Y&R Transcript Monday 7/2/12
Episode # 9939 ~ Ashley & Victor React to Abby's Confession
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Jack: Ohh...
Nikki: (Chuckles)
Jack: You are such a sweetheart.
Nikki: It's your favorite, red velvet.
Jack: Thank you.
Nikki: Mwah. Well, go ahead, make a wish.
Jack: Ahh... (Exhales slowly)
Nikki: Good job. (Laughs)
Jack: Thanks. (Laughs)
Victor: Well, I certainly hope you wished for Abby's safe return.
Sharon: Happy birthday, Jack.
Jack: Hello, Sharon.
Victor: I'll be damned. Another year older, and yet none the wiser.
Tucker: Is everything okay?
Ashley: Abby. Abby, are you there?
Abby: Yeah, Mom, I-I can barely hear you.
Ashley: Honey, is that you?
Abby: Yeah. Yeah, Mom, it's me.
Ashley: Are you okay?
Abby: I'm fine.
Ronan: All right, I'll have my cell with me.
Heather: I can't believe you're back, Ronan. Or should I say Batman, since you're so much like him?
Ronan: Batman? How's that?
Heather: Mm, mysterious, aloof, always on top... of crime in this fair city.
Ronan: (Chuckles) Well, it's a dirty job, but somebody's gotta do it, huh?
Heather: So who sent the bat-signal this time?
Ronan: Victor Newman flew the signal out this time. He needs help looking for Abby.
Heather: Well, from the way you were reassuring Phyllis earlier, I gather you're helping Daniel's case, too.
Ronan: Not in... an official capacity. I'm doing Phyllis a favor, just looking over the evidence.
Heather: So we're adversaries.
Ronan: You're working for the D.A.'s office again.
Heather: Mm-hmm. Yeah, Michael was kind enough to give me a second chance.
Ronan: Kind enough? You deserve it, after that Adam and Ricky situation.
Heather: You mean when Adam seduced me and my brother took photos? Yeah.
Ronan: Yeah, that's the one. Hey... that wasn't your fault. You were set up.
Heather: Let's just say it wasn't one of my prouder moments. I'm glad Michael was able to look past all that.
Ronan: Michael is lucky to have an attorney like you on his team.
Michael: Did you see that look that Phyllis gave me when she walked out of the police station?
Lauren: Oh, she's just upset 'cause you put a 48-hour hold on Daniel. Thank you.
Michael: Does she think I like keeping my best friend's son behind bars?
Lauren: Well, Honey, that's why you did the right thing and you let Heather take the lead.
Michael: Let me tell you, this is one incident that I did not foresee when I agreed to become district attorney.
Lauren: I know, I know, and that is why you need to make every moment count...
Michael: (Clears throat)
Lauren: Because it could change in a heartbeat.
Michael: You know, thank God for you and Fenmore.
Lauren: Yeah, Sweetie, you, too.
Kevin: Okay. Okay, you, too. Bye.
Michael: Hey.
Lauren: Was that Eden?
Kevin: No, it was Chloe. She went home to tuck Delia in. We went to the park looking for Eden, but no luck.
Michael: What's going on with Eden?
Lauren: You still haven't found her?
Kevin: No, and I'm getting more and more worried by the minute.
Paul: Put the knife down!
Ricky: Go ahead, man! Shoot!
Paul: Put it down!
Ricky: Well, what are you waiting for? Do it!
Paul: I'm not gonna say it again! Ricky!! (Whimpering) (Gasps) Oh, no! (Breathing heavily)
Eden: Ow. Paul?
Paul: (Gasping)
Eden: Paul, what-- what is going on?
Paul: (Gasping) (Sobbing) No. (Gasping)
Eden: (Gasps) What's... (Gasps) Oh, God, Ricky. Paul? Are you still here? Paul. Paul, what happened?
Paul: Call the police.
Eden: (Sighs)
Victor: So the search for Abby continues, I see.
Jack: And what does that mean?
Victor: You and Ashley accused me not too long ago of not worrying too much about Abby's abduction.
Sharon: Maybe this was a bad idea.
Nikki: Yeah, really bad.
Victor: Mm-hmm. I have a series of law enforcement people looking for her as we speak. In fact, they are closing in on her and her abductor.
