Y&R Transcript Monday 7/9/12

Y&R Transcript Monday 7/9/12


Episode # 9944 ~ Christine Finds Evidence of Phyllis' Crime; Anita Talks About Jeff

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Phyllis: Oh, just one more, just one more.

Daniel: Okay, okay. You're probably gonna have to stop that soon.

Phyllis: (Chuckles) You're not a suspect anymore. I'm very, very, very happy, okay? Now Daisy just needs to stay gone.

Daniel: She is gone, Mom.

Phyllis: Yeah, I know, I know. Ricky got rid of her. I would just feel a lot better if we had proof that she's not gonna swoop in and stick her claws into Lucy.

Daniel: You know, I'd like to make sure that she stays gone, as well. I'd like to know what happened to Daisy, but you make it sound like you want them to find a body or some remains or something.

Phyllis: I'm trying to protect your daughter. I love your daughter.

Daniel: So did her mother, so maybe we shouldn't treat this like a silver lining.

Ronan: Ricky was a twisted soul. He offs Daisy, and then dumps her wallet and cell phone in a housekeeping cart.

Michael: Yeah, well, Paul speculated months ago that Ricky was a lot more like his mother than people wanted to see.

Ronan: Right. Paul was probably right about Ricky-- he probably was a killer. But as you just said, Paul was obsessed with this whole idea that Ricky was a threat. He still could have gone to his hotel room that evening ready to contain the risk.

Chris: Are those from Ricky's room?

Michael: Uh... yeah, actually. Um, this is Daisy's cell phone and Daisy's wallet that Ricky stashed in a housekeeping cart.

Chris: You should both be aware that I am replacing Avery Clark as Paul’s defense attorney.

Michael: Oh, well, what's the justice department have to say about that?

Chris: It's taken care of.

Ronan: (Chuckles wryly) And here you are, looking at the evidence. So much for proper channels of discovery.

Chris: The evidence substantiates Paul’s claims regarding Ricky as a danger.

Michael: Now the evidence indicates that Ricky had something to do with Daisy's disappearance, but we have no body. We have no proof that she's dead. The only thing we have proof of is... Paul shot an unarmed man.

Paul: Eden, hi. It's really, really good to see you.

Eden: Well, I wanted to thank you for protecting me, and I am so sorry that I can't remember anything to help protect you.

Paul: That's okay. Really, it's--its okay. It's all right. I'll be fine.

Billy: So I understand congratulations are in order.

Adam: In case your wife didn't mention it, I just want to make things crystal clear. My engagement to Chelsea has everything to do with, uh, our love and affection and mutual respect. It has nothing to do with Johnny or my sister or you.

Billy: Well, that was cuddly, and completely believable.

Chelsea: (Sighs) E-enough of this. You don't need to take aim every time we're in the same room.

Victoria: Well, you know, maybe it's a good idea for us to not be in the same room at all.

Chelsea: Yeah, because acting like an adult would just be too much effort for Billy, right?

Billy: Okay.

Victoria: Enjoy your day.

Billy: (Humming)

Victoria: Oh, yeah, my mind is way off Chelsea now.

Billy: Okay, here we go.

Chelsea: It's like they're the buzzkill twins.

Adam: Oh, no, no, forget about them.

Chelsea: (Sighs)

Adam: The other killer of buzzes, Jeffrey and Anita, have made themselves scarce...

Chelsea: Mm-hmm.

Adam: So we will revive this stinker of a celebration.

Chelsea: (Laughs) (Exhales slowly)

Jeff: Howdy-dowdy, Buggabear.

Adam: (Whispers) Bubbabear.

Gloria: (Groans)

Anita: Look at this. My mama radar was on, and it led me right to you. (Laughs)

Billy: So, uh, wait till you see the promos they're planning for the TV show. Hello. Hi. Eyes over here, on me.

Victoria: Hmm?

Billy: I'm much cuter than those two.

Victoria: What, those two? Oh, I forgot they were here.

Billy: Mm-hmm.

Chris: How can you say that? The evidence backs up Paul’s statement regarding Ricky's confession, which means Rachel Dalton and Craig Hunt were most likely victims, as well. Ricky was an imminent threat to Eden, and Paul had every reason to shoot.

Ronan: There was no knife found at the scene as Paul claims.

Chris: No, you just haven't found it yet. Come on, you have kept my client long enough.

