Y&R Transcript Thursday 7/12/12
Episode # 9947 ~ Neil & Harmony's Relationship Advances; Michael Begs Phyllis for the Truth
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Lily: Oh, it's not working. I'm not getting this stain out.
Cane: Just let it soak a little longer.
Lily: I know, but it's such a beautiful dress.
Cane: Yeah, it might be beautiful, but it's not really that practical for a toddler.
Lily: I just feel bad that your mom spent all this money on something, and she doesn't have it to spare.
Cane: You know what I don't get? Look, I don't know how much money my mom hid from the feds before they seized her assets, okay? But it must be gone by now.
Lily: Well, then what is she living on?
Genevieve: Uh, I think you know how uncomfortable I am with taking advantage of your generosity.
Tucker: Don't be.
Genevieve: (Chuckles)
Tucker: I'm happy to do it.
Genevieve: And I appreciate that, I really do, but I'd appreciate it even more if you gave me the opportunity to repay you. Hire me.
Tucker: In what capacity?
Genevieve: I think, if I were to show you my financial records, that you might be impressed with my ability to invest money. There was a time when I was overseeing an awful lot of it, more than most hedge fund managers, and I was doing a damn fine job of it, too.
Tucker: Well, that doesn't surprise me, but, uh... I have to tell you, I have reservations about mixing business with personal. I experimented with it recently, and it didn't work out too well.
Genevieve: I... (Sighs) I would rather be a valued employee than a charity case.
Tucker: Let me think about it.
Neil: Hey. What you reading?
Harmony: Hi.
Neil: Hi. Oh, that--that must be a-a good article.
Harmony: (Chuckles) Well, you know, I kind of missed out, uh on a lot of what was going on in the world while I was, uh, checked out, so I'm just trying to get caught up.
Neil: Yeah.
Harmony: Um, you having a-a business lunch?
Neil: No, I'm not. Um, I'm on my own. Care if I join you?
Harmony: Um, Neil, listen--
Neil: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. I understand. You, uh, you're enjoying your quiet time.
Harmony: No, I-it's not that. (Exhales sharply) Listen, I... I-I still don't have a lot of faith in my own judgment, and--and I feel like I-I ought to listen to the program a-and my sponsor telling me that certain things, no matter how attractive they are, could be a threat to my recovery.
Neil: Like romantic entanglements.
Harmony: "Entangling" sounds just fine to me, but I'm hearing that for some people, it's a substitute high.
Neil: Harmony, I would never want to jeopardize your sobriety.
Harmony: I know that. I mean, more than once, you've been the one keeping me on track, but, Neil, I can't deny, it's hard controlling my own emotion. I'm not used to it. I don't even really know how, and you can see what happened because of that. I broke the rules, and I wish to God I was the only one paying for it, but I'm not. I'm just so doggone confuse right now.
Neil: I understand. I'll let you enjoy the rest of your lunch, all right? All right?
Paul: Thank you.
Nina: Hey.
Paul: Okay, can we go?
Chris: Yeah, your stuff.
Paul: Oh.
Man: I just need you to sign.
Paul: Thanks. Okay. Thanks.
Man: You're welcome
Nina: Okay? Let's get you some real food. How's that?
Paul: Yeah.
Chris: And we can fill you in on where things stand.
Paul: What, with the funeral arrangements?
Chris: Y-yeah, that-- that, too, yeah.
Nina: Come on.
Avery: Thank you.
Nick: Hey.
Avery: Hey, Nick. How's my sister doing? I've been meaning to call.
Nick: She's doing okay.
Avery: She's just "Okay"? She's not ecstatic that Daniel is no longer a suspect?
Nick: That's great news. I just think she's been at defense for so long with Daisy and Ricky, even though the threat's finally gone.
Avery: It's hard to relax. I'm sorry to hear that. (Sighs) Michael must be worried, too. He left me a message earlier saying he wanted to talk about her. I guess he's seeing the same things you're seeing.
Nick: He's a good friend.
Avery: Mm.
Phyllis: (Sighs) (Sniffles) (Clears throat) Ohh, my-- sorry, you scared me. I-I didn't expect you.
Michael: That's what you get for not taking my phone calls.
Phyllis: Oh, I'm sorry, I-I didn't charge my cell phone last night.