Jack: Give me a break. You asked Ronan Malloy to help you out--one man.
Victor: Now you know that Ronan Malloy works for the FBI, so he has plenty of connections, doesn't he, Jack? So how are you conducting your search for Abby-- by stuffing your face with gluten-rich cake? Is that it? No, please enlighten me, but first, I suggest you wipe your chin.
Nikki: Oh, please. That's enough, Victor.
Victor: I decide when it's enough.
Woman: I apologize for interrupting, but I've been watching the news about your beloved Abby being missing, and seeing you all gathered together here...
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Woman: I just want you to know, I'm--I'm praying for her.
Victor: That's very kind of you.
Woman: Thank you.
Victor: Thank you.
Ashley: Where are you? I'll come get you.
Abby: Look, I'm safe, Mom, okay? I swear.
Ashley: Abby? How do I know that you don't have a gun at your head right now?
Abby: Um, I... pink elephant.
Ashley: Oh, you remembered the safe word I taught you when you were a little girl. We were living in Paris.
Abby: Y--Mom, I-I just-- I need you to listen, okay? There's something I need to tell you.
Ashley: Are you in any kind of danger? I'll call the police. I'll--I'll have them there in two minutes.
Abby: I'm not in danger, Mom. (Sighs) The truth is, I-- I never was.
Ashley: What do you mean, you were never in danger?
Abby: I kind of set the whole thing up.
Ashley: There was no kidnapping?
Abby: Chloe was kidnapped for, like, a second. I-it's complicated, Mom.
Ashley: I'm--I'm okay with complicated. What do you mean, complicated?
Abby: Um, okay, well, I... kind of kidnapped myself.
Ashley: You kidnapped yourself?
Abby: Okay, here's the deal-- I was co-chairing the gala. It was supposed to be the party of the year, and it turned into a train wreck. I never could have lived that down, Mom, okay? I-I had to come up with this idea to... get the attention off of it.
Ashley: Do you have any idea what you've done? There were search parties. There were roadblocks, Abby. I mean, there--people were worried sick about you. Do you have any idea? You broke the law!
Abby: I'm really sorry.
Ashley: Well, you're gonna be a hell of a lot sorrier when your father gets his hands on you. Look, you just get home, okay? You get home, and we'll discuss it then.
Tucker: What's going on? Is she okay?
Ashley: (Sighs)
Abby: Is that Tucker?
Ashley: Yeah, it's Tucker. He's been worried about you, too.
Abby: (Scoffs) I'm gone-- I'm gone for, like, a day, and you two get back together?
Ashley: Yeah. Actually, you know, the stress of your disappearance-- it just rekindled our feelings for each other.
Abby: And--and I have bad judgment. (Scoffs)
Ashley: Are you seriously gonna yell at me after what you've just done?
Abby: Um...
Ashley: Get your butt home, and we'll sort it out.
Abby: I'll see you soon. I-I love you?
Ashley: I love you, too, Honey.
Abby: (Sighs)
(Bathroom door opens)
Abby: Did you enjoy your... (Clears throat) Shower?
Carmine: Yeah, but I think I used up all the hot water.
Abby: I could probably use a cold shower.
Carmine: Hmm, what's that, Princess?
Abby: Just thinking out loud.
Tucker: What was that all about?
Ashley: My little girl is fine, and she's coming home... and then I'm gonna kill her. Ohh, now for the really fun part.
Tucker: What's that?
Ashley: I have to tell Victor that he was right.
Sharon: Maybe we should leave.
Victor: No, I'm waiting for Jack's answer.
Jack: For the record, I have my own people looking for my niece right now. I just don't feel the need to beat my chest and tell the world about it.
Victor: The reason you aren't beating your chest, Jack, is because those people probably don't exist, do they?
Ashley: Hey! I have incredible news. Abby just called, and she's okay.
Nikki: Oh, my God.
Heather: So... how long will you be in town?
Ronan: I never know. We'll have to wait and see how things play out.
Man: Possible 187, Genoa City Athletic Club. Shots fired.
Ronan: Are there any more specifics than that?
Man: Just that Paul Williams was involved.
Heather: What?
Ronan: Wait, I'm gonna come with you.
Kevin: Then about an hour or so later, Eden texts me, saying that she has big news.
Michael: Big news about what?
