Y&R Transcript Friday 7/6/12
Episode # 9943 ~ Michael Finds Evidence of Daisy's Disappearance
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Billy: What's up, little man? What's up? So we are gonna make mommy a big surprise breakfast. Are you ready to put your chef's hat on? Hmm, are you? Wide awake.
Victoria: (Imitating fanfare) Good morning.
Billy: I thought you were still in bed.
Victoria: No, I made breakfast while you were getting Johnny dressed.
Billy: Oh.
Victoria: Yeah.
Billy: Yeah.
Victoria: Just was so focused on Adam and Chelsea last night and their big news, and I think I sort of put a damper on your homecoming, so just wanted to show you how happy I am that you're home.
Billy: Well, thank you.
Victoria: Then, after we eat, maybe you can tell me one more time how those two aren't plotting to take our son away from us.
John: (Fusses)
Adam: Mm.
Adam: Morning, fiancée.
Chelsea: How is it that I can be so happy, yet so utterly disgusted at the same time?
Adam: Still thinking about, uh, last night at Gloworm?
Chelsea: Jeff and Anita smell money, your money, and suddenly, we're one big happy family. And then there's your delightful sister, the paranoia queen. Don't me started on Victoria.
Adam: Okay, deal.
Chelsea: (Chuckles)
Adam: Come here.
Chelsea: Wha... (Laughs) (Squeals)
Adam: No more talking.
Chelsea: (Laughing)
Phyllis: Y-you're-- you're closer to Paul than--than I'll ever be.
Lauren: Right, and that's why I know that he would never lie about Ricky's confession (sighs) If only I hadn't given him that gun--
Phyllis: Oh, come on, stop, stop. This is not your fault. If Ricky did half of the things Paul said he did, then, I mean, payback was bound to happen.
Lauren: Yeah, but now Paul has to live with the fact that he killed his son.
Phyllis: To save Eden. To save another person's life. Come on. I mean, I'm certain that Ricky was--was-- was gonna get rid of her.
Lauren: Self-defense is one thing, but... what kind of person deliberately plots to end someone else's life?
Phyllis: Yeah. Yeah, I don't-- I can't imagine.
Daniel: Big muffin for daddy and a little muffin for you. Want this? No? (Inhales noisily) Mmm. I'll eat it, then. Mm-hmm.
Heather: Hey.
Daniel: Can I help you?
Heather: Yeah--
Daniel: Before you say anything, if it has to do with our business, I'd prefer to not discuss it in front of Lucy.
Heather: I just wanted to say that in light of what's going on with Paul, I've removed myself from the investigation. Whatever happens from here, I won't be the one pressing the issue.
Nina: Did you get any rest at all?
Paul: Um... not really. Every time I, um, I closed my eyes, all I could see was Ricky's face.
Nina: I'm going to do everything I can to get you out of here before the 48 hours are up. The whole thing seems just so arbitrary to me.
Chris: My thoughts exactly.
Nina: (Sighs) I am so glad that you're here.
Chris: I came as soon as I heard.
Paul: (Sighs)
Chris: How are you doing?
Paul: I'm hanging in.
Nina: (Whispers) Barely.
Chris: I'm so sorry.
Paul: (Sniffles) Me, too.
Chris: (Exhales sharply) I am gonna do whatever I can to help.
Paul: Okay. I appreciate that, tha-- and thanks for coming. Uh... you know, I realize that Michael and Ronan are doing their jobs. I just wish they'd realize that I'm telling them the truth, and I would like to get out of here before Ricky's funeral.
Michael: Agent Malloy.
Ronan: Mm.
Michael: The Williams investigation—what’s our status?
Ronan: Same as it was last night. (Exhales slowly) We have to find Daisy. It's the only way were gonna be able to corroborate Paul's story.
Michael: Uh, with regards to Daisy, she's resourceful. If she's still alive, she will have learned from her mistakes, which will make her much more difficult to find.
Ronan: And if she's dead, Ricky could have disposed of her body anywhere. It would take years, then, for Paul to be cleared of suspicions.
(Computer alert beeps)
Ronan: Excuse me.
Michael: Yeah.
Ronan: Let's see if this is what I've been waiting for.
Michael: What is it?
Ronan: Okay, yeah. This is security video footage from the Athletic Club on the night of the shooting. Uh, Detective Meyers put this together for us. It's right outside of Ricky's room. It's time-stamped.