Michael: We need to have a private conversation. Is Billy's office available?
Phyllis: No, unfortunately, no, and neither am I. A ton of things are going on.
Michael: You can't put this off.
Phyllis: A TV show is happening. A TV show, okay? I have a ton of things to take care of before the cameras get here.
Michael: Well, make this one of those things, unless you want to discuss in front of the cameras the fact that Daisy was trying to blackmail you.
Phyllis: What?
Michael: I know about the rental car. I know about the hit-and-run. You're the one who plowed into Christine and Paul.
Ana: Love will find a way.
Devon: All right, that was great. We'll go one more time and stack that, all right?
Ana: You can fight it but try as you may love will find a way love will find a way love will find a way
Devon: (Claps) That's it. Hey. (Chuckles)
Lily: Hi. Sorry, I didn't want to interrupt. There was genius happening.
Devon: Oh, no, that's fine. We just finished the first cut.
Lily: Oh, can I hear?
Devon: Yeah, you can hear it, after, I, uh, I'll clean up some of the vocals.
Ana: Harmony would love to hear it, too, I bet.
Devon: She would like to hear it. You're right. How about you, uh, give her a call?
Ana: Okay.
(Cell phone rings)
Harmony: Hey, Boo.
Ana: Hi, it's Ana.
Harmony: Ana. Hey, how you doin', Baby?
Ana: Really good. Um, Devon and I just finished our first cut of a song if you want to hear it.
Harmony: I would love to! Um, listen, Neil just walked in here a little while ago.
Ana: Bring him, too. You should bring him.
Harmony: Okay. All right, we'll-- we'll see you soon.
Harmony: Hey, um... the, uh, the kids just called, Devon and Ana, and they've been laying down some new music and they want us to hear it. I-I mean, if--if you don't mind getting your food to go.
Neil: I don't mind at all.
Paul: (Sighs) So, um, did you put a notice in the paper about the funeral?
Nina: I did, yes.
Chris: And I finally reached Todd. As much as he'd like to do the mass, he's in a little village in Africa. There's no transportation to the airport.
Paul: I understand that.
Chris: He did say he was praying for you and Ricky.
Nina: And, um, Father Glen wanted me to ask you-- are there any particular songs that you want to hear?
Paul: I don't even know what Ricky liked.
Nina: Um, I could call his grandparents. Maybe they know.
Paul: No. They're having a hard time with this.
Chris: You spoke with them?
Paul: Yeah, there wasn't much I could say. I mean, they're outraged, as you would expect.
Nina: Are they coming to the funeral?
Paul: No. So, uh, the music.
Nina: Yeah.
Paul: What about, um, "Prayer of St. Francis"?
Nina: Oh, that's good. I like that. It's pretty.
Chris: "Where there's hatred, let me bring your love."
Nick: You know, maybe I should take Phyllis out of town.
Avery: A honeymoon? That would be nice. Let me know if I can help you with the planning. I'd love to do whatever I can. You know, I feel somewhat responsible for the strain that Phyllis is under.
Nick: 'Cause you're responsible for Daisy being out of prison?
Avery: Well, not just that. I mean, coming to town in the first place, making Phyllis confront things that she didn't want to confront, and even worse, accusing her of awful things she didn't do.
Nick: Avery, you are in a terrible position. I mean, you had to choose between your parents and your sister.
Avery: Well, either way, someone I loved very much was lying to me, and you know, I'll never know how much of what I had with my dad was real, and how much was just an act, but... I hope that it's not too late to repair what I have with Phyllis.
Nick: I know she loves you. She just doesn't always show it. It's still hard for her to trust.
Avery: Well, then I'll be the one who shows it for now. I owe her that.
Phyllis: Hey, Guys, great job, great job. Thank you very much. You should get a raise. (Laughing) Bye-bye.
Phyllis: Where did you get this idea that Daisy was blackmailing me?
Michael: The credit card statement in Daisy's wallet showed that you rented a car at the end of 1994. It was the same car used in the attack on Paul and Christine.
Phyllis: That is a huge leap of logic, Michael.
Michael: The VIN numbers matched, from the credit card statement and the police report. Same car.
Phyllis: I don't remember renting a car--
Michael: Oh, come on, Phyllis!
