Y&R Transcript Wednesday 7/4/12

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 7/4/12


Episode # 9941 ~ Katherine Has a Party While Cane Gets a Mysterious Message

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Kay: Oh, he is darling. Now, Dar--listen, there are, uh, some pool toys. I'm sure Moses will enjoy 'em.

Neil: Ohh, we will definitely have to take you up on those pool toys, right, Moses? And thank you so much for having us.

Murphy: Oh, the pleasure is definitely ours.

Kay: Yes, so many distressing things lately, I almost canceled.

Ana: I'm glad you didn't.

Neil: What changed your mind?

Murphy: Oh, just a hankering to celebrate how lucky we are.

Kay: Uh-huh. We're--we're well, uh, we're all together, and, um, Ana's here to celebrate the holiday with us.

Harmony: Glory be, and hallelujah to that.

Murphy: (Laughs)

Kay: (Laughs)

Devon: All right, well, tell us how you really feel, Mom.

Murphy: Um, I-I better go fire up the grill. Tucker, Ashley, and Sofia will be here very soon.

Kay: Oh, right, right.

Devon: Don't worry. No one's looking to cause trouble today.

Murphy: Uh, Cane and Lily and the kids coming?

Neil: Oh, yeah, they'll be here, definitely. A little bit later, though.

Murphy: All right.

Devon: They just had some family stuff to take care of.

Ana: Well, let's go back to the pool, then.

Devon: Let's go, let's do it. I'm gonna throw you in.

Neil: Right. Expect to see some laughs. Let's go. Watch.

Lily: You'd think they would be exhausted after the festival in the park, huh? Hi, Baby. (Laughs) Are you still thinking about that mysterious gift?

Cane: Yeah. You know, Samantha loved that doll. She'd drag it with her everywhere she went.

Lily: When you had the racecar?

Cane: Yeah, that was my favorite toy.

Matty: (Laughs)

Cane: Hey, hey.

Lily: (Sighs) Mm, so do you still think that it was Colin?

Matty: (Fussing)

Cane: It had to be Colin.

Lily: Yeah, but when we talked to Christine, she was saying that she was pretty sure he hadn't left Australia.

Cane: I don't know, maybe he farmed it out. I'm gonna go and talk to the staff.

Lily: What-- and ask them what?

Cane: I don't know, maybe-- look, anything I can find out about the--you know, how it was delivered. I don't know, any information-- this--this is weird, all right? This is too damn weird to even-- even for my dad, this is just weird. Daddy will be back in a minute, Guys, okay? All right? I love you.

Tucker: Oh. Huh.

Genevieve: Yeah. The police have been crawling all over this place since Paul Williams' son died.

Tucker: Well, if you'd like to stay someplace else, I'd be happy to continue covering your expenses.

Genevieve: (Chuckles) I appreciate that, but, um, I like it here. And I will pay you back. You know that, right? I intend to replace my assets.

Tucker: I don't doubt your resilience.

Genevieve: Thank you. (Laughs) Hey, you know what? I, um, I'm meeting my son and his family for lunch. If you're eating alone, then--

Tucker: No, no, no, no, no, no, I just came by to make an appointment. I'm, uh, I'm heading over to my mother's for a cookout.

Genevieve: Oh, really? That sounds, uh, interesting.

Tucker: Yeah, well, it might be.

Genevieve: (Laughs)

Tucker: I've gotta take off, though. Uh, I'm gonna pick up Sofia and Ashley on the way.

Genevieve: Ashley. Wow. Good for you.

Ashley: (Laughs) Aw.

Victoria: Hi! Aw.

Ashley: Did Johnny enjoy his very first Fourth of July in the park? Huh, Cutie-pie?

John: (Coos)

Victoria: Well, he is your brother's son, so he was completely into all the music and the noise and the people. Yes, you were. You're such a little...

Ashley: Are you missing Billy?

Victoria: Yeah, so much.

Ashley: Have you spoken to him today?

Victoria: Oh, yeah, you know, we texted. He wanted a play-by-play of Johnny's schedule, of course.

Ashley: Mm. Is he coming home soon?

Victoria: Yeah, soon. We don't have the dates yet, but soon.

John: (Cooing)

Victoria: How about Abby? When is she coming back?

Ashley: Mm. Any day, supposedly.