Michael: Yeah. Not--not long before the incident, huh?
Ronan: Mm-hmm. Okay, now it's skipping forward. Yeah.
Ronan: And we have Paul going back to Ricky's room a little bit later.
Michael: No, no, go back to Ricky.
Ronan: That's it.
Michael: I want to see something.
Ronan: Why would he leave his room to throw away a newspaper when he could have used his own trash?
Michael: Why is he looking so cagey?
Ronan: Mm-hmm.
Michael: Maybe he's throwing something more than a newspaper away.
Ronan: Mm-hmm. Something that he didn't want tied to him. Like what?
Billy: How long was the line to wring Abby's neck?
Victoria: Oh, it was pretty much stretched around the block.
Billy: Yeah, well, that I can believe.
Victoria: (Sighs) So how were your meetings in L.A.? Are they definitely gonna do a "Restless Style" TV show?
Billy: They sure are.
Victoria: Ooh, that's great! That's fabulous.
(Mugs clink)
Victoria: Congratulations. I'm so happy and if I hadn't told you before, I'm really proud of you, too
Billy: Thanks.
Victoria: Mm-hmm. So... now that we're all caught up, feel free to reassure me about Johnny.
Billy: Hey, Honey...
Victoria: (Sighs)
Billy: I thought we've moved past this.
Victoria: I know. We should be. I am being completely irrational on the subject, which bugs me to no end, but...
Billy: But...
Victoria: But I love that little baby with everything inside of me, and I am terrified at the thought that I could lose him, like I lost my other two kids. So can you please guarantee me that Adam and Chelsea are not gonna make it their mission in life to ruin our family?
Chelsea: Well, I guess I owe you one for taking my mind off Jeffrey and Anita. (Laughs)
Adam: (Chuckles) That's me. I, you know, I take one for the team every now and then, anything to help out.
Chelsea: (Laughs) Then, I mean, ugh. To think about how shamelessly they were acting around you and your bank account. It's--ugh.
Adam: Eh, I don't know. It doesn't bother me.
Chelsea: Well, I was appalled. (Sighs) I mean, I always had an inkling that Jeffrey was my father, despite his lame denials, but now it's confirmed. I mean, with these genes, how am I ever supposed to become a better person?
Adam: I happen to like your genes a whole hell of a lot.
Chelsea: (Laughs)
Adam: I also like you without jeans.
Chelsea: Stop, I'm being serious, Adam. It's--
Adam: Me, too. Look, you're nothing like Jeffrey or Anita. Those are two people who are just looking for a fast buck. You're trying to turn your whole life around. You think either of them would have turned down $10 million from Victor Newman on principle, like you did? No. And then there's Billy and Victoria. You could've taken them for a fortune, but not only did you not take any money, you gave them your son, Chelsea.
Chelsea: You are one of the kindest, most caring people I have ever met in my entire life.
Adam: So, um... shower. Clean time.
Chelsea: Mm-hmm.
Adam: Might need your back scrubbed a little bit, maybe? Want to come join me?
Chelsea: Just my back?
Adam: Okay, last person to the shower pays for breakfast.
Chelsea: (Giggles)
Michael: All right, I'm going to the club.
Ronan: All right. I'm gonna talk to Paul and see if he knows what Ricky was up to with that paper.
Michael: Excellent.
Chris: Hey.
Michael: Hi, you. Oh, great to see you.
Chris: You, too, as always.
Michael: You here for Paul?
Chris: Yeah, you have time for a few questions?
Michael: Uh, you see that, uh, dour-looking gentleman at the far desk? He's the lead investigator. You can knock yourself out.
Chris: Ronan's here?
Michael: Gotta run.
Chris: Yeah, I'll talk to you later.
Ronan: Sully, just set my coffee on the desk there, would you?
Chris: I hope it's not decaf. You look like you could use a jolt of something.
Ronan: Well, well. It's good to see you, Chris...
Chris: You, too.
Ronan: Regardless of the circumstances.
Chris: Let's talk about getting Paul released. You and I both know the only way he would have fired at Ricky is if he felt he had no other alternative.
Ronan: Right. That's his story.
Chris: That's the truth.
Ronan: Says his ex.
Chris: I would stake my career on it.
Ronan: Stake your career on it, without any evidence?
Chris: What about the knife he had on Eden?
Ronan: Hasn't been found yet, and from what Paul said, it's a fairly large knife, so I'm having a hard time believing it just disappeared.