Kevin: Well, she didn't say, but we made plans to meet at the park, only she never showed up. That's when I started getting worried that it had something to do with Ricky.
Michael: Ricky? What the hell does--
(Cell phone rings)
Michael: What does Ricky have to do with any of--hold on. Michael Baldwin. What? Oh, God. Yeah, of course. I'm on my way over. Ricky Williams is dead.
Lauren: Dead?
Kevin: What happened?
Michael: Someone shot him at the Athletic Club. They didn't have all the details yet.
Lauren: Oh, my God. I-I have to get to Paul.
Michael: Evidently, Paul was there. Eden, too.
Kevin: What?
Michael: Looks like your instincts were right.
Kevin: Oh, God, is she okay?
Michael: Look, they're taking her to Memorial. She's fine. But I--look, I've gotta get over to the crime scene. Do you mind getting--
Kevin: Yeah, I will call you from the hospital when I can.
Michael: All right, let's go.
Lauren: Okay. Okay.
Paul: (Sniffling)
Man: May I have the gun?
Paul: (Gasping shakily)
Man: The gun, Mr. Williams.
Paul: (Exhales deeply)
Man: Paul, please. Take that and check it for prints. See if it's registered, and if so, to who.
Paul: (Gasps)
Man: Is that your firearm?
Paul: (Sniffles, sighs)
Man: Did you discharge it?
Paul: (Voice breaking) I just--I just...
Man: What? What, Paul?
Paul: I can't do this. I can't do this, okay?
Lauren: Oh, Honey, there's Heather.
Heather: Michael, thank God you're here. No one will tell me anything except that Paul's been involved in a shooting.
Michael: He, um... he may have shot your brother.
Heather: Ricky? Is that who's in the street?
Lauren: Heather, I'm so sorry.
Heather: A-are they sure?
Michael: Someone on staff ID'd him. It's not clear how yet, but, um... Ricky fell through a window.
Heather: I-I have to go find my dad.
Michael: No, wait, that-- wait, Heather. I'll go up there and check on him for you, but you can't see him right now.
Heather: Yeah, okay. (Sobs quietly)
Paul: (Sniffling)
Man: I can't let you in.
Man: It's--its fine. Detective Malloy, good to see you again.
Ronan: What happened in there?
Man: We have a shattered window. The vic, Ricky Williams, was found in the street. He was dead when the paramedics got to him.
Ronan: What else?
Man: Witness claims to have heard one gunshot, though with the fireworks, it's difficult to tell how accurate that is.
Ronan: Yeah, right, right.
Man: We've secured what we believe is the murder weapon. Of course, the coroner's report won't be ready for some time, but, uh... we're testing Paul Williams for gunshot residue.
Ronan: (Sighs) What has Paul said?
Man: Nothing. I can't get him to talk about it.
Ronan: Let me take a shot at it, man.
Man: This isn't your crime scene, Ron.
Ronan: I know this guy. We worked on the Jenkins murder together. Come on, this guy's a friend. Give me five minutes with him.
Man: (Sighs) Well, I guess it couldn't hurt.
Ronan: All right, thanks.
Paul: (Sniffling) (Sniffles, sighs) (Sighs)
Ronan: Hey, buddy. Hey, Paul.
Paul: Ronan.
Ronan: I need your help.
Paul: (Sniffles)
Ronan: You've gotta tell me what happened here tonight.
Paul: Ricky's dead, man.
Ronan: I know. I'm sorry, Paul.
Paul: I just keep thinking, I mean-- maybe there could have been something I-- that I could have done.
Ronan: That you could have done about what?
Paul: To kind of talk him down. Everything was happening so fast, you know? He--he--he had the knife, and--and--and Eden...
Ronan: Eden? What was Eden doing here?
Paul: (Sniffles) My son was trying to kill her.
Ronan: How do you know that Ricky was trying to kill Eden, Paul?
Paul: He... (Sobs) He had the knife. I didn't know what to do.
Ronan: Okay. Okay, so you saw him with the knife... and you shot him?
Paul: I was just trying to disarm him, and I-I think I hit him. He--he stood up, and, uh, he fell back through the-- through the window. (Sobs) He's--he's not still out there, is he? Maybe I should go--
Ronan: No, no, Paul, Paul, we've got him, okay? All right? We're taking good care of him.
