Y&R Transcript Tuesday 7/3/12

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 7/3/12


Episode # 9940 ~ Eden Re-enacts the Night of the Shooting

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Nick: How's Lucy?

Phyllis: Oh, she's crashed out. She doesn't know that her daddy was almost charged with her crazy mom's disappearance.

Phyllis: What? Is it about Daniel? Ugh.

Nick: Ricky Williams is dead.

Phyllis: What?

Nick: Paul shot him.

Avery: Your brother?

Heather: It's hard to think of Ricky that way, but, uh... yeah, my bro-- my brother is dead.

Avery: (Sighs) Heather, I'm so sorry.

Heather: You know my dad would never use a gun on his own son, right? Unless it was for self-defense or it was to protect someone else. He wouldn't do that.

Avery: And the--the evidence will show that.

Heather: It should, but right now, the evidence isn't supporting Paul's claims, and a month ago, he could have had Michael defend him, but--

Avery: He has me. He has me, if that's what you're asking.

Heather: Thank you. I have to, uh, I have to go upstairs, to the-- to the crime scene.

Avery: Okay, well, I have to speak to my client. Where is he?

Heather: I wish to God I knew.

Michael: I assume there's still no sign of Paul.

Ronan: No, Michael, I don't have his current whereabouts. If I did, I would have different information--

Heather: I've been calling him, home and cell. It's just voice mail so far.

Ronan: Why do you think that is?

Heather: Look, it's not typical behavior, but I plan on finding my father as soon as possible.

Michael: Okay, okay. But once you do, you will be far away from this case.

Heather: One step at a time.

Michael: One of those steps include doing things by regulations, which means, as of now, I have no other course but to consider your father a fugitive. This case is just one huge conflict of interest.

Ronan: Not for me. I'm not married to Paul's ex. He's not my father. Yes, I have worked with him in the past, but I can separate work from private.

Michael: Then I guess it's a good thing you're back.

Ronan: Guess so.

Michael: Yeah, right. I'm aware that I am accepting your involvement in this case, but understand this-- it will be under strict supervision and within extremely limited parameters.

Ronan: Okay. I'm gonna do this clean and respectful. This is Paul Williams we're talking about. This is a good man, ethical man... but there's problems with his story. We're not getting the full picture here. The gun, for instance.

Michael: The gun. The gun, yeah. It's unregistered. The serial numbers have been filed, untraceable. The mere fact that Paul has it could be construed as intent... (Sighs) Premeditation. Priority number one, go find out where the gun came from.

Ronan: I'm on it.

Lauren: Hey.

Ronan: Excuse me. Hey.

Michael: Well, hey. I thought you'd be at the hospital with Eden.

Lauren: I had to see you first. Uh, Michael... the gun that Paul had... was mine.

Eden: Hey. You look tired, but free.

Daniel: Oh, thank you. What were you thinking, going to Ricky's room?

Eden: Well, Michael wanted you for questioning about Daisy, and I knew you weren't responsible for her disappearance, and I thought that Ricky was, so...

Daniel: So... yeah. Yeah, I got questioned. I got arrested, but... guess they decided they didn't have enough evidence to charge me with, so... maybe you jumped the gun there a little, on the whole "I'll go visit the guy who makes my skin crawl."

Eden: I saw him... on the ground. Ricky. I saw him.

Daniel: I'm sorry, Baby.

Eden: I mean, I knew he was dangerous, and I know-- I know something happened. But I can't remember anything, a-and I might be the only person who can prove that Paul had no choice but to shoot.

Heather: Okay, put out an A.P.B. on Paul Williams. You get a lead, I want to hear about it immediately. No unnecessary force. Is that clear?

Paul: Heather. It's okay. I'm here to turn myself in.

Heather: You left a crime scene, huh? You walked away. You know what that looks like?

Paul: Look... Isabella had a right to hear about our son from me, and I had a right to hear whatever she had to say.

Heather: Wait a minute. You went to California?

Paul: You know... (Sniffles) It really doesn't matter, because, um... Isabella is still lost. And she had no idea that Ricky, um...

Heather: Dad. Dad.

Paul: (Sighs)

Heather: I can't defend you.

Paul: Of course not. You're the A.D.A.

Heather: But Avery will, and Michael won't let me anywhere near the case, but... I've heard enough, and so far, the evidence--

Paul: I know what it looks like. I know what happened, and, um... Eden will be able to explain, um... what Ricky was gonna do.

