Y&R Transcript Thursday 7/5/12
Episode # 9942 ~ Abby Faces Arrest While Jeff Confesses
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Adam: Okay, so where's this hat that we so desperately needed to come back to the room to get? Uh, hello.
Chelsea: Mm. We're not here for the hat. I don't even own a hat. (Chuckles)
Adam: So I'm supposed to, uh, assume that we're here under false pretenses then?
Chelsea: Any objections?
Adam: Mm, we're gonna have to learn how to keep our hands off of each other pretty soon.
Chelsea: (Chuckles) Oh, yeah? Well, then you better stop defending me to your family, because, oh, my God, that was very sexy.
Adam: Yeah, I know.
Chelsea: (Chuckles)
Adam: It won't always be like this.
Chelsea: Oh? You're gonna stop sticking up for me?
Adam: No. They're gonna get used to it. They're gonna stop giving you such a hard time.
Chelsea: I understand why Victoria's upset. She's had a baby taken away from her. Of course it freaks her out thinking that it could happen again.
Victoria: Okay, possibly-- possibly I overreacted. This might not be a huge problem, okay?
John: (Coos)
Victoria: I know. It might not be a problem at all. I mean, if we can handle hanging around with your birth mother, then I guess we can handle her becoming Aunt Chelsea. Right? (Sighs) Oh, man, I wish your daddy was here.
Phyllis: Oh, okay. Wait a second. Wait a second. Let me--let me get this straight. Ricky--Paul's son Ricky is a serial killer.
Avery: Yeah. I mean, you had your suspicions about what happened to Daisy.
Nick: I can't believe Paul didn't say anything about this. I mean, he said that Ricky was dangerous. He didn't mention anything about possible murders.
Phyllis: Yeah, but he told you, didn't he?
Avery: Okay, look, he couldn't just go around making wild accusations. He had no proof. He still doesn't have any proof. He can't prove that Ricky confessed. No one else was in the room to hear them. Eden was unconscious.
Nick: Does that mean the police don't believe it happened?
Avery: Well, they can't just take Paul's word for it.
Phyllis: Hi. Lucy's asleep, right?
Daniel: Yeah, finally. (Sniffles) I, uh, I trust that Paul's telling the truth. I don't think that we could be so certain that Ricky was, though. And that just has me thinking that maybe Daisy isn't really dead.
Kyle: Happy belated birthday.
Jack: Wait. You didn't have to do that.
Kyle: I'm sorry I wasn't here for the actual day.
Jack: I won't hold it against you. Besides, it was a great weekend to be up at the lake. I hope you and your friends had a great time.
Kyle: Oh, we did.
Jack: Wow. This is sharp.
Kyle: It's got the extension bracelet so you can wear it over a wet suit. It's water-resistant up to 500 feet. Can't walk--doesn't mean you can't scuba dive.
Jack: This is too much. Rea--I mean, it's fantastic, and--and I appreciate it. It's ju-- you're just getting started. You don't need to spend this kind of money.
Kyle: Oh, no, no. Hey, don't worry about that. Victor gave me a bonus.
Gloria: How wonderful to have you both here. And I'll make sure, uh, Jeffrey mans the door to keep the tacky tabloid types out. (Chuckles)
Victor: Oh, yes. Thank you very much.
Gloria: You are both always welcome here to relax and enjoy yourselves.
Victor: Thank you, Gloria.
Gloria: Mm-hmm.
Victor: So nice of you. (Sighs)
Sharon: And she knows there will be tabloid types here, because she's going to go and call them herself.
Victor: (Laughing) You bet. But the tabloid types don't give a damn about us, do they? They're waiting for Abby to return.
Kevin: Hi. Sorry to interrupt you guys.
Victor: Hi.
Chloe: Hi. Do you know when Abby's gonna be back?
Victor: Should be happening any time now.
Sharon: I bet you have a few things you want to say to her.
Chloe: No, I thought that she saved my life. (Scoffs) and now I just feel ridiculous.