Chris: So then go out there and find it, but don't make Paul sit here while you do. He's gotta bury his son.
Ronan: I'm aware of that, but I have--my 48 hours with him aren't up yet, and I have questions-- a lot of questions.
Daniel: I'm surprised you, uh, backed away, but if, uh, Paul really does believe that Ricky was responsible, then--
Heather: It makes a little more sense. (Gasps)
Daniel: I feel for Paul and what he's going through, and I hope he'll be okay.
Heather: Yeah, I hope so, too.
Daniel: I'm sorry about Ricky.
Heather: Thanks. I mean, we weren't close, but... it's still sad.
Daniel: Do you know who's gonna be taking over the case?
Heather: No, but I do know that Michael will find somebody who is fair.
Daniel: (Chuckles) Fair, yeah. Just like you were with Daisy's disappearance?
Heather: Yeah. Look, I know you're probably gonna find this hard to believe, but... I always knew we had the wrong guy.
Phyllis: Thank you. So does it feel any different for you, having Daisy gone?
Lauren: Uh, well, it's definitely a load off my mind. I know she and Ricky were targeting you. You must be incredibly relieved.
Phyllis: Yeah... kind of. And well, honestly even if I saw her body on a slab, I'm not sure I would trust it.
Lauren: You're right. The Carters do have an uncanny knack for returning from the grave, but please God, not this time. I mean, honestly, dead or alive, I really don't care I just want that horrific woman out of our lives for good.
Phyllis: Well, no one wants that more than I do. I just wish I could be sure.
Michael: Ladies.
Lauren: Hi, Honey.
Michael: Hey.
Lauren: Have you been to the station yet? Is Paul okay?
Michael: Um, he's doing his best to help with the investigation.
Phyllis: Oh, you're involved. Novel.
Michael: Yes, I'm involved. I'm the district attorney.
Phyllis: (Chuckles)
Michael: And Ronan and I and Heather are determined to get to the truth. And I'm sorry I have to hurry off, but that is exactly why I'm here.
Phyllis: Well, don't let us keep you.
Lauren: Okay, Honey, good luck.
Lauren: Oh, my God! Did you really have to be so chilly toward him? I mean, I understand that you're upset about the allegations against Daniel, but don't you think Michael is, too?
Phyllis: Was it worth it to Michael? I mean, really, is it worth it to leave his practice so he could go chase bad guys?
Lauren: (Sighs) Well, there are days, like today, when I seriously wonder that myself.
Detective: Mr. Baldwin. This is Marjorie Curtis, the employee who was cleaning the rooms on this floor on the night in question.
Michael: Thank you, Detective. Ms. Curtis, what a pleasure to meet you. I'm the district attorney. I would just to ask you a few questions. I'm sure you've already heard about the tragic incident that took place here. Um, the victim was seen exiting his room by that security camera right there. Shortly before his death, he walked up to your housekeeping cart and he discarded a newspaper into it. Do you remember that?
Marjorie: Sorry, I don't-- I don't know anything.
Daniel: The way you were tearing into me with your questions--
Heather: Well, I can't allow my personal beliefs to affect the way that I do my job, but now that I'm off the investigation officially, I can honestly say... I've never seen you as the kind of person who could hurt anyone.
Daniel: Thank you.
Heather: I should go. Um, have a good one. I will leave you to enjoy your beautiful little girl.
Daniel: Yeah, I apologize if my beautiful little girl her seems a little strange around you, but I think she gets confused around girls, you know? Around women. She's had about three moms.
Heather: I bet she misses her mom.
Daniel: Do you-- do you want to hold her?
Heather: Um, yeah, I'd--I'd like that.
Daniel: (Grunts) Okay. Yeah? Come on.
Heather: Hi.
Daniel: (Imitates rocket engine)
Heather: Okay. Hi, can I borrow you? Can I borrow you for flying? Is that your muffin? (Laughs) She's like, "Get it."
Daniel: (Chuckles)
Victoria: Hi. Johnny's down for his nap.
Billy: Yep. Come here. (Grunts)
Victoria: (Sighs)
Billy: How can I convince you that there's nothing to worry about?
Victoria: (Sighs) You know what? Those are the exact words that you used when you brought Lucy home. And I'm not blaming you for my insecurities, okay? It's just that I don't want to come unhinged every time I see Chelsea's face. And when Adam told me that they're engaged, it was like, great, now they're gonna be here forever. I mean, it's only a matter of time before she attacks.