Paul: (Sighs)
Ronan: Can Eden corroborate your story, Paul?
Paul: I don't know. I think so. (Sniffles) I mean... she was there.
Ronan: Are you getting all of this?
Paul: (Sighs)
Doctor: You have a significant bump and contusion on your head.
Eden: Yeah, I must have fallen pretty hard.
Doctor: Now just to be safe, we'll, uh, do a cat scan. I'm also gonna run a tox screen.
Eden: Yeah, no, I mean, whatever you need to do.
Doctor: And I'd like to keep you overnight for observation. Uh, can I have a nurse call someone for you?
Eden: Um... no, I'm good.
Kevin: Hi.
Eden: Hey.
Kevin: You scared me half to death. (Chuckles) What happened?
Eden: I don't know. I mean, I-I-I woke up at Ricky's suite, right? On the bathroom floor, and then I-I looked out the window and I saw him, and I just--I can't get that picture out of my head.
Kevin: We were supposed to meet in the park. How did you end up at Ricky's room?
Eden: I don't remember.
Victor: Did the police find her?
Jack: Have they arrested the man that abducted her?
Ashley: No, and I don't know.
Nikki: How was she able to get away from the kidnappers to call you?
Ashley: She didn't have to get away.
Tucker: What does that mean?
Ashley: There was no kidnapping.
Jack: Wait, I don't understand.
Ashley: Well, apparently, Abby cooked up this whole thing as a publicity stunt with, uh, Carmine.
Jack: She what?
Ashley: I know. She tried to explain it to me, but I was just so upset that I-I couldn't even hear her. I just can't believe that she would do something so incredibly stupid. I mean, didn't she know how this was gonna make us feel?
Tucker: What's important is that Abby's safe.
Jack: Yeah, amen.
Ashley: So, Victor, you were right.
Victor: You've been a good mother, and I respect that. I've been far more cynical about our daughter than you have been, okay?
Ashley: What are we gonna do about her?
Victor: Make it clear to her that this kind of behavior will not be tolerated again.
Ashley: And what good does that do? Every time we lecture her, she just tunes us out.
Victor: Let's teach her a lesson. Let her get herself out of this predicament.
Nikki: Well, I'm gonna alert the authorities. There are plenty of other people who want to know, too.
Sharon: I'll help.
Victor: Why don't you call Ronan, okay?
Sharon: I think I will call him first.
Tucker: Get some coffee?
Ashley: Yeah. I'll see you, Jack.
Victor: Well, Jack, old boy... it gives me great pleasure to tell you "I told you so."
Carmine: Hey, were you on the phone?
Abby: I was calling a pizza place.
Carmine: Oh, great, I'm starved.
Abby: I didn't order anything.
Carmine: Ohh. They put you on hold, huh? Yeah, I hate that.
Abby: You better sit.
Carmine: What?
Abby: I want to talk to you. Um... (Clears throat)
Carmine: If it's about the pizza, I mean, burgers are fine. I'm not that picky, but--
Abby: It's not about food. (Chuckles)
Carmine: Then what is it about?
Abby: Do you work out?
Carmine: That's what you wanted to talk to me about?
Abby: Mm-hmm.
Lauren: I wish I had the answers for you.
Heather: (Sniffles) I mean, I knew that Paul was suspicious of Ricky, but I didn't want to think that my brother was actually dangerous. Or maybe... Paul lost perspective and took things too far. I mean, you don't think that could be it?
Lauren: N-no, no, no.
Heather: Okay. (Sniffles)
Lauren: There is no way that Paul ever would have hurt Ricky, unless he had been forced to.
Heather: Yeah. (Sniffles)
Michael: Thank you. Thank you so much.
Lauren: What did Kevin say?
Michael: (Sighs) They only took Eden in for some tests, precautionary only. She'll have a headache, maybe, for a day or two, but that's it.
Heather: (Exhales sharply) Good. Thank god. I'd hate to think that... (Sighs)
Michael: Heather, I'm sorry you had to go through this.
Heather: It's okay. No, I mean, I deal with violence all the time, but when it's your own family...
Michael: How did you find out about the shooting?
Heather: I was-- I was at the police station when the call came in. And Ronan was there, and he came with me.
Michael: He did? Where is he?
Heather: He's upstairs.