Victor: Well, I'm sorry about what she has put you through, okay?
Chloe: Well, not as sorry as she's going to be.
Sharon: Well, I can't blame her for feeling that way.
Victor: I share her sentiments, as far as Abby is concerned.
Abby: You're back.
Ronan: And so are you.
Carmine: Who's that?
Abby: FBI guy.
Carmine: FBI?
Abby: Okay, Mr. D.A., you got your perp walk for the cameras.
Carmine: (Sighs)
Abby: (Sighs) I'd like to de-accessorize now, please.
Ashley: Is this just a joke to you, Abby?
Michael: This arrest-- excuse me. This arrest was not for show. You're in serious trouble.
Abby: (Scoffs) We didn't steal anything or hurt anyone.
Tucker: You didn't hurt your mother by scaring her like that?
Ashley: (Sighs)
Abby: I know, okay, but that is between me and my mom. The police don't need to be involved. I'm sure you guys have better things to do with your time.
Michael: Yes! Yes. That is exactly my point. The G.C.P.D. and the FBI. had much better things to do with their time. We had better things to do with our money. We had other people we could have been helping instead of mounting a massive rescue effort for the little heiress who cried wolf. If you think for one nanosecond I'm gonna let this slide, you are sadly mistaken.
Chelsea: By now, I'm sure your entire family knows our news.
Adam: Well, we should tell yours then, hmm?
Chelsea: (Scoffs) You want me to call my mother?
Adam: (Scoffs) No.
Chelsea: No! Terrible idea.
Adam: Okay, well, then let's at least call your father or your uncle or whatever he calls himself today.
Chelsea: Yeah. I'm sure he'd be thrilled to see me. He turns a lighter shade of pale every time I'm in his presence.
Adam: (Chuckles)
Chelsea: (Sighs)
Adam: Well, let's just--let's go to Gloworm. I'm serious. What's the worst thing that could happen if we go there?
Chelsea: He won't care.
Adam: Babe... (Sighs) From his perspective... (Sighs) You are marrying into the Newman family dynasty-- albeit a splintered branch, but he might have the most positive reaction out of any family member we have.
Chelsea: (Sighs)
Jeff: Kids are more trouble than they're worth.
Gloria: Yeah, maybe the spoiled rotten ones are, but I never felt that way about my little angel.
Kevin: Okay.
Gloria: (Chuckles)
Kevin: I'm certain your mother would agree with that statement completely.
Chloe: You know, if I were Abby's mother, I would send her to a convent.
Jeff: Make an interesting film. Instead of "The Naked Gun," "The Naked Nun." (Chuckles mockingly)
Kevin: Whoa.
Chloe: (Groans) You know, it was just the worst part of the whole thing-- telling Ashley that her daughter had gone missing. I mean, I thought that it was my fault. I thought that I put her in danger. Meanwhile, the girl is having a great time and just trying to rack up twitter followers.
Kevin: So irresponsible, so selfish.
Chloe: (Sighs) So Abby.
Abby: Okay, if everyone would just calm down and let me explain--
Michael: (Chuckles) Okay, you know what? We'll hear your explanation after you've been booked.
Carmine: We need a lawyer.
Abby: You'll love Leslie Michaelson. She's fantastic.
Ronan: Well, let's get you processed so you can make that phone call.
Abby: (Sighs)
Ronan: Up this way. Come on.
Ashley: (Sighs) You know, I... I think I can handle it from here. Thank you so much for your support.
Tucker: Okay. Take care.
Ashley: Yeah, thanks again.
(Cell phone rings)
Victor: Yes, Ashley, is she back?
Ashley: Oh, yeah. She's back, all right, with her new boyfriend Carmine.
Victor: You can't be serious.
Ashley: They've both been arrested, Victor. In fact, I'm at the police station right now just, uh, hanging out here, watching my daughter get another mug shot to add to her collection.
Victor: I'll be right there. (Sighs) Abby has been arrested.
Sharon: Oh, boy.
