Y&R Transcript Wednesday 7/11/12

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 7/11/12


Episode # 9946 ~ Abby Tries to Help Carmine; Christine Talks to Phyllis About the Hit-and-Run

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Billy: You know what? I thought Delia was gonna be like, "Daddy who?" Because I've been gone so long.

Victoria: Mm-hmm.

Billy: Thanks.

Victoria: And after she sprinted to you and leapt into your arms?

Billy: Yeah, it was all good. My homecoming with her, my bed-warming with you...

Victoria: Mm.

Billy: Mm-hmm.

Victoria: Now...

Billy: Now back to work.

Victoria: Back to work?

Billy: Back to work.

Victoria: Oh.

Billy: Yeah, I know. Oh.

Nick: Hey.

Victoria: Hey.

Nick: How was L.A., man? Welcome back.

Billy: Thanks. It was good. You know, I pressed the flesh, did some lunch, they showed me the money, as they say. How's it with you?

Nick: I'm cool. Just wanted to go over the ad buys for Newman’s new cosmetics line.

Billy: Absolutely, but can I take care of a few things first?

Nick: Yeah, cool.

Billy: Uh, things are just more crazy than usual because-- where is your wife?

Nick: Have you called her?

Billy: Oh, I've called her many times. She just hasn't picked up.

Nick: That's weird. I thought she'd be here. I called her, too.

Victoria: It's not like Phyllis to be out of touch.

Nick: Well, Michael wanted to talk to her about something. I guess that took a while.

Heather: Do you really think Phyllis could be behind the hit-and-run all those years ago?

Michael: That's an excellent question.

Nina: And if she was, why is her name just coming up now

Paul: Because the rental car company's records were hacked into. They were changed so the driver couldn't be traced, or so she thought.

Nina: (Scoffs)

Michael: Did someone from my office inform you about Phyllis's credit card statement?

Paul: Chris did, after she and Heather found the original in Ricky's personal effects.

Heather: Well, now I understand why Chris is so upset. She obviously thinks that Phyllis is guilty.

Michael: I probably don't have to ask this, but where's Christine now?

Paul: Exactly where you think she is.

Chris: I'm not leaving here until you admit it.

Phyllis: Well, Christine, I didn't know you were back in town. Come on in. (Chuckles)

Chris: This is a joke to you?

Phyllis: What? What's that? Credit card statement.

Chris: I found it in a file Ricky had on you.

Phyllis: Oh, really? Ricky had a file on me? Well, that's not a shock. I fired him from "Restless Style." I'm sure that he and Daisy were teaming up to find inflammatory information on me.

Chris: Oh, they--they did.

Phyllis: But that's mine? Credit card statement that I overspent at Fenmore’s? I mean--

Chris: A rental car charge.

Phyllis: Oh, I'm so bad for renting a car.

Chris: On the day that Paul and I were supposed to get married. Instead, we ended up in the hospital.

Phyllis: Yeah, because somebody hit... oh, my God. You're not insinuating that--

Chris: You know, no one thought of you back then because nothing connected you to the crime. It was just safe to assume that I was someone Paul or I had crossed in our work.

Phyllis: Yeah, yeah, someone with a motive.

Chris: You had a motive.

Phyllis: Excuse me, I had a motive to stop you from marrying Paul? That would have kept you away from Danny. Hell, I would have walked you down the aisle myself.

Chris: And I don't doubt that, unless you saw Danny kiss me and tell me that he'd always love me.

Phyllis: Danny kissed you?

Chris: Yeah, and you felt threatened, and you would have done anything to get me out of the way.

Chloe: Hey, Daniel.

Daniel: Hey.

Chloe: You've been hanging with, uh, Kevin?

Daniel: Uh, a little bit. Why, what's up?

Chloe: Oh, nothing, just some interesting developments I want to discuss with my hubby. Is he in the back?

Daniel: No, he, uh, took off a few minutes ago. Mrs. C. called. Her internet was fried, so he shot over there.

Chloe: Oh, okay. Well, then I guess I'll just wait to dazzle him with my wifey brilliance.

Daniel: (Scoffs)

Chloe: So, uh, hey, how is everything going with the whole Daisy thing?

Daniel: I'm off the hook. They finally believe that I didn't kill my wife.

Chloe: Of course you didn’t. It's about time they realize that.

Daniel: Yeah. Well, the downside is, they found evidence tying Ricky to Daisy.

Chloe: They think that Ricky killed her?

Daniel: I'm not 100% sure, but it doesn't look good.