Billy: Before she attacks.
Victoria: Yes.
Billy: Even though she consented to the adoption and she has kept her distance ever since?
Victoria: Before things were finalized, Chelsea reminded us about our deal, that she would be allowed to know how Johnny is.
Billy: If she has changed her mind or asked-- has she asked?
Victoria: No. No, and you're right, there is no rational reason for me to react this way.
Billy: (Sighs) Okay. (Clears throat) Chelsea does not want our son, and if God forbid, she changes her mind, then we will annihilate her in court. I promise you that. Johnny is staying with us. That's not gonna change. Now you can choose to live in fear, or you can put this out of your mind and you can enjoy the life that we've created for ourselves. It's up to you.
Ronan: Thank you. Do you mind stepping outside? I need to speak with Paul.
Nina: Sure. Okay.
Chris: Do you mind if I stay?
Ronan: Paul?
Paul: No, not at all. Please.
Ronan: I tried contacting Avery, but she's tied up in court. As you're aware, you can decline to answer any of my questions.
Chris: Since your lawyer can't make it, it's my strong advice not to.
Paul: No, its okay, Chris. I, uh, I want to help with the investigation.
Ronan: Okay, good I want you to take a look at this.
Paul: It's Ricky.
Ronan: Yeah. That's shortly before you returned to his suite. Now what strikes me as odd about this--why would he go outside his room to throw that newspaper away in that housekeeping cart did he stash something inside of there? Did he--did he get rid of something quickly? Did he talk to you about any of this?
Paul: He ne--he never mentioned anything. I...
Ronan: Okay, but he made this big confession to you.
Paul: Mm-hmm.
Ronan: Implicating himself in a bunch of crimes. Okay. Why would he do that?
Ronan: Would he do that, maybe, because he knew he wasn't gonna live much longer?
Chris: You don't have to answer that, Paul.
Ronan: Unless Ricky knew he was about to die, wouldn't he be crazy to confess to string of murders?
Paul: Maybe he was crazy. I don't know what he was thinking. Maybe he thought that he was gonna kill Eden and me. I have no idea what he was thinking.
Ronan: You had the gun on him.
Paul: I did, at that--
Chris: Paul.
Ronan: All right, even if there was this knife that Ricky had, how was he gonna defend himself against a bullet? I mean isn't the logical answer here that Ricky knew you were gonna shoot him, and that's why he confessed? Was this confession made out of spite was it--was it made to stick it to you? Or was Ricky confessing, Paul, because he wanted you to spare his life?
Adam: All right, I've been thinking. If we're gonna get married, gonna start a life together, I don't want to do it in this hotel. Listen, I think we need to find a house, a really great house, that we can call our own.
Chelsea: (Chuckles) Adam, wow, I-I would love that. Um, but I don't know. On a--on a bartender's salary--
Adam: Hey, whoa. Shh, shh, shh. Come on. That--you don't have to worry about that. The question is, what would you want? A colonial, a Tudor? A house with a bunch of windows and high ceilings we can hang a bunch of art in? What?
Chelsea: Whatever house you're in is the one I want.
Michael: Just a-- just a few more questions.
Marjorie: I should clock in. My shift is starting.
Detective: I cleared it with your supervisor. No worries.
Michael: Think again. Are you positive you didn't see a newspaper in the garbage bin of your cart? I'm sure you've heard rumors about the young man who was shot and who later fell to his death, but what you may not know is that the person accused of shooting him is the victim's own father. It is a tragic story, and I am desperately trying to make sure that justice is done for both of these people. If there is anything you can do to help me...
Marjorie: The paper was in the trash, which caught my eye, because I always put them in the recycle bin.
Michael: Okay, did you perhaps pick it up, maybe to put it with the recycling? Was there anything odd about when you handled it? Was there maybe something wrapped inside?
Marjorie: I found these.
Heather: Hi! Hi. (Laughs) She--she is insanely cute.
Daniel: (Chuckles)
Heather: Yeah.
Daniel: You're great with her. I think someday, you're gonna make a really good mom.
Heather: Oh, well, that would require finding a good dad, which doesn't seem to be my forte. Anyway, I should probably get going.
Daniel: Yeah, me, too I gotta get this one over to the sitter.
Heather: Thank you for hearing me out and for the Lucy time.
Daniel: Not a problem.
