Y&R Transcript Tuesday 7/10/12

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 7/10/12


Episode # 9945 ~ Ashley Makes a Decision About Her Marriage; Phyllis Feels the Walls Closing In

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

(Door opens)

Nina: Thanks. Hey.

Paul: Hi.

Nina: Look what I've got-- real coffee. That swill in the machine was from last year.

Paul: Thank you.

Nina: (Sighs)

Paul: Feels like I've been here that long.

Nina: Oh, well, Cricket’s doing everything she can to get you out of here without being charged.

Paul: In time for Ricky's funeral?

Nina: Yes, that is what we're all hoping. I mean, she's having to fight Ronan every step of the way, but...

Paul: Well, I'm sure he is just trying to make sure that, uh, this investigation is above reproach, no matter how it goes.

Nina: You are the most fair-minded person I've ever known. But seriously, I'm starting to think that he's acting out for personal reasons, being harder on you than he needs to be.

Paul: Personal reasons?

Nina: Yeah, I think he's treating you this way because of me, because of our relationship.

Paul: (Sighs)

Michael: What is Daisy doing with a credit car statement of Phyllis' from 1994?

Ronan: I don't know.

Michael: I mean it-- it's in her wallet, no less.

Ronan: Yeah, nothing Phyllis charged on here is really jumping at me.

Michael: But how would Daisy even get this? I mean, what was she planning to do with it?

Ronan: I don't know. But I don't think it means anything good for Phyllis.

Michael: (Sighs)

Heather: Wait a minute. So Phyllis rented a car years ago. What does that have to do with Ricky? Why would he even have it? And how could you possibly know what it means?

[Chris remembering]

Morgan: The rental agency pulled up the records on the computer, but nothing checked out. The name, driver's license, credit card numbers, nothing.

Chris: So you have the car, but you don't have the driver?

Morgan: (Sighs) I'm afraid so.

Chris: How is that possible?

Morgan: There are really only two possibilities-- the driver gave phony information...

Chris: The driver's license and credit card.

Morgan: Or someone got in the computer and doctored the records to keep us from nailin' 'em.

Heather: Christine, hey. Talk to me if there's some way that this statement can help my dad, then you need to let me know.

Chris: (Sighs) Not with his current problems, but... but it might shed some light on the past.

Nick: Phyllis, talk to me.

Phyllis: Just give me sec.

Nick: Look, whatever this is, you're not gonna lose me.

Phyllis: Yeah, I don't know. You say that-- you're saying that now...

Nick: It's that bad? What has got you so terrified?

Phyllis: (Sighs) Oh, God. I'm so stupid. I'm so stupid. Oh, insecurities. In--oh, there's so many insecurities (Sighs) It's nothing, uh, just-- I'm just letting my insecurities run away with me.

Nick: Nice try. I'm not lettin' this go. You're freakin' out, and I want to know why.

Neil: Well, well. Good morning, pretty lady.

Harmony: Neil, hey.

Neil: Hey. I'm really glad to see you. You've been on my mind a lot lately.

Harmony: I have?

Neil: Yes, you have. Why don't we, uh, grab a chair together? Let me buy you a cup of coffee.

Harmony: I'm--I'm sorry. I-I really can't. (Sighs) But, uh, you have a good one. Okay?

Neil: Yeah, you, too.

Harmony: Hi, Sarge. You don't mind if I join you, do you?

Sarge: Well, I'm assuming that's a rhetorical question. So from whom do I have the pleasure of saving you this time?

Neil: Excuse me. Can I get a tall coffee, black?

Tucker: Ashley?

Ashley: Hi.

Tucker: Hi. So how you doin'? (Sighs) You feeling better now that Abby's home safe and sound?

Ashley: Am I happy she's okay? Of course. But all the, uh, I don't know, the worry and stress that she caused with that idiotic hoax-- it was just a waste of time for everybody including you, and I'm so sorry for that.

Tucker: Well, I'm not. At least it gave us a chance to focus something other than our own problems for a change. And, um, if you're free later tonight, maybe we could continue not focusing on 'em over dinner.

Paul: I don't want you taking sides on this. Ronan has been tough, yeah, but he's been very professional, and it's his job to ask the hard questions.

Nina: But he could at least acknowledge your working relationship. You know, treat you with some respect. Instead, he's treating you like a criminal.