Victor: Uh, no, you stay here. Let me go and talk to her, okay?
Sharon: No, but I would rather just go with you.
Victor: No. I need to talk to her. Do me a favor-- call Nicholas and Victoria and tell them that Abby has returned, all right?
Sharon: Sure.
Victor: Okay.
Kyle: Looks good.
Jack: Wow, it does, not that I want you making a habit of things like this.
Kyle: It's not like it's the last bonus I'm ever gonna get. I'm good at my job.
Jack: I'll bet you are. I'm proud of you, Son.
Kyle: I know you'd prefer it if I were working at Jabot.
Jack: Well, I won't deny that, but you are old enough to make decisions about what's best for your career. And you're learning things at Newman that might come in handy if and when you ever decide to come back home to Jabot.
Kyle: Such a relief about Abby, huh?
Jack: Yeah. (Sighs) I don't know what is going through that girl's head-- the torture she put her mother through.
Kyle: You know, what's weird is that another woman could disappear at the same time and place--no one even notices.
Jack: Well, forgive my being harsh, but no one is going to miss Daisy, except maybe her own child. Wait, does that situation remind you of your mother?
Kyle: I try to focus on remembering how Mom lived, not the way she died.
Jeff: (Sighs)
Adam: No backing out. Keep walking.
Gloria: (Speaking indistinctly) (Clears throat) Excuse me. Table for two?
Adam: Yes, please, and a bottle of your finest champagne.
Gloria: Ooh. What's the occasion?
Adam: This lovely lady here has agreed to be my bride.
Gloria: (Inhales sharply) Well... (Sighs) Congratulations.
Chelsea: Thank you.
Gloria: Jeffrey, have you heard the good news? Your, um, niece is about to become Mrs. Adam Newman.
Jeff: Well, what do you know?
Adam: Yeah. If you'd like, you guys could get a couple extra glasses, come celebrate with us.
Gloria: We would love to. And I don't know where you are with your plans, but you know, we do weddings right here at Gloworm. As you know, Jeffrey and I got married here and Kevin and Chloe.
Jeff: Uh, yes. Uh, practically a family tradition, and... (Chuckles) You are family.
Adam: Speaking of family, isn't it usually tradition for the bride's side to pick up the, uh, the tab for the wedding?
Gloria: (Laughs)
Jeff: Yeah, yeah, that would be the bride's parents. I'm just the uncle.
Gloria: (Sighs)
Phyllis: Can-- can I get you something? Do you want something to eat?
Daniel: No, I'm fine.
Phyllis: You've been saying that for a while. What have you really eaten since Daisy went missing?
Daniel: I just think that we need to be sure about what happened to her.
(Cell phone rings)
Nick: Hey, Sharon. What's up?
Sharon: Hey, Nick. Your father asked me to call you to let you know that Abby's back.
Nick: Oh, good to know. Is she at the ranch hiding out from the press?
Sharon: No. Um, she and Carmine were arrested the minute they showed their faces.
Nick: On what charges?
Sharon: I don't know. I--y-you know, he really didn't even say. Listen, um, I have to go. Your father wants me to call Victoria and let her know, as well.
Nick: I'll--I'll take care of that. I'll also call Noah in New York.
Sharon: Great. Thanks.
Chloe: Abby was arrested?
Sharon: Yep.
Michael: Is Leslie on her way?
Abby: (Sighs) She's out of town right now.
Carmine: So we don't have a lawyer?
Abby: Yes, of course we do. I have a call in to someone else.
Ronan: Vance Abrams?
Carmine: Ooh, I've heard of him.
Abby: Uh, actually, um, he wasn't available, either, but Rafe is a really, really, really good lawyer.
Michael: (Chuckles)
Ashley: Rafe? Don't you think you want somebody with more criminal defense expertise?
Abby: I don't think that's necessary, since what we did wasn't criminal.
Michael: (Sighs)
Abby: It was more like a-a--like a prank that got out of hand.