Chloe: That's sad. I mean, I-I know that you've had your issues with Daisy, but she is Lucy’s mom, and if she's dead, I mean--

Daniel: Yeah. Yeah, I'm just surprised you get that. I mean, it seems like everyone, including my mom, doesn't really understand what I'm going through or how difficult this is.

Chloe: Well, I think that Phyllis just can't help but being relieved that Daisy's out of your life.

Daniel: Yeah. I'm sure it goes deeper than that. Anyway, since this is all extremely depressing...

Chloe: (Laughs) Well, we could uh, talk about me being almost kidnapped. (Laughs)

Daniel: (Laughs) Another happy topic.

Chloe: Actually, it was terrifying, and no one really seems to appreciate that, because Abby has turned it into this entire media circus, and all she got was a slap on the wrist.

Daniel: Hey, what's up with the kidnapper?

Chloe: (Sighs) At least that ass is looking at jail time.

Carmine: Thanks for getting me bailed out, Abby.

Abby: That was cake, now that Rafe is replacing your public defender.

Carmine: Rafe, I just want to say thank you for changing your mind and helping me out.

Rafe: Well, you can thank Abby for that. She wouldn't let up.

Abby: Now we just need to plead you down to a fine and community service.

Carmine: Like you.

Abby: Exactly.

Carmine: Mm-hmm.

Abby: So when are you gonna make that happen?

Chloe: I'm gonna testify against Carmine, make him pay.

Daniel: Good, good for you.

Chloe: I mean, Abby-- Abby was so stupid and reckless, running off with that guy. You know, just playing the damsel in distress to revive her faded celebutante status. Who does that?

Daniel: (Chuckles) Yeah. She really got in over her head with this one.

Chloe: What's with the understatement?

Daniel: Come on. The land of bad behavior-- you and I both have time share there. I'm just sayin'.

Rafe: Abby, it's not that simple, what you're asking for.

Abby: But if I got a deal, so can Carmine.

Rafe: Carmine put Chloe in the trunk of his car. That's attempted kidnapping, and Chloe is the district attorney's sister-in-law.

Carmine: It's the dumbest move I've ever made. Look, I swear, though, I was never gonna hurt her.

Rafe: Look, Abby’s made an official statement backing up your claims. That's gonna add some merit to what you’re saying, but--

Abby: Carmine is not some evil crime lord. He is a good guy who messed up majorly just this once. Please, please do whatever you can.

Rafe: I’ll put in a call to Michael's office, but don't expect anything soon.

Abby: Why? What could possibly hold it up?

Rafe: Our new district attorney is dealing with a lot. A deal with Carmine is probably the last thing Michael's gonna want to talk about right now.

Michael: Maybe Christine will get different answers from Phyllis than I did.

Paul: You questioned Phyllis?

Heather: Well, what did she say?

Nina: I assume she denied everything.

Michael: There was nothing to deny, since I didn't ask her about the hit-and-run.

Nina: Why not?

Michael: Never even occurred to me. The car rental was not circled on my copy of the credit card statement.

Paul: So what-- what did you ask Phyllis?

Michael: If she had any idea why Daisy had her credit card statement in the first place.

Ronan: Listen, Guys, Phyllis' possible involvement in this vehicular assault-- it's all speculation at this point.

Heather: Yeah, all we have is circumstantial evidence.

Paul: Something is missing here. Phyllis definitely rented a car the day Christine and I were hit, but what's the motive? There doesn't seem to be one.

Phyllis: Wow, I didn't know anything about a kiss.

Chris: Ohh. So it's just fate that hours after your husband kissed me a speeding car was aimed at me.

Phyllis: Christine, if I tried to run over every woman who's tried to kiss one of my husbands--

Chris: You knew Danny didn't love you, and you couldn't stand our connection, because you couldn't control it and you couldn't end it.

Phyllis: Excuse me. I think you're living in the past. I've moved on. I'm married to Nick now, okay? Unlike you, who's still living in the past, hooking up with Danny and then running to Paul's side.

Chris: Wow, you're really angry, huh?

Phyllis: I'm so sorry that I stole Danny from you, I really am, but honestly, I have to say this-- it's completely pathetic. Pathetic that you're still thinking of yesterday and how I kissed Danny and took Danny away from you, and accusing me of trying to murder you and Paul because of some little piece of paper. It's--

Chris: (Laughs) Yeah, a little piece of paper and your insane jealousy and your lies about your son's paternity and your obsession with Danny.