Victoria: I mean, you know, pretending to get kidnapped as a publicity stunt-- come on. I mean, what was she thinking?

Ashley: She wasn't thinking. That's the whole point. I really thought she'd outgrown this kind of behavior. I just don't understand it. I mean, she is one of the wealthiest women in the world, and all she cares about is getting more fans.

Abby: My followers have tripled! (Squeals) Look it! All of the tabloid sites want to know, "Where is the Naked Heiress?"

Carmine: (Chuckles)

Abby: (Chuckles)

Carmine: Cracks me up how stoked you get.

Abby: Well, fame is good.

Carmine: And you're crazy.

Abby: (Gasps) Crazy like a majorly trending fox. I'm sorry, when we first met, you and your friends knew exactly who I was.

Carmine: That's because guys don't forget naked girls.

Abby: Mm, till the next one comes along. To stay current, you need good publicity, which does not happen by accident.

Carmine: Yeah, and you do know how to work it.

Abby: I think our road trip scored me a couple points.

Carmine: Glad I could help out.

Abby: Mm, also in the plus column, the company hasn't been that bad.

Carmine: Hmm.

Abby: Hmm.

Chelsea: It's, um--mm.

Adam: Come here.

Chelsea: It's lunchtime, you know.

Adam: Yeah?

Chelsea: (Laughs)

Adam: Are you hungry?

Chelsea: Mm, you promised me barbecue... but I guess the barbecue can wait.

Adam: (Sighs) You're right. There's no need to rush. We have many holidays we can spend together.

Chelsea: Halloween parties, thanksgiving dinners. What, then a Christmas card from the Newmans?

Adam: Yeah, that's the idea. What? Something wrong with that?

Chelsea: No, no, it's just... being engaged. (Laughs) It just seems so unreal, and I...

Adam: You what?

Chelsea: Are you really sure you want to marry me?

Lily: You know, it's really bothering him, not knowing.

Genevieve: Well, that's understandable.

Cane: Hey, Mom.

Genevieve: Hi.

Lily: Hi.

Genevieve: Lily told me that you went to question the staff.

Lily: Did you find out anything?

Cane: No, the, uh, mystery present is still a mystery. Nobody noticed anything strange.

Genevieve: I tried the number that, uh, I have for Colin. He hasn't answered or called me back.

Lily: Why would Colin go to so much trouble to upset us?

Cane: 'Cause he wants to screw with my head, so I know he still has control. That's why he wants to do it.

Genevieve: Ethan, what are you gonna do about it?

Cane: Well, I refused to let him ruin the babies' birthday, and I refuse to let him ruin our holiday. Our life is ours.

Chelsea: (Sighs) We should probably go eat, after all.

Adam: (Sighs) We will, as soon as you tell me where these questions about our engagement are coming from.

Chelsea: Uh... partly from my mom, I guess. Ever since I was little, anytime I hoped for a happy ending, she would tell me to get over it. (Chuckles)

Adam: Okay. What else?

Chelsea: Whiplash, maybe. How quickly it happened. I mean, Adam, you and I haven't really known each other for that long.

Adam: You're right. We haven't. It's not been that long, but, I guess, when you know, you know. Chelsea, I'd be... I'd be an idiot to let you go, so I had to lock you down.

Chelsea: (Chuckles) Uh, I was completely thrown when I found the ring. That's why I blew up at you like that, and I never should have accused you of using me to shock Sharon and your family.

Adam: No, that was all forgiven and forgotten, the second that you said yes. So I have a question-- why are you all the way over there instead of right here?

Chelsea: (Laughs) Ohh. That night was so intense, between our argument and then that huge rainstorm and you getting on one knee... and what am I supposed to make of the fact that the first time you ever told me that you loved me was the exact same moment that you asked me to marry you? I mean--

Adam: Well, I was-- intended to be a surprise. Obviously, that was a mistake.

Chelsea: No, it was-- the proposal was beautiful, but... (Sighs)

Adam: Whiplash, right?

Chelsea: Yeah. Maybe it's because you and I are the two outsiders of the town, and that--

Adam: No, that's-- that's how we got started, Chelsea, but that's-- that's not what we're all about. There's a hell of a lot more to you and me.

Chelsea: Like what?

Adam: Well, we can con anyone else in the world, but we can see right through each other.