Heather: Uh, she wants to. I know that Eden would do anything she could to clear you. Paul... Eden doesn't remember a thing.

Daniel: I mean, you don't remember anything before you woke up?

Doctor: Guess whose release papers are finished?

Daniel: Is she okay? She can go home?

Eden: Wait, wait. What about my memory? I-I can't just not remember what happened.

Doctor: You didn't sustain any severe brain trauma.

Daniel: Wh-what about an event like last night? I mean, trauma like that could cause memory loss, too, right?

Eden: Okay, so-- so when will it come back? I mean, how do I make that happen? I need my memory to help a friend.

Doctor: (Sighs) Give it time.

Daniel: Come on. Let's get you out of here.

Eden: Give it time, give it time. Yeah, that'll fix everything. Paul doesn't have time. He needs my help now. (Scoffs)

(Cell phone rings)

Eden: Heather.

Heather: Hey. How are you feeling?

Eden: Well, I'm being released, but--but I still don't remember anything.

Heather: You up for an experiment? Want to meet me at the Athletic Club?

Eden: Ricky's room? Well, uh, Daniel's with me. Is it okay if he--

Heather: It's a crime scene, Eden. No, I'm sorry.

Eden: Okay, yeah, I'll--I'll meet you there, by myself, uh, at Ricky's room.

Avery: Hi. I'm here to see my client.

Ronan: You know where Paul is?

Heather: In interrogation, actually, waiting for you.

Avery: Okay.

Ronan: Really? Yeah? Suspect's here, and you're not gonna tell me, huh?

Heather: Paul's meeting with his attorney. Now you know. Look, he turned himself in, Ronan.

Ronan: Paul's my friend, Heather. Do you think I want to bust the hometown hero for murder? Is that what you're thinking? 'Cause it's not true. It's not what I want to do. I'm doing my job, just like you're doing your job.

Michael: Another gun! An-- another gun that you just happened to neglect to tell me about, but you tell Paul, and then you give it to him. I don't even know where to start with this! You violated your probation in order to obtain an illegal firearm. Do you have any idea--?

Lauren: What the position--

Michael: Do you have any idea--yes!

Lauren: Yes, I do know. I know what this means to you, and I know what it means to Paul.

Michael: So what am I supposed to do? Am I supposed to turn you in?

Lauren: Yes.

Michael: (Scoffs)

Lauren: Yes, you are, and if you don't, I will.

Paul: So, uh, thanks for taking me on.

Avery: We don't have time for me to prep you before questioning, but I'm here as moral support, and if I don't like how the interview is going, I'll intervene.

(Door opens)

Ronan: Paul, I...

Paul: Its okay, Ronan.

Ronan: Let's have a seat, get started. Uh, let's start with the gun. Are you usually armed?

Paul: You mean, when I'm not working? No, not usually.

Ronan: So you were working when you went to go see Ricky last night? Is that why you had a firearm?

Paul: No, I just happened to have it with me.

Ronan: You just happened to have it with you at the... at the same moment that Ricky was allegedly threatening Eden?

Avery: Paul's licensed to carry.

Ronan: A registered weapon. That one wasn't.

Ronan: Paul, I need to know where you got that particular firearm.

Paul: You know, I've had a lot of guns in my career, and, um, I don't remember where they all came from.

Ronan: Paul, I need to know about this gun, okay? I need to know about the gun that you fired last night.

Paul: I don't recall.

Michael: So you just want to march into the police station and announce that you bought an illegal weapon while you were on probation, because why? You just suddenly would like some jail time?

Lauren: Paul... won't tell the police that the gun is mine, so I have to.

Michael: Gun charges are the least of Paul's problems. Just... Sweetie, just let me figure out a way to handle this before you say anything to anybody. Please.

Lauren: We don't have much time. (Sniffles) I don't want Paul to ruin his case to save me.

Phyllis: Okay, well, well, then call me, call me with any information that you get. Thanks. (Sighs) Ronnie from our crime department-- she's going down to the police station right now.

Nick: (Sighs)

Phyllis: She's... (Sighs)

Nick: Is this your new cover story?

Phyllis: Ah, there's a lot of responsibility to take there. I... Paul must be in hell.

(Rhythmic knock on door)

Nick: Wow.

Daniel: Hey.

Nick: Hey. Look who's here.

Daniel: Hey.

Phyllis: Hey. Are you okay? Did you sleep well? Do you need something to eat?