Phyllis: Okay, that's over.

Chris: You went to crazy lengths to keep Danny, but I never thought you were capable of murder.

Phyllis: I'm not.

Chris: And every time I have seen you since then, I have been looking into the face of a woman who tried to kill me and almost did. (Laughs) You better be prepared to say good-bye to life as you know it, because it's over.

Victoria: Oh.

Nick: What's caught your eye?

Victoria: Well, these ads. I mean, they're gorgeous, but I think they could be a little bit better.

Nick: How so?

Victoria: Well, remember our first Beauty of Nature campaign? Um, the emphasis was on air, water, and earth. That was alluring.

Nick: You know, its times like this that I really miss you at Newman.

Victoria: Mm-hmm, and what am I missing? Working with Dad and Sharon. Sounds like fun.

Nick: Hey, I'm dealing with it. You could, too.

Billy: Mnh-mnh. 'Cause if my wife's not happy, ain't nobody happy

Nick: (Sighs) Well, that's true. Look, at Newman, she would be highly valued...

Victoria: (Chuckles)

Nick: Especially since you're not working at Beauty of Nature with Jack and Abby.

Victoria: Well, you know, for now, I am perfectly happy keeping my distance from Newman and our darling little sister.

Carmine: (Sighs)

Abby: Something's bothering you?

Carmine: Yeah, I'm freaked out. Being in jail was messed up, and I might go back there.

Abby: Rafe is a great lawyer, and I am gonna keep doing everything I can to make sure that you're okay.

Carmine: Yeah, you keep saying that.

Abby: Well, what? You don't believe me?

Carmine: No, I just don't get you, Abby. The second we get back into town, you tell your mother that I'm your boyfriend.

Abby: Well--

Carmine: Lying like that is not gonna help me.

Ronan: You looked pretty shocked before, when the date on that credit card statement started ringing bells.

Michael: You think?

Ronan: Michael, you know Phyllis. When I asked you before if you thought that--

Michael: What, there's reason to worry about my best friend? Yeah, I hope there's not. But there's only one way to make sure.

Ronan: I'll get the old case file.

Paul: God, I never expected this hit-and-run to come up again...

Nina: Why would you?

Paul: Or for Ricky and Daisy to bring it to the surface because they were just trying to get dirt on Phyllis.

Nina: Heather?

Heather: Hmm?

Nina: Could you leave us alone for a second?

(Mouthing words)

Nina: Is there anything I can do for you?

Paul: You already are. You're--you're helping me make funeral arrangements for Ricky.

Nina: Yeah, but what else?

Paul: That's it. (Sighs) I just want to get out of this place so... I can say a proper good-bye to my son.

Phyllis: I'm not gonna be attacked like this in my own house. Get out of here, or I'm calling the cops.

Chris: You're still trying to cover your tracks.

Phyllis: Oh, my God. Get out of here.

Chris: Big mistake. I will find a way to expose you. I'm going to.

Phyllis: You can't expose what never happened, Christine. Please. I'm warning you.

Daniel: What's going on here?

Chris: I was just leaving.

Phyllis: (Sighs)

Daniel: What was that all about?

Phyllis: She was just going off, you know, lying, like she usually does. I don't like how we left things.

Daniel: I don't, either.

Phyllis: Well, let's talk about it.

Daniel: Sure. Right after you tell me what that was all about.

Phyllis: Nothing! Nothing! (Sighs)

Daniel: Okay. I'll just go ask Christine.

Phyllis: Okay, no, no, no, you're not. No, you're not doing that. Michael... oh, God. Michael found a copy of the credit card statement from 1994 in Daisy's wallet. Christine found the original in Ricky's things.

Daniel: So Michael confronted you about this, and you lied to both of them?

Phyllis: Yes. What else can I do?

Abby: I said that you were my boyfriend partly because my mom was in a lip-lock with her ex, that obnoxious, cheating, lying dirt bag.

Carmine: And the second reason?

Abby: Right, uh, um... I wanted to prove to everyone that you're not dangerous.

Carmine: (Chuckles)

Abby: Everyone knows I would not have a boyfriend who would harm a hair on my head or anyone else’s.

Carmine: For reals?

Abby: The realest, and I have a question for you.

Carmine: Mm. Hmm?

Abby: What, you would just hate being my boyfriend?

Carmine: (Chuckles) No. No, I wouldn’t.

Abby: Good. Well, now that that's settled, we have gotta get you out of this mess. (Giggles)

Carmine: (Chuckles) (Sighs)

Nick: I like this one.

