Y&R Transcript Friday 6/29/12
Episode # 9938 ~ Abby's Family Waits for News
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By
Nikki: There we go. I love that the city puts on this festival every year, don't you? Really kicks off the summer. So do you want to eat now, or do you want to wait a little bit?
Jack: I-I-I'm sorry. What?
Nikki: I was asking if you were hungry. I brought you some wine and a special dessert, but if you want anything from the food vendors, you just tell me, and I'll go get it.
Jack: I know I let you talk me into this. I'm still not sure this is a good idea.
Nikki: (Sighs) You have been cooped up with your computer and your telephone waiting for word about Abby.
Jack: And yet none has come. I can't just sit here and enjoy myself with my niece off somewhere... (Sighs) And why hasn't he demanded a ransom? Why else would he abduct her? I gotta check in.
Nikki: Jack, Jack, if there's any word, someone will call. And if we have to leave, off we'll go.
Carmine: (Sighs)
Abby: Finally!
Carmine: (Sighs)
Abby: Did you get everything on the list?
Carmine: Almost. I got everything except that, uh, face cream you wanted. That stuff costs as much as a, uh, car payment.
Abby: Well, just tell me that you got me some normal clothes. I'm starting to feel like Miss Havisham in this dress.
Carmine: Miss who?
Abby: Just give--gimme.
Carmine: (Sighs)
Abby: Bib overalls? (Scoffs)
Carmine: But they were on sale.
Abby: What--there-- there was nothing else in the entire store you could have bought with the money you had? What, you have to make me look like a-a...
Carmine: You are a dance caller? (Chuckles)
Abby: You did this on purpose.
Carmine: Well, that's for jumping in my trunk and letting me drive off with you. You see, now I'm a wanted man, and you're worried about the overalls, when the next 30 years, I could be spending wearing an orange jumpsuit.
Abby: You don't have a public image to maintain the way I do. Uh, these?! These? These could be a career breaker, and it'll all be your fault. (Scoffs)
Carmine: Oh, I'm so sorry, Princess. Excuse me, but I had to cash out everything had before I left Genoa City-- that means the gas, this stupid room, the--all this. And--and we still need money to eat. It's not like I can whip out a credit card. The cops would be all over that.
Abby: Hillbilly chic-- who knows? Maybe I'll start a trend.
Carmine: Hmm.
(Door slams shut)
Ashley: Excuse me, do you have any news about my daughter, Abby Newman?
Man: Uh, ask Agent Malloy. He'll know.
Tucker: Malloy?
Ronan: Yes, yes.
Ashley: You've been assigned to this case?
Ronan: Uh, well, the FBI's taken the lead on this investigation by Mr. Newman's request. Speaking of...
Sharon: Ashley, how are you?
Ashley: Yeah, I've been better.
Tucker: We all have.
Victor: Well, Malloy, what's the update?
Ronan: I'm glad you're all here. I can tell everybody the news at once.
Lauren: So... since Michael is working late and Fen is visiting a friend, would you guys like to go to the park and watch the fireworks?
Chloe: I-I think we're gonna have to pass.
Lauren: Oh. Uh, did something happen? Uh, is it Abby? Did you hear something?
Chloe: No, no. It's not about her. It's... (Sighs) It's about Daniel.
Kevin: He's being arrested. The cops think that he killed Daisy.
Lauren: What? That is ridiculous. There's no way he could be capable of that.
Kevin: I thought the same thing--at first.
Lauren: At first? You--you think there's some truth to this?
Kevin: (Sighs) Michael showed me this e-mail that Daisy was writing to me where she was talking about being afraid that Daniel was gonna do something to her.
Lauren: Did she send it?
Kevin: She never had the chance.
Lauren: Well, Michael will get to the bottom of this, that's for sure. And let's just hope that... no one else gets hurt.
Nick: Summer... seemed to be really enjoying herself at that festival.
Phyllis: Oh, you know what? Um, I let her spend the night at her friend Katie's. Uh, I hope you don't mind. (Sighs)
Nick: Yeah, you want to focus on Daniel. I get it. You know, when this whole ordeal with the police and Daisy is behind him, it's gonna be good.