Daniel: No.

Nick: You know what? I'm gonna give you two some--some time. It's good to see you out walking around, Bud.

Phyllis: (Clears throat) So, uh, Lucy's sleeping.

Daniel: Did you hear about Ricky?

Phyllis: Yeah. Be a lot easier to prove that he was responsible for Daisy being missing if he could actually speak.

Daniel: I don't think she's just missing. I think that if she was out there somewhere and she was safe, she would have found a way to expose you and your hit-and-run by now.

Phyllis: So Ricky didn't just ship her off?

Daniel: I don't think so, which means Lucy's mother is dead, and... your secret is safe.

Michael: Hey, you. All right. You ready for this? I know we're asking a lot, bringing you here.

Eden: Well, Heather said you two thought it might help me remember.

Michael: You ready?

Eden: Paul was trying to look out for me. I-I can't not help him. Wait, just-- Okay.

(Electronic lock beeps)

Michael: Anything so far?

Eden: Um...

Heather: Okay. Now for the next step.

Michael: You still okay so far?

(Bell rings)

Nick: Everything okay?

Phyllis: (Clears throat)

Daniel: Uh, yeah. Just--just telling Mom about Eden at the hospital, how she doesn't remember anything from Ricky's room.

(Knock on door)

Phyllis: I'll get that.

Nick: (Sighs)

Lauren: Hey.

Phyllis: Hey, hi.

Lauren: Oh. (Chuckles) Daniel. Oh, I am so glad you're not charged.

Nick: I assume you heard about Paul.

Lauren: Yeah.

Nick: I mean, everyone knows he would never just shoot.

Lauren: Well, let's hope that's good enough for the police.

Nick: Hey, you want to get some coffee?

Daniel: Yeah.

Lauren: Well, normally, I would say don't leave on my account, but I actually do need to talk to Phyllis

Phyllis: Oh.

Daniel: That's fine. I really need some coffee...

Lauren: Oh, good, okay.

Daniel: And, uh, see you guys later.

Lauren: All right, bye.

Phyllis: I don't need to ask how you're doing.

Lauren: Well, there's more.

Phyllis: There is?

Lauren: Yeah. It's about the gun that shot Ricky.

Paul: I-I hadn't given Ricky the benefit of the doubt for a while, so, uh, I decided to give him another shot, and, um... Ricky spoke his mind. A lot of it was angry. And then, shortly after I left, I heard from Kevin, and he told me that, um, Eden went to see Ricky, and that's when I remembered seeing the backpack in Ricky's room, and I realized that it-- it--it belonged to Eden, and she might still be there, so I went back.

Ronan: And he let you back in the room after you two had just argued?

Paul: No. I-I had taken his--his key card.

Ronan: Go on.

Paul: When I walked in the room, he was-- he had the knife above Eden, and he was gonna kill her. I told him to drop it. He wouldn't drop it. (Voice breaks) He said I wouldn't shoot, and--and then--

Ronan: You did.

Paul: I was only trying to wing him before he could hurt Eden, but I guess the impact of the-- the impact of the-- the shot... he fell back through the window.

Avery: Okay, clearly, Eden would be dead if Paul hadn't used force to prevent a murder.

Paul: (Sighs)

Ronan: There was no knife found at the scene.

Paul: What do you mean, there was no knife at the scene? There had to be. It was at least 10 inches long! It was at the scene, Ronan! 

Ronan: I need you to understand what we're dealing with here, okay? You walked into Ricky's room using a stolen key card and you shot him with an untraceable weapon. All of that points to premeditated murder.

Heather: What are you feeling right now?

Eden: Uh, I-- I-I want to run. I just want to run and never look at this place again, even though I can't remember what happened.

Heather: (Whispering) Let's get the backpack.

Michael: All right. All right, take this. Pretend it was your backpack. Put it on. Now reenact how you came in the room. See if that brings anything up.

Heather: Okay, Ricky-- Ricky answered the door. What did he say?

Eden: (Voice breaking) I don't know. I don't know. (Sighs)

Michael: At some point, you texted Kevin. You said you had big news.

Eden: (Sighs) God, this is crazy. It's like its all blank.

Heather: Okay, this isn't working. We've gotta take it to the next step. I'm sorry, Sweetie, but we have to reenact the shooting.

Nick: What?

Daniel: It's--I don't-- I don't know, it's just-- Kevin hired Daisy here a couple days ago. She was making my life miserable, and now she's gone. And Ricky, I mean-- what the hell is going on around here?