Chelsea: We understand.

Adam: Yeah, and trust. Trust is a big thing with me. There's not many people I trust, and I... I don't know. I've been very happy. Every single day, you make me happy. I haven't been very happy the last few years.

Chelsea: Well... me, neither, but we're happy together. I mean, why--why change-- switch up what we're doing, you know?

Adam: Mm-hmm. Live together, no commitment?

Chelsea: Why not? What else do we need?

Adam: I don't need to marry you. I want to, 'cause I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

Tucker: So you gonna be okay today, hanging out at my mother's with your almost-ex-husband and his family?

Sofia: Well, Devon, Ana, Cane and Lily-- they're my son's family, too.

Tucker: So no matter how uncomfortable things get for you...

Sofia: You have to pull it up for your child, as you are well aware of. (Chuckles) You ready to go?

Tucker: Yeah. Ashley's, uh, joining us. She's in the other room, waiting.

Sofia: Oh. Well, that's good news.

Tucker: Yeah. (Sighs)

Sofia: Well, isn't it?

Tucker: Well, uh, you know, with the Abby situation, Ashley let me be there for her.

Sofia: I'm still waiting for the downside.

Tucker: We can't ignore what broke up our marriage. I don't know where we'll end up, but maybe there is still hope for us.

Sofia: Tucker, like I said, its good news.

Ashley: So I'm going to, um, Katherine's with Tucker.

Victoria: Oh. Oh, I thought that relationship was, um, you know, over and done with.

Ashley: Well...

Victoria: Not that anybody has to tell me how unpredictable marriage and divorce can be.

Ashley: (Laughs)

Victoria: Do you still love him?

Ashley: Yeah, I do. I mean, it doesn't erase what he did, but he was really there for me while Abby, uh, disappeared, and it meant a lot to me.

Victoria: Where do you go from here?

Ashley: I don't know. That remains to be seen.

Abby: Oh, whatevs! You have not exactly hated every moment of our little adventure. (Scoffs)

Carmine: Well, yeah, I kind of have.

Abby: Liar!

Carmine: Okay, maybe it could have been a little worse.

Abby: (Sighs) Actually, it could have been a lot worse.

Carmine: Why? What happened?

Abby: There has been a lot of news coming out of Genoa City lately.

Carmine: What, about us?

Abby: That, and, um, some people I know are in major trouble, so, um, I think it's time to go back. Does that make you nervous?

Carmine: Uh... I guess, a little, but more, uh, relieved.

Abby: Good. Okay, let's go.

Carmine: Oh, wait, wait. Aren't--aren't you gonna call your family first? I mean, if we just show up there without letting them know this was your idea, they'll assume that I kidnapped you, and then I'll be really screwed. Oh, we gotta think this out.

Abby: Well, actually, I called my mom yesterday, told her everything, and told her we'd see her soon.

Carmine: You what?

Ana: This time, I'll be in town longer, so we can hang, shop, go bowling.

Harmony: All in one day?

Ana: That'll work.

Harmony: (Laughs) You're so cute.

Ana: (Laughs)

Neil: Ohh. It sure is great having your kids with you on a holiday, let me tell you. Mm!

Ana: How'd you like the water, Moses? You're so cute.

Neil: Oh, hi. Baby Moses loved the water. He loved it! Michael Phelps, watch out.

Ana: He's so cute. Oh, yes, he is. (Makes kissing sounds)

Kay: You've got enough stuff on that grill to feed a small village.

Devon: No, I could eat that much on my own. I'm starving.

Murphy: Oh, you see? Do not mock the chef.

Devon: (Laughs) That's right.

Kay: Uh... (Sighs) Well, uh, Harmony, uh, tells me that the two of you have reconciled.

Devon: That's right, we have, and I'll tell you, it shouldn't have taken so long.

Kay: Why not?

Devon: 'Cause I hate being wrong.

Kay: Me, too. (Laughing)

Devon: (Laughing) No, I mean, I don't have to tell you. You know, when--when you carry around a grudge and you let it eat away at you, it's self-destructive.

Kay: Yeah, to say the least.

Devon: And when somebody apologizes for a mistake and they try to do right, if you don't ease up enough to, you know, give 'em a shot at getting it together, it's...

Kay: Wrong?