Nina: Ronan, why are you doing this to Paul, holding him in jail like some common criminal? I don't understand you at all.
Ronan: No, you don't?
Nina: No! It was so sweet of you to call me and tell me that Paul was in trouble, like you were looking after him, like you knew that he was gonna need me. And I just-- I thought we were on better terms. After that beautiful note that you wrote me, called me "Mom" for the first time, I... I just-- I don't understand. I hear how you grille him, like you've got some vendetta against him. Is this... (Sighs) Is this about me, because we love one another or something?
Ronan: Are you serous? I'm here doing this job right now, and you're gonna make this about you?
Nina: Well, I-- I had to ask, seeing him destroyed like he is.
Ronan: Okay. Okay, so obviously, you have a problem with how I conduct my business, but a man is dead, and Paul did kill him. Whether it was an accident or intentional, I don't know, but I'm gonna find out which it is.
Nina: (Sighs)
Ronan: And if you or Chris or anybody else has a problem with how I do that, it's too damn bad.
Nina: (Sighs) Okay. I can see you haven't changed at all.
Michael: Malloy? Malloy! You're not gonna believe what was in that newspaper. Daisy's cell phone, Daisy's wallet. This is what Ricky was dumping.
Ronan: Mm-hmm.
Victoria: Okay. Guess what?
Billy: Hmm?
Victoria: Um, I've taken your advice and I've called the nanny, who's gonna watch Johnny while we go out and have some serious fun.
Billy: Oh, yeah? What's on the agenda?
Victoria: Well, I was thinking, like, maybe some Bloody Mary’s someplace lively...
Billy: Hmm.
Victoria: The arcade, and then after that, wherever the day takes us.
Billy: Perfect.
Victoria: Fabulous. Um, but before we go anywhere, seriously, thank you for everything that you said. You made me feel confident that nothing bad is gonna happen.
Billy: I am confident. Look, Vicki, this is our life now.
Victoria: Right.
Billy: And nobody's gonna mess with it--nobody.
Victoria: Nobody.
Billy: Nobody. Come here.
Victoria: Nobody.
Adam: Mail's here. Magazine, magazine. Ohh, this is it.
Chelsea: What?
Adam: Results to your G.E.D. exam.
Chelsea: You look. I-I can't.
Adam: Oh.
Chelsea: Oh, man. I knew it.
Adam: Yeah. You knew what, that you were gonna pass the test? 'Cause you aced it.
Chelsea: What? I passed?
Adam: Yes, you did.
Chelsea: (Squeals, laughs)
Adam: You didn't just pass. You blew 'em away. Look at that math score--760.
Chelsea: I know. (Chuckles) I-I even did well on my essay.
Adam: 97th percentile overall.
Chelsea: (Exhales slowly)
Adam: What do you think about that?
Chelsea: You have no idea how long I have dreamt about this. And now, 'cause of you, these dreams have come true.
Adam: No. No, no, no. This was all you.
Chelsea: Yes, but you spent all those hours quizzing me and helping me.
Adam: I didn't mind that so much. It was the study breaks that were my favorite.
Chelsea: (Laughs) I seriously feel like I'm gonna cry, and I'm not a pretty crier, so do not say that I did not warn you.
Adam: (Chuckles) Look, why don't we just-- hold on. Why don't we go celebrate, okay?
Chelsea: Yes! Yes, yes. Let's go celebrate.
Adam: Okay, good. So let's fly to Paris.
Chelsea: (Laughs) Stop.
Adam: Hey, look at me. I'm serious. We could fly to London. We'll get dinner somewhere. We can make it in time for a late dinner.
Chelsea: You're gonna think this is insane, but... (Sighs) Can we go to Gloworm?
Adam: Yes, I think that's insane. Why you'd want to go there after what happened last night--
Chelsea: Because of that. Between getting these test results back and being engaged to the most incredible guy in the world, nobody can bring me down, especially not Jeff and Anita.
Adam: Good for you.
Chelsea: I don't know. The more I think about it, maybe I should try to make peace with them. Maybe. Uh. A lot depends on them, but... (Laughs) (Sighs)
Adam: so what brought this on?
Chelsea: What do you think?
Adam: Wow, who knew that little piece of paper could pack such a punch?
Chelsea: You have no idea.
Adam: Let's just hope that, uh, Jeff and Anita snap out of things, they grow up a little bit, and they realize how lucky they are to have a daughter like you.