Ronan: Hey, Paul. Tell me about this knife.
Paul: (Breathes deeply)
Ronan: Paul?
Paul: What?
Ronan: The knife. Paul, can you describe the knife for me?
Paul: What-- can I describe it?
Ronan: No, no, it's okay. It's okay, we're gonna-- we're gonna talk about this later, okay?
Ronan: Um, we need to talk to Eden immediately. We need to see if she can confirm any of his story. We need to see what she was doing in Ricky's room.
Man: We also need to find this knife.
Ronan: I know. In the meantime, can we get Paul out of here? He's in pretty bad shape.
Man: Yeah.
Ronan: Thanks.
Michael: Hey.
Paul: (Sniffling)
Man: He's, uh, still pretty out of it. Could you, uh, take Mr. Williams downstairs, please?
Man: I'll, uh, head over to Memorial, see if Eden's up to talking.
Michael: Who the hell deputized you?
Abby: Seriously, dude? Of all the games in the store, you had to get Sudoku?
Carmine: Well, I-I thought you'd be into it.
Abby: (Laughs) Well, yeah, because I'm secretly a rocket scientist. (Chuckles)
Carmine: Sorry. (Sighs)
Abby: You're forgiven.
Carmine: (Yawns)
Abby: (Yawns) Now you're making me... (Laughs) Do that.
Carmine: Yeah, I'm beat. I'm going to bed.
Abby: Mm, ugh.
Carmine: You could, uh, lay on my shoulder if you want.
Abby: Thank you.
Carmine: (Chuckles) Hmm.
Michael: I could have your job for this.
Ronan: You could have my job for what? For trying to help?
Michael: This is not your jurisdiction. You cannot arbitrarily question a witness who has not given an official statement. You have no standing here.
Ronan: I don't exactly have a lot of faith in Genoa City's finest, and I have a hard time believing that you do.
Michael: The point is, there is a way to handle things and a way not to handle things. This was not the way.
Ronan: I did it the way that got Paul to talk.
Man: I'll give you and your daughter a moment alone.
Lauren: Paul, Paul.
Paul: (Sniffles)
Lauren: Whatever you need, we're here for you.
Paul: (Sighs)
Heather: Hey. Can you tell me what happened?
Paul: (Sniffling)
Lauren: I think-- I think he's still in shock.
Heather: Okay, okay. It's okay, all right? We can talk later.
Paul: I'm sorry. I-I'm so sorry. Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Heather.
Heather: Dad. I'm sorry, you can't just walk out of here. Michael's gonna need you to stick around, okay?
Man: Eden, can you tell me why you were in Ricky Williams' room?
Eden: Um... (Sighs) I'm not sure. I can't remember.
Kevin: Um, I think it had something to do with this text.
Man: “Big news"? What does that mean?
Eden: I don't know.
Kevin: I think I do. Eden had come to see me, and she said she was concerned that Ricky had something to do with Daisy's disappearance.
Man: Do you remember that?
Eden: Yeah, but, uh, I don't know why I thought that.
Man: All right, let's get back to Ricky's room. You woke up on the bathroom floor, correct?
Eden: Um, yeah.
Man: Any idea how you lost consciousness?
Eden: Uh, I guess-- I guess I fell, 'cause my head was bleeding.
Man: But you don't know for certain?
Eden: Uh, no.
Man: Think back to when you woke up. What was the first thing you saw?
Eden: Um, Paul.
Man: What was he doing?
Eden: He was looking out the window.
Man: So Ricky was no longer there?
Eden: No. When he left the room, I looked out the window, too.
Man: What did you see?
Eden: You know what I saw.
Kevin: Go easy on her.
Man: Look, I-- I know this is difficult, but the answers to these questions are important, not just to me, but to Paul Williams.
Eden: Wait, you don't think Paul...
Man: That--that's what we're trying to figure out. And now, when you saw Paul, did he have anything in his hand?
Eden: Um... a gun.
Man: All right. Did you ask him what had taken place?
Eden: He left the bathroom before I had a chance.
Man: What was his demeanor?
Eden: Uh, he was distraught. I-I followed him out and he was sitting on the bed, and that's when he told me to call the cops. Er, the police, I mean.
Man: (Chuckles) Its okay. "Cop" works. One last question, then, uh, I'll let you rest. At any time when you were in Ricky's room, do you recall seeing a knife?