Ronan: Right, like a firecracker that sets off a million-acre blaze, right?
Abby: Um, not at all, since no actual harm was done to anyone. I mean, I am-- honestly, I am sorry if you were inconvenienced and that you were scared and that you had to leave, you know, whatever doughnut shop you were hanging out at, but I think you guys are, like, way, way overreacting here.
Abby: Hi, Dad.
Carmine: Mr. Newman, uh, Sir, I-I just want you to know that I never intended to kidnap your daughter.
Victor: You're her boyfriend now?
Carmine: Well, that came as much as a surprise to me as finding her in my car.
Victor: Hmm. You're a stowaway. That's what I thought.
Abby: (Sighs)
Carmine: I-I tried to take care of her as best I could.
Victor: Where do things stand, Michael? I hope you intend to throw the book at her.
Abby: (Scoffs)
(Bell rings) (Doorbell rings)
Victoria: Just a second!
Victoria: Coming. Hey. (Sighs)
Nick: Hey.
Victoria: Mwah! I'm almost ready. The nanny just got here.
Nick: (Sighs) Uh, yeah, sorry I had to take away your favorite babysitter.
Victoria: No, that's okay. You did the smart thing sending Summer to that camp.
Nick: You know, she is just gonna love being a camp counselor. And it's really far away from all the coverage of Daniel's arrest, so she won't have to see the stress he's under. It's hard for her.
Victoria: I can't imagine that it's easy for you and Phyllis, either.
Nick: It's pretty much consumed her entire life.
Victoria: Yeah, well, that sounds like Phyllis. You know, the one thing I can say for her-- she's fiercely protective when it comes to her kids, which I totally get.
Nick: Well, there's been this sense of dread since the day Daniel married Daisy. At the time, I swear to you, I could actually hear Phyllis' mind racing, imagining all the ways that Daisy was gonna mess with Daniel.
Victoria: Yeah, and all the things that she would do to try to prevent them from happening.
Nick: Well, she never imagined this-- Daisy vanishing, the police thinking that Daniel had something to do with it. Like, he would ever harm the mother of his kid in any way. But the police still think he did it, even though Paul told him that Ricky confessed to him that he got rid of her.
Victoria: Oh, Ricky confessed?
Nick: Yeah, but he can't prove it. If Daniel would have just listened to his mother and steered clear of Daisy, he wouldn't be the prime suspect in this case right now.
Victoria: I know. But if you think about it, Daniel didn't really have a choice. I mean, he was protecting Lucy. He had to marry Daisy. I mean, he had to try to give her a normal life. Can you imagine if he left her alone with Daisy?
Nick: (Sighs) Yeah, it was a disaster waiting to happen.
Victoria: I am so proud of Daniel for standing up for Lucy. I mean, she's so lucky to have him in her life, and especially since Billy and I couldn't be there. Sorry, I'm just... (Sighs) I'm a little bit... emotional at the moment.
Nick: Yeah. I know. Must be hard for you with Billy being in L.A. so long. I know how much you must miss him.
Victoria: I miss him like crazy. But that's not why. It's Chelsea. Um... she's engaged to Adam.
Nick: (Chuckles) Okay. (Sighs) I mean, I guess those two deserve each other. But why would you be worried about it? I mean, you don't think...
Victoria: No.
Nick: She's gonna come after Johnny again, do you?
Victoria: I don't. In fact, she insisted that she had every intention of sticking to our agreement.
Nick: But you don't believe her.
Victoria: Well... (Sighs) Nick, why would Chelsea marry Adam? I mean, is it for love? Is she even capable of that? We know that Adam isn't.
Nick: Well, it's not, you know, grown-up, real, emotional love, that's for sure.
Victoria: Okay, so then maybe she did it for the money. That's a possibility, although Chelsea could have done a lot better than Adam, financially. (Sighs)
Nick: That's true.
Victoria: Okay, so she's not in it for love or for money. Then maybe it's because Adam plays dirtier than she does, and he wants to stick it to her family.