Devon: It's very wrong, especially when I have such a good life 'cause of people like Neil and Drucilla and Lily, who had faith in me and forgave me when I needed it.

Kay: You're a very wise young man...

Devon: (Chuckles)

Kay: And a kind one.

Devon: Yeah.

Kay: When you said that, uh, we could start over again...

Devon: We have, right?

Kay: So we have. So we have. You know, Devon, I really would, I-I truly would like to hear about your business.

Devon: My business? Well, what could I say about it? I, uh, I want it to be as successful as yours one day.

Kay: Well, I... (Chuckles) I could help with that. I mean, if you like, I-I-I would help you with that.

Devon: Well, if you're asking me if I'd like for my grandmother, who happens to be the best and the brightest, to help me... I'd love that.

Kay: So would I... (Voice breaking) Very much.

Chelsea: (Sniffling)

Adam: You're crying.

Chelsea: (Laughs, sniffles)

Adam: Chelsea, I don't know what I said or what I-I did, but I-I love you. I don't know how else to tell you that. I...okay? I'm assuming, by this...

Chelsea: (Sniffles)

Adam: It means that we're okay? I-I mean, if not, I can be a lot more clear. I can put together a PowerPoint presentation...

Chelsea: (Laughs) Shut up. Shut up, I get it. And I love you, too, and I'm not letting you go, either.

Adam: Mm. Mm. Mm! Okay, so what about this-- this picnic?

Chelsea: I think the picnic's gonna have to wait just a little bit...

Adam: Okay.

Chelsea: A little bit longer.

Adam: Good. Yeah, maybe.

Chelsea: Yeah. (Laughs)

Adam: I'm not hungry.

Chelsea: Unh-unh. (Laughs)

Tucker: Well, we better get going, everybody.

Sofia: Yeah, it was nice to see you, Victoria.

Victoria: Oh, nice to see you, too.

Tucker: Whoa!

Victoria: Oh, look, a cake!

Woman: It was a special phone order.

Victoria: What? Are you serious? Oh, was there a message?

Woman: I'm supposed to give you this card.

Victoria: Oh, my God.

Tucker: Fire extinguisher, anyone?

Sofia: Here, you need help?

Victoria: Uh, thank you.

Sofia: Yeah, let's see.

Victoria: Who's it from, I wonder?

Sofia: Oh, it's from Billy.

Victoria: Oh, it's from Billy, okay.

Ashley: Well, I guess we would have guessed that one, right?

Victoria: Ahh. "I hope you and Johnny are having a blast today. I can't wait to see you. P.S., there will be real fireworks when I get home." Ooh, I guess I shouldn't have read that. Sorry. (Laughs)

Ashley: Whoa! (Laughs)

Carmine: Okay, why didn't you tell me you called home?

Abby: I wasn't ready to leave yesterday.

Carmine: Why not?

Abby: (Stammering) Dude, you've been, like, pushing me to call, okay? Why are you wigging out right now?

Carmine: Because you just dropped this on me. I bet your mom wants me dead.

Abby: No, the only one my mom is annoyed with is me, okay? And I'm not worried because I know that everything is gonna work out.

Carmine: Oh, that's great. Maybe for a Carlton-Abbott-Newman, it'll work out, but I'm Carmine from Jersey, and I did a real dumb thing by trying to s--kidnap Chloe.

Abby: Look, there probably will be--I don't even know-- like--like, a huge fine for both of us, okay? But I can take care of that.

Carmine: (Laughs) I highly doubt it'll be that easy, Abby.

Abby: No one is going to jail. Listen to me.

Carmine: Hmm?

Abby: I'm gonna tell the cops the truth, okay? That you--you never intended to hurt Chloe, that you were just gonna drive her around and--and drop her off, and that you realized right away you'd made a huge error in judgment, especially when you found me in the trunk of your car. I-I--and that the whole media ploy, that--that was all on me, okay? You wanted to go home, I didn't. You were a perfect gentleman.

Carmine: You really got my back, huh?

Abby: I know you're a good guy. I'm gonna make sure everyone else knows it, too.

Lily: Are you sure you want to take them? It's your day off. We were just on our way there.

Woman: I'm not meeting my friends until later. It's just a few minutes. It's only a crafts table.

Genevieve: Come on, now. Come sit down. You'll be doing plenty with the children later. It'd be nice to be able to finish your meal without rushing.