Phyllis: Yeah. He and Avery should be her soon.
Nick: I'll run upstairs and check on Lucy, let the sitter know we're back.
Phyllis: Okay. (Sighs)
Michael: Look, Daniel, I'm sorry. I can't ignore the evidence. I need to hold you for questioning.
Daniel: Michael, I didn't kill Daisy.
Michael: Then the investigation will bear that out.
Avery: Are you charging him?
Michael: Not at this time. Listen, you have a great lawyer. Do exactly as she tells you. You got it?
(Door opens)
Heather: Hi. Daniel, this is Officer Guthrie. He will read you your rights, place you under arrest, and then take you down for booking.
Guthrie: Daniel Romalotti, you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. You have a right to an attorney.
Ricky: Stupid girl. Are you ready to die? Now this is what you get for snooping. I got rid of Daisy's wallet and phone. No one is ever gonna find them... (Chuckles) Or her. (Laughs) (Sighs) And now no one will ever know what you saw.
(Knock on door)
Paul: Hey, Ricky, if you're in there, open up.
(Knocking continues)
Paul: Ricky. (Knocks)
Ricky: (Whispers) Okay. (Exhales quickly, sighs) (Clears throat)
Paul: Oh, good.
Ricky: (Normal voice) Hi.
Paul: Hi.
Ricky: (Sighs) Well, this is becoming a habit. (Chuckles) Are you trying to make up for a missed childhood?
Paul: Uh, actually, I'm looking for Eden.
Ricky: And why would you think that Eden is here?
Paul: She was supposed to meet Kevin the park and never showed up.
Ricky: Hmm. Man. Daisy goes missing, you come straight here. Now Eden's, what, uh, five minutes late. You gonna ask me about Jimmy Hoffa next? Because everything evil that happens in this world is apparently my fault.
Paul: Ricky, Kevin told me that Eden was coming here to see you. I thought she might still be here. And if she left already, I thought you might know where she went. That's it. There's--there's no need to get defensive.
Ricky: (Sighs) Eden was here.
Paul: (Scoffs) (Sighs) When?
Ricky: A while ago. Went to the bar. We were gonna have a drink. She said she needed to use the ladies' room, and she never came back. And I have no idea where she is now. You can run downstairs and ask the bartender, since I doubt you believe me.
Paul: Okay, I can understand why you might feel that way.
Ricky: Oh, really? Really? You can understand how I feel? How is that possible?
Paul: Ricky, I meant what I said. I want to get to know you.
Ricky: And I meant what I said. It's too late.
Paul: It doesn't have to be.
Ricky: Oh, yes, yes, it does.
Paul: Look, Ricky, please don't do this.
Ricky: You know what? I-I, uh, I have some things to do, if you don't mind.
Paul: I'm not going anywhere. I'm not going anywhere, not as long as things are like this between us.
Ricky: (Sighs)
Nick: Good night. Thanks for watching Lucy. Drive safe.
Phyllis: Daniel is not answering his phone.
Nick: Well, maybe he needed a little breathing room after the day he's had.
Phyllis: I cannot believe he's going through this.
Nick: (Sighs)
(Cell phone rings)
Phyllis: Oh, wait a second. Here--this is Avery. Hey. Hey. Okay, what's the good news?
Avery: I'm afraid there is none.
Phyllis: What do you mean?
Avery: Daniel's been officially arrested.
Phyllis: Oh, my God. (Sighs) I knew it. I knew it. Officially arrested. What happened?
Avery: They found a letter on Daisy's computer to Kevin telling him that she was afraid that Daniel might hurt her. That, on top of everything else, was enough for them to want to hold hm.
Phyllis: Okay. Okay. (Stammering) We're on our way down. We'll be--we'll-- we'll be right there. Daniel's been officially arrested. Oh--oh, my--can you--can you-- can you get her? Can you get her...?
Nick: Yeah.
Phyllis: To come back and watch Lucy? Oh, my God.
Avery: I'm going with him.
Michael: You'll be taking the lead on this.
Heather: Okay.
Michael: Given my personal relationship with Daniel and his family, I don't want there to be any hint of a conflict in interest.
Heather: Well, the press can imply whatever they want.