Nick: How's Eden doing?

Daniel: (Sighs) She's good. She's fine. She's--physically, she's fine, but she's a little freaked out because she wants to help Paul more.

Nick: Help Paul, how?

Daniel: She doesn't remember anything that happened in the club, so she can't say for sure if Paul shot to protect her.

Nick: What else would it be? Paul is Paul, and Ricky was his son.

Daniel: (Scoffs) Yeah. Rage is a funny thing, Nick. It's tricky. You know, it... makes you do stuff, stuff that you regret moments later. Look at Daisy. I never laid a hand on her, but I said enough stupid things, and now I'm the one who looks guilty.

Nick: Look, the kind of rage you're talking about-- that's not you and it's not Paul. Maybe someone else.

Daniel: It doesn't matter who you are. Rage creeps in, washes over you, erases that part of your brain that would never let you do something like that, and then once it's done, once you've crossed that line, there's no going back. You can't undo it.

Lauren: Daisy just wouldn't give up. You know, I needed to know that my family was safe, and so I bought another gun. Paul knew something was up, and he kept after me, and, um... I told him, and I gave him the gun, and now this.

Phyllis: You handed over your gun to a trained professional.

Lauren: Yeah, but if I hadn't given him the gun, then he wouldn't have the guilt of shooting his own son.

Phyllis: No, he wouldn't have the guilt, and he wouldn't have anything else. Lauren, Ricky would have killed Eden, and then he would have killed his own father. Yes, he would have killed his own father, so your gun saved two people's lives.

Heather: You were lying on the floor, and your head was bleeding. Do you remember how you got there? Did you fall? Or maybe you were pushed. Can you remember a knife, Ricky holding it, or can you remember a knife being anywhere at all?

Eden: (Sighs) I can't remember, okay? I'm just scared. That's all I am. I'm just scared. And Paul--he told me to stay away, but I-I-I couldn't leave it alone, and now he's the one in trouble. None of this would have happened if I would have just listened to your dad.

Ronan: You recognize that?

Paul: It's my file on Ricky.

Ronan: It looks like you never got any evidence of criminal activity, and neither have we. Because there was no knife at the crime scene and... I mean, Ricky may have been no good, Paul, but he wasn't homicidal.

Paul: I got proof.

Ronan: Where? Where is it, man?

Paul: It's in my head. I'm hearing it over and over and over and over again. Ricky confessed. Before I shot him, Ricky confessed that he'd killed before.

Ronan: Ricky confessed?

Avery: Paul, we need you to be very clear right now.

Ronan: Paul, who was the victim?

Paul: There was-- there was more than one victim.

Ronan: Okay, and please go on.

Paul: Ronan, it's all in the file. His girlfriend from college. Uh, the contact, Craig Hunt. He was on his way to tell me everything about her death. And--and there's Daisy, and... E-Eden would have been next.

Avery: Ricky was responsible for Daisy's disappearance?

Ronan: Ricky told you all of this?

Paul: He did.

Ronan: Paul, Eden doesn't remember anything, so if you get in front of a judge and jury, it's all on your word.

Paul: Then do your job and find the knife.

Avery: Ronan, you've asked your questions. Is my client free to go now?

Ronan: I gotta talk to Baldwin.

Avery: Okay, you do that. Paul, why didn't you tell us right away that Ricky confessed?

Paul: He's a murderer. He's my son. You know, its one thing to have s-suspicions and...(Exhales sharply) To have it confirmed...you know, Rachel, his girlfriend... she was the only one he hurt at first... until I started asking a lot of questions. So everybody that died after that, they're on me.

Michael: My sister has no recollection of the events in Ricky's suite.

Ronan: So no knife, now no witness. Ricky's confession is gonna look awfully convenient to a grand jury.

Michael: You were in there with Paul. What's your impression?

Ronan: (Sighs) That he's cracking up, that he's racked with guilt, but I still don't think he's trying to get one over on us.

Michael: And Ricky's last-minute confession?

Ronan: Paul's file on Ricky borders on obsessive, maybe even crosses over. I didn't find anything in it that proves to me that Ricky killed anyone.

Michael: So, what? Paul was so sure Ricky was dangerous, he saw a threat that wasn't there?