Lily: (Inhales through teeth) Oh, okay, okay. Have fun, you guys, okay? Thank you so much. Thank you.

(Cell phone alert chimes)

Lily: (Sighs) What is it?

Cane: An e-mail. What the hell?

Abby: (Laughs) We should have started doing this the first day.

Carmine: (Laughs) You think?

Abby: Okay. Oh! Okay.

Carmine: Hmm?

Abby: To be continued... in Genoa City.

Carmine: Deal. Let's go.

Abby: Okay. I have to, um, go fix my hair.

Carmine: (Chuckles) (Exhales sharply)

Kay: Ashley, I was so glad to hear that you were joining us.

Ashley: Yeah, thank you.

Tucker: Not as glad as I was.

Kay: (Laughs)

Ashley: Well, um, Tucker wants me to enjoy myself while we wait for Abby to come home.

Kay: Thank God she's all right, but I have to tell you, I would like to choke her at times, just...

Devon: She's crazy. I love her, but damn, right?

Ashley: (Laughs) Yeah. My sentiments exactly.

Sofia: That bathing suit is adorable.

Neil: I know. It really is. I-I knew you'd like it. You know, we would have come and picked you up.

Sofia: It's okay. Uh, I got some work done. I got to spend some time with Tucker.

Neil: Yeah? Good. Didn't know that Ashley was gonna be here.

Sofia: Neither did I, till earlier today...

Neil: Mm-hmm.

Sofia: But, you know, as much as I've known Tucker, I should learn to expect the unexpected.

Neil: Right. Mm.

Sofia: Hey, big man. So how's the water, huh?

Neil: Water's great. Tell 'em. Tell 'em.

Sofia: Come on.

Neil: Come on, let's go.

Genevieve: Who's it from?

Cane: I don't recognize the e-mail address. "How do you love the presents, Claude? Love, Shirl."

[Cane remembering]

(Imitating racecar)

Samantha: Caleb was mean to me again.

Cane: I saw you run off, and I told Caleb to leave you alone.

Samantha: You did?

Cane: Try not to worry about it, Shirl. I'm here for you.

Samantha: I know you are, Claude.

Cane: Samantha and I had these secret names for each other when we were kids. Claude and Shirl-- it was based on these characters on this Australian TV show.

Genevieve: You did?

Cane: But we'd only call each other these names when we were alone. You know, if she needed cheering up, if--if Caleb had, you know, been mean to her, or Dad, or if you were having a bad day.

Genevieve: Well, that's news to me.

Cane: 'Cause I don't see how Dad would have known what-- that we used these names...

Lily: Cane, ma-maybe--

Cane: But you, you--you were around more than Dad was, so why don't you explain this to me?

Genevieve: Ethan, until this moment right now, I-I'd never heard those names that you and Samantha had for each other.

Lily: Are you sure? 'Cause maybe you mentioned them to someone--

Genevieve: I'm positive! I swear it! You know... (Sighs) I deeply resent this accusation. Really, I-I thought that we'd made some progress.

Lily: You have. You-- I-I think we're all just upset right now.

Genevieve: You've got to know that I'm the last person on the earth who would use your sister's memory to torment you. That--that's disgusting to me.

Lily: Yeah, Cane, I mean, listen, she suffered when your sister died. I don't think that she would do something like this.

Genevieve: Thank you, Lily.

Cane: (Exhales slowly) I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I thought the toys were a one-time thing, and then this e-mail comes out of nowhere like that. So who knew those names?

Neil: I love you, man.

Devon: You, too.

Neil: (Clears throat)

Devon: Hey.

Tucker: Hey.

Devon: Uh, I want to thank you for keeping me in the loop about Abby.

Tucker: Well, she's your friend, right?

Devon: Yeah, that's right. That's right, and also, the way you've, uh, you've stuck by Ashley during all this. It's really nice.

Tucker: Yeah, it's the least I could do, man.

Devon: Look, Tucker, I've been thinking a lot about how I've been treating my mom and Katherine and you.

Tucker: Yeah, what about it?

Devon: Well, what happened between you and my mom, that's on you two, but you and me-- I would really like to get back to where we were before that all went down.

Tucker: I'd really like that, too.

Devon: Good.