Nick: By helping her get Johnny back.
Victoria: We can't rule it out.
Nick: (Sighs) All right, look... there could be any number of reasons why those two decided to make it legal, and none of which have anything to do with Johnny.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Nick: So, Vick, don't make yourself sick worrying about something that may never happen.
Victoria: I know, okay? I know. And I'm trying not to let my mind go there. But after losing custody of Reed to J.T. and what happened with Lucy... I'm sorry, okay? I just--I... (Sighs) Enough. Let's just focus on somebody else's problem. Let's go see Abby.
Nick: Oh, yes, the one member of our family who is so bored with the lack of drama in her life, she decided to invent some.
Victoria: Yes.
Abby: You have to take Carmine's case, okay? I-I-I promised him.
Rafe: Abby, that wouldn't be doing him any favors splitting my focus between the two of you.
Abby: (Sighs)
Carmine: Well, this is just excellent.
Abby: (Sighs)
Ronan: That's all right. I'll call you a public defender.
Michael: Now that your lawyer is here, let's discuss the charges you'll be facing. Well, under the Wisconsin penal code, it is illegal to knowingly misuse the emergency 9-1-1 number to make a false report...
Abby: Wait, I never called 9-1-1.
Michael: Or to encourage anyone else to do so. Each call is a separate violation punishable by up to $10,000.
Victor: Ronan, how many calls were made on Abby's behalf?
Ronan: We don't have an exact number yet, but it's somewhere in the hundreds.
Ashley: Well, this has turned into a pretty expensive little joyride you took.
Abby: (Sighs) Look, it wasn't a joyride, okay? (Sighs) It was--it was performance art. Yeah, it--it was a satirical commentary on the overemphasis we place on celebrity in our society. You are trying to suppress my first amendment right to freedom of expression.
Michael: (Smacks table) You do not have a right to involve local, state, and federal authorities in a massive manhunt on a whim!
Ronan: We are, by the way, legally entitled to charge you for said manhunt.
Abby: (Sighs) You guys were gonna be looking for Carmine, anyway. He had just kidnapped Chloe.
Victor: Oh, I see. So she's throwing you under the bus, Carmine.
Abby: No. No. No. Not--not that he kidnapped her, the-that it-- that it looked that way.
Chloe: Because that's how it was. You know, I still have the bruises from when you crammed me into that trunk.
Kevin: See this guy, the D.A., he's my brother, you moron. You are so screwed.
Gloria: Unh, unh, unh. Don't be stingy, "Lover man."
Jeff: (Chuckles)
Gloria: (Laughs)
Chelsea: Mmm. That is good champagne.
Gloria: (Sighs)
Jeff: Okay, I want to make a toast.
Gloria: Mm-hmm.
Jeff: To my lovely niece and her fiancé, I know you're gonna have a brilliant future and a rich and rewarding life. And we're just tickled to death to be a part of it.
Gloria: Mm.
Anita: Pour one more. Don't look so surprised. Where else do you think I'd be when my darling daughter's gotten engaged?
Adam: I thought you weren't gonna call her.
Chelsea: I didn't.
Anita: Oh, Honey.
Chelsea: Hi. (Chuckles)
Anita: Oh, my goodness. When I saw this rock on FacePlace, I got the next plane out.
Chelsea: Mm.
Anita: Oh, Honey. And you! Mwah! Welcome to the family.
Adam: Thanks.
Anita: (Chuckles) Isn't this great? Our little baby's all grown up.
Jeff: (Chuckles) There you go again, confusing me with, my, uh, twin brother William, God rest his soul. He was Chelsea's father.
Anita: Well, if you say so. All I know is that the man I was with had a heart-shaped mole on his inner thigh.
Gloria: (Chokes)
Chelsea: What?!
Gloria: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. (Sighs) I was married to both of them, and they were identical, but not that identical. Only one of them had that mole. So you're the daddy?
Chelsea: I knew it.
Adam: So you didn't think about mentioning this mole until today?