Michael: It hasn't been 48 hours yet, so we're well within our legal rights. And given that Paul is a flight risk, it--

Chris: Oh, come on, Michael. Paul went to Los Angeles to tell Ricky's mother their son is dead, and then he turned himself in.

Ronan: Okay, you're his defense attorney now. We get that. That's fine, but we can still hold Paul, and we're going to.

Phyllis: I don't wish any pain or misery on Lucy, but Daisy and Ricky were a very dangerous team, and they still would be if Ricky hadn't gone out that window.

Daniel: Lucy's mom was murdered, and I bet Daisy was freaked out and she was scared, and then it was all just over, but I guess you wouldn't be able to understand any of that, or that stuff wouldn't register for you, seeing that you have the ability to gun an engine and aim a car.

Phyllis: Wh-what--don’t... we're not talking about that here. We're not talking about that.

Daniel: Yeah, sure, just let bygones be bygones or whatever, right?

Phyllis: You recall that you fantasized about ways to get rid of Daisy? Do you recall that?

Daniel: None that I would actually do, none that I would actually do!

Phyllis: Okay, so if she walked in here right now and said hi, would you give her a kiss and a hug and say, "Thank God"?

Daniel: Would you rent a car and make sure that she takes your secret to the grave?

Chloe: Oh, you know what? We actually get to write off this meal, because we're talking about our amazing web idea. You know, write-offs are very 1%.

Kevin: What?

Chloe: (Sighs) That's bad, isn't it? Talking about business when we just found out that Daisy is for sure-- I-I'm sorry.

Kevin: I thought she had a chance, you know? Kind of like Michael gave me, but nope. She was doomed from the beginning.

Chloe: Look, I am totally charming and persuasive, so I, you know, I am totally happy with spearheading the--the investor hunt.

Kevin: Do it, but like we discussed.

Chloe: Yes, keep it clean-- no Angelo types.

Kevin: Yeah, or Adam, either. Money does not equal a good business partner.

Chloe: Oh, come on! I-I mean, he's kind of like Justin Timberlake in "The Social Network."

Kevin: Who screwed everybody over, then cackled like a maniac? (Inhales sharply) Yeah, no.

Chloe: (Sighs)

Victoria: (Sighs)

Billy: Quit staring at them. Leave 'em alone.

Chloe: Oh, look who it is. Nice tan.

Billy: Thanks. Obviously, you guys missed me, too.

Kevin: We cried every night.

Billy: Mm-hmm.

Chloe: Mm-hmm. And, uh, Delia’s almost ready for you, 'cause she's almost done with the birthday party.

Victoria: Oh, that's good, because he didn't go overboard on the presents for the kids or anything. Not at all.

Billy: Easy. Easy, easy. Hey, man, I'm sorry to hear about Daisy.

Kevin: Thank you. That's not something I'm hearing a lot of.

Billy: You didn't really think that Daniel... (Clears throat)

Kevin: (Clears throat) Well, Paul says that Ricky confessed, and Eden was convinced that Ricky was behind it from the beginning. Daniel was pissed at Daisy, but Ricky was homicidal.

Victoria: I don't know. That's so insane. I mean, how can anyone be so sick and selfish?

Gloria: I know, the mangy dog. I don't know if I'm ever gonna forgive Jeffrey.

Billy: Wait, what--

Kevin: Hello? Clue me in.

Gloria: Brace yourself, Angel. You have a stepsister. Turns out that Jeffrey really is Chelsea’s father. I just found out. He has been lying to that poor girl and me all along.

Chelsea: See, this is when the old Chelsea would grab a bottle of tequila and a long board.

Adam: Nearest ocean is a bit of a drive.

Chelsea: (Sighs) I guess that means I have to act like an adult, huh? And go make nice with my... parents. Oh, God.

Adam: You want backup?

Chelsea: Nope. (Sighs) No, I can do this. Just have the tequila ready if this goes south, okay? (Sighs) (Sighs) Hi.

Jeff: Hello, Muffin.

Anita: You are glowing with happiness. Oh, Sweetheart.

Chelsea: I-- please... (Chuckles) Please, let me just-- I am not thrilled with you guys, that you were not more up-front with the fact that Jeffrey is my father.

Anita: (Sighs) Well...

Chelsea: You both lied. You both jerked me around, which is so completely... (Sighs) But my life is good. My life is really good right now, and I don't want to waste time being angry. So... (Sighs) We're not gonna hold hands or pose for family photos or anything like that, but we can take it from here, okay?

Anita: (Clicks tongue) Ohh, my baby. You are such a pure soul.