Phyllis: Michael, calm down, okay? I didn't rent a car. I didn't do it, okay? Identity theft-- it happens all the time.
Michael: You didn't report the card stolen. You never contested the charge.
Phyllis: Who even knows if there was a charge? It's Daisy we're talking about.
Michael: Ricky had a copy of it, too.
Phyllis: Ohh, Ricky had a copy! Well, then it's reliable. You know that they were going after me. You know it! They falsified records. They concocted some story. Don't look at me like that! It wasn't me. It wasn't me.
Cane: Do you know if the manager is available?
Man: Yeah, one second.
Cane: Thank you.
Man: Mr. Ashby. What can I do for you?
Cane: Uh... okay, um, it's my mom's birthday coming up, and I was thinking I might do something nice for her, so I was wondering, can we take her bill, and somehow, I can pay for it? Like, can you take her account, and you know, send me the expenses?
Man: Well, we can certainly arrange that. Uh, Mr. McCall has already paid through the end of the month.
Cane: Mr. McCall? You mean, like, that Mr. McCall? Is he just paying for the room, or is he--
Man: All of her expenses.
Cane: Really? Well, I'm gonna have to get back to you on that one, then. Thank you.
Man: Yeah.
Cane: (Clears throat) Hey.
Genevieve: Ethan, hi.
Tucker: How you doin'?
Cane: How am I doin'? Uh, actually, I'm a little confused, 'cause I just found out that you're footing my mom's bills while she's here.
Tucker: I'll let your mother explain. See you later.
Cane: You know, I told you I'd help you if you needed it.
Genevieve: I've caused you enough trouble, haven't I?
Cane: If you get involved with him, you're gonna end up in more trouble. His schemes are underhanded. I know the guy. Just listen to me--
Genevieve: I know him, too, Ethan. I've known him a lot longer than you have.
Chris: (Stammers, sighs) It's not what I wanted to hear, but thanks for looking into it. Okay.
Nina: Work?
Chris: Uh, I filled my colleagues in on the situation with Phyllis, hoping they could come up with some justification to file charges in spite of the statute of limitations expiring, but it doesn't look good.
Paul: Well, maybe that means you should let it go. I mean, a thousand things have happened since then. It's not even relevant to what we're going through now-m you know, wh-- what I'm going through. I have to bury my son.
Nina: We can talk about Phyllis another time, okay?
Chris: Of course.
Phyllis: Oh, I can't-- I can't even believe this. I mean, I would understand if you were Ricky or Daisy or anybody else who hated me.
Michael: As your friend, I'm telling you, this is not going away.
Phyllis: As a D.A., don't you have better things to do, like trying to figure out if Ricky killed Daisy or why, why, why, Paul shot his son in self-defense? I mean, uh, or is Paul's friendship not that important to you, either?
Michael: Why'd you do it?
Phyllis: Oh, I'm not even answering that question.
Michael: Christine has a theory.
Phyllis: Ohh, I get it. Christine has a theory. Christine has a theory. Of course, of course, of course. This is about Christine's vendetta to me. This is what this is about, and now she's sucked you in.
Michael: She says you may have seen her kiss Danny before the hit-and-run.
Phyllis: (Laughing)
Michael: Is that true?
Phyllis: It doesn't even matter what I say to you, 'cause you're gonna believe whatever Christine says, aren't you? She's running the D.A.'s office now.
Michael: The statute of limitations has run out. You won't face charges, but you do have to face me. You have to face me, and I want to know. Was it you?
Phyllis: No. I didn't do it. It wasn't me, I swear.
Nick: What are you doing, Michael?
Phyllis: Hey.
Michael: I had some questions for Phyllis.
Nick: Looks to me like she answered 'em.
Michael: I know you're scared, but it would be a mistake to try to hide from this.
Phyllis: I'm not hiding. I'm defending myself.
Nick: Does she need her lawyer here?
Michael: It's not necessary. I'm leaving.
Nick: What is going on? Is this to do with Daisy still?
Phyllis: Daisy, Ricky, Christine, everybody else who hates me. Now they got Michael on their side.
Paul: It's not that I don't understand where you're coming from with Phyllis.
Chris: It would just be wrong to let her get away with it, but you're right. We don't have to talk about it now.