Michael: I'm well aware of that. By distancing myself, at least I won't be giving them any extra ammunition.
Heather: So we'll do this by the book then?
Michael: Yes, we will.
Nikki: Are you feeling better?
Jack: Yeah, this is great. Sorry I was such a downer earlier.
Nikki: Oh, don't apologize, especially not today. Happy birthday.
Jack: You remembered.
Nikki: It--it's just a little something just to mark the occasion.
Nikki: When Abby is found safe and sound, we'll have a big celebration.
Jack: I would love that.
Nikki: Hmm.
Ronan: There's been no activity on any of Carmine's credit cards, or Abby's, obviously, since her purse was found in the warehouse where she was kidnapped.
Victor: What can you tell us about that boy?
Ronan: The Bascos are reputed to have ties to organized crime.
Ashley: Does that mean Carmine, too?
Ronan: Actually, that's doubtful.
Victor: Why do you say that?
Ronan: The kid's record is clean, at least for the most part. It doesn't seem like he took up the family business.
Victor: Which doesn't mean that he wouldn't make use of that family connection if he was in trouble.
Ronan: My thoughts exactly. So right now, we're pursuing warrants to tap his father's phones in case Carmine tries to reach out for help. I also have agents in New Jersey watching the family properties.
Ashley: It's been over 24 hours. Doesn't that mean they could be anywhere?
Ronan: I have flagged them with the T.S.A. We've also sent their pictures out to all bus and train stations. And I alerted Mexican and Canadian authorities in case they try to hop the border.
Victor: How can we flush them out?
Ronan: Usually don't recruit the public this early on. Use up our resources with too many crackpots. But if we don't turn up a lead soon, I think that we should offer a reward for information.
Victor: Well, whatever you need, Detective Malloy, um, is yours.
Carmine: (Sighs)
Abby: I look like a total hick. And was it really necessary to buy me a six-pack of leopard-print underpants?
Carmine: Hmm. I think you look kind of cute. (Chuckles)
Abby: (Sighs) I really screwed up.
Carmine: Yeah, you did.
Abby: You were right. When I jumped in your trunk in Chloe's place, don't think things all the way through. I just couldn't bear the humiliation of the gala being a flop.
Carmine: Yeah, that... was kind of my fault. Uh, I kind of screwed up, too.
Abby: What do you mean, it was your fault?
Carmine: Um...
Paul: Just talk to me, Ricky.
Ricky: Forget it!
Paul: No. Uh, it--we can work this out. I know we can. I'm not going anywhere again. Tell me what it was like living in Los Angeles, wh-what it was like for you, what-- help me understand who you are. And maybe then we won't feel so alienated.
Ricky: You want to know what it was like for me, Dad?
Paul: Yes.
Ricky: It was lonely as hell. I wasn't like the other kids. They had mothers and fathers that cared about them, that picked them up after school and took them to little league practice and took them on family vacations. I had a woman that I visited in a mental hospital... that is, until she became too violent, and her orderlies had to pump her full of dope. End of visit. I had a dad that would send me cash on my birthdays. Besides that, he barely knew I was alive. Grandma and Grandpa did their best, but it was hard for them to get around and deal with a kid that was my age. They didn't understand me, what I wanted. I had to make my own way in this world, and the only person that was looking out for me was me.
Paul: I know. I'm... I'm so sorry, Ricky.
Ricky: That's-- that's life, Dad.
Paul: Look, I meant what I said. I really want to get to know you. I want to change--
Ricky: And I meant what I said. It's too late.
Paul: It doesn't have to be this way, man. It doesn't. We can start over. Uh... we can talk about it. We can... (Sniffles) We can be open. We can be honest.
Ricky: Okay.
Paul: (Sighs)
Ricky: Okay. I mean, if you're gonna keep on talking about it, I might as well listen.
Paul: (Sniffles)
Ricky: Maybe we'll get somewhere. Maybe we won't. That is-- that is all I can promise.
Paul: You know what? That's way good enough.
Ricky: Well, I'm kind of tired right now from this runaround, so...
Paul: No, I get it. That's fine. I am sorry. We'll try again tomorrow maybe?