Jeff: Tear in my eye, Sweet Pea...

Anita: Honey. Mwah.

Chelsea: Okay--

Jeff: Tear in my eye, hmm?

Anita: I love you.

Chelsea: (Sighs)

Adam: Tequila.

Paul: No one blames you for not remembering.

Eden: (Sighs) I mean, if I could just tell them what happened, I know they would let you go.

Paul: You know, Eden, Ricky was my son. I have to remember. But that you have his death in your head... if I could erase your memories from that night, all of them, I would, no matter what.

(Knock on door)

Heather: Hey, Chris, come in.

Chris: Thanks. I thought you should know that I'll be representing your father now.

Heather: Oh, my God, that's perfect. That's perfect. Nobody knows him like you do.

Chris: I'm trying to get him released so he can tend to Ricky's funeral.

Heather: It's messed up. I hardly knew my brother, and what I did know, I didn't like...(Sighs) And I'm the one here with his things, 'cause there's no one else.

Chris: That's one of the reasons why I came by. I know that Ricky's belongings were released to you. I... there's gotta be something in there that the police missed, something that can help me get Paul released.

Billy: Okay, so back to this idea of yours.

Kevin: Thanks.

Chloe: Yes, our awesome shopping web site, and I'm sure you two savvy people with cash lying around want to invest in it.

Victoria: Um... (Clears throat) Well, the tech boom is sort of back.

Billy: (Chuckles) No. If we tussle over this investment, then Delia’s stuck in the middle between her mom and dad again, so, sorry, Kid, it's not gonna happen.

Chloe: You know, it still shocks me when you make sense.

Billy: There are other pockets to pick, Chloe.

Chloe: There most certainly are.

Anita: I just love new beginnings! This calls for a makeover and a-a mother/daughter shopping trip.

Jeff: I want to hear everything I missed, every little... yeah, what is it kids do? Drool?

Anita: (Laughs)

Jeff: Oh, we--we could talk about, uh, baseball. Hey, you don't happen to have box seats, do you?

Adam: Come, Dear. Let's go discuss our bulging joint bank account.

Chelsea: (Laughs) Yeah.

Jeff: She has my eyes.

Anita: And your darling little "Globug"-- does she know that you neglected to divorce me before you married her?

Jeff: She does not know.

Anita: Mm-hmm.

Jeff: I have not told her, and you won't, either.

Anita: He who writes the checks calls the shots.

Jeff: Mm-hmm.

Anita: Right? I haven't received any hush money from you in a while.

Jeff: Now's not the time to rock the boat.

Anita: (Chuckles) My little girl is hitting the big time, and I'm not gonna have you and your lady friend squeeze me out. I will not be ignored, Hubby.

Chelsea: (Laughs)

Adam: It's always amusing to see them get all excited when they picture change falling out of your pocket and falling into theirs.

Chelsea: Mm, mm-hmm. That'll happen.

Gloria: (Clears throat) Chelsea... Dear. (Chuckles) My sincere apologies for the shabby way Jeffrey has handled things. You know, sometimes, I'm ashamed to be married to him. But deep down, somewhere... (Chuckles) He is capable of love and kindness, and maybe someday, you will be able to see beyond the lies to his better nature.

Chelsea: M-maybe I will. Um, thank you. (Laughs)

Gloria: Mm-hmm. (Chuckles)

Chelsea: Uh, you know what? I have to go, uh, powder my nose. (Laughs)

Adam: Yes, you must, you must, yeah.

Chelsea: Yeah.

Adam: Gloria. Are you still in the real estate biz?

Gloria: Why, as a matter of fact, I am. Are you in the market for a house?

Adam: Um... more like an estate.

Gloria: Uh-huh.

Adam: A place where I can have kids, grandkids, family reunions, you know.

Gloria: Hmm. Lucky, lucky you. I have the perfect spot. Gracious, not garish, on the lake, lots of land, and lots of privacy.

Adam: Genevieve Atkinson’s place? Is that what we're talking about?

Gloria: That a problem for you?

Adam: Listen, uh, why don't we talk about it? And, uh, do me a favor-- just keep it secret. I don't want Chelsea finding out. It's gonna be a surprise.

Gloria: But you be warned-- you're gonna have to pay for that estate.

Adam: Money is no issue.

Gloria: (Chuckles)

Nick: Daniel. How you doin'?

Daniel: Hey, um... I'm no longer a suspect in Daisy's disappearance, so...