(Cell phone rings)
Paul: Go ahead.
Chris: Thanks. This is Chris.
Nina: Paul, do you want to reconsider having her represent you? I mean, if she's gonna be distracted like this, it... Paul.
Paul: Yeah? I just keep seeing his face.
Nina: I'm sorry.
("Love will find a way" playing)
Ana: Through dark night in shades of gray love's all around us and I have to say together we can turn the tide here for each other standing side by side now and forever come what may I know love will find a way you can fight it but try as you may love will find a way love will find a way
Neil: That's a great sound.
Lily: Oh, wow.
Ana: You like it?
Lily: Whoo!
Devon: (Chuckles)
Harmony: Baby, you're so talented...
Devon: Yes.
Harmony: I want to cry.
Lily: (Chuckles) It is the perfect song for your voice. It's really good.
Neil: Yeah, it really-- your brother has been wanting to make this happen for-- how long has it been? Million--million years.
Devon: Yeah. (Chuckles)
Ana: Well, Devon has CDs of the song. Here you go.
Lily: Ohh.
Neil: Thanks. This is gonna have to tide us over until you can come back and finish recording it now.
Lily: I know. Wish you didn't have to go yet.
Ana: Well, my summer program starts next week, but I'll be back soon, and I'll miss you.
Cane: Okay, so, uh, what do you mean when you say that you and Tucker were, um, "Fond" of each other?
Genevieve: He was a fascinating man, even at that age, and now, our paths have crossed again, and, you know, we're enjoying getting reacquainted.
Cane: Well, acquaintances don't typically take care of your living expenses, Mom.
Genevieve: It's a gesture of friendship, for old times' sake.
Cane: Well, I'm not happy about you being indebted to a man like that.
Genevieve: And I'm not happy being indebted to anyone. In fact, that's what we were talking about.
Cane: Well, let me give you some money. You can pay him back, and it’s done.
Genevieve: Ethan, I'm going to deal with this my own way.
Lily: So you and Harmony were together when Ana called?
Neil: We just happened to run into each other, yeah. Yea-- r-really. (Chuckles)
Lily: (Laughs) Listen, if you're worried about Devon's reaction, I'm sure it'll weird him out for a little bit, but then he'll get over it.
Neil: No, it's not that. I'm not worried about that at all. It's... she's--she's not interested.
Lily: Really, Dad? Really?
Neil: Y-yeah, really. Yeah, it--she's-- there's a lot going on in her life right now. She's not ready for any kind of relationship, all right?
Lily: Okay, well, you have to do something, 'cause you can't keep following her around with the big puppy eyes.
Neil: I am not following her around with puppy eyes. I-I am foll--
Lily: Yes, you are.
Neil: (Clears throat) Yeah. (Chuckles) Thanks for letting me know. (Laughs)
Harmony: First thing you do when your dreams start happening for you is turn around and make 'em start coming true for other folks. Says so much about you.
Devon: I love recording with Ana. (Chuckles)
Harmony: Yeah, well, um, don't make her a star too soon, okay? I'd hate to s-- I'd hate for her to lose that innocence.
Devon: That's not gonna happen. You know I'll look out for her. So, uh... you and Neil.
Harmony: There's no "Me and Neil." Don't get the wrong idea.
Devon: Okay, well, anybody that spends more than a minute with you two can see that there's something there.
Harmony: Yeah, but it's under control, though. I mean, we--we are not acting on it.
Devon: Y-you're not acting 'cause of me?
Harmony: Not just you.
Devon: If you want to see if there's something there, I'm not gonna give you a hard time.
Harmony: You don't have a problem with it?
Devon: I'm saying that I'm not gonna be the one to stand in the way of you being happy.
Harmony: (Chuckles) That's my Boo.
Devon: (Chuckles)
Michael: You have to talk to your sister.
Avery: I know. She's having a rough time.
Michael: Well, it's gonna get a whole hell of a lot rougher.
Avery: Why?
Michael: You know that accident that I keep talking about, the hit-and-run years ago? Paul, Christine...
Avery: Right, right...
Michael: They're lucky to be alive, right.
Avery: And the case is still open, yeah.
Michael: Well, we can close it now.
Avery: Why?
Michael: Phyllis rented the car that was used in that hit-and-run. We have proof.