Ricky: Yeah. Yeah. Tomorrow's great. Tomorrow is great. (Sighs)
Paul: (Sniffles) (Sniffles) I'll call you tomorrow. Thanks.
Ricky: Mm-hmm.
Paul: (Sniffles)
Ricky: (Inhales sharply) (Sighs) (Breathing rapidly) (Sighs) (Exhales heavily) Now where were we? (Sighs)
(Cell phone rings) (Ring) (Ring)
Ricky: I'm sorry, Kev. Eden's not available... Ever.
Kevin: Still no answer. Why would Eden text me to meet her, blow me off, and then just disappear?
Chloe: I don't know, but this is getting weird.
Lauren: All right, well, before this gets any weirder, why don't I go visit Michael at the station? I'm sure he could use a friendly face. And you two track down Eden, and let's reconnect later, okay?
Kevin: Okay, bye.
Chloe: Okay.
Lauren: Okay.
Kevin: All right, I'll try again.
Chloe: Yeah, just try again. Probably bad service.
Phyllis: Where's Daniel?
Michael: He's being booked.
Phyllis: He didn't do it. You know he didn't do it.
Michael: Listen--
Phyllis: I don't want to hear--I don't want to hear-m I don't want to hear "I am just doing my job." I'm not interested in that. (Sighs)
Michael: What I was about to say was, I am stepping back.
Nick: What does that mean?
Michael: I have asked Heather to take over the case. I'm too involved.
Phyllis: What, you can't take it?
Michael: I'll be back.
Heather: He's in a terrible position.
Phyllis: So is my son.
Heather: Okay, well, how do you think the press would spin this if the D.A. were to give you special treatment? He's acting in everyone's best interest, especially Daniel's.
Phyllis: Oh, hey. Are you okay?
Daniel: Yeah, I'm fine.
Avery: Okay, clock's ticking. If you want to question my client again, I say we get cracking. Otherwise, I demand he be released.
Victor: Well, we appreciate it. Thank you for the update.
Ronan: The minute I know anything more, I'll let you know.
Ashley: Thanks for everything, Ronan. Victor, excuse me a second. (Sighs) I owe you an apology. I've been accusing you of not caring that Abby was missing, and you brought in the FBI. So obviously, I misjudged you, and that was-- that was unfair of me. I'm sorry.
Victor: I appreciate that.
Tucker: (Sighs)
Carmine: After a few phone calls, the truck got "Lost"...
Abby: (Scoffs)
Carmine: For hours.
Abby: And by then, all the damage had been done. The gala had to be canceled, and all of those tickets have to be refunded, which means donations will be way, way down this year. You know, it's really too bad those underprivileged kids are not gonna have access to their art classes. As long as Carmine got his revenge, it doesn't matter. It really doesn't matter if the symphony or the community playhouse gets to keep their doors open.
Carmine: (Sighs) Like I said, it--looking back on it, not such a hot idea.
Abby: Oh, so now you're sorry? Boohoo.
Carmine: (Scoffs) I am sorry... for a lot of reasons.
Abby: (Sighs) If you ever tell anyone that I said this, I will deny it, okay? I think that it's kind of cool that you wanted to do something so big for Angelina.
Carmine: (Scoffs) Yeah. A lot of good it did me. I, uh... I went on the internet when you were in the shower. Some European reporter asked Angelina what she thought about what I did. Angie's response was, "Carmine who?" "Who?" Like we never, ever even existed together. (Sighs) Maybe that's why it was so easy for Kevin to hook her up, you know? Yeah, she never wanted to be with me in the first place.
Abby: Wow. I'm really sorry.
Carmine: Yeah, whatever. It's fine.
Abby: Well, no, not "Whatever." You cared about her, and it hurts.
Carmine: No, what hurts is I've been such an idiot.
Abby: (Scoffs) Um, hello? Aren't we all when it comes to this kind of stuff? Like, your heart wants what it wants, even if it doesn't make sense. So your heart wanted Angelina, and her heart wanted Kevin.
Carmine: Yeah, and Kevin wanted Chloe. Yeah, I get it. Thank you. But a little too late for your fund-raiser.