Nick: (Laughs) Hey, thank God.

Daniel: Yeah. Cops apparently think that Ricky probably killed Daisy, but there's no proof of that yet. Evidently, he confessed to Paul that he's killed multiple people and since two of them have already been confirmed dead...

Nick: How you doin' with that?

Daniel: I keep looking at my little girl, thinking how sad it is she doesn't have a mother, and my mom's practically giddy about it.

Nick: Daniel, Daisy put your mother through hell, and so did Ricky. That happened.

Daniel: Yeah, that did happen. We're talking about murder here, Nick. Maybe she should take off the party hat.

Nick: All right, what you're going through-- your mom did not cause that. So what did she do, and where's all this anger coming from?

Ronan: 20:02. Mark that down.

Michael: 20:02?

Ronan: Yeah.

Phyllis: Um... (Exhales deeply) Thank you for believing that Daniel’s innocent. (Laughs)

Michael: Mm.

Gloria: "Possible buyer. Make sure estate spotless... please."

Jeff: Ah, you got that jackpot glint in your eye. Really revs my engine.

Gloria: Mm-hmm, it's gonna take more than that for me to forget that you're a liar.

Jeff: Oh, come on! You're the flip to my flop. I'm the piggy to your bank. In my heart, we are one, united, which no man can put asunder...

Gloria: (Chuckles)

Jeff: Even if we didn't have a marriage license.

Gloria: Oh, but we do have a marriage license, thankfully...

Jeff: (Exhales sharply)

Gloria: Because that's my only leverage to keep you in line, so don't even think about trying to squirm out of it, Lover Man.

Jeff: (Chuckling)

Chloe: "Money's not an issue." Words from Adam’s lips.

Billy: You would really let that guy invest in your company?

Chloe: He has an M.B.A. from Harvard and he has I.P.O. experience.

Kevin: Why don't we find another maniac we can ask for cash? How about that?

Billy: Good idea.

Kevin: Right?

Billy: Really smart. That's thinking.

Anita: Look at the two of you having a daytime date. And where's my sweet grandson?

Billy: Our son is being cared for by a highly skilled nanny at an undisclosed location.

Anita: Proud daddy like you must have a million pictures on your phone that I could look at.

Victoria: Mm.

Anita: Better yet, fire that nanny and--and let me babysit.

Victoria: Oh, my God.

Billy: (Chuckles)

Anita: Just because Chelsea’s moved on doesn't mean that I can forget blood.

Billy: Okay, well, we're gonna go. Let's go. Shall we go?

Victoria: (Sighs)

Billy: Just say no to maniacs. This has been a public service announcement from one who knows. Come on, Honey.

Phyllis: There--lot-- lots of things I need to learn, you know? O-one of them is to-- to shut up instead of blow up but... anyway, um... we're good, right?

Michael: I'm sure we'll find something else to fight about soon.

Phyllis: (Laughs)

Michael: Oh, my God. Gotta go. I'm on the clock.

Phyllis: Okay, well-- okay, thank you again. Bye. Bye. Um... I want to thank you, too. You didn't have to help me. I know that. I owe you.

Ronan: Hmm. Well, maybe you'll have my back someday in return.

Nick: Thought I'd find you here, doing the thanks/sorry tour.

Phyllis: (Laughs)

Nick: I just saw Daniel.

Phyllis: I know. He's cleared. It's amazing, right?

Nick: Yeah. Thanks for everything you did, Ronan. It meant a lot to Phyllis.

Phyllis: Yeah, I already told him.

Ronan: Happy to do it, Nick.

Phyllis: Okay. Bye.

Jeff: When I think back to those months apart, when I didn't even know my own name...

Gloria: Mm-hmm.

Jeff: I felt this tug at my heart, leading me back to you. That's love, not some-- some piece of paper with an official county seal on it. The love that brought us back together is our true bond.

Gloria: A simple "I'll never lie to you again" would do.

Anita: No glasses flying, so I'm guessing you didn't say anything yet.

Gloria: Say anything about what?

Jeff: Uh, somebody spilled some of the good stuff. I better go clean it up. Don't you have someplace to be?

Anita: No.

Jeff: No, all right.

Gloria: What?

Anita: I'm just a sucker for a love story.

Kevin: Well, this day hasn't been weird enough.

Chloe: No, not at all.

(Cell phone rings)

Kevin: Hold on. Daniel, hey. Uh, no. No, no, no, I-- how about I come to you? Okay, the coffeehouse? All right, I'll see you soon. What do you say we blow this cuckoo's nest?