Ronan: Okay, Paul already had a gun. His mind's going crazy with suspicion. He comes into a situation that feeds his paranoia about Ricky. He shoots him in a moment of panic. Then afterward, he's trying to cope with it. He comes up with the knife and a confession.

Michael: He's not trying to con us. He's just trying to mitigate his own guilt.

Ronan: No knife, an untraceable weapon, no witness to back up what he said.

Michael: I can't release Paul.

Ronan: The guy deserves a break, Michael. I'm not saying release him. Listen, I made a call earlier, okay? Just in case, but I-- hear me out, 'cause I need you to say yes first.

Paul: (Exhales sharply)

(Door opens)

Ronan: Paul, I-I can't--

Paul: You can't let me go.

Ronan: No, we can't. But you do have a visitor.

Paul: Tell 'em to come back later.

Nina: I dare you to try and make me.

Daniel: Eden. How'd it go? You okay?

Heather: She's tougher than she looks.

Daniel: Yeah, it was really sweet of you to bring her back to the crime scene.

Heather: Look, I just want to get the truth, for everyone's sake.

Eden: Yeah, and I'm getting in the way of that.

Daniel: It's not your fault you lost a chunk of your memory. It happens. It can un-happen, too.

(Footsteps approach)

Avery: Oh, good, you're all here. I have news. Before Paul... before Ricky died, he told Paul that he killed Daisy.

Daniel: Wait, he said that, in those words?

Avery: I believe he said "He got rid of her."

Eden: So he did it. He really did it.

Daniel: Did--did he tell Paul what happened? You know, what-- what he did with--

Avery: Not that I know of.

Heather: Um, what did Ronan have to say about the confession?

Avery: Well, you know what he said. The force isn't gonna just take his word for it.

Eden: Well, I was there. I mean, if Ricky said it, I have to remember. God, I wish I could just open my brain. Somehow I have to remember everything Ricky said.

Nick: Now that's one way to make the bad stuff go away.

Phyllis: Yeah. She's so beautiful.

Nick: Yes, she is.

Phyllis: You don't look at her and think, oh, your mother is a psychopath. You don't do that. Or was a psychopath. Daisy and Ricky-- crazy. They both had crazy mothers, no soul. Did you ever really look into their eyes? There was no soul, no remorse, no regret, no--no love, no decency. But Lucy isn't that way. Part of me is happy that they're gone. It doesn't make me feel good saying that, but it's true.

Nick: There's gonna be times when Lucy's gonna wonder about her mom, all right, and she may be sad, but her life now is better than it probably ever would have been, and that goes for everyone who loves her.

Phyllis: I agree. I feel good. (Laughs) I feel better than I have in months and safer. I think this nightmare is finally over.

Michael: In regards to our previous discussion, I refute--

Lauren: You're using lawyer-speak with me.

Michael: That's a mistake. I'm not being an attorney right now. I'm being your husband. We're not gonna do anything about your...

Lauren: (Whispers) My purchase.

Michael: Yeah, uh, we'll wait. Please. See how things unfold, and then I will proceed in a manner that, uh, protects all involved. I'm sorry. That was very lawyerly.

Lauren: (Normal voice) Lawyer, husband, friend-- you're really good at all of that. Forgive me for putting you in this position.

Michael: Unusual move for a law enforcement officer, to bring in the suspect's dear friend.

Ronan: A move you signed off on.

Michael: Only when I knew Nina was already in transit.

Lauren: He's complimenting you. You can tell from his tone. That's a real kind, generous thing that you did.

Ronan: Paul's son is dead, and he's being looked at as a killer. All I did was call Nina. She did the rest. (Shuffles papers)

Paul: (Sniffles)

Nina: You know why I adore you? It's not just because you're quiet when I need you to be quiet, or you make me laugh when I need the laugh. It's because there are so few truly, truly honorable men in the world, and you're not just one of them. You're one of the truest. You are the truest. You're true and good and right, Paul.

Paul: I had a gun...

Nina: (Sighs)

Paul: And I pointed it at him.

Nina: I know, but you're a good man. You know it.

Paul: Nina--

Nina: No matter what. In your heart and your soul, you know you're a good man.

Paul: Please stop it. Stop it. Stop it. (Voice breaks) I killed my son! I killed my own son! There's no excuse for that.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Ashley: You slept with my husband. There's no coming back from that.

Genevieve: I'm the last person on the earth who would use your sister's memory to torment you. That--that's disgusting to me.

Abby: I called my mom yesterday, told her everything and--

Carmine: You what?

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