Harmony: Ashley, I'm glad you came. I-I know it couldn't have been easy for you. Listen, I-I just hope that this is maybe a first step towards putting all of that ugliness away.

Ashley: Uh, it would have been really disrespectful of me to accept Katherine's invitation and then create a scene in her home. My opinion of you has not changed. You slept with my husband. There's no coming back from that, period.

Victoria: Thank you so much.

Woman: You're welcome.

Victoria: (Speaking indistinctly)

Chelsea: Hi, Victoria.

Victoria: Hi.

Adam: Any word on our little sister?

Victoria: Uh, yeah. Abby's gonna be home soon, safe and sound.

Chelsea: I'm glad she's okay.

Victoria: Yeah, me, too. Johnny and I, actually, were just leaving.

Adam: Uh, well, before you go, I figure we'll tell you a little bit of news we've got.

Victoria: Oh, what's that?

Adam: Chelsea and I are, uh, we're engaged.

Victoria: You cannot be serious. 

Neil: Okay, it's about that time. Who's ready for another hot dog?

Ana: Me.

Devon: Ooh.

Neil: I am, too. Come on.

Ana: Oh, my gosh. Come on.

Devon: (Chuckles)

Neil: Murphy.

Murphy: Hey.

Neil: Look at that. That's what you call quick action there, right?

Sofia: You seem really happy, Devon.

Devon: I am really happy. It feels good to let stuff go.

Sofia: Mm, yeah.

Devon: Doesn't it?

Sofia: (Chuckles) Well... (Chuckles) I'm not all the way there yet. But... the hardest part is making a fresh start.

Devon: Yeah, don't I know that? It's the getting that first "I'm sorry" out. It was tough.

Sofia: (Laughs) Always.

Devon: Yeah. But, you know, you didn't-- you don't really have anything to apologize for.

Sofia: What I really needed to say was good-bye. Not just to your dad or our marriage, but to the future we had planned.

Devon: Now that you have, are things easier?

Sofia: Things are, uh... right.

Devon: Mm.

Sofia: You know, especially on a day like today. Even though Neil and I aren't together, Moses' family is.

Devon: Yeah.

Kay: (Chuckles) Ahh. Did you know that, um, Devon has reconciled with Tucker and, uh, Harmony?

Murphy: Uh-huh. Well, it looks like he put a smile on your face, too.

Kay: Oh, the best Fourth of July ever.

Murphy: Mm-hmm. Aw. Yeah.

Kay: (Chuckles)

Tucker: It was the best I ever attended, too.

Murphy: Ohh!

Kay: Okay, good.

Tucker: Uh, I'm sorry that Ashley and I have to leave so soon.

Kay: Oh, come on.

Ashley: We do?

Tucker: Yeah, I-I've got a surprise for you, and if we don't go now, you'll be late.

Murphy: Huh.

Ashley: Okay. I guess we're leaving. Thank you so much for inviting us.

Murphy: Oh, thank you for coming.

Kay: Oh, thank you for coming.

Tucker: Bye, everybody.

Ana and Devon: Bye.

Tucker: See you later.

Kay: Happy Fourth of July.

Neil: Happy fourth.

Devon: Can I borrow this, please? Since you're not eating your food? It's my second hot dog.

Neil: So I happened to notice you talking to Ashley earlier.

Harmony: What'd you hear?

Neil: What'd I hear? No, nothing. Nothing. I just figured out what went down.

Harmony: You know, I tried confessing my sins to Ashley, but she still acts like I'm gum on the bottom of her shoe, and... and I know that sounds like I'm blaming her, but I'm--

Neil: No, no, it doesn't sound like that. I also know you can only do so much before you just have to commit to living your life with integrity and let the rest go.

Harmony: Even if Ashley doesn't forgive me, I still have Devon, Anna, and Katherine on my side, right?

Neil: There's a lot of people, other people, on your side, too.

Devon: Here we go. (Clears throat)

Harmony: Uh, e-excuse me for a minute.

Neil: Yeah.

Victoria: What's your angle?

Adam: Another option could have been congratulations, but we'll try that another time. Let's have a drink.

Victoria: You know, you've both targeted my family and me, so why wouldn't I be suspicious here?

Adam: Because there's no agenda attached to our engagement, Victoria.