Abby: You know that old saying, "What goes around comes around?" I mean, the way I see it, Kevin did to the "Singing Snooki" what she did to you.
Paul: Hey, Kevin. Were you able to get ahold of Eden?
Kevin: No, I was hoping you had.
Paul: Well, just after we talked, I went to see, uh, Ricky. I just left his suite.
Kevin: And?
Paul: Uh... (Sighs) He said that, uh, he and Eden were gonna have a drink at the bar downstairs, and she left before, uh, they had a chance.
Kevin: Well, she didn't leave to meet up with me like she said she was going to, and now she's not answering her phone. (Sighs) I'm really starting to get worried, Paul. Where could she be?
Paul: Um, I'm leaving the Athletic Club right now, and I will swing back through the park. Who knows? Maybe she decided to go there anyway and we just missed her. Right. I will call you back either way. Okay.
Paul: That's not a "W" for "Williams. That's an "E" for "Eden." Oh, God!
Sharon: You know, I was really glad to hear...
Victor: Thank you.
Sharon: Ashley apologize. For her to think for one moment that you don't care about Abby, it's ridiculous.
Victor: Well, I know. But Ashley is distraught, and I understand that.
Sharon: Yeah, well, she's not the only one who's distraught. You know, you haven't been eating...
Victor: (Sighs)
Sharon: And you haven't been sleeping lately. While, um, you've been worried about Abby, I've been worried about you.
Victor: I'm fine. Looking at you... I'm fine. A night out with you is just what I need now.
Sharon: Well, maybe after dinner...
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Sharon: We could go to the park and watch some fireworks.
Victor: Well, why the hell not?
Sharon: (Sighs)
Tucker: Ahh. A little night air will do you good, huh?
Ashley: Yeah, I guess it couldn't hurt, right?
Tucker: Yeah.
Jack: Ash? Hey.
Nikki: Hi, Guys.
Ashley: Hi.
Tucker: Well, I guess we all had the same idea.
Jack: Please join us.
Tucker: A little-- a little R & R, huh?
Nikki: Yeah. Sit down.
Ashley: Um...
Tucker: Here we go.
Ashley: It was your birthday. I'm so sorry.
Jack: No, no, no, no, no. Don't be. Don't be. We're not gonna celebrate anything until Abby is safely home.
Nikki: Has there been any word?
Ashley: Well, thankfully, Victor got the FBI involved, and he actually flew in Ronan Malloy from Washington to take over.
Jack: Well, that's great.
Ashley: Yeah, it is.
Jack: The more sets of eyes looking for my niece, the better.
Tucker: Well, from what Malloy was telling us, this Carmine character doesn't seem all that dangerous. He seems more like a kid in over his head.
Abby: What?
Carmine: You gotta make a decision, Abby. We--
Abby: (Sighs)
Carmine: We can't keep on like this forever, okay?
Abby: I know. I know. I know. I'm working on it, okay? Honestly, I am.
Carmine: Yeah, what you're doing to me and your family... (Sighs) Is serious. I mean, we've been lucky so far. That's gonna run out, along with our money.
Abby: I know, okay? I just--I just need a little more time to figure out what to do.
Carmine: All right, well, whatever you do, do it. (Sighs) I'm gonna go take a shower, okay?
Abby: (Sighs)
Ronan: Hey. Coffeemaker blew out an hour ago.
Michael: Great. (Sighs) (Sighs) (Sighs)
Heather: Look, I'm in charge of this investigation. I'm not gonna be pressured by you or by anyone.
Avery: You're stalling, Heather, and we both know why. You do not have enough evidence to charge my client.
Heather: (Scoffs)
Avery: There's no proof that a crime as been committed. You have no body.
Heather: Oh.
Avery: You have no body, okay? Everything you've got is circumstantial.
Heather: Okay, the state-- not me--the state has the right to hold him for up to 48 hours without charging him.
Avery: (Sighs)
Phyllis: Why would you want to do that?
Nick: Good question.
Heather: I don't have to answer your questions.
Avery: No, she's trying to break him down to get him to incriminate himself. It makes your job a whole lot easier, doesn't it, Counsel?
Heather: My job is to find the truth. The only way I know how to do that is by asking questions.