Paul: Okay, Michael and Ronan can't afford the appearance of leniency at all, not with the scrutiny this case is under. Are they going to extremes by keeping me the entire 48 hours? Maybe. And Lord knows, I hope I am out before then. But I understand where they're coming from, and I don't resent them for doing theirs.

Nina: Well, I think you're just being generous, unlike my son, who is as cold as ever. He barely listened to my side of the story.

Paul: You know, Nina, we both missed out on our sons' childhoods, and I just want you to give Ronan every chance you can while you can. And don't take whatever time you have together for granted.

Heather: "Shed some light on the past." That sounds intriguing.

Chris: Yeah, I-I won't know until I have a chance to check this out.

Heather: Can I see that statement again?

Chris: You know what, Heather? I'm just not comfortable discussing it until I see Paul. Uh, look, if I'm right, it will affect him, as much as it will me.

Heather: A rental car charge from almost 18 years ago with a deep, hidden meaning. Now I'm even more intrigued.

Chris: You know, I-- I gotta go.

Heather: Well, I was just about to visit Paul, so we can go together.

Chris: Okay, that's fine, but I just need to see him first, okay? After that, I'm sure he'll love to see you. I don't mean to be so guarded about this, but you've gotta trust me.

Phyllis: (Sighs) What?

Nick: I know how you get when you're feeling cornered, and that's exactly how you're acting right now. So I want you to tell me what it is you're afraid of.

Phyllis: Oh, Nick.

(Cell phone rings)

Phyllis: Mm, hello?

Michael: Yes, this is Michael.

Phyllis: Hey, Michael. What's up?

Michael: Uh, I'm down at the precinct. I need to see you whenever you have time, but it's no rush if you're busy now.

Phyllis: Oh, no, it's fine. If it's urgent, I'll be right there. Absolutely.

Michael: No, wait. That's not what I--  

(Phone hangs up)

Phyllis: Um, Michael-- Michael needs me down t the station to answer some questions about Daisy. It's--it's urgent, okay?

Nick: Okay, well, we're gonna finish this later, right?

Phyllis: Oh, yeah, definitely. We're definitely gonna do that.

Ashley: I'm so grateful to you for that. You even brought in your own resources to help in the search. I don't think a lot of men in your position would have done that.

Tucker: I hated to see you so worried, and I'd do it again in a heartbeat, and more.

Ashley: Well, fortunately I don't think that's gonna be necessary.

Tucker: It doesn't need to be necessary. (Clears throat) I'm sorry. I thought, uh, I don't know, that kiss the other night-- with all the things you've been saying that it might be open--

Ashley: I guess maybe you just kind of, um... (Sighs) You misunderstood.

Sarge: If you're going to use me as a human shield, can't I at least know what's going on?

Harmony: "N-o-t-h-I-n-g." Does that spell it out enough for you?

Sarge: Well, I don't understand. You're free. Uh, Neil's soon to be free. What's holding you back?

Harmony: (Sighs)

Sarge: I though you were interested in the guy.

Harmony: It doesn't matter if I am or not, because I am swearing off romance.

Sarge: Why, for God sake?

Harmony: Because things are good finally, and I don't want to mess with it.

Sarge: Well, Sweet Stuff, I guess it's just one of those immutable laws of nature. The things we expend the most energy trying to avoid we usually wind up attracting.

Harmony: I'm not avoiding Neil. I'm avoiding all entanglements, because they just get me in trouble, and I am tired of trouble, and you would be, too, if you were me.

Sarge: Okay-huh.

Harmony: (Sighs)

Neil: Hey.

Nick: What you doin' out here? Is it seniors' day?

Neil: Must be seniors' day. You're here. (Chuckles)

Nick: (Chuckles)

Neil: I hear, uh, congratulations are in order, huh? An old married man yet again.

Nick: (Chuckles) Nice shot. Bank's open. Yeah. Hey, I'm real sorry to hear about you and Sofia. Sorry it didn't work out

Neil: It's a shame. It really is. Thanks, though.

Nick: Yeah. All right, let's go. Make you take it to, uh, 30?

Neil: Oh, a little one-on-one?

Nick: Yeah, let's do it.

Neil: Okay, hold on.

Nick: Uh-oh. Uh-oh.

Neil: When in Rome... okay, I'll tell you what-- you take the ball out.

Nick: Done. Okay. Oh, no.

Neil: (Laughs)

Ronan: Chris, I was just sending you a text. I've got something interesting you need to see here.