Victoria: Well, if you think this changes things as far as Johnny is concerned, then--

Chelsea: I have told you and Billy over and over again, I will not go back on my word.

Victoria: You're getting married now. Are you planning on living here?

Chelsea: Uh, I have given up all of my parental rights, Victoria. Why is that not enough for you? We are getting married, so just get used to it.

Victoria: You know what? If you think that becoming Mrs. Adam Newman is gonna give you more power or respectability, I mean, you're completely deluding yourself. The only thing that it proves is that you couldn't do any better.

Adam: All right, you know what? That's enough. That's enough.

Victoria: It's sad that the guy that nobody wants is the only one that wants you.

Devon: So since you're sticking around for a while, you should come and hang in my studio.

Ana: (Gasps) Will you teach me how to produce?

Devon: Of course I'll teach you how to produce, but I'm also gonna put your voice to work, 'cause I've always wanted to record a song with you.

Ana: Are you serious?

Devon: I'm dead serious. You have an amazing voice, girl.

Ana: (Squeals) Thank you! (Laughs) Yay.

Devon: We need to find out what you're gonna sing, though.

Kay: Well, yo, um, children certainly seemed to enjoy themselves.

Harmony: Yep.

Kay: What, um, are you doing over here all by yourself?

Harmony: You know, this party has really opened my eyes.

Kay: Oh, do tell. (Chuckles)

Harmony: In the program, they tell you that you need to focus on your sobriety, family, and not get hooked up romantically.

Kay: Well... not for a while, anyway.

Harmony: Katherine, you know how I-I feel about Neil and then I'm falling into bed with Tucker. I mean, all of that just gave me a-a-a lot of headaches, for me and--and for the people that I care about. And I'm telling you something-- I am not going to do that again.

Murphy: (Chuckles)

Neil: So, uh, he's, uh, still down for the count.

Sofia: Oh. Well, I should get him ready to go home, but before I do, there's something I need to say to you.

Neil: Okay.

Sofia: It is as clear to me now as it was months ago... (Scoffs) You want to be with Harmony.

Neil: Sofia, this is--

Sofia: Neil, Neil. We're over. Devon has forgiven his mother, and there is nothing standing in your way. Don't let anything keep you from going after what you really want.

Cane: You know, I was-- I was--I was sure that Dad was behind those creepy presents, you know? But this e-mail, he never knew we used those names, Samantha and I, those nicknames, and you say you didn't, either.

Genevieve: He must have found out, Ethan.

Cane: No.

Genevieve: And now he's using it-- he's using it to twist the knife. (Sighs) Look, I-I'm sorry. I...

Lily: Cane, I know that you're desperate for answers.

Cane: This is insane. None of this makes any sense.

Lily: Cane, maybe it's someone else from your past, someone that we haven't even thought of considering.

Cane: Someone who is intent on tormenting us? Well, I'm gonna find out who it is, and I'm gonna find out what they want.

Adam: You know, you're being offensive, condescending, just a little bit paranoid.

Chelsea: It's-- its okay, Honey.

Victoria: If you two think that this is ugly, if you try to hurt my family...

Adam: This engagement has nothing to do with you.

Victoria: After everything that you've done, really.

Adam: You know what? You can--you can hate me if you like, accuse me if you want, but, Victoria, don't ever, ever talk to Chelsea like that again.

Ashley: Okay, so why did you want to come here? I know it's not to have lunch, because we just ate.

Tucker: Ah, I booked you a spa appointment.

Ashley: Why?

Tucker: Well, I want you to relax. You've been so tense and worried about Abby.

Ashley: That is exactly what I need.

Tucker: Well, enjoy it.

Ashley: Thank you. And not just for the spa thing, but... thanks for being there for me.

(Revolving door swings open)

Abby: (Gasps) O.M.G.! Wow. That's a hell of thing to come home to. Uh, I'm back. I'm back, you guys, with my boyfriend.

Ashley: He's your boyfriend now?

Man: Abby Newman, Carmine Basco...

Ashley: Oh, my God.

Man: You two are under arrest.

Abby: Oh, Mom. What? (Scoffs) (Scoffs)

(Handcuffs lock)

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Daniel: Maybe Daisy isn't really dead.

Adam: Isn't it usually tradition for the bride's side to pick up the tab for the wedding?

Michael: This arrest was not for show. You're in serious trouble.

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