Daniel: You got questions? Ask them. You got questions? Come on. Ask them to me then. Just get this over with.
Paul: (Sighs)
(Electronic lock beeps)
Paul: Ricky, don't!
Ricky: Back off!
Paul: Drop the knife.
Ricky: As usual, your timing is lousy!
Paul: Ricky, drop the knife.
Ricky: Any closer, and she's dead. Now back... the hell... off!
Paul: Okay. (Breathing heavily)
Ricky: (Gasps)
Paul: Drop the knife now. I mean it.
Ricky: (Breathing heavily)
Heather: It's late. We'll start first thing in the morning.
Avery: Oh, come on. This is an outrage.
Phyllis: You're just playing games. You're completely playing games right now.
Nick: Why can't he go and come back first thing in the morning?
Heather: Because this is how it's happening, so deal with it.
Phyllis: Let me tell you something--he better be safe.
Ronan: He will be. I'm gonna make sure of it.
Avery: Okay, do not say a word to anyone. If you need me, you have the right to a call 24/7.
Daniel: Hey, take care of her.
Nick: I will. Lucy, too. You have my word.
Phyllis: Hey, hey. It's gonna be fine, okay? Don't worry. It's gonna be fine.
Kevin: (Sighs)
Chloe: Babe, drink this.
Kevin: Is it gonna make Eden suddenly reappear?
Chloe: How many times did you call her?
Kevin: Five, at least. It keeps going straight to voice mail.
Chloe: Maybe she's hanging out with her friends.
Kevin: And just forgot that she was supposed to meet me?
Chloe: (Sighs) You're right. She doesn't really space out like that.
Kevin: Look, even if she did get sidetracked somehow, it doesn't explain why her phone would be off.
Chloe: Maybe her phone ran out of juice?
Kevin: (Sighs) I'm gonna go back to the park, look for her again.
Chloe: Oh, all right, well, I-I'm gonna come. Maybe Paul's found her by now.
Paul: Ricky, let me help you. Please.
Ricky: You don't care about me. All you care about is her.
Paul: I do care about you. You are my son.
Ricky: You were never a father to me!
Paul: I know. I'm sorry. I should have been there for you growing up. I should have been there to help you with your mother and what happened with Rachel. I should have been there.
Ricky: (Chuckles) Rachel? (Laughs) She thought she could leave me!
Paul: Oh, no, Ricky.
Ricky: You still want to get close? You still want a real father/son relationship, Dad?
Paul: So you killed Rachel?
Ricky: Yep. Got away with it, too, until you started to dig around.
Paul: Yeah. Craig Hunt was on his way to talk to me about it.
Ricky: Should have kept his mouth shut. Do you see what happens when people get in my way? And then there's little "Sleeping Beauty" here.
Paul: No, no, no, please.
Ricky: She's another one.
Paul: Ricky, listen to me. Don't hurt her. Please don't hurt her. She hasn't done anything to hurt you.
Ricky: She stuck her nose in where it doesn't belong. I don't like when people do that! I got rid of Crazy Daisy, too. But then again, we all knew she had it coming. (Chuckles) I did this town a favor. So what do you say, Dad?
Paul: (Sniffles)
Ricky: You proud of your boy?
Paul: This stops here, Ricky. You're not gonna hurt anyone else.
Ricky: Screw you.
Paul: Drop... the knife... now!
Ricky: Why should I?! There's nothing else for me to live for. Besides, this is all your fault.
Paul: (Breathing heavily)
Ricky: You are the reason I turned out this way. Check it out, Dad! I'm the product of your neglect!
Paul: (Sobs) I'm not gonna say it again, Ricky.
Ricky: Yeah? Yeah? What are you gonna do? You gonna take me out? You're gonna take out your own kid?
Paul: Do what I say!
Ricky: Go ahead. Go ahead, man.
Paul: Drop the knife, Ricky!
Ricky: Shoot!
Paul: Drop the knife now! I'm telling you, drop the knife!
Ricky: What are you waiting for, Dad? What are you waiting for? Do it!
Paul: Drop it!
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Ronan: Michael is lucky to have an attorney like you on his team.
Paul: (Gasps) (Gasps)
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