Nick: Yeah, I heard about the hit-and-run.
Phyllis: Mm-hmm.
Nick: What does that have to do with Michael coming to see you?
Phyllis: He--he... (Sighs) He thinks I was driving the car. (Scoffs) My best friend came over and accused me of attempted murder. I-I just--I-I don't-- I don't know what to say. I don't really know how to handle this. I don't--I don't--I don't--
Nick: Did you tell him he's wrong?
Phyllis: Of course I did, of course.
Nick: And is that the truth? Is this what you were trying to talk to me about yesterday?
Cane: (Clears throat)
Tucker: Where's your mom?
Cane: Went upstairs.
Tucker: Did she explain the situation to your satisfaction?
Cane: Well, she told me that you, uh, were old friends here in the states, before she went to Australia and met my dad, and that you were very "Fond" of each other.
Tucker: Well, that's an understatement. She's the only woman who ever broke my heart.
Cane: My mom is turning her life around, okay? And she's doing a pretty good job at it, so, you know, if you don't mind--
Tucker: Oh, you're afraid I'm gonna get in the way of that?
Cane: I'm worried you're gonna enjoy getting in the way of that.
Tucker: I don't want to hurt Genevieve.
Cane: Well, see that you don't.
Avery: What is this "Proof"?
Michael: Daisy and Ricky apparently had been looking into Phyllis' past.
Avery: Daisy and Ricky? Those are your sources-- a murderer and a convicted felon, both of whom had major grudges against--
Michael: Oh, for God sakes. Just listen--
Avery: Are you kidding me?
Michael: Listen to me! Somehow they got their hands on a credit card statement of Phyllis' from 1994. On that statement, Phyllis rented a car. The VIN number of that car on the statement matches the VIN number of the car used in the hit-and-run. Phyllis is coming up with all sorts of wild excuses, most of which contradict one another. You have got to make her--
Avery: You brought this garbage to Phyllis?
Michael: Look, she's not in any danger legally, there's a statute of limitations, but--
Avery: Okay, you do not speak to my client unless I'm present.
Michael: Avery! Just--
Phyllis: Th-th-this is where your mind goes automatically? Do you really see me like that?
Nick: Phyllis, I'm not accusing you of anything.
Phyllis: You--you-- yes, you are. You just asked if I did it. Really, you--you think that I would? You think I would do something like that?
Nick: You know it's not like that. Please, don't think--
Phyllis: Don't think what? Don't think what, that I can't count on you? Don't think that? Because I can't, because you just accused me of something, because-- so I--so I can't count on you, I can't count on my best friend, Michael, Daniel--Daniel has completely walked away from me. There's nobody. I have nobody. I have nobody. This is just like with my father when I told the truth. It--it's--with my father, I told the truth, and I was attacked for it. I was attacked for telling the truth, and I lost my entire family. It's like I'm losing all of my family.
Nick: Okay, look, listen. Listen to me. Listen.
Phyllis: No, I--no! I'm losing my family!
Nick: You're not!
Phyllis: I'm all alone!
Nick: Look at me! I'm right here. I'm right here, all right? I'm with you and I'm here and I will fight this with you, but you have got to trust me.
Phyllis: I'm telling you, I didn't do this, okay?
Nick: Okay.
Phyllis: I didn't do this. I didn't do it.
Nick: Okay, okay. Okay. Okay. I'm gonna take care of this, okay?
Phyllis: (Voice breaking) Okay.
Nick: Look at me. The first thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna get Michael to back the hell off, all right?
Phyllis: He's not gonna do it. His mind is made up.
Nick: I'll be back.
Paul: Thanks for handling the funeral arrangements.
Nina: Anything I can do to make this easier for you. Paul, you know Ricky gave you no other choice.
Paul: In that moment, I did what I had to do. In the lifetime leading up to that moment, I failed him.
Nina: No. I won't believe that. You made sure he had a good home and loving parents and everything that he needed.
Paul: Not everything, obviously.
Nina: Paul, his mind was diseased. You had no way of knowing--
Paul: I didn't know him. I didn't, Nina. What excuse is there? I gave him life. The responsibility is mine. If I'd been more involved in his life, even if he had the same problems...
Nina: Don't.