Chris: It's gonna have to wait. I have to talk to my client.

Ronan: Okay.

Heather: (Sighs)

Ronan: What was that about?

Heather: Wish I knew. Something about Phyllis and a credit card statement from ages ago.

Ronan: Like this one right here?

Heather: Oh, my God. Where did you get this?

Ronan: We found that tucked inside of Daisy's wallet. Have you seen this before?

Heather: Yeah. One of the uniforms brought over the box of Ricky's personal effects, and inside of it, he had an entire file on Phyllis, like he was putting together a dossier or something.

Ronan: Why would he be doing that?

Heather: I have no idea, but inside that file, there was this exact same credit card statement, which pretty much proves that Ricky and Daisy were up to something.

Ronan: Do you have it?

Heather: Chris does.

Ronan: Can you get me a copy of it?

Heather: I'll try, but think about it, Ronan. Why else would Ricky and Daisy both have the exact same document of Phyllis' from eons ago? Plus, it proves even more that Paul wasn't lying about Ricky's confession.

Ronan: Potentially, yes. But until we pinpoint the significance of this statement, at face value, it's--it's useless.

Heather: (Scoffs)

Ronan: Listen, just because Daisy and Ricky both had a copy of it does not mean they were conspiring against Phyllis. I mean, maybe neither of them knew the other had it. All we're really doing is speculating right now.

Chris: Hi, I'm so sorry to do this. Can I have moment alone with Paul?

Nina: Yeah, sure. I'll be back.

Paul: All right.

Chris: Thanks.

Paul: So please tell me I'm gettin' out of here.

Chris: This is about something entirely different. Are you ready for a shock?

Paul: A credit card statement?

Chris: Belonging to Phyllis.

Paul: Okay. So?

Chris: So look at the date.

Paul: December 1994.

Chris: And the circled item-- a rental car.

Paul: Phyllis? You think Phyllis was driving the car that hit us that night?

Phyllis: Are you interrogating me, or--or is this social call?

Michael: (Chuckles) No, I'm just looking for some privacy. Now I assume Daniel told you that we found Daisy's wallet and cell phone.

Phyllis: Yeah, Ricky had them.

Michael: Mm-hmm, well, I want to get your reaction to something that we found inside of Daisy's wallet. This is a credit card statement belonging to you from 1994. Do you have any idea why Daisy would be carrying that around with her?

Neil: Oh, no. Oh! What is that? Um... son, that is game!

Nick: Whatever. Wh-whatever. That was--

Neil: Yeah, that's what, uh, that's what losers always say-- "Whatever.”

Nick: Two out of three, right?

Neil: Uh, yeah, let's do it.

Sarge: Hey, is this a private meeting, or can anybody play?

Nick: Yeah, come on in. You know, I just gotta let "Grandpa" win once in a while to keep his spirits up.

Sarge: Oh.

Neil: Listen to this here. "Gramps, hi? Come on. Join us. Make a shot.

Sarge: Thanks a lot. Hope you don't mind. I'm a little out of practice here.

Neil: That's all right. So is this guy. (Laughs)

Nick: What?

Sarge: All right, "Horse" is more my speed. Is that okay?

Nick: Come on.

Neil: It's great. I love "Horse." Yep. Uh, yeah.

Nick: Whoa! Whoa! Wow.

Sarge: Like I said... that's embarrassing. (Clears throat)

Nick: Yeah, let's-- let's definitely play "Horse."

Neil: Let's play some "Horse." (Laughs)

Sarge: You guys want to make it interesting?

Neil: Yeah, well, how?

Sarge: 2 bucks a letter.

Neil: 2 bucks a letter with--

Nick: Yeah, let's-- let's do that. I'm gonna get a quick drink, get some hydration.

Neil: Sure. All right.

Sarge: (Chuckles) You don't mind if I warm up a little, do you?

Neil: Come on, man. Let's get the heart rate goin'. Don't want to get injured, right?

Sarge: M...

Neil: Uh, yeah.

Sarge: Kickin' tonight, huh?

Neil: You're sure you want to play "Horse," right? So... how's Harmony?

Sarge: What about Harmony?

Neil: How are you and Harmony doing? I-I--you two are an item, are--aren't you?

Sarge: Uh, n-no. No, we're just friends. But same as usual. (Clears throat) I like playing the field.

Neil: Yeah, as, uh, as opposed to playing the court? Here you go.