Chloe: Hi, Guys.

Victoria: Hi. How's it going?

Nick: Hey.

Chloe: So I heard you and Delia had a good time together.

Billy: Yes, we did, and I should have told you as soon as I got to work, except for... (Gasps) Oh, no! You weren't here.

Chloe: Oh, really, Mr. "I don't show up till noon" Boss Man?

Billy: (Clicks lips) Yes. So furthermore, long lunches are a thing of the past, now that "Restless Style" TV show is about to take of.

Chloe: Oh, it's happening?

Billy: Yes, we sealed the deal.

Nick: Congratulations.

Victoria: Ah, not so fast. That's kind of bad news for you.

Billy: Yeah. While I'm looking over television production, Phyllis will be in charge of all responsibilities adhering to internet and print.

Nick: Well, at least she'll be able to focus on it, now that Daniel's no longer a prime suspect in Daisy's disappearance.

Victoria: Good. It's about time they cleared him.

Billy: Good news all around.

Victoria: Yeah.

Nick: Phyllis will be thrilled to be able to throw herself back into her work.

Daniel: So people know, and you still won't come clean?

Phyllis: There's no proof. There's no proof. There's nothing connecting me directly to the vehicle that hit Paul and Christine.

Daniel: Does that make it all all right?

Phyllis: Oh, my God. What do you want me to do? What do you want me to do? What, you want me to lose everything? Is that what you want me to do? Do you want me to go-- t-to go to prison? You want me to lose my husband, my job, my family, my entire life?

Daniel: What do you think is gonna happen if you don't deal with this now? Christine and these people, they're not gonna stop.

Chris: Phyllis acted shocked and appalled that I could even make this accusation.

Heather: Oh, Michael pulled the file.

Chris: Okay, good. I'll review it with this new information in mind.

Michael: I'm gonna need a firsthand account from you about everything that happened that day when I'm done.

Chris: In a little while.

Michael: Christine, we have to do this. If you hadn't have rushed out before--

Chris: And I'm sorry about that. I promise I will fill you in on everything. I have to talk to Paul first.

Nina: Thanks. Oh, hey. So I assume Phyllis dug in, played the outraged innocent.

Chris: Oh, God. I could have saved myself a trip. How's Paul holding up?

Nina: Well, he wants to go to his son's funeral.

Chris: And about Phyllis?

Nina: He's wondering what her motive might have been, and I think I know. No, I didn't say anything, but... you need to.

Chris: That's why I'm here.

Paul: Hey there.

Chris: Hey.

Paul: What'd you learn from Phyllis?

Chris: Nothing, but, um, my every instinct is screaming she's guilty.

Paul: Yeah, that's the way it looks, doesn't it? But I-I just can't think of any reason that would explain why Phyllis would want to run us down.

Chris: (Sighs) You don't know about this because I never told you.

Paul: What is it, Chris?

Chris: The day that you and I were gonna get married, Danny and I kissed... and I think that's why Phyllis came after me.

Victoria: Thanks for showing me your ads.

Nick: Let me know if you need a job, please.

Victoria: (Laughs) Well...

Billy: Good-bye, Nick. And since you are leaving...

Nick: Yeah, I'll, uh, check in with, uh, Phyllis, make sure everything's okay.

Billy: That's a good man.

Chloe: Bye, Nick.

Nick: Bye.

Chloe: Is this what you wanted?

Billy: Uh, I don't know. Yes, thank you.

Abby: Nick, hey, I didn't know I would see you.

Nick: Abby.

Billy: Oh.

Abby: Aloha. I missed you guys.

Billy: (Clears throat) If you've come looking for an interview, you can forget about it.

Abby: Actually, I--

Billy: Because this is one media outlet that will not indulge your fantasy lifestyle.

Abby: That's not why I came by.

Billy: And it's not that I can't appreciate a good practical joke, because I can, but, Abby, this one went way too far. You had a lot of people very, very worried about you, which isn't cool, since there are actual important and scary things happening to people.

Abby: Reprimand noted, but that is not why I came by. I, uh... Chloe, I was hoping you would hear me out.

Ronan: What can I do for you?

Nina: I'd like you to help get Paul released.

Ronan: So Christine asked. Now it's your t--

Nina: Yeah, Christine asked and Paul asked, and now I'm asking.

Ronan: A-and what, because you're my mother, I'm supposed to give him per--I'm still investigating Paul.

Nina: You haven't charged him with anything.

Ronan: I could. Would that be better?

