd do it.
Chelsea: (Laughs) I know you would.
Adam: Absolutely, I would.
Chelsea: No, it was ready. I got it. Fits great.
Adam: Okay... (Sighs) So why, pray tell, is it not on your hand?
Chelsea: You put it on.
Adam: Me?
Chelsea: Mm-hmm.
Adam: This ring is too small for me. I've got big sausage fingers...
Chelsea: (Laughs)
Adam: Big hands. So embarrassing. So one knee?
Chelsea: It's not our thing.
Adam: Nah. You're right. We are two knees, all the way, aren't we?
Chelsea: Oh! (Laughs) Right.
Adam: Chelsea, you are my love. You're every promise I want to keep.
Chelsea: Okay, thank you. That's great. No! (Laughs)
Adam: No, I'm not-- I'm not done. Listen to me.
Chelsea: Oh.
Adam: You're the knees of bees, the pajamas of cats.
Chelsea: (Chuckles)
Adam: Now a big wedding-- I don't really see that being our style.
Chelsea: Mm. We don't really have 500 friends we can share a 6-foot-tall cake with. Small is good.
Adam: Right. Right, we don't need an audience. Nobody to impress. As long as you're there. Chelsea, let's elope.
Woman: Is the pen out of ink?
Sharon: What? Uh, no. No, I-I'm just, uh, I-I'm thinking. It's been a good day, and now it's even better.
Sarge: Hey, you've made your point. Jack, Jack, let's wrap this up, let's call it a day, or I'm out of here, okay?
Jack: See you.
Sarge: Fine.
Jack: (Breathing heavily) (Grunts) Sarge! Did you see that?
Sarge: What, what?
Jack: Did you see it?
Sarge: No, what?
Jack: I straightened my leg. I told my leg to straighten, it straightened! Okay, I want--I want to kick the wall down, but I did it. The leg moved! I am gonna stand at the altar and look at my bride as we say "I do." Oh, come on. (Grunting)
Nikki: How many chances does one man get to change? But you never do. For every inch of heart and soul that you reveal, there's miles and miles and miles that you won't show anybody. I don't know how you do it. It's exhausting for me. I can't imagine what it's like for you. I'm gonna go now, and I'm not coming back-- not for the horse, not for anything.
Victor: Nikki. Don't go.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Michael: I'm telling you as a friend so you can get your affairs in order.
Paul: I know why you're here.
Ronan: Paul Williams, you are under arrest.
Nick: I spoke to Michael and to Avery. They both think you're behind the hit-and-run.
Phyllis: What do you think?
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