Chelsea: No. I'm the lucky one, Adam. For the first time in so long, I'm so excited about my future. Life is good. Nobody can take that away. (Giggling)
Lauren: (Laughs) It's good to see you out and about.
Daniel: Mm-hmm. Lockup is, for sure, not my thing. Listen to this, though. I, uh, just ran into Heather over at Crimson Lights, and she tells me that she is no longer pursuing-- trying to build a case against me, and she also said she never thought I was capable of hurting Daisy in the first place.
Lauren: Ohh, well, that's wonderful, but now who's gonna take over the investigation?
Daniel: I don't know. It's not gonna be Michael, though.
Phyllis: Okay, well, this is all positive. It's all positive. It's just a matter of time that the police are gonna realize that they--they've had the wrong guy the entire time.
Michael: The cell was not locked, so we knew right away that it belonged to Daisy, and the wallet.. do you know what this means?
Ronan: Listen, this could mean a lot of things, but none of them very good for Daisy.
Michael: You don't think it may help confirm the fact that Ricky may have been responsible for Daisy's disappearance?
Ronan: I would say that... yes, that this is very damning for Ricky.
Michael: All right. Okay, I get it. Um, we have to examine all the angles before we can, uh, reach a conclusion, but perhaps you might agree to the fact that, um, given this new evidence, Daniel can be excluded as a person of interest in this investigation?
Ronan: Yeah, yes, I'd go along with that.
Michael: Okay. Great. (Chuckles) That's a relief. Uh, as a matter of fact, excuse me for a second.
Daniel: Hey, Michael. What's up?
Michael: Hey, uh... I have some excellent news for you, my friend.
(Knock on door)
Heather: Yeah?
Man: I was told to deliver this to you, since you're Ricky Williams' next of kin.
Heather: Are those--
Man: His personal effects. Everything's been searched through and cleared. I'm real sorry, Ms. Stevens.
Heather: Thanks.
Chris: Good, I'm glad you're both here. I just spoke with my supervisor at justice, as well as Avery, and they both agree, and I'm hoping you will, too, that I'm gonna take a sabbatical from my job in Washington and stay here and defend you.
Nina: (Sighs)
Chris: Look, Avery's an amazing attorney, but she can't speak to your character the way that I can. So what do you say? Can I help you get out of this?
Nina: Say yes.
Paul: Thanks, Chris.
Chris: Yeah.
Paul: Thanks so much.
Michael: What we found is so compelling that Ronan and I have dropped you from our suspect list.
Daniel: You have no idea how much that means to me, Michael.
Michael: Oh, I think I do. No hard feelings?
Daniel: No hard feelings.
Michael: Well, uh, you have a great rest of your day, all right?
Daniel: I will do. Um, thank you for calling.
Phyllis: What, what? What--what'd he say?
Lauren: Yeah, what was Michael calling about?
Daniel: Well, he didn't go into a lot of detail, but apparently, they found Daisy's phone and her wallet, and proof that Ricky tried to ditch them before he, uh, died.
Phyllis: What?
Lauren: Oh, my God.
Daniel: Right? I mean, why else would Ricky have those things of Daisy's, unless he--
Phyllis: Unless he took them off of her right after he...
Daniel: Yeah, yeah. Anyway, that's the bad news, especially for Lucy, but the good news is, the, uh, cops and everybody else are no longer looking at me as the guy who did it.
Lauren: Thank God, huh?
Phyllis: So... are you cleared?
Daniel: I'm cleared.
Phyllis: (Laughs)
Daniel: (Laughs)
Michael: I think I'm beginning to understand what people were talking about when they said this job wasn't gonna be easy.
Ronan: (Chuckles)Rright. Case in point, our new evidence bags here. Created a whole another layer of complications, doesn't it?
Michael: For Paul, you mean?
Ronan: Well, it seems to corroborate what he said about Ricky, but does it exonerate Paul?
Adam: Well, I don't see Jeffrey or Anita.
Chelsea: Well, if they do show up I'll just play it by ear, see if we can all coexist. If they don't show up, we can keep on celebrating. Looks like we're off to a good start.
Victoria: Thank you.
Chelsea: (Sighs)
Next on "The Young and the Restless”...
Ronan: The only thing we have proof of is Paul shot an unarmed man.
Paul: No one blames you for not remembering.
Eden: I do remember some things.
Daniel: You make it sound like you want them to find a body.
Phyllis: I'm trying to protect your daughter.
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