Chloe: Uh, no, you go. You go have your manly time.

Kevin: Okay. I'll see you later? Mwah.

Chloe: Mwah! Bye. And you will thank me for this someday.

(Glasses clink)

Chloe: Hi, Guys.

Adam: Mm.

Chloe: Excuse me.

Adam: Chloe.

Chloe: Uh, so, Adam, I have some insider scoop that you're gonna want to jump on.

Michael: Thank you. They said you were here.

Eden: Oh, do I need to go?

Michael: Uh, actually, I need a moment with you. Paul, would you step outside with, uh, Officer Hanover?

Paul: Hey, thanks for coming.

Eden: Okay, so what's wrong?

Michael: I just wanted to see if these mean anything to you.

Eden: Well, were they in Ricky's room? I don't remember seeing them, no, if that's what you're asking. It--it's not like I remember anything else, either.

Michael: They're Daisy’s. And, yes, they were once in Ricky's possession. (Sighs) I was hoping they'd jog your memory.

Eden: So... Ricky did do something to Daisy, and then I was gonna be next, but Paul saved me, and now you can let him go.

Michael: I can't make that leap, Eden. The law won't let me.

Billy: Hello. Where's Johnny? Anybody home? Guess he's still out with his babysitter. Whoa.

Victoria: Anita wants to babysit? You know what she's gonna do. She's gonna teach him how to pickpocket on the playground. He's gonna be stealing juice boxes and sand pails. You know, Chelsea said that she doesn't want to lay any claim to Johnny, but now Anita is hovering like a vulture, like a vulture-- oh, God, I hope she doesn't have any legal claim to him. What if she does? There couldn't be anything worse than--

Billy: Can you just-- oh, look at this, watch this. Mm, mnh-mnh. Mm.

Kevin: So it's over.

Daniel: At least for me, it is. The cops finally believe that I didn't do anything to Daisy.

Kevin: Good. I should have believed that from the beginning, too.

Daniel: Sometimes things can look different from the outside.

Kevin: Mm. You know, Paul says that-- that Ricky, um... killed Daisy.

Daniel: He was a sick S.O.B.

Kevin: Well, she wasn't all that sane, either.

Daniel: (Scoffs)

Kevin: Lucy is lucky she has you.

Daniel: That's not all she got.

Kevin: And Phyllis.

Daniel: I'm talking about you. She's got you, too.

Kevin: (Scoffs) Yeah, yeah, she does.

Chloe: We already have major investors, but you--you are like an evil tech genius, and I mean that in the best way possible.

Adam: I'm flattered.

Chloe: You could make this huge, and your payout will be huger.

Adam: And time is of the essence?

Chloe: Well, obviously, yeah.

Adam: I will R.S.V.P. to your lovely invitation after I think about it.

Chloe: You like money. I know you do. (Whispers) Yes!

Gloria: Jeffrey makes me weak in the knees, but he also makes my head explode.

Chloe: (Normal voice) Well, expect to see flying brain matter from your son soon, when he finds out what I just did. Yes!

Heather: Look, Paul sent this one to Ricky when he turned 5.

Chris: Look at all these news articles on Paul. It's Ricky's way of staying in touch with his father.

Heather: Yeah, he had a mother who couldn't be a mother and a father who was too far away. I was awful to Paul when I found out he was my dad, but... Ricky always knew, and he must have idolized him for years.

Chris: Paul had it in him to be a good father.

Heather: He is a good father, and I'm really grateful I've had a chance to experience it.

Chris: All right, what else is in here?

Paul: (Sighs)

Paul: (Groans)

Victoria: Mm, mm, mm.

Billy: (Chuckles)

Victoria: (Laughs)

Billy: And that last one was for night six of when I was gone.

Victoria: I'm almost afraid to ask about night seven.

Billy: So now you're clearheaded? You're not having any other distractions, any other thoughts, anything besides me, you, us, this?

Victoria: No, I am a brainless Billy addict, needing only your lovin'.

Billy: All my lovin'? (Laughs)

Victoria: (Laughs)

Billy: You mock me, but you mean it.

Victoria: Yes, I mean it.

Billy: Mm-hmm.

Victoria: You missed me while you were gone?

Billy: Oh, Baby, you shouldn't have asked. Now I have to prove it to you. Oh, no, here it comes.

Victoria: Oh, no, oh, no.