Nina: What more do you want to hear from him? He fired the shot that led to his son's death. He's in hell right now.

Ronan: And what, getting out of here is gonna make any of that different? It's gonna make it better?

Nina: Losing a child, no, it won’t. But if Paul can be at Ricky's funeral, it would give him some measure of comfort. Ronan, please.

Ronan: There's nothing I can do. It's Michael's call. You'd have to ask him.

Heather: Hey, can I get that file when you're done?

Michael: No.

Heather: But the hit-and-run is an open case now.

Michael: Which involves one of your family members, but you're not working here on behalf of your father.

Heather: Yeah, I understand that.

Michael: So you will apply yourself to some of the other crimes that we are litigating, especially because I am tied up here.

Heather: Come on, Michael.

Michael: Go to your office. Focus on your job. Leave Paul to me.

Chris: I let Danny kiss me.

Paul: Phyllis was there?

Chris: Not that I realized then, but she must have been, and she must have seen us. (Sighs) That kiss set off a chain of events. You were almost killed by jumping in to save me. I--

Paul: I-I'm still here, Chris.

Chris: But if you hadn’t...I want you to know that I did want to marry you, and I was so happy, and that kiss-- for me, it was-- it was a good-bye to Danny.

Paul: It's okay. What you and--and Danny had... have, I came to terms with years ago.

Chris: I know, but I still--

Paul: Look, and if Phyllis drove that car into us, the blame is all hers, not yours.

Chris: I'm just sorry.

Paul: You know, I really don't want to talk about something that happened almost two decades ago. I'm just trying to get through today and come to terms with what I did to my own son.

Phyllis: Hey. I'm willing to take a chance with this. Listen to me. I'm willing to take a chance that Paul and Christine and Michael don't find enough evidence to come after me.

Daniel: (Sighs) Okay. Okay, no, if that's the way you want to play it, that's--that's great.

Phyllis: Have I disappointed you?

Daniel: I hate this. I hate that I had to ever find out about this. I hate that I know about this.

Phyllis: Would you-- would you have preferred that I lie to you, too?

Daniel: What I prefer is that you never try to run anybody down with a car.

Phyllis: Shh, Daniel. Shh, Daniel. Shh.

Daniel: No, no. Okay, you know what? I'm not gonna say anything. I'm not gonna say anything. I'm just gonna sit back, let this all transpire. I'm just gonna watch everything happen. But I think, in the meantime, while this is going on, that you shouldn't have any contact with Lucy.

Phyllis: Okay, I knew you were gonna say that, Daniel, okay? Come on.

Daniel: No, no, no, no, and--and--and--and don't expect me to come around.

Phyllis: It has nothing to do with that. Daniel. Daniel!

Daniel: No, no.

Chloe: Oh, will you please stop following me? I don't want to listen to anything that you have to say.

Abby: I owe you an apology.

Chloe: Listening.

Abby: I'm sorry that I let you worry about me.

Chloe: (Scoffs)

Abby: I freaked out, okay? I freaked out. The gala was a disaster. The tables, the chairs, nothing had showed up yet--

Chloe: Okay, wait, so you decided to divert attention by coming up with some bogus kidnapping story?

Abby: It's ingenious, right?

Chloe: Except it didn't work. Half of the donors have already asked for refunds. I mean, people call every single day.

Billy: Congrats, Einstein.

Abby: Oh, my God, I wore those overalls for no reason? Look, I-I feel awful, Chloe, okay? I feel awful about everything.

Billy: Well, I guess you seem sincere.

Victoria: Wow. You better be.

Abby: I am! I am, I-I truly, gladly, deeply am. Please forgive me.

Chloe: I'm not there yet, but I guess I appreciate the gesture.

Abby: Thank you. Thank you. And look, while you're in this--this super open-minded state of mind, I-I want to propose one-- one other thing. Do you think that you could possibly maybe reconsider your stance where Carmine is concerned?

Billy: (Chuckles)

Chloe: (Chuckles)

Daniel: You in line?

Heather: Hmm? Oh, no, just waiting for my order.

Daniel: Hey, man, can I, uh, get a large coffee to go when you get a chance?

Heather: You want to join me?

Daniel: Sure you got the time?

Heather: I got booted from the police station. I was too close to my dad's cases.

Daniel: Cases, plural? What else you working on besides Ricky's death?

Chris: I know it was rude of me, but Paul deserved to hear it before anybody else.

Ronan: So you're assuming that Phyllis tried to kill you because of a kiss?