Nick: Oh, man, you're wearing out that backboard. You got money, right?

Sarge: Well, lucky for me, there is an A.T.M. right over there.

Neil: All right, here. I'll start off. And, uh, officially, we are playing "Horse." Whoa, first shot. Okay.

Nick: All right. Whoo! Bank is open.

Sarge: That's right.

Neil: Yeah!

Heather: You know what? You are so ready to poke hole's in Paul's story.

Ronan: That is not true. What I'm so ready to do is find the truth.

Heather: Oh, you want the truth? Paul was rescuing Eden from Ricky who was about to kill her with a 10-inch knife. I believe Paul's story. But you know what? Lt's just pretend for a minute that there was no knife. When Paul first showed up, Ricky hid the fact that Eden was lying on the bathroom floor unconscious. When Paul was smart enough to realize that she might be in there, Ricky must have been standing directly over Eden's body in order to fall out the window like that. And the coroner's report shows that Ricky was shot in the arm, which confirms what Paul was saying about intending to stop Ricky, not kill him.

Ronan: Okay. You paint a compelling picture.

Heather: Thank you.

Ronan: You're welcome, but there's a flip side of that coin. You have an obsessed father who can't get over the thought that his son's a bad seed. He walks in on an innocent scenario where Eden has accidentally hit her head on the sink and has fallen. Ricky is standing above her. The obsessed father misreads the situation. He has an emotional reaction and fires off a round, causing Ricky's death.

Heather: Mm-hmm. And the other killings Ricky confessed to?

Ronan: Alleged-- alleged confession.

Heather: Oh, really? And what's the status of those investigations?

Ronan: So far we have nothing to support Paul's claims.

Heather: Well, I'd love to see the case files, because I have a hard time believing that.

Ronan: Well, you can forget about it, because Michael told you to stay away from this.

Heather: You know what? You find that knife. You hear me? Find it.

Phyllis: You--you found this in Daisy's wallet?

Michael: Yeah, it was, you know, folded up all teeny-tiny, like she was trying to conceal it.

Phyllis: Like you said, I-I don't--I don't know why she would have this.

Michael: Well, I wanted to talk to you to see if you knew.

Phyllis: She was always thinking of ways to get at me. I mean, I-I can't imagine why she would have this.

Michael: Unless she wanted to know what you bought everybody for Christmas that year. (Chuckles)

Phyllis: That must be it.

Michael: Yeah. (Sighs) I admit it’s strange. (Clicks tongue)

Phyllis: Yeah, it is. Yeah, we're talkin' about Daisy. I mean, I can't pretend to know what goes on or went on in that manipulative mind of hers.

Michael: Yeah. Maybe it’s nothing.

Paul: (Sighs) Okay, all these years, we never knew who ran us down, and then this just falls in your lap? Could be a coincidence

Chris: (Sighs) I mean, I-it could be, but what are the odds?

Paul: (Sighs) A few days after Christmas in '94.

Chris: I know that date exactly. It would have been our wedding day.

Paul: You're right.

Chris: Do you remember the investigation? Whoever owed us down altered the company's records so the driver couldn't be traced.

Paul: That could have been something Phyllis would have done. I mean, she was always adept at computers. But I guess the big question is, "Why?" What would have motivated her to want to run us down?

Chris: Phyllis shouldn't have had a reason in the world to want us dead. We were a happily engaged couple.

Paul: And then I was injured, and--and things fell apart. Was that her intent? To break us up?

Chris: Why would she want that?

Paul: Well, you're right. It doesn't make any sense. Phyllis was with Danny, and they seemed to be getting along well, so... what was the reason that would have motivated her to want to lash out at you and me?

[Chris remembering]

Danny: There's something I have to say, and I don't know if I'll ever have another chance to tell you. I love you. I'll never stop loving you.

Chris: Danny, don't. Look, I have to get going. I have an errand to run. Will you walk me to my car?

Danny: Of course.

Chris: Okay.

Paul: Chris, what is it? You remembered something.

Chris: You know what? If we want answers, we've gotta go to the source.

Paul: What, you're heading over to Phyllis'?

Chris: Yeah, how'd you guess?

Phyllis: Oh, wait a second. Wait a second, you know? Oh, wow. I came home with Nick one day, and we found Daisy outside my door. She--she was knocking, and she said she was looking for me, and I bought her story at the time, but you know what? Maybe she broke into the place. Maybe she actually broke in, and she went through my stuff. Wow. That must be it. She--she went through my stuff. I-I can't imagine what she would want with this or anything else of mine, for that matter.