Anita: It's been so long. I just--it slipped my mind.
Jeff: You know, I think I do have a vague recollection. Did you used to wear really short shorts?
Anita: Mm-hmm. And bikinis on top. And you--you used to have a mullet.
Jeff: (Chuckles) I never had a mullet.
Anita: Yes, you did.
Gloria: What a charming stroll down memory lane.
Anita: Yes. And pretty soon, we're going to be walking our little girl down the aisle... (Inhales sharply) Marrying into a family that can give her everything that we never could.
Jeff: Come to Papa.
Anita: Aw.
Jeff: (Sighs)
Anita: (Chuckles) (Sighs)
Phyllis: So did Ricky tell Paul why he got rid of Daisy?
Avery: Um, no. I mean, I assume she knew too much, maybe got in his way somehow. That's why he went after Craig Hunt. You know, I-I wouldn't be surprised if she tried to get leverage on Ricky, maybe blackmail him.
Daniel: That would be like her.
Phyllis: Okay, so Ricky does whatever he does to Daisy, right? And then he goes to a party and acts like nothing's wrong. And then he comes up with it there or--or some other time to pin it all on Daniel.
Daniel: It's a beautiful theory. How do we prove it?
Woman: Mm.
Tucker: Yeah. Hey, Sharon.
Sharon: Hey. Didn't, uh, didn't get enough coffee staying up late worrying about Abby?
Tucker: You know she's back, I assume.
Sharon: Yeah, I-I was with Victor when he got the call, so, you know, he--he ran off.
Tucker: Ran off? Well, that's not very gentlemanly.
Sharon: No, no. It's quite all right. I've seen enough of his family lately.
Tucker: Yeah. They're not very good under stress, are they?
Sharon: Um... well, I imagine you've been getting the same treatment from the Abbotts.
Tucker: Yeah. So can I buy you a cup of coffee?
Victor: I want to thank both of you for the effort you made to find Abby.
Ashley: And all the long hours you put in.
Victor: And we really appreciate the value of your time, even if our daughter does not.
Abby: (Scoffs) I really am sorry that--
Chloe: Oh, my God. She's sorry, everyone!
Kevin: Wow! Now it's like it never happened.
Abby: You know, I am the one who got you out of that trunk, by the way.
Chloe: You aided and abetted and then bedded the man that put me there.
Abby: (Sighs)
Carmine: You think she helped me? I'd be back in Jersey by now.
Kevin: Shut up. You shut up.
Abby: (Scoffs)
Kevin: You don't get to talk to her.
Carmine: Oh, come on, man, I was never gonna hurt her.
Michael: All right. Uh, you know, thank you, guys, for your input, but I'm gonna have to ask you to step outside right now so I can finish the interrogation.
Chloe: Okay, but you do not let her get off the hook.
Kevin: Him, either.
Michael: No worries. No worries. No wor--oh, hi.
Man: I'm the public defender.
Ronan: Fantastic. That's your client.
Abby: We are going to get another lawyer really soon. If you could just handle the arraignment and the bail--
Carmine: Just ignore her, please.
Michael: Oh, hi.
Victoria: Abby. (Sighs) Do you how crazy you make me?
Abby: Hey, I know. I know. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
Ashley: You know...
Victoria: (Sighs)
Ashley: I wish I could believe that, Abby. I don't think you're really ever gonna be sorry until the day comes when you truly need help and nobody shows up.
Michael: (Sighs)
Jeff: Come on, Sugar Blossom. I couldn't tell you something I didn't remember myself, could I?
Gloria: How many children and ex-lovers do you not remember?
Jeff: This is it, the only instance.
Gloria: Shut up.
Jeff: (Murmurs)
Gloria: (Sighs)
Chelsea: Okay, so now that you dropped your big bombshell...
Anita: Mm-hmm.
Chelsea: What are you gonna do as an encore?
Anita: (Clicks tongue)
Chelsea: I know you'll want to try to find some way to steal the spotlight at the wedding.