Paul: I would have seen them earlier. I would have gotten him help.
Nina: (Sighs)
Paul: (Voice breaking) He was my boy... And when he needed me, I wasn't there... not until it was too late.
Chris: There's news about Phyllis.
Devon: Hey, Guys, I gotta take this.
Neil: Hey, Devon, don't worry about it. We can leave. We can take off.
Devon: No, no, no, no, no, you don't have to leave. I'll just be a minute. Be right back.
Neil: You sure?
Devon: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Neil: All right.
Devon: Hello?
Neil: (Laughs) Well, you know, it's good that we got the chance to see Ana before she had to leave, right?
Harmony: Yeah, you know, this, uh, summer program she's doing-- you hear about that?
Neil: Yeah.
Harmony: Yeah, she's gonna learn a lot.
Neil: She goes to a great school.
Harmony: Yeah, maybe I'll get to visit her there someday.
Neil: I'm sure she would love that. Um, listen, I, uh, I have a meeting that I'm supposed to be at in 20 minutes. Um, just tell Devon that I--
Harmony: Hey, hey, wait a minute. Um, I-I want to say something. Look, I-I-I don't know how I'm gonna work this all out yet, but I don't want you leaving here thinking...
Neil: Thinking what?
Harmony: That I don't know what a good man you are. I mean, I know that I've been holding you off, but it's not 'cause I don't trust you. I mean, my God, look what you've done for my kids. You've turned both their lives around.
Neil: Yeah, Harmony, I-- you--I can't-- I can't take the credit for that.
Harmony: Where would they be without you, Neil? I don't even want to think. I don't want to think about my life without you. Um... do you think it would be a mistake, us getting together?
Neil: (Sighs) You shouldn't ask me that.
Harmony: Why not?
Neil: Because... I want it so much.
Harmony: You know, I don't know anymore if it's right or if it's wrong, but I will tell you one thing. If this does turn out to be a mistake, it'll be my favorite one.
Neil: Harmony, are you saying that...
Harmony: Neil, I'm asking if you want to go out to dinner with me sometime, hmm?
Neil: (Laughing) Hell, yeah! Of course.
Harmony: (Laughs)
Neil: Yes, I accept.
Lily: So your mother just never thought to mention that Tucker McCall is her ex-boyfriend?
Cane: Yep, and I don't think she's being particularly straight with me about what's going on now between them, either.
(Doorbell rings)
Cane: Wait, wait. Hold it. Don't. Here, let me see.
Lily: Swiss francs?
Genevieve: (Chuckles) I thought you'd gone.
Tucker: Uh, no, um... I ended up having a little talk with your son.
Genevieve: Mm, it's gonna take some getting used to, having a chaperone.
Tucker: Well, he's looking out for you. That's a good thing, isn't it?
Genevieve: Mm. And, you know, you can't blame him, really, for being sort of confused about your motives. To tell you the truth, I am, too.
Tucker: You're worried I'm gonna try to take advantage of the situation?
Genevieve: "Worried" is not the word that I would use, no.
Tucker: Hopeful?
Genevieve: That's just not your style, you know? Not unless you've changed an awful lot since we knew each other, and I don't think you have.
Tucker: Yeah, not where you're concerned, anyway.
Genevieve: Tucker... (Sighs) Is that why you're helping me? You know, 'cause part of you still cares?
Tucker: I'm gonna have to take the fifth on that. Enjoy the rest of your day.
Avery: We need to talk.
Nick: You want to tell me why you're harassing my wife?
Nina: I thought we said we'd leave the talk of Phyllis for another time.
Chris: Yeah, I know. Things are just gonna move really quickly, and I just don't want you to think I'm doing anything behind your back.
Paul: Doing what?
Chris: In December of '94, I was working for the federal unit of legal aid on a rape case. I was on federal payroll.
Nina: So what does that mean?
Paul: Phyllis ran down a federal agent.
Chris: And there is no statute of limitations on attempted murder of a federal agent. (Sighs) Phyllis is going to prison.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Nick: Daniel is innocent, and now you're gonna go after Phyllis for something? What is with you and this job?
Phyllis: You can't fix this.
Avery: Is there truth to what Michael is saying?
Victor: You came here because you're jealous of who's living with me. We both know it.
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