Michael: Well, um, I guess... if you pinpointed the date, we could review the security footage, but since we'll probably never know what she was planning, I mean, why bother?

Phyllis: Yeah, yeah. Why bother? Good point.

Michael: Well, thank you for coming.

Phyllis: My pleasure. Glad to help.

Chris: I finished with Paul. I'm sure he'd love to see you.

Heather: Yeah, hey, um, before you rush off, Ronan asked if he could get a copy of that credit card statement.

Chris: Why?

Heather: Because he and Michael found that exact same statement in Daisy's wallet.

Chris: I'm not really sure what that means, but it does corroborate Paul's claim that Ricky and Daisy had a connection.

Heather: Yep. It's too bad that Ronan doesn't see it that way. I tried explaining it to him, but he wouldn't listen.

Nina: Yeah, well, if you're Ronan and you've got two facts, go with the one that makes Paul look guilty.

Heather: Exactly.

Chris: The Ronan I know is extremely fair when handling an investigation.

Heather: Yeah, well, the Ronan I just dealt with made me want to stick my fist through a wall.

Nina: Is there any word on getting Paul released?

Chris: I'm working on it, but right now, I've gotta go see Phyllis.

Nina: Well, shouldn't you be concentrating on Paul?

Chris: Believe me. I am.

Heather: Hey, Chris what about that copy Ronan wanted?

Chris: I'll have a copy made for you.

Heather: Okay.

Nina: Listen, I would like to get back to him if it's okay.

Heather: Yeah, I'll be there in a sec. I just have to send a text.

Ronan: Well, search again. No, I'll sign off on the overtime. Listen to me right now, okay? I don't care if you guys have to tear the place apart. You find that knife. (Sighs)

Ronan: Listen. Listen to me. You don't read into that too much.

Heather: Moi?

Ronan: Yeah, you.

Heather: Hmm.

Ronan: We have to make sure the knife's not there in order to make our case, okay?

Heather: Mm-hmm, yeah. Sure. Whatever you say.

Nina: I am so mad at Ronan for doing this to you.

Heather: Well from what I just heard, a lot of that may just be for show.

Nina: What do you mean?

Heather: Well, Ronan wants to look like he's tough on Paul. That way, the department gives him extra resources, which gives Ronan the best chance of finding a way to prove your story.

Paul: See? I'm not surprised. If, uh, if Ronan was any way overt about trying to clear me, he'd be thrown off the investigation.

Nina: Oh, I hope that you're right. I have really hated having to question his motives. It just...

Heather: What's the deal with Phyllis' credit card statement? Why is Chris so worked up about that?

Nina: What credit card statement? What's going on?

Paul: Well, um, brace yourselves. (Sighs) You're not gonna believe what we think may have happened.

Sarge: (Sighs)

Neil: Whoo.

Sarge: So what's that? "H-o-r"?

Nick: That would be "H-o-r-s." One more, and you're done.

Sarge: So, Neil...

Neil: Yeah.

Sarge: You're bout to be a man about the town again, eh?

Neil: Yeah, that's one way of puttin' it.

Sarge: Yeah, "Alone" is another way of puttin' it, right? (Clicks tongue)

Neil: Now wait, wait, wait a minute. I-I thought you liked being single.

Sarge: Yeah, some days, you know? And there are days when you get a drink thrown in your face just for saying hello to somebody.

Neil: Oh, right. Yeah.

Nick: Fellas, fellas, what are we doin'? What are we doin'? Let's go. We're playin'.

Neil: Okay, come on. Take the shot. Beautiful.

Nick: All right.

Neil: (Humming)

Sarge: (Groans)

Nick: All right, it's money time.

Sarge: All right, all right.

Nick: This is for the ballgame. Ouch.

Sarge: (Sighs)

Nick: That would be "H-o-r-s-e." 2 bucks a letter, that's 10 bucks each.

Sarge: Guys, you can't send me out like that. Let me set up the shot, okay if I, um, if I miss, I already owe you 10 bucks, plus another 10. That's 20. If I make it and you miss, you owe me 20. How's that?

Neil: How's that? That's--that's money. That's making' the cash. Cash.

Nick: Done. As long as it's behind that 3-pointer, done.

Neil: Yeah, I could use the cash. (Claps hands) Come on!