Anita: Don't be silly, Sweetheart. You know that I hate being the center of attention.
Chelsea: (Scoffs)
Anita: Uh, hey, anybody want more champagne?
Adam: No, we're all good. Thanks.
Chelsea: (Sighs)
Anita: Okay.
Chelsea: (Sighs)
Adam: Could be worse. (Sighs) We could be with my family right now.
Chelsea: (Sighs) (Groans)
Kevin: I don't know why you're so pissed. Carmine's an idiot, an idiot.
Chloe: I know, okay? You don't have to tell me that. I actually don't approve of all of it.
Kevin: I know. I know, I know.
Agnes: You should be ashamed.
Chloe: Uh, Mrs. Sorenson, I'm so sorry. I can explain everything.
Agnes: I saw on the news that that kidnapping was a hoax.
Kevin: That was all Abby, Mrs. Sorenson. Chloe had nothing to do with it.
Agnes: I told Katherine Chancellor not to put you in charge. I'm going to cancel my donation to the arts council, and I'm going to make sure all my friends do, too.
Chloe: (Sighs) I am going to kill Abby.
Jack: What's the latest on Abby?
Ashley: She's back. She's been arrested for misuse of emergency services.
Kyle: Well, that sounds fairly minor.
Ashley: Uh, no, not the way Michael's playing it.
Jack: Yeah, until Victor intervenes.
Ashley: Mnh-mnh. No. He's furious. I just saw him at the police station. He wants Michael to throw the book at her. Anyway, I thought I'd get a room here, because Michael doesn't think they're gonna hold Abby overnight, and I really just cannot be under the same roof as her right now.
Jack: No, no, no, no. Just stay at the house. If you need privacy, you can stay at the pool house.
Ashley: I thought about that, but, um, wouldn't Nikki mind maybe?
Jack: No, Nikki is no problem at all. She's staying at Billy and Victoria's, anyway. It's your home... always. You're always welcome there. That's true of all the Abbotts.
Rafe: Look, Abby has already agreed to reimburse the department for all expenses incurred during the search.
Michael: There is no deal without punitive damages.
Abby: (Scoffs)
Michael: I will agree to knock the fine down to $100,000.
Abby: (Sighs)
Ronan: I would jump on that if I were you. It's a good deal.
Carmine: Oh, what, so she writes a big check, and she just walks?
Michael: Yeah, well, if she agrees to 100 hours of community service and a public apology.
Ronan: Mm.
Carmine: Okay, so what about me?
Ronan: No deals for you.
Abby: But that's no fair.
Ronan: Kidnapping's a felony, and Chloe Mitchell's a good friend of mine.
Abby: Wha-- (scoffs) He can't do that. Can--can he do that? He's totally biased. Wait, you both are. You should reexcuse yourselves or--or--or something. Look, he never hurt Chloe. He was never going to hurt Chloe. He was just trying to teach Kevin a lesson.
Michael: My brother. Huh. (Clears throat) Well, fascinating. Tell me more.
Man: This is not helping my client.
Abby: It's okay, okay? I-I-I-I'm gonna think of something.
Carmine: Don't. That's how I got in this mess in the first place.
Jeff: So, Son, when's the wedding?
Chelsea: Uh, we're not really sure yet, Dad.
Jeff: Ah.
Gloria: You finished all the champagne.
Anita: Sorry. You know how it is. Sometimes I just can't help myself.
Adam: All right, you know what? Come here. Gloria, let's get some more champagne. Show me what you've got. Come on. Let's go.
Jeff: What the hell are you doing? You were supposed to keep your mouth shut.
Anita: And you were supposed to keep sending checks, but they stopped coming. Look, they better start again, unless you want me to remember this...our marriage certificate.
Jeff: (Whimpers)
Anita: Remember?
Kevin: So we got Michael dealing with Abby and Carmine. We need to refocus on our web site, get it up and running.
Chloe: Yeah, before someone else comes up with the same idea.