Eden: Well, before I woke up, it's--it's all a blank, but afterwards... no, I didn't see a knife.
Jack: Does Abby really think the whole world revolves around her?
Nikki: She is gonna have to face a lot of angry people.
Jack: Oh, you bet she is.
Nikki: I hate to say this, but it's typical Abby, thinking only of herself.
Jack: (Chuckles) That kid is a firecracker, all right.
Nikki: She definitely makes life interesting. Well, at least she's safe.
Jack: She's not safe from Victor.
Victor: Of all the immature, self-involved things she--that girl has done... I wonder if she's ever gonna grow up.
Sharon: Well, Abby has done some questionable things.
Victor: She certainly has.
Sharon: You know, it can't be easy on her, though, being half Newman and half Abbott.
Victor: It's the Abbott half that has me concerned.
Sharon: Well, um, you know, she's still your daughter and you adore her. If you didn't, then you wouldn't be so angry, so, you know-- look, at least she's alive and well and it wasn't a real kidnapping.
Victor: You know, you're right, but I'm still gonna wring her neck.
Sharon: Okay...
Victor: Yeah.
Sharon: But not tonight.
Victor: No, not tonight. Let's go home.
Tucker: Well... (Sighs) Abby sure went to a hell of a lot of trouble for another one of her publicity stunts.
Ashley: It's not funny.
(Cell phone rings)
Ashley: Excuse me. Hello?
Abby: Hey, Mom, it's me.
Ashley: What's wrong?
Abby: Oh, nothing, I'm just...
Abby: Not quite ready to come home yet.
Ashley: You're kidding, right?
Abby: I need a little more time to-- to clear my head, and... I'll see you in a couple days.
Ashley: Abby, wait a second. (Scoffs) (Slams cell phone down)
Kevin: Do you want me to call anyone for you? Noah, maybe?
Eden: He got a gig in New York, left yesterday. See? I can remember that, so why--why can't I remember what happened in Ricky's room?
Kevin: Short-term memory loss. I think that's probably pretty normal after a head injury.
Eden: What if I said the wrong thing and got Paul in trouble?
Kevin: You told the truth. That's all you can do.
Eden: I guess. I know this is gonna sound terrible, but part of me is relieved that Ricky's dead.
Lauren: He had this blank look in his eyes, and, I mean, he could barely say a word.
Michael: Wouldn't even make eye contact with me. Oh, thank you. (Sighs) Oh, for crying out loud. Why don't I just arrest the whole town? First Daniel and now Paul.
Lauren: What are you talking about?
Michael: We ran a trace on the gun Paul used. It appears as if the crime was premeditated.
Lauren: That is ridiculous. You know as well as I do that Paul didn't go into that suite intending on killing his son.
Michael: I know. I know it doesn't make any sense, but the gun came back unregistered, and someone filed off the serial numbers.
Ronan: (Exhales sharply) Well... (Sighs) Abby Newman's surfaced.
Heather: Is she all right?
Ronan: Yeah, she's fantastic. It was a hoax.
Heather: That was a good waste of your time.
Ronan: Isn't it?
Heather: Yeah.
Ronan: Did you talk to Eden?
Man: She remembers seeing Paul with the gun, but very little else.
Ronan: Right. What about the knife?
Man: She never saw one, and we've canvassed the whole area and found nothing.
Ronan: Which means...
Man: No knife, no self-defense.
Heather: Oh, come on. Paul is not a murderer.
Man: I'm sorry, Heather, but I'm gonna need to take your father downtown.
Ronan: I'll get him, okay? I'll get him. Where's Paul?
Lauren: Isn't he with Heather?
Ronan: No.
Michael: Then where is he?
Isabella: (Humming)
(Door opens)
Paul: Isabella.
Isabella: (Humming)
Paul: Isabella, can you-- can you hear me?
Isabella: (Humming)
Paul: It's Paul.
Isabella: (Humming)
Paul: Listen, uh... I have some... terrible news to tell you.
Isabella: (Humming)
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Michael: I have no other course but to consider your father a fugitive.
Phyllis: Ricky didn't just ship her off.
Daniel: Which means that your secret is safe.
Lauren: The gun that Paul had was mine.
Michael: Am I supposed to turn you in? I hope so.
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