Billy: Oh, no. Mm. (Growls)

Victoria: You know, I have to admit, sometimes I do get a little crazy when I'm worried about my family.

Billy: You? You get crazy? No. (Chuckles)

Victoria: We have a good life, though. Our marriage, and-- our marriage is good, and our kids. And you know what? (Sighs) Johnny is ours, so I'm not gonna obsess on Chelsea and Anita anymore. Nope. Just my Billy addiction. That's all.

Billy: Oh, your Billy addiction?

Victoria: Mm-hmm.

Billy: Your Billy addiction?

Victoria: Yeah.

Billy: Oh, well, that's some hot talk. Now you're gonna have to suffer round two.

Victoria: Ohh.

Billy: (Chuckles)

Adam: That's actually a-- it's a really good idea. It could have some long-term legs.

Chelsea: I was just about to say that.

Adam: (Chuckles) Look, I didn't get in on FacePlace, Instapic. I wouldn't mind getting in on the ground floor of one of these things for once.

Chelsea: Perfect. Ground floor. More for my parents to grab on.

Gloria: All right, all right, that's it, that's it. Excuse me, but I have had just about enough of all the snide little remarks from your baby mama and you dodging me all the time, so if you got a secret, Jeffrey, come out with it right now. I mean, come on. In honor of our wedding vows, you gotta come clean, okay?

Chloe: Okay, water? Whiskey? Klonopin?

Jeff: Sugar Blossom, if we could just sit quietly and in silence and remember how deep our love is--

Anita: (Laughs) Oh, cheese and rice. Jeffrey's gone all old-school biblical on you, Sugar Blossom. Listen to me. He had wedding number one and wedding number two. He is married to both of us, sister wife.

Michael: Eden didn't recognize any of Daisy's belongings.

Ronan: Well, if Eden did see any of them in Ricky's suite, she's forgotten about it along with everything else.

Michael: You know, the lab's been all through that.

Ronan: Yeah, I know.

Michael: (Sighs)

Ronan: Who's this? What is this? What the hell? It's a credit card statement.

Michael: What, is Daisy paranoid about her own purchases?

Ronan: It's from 1994. It's not Daisy’s. Phyllis Romalotti.

Michael: What the...

Chris: Ricky kept a file on Phyllis?

Heather: This is so weird. All of my experience with criminals, and I still can't get a picture of how his mind worked. And look, this is a credit card statement from years ago. Who'd want this?

Chris: Yeah, but wait, there's an item that's circled. What--

Heather: Yeah, it's a rental car from... December 1994. Who cares if Phyllis rented a car?

Chris: Oh, my God. I know what this is.

Nick: You know, this attitude that Daniel has with you is not okay. Daisy's the one who made his life hell, Ricky's the one who made him look guilty, yet he's taking it out on you.

Phyllis: Its okay, it's-- he just thinks that I'm happy because Daisy's dead.

Nick: Yeah, you didn't want Lucy anywhere near Daisy.

Phyllis: Right.

Nick: That's not the same thing. He needs to cool off.

Phyllis: I mean, he does. You're right, he does. He--he needs to cool off. I'm happy it's over, but I get the sense it's not. You know, like somebody could bash me in the head from behind.

Nick: Look, Daisy and Ricky are gone, okay? But I'm here. You're safe.

Phyllis: I know. I know, you're-- you're here, for sure. You're--you are. You're here for me, and, like, if Daisy and Ricky tried to frame me, like Ricky did Daniel or like if Ricky wrote that book about me and made me look like a monster, you're here.

Nick: It couldn't happen.

Phyllis: Yeah, but say-- say--say it did happen. Say that happened, that Ricky made me look bad. Say it did. Say-- would you still be-- would you still be here for me? Would you still love me?

Nick: Look, why are we doing this again, this what-if game?

Phyllis: I-I don't know, I just, um, I-I'm... forget it.

Nick: No. I want to know what you're afraid of.

Phyllis: I'm just afraid. (Sighs) I think because Daniel’s mad at me and Lucy was taken away from me, I'm just--I feel like I-I could lose anything.

Nick: Phyllis, if there's something you need to tell me...look at me. I'm here, right now, so if there's something, I want to hear it.

Phyllis: (Exhales sharply) Oh, God. There is something I have to tell you.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Heather: Why would he even have it, and how could you possibly know what it means?

Tucker: I thought, uh, that kiss the other night--

Ashley: You misunderstood.

Michael: I want to get your reaction to something that we found inside of Daisy's wallet.

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