Kevin: I don't want to waste this opportunity. We've got Mrs. C. offering to back us. Now we need to tap in to one of those tech investors that specializes in start-ups. They have access to bankers and lawyers and marketers, et cetera.
Chloe: Adam.
Kevin: Huh?
Chloe: Adam. We should have Adam invest with us.
Phyllis: Hey, um, did Michael say anything about where things stand with Paul?
Nick: No, we didn't get into that.
Avery: Uh, that was Heather. (Sighs) So far, nothing new. Eden still can't remember how she was knocked unconscious, whether she and Ricky argued, or what.
Daniel: Maybe she was on to him, or he thought she was.
Phyllis: It comes down to the same thing, right-- how do we prove it?
Avery: Remember something, we don't have to prove that Ricky killed Daisy.
Nick: Yeah, the goal is not to get him convicted. It's to get Daniel acquitted.
Avery: Exactly. We just need enough evidence to raise suspicion that Ricky might be guilty. That's reasonable doubt. Anything that links Ricky to Daisy the night she disappeared, that would do it.
Phyllis: Then that's what we'll do. We'll find it.
Sharon: I'm sure Ashley really appreciated you being there for her.
Tucker: (Sighs)
Sharon: You know, it was very considerate. Not every ex would be quite that way.
Tucker: Well, I couldn't stand to see her in that much pain.
Sharon: So you think it might change things, that maybe she might be more open to a reconciliation?
Tucker: (Exhales deeply) Well, right now, I think she's more focused on setting her daughter straight.
Sharon: (Sighs) Yeah, I was there. Ashley was pretty upset when Victor suggested that Abby staged the kidnapping.
Tucker: Well, who would ever think? I mean, it's outrageous. Well, it's just the latest in a long list of crises Abby's created out of thin air. I'll tell you something, if there's a silver lining to my divorce, it's that that kid is not my headache anymore. You might want to think about that before you get too serious with Victor.
Victor: Dining alone, Jack?
Jack: Actually, you just missed Kyle.
Victor: Hmm. That's all right. I'll see him at home.
Jack: Abby been released?
Victor: As I was leaving the station, Michael Baldwin was trying to work out a deal with her-- extensive community service, a substantial fine.
Jack: Well, I guess we'll all have to read on her twitter feed just what she decided to do.
Victor: I don't give a damn what she decides to do. It's her mess. She better straighten it out.
Jack: I completely agree.
Victor: I hope you stick to that. She's been enabled by you and others for far too long. That day has ended.
Michael: So... you're accepting my offer.
Abby: Yeah.
Michael: I'll work the particulars out with Rafe. You can go. And you're headed to your arraignment.
Ronan: Come on. Let's go.
Carmine: You might want to change your FacePlace status back to "Single."
Abby: (Sighs)
Rafe: Come on, you should get home, get some rest. I'll call you soon.
Abby: (Vibrates lips) Yeah. Zero chance of getting any rest.
Michael: I picked the wrong week to become D.A.
Rafe: (Chuckles)
Man: Just sign here. Thanks.
Abby: Kyle.
Kyle: Oh, jeez.
Abby: (Laughs)
Kyle: You had me scared to death, you know that?
Abby: Oh, great, you, too.
Kyle: But, hey, check this out. You made the front page. And you look really good in your mug shot.
Abby: I'm starving. Let's hit the town.
Kyle: Come on.
Victoria: Oh, there's my boy. I'm home!
Billy: Well, it's about time.
Victoria: (Gasps) Oh! (Laughs) Mwah!
Billy: Mwah!
Victoria: Oh, your daddy's home. Mwah, mwah, mwah.
Billy: Yes, yes, he is. Hey, mommy's squishing us.
Victoria: (Chuckles)
Billy: (Chuckles)
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Heather: In light of what's going on with Paul, I removed myself from the investigation.
Victoria: Can you please guarantee me that Adam and Chelsea are not gonna ruin our family?
Nina: The whole thing seems just so arbitrary.
Chris: My thoughts exactly.
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