Nick: This guy likes losing money.

Neil: This is for sure 100%, yo. (Chuckles)

Nick: Oh, we got hustled! He's done this before.

Neil: Are--are-- are you kidding me? Are you kidding? Is--did we just get taken by, like, a-a basketball master or something?

Sarge: No, that was a lucky shot, man. Your turn.

Nick: No, no, no. I know when I got beat. Nice hustle, Sir. Great shot. I'm out.

Neil: Yo, Nick. What? Nick!

Nick: no, I'm out. I'm out!

Neil: I-I didn't make that deal with--no pockets. Dude.

Ashley: If I misled you, I didn't mean to. I guess when I, um, kissed you, I was just feeling so grateful for everything you've done for me. And, uh, kissing you felt... natural. But if in that moment, you thought that it meant we were going back...

Tucker: So you don't think we can.

Ashley: I wish we could.  You’ve always been my best friend, Tucker. I think I loved that the most in our marriage-- knowing that every morning I woke up, I was... (Sighs) I was waking up to my very-- very best friend.

Tucker: Until I wasn't. (Sighs)

Ashley: Um, well, maybe someday, we can be that to each other again.

Tucker: (Exhales slowly)

Ashley: Maybe someday, we can... salvage that part of our relationship at least.

Tucker: (Scoffs) "Let's be friends." (Chuckles) Those are three of the most devastating words a man can hear.

Ashley: (Laughs)

Tucker: (Chuckles)

Ashley: Yeah.

Tucker: I failed at one of the most important jobs in life-- keeping the woman I love happy. I'm sorry I failed you, Beauty... more than you'll ever know.

Ashley: So... (Sighs) I need you to sign the divorce papers so we can both move on, okay? Would you please do that for me?

Tucker: Yes.

Ashley: Great. Thanks. You take care, okay? Bye. I gotta go.

Tucker: Yeah. (Sighs) Can I get a bourbon? Neat. (Sighs)

Harmony: A club soda, please. Are you all right?

Tucker: I've been better. I will be again.

Neil: There's $5. Uh, $10. Take your money. Go on.

Sarge: Thank you, Sir.

Neil: (Sighs) Yeah.

Sarge: Hey, double or nothing?

Neil: Listen to you. You a hustler. You know that? Yeah, we're gonna have to have a rematch one of these days, one where you don't hustle us.

Sarge: Anytime, anywhere. All right?

Neil: I'll bet.

Sarge: Hey, Neil, I hope, uh, I hope you have better luck with Harmony than you had with me just now here on the court.

Neil: Oh, yeah, okay. Go on. Get out of here yeah.

Sarge: (Chuckles)

Neil: Yeah, me, too.

Paul: Nina knows the story, but I'm not sure you do. Um, years ago, Chris and I were run down by a car the night we were going to get married.

Heather: No, I do know the story. Michael told me about it. But Phyllis' credit card statement... the rental car charge that was circled-- that's the car that hit you?

Nina: And you think Phyllis was behind the wheel?

Ronan: What'd Phyllis say about her credit card statement?

Michael: Oh, you know, not much. Something about it still bugs me, though. I'm not convinced that Daisy carrying this around in her wallet didn't mean something.

Ronan: I would say there's a pretty good chance that it did mean something... seeing as Ricky had the exact same copy in his belongings.

Michael: Are you serious?

Ronan: Yeah. It's becoming fairly clear that the two of them were up to something involving our mutual friend.

Michael: Phyllis rented a car here. That's not circled on Daisy's copy.

Ronan: So what? That meant something to Ricky but not to Daisy?

Michael: Oh, my God.

Ronan: What is it?

Michael: I know exactly what this means... (Tapping finger) And so does Phyllis. She lied to me.

Ronan: (Sighs)

Nick: Hey, good-looking. It's me. Sorry I missed your call. First off, let me just start by telling you that after listening to Neil and Sarge talk about being single, thank God I am married to you. Second, we need to finish that conversation. I'm not lettin' you off the hook. I love you. Call me.

(Knock on door)

Chris: Surprise. A little blast from the past. Time to fess up.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Kevin: That's attempted kidnapping, and Chloe is the district attorney's sister-in-law.

Chloe: I'm gonna testify against Carmine, make him pay.

Phyllis: Danny kissed you?

Chris: Yeah, and you felt threatened, and you would have done anything to get me out of the way.

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