Chris: You didn't know her back then. She was extreme on a good day.

Ronan: Come on. Extreme enough to kill someone?

Chris: Well, I didn't think so then. I do now. Michael, back me up. Don't you think it's feasible?

Michael: It looks like Christine is right.

Ronan: What do you mean? Why, what did you find?

Michael: (Sighs) The vehicle identification number from the rental car in the original police report matches the rental agency's vin on the credit card statement. It is proof that links Phyllis directly to the car.

Phyllis: Hey.

Nick: Hi.

Phyllis: Hi.

Nick: I was worried 'cause I didn't hear from you.

Phyllis: It's just been a day.

Nick: 'Cause of your talk with Michael? Is there news about Daisy?

Phyllis: No, no, nothing like that.

Nick: Then what is it?

Phyllis: Uh, I just-- I had a fight with Daniel. Things are worse between us.

Nick: Sorry.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Nick: Want to talk about it?

Phyllis: No, later. (Sighs) Later, later.

Nick: Okay. I need you to tell me what we were talking about earlier. It's been on my mind ever since we got interrupted.

Phyllis: Oh, please, no. I'm--I'm so wiped out. Please. I'm so wiped out.

Nick: No, no, no, no, no, no. There's something going on with you. It's making you insecure about us, and I want you to tell me what it is.

Phyllis: No, I'm fine. I'm fine. It's nothing. I'm fine.

Chloe: Are you serious?

Billy: Whoa. I kind of think she is.

Victoria: How can you even ask Chloe to give Carmine a break after what he put her through?

Abby: He wasn't trying to hurt Chloe.

Victoria: Oh, okay. Well, then I guess he probably shouldn't have shoved her into his trunk.

Abby: He was trying to scare her a little bit, okay? That's all.

Victoria: That's all... (Laughs) That's all.

Abby: No, it was a bad prank gone horribly wrong, okay? And I-I agree, he should be punished. He should, but--but jail? Jail would be way overkill, okay? He's a good guy.

Billy: Yeah, just with malicious thug tendencies...

Victoria: (Sighs)

Billy: That's all.

Abby: (Stammering) That doesn't help, okay? Chloe, if you would just talk to Carmine and get to know him a little bit, you would see he's-- he's a sweetheart, okay? And he would do anything to make this up to you, and s--and so will I.

Chloe: Exchange for what, me going to Michael and telling him that I wont testify against Carmine?

Abby: (Stammering) That would be fantastic.

Chloe: Are you certifiably insane? You expect me to actually back off of the guy who tried to kidnap me?!

Victoria: She does have a point. (Chuckles)

Billy: She has several, actually.

Abby: I am telling you, I spent several days alone with this guy. He is like-- he's like a harmless little puppy dog.

Chloe: Except he threatened to take me away from my daughter and my husband. No, that's not harmless at all.

Abby: If you could just--

Chloe: Forget it, Abby. You can go back to your boyfriend and tell him he's not gonna get a damn bit of help from me.

Nina: I just spoke with Michael...

Paul: I know you're trying to help.

Nina: And he has given me permission to give you the good news. He is not going to charge you at this time and he's agreed to release you.

Paul: I can go to Ricky's funeral?

Nina: You're gonna be there to say good-bye to your son.

Daniel: So Paul's office is keeping you busy, huh?

Heather: I'm actually not allowed to discuss it. So what about--what about you? What's going on in your life?

Daniel: Trust me, you don't want to know. Look, I should really be going.

Heather: Mm-hmm.

Daniel: Thank you.

Heather: Yeah.

Phyllis: It's just what I told you before. You know, having Ricky and Daisy mess with me-- that's--that's one thing, but then... if my son tells me I'm a horrible person... (Sighs) It makes me wonder about myself.

Nick: You didn't hurt anyone.

Phyllis: I'm looking at myself through my son's perspective. I don't like what I see.

Nick: Well, all I see is the woman that I love.

Phyllis: I really need you.

Nick: You got me.

Chris: (Sighs)

Ronan: Phyllis really did it.

Chris: Oh, my God. Finally... we have the truth.

Michael: Well, it must be very satisfying for you, but you're not thinking like an attorney.

Chris: The statute of limitations. Oh, God, it's too late.

Michael: The statute of limitations. You cannot prosecute Phyllis.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"

Genevieve: I would rather be a valued employee than a charity case. Hire me.

Avery: I hope that it's not too late to repair what I have with Phyllis.

Michael: I know about the hit-